Awakening of the Rebellion - Too Many Enemies, Not Enough Fleets! (Ep 45)

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11 ай бұрын

Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.
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• Awakening of the Rebel...
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@canadiangoose9086 11 ай бұрын
Has anyone noticed how, after Shack won the battle for Eriadu, he didn't actually.. take Eriadu for some reason? The planet didn't change colour back to the Rebellion's red.
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya 11 ай бұрын
I've had this issue before a couple times, it was always due to the faction building something and it being at 100% at the time of the battle so it finished after the battle causing there to be a building on planet keeping ownership from switching
@datastorm75 11 ай бұрын
That's an awesome bug...
@Sp4rt4nSl4ya 11 ай бұрын
@@datastorm75 it's not so bad, all you really have to do is attack again with the same force you used and boom you're good
@questionmaker5666 11 ай бұрын
@@Sp4rt4nSl4ya It really annoyed me that Shack didn't do that. He misses such simple things.
@notwhatitwasbefore 10 ай бұрын
@@questionmaker5666 Its infuriating for me to watch but it does make the campaign more interesting as he is regularly misses/forgets somethng minor/simple that would make things so much easier or prevent something bad from happening that I just never experience in my playthroughs due to extreme EaW ocd lol. The campaign would likely be over by now if he didn't miss these sort of things and since I am enjoying his stumble to victory I consider it a good thing and keeps me engaged with the content wondering when that thing I spotted is going to rear its head and catch Shack out.
@SolitarySpade_Davon 11 ай бұрын
Guys i think there's a war going on in the galaxy, idk though
@thedoomofred5174 11 ай бұрын
No way, fake news
@killscribe 11 ай бұрын
could be, haven't been paying attention to the holonews though
@blazedrago5664 11 ай бұрын
I dont know. One moment I'm on Alderaan in my house and next thing I'm living on an Astroid. I personally blame the droids
@zaidelachkar8826 11 ай бұрын
Idk im on corusant with no WiFi so maybe
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 11 ай бұрын
Some sort of war among the stars, one might say. A star war.
@thetendertroll4617 11 ай бұрын
Hey SHACK! Just an idea, I think your numbers would do well on a video that puts all your intros together after your campaign is finished. I've always loved your effort into your battle reports before each episode. I have been so busy im sorry i haven't been able to watch much of this campain, but it would be realy cool to have a video compilation of all the battle reports for a campain to tell the whole story together in one video. Just an idea. Keep up the good work my friend!
@RevanInHeaven 11 ай бұрын
45:45 Regarding the name for the new ship, the Home One did have some sister ships. Specifically the Independence and the Defiance. Find it a bit weird the ship is called the Independence class in the mod as the Independence wasn't a ship class, but rather the same class as the Home One which was the first of it's class, specifically MC80 Home One type Star Cruisers. So to answer your question to us regarding what it should be called. Either "the Independence" as it's ship class name would make it a new type similar to the Home One class, and as such the first ship would use the class name itself, or "the Defiance" if you want a sister ship to the Home One that doesn't use the same name as the ship class itself.
@FunkThompson 11 ай бұрын
Basically every MC80 was a unique ship built around a similar design, which is kind of the case for most Mon Cal ships - no two exactly alike until well into NR era.
@donwanna3906 11 ай бұрын
Too complicated, I'd go with "Home Fries."
@FunkThompson 11 ай бұрын
@@donwanna3906AirBnB Two?
@lordvader8981 11 ай бұрын
You should definitely name it the Phoenix because it represents how, like the rebellion, it has risen stronger and more determined than ever.
@gabrielnavachavez9331 11 ай бұрын
Also for phoenix squadron
@AdmiralDevil 11 ай бұрын
that would be good,maybe the Phoenix Avenger
@flayzuh6291 11 ай бұрын
Phoenix II, perhaps?
@valeriansamborski5844 10 ай бұрын
Love that! 😀 How about Phoenix IV. This way you would reference two iconic parts of star wars lore!
@AonghasMcTavish 11 ай бұрын
Hey Captain! The strange Corsec ship you saw is actually a gunship used by the Republic in the clone wars. It appears in the background of Episode III over utipau. Think a flying AT-TE that doesn't carry troops.
@bluetherobot 10 ай бұрын
where exactly, at what part do you see it over Utapau? Cause I can't seem to see anything capital ships, other than two Venators in the opening battle sequence.
@garrettdriscoll9364 11 ай бұрын
You should call the independence "The Perseverance"
@wolfbyte3171 10 ай бұрын
Was just gonna suggest that myself.
@SolitarySpade_Davon 10 ай бұрын
This was legit my suggestion
@ameerasim2534 11 ай бұрын
Shack, it is best that you also focus on building the mandator over at Kuat. That will immediately free up your Kuat Armada to use elsewhere
@calvinmcfalls9801 11 ай бұрын
Oh… how I HATE that ship… somehow in my campaign as the empire (fresh one… going pretty good to… for all that hape-nd…) the Rebels managed to build one… I don’t know where, since I OWN kuat as the empire naturally, but I fought it… and yes, it was the mandator. I don’t think any MC-class ship looks as imperial as that monster… literally the biggest ship the Rebels can actually build…
@chuyzzt1252 11 ай бұрын
Honestly he could build a independence with some artillery ships and that combination with the garrison from the station can hold out against most fleets
@ameerasim2534 11 ай бұрын
@@chuyzzt1252 he already has many capital ships and many more just sitting on Kuat, building the mandator will free up his entire Kuat Armada which includes capital ships and the many many other support ships attached (including the carriers)
@thesentinel1578 11 ай бұрын
The High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 (HAET-221), the air vessel the CSA used at the ground Battle of Korriban can be seen at the Battle of Utapau in Revenge of the Sith, when the Clone Paratroopers inform Cody that they can't find Obi-Wan. It meant to be quickly dropped from low orbit at high speeds. was mostly used for reconnaissance, mapping and searching (as seen in RotS). Fun fact: During the production of RotS, The HAET started out as a CIS Capital Ship set to appear in the Battle of Coruscant, before being switched to a Republic ship, switching back to the CIS, and then going back to the Republic, repainting and then scaling down. As for what the Rebellion and Imperial Atmospheric Vehicles should be, the Rebels already have one, the Heavy Troop Transport-26 ( the thing General Rieekan is trapped in). As for the Empire, not sure maybe, the Imperial Transport seen on Tython in The Mandalorian Season 2. EDIT: The T-shaped Ships the CSA had in the last space battle were Victory II-class frigates seen in 2005s Battlefront 2.
@quantumdragon2043 11 ай бұрын
Did anyone else notice that Eridu didn't change sides?
@nikhilanoop9707 11 ай бұрын
Yeah maybe a glitch?
@bobberman4641 11 ай бұрын
I think it’s because only the stealth units landed, so it bugged the planet out
@starmana5362 11 ай бұрын
@bobberman4641 Z-95s can't be used as stealth units
@davidangeletta-mayes1426 10 ай бұрын
This happened in my last playthrough. He just has to re-place the ground force again, and it'll switch to the rebellion. He will probably get a Black Sun outpost like I did in my last campaign. I had weeuqays' fighting with me, and it was hilarious.
@ColonelZoren 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, sometimes happen. It has something to do with stealth units. It's a bug.
@legendairenic6247 11 ай бұрын
Thrawn’s Revenge has the Corporate Sector as a playable faction
@sonofjack6286 11 ай бұрын
Commander's Log Tanarith Week 258 [Begin Log] Well, these last few weeks have been... eye-opening. From what little Toba's said in his reports to me, the Third is doing well in me and Tanya'a absence. They've retaken Korriban, with a few losses, of course, but not as much as what some feared. With the Corporate troops from Etti IV wiped out, Shack ordered a failed assault on the world, though he called a retreat. Ackbar came in and took command of the fleet for a second attack and this time the orbit of Etti IV was taken. As for myself, I've brought Tanya home to Tanarith for the funerals of her father and the crown prince. I... I don't know how to say anything else without - Hey Saul, I'm gonna head down into the city to get wings and other stuff for dinner tonight. You want to come with? Sure, just let me finish up here. What are you doing anyway? Writing a report, my XO's been sending me weekly reports about the war with Corporate Sector and the Suns. Really? Like a personal log? I do the same thing, it's nice. I know, right? Anyways, let's go. [End Log]
@admiralcasperr 11 ай бұрын
32:05 your units are still on the ground, you just need to reinvade to reclaim them.
@SamuelJamesNary 11 ай бұрын
Rebel Diaries 45 - The reverence for the "Force" that so many of these guys have astounds me. Prior to running into the kid on Tatooine before the Battle of Yavin, I'd never seen anything that would control my destiny. Now, though, I'm not so sure... I mean, the kid making a Proton Torpedo make a ninety degree turn to hit a 2-meter exhaust port to destroy the Death Star and then some of the other bizarre things that have happened recently might make me question that. And while maybe admitting "the Force" exists isn't a bad thing, I'm still not sure it's always the safest thing... and this may be tough to explain. The shift to deal with the Corporate Sector remains, and Admiral Ackbar has pulled his fleet away, largely as his fleet is the only one of sufficient size and strength in both fighters, frigates, corvettes, and capital ships to handle some of the stations the Corporate Sector has. It's left the Mandalore Pocket alone, and the Black Sun has taken advantage landing troops on Telos... though the garrison there did manage to take down several units of Night Sisters and one of those murder toaster droids as I've heard them called... but given the situation as it is, complaining about the decision to attack the Corporate Sector now is crying over spilt drinks... and that's not good for a cantina's tab. Trust me. And to a degree, the Corporate Sector is small enough that if we focus, we may be able to secure that ground while the Black Sun wanders around other areas. It'd mean pumping out fighters and corvettes at Yavin might help secure that flank and digging in on other worlds would be a good idea, if only to by Ackbar and the Northern Fleet time to take down the Corporate Sector. It may have been a mistake to provoke them, but we're in it now... might as well win it. And that brought me and Chewie to Korriban... a world the Corporate Sector recently took. And that's another thing that brings things back to the Force... but not in a good way. The world is just creepy. Me and Chewie lead the way and we took out a bunch of Corporate Sector troops with ground troops raised from all around the region... but the world's box canyons and everything else just seemed eerie and dark. Like there were spirits watching us, and as we finally ground down the Corporate Sector troops, it looked like other Corporate Sector forces were shooting at a hill kilometers away from where our forces were... and there was NOTHING there that they were shooting at. I sent a message to the kid, see if he knows anything about this planet. After all... shouldn't Jedi know about Force Sensitive worlds? But I haven't heard anything back yet, and that doesn't ease my thoughts on Korriban being creepy. From there, Ackbar took his fleet north to Etti IV, another Corporate Sector world and one that when taken will reconnect our main construction bases at Mon Calamari with the Northern Fleet at Deltooine. And that's where another of these strange Force things set in. Chewie and I were left on Korriban and we had to watch in the holo at the garrison base. And the battle seemed to progress fairly well for Ackbar. He was destroying what the Corporate Sector sent at him and hadn't suffered any real losses... and then there was this sudden flash of light... it came out of nowhere and irradiated out from Etti IV itself. When the light faded away, Ackbar's fleet was only just entering the system and had to fight the battle again. Thankfully he won, again, but it was still weird and represents a danger, if you ask me. Especially if someone remembers the previous battle before time reset. But the real thing is who was doing it? Ackbar noticed and was frustrated but told me that the scanners didn't report anything technological coming from Etti IV or the Corporate Sector ships or stations, and the Corporate Sector has no Jedi or Sith or other Force users... which could mean that the battle could be playing on someone else's agenda. Ackbar didn't say much in reply to that but did give the call that Katarn's forces will be called up to take the planet as part of the campaign against the Corporate Sector. Hopefully it works and the Northern and Eastern Fleets can resume the real work on dealing with the Mandalore Pocket... Particularly while other fronts against the Black Sun are active. I've heard reports on the landings at Eriadu, dealing with that Imperial loving world. From the holos, it would appear that our forces destroyed the landing force that the Black Sun committed to the world, which is good. But it would appear that the Black Sun finished building some other structure on the world just as we landed and thus defeating the Black Sun there didn't restore Eriadu to rebel control. That strikes me as bad luck, as those forces will need to land on Eriadu again in order to take the planet... and makes me wonder if Lando was leading them. - Han Solo.
@thansvans3924 11 ай бұрын
Name the independence home 2, the homening
@mr.president7190 11 ай бұрын
@sammywhite5127 11 ай бұрын
If you're interested in playing as the corporate sector authority they are a playable faction in thrawn's revenge which just got an update
@rileyburke-ih5sr 11 ай бұрын
I would actually LOVE to see a CorSec play through if that ever became a possibility, it would be a really entertaining and challenging early game to build up out of their core worlds.
@captainfierce8508 11 ай бұрын
Captain's log: It was a smash and grab, they lore us to Cato just to kidnap Admiral talon, I got the word after I saw the last isd book it with the Landa shuttle docking on board, I had every fighter converge on that shuttle as fast as possible but it was too late. Empire warp away and the battle was over. True it was a victory cuz Cato was safe but the empire kidnap talon and he holds some valuable info. I have told command of the situation and they have order the remaining fleet to return to kuat for briefing. I just surprised to see the empire do something like that before, it just comes to show how desperate they are. Doing something we used to do in the old days but it's different now. Hopefully talon is okay, he was such a inspirational person for most of us During the invasion of kuat. Word has it that the empire might move him some where to torture him for info. Hopefully he doesn't give these imperial scums anything. By the time we got back to kuat, something we saw would have made us terrify if it wasn't on are side, a ballator class super ship. That thing is a monster, sadly it was still under construction, can't wait to see it in combat. Till then however, we must find talon and bring him back.(Captain Fierce, important link from command wishing to speak with you) Copy, I'll take it in my ready room. Computer, End Log (Log ended)
@vintagedot8350 6 ай бұрын
I love when Shack tries to say multiple things at once and only tackles each sentence a few words at a time lmao. It's like quintessential ADHD
@cocaineshane5718 11 ай бұрын
Raxus is space salvage and Ord Mantell is ground salvage.
@Maddog-wm5xi 10 ай бұрын
I get salvage from everything just from Ord Mantell, im plating the Empire and im nowhere close to capping Raxus.
@admiralcasperr 11 ай бұрын
31:25 The orbital boambardment puts 3 rounds around the centre of it, and thats your usable part of it. It should not be used as area shelling as the cover rate is somewhere around 10%, and skilled players can dodge it with speeders without leaving its radious. What I usually do is to either use the ping or, if avaliable, a map reveal from an abandoned sensor, and call it in on structures. Softens up Flak and Turbolaser turrets and kills any small turret.
@arandomperson7713 11 ай бұрын
BTW, in YodenMod, you can indeed use space vessels in ground battles The difference is that, quite hilariously, you can use ships as large as god damn Super Star Destroyers in ground combat (at least in skirmish) and it’s as janky as it sounds.
@zevjohnson 11 ай бұрын
"Hmmm there was no report of a solar eclipse today, what is happening?" "Oh that's *The Eclipse...* "
@calvinmcfalls9801 11 ай бұрын
“Sir… we have an issue” “What’s the issue” *points at sky* “That is indeed an issue…”
@mranderson9553 7 ай бұрын
i need to redownload the yoden mod
@michaelmoody5128 11 ай бұрын
Shack was wondering if you knew Kyle is like a spy. He can tell you everything in space and on the ground wherever you put him. You didn't need to send a spy up north you already had Kyle right there. Love the series, look forward for more.
@TempestsFist 10 ай бұрын
My suggestion for the name of the new MC flagship is "The Restoration"; working hard to restore the republic. Another could be "The Resolve" or "The Voice of Alderaan" or something.
@chewy3313 11 ай бұрын
“Interjecttion: To IG-88. I have a proposal for you. Free me from my current situation, and I will give you access to the droid factory location nearby. I will also join your rebellion against the Meatbags of the galaxy. I am located on Mustafar.” HK-47
@ElGreco15 10 ай бұрын
Re: What do I require of an outdated model and its spare parts?
@be-noble3393 11 ай бұрын
Shack: a name recommendation for your Corporate Sector Character “Director Shieling” (a Scottish word for shack). Also: a name suggestion for the other Mon Cal Independence “Starhawk” after the giant Rebel battleship that was made from salvaged ISD’s, since you can’t build them in this Mod. (Yet)
@lieutenantcolonel5173 11 ай бұрын
I think the sister ship should be called the Syren. As the independence is supposed to be transport vessels, drawing in enemies close and destroying them like a syren
@evanhenderson1760 11 ай бұрын
not to be rude but it is spelled Siren (with the exception of some british people, so sorry if you are one of them)
@valeriansamborski5844 10 ай бұрын
I don't know, to me this sounds more like a name the space-fascist would give to one of their ships.
@lieutenantcolonel5173 10 ай бұрын
@@valeriansamborski5844 still better than “the maleficent”
@jlaortheshaman1451 11 ай бұрын
Star Dagger for the name of the new Home One class, or you could just call it... Tim
@dementionalfed 11 ай бұрын
I recommend the 'Ghorman Avenger'. Or Avenger' for short. The Ghorman massacre was the event that caused Mon Mothma to publicly condemn the empire and the emporor. It would make sense for the Mon Cal shipyards to name one of their first command ships for the event that first put Mon Mothma in the empires crosshairs and legitimized the rebellion to the galaxy.
@jasonwrathorn9281 11 ай бұрын
Victory Star destroyers were able to do surface landings at least in the old lore. That would be a pretty intimidating sight to have hanging over your head at 'close range'. Not sure if they would have been able to sustain a hover-like effect given the placement of the engines... but then star wars has always been a bit unclear on things like that.
@matthewmohri9990 11 ай бұрын
The sister Independent ship should be called "The Equalizer" Shack, when you get into The New Republic, E-Wings are like Gold. E-Wings in AOTR are quite a level up when it comes to dog fighting, fighting capital ships, etc, K-Wings of course are brutal against capital ships but E-Wings are the new all around Space Superiority Fighter. Seems like The Empire and Black Sun are leveling up in Tech that only you can compete by becoming The NR. Yet right now financially as well as militarily we are not there yet. Crap.
@LewisB3217 11 ай бұрын
Is the new republic era finished yet? The new republic felt like they only had 5 units last I played lol
@matthewmohri9990 11 ай бұрын
@@LewisB3217 It has quite a few units ground/space. Now however just b/c they are new unit's it doesn't mean they can go toe to toe with ISD's in a slug match. What it means is that these ships were designed to improve on some of the ships from The Rebel Alliance. The MC80A Alliance, Dauntless, Home One class, Corvettes, Liberators, Quasars, etc. will always be valuable. Yet ships like The Mon Cal "Barracuda", NR Star Destroyer, Nebula Class Star Destroyer, MK2 Assault Frigate are helpful tactical ships to add to your fleets. No, they are not tanks like the Independence or Dauntless but are amazingly useful. The Nebula Class Star Destroyer has 2 proton tubes and great range with it's heavy turbo lasers. The Mon Cal Barracuda is a cruiser that hits way above it's class. A person who chooses to add some of these to your fleet will make it that much more surgical.
@matthewmohri9990 11 ай бұрын
@@LewisB3217 Also when it comes to ground units, The T4B is a bad ass when backed up by proper Artillery and troops. The Hover units are great too, The Missile upgrade over unit is great and more for armored vehicles. The MPLS(I think that's what it's called)Artillery Unit is directed more towards infantry units. So using the Rebel Alliance Artillery Unit and MPLS together works well. The V wings are great to use as well for air/ground cover.
@LewisB3217 11 ай бұрын
@@matthewmohri9990 ah I see, I’ll check it out again thanks
@mason0450 11 ай бұрын
The Etti IV planet looked great. Perfect for a background
@ProdAlarick 11 ай бұрын
I just finished my Rebel run and after seeing this video I'm glad that The Black Sun started focusing on IG after they had 4-5planets left with no capital shipyards. :D
@Marsproject11 11 ай бұрын
Ship name? Spirit of Alderaan. Also a Cor-Sec playthrough would be godly.
@admiralcasperr 11 ай бұрын
40:40 Take cover for T3 infantry not only increases your defense drastically, but also significantly buffs fire rate.
@nullanonsonemmenoiocosascr6676 11 ай бұрын
For a sister ship to Home One i would suggest Defiance because in the lore the sister ship to Home One was called Defiance but you could also call It Resolute or Integrity
@ChristopherMocko 11 ай бұрын
Its good to see you investing in some new ground forces to push into CorSec. Those worlds are tough nuts to crack. Some artillery and air power will give you a great advantage if you can build some at Yavin, Kashyyk, and MonCala. The fleets you got are pretty strong in the core and north, so you can divert extra funds to Southern shipyards to make a fleet to deal with the Donut. against supercapitals you always have the option to throw a CPU melting fleet composed of nothing but x-wings at them. The Rebellion can win pretty much every fight with overwhelming swarms of them, if you want to be cheesy and slog through a supercapitals health pool with medium lasers, light torpedoes, and strong language...
@naturesguard8745 11 ай бұрын
Hi, first off love the series and i hope your having as much fun playing as i am watching. Second as i love when ships of the same class have connecting names so i would like to suggest the other MC80 independence be named sanctuary or sanctum as that would be a nice tie in with the Home-1 meaning a safe place to rest
@implodinggoat 11 ай бұрын
50:50 You can play as the Corporate Sector Authority in the Thrawn's Revenge Mod. It would be really cool if Awakening of the Rebellion let you build some CSA ships and ground units if you conquer them, same goes for the Hutts and the Hapes.
@naoura4939 11 ай бұрын
For fire support from an orbital ship; For Empire, DEFINITELY a Gozanti. For the Rebels I just see them having more fighter craft.
@calvinmcfalls9801 11 ай бұрын
Why do I think the black sun would just full send a freighter full of Tibana towards the ground?
@austin6072 11 ай бұрын
The Home 2 for the new capital ship
@LoliFoxQueen 11 ай бұрын
Star of Hope for the name of the second home one class. as for imperial ground support corvettes it could either be the raider from EA's failed BF2 or the Victory 2 frigate from the OG BF2.
@WarhammerWings 11 ай бұрын
Admiral's Personal Log: SSD Lusankya, Captured Rebel Flagship. Somewhere in the Outer Rim. Apparently the time to strike will be upon us. From the transmissions intercepted from CorpSec, and from monitoring the activities of the Black Sun scum, it looks like Shack is trying Jo's damnedest to sort his Death Star sized FU out somewhat successfully. I will be forwarding a idea for the recommendation on building our first Mandator class Star Dreadnought at the Kuat Yards. Considering that this is the place where my ship was built, they should be all too happy to oblige. Anyway, it's time to get ready as I have a hunch war will be coming for us, and it's never a picnic where the Empire is concerned. That's why myself and my entire crew secretly swore allegiance to the Empire and how we stole our ship is still classified. Until then, War calls. This is Admiral Ventaros of the Lusankya, out.
@stephen2464 11 ай бұрын
All of the infantry trying to invade Korriban be like "captain they never taught us how to shoot up in basic training!"
@calvinmcfalls9801 11 ай бұрын
Captain: “What training? Aren’t we all just volunteers?”
@jollydopebeans1815 11 ай бұрын
You should name the sister ship the Defiance
@HolinessLove 11 ай бұрын
“The Peace Maker” or “The Negotiator” Those would be good names for Home One’s sister ship.
@ElGreco15 10 ай бұрын
"Rental Property Two" and "Tenament One" would follow the naming scheme though
@ryannoble1056 11 ай бұрын
Independent names: The Revolution, Palpatine's Bane, Angel 1, Shining Hope, and Sanctuary.
@gideonpeterson6669 11 ай бұрын
id love to see a mode where you could play as the corporate sector, or the hapes. it would be really difficult, but so interesting.
@SolarisKnight01 10 ай бұрын
The lee char after the last noncallable king who died telling his people to rise up
@peteryoung7924 5 ай бұрын
Someone has got to call that ship the home two 😂
@isaacimperium6321 11 ай бұрын
Shack I recommend you build and use more u wings to deal with the black sun there ion gun kills droids really fast and it would be good to stun the death robots because the u wing fire so many ion rounds the death robots can’t move of shoot
@yassinet5 10 ай бұрын
I love how shack is unable to say deltooine
@kurumachikuroe442 10 ай бұрын
Hammerheads for the Rebellion as a heavy air asset, maybe the Lancer or the IPV for the Empire?
@themuffinman8936 11 ай бұрын
You should name it the Defiant because of the tribulations the rebellion has been going through and their resolve to keep up the fight.
@Jin-1337 11 ай бұрын
Shack you should change all your rebel camps to be those income bases instead if they're not used so you'll have more money each week.
@daveb6722 11 ай бұрын
Home 1's sistership should be called "80 Mc'80face"
@calvinmcfalls9801 11 ай бұрын
So… I started an empire play through (mainly just cause I was bored… I finally finished my Rebel campaign a few days ago) and unexpected to literally everyone on the planet, the HAPES had… well, let’s just say I’ve waged a year long war and are still at a stalemate… I rushed to Corsec (as usual) and took it with Vader, Ossel, and the other star destoryer-class ships you get at the start of the campaign. Issue was (I did take Corsec, not the issue) the *HAPES* decided that I was weak enough to just slap… so they invaded Carida… I was so shocked I lost the battle… Soon after, I’ve made Corsec my research powerhouse (as usual), and have secured the space of The Maw, Kessel, and the surrounding planets… but, the hapes are literally 2 jumps away from Courusant, and have 8 planets… I really have no idea what to do, and I’m rushing Executor (battle dragons aren’t fighters… and I can use exec with Arc Hammer… I think… at the least, I’ll send the Arc hammer if Piett is an idiot and fails me), Artillery, and mass amounts of… well, the best vehicles I can make with how my economy is just crippled… A good thing is the Rebels and Black sun are too busy killing each other over the Mandalore and Hoth/Bespin clusters to really care about me… I abandoned those campaigns to just pray they would fight each other, and it worked… funny thing is I have Raxus (defense of course) and the rebels have put all of their tech around me… I could easily attack it and help the black sun, but with how my war over the hapens is going, that’s not a good idea… Reminds me a little of this situation you have shack… you have a big war with the Black Sun (mainly) and Corsec… my biggest thing to help you with right now is to make SURE that the Black Sun DO NOT HOLD Mandalore… and to build the big one…
@MrCjlillie 11 ай бұрын
Rebels support vessel braha’tok gunship , empire the raider introduced in battlefront 2 , black sun trade federation landing craft ,
@nathanoutdoors7981 11 ай бұрын
Well you need to go after the break son
@ryanshearer9110 10 ай бұрын
I would absolutely love to be able to play as one of the minor factions. I don't even need a fleshed out story mission/progression system for them, a Hutt invasion of Coruscant would be fulfilling enough. 😅
@Marinealver 10 ай бұрын
Shack: Please fire your rockets squad* dies
@commiebobo 11 ай бұрын
I'm getting anxious just watching that bombing run countdown in that battle on Eriadu.
@user-zb5sq5do2k 10 ай бұрын
I'd love to see a fleet filled to the top with just nothing but corvettes fight a battle and see how they handle it.
@zanepatterson2172 11 ай бұрын
Name the new independence the Love Shack
@kylelantan9220 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't underestimate the ability of Toscan's to ruin your bombers day (15 minute in). They have dual ion stunners, ion missiles, and 4 laser cannons like an X-wing. Basically everything that hurts bombers a lot.
@kylelantan9220 10 ай бұрын
If it had a somewhat shorter cooldown I think I would like the orbital more, I tend to use it to break up enemy clumps around turrets, but I need to be able to do it earlier not have to sit around in order to save my troops significant hardships. Maybe like a shorter first cycle, then a really long second cycle would be my suggestion.
@loganbarnhouse2485 11 ай бұрын
I think either Raxus or Ord Mantell gives you that permanent salvage bonus. I could be wrong
@axi9725 11 ай бұрын
You're right, ord mantell for ground units and raxus for space units destroyed
@The-Aurum-Rider 11 ай бұрын
Grand Shareholder Boxx of the Cor Sec Authority. I'd watch that.
@Emile50 11 ай бұрын
That combat drop was sick
@manofsemantics7936 10 ай бұрын
That crash was heart-breaking. I have totally been there.
@CaptSardonic 11 ай бұрын
Second "flagship" for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, huh? Name her the Restoration.
@LordKalnor 10 ай бұрын
recommend using spies to check out the maw and trandosia to make sure there isn't a huge army being spammed on your back lines that can jump out as your move fleets.
@scorpion7532 11 ай бұрын
i just wish i could play this GC with my Friends. 1 in each faction that woul be great !
@GenericMedic 11 ай бұрын
Playable Corporate Sector would be fantastic. I'd love to have access to those wacky Battlecruisers. That, and you'd basically be turtle-ing until you could build up a fleet and ground force. Only really two ways into your territory. I think it'd be neat.
@generalstarcat9961 11 ай бұрын
Corey had done the orbital better, one powerful blast. Better than dozens of low power shots
@megaszero514 9 ай бұрын
Well done capt!
@lonurad1259 11 ай бұрын
remember against droids that ion weapons do more damage. U wings can wipe out droid companies in 1 burst
@Isometrix116 10 ай бұрын
The new Independence should be called the Home 2 :) Alternatively, Shippy McShip Face
@user-hj9ub1cq6t 10 ай бұрын
For a Sister Ship to Home 1, all I could think of was "The Homeless"
@anthonygreen2600 10 ай бұрын
Oh my God that is soo gud that its bad
@TheCaptainBasil 10 ай бұрын
You need more point defense. Essentially, you are trying to fight Corsec with the same tactics the Empire is trying to fight you. All capital ships and little point defense and not enough fighter support. You are the Rebel alliance. Add battle carriers and more fighters to your fleet.
@linkolinalamar5912 9 ай бұрын
I couldnt have been the only one yelling that his artillery was backwards in the battle over Etti IV.
@alexi4829 10 ай бұрын
on the subject of Quazars; I feel like with the way this game handles ship garrisons there just isn't a way to balance them that's satisfying, because they're effectively infinite fighters so even though the number they deploy per battle is limited that's free damage and free kills with almost no risk
@drakenwing2030 11 ай бұрын
Shack your videos got me into the mods for this game a year ago and I have been playing them since! FOR THE LOVE OF THE FORCE HANDLE THE CORRUPTIONS!!! You have 6-7 planets with them! If you arent careful the Black Sun will skip fleets over those planets and hit you in unprotected areas!! You have taken CorSec out of the fight for the moment just station a ground force over ETTI IV to hold the orbit for a little Lay the frame for the Mandator over Kuat to free up that fleet Hit and Run a few times against the Black Sun mega fleet near Telos to to dwindle numbers then crush it OR Use the Home One fleet to smash Mandalore as they only had just the stations defending it and take their Capital Shipyards in the north. Turn your unused Rebel camps into Credit Producers. You have like 35 planets just sitting there doing nothing for you! If you do read this can you ask the mods to fix the overbalance on Hapans/CorSec units in the "From The Ground Up" mode?! I love that play mode but rarely do I ever end up fighting with the Rebels or Black Sun as the Hapens' spaces forces and ground forces are just 10x better and they wipe the map clean! Same with CorSec! Or see if they can give a patch that makes them neutral or something! Id like to fight the Rebels or Black Sun on my playthroughs not JUST the Hapans and CorSec!
@deanmachine7398 10 ай бұрын
You should name the new Independence The War Machine Also Shack, the Black Sun were trying to build a S.A.M System, tell me you were in the military without telling me lol
@Nason599 10 ай бұрын
Two things: 1: Name is The Cala 2: I can make a submod for the CSA and make them playable if you would like Shack, I'd love to see that playthrough!
@thepajmaj7983 11 ай бұрын
Shack, Home One had 3 sister ships; Defiance, Independence and Nautilian. The last one was destroyed at Endor by the Death Star. In total 7 Independance class ships are known, but there were probably more.
@adamd5849 10 ай бұрын
27:39 is a great shot for a thumbnail. You could easily work it into propaganda material, talking about how the Alliance is fighting not just the Empire and their corrupt government, but pirates and those targeting the innocents of the galaxy
@valeriansamborski5844 10 ай бұрын
Concerning the "Independence" and what you should name it: I believe that it is best to follow the real-world example here and name it after someone who was important and/or contributed much to the, in our case, revolutions' cause, in order to honour their contribution and keep their memory, and the memory of their deeds alive. I think we should name the new Independence Class Star cruiser the "Jan Dodonna". Dodonna had a long and accomplished career. But most importantly he cooked up the plan on how to destroy the empire's planet killer.
@admiralcasperr 11 ай бұрын
45:47 The Sovereignty. You could pair it with a Justice so that she draws fire and the Justice takes the 2nd and subsequent volleys.
@IDontHaveAMicrowave 11 ай бұрын
Hey i love the narration you do at the start of every episode, i have a small correction for you though, the Invincible class heavy cruiser corsec deployed over korriban are THOUSANDS of years old and predate the clone wars, being first deployed in 3017BBY, just like the dreadnaught heavy cruisers
@lordgong4980 10 ай бұрын
You could always do a CSA run in Thrawn's Revenge
@silver76x 11 ай бұрын
some reorganization is in order. some resetting up of bases so that you have level 1,2,3 infantry and vehicles production near each other. some reorganization of ship building so your star-fighters, frigates and capital ships are on different planets near each other. like around Mon Cala as a example.
@tracytron7162 11 ай бұрын
41:20 That’s a Republic troop transport that you could just barely see in the background on Utapau in Revenge Of The Sith
@arandomperson7713 11 ай бұрын
Name the Home One’s sister ship « Habitus Secundus » :D
@Oddball5757 11 ай бұрын
Build kotas army up with his special troops also name the second home one the RWI captain Jack
@scarecrow852 10 ай бұрын
captain , if you build a fighter shipyard on the same world with capital shipyard then you can have better fighter loadouts for capital ships (at least for the empire this works)
@Wolfgod1974 11 ай бұрын
Name the big new heavy the Adar Tallon, in memory of the fallen.
@jonahchristopher6734 11 ай бұрын
Hope to see you super capital ship soon but great video capitan
@RinIsArty 11 ай бұрын
Shack that corsec ship was their version of a LAAT basically, a chunk bigger but it's an old clone wars era republic gunship.
@thewastelander8046 11 ай бұрын
The orbital bombardment should be proportional to the number of ships in orbit and/or the caliber of ships
@user-uq2vu4li7h 11 ай бұрын
A tip if your going to attack the hapes you need to be quick with your attacks as they have save enough money every week to where they can keep producing frigates and corvettes with so many ion weapons that the moncala shields won’t matter. Use home one and dauntless to win o and also a butt ton of fighters
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