Azumah Nelson should be proud to have had a fight with one of the greatest fighter on earth. He knows it because he fought against the best of his times, including Wilfredo Gomez. Azumah was also one of the greatest, but Salvador was probably the best on earth so far.
@mabellepetiterousse8339 ай бұрын
I totally agree
@marcocarrasco78409 ай бұрын
Nelson had only 2 weeks for training, never been scheduled to fight 15 rounds and only had 13 fights.
@catpaw21439 ай бұрын
Preparing for 2 weeks before a fight with a divisional champion is fair in your books? Amazing😂
@bennyanthro48913 ай бұрын
He’s probably proud. Que en paz descanze🙏🏾
@ChengGaos2 ай бұрын
@@catpaw2143 Salvador had the same time to study Azuma, no excuses. Also Azumah was older than the already youger champion Salvador, he was better.
@ryandurkin32657 жыл бұрын
for me salvador sanchez is the greatest Mexican fighter ever 9 defences of the featherweight title before his tragic death at the age of 23.
@carloscardenas12945 жыл бұрын
Amen, I'm totally agree with you. .....!
@ChrisE-iy7ok5 жыл бұрын
best boxer ever, remember he achieved all that already at age 23
@markspeeps5 жыл бұрын
JULIO CESAR CHAVEZ is certainly worth mentioning. His chin and toughness would have given Sanchez all he could handle. For me it would be impossible to pick a winner in that fight.
@roflswamp65 жыл бұрын
@@markspeeps nah son i got sanchez all day azumah got a chin too look what happened
@joeypaller48544 жыл бұрын
How the great legend salvador sanchez died?fan here from the philippines.
@diegogardea13066 жыл бұрын
SALVADOR SANCHEZ EL MEJOR BOXEADOR MEXICANO, EL NUM 1- con una excelente pegada, - una impresionante resistencia fisica , jamas respiraba por la boca los mismos puertorriqueños le apodaban el 3 pulmones por su resistencia cardiobascular, el mismo Sanchez decia que siempre se entrenaba para pelear minimo 20 rounds no 15 o menos ,mandibula de granito, técnica depuradisima con variedad de golpes de todos los angulos, excelente en las 3 distancias, mentalidad fria jamas hacia gestos ni daba a notar que pensaba con su expresion facial, siempre en constante movimiento sobre la punta de sus pies , sin dejar de tirar golpes por lo que nunca era un blanco fácil, un FUERA DE SERIE ,en mi opinión por arriba de Chavez ya que los primeros 46 rivales de Chavez y De Sanchez, fueron de mucha mas calidad los rivales de Sanchez. Chavez en sus primeras 50 peleas peleo con 18 boxeadores debutantes o sea CERO PELEAS, otros 15 rivales de Chavez no llegaban ni a 10 peleas y con mas perdidas que ganadas. Sanchez a los 21 años ya era campéon mundial y fue reconocido por los 3 organismos CMB, AMB, FIB y The Ring como el mejor libra por libra del mundo junto con Leonard en 1981, y ya era conocido en todo el mundo ,mientras que Chavez a los 22 apenas iba a disputar su primer titulo y SOLO ERA CONOCIDO EN TIJUANA Y CULIACAN. Otra de varias cosas, es que Sanchez le gano el campeonato mundial pluma a un gran campeon mundial a Danny el coloradito lopez a los 21 años a quien Sanchez noqueo, y en la revancha lo volvio a noquear, repito le gano su titulo pluma a un campeon mundial muy bueno de 27 años que le habia ganado a Ruben Puas olivares, Bazzoka limon, Bobby Chacon,Chucho Castillo etc Mientras que Chavez le gano su primer campeonato super pluma a un clasificado numero 1 ( no a un campeon mundial) a Mario azabache Martinez, por que el campeonato estaba vacante. Es decir no es lo mismo ganarle a un campéon mundial como Danny López que llevaba 9 defensas de campeonato mundial que habia ganado sus 9 defensas por nocaut por que era un gran pegador. Que ganarle a un simple clasificado numero 1 , que jamas fue campéon como el Azabache que tenia tan solo 19 años ya que era de 1965 cuando peleo con Chavez de 22 años de edad, y Chavez era el clasificado numero 7 y Sulaiman le dio la oportunidad a Chavez sin conocerlo por que los clasificados 2,3 4,5,6 unos ya habian recibido la oportunidad de disputar el titulo y otros estaban lesionados y se fijo en el numero 7 que era chavez sin conocerlo. Otra cosa que casi nadie menciona , es que Chavez perdio su pelea numero 12 ante Miguel Ortiz , y se la borraron de su record a partir de la pelea 51 o 52 para favorecerlo en su record . Las mejores peleas de Chavez fueron a partir de la numero 43 , y entre los 24 y 30 años de edad. Hacia atras muchos bultos, ya que antes de los 24 años en que Chavez llevaba 46 peleas sus unicos rivales de calidad eran Roger Mayweather, y medianamente Ruben Castillo que ya no estaba en su mejor momento y nada mas etc etc . Aunado a que posteriormente Chavez tambien despues de 1984 en su etapa de campéon mundial , realizo mas de 30 peleas a 10 rounds intercaladas con las peleas de campeonato mundial, peleas en las que no estaba en disputa ningun titulo de campeonato mundial, lo que ocasiono que su tiempo como campéon mundial se prolongara mas nuevamente con peleas fáciles a 10 rounds con rivales de poca calidad. Y lo mas importante Sanchez a los 23 años ya llevaba 9 defensas , le gano a Danny lopez 2 veces por nocaut, a Patrikc Ford, a Juan laporte a quien Sanchez le gano de manera clara y Chavez le gano de manera muy cerrada con un resultado polémico, el mismo Laporte decia en entrevistas que era mas fuerte y de mas pegada Sanchez que Chavez. Tambien le gano a Rúben castillo que estaba en su mejor momento, a Pat Dowell ,Roberto Castañon, le gano y noqueo al mejor boxeador de la historia de Africa a Azuma Nelson, a quien solo Sal Sanchez lo noqueo en toda su carrera , ni siquiera Pernall Whitaker pudo noquear a Azuma Nelson y eso ya siendo veterano Nelson, 6 años mayor que Whitaker , y solo 1 año mayor Azumah Nelson que Sanchez cuando pelearon. Y Whitaker de 29 años le gano a Chavez , de 31, siendo solo mayor Chavez 1 año 8 meses , es decir estaban igualados, pelea que le robaron a Whitaker para conservarle el invicto a Chavez y le regalaron el empate a Chavez para conservarle nuevamente el "invicto". Y Sanchez noqueo muy posiblemente al mejor boxeador puertorriqueño a Wilfredo Gomez, que iba invicto y llevaba sus ultimas 32 peleas ganadas por nocaut, entre ellos Gómez noqueo a Lupe pintor , Carlos Zarate y a Bazzoka limón. Y Salvador Sanchez lo masacro a placer en 8 rounds. Y otro punto muy IMPORTANTE , es que Salvador Sanchez debuto a los 16 años cumplidos , en 1975 , y Chavez casi a los 18 años en 1980, y Sanchez de los 16 años a los 18 hizo 18 peleas sin perder ninguna peleando contra lo mejor de México y despues contra lo mejor del mundo como ya lo mencione, y en ese mismo lapso de tiempo , Chávez apenas debuto a los 18, lo cual es un gran mérito para Sanchez por que siendo un adolescente arraso con lo mejor de su división en el pais. No en vano uno de los primeros entrenadores de Chavez, el Zurdo Felix, cuando murio Salvador Sanchez comentaba abiertamente , " Que ahora si Chavez y Jose Luis Ramirez" tenian el camino libre , reconociendo que con la presencia de Salvador Sanchez en el boxeo, era dificil que Chavez y Ramirez a quienes entrenaba, lograran un lugar importante en el boxeo mundial. Y cuando Fallecio Salvador Sanchez, ya estaba negociandose para el siguiente año en 1983 , la pelea de Sanchez vs Alexis Argüello, para lo cual Sanchez ya iba a subir de división a peso ligero, y en ese lapso murio, pero Alexis Arguello en entrevistas como con Antonio Andere en Nueva York , reconocio con la franqueza y humildad que lo caracterizo, que el si tenia temor de pelear con Sanchez , ya que veia mas posibilidades de perder que de ganar, ya que dijo que ya no tenia piernas ni velocidad para pelear con un boxeador de la calidad de Sal Sanchez, y lo mismo opino, ya que Argüello a pesar de haber sido triple campéon mundial , era de 1952 y Sanchez de 1959, es decir era 7 años mas joven Sanchez, y en 1983 , Argüello hubiera tenido 31 años y Sanchez 24, y Argüello no hubiera podido con la enorme técnica, empuje, pegada,velocidad, y sobre todo JUVENTUD de Sanchez. Otro punto importante es que Salvador Sánchez todas sus peleas de campeonato mundial las realizo a 15 rounds, las que terminaba sobradamente con una inigualable condicion fisica Pero justo cuando fallecio en Agosto de 1982, a los 2 o 3 meses ,a las peleas de campeonato mundial el CMB les quito 3 rounds, debido a que se considero a base de estudios cientificos y medicos, que en las peleas de box, el organismo humano sufre deshidratación severa, hipertencion, cansancio extremo etc, y corre mas peligro la vida del boxeador, por lo que le quitaron 3 rounds y las peleas de campeonato mundial se establecieron de 12 rounds, ademas de que varios boxeadores perdieron la vida entre los rounds 13-15. Y Chavez se corono casi 2 años despues de la muerte de Sanchez, y Chavez JAMAS REALIZO NINGUNA pelea de 15 rounds en toda su carrera, por lo que jamas demostro si realmente tenia ese fondo fisico que si tenia Salvador Sanchez. De Sal Sanchez dijo Willie Pep uno de los 2 o 3 mejores pesos pluma de la historia y uno de los 50 mejores boxeadores del mundo, cuando lo vio pelear en USA que que bueno que no fueron de la misma epoca, porque hubiera sido muy dificil ganarle a Sal Sanchez porque lo tenia todo. Y Roy Jones jr ha dicho que el mas grande de todos los tiempos fue Mohamnad Ali por las peleas memorables que realizo y por su activismo social etc , pero el mas técnico y completo fue un mexicano, Sal Sanchez. Sugar Ray Leonard admiraba el boxeo fino de Salvador Sanchez y llegó a decir que era una lástima que no fueran de la misma división que el , porque una pelea entre ellos 2 hubiera sido una gran pelea . Y Para mi sin lugar a dudas si Sanchez no hubiera muerto, Chavez se hubiera quedado a la sombra de Sanchez. No creo que el Chavez de 22 años que le gano al Azabache Martinez, le hubiera ganado al Sanchez de 22 años que le gano a Wilfredo Gomez asi de sencillo. Y lo mejor de Sanchez estaba aun por venir , ya iba a subir de división y seguramente su madurez y aun mayor plenitud boxistica hubiera sido entre los 24 a 30 años en que hubiera realizado grandes peleas ,pero lo sorprendio la muerte y creo que de no haber fallecido en 1982 , Chavez se hubiera quedado en un segundo nivel por debajo de Sanchez , y era inevitable una pelea entre ambos , ya que Sal Sanchez solo era mayor 3 años que Chavez, siendo Sanchez de 1959 y Chavez de 1962 y de iguales caracteristicas físicas de la misma estatura y alcance etc , pelea que hubiera sido dura, sin duda hubiera sido la pelea mas importante entre 2 mexicanos en la historia del boxeo del Pais y del boxeo mundial , pero en mi opinión hubiera ganado sin lugar a dudas EL ENORME SALVADOR SANCHEZ que a pesar de haber fallecido sin llegar siquiera a la mitad de su carrera, es considerado por la revista The Ring el num 24 de todos los tiempos , y es el boxeador mexicano con la carrera mas brillante hasta los 23 años , muy por arriba de Rúben púas Olivares, Carlos Zarate, Lupe Pintor, y el mismo Chavez etc. Y no demérito a Chavez , para mi el segundo mejor boxeador de México y que hizo algunas grandes peleas pero básicamente entre las peleas 50 a la 89, pero también de quien hay que decir que Chavez a confesado que en una época de su carrera llegaba a subir a pelear drogado lo que le daba una ventaja, y lo que le quita algo de veracidad a su carrera, Mientras que Sanchez fue un deportista sano y GENUINO. SALVADOR SANCHEZ NARVÁEZ ,ORGULLO DEL BOXEO MEXICANO , LATINO Y MUNDIAL.
@RaulMartinez-yd2yv6 жыл бұрын
Qué buena. información te felicito siempre e creido que Sánchez fue el mejor y seguirá siendo el mejor mexicano de todos los tiempos yyyy mi idolo el gran CAMPEÓN SALVADOR SÁNCHEZ..
@diegogardea13066 жыл бұрын
@@RaulMartinez-yd2yv - Gracias amigo, y como dije en mi comentario, Sal Sanchez en mi opinion es el mejor boxeador mrxicano de todos lls tiempos , Saludos.
@RaulMartinez-yd2yv6 жыл бұрын
@@diegogardea1306 gracias de nuevo te mira qué sabes mucho de el buen boxeo
@diegogardea13066 жыл бұрын
@@RaulMartinez-yd2yv - Pues se un poco nada mas, o algo se aprende de ver tantas peleas de epócas recientes o repetidas del pasado, yo tenia 5 años cuando murio Sal Sanchez , y recuerdo que mis papas comentaban que acababa de fallecer en un accidente un, gran boxeador mexicano, y estaban dando la noticia por t.v, y la muerte prematura de Sanchez sin duda es la mayor perdida del boxeo mexicano y considero que a nivel mundial tambien una de las mayores perdidas del deporte en general , y despues me gusto mucho el boxeo hasta la fecha, pero para mi sin ninguna duda Sal Sanchez se cuece aparte en el boxeo mexicano y latino. En una ocasión Willie Pep que es uno de los 2 o 3 mejores pesos pluma de la historia, y para muchos que esta dentro de los 10 o 15 mejores de la historia, el vio siendo ya un señor de edad en una funcion de box a Sal Sanchez , comento que que bueno que Sanchez no haya peleado en su epoca, por que hubiera sido muy dificil vencerlo. Y Roy Jones jr, ha mencionado en entrevistas que para el , el mejor boxeador de toda la historia es Mohammad Ali, pero el boxeador mas completo de la historia es Salvador Sanchez. Etc etc. Saludos amigo y nuevamente gracias, desde Chihuahua México.
@MultiZeusx6 жыл бұрын
Ni en mis tiempos de estudiantes me llegaron hacer leer tanto,🤣 peo al final me avente toda el articulo, excelentísima información hermano, solo espero mi like por haber leído hasta la ultima letra
@FranciscoLopez-dz6hs5 жыл бұрын
Azumah Nelson hasta el último día de su vida, se acordará que el mítico peleador mexicano Salvador Sánchez fue su mero padre
@marknorris13814 жыл бұрын
La verdad que odia.
@exspiravit69207 ай бұрын
LOL Why does the KZbin "translator" always interpret your (spanish speakers) adjective of "Him" (which is masculine) into "HER" (Feminine)?!??? LOL It looks like you guys call everyone a Woman LOL. I wonder if all my comments sound weird when the Computer translates it to spanish.
@julioguzman62386 ай бұрын
Vi la pelea entre Sánchez y Nelson hace 41 años y vi que Sánchez fue el ganador si llegaba a una decisión
@julioguzman62386 ай бұрын
Si Sánchez y Nelson volvían a pelear Sánchez le ganaba otra vez Sánchez fue superior hasta el mismo j Chávez le ganaba también
@jesusserna63324 ай бұрын
@@julioguzman6238con todo respeto aquí los que opinan que Asumah Nelson no se preparó bien y que solo entrenó dos semanas antes de pelear contra Salvador Sánchez no dicen o no saben que Asumah Nelson hera campeón nacional de su país y qué tenía más de doscientas peleas de amateurs eso se supo en esos años cuando pelearon eyos además de qué también es una desventaja que si te estás preparando para una pelea contra un peleador te lo cambien de un derrepente al último minuto porque Salvador Sánchez se estaba preparando para defender su título contra un peleador colombiano y este se lastimó y le cambiaron el rival quien fue Asumah Nelson nunca lo pudo estudiar su forma de pelear y aun así le dio cátedra de boxeo ganó categóricamente y digan lo que digan Salvador Sánchez hiba ganando esa pelea y aunque Asumah Nelson se hubiera preparado un año entero nunca le hubiera podido ganar al gran campeón mundial Salvador Sánchez
@badbob21494 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sanchez...was not near his prime when he passed ...he would have been known as one of the best fighters ever
@raulescobar74332 жыл бұрын
i agree
@020route11 ай бұрын
@@raulescobar7433 he would have gotten stronger and most likely even a harder puncher..had he lived and fought nelson later, he would have ko'd him in less time.
@exspiravit69207 ай бұрын
Idk man, I'd say he hit his prime early like most fighters who started the Pros as Minors (he was 16 I think) and by the time he fought Danny Lopez he was hitting on all cylinders. There is evidence that he was still evolving though, and he had a Murderer's row of guys coming at him and he just had to deal with them in real time. No footage or long fight films to watch. He had SEVERAL close, somewhat disputed, split decision wins against Laporte, Patrick Ford, Ruben Castillo, and if he hadnt caught Azumah Nelson with the late barrage, he probably would've had yet another split decision win. It says a lot about his maturity and savvy being able to beat Undefeated versions of so many future champions. I still think that, if we're being serious objective boxing fans, that you really have to reach far to justify that win over Ruben Castillo. That guy out slicked Salvador. The worst of it is that Sanchez wouldn't stop letting Ruben get the best of the inside exchanges, then after scoring he would hop away and circle or go back to center of the ring. Still pisses me off to this day!!! He was better than Ruben, but Ruben had lost to Arguello like 10 months before, and was DETERMINED to get the belt that night. Crazy
@jandovazquez35315 ай бұрын
Fue el mejor boxeador de la historia con 23 años algo tranquilo
@PanchoVilla-kz3cl3 ай бұрын
@@exspiravit6920 Skill for skill Salvador Sanchez is the best fighter ever.
@peterflynn36695 жыл бұрын
Another warrior who still cant admit he was taken to school by a real LEGEND.
@vincentlongwani80803 жыл бұрын
I don't think he was taken to school. Given the fact that he was only given two weeks to train...and was enjoying off days in Africa, he not only had to worry about the short notice, but also the long intercontinental flight to the US. I think, under the circumstances, he fought well. As for the rematch, it never happened so we shall never know what would have happened. It's a matter of opinion.
@daniaalali46583 жыл бұрын
@@vincentlongwani8080 lol he clearly was sanchez carried him and i doubt he wasant fully ready he was in tip top condition , sanchez hardly broke a breath in that fight and he stopped him
@carls16623 жыл бұрын
@@vincentlongwani8080 lmaooooo you know they love to skip that fact. Then you jave boys daying he was mexicos sugar ray robinson🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@daniaalali46583 жыл бұрын
@@carls1662 He was way more skilled then robinson , Robinson got hit ALOT ! Sanchez was a Pro by 16 ! And was ahead of his peers by age 21 by age 23 he already had 9 title defences ! Let that sink in
@nessodap84093 жыл бұрын
@@carls1662 not even close, sugar is way more old school, Sanchez, better technique, he always fought at a better level than his opponents
@edgarguzman98068 жыл бұрын
FALTA DE HUMILDAD AL NO ACEPTAR QUE SALVADOR SÁNCHEZ FUÉ Y SEGUIRÁ SIENDO MEJOR QUE EL !! Azumah Nelson es considerado como un gran boxeador africano, si no es que el mejor !! pero con todo respeto hacía él, si el gran campeón mexicano Sal Sánchez no hubiera muerto no llegaria a ser campeón en esa categoría, SALVADOR SANCHEZ les dió una clase de técnica, resistencia, estamina y clase de campeón mundial a muchos, especialmente a Wilfredo Gomez y Azumah Nelson, SALVADOR SANCHEZ UN FUERA DE SERIE EN PESO PLUMA, muchos hablan de revanchas, pero no conocieron la clase de campeón que fue el inolvidable Sal Sánchez !!!
@francisconicasioolvera83857 жыл бұрын
Sin duda SALVADOR SÁNCHEZ fué extraordinario boxeador (QEPD)
@yhwhssonyirmeyahu44367 жыл бұрын
@pipinocuevas71157 жыл бұрын
@carlos2008200927 жыл бұрын
Edgar Guzman dice el negrito.. me dieron dos semanas para prepararme !! Seguro y al Salvador Sanchez le dieron un milenio para prepararse
@cucufatolokin75707 жыл бұрын
todos los perdedores tienen escusas .
@renehernandez98038 жыл бұрын
I am puertorican and i have no problem accepting that Sanchez gave hell to Wilfredo Gomez. Nelson should accept Sanchez was way better than him.
@1gexe8 жыл бұрын
rene well said,there is no ashame,loosing to a great champion like sanchez,n loosing take nothing a way of the greatness of wilfredo or azuma,they both should accept,salvador snachez beat them,just beacause he was a better fighter,but good point,that is how sport should be seen.
@digtongo7 жыл бұрын
but sanchez was just getting on his peak before dying.
@aescoto15237 жыл бұрын
would have been a fight for the ages...i think Arguello's power and length would have given Sanchez fits, forcing him to be more aggressive than he would like to be, i believe Arguello would put him down but not out, Sanchez rises to launch a fierce attack of counterpunches that ultimately wears Arguello down late. Sanchez via 11 round tko
@Rodageado7 жыл бұрын
greenmean1 salvador sanchez wins.
@dinan5iver7 жыл бұрын
This comment makes little sense when one regards their fight in its proper context. Nelson took Sanchez to the edge of despair on two weeks notice. Imagine if Nelson had the benefit of a proper camp?
@javiergonzalez90773 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sanchez was a true athlete and always showed up to fight in the best physical condition, period. This was regardless of who he was fighting. I strongly doubt that any fighter scared him into training harder. Everything Sanchez accomplished he did in twenty three years of life.
@bfekennels21534 жыл бұрын
Sal Sanchez is in heaven waiting on this guys like "rememba me!" 😁🙏😇
@eliot98094 жыл бұрын
jajajaja thats correct!
@lewissmith59243 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think that sounds a bit insensitive.
@JavMacHer7 ай бұрын
I would go to heaven & die to watch that rematch fight!
@Mariom74a773 ай бұрын
@bernardomendez89416 жыл бұрын
Claramente fuiste superado tanto en técnica como en potencia, tu solo querías golpear y Salvador nunca se dejó por eso te hizo la FAENA. De mil veces que lo hubieras enfrentado te hubiera ganado las mil.
@jorgepuga81045 жыл бұрын
Es que estaba muy cansado pero yo lo queria noquear pero ya estaba muy cansado porque no me prepare al 100%. El referee paro la pelea pero yo estaba listo para seguir peleando. Despues de tres caidas Mmmm a eso se le llama Knock out! Superalo Azuma!
@miguelmiguel51694 жыл бұрын
El mundo vió quien era el mejor digas lo que Digas te puso la madre así que no busques pretextos Salvador es tu padre y punto
@francisameyaweffah23112 жыл бұрын
You lie
@jeanval38877 жыл бұрын
Mejor no hubiera dicho nada Nelson. Salvador se lo hubiera cogido aunque se hubiera preparado todo el año. Recordará el golpe cobarde que le dio a Sal cuando resbaló y cayó de rodillas?
@ricardovillasenor12855 жыл бұрын
mi gran Rey Salvador Sánchez hubiera golpeado Julio César Chavez
@ricardovillasenor12855 жыл бұрын
Pero presiento que lo mandaron a matar la mafia
@fernandocruz42925 жыл бұрын
@@ricardovillasenor1285 yo igual habia pensado lo mismo Y no quiero hacer malas especulaciones Pero creo que julio cesar pudo haver echo eso Ya que tenia nexos con el narco y gran campeon mexicano solo podia haber uno Oviamente sal sanchez le ganaria a julio
@izilgur4 жыл бұрын
@@fernandocruz4292 ppfff claro que no Julio jamas habria hecho eso ajajajajaja, no mames.... los apostadores o los que manejaban el boxeo esos si podrían haberlo hecho (de haber sido un asesinato), pero lo mas probable es que haya sido un accidente.
@salvadorcardenas25914 жыл бұрын
Nelson es maikon y cobarde es lo que es! Tambien A. Nelson esta muy horible
@raygoods75648 жыл бұрын
Sanchez one of the greatest hands down puro Mexicano
@arch944 жыл бұрын
THE greatest
@albertobarragan80793 жыл бұрын
The greatest !!!
@RealUncleKong3 жыл бұрын
The greatest
@jaimecarranza97812 жыл бұрын
Muy buena pelea entre Azumah Nelson y Salvador Sánchez, dos grandes leyendas. Ambos pugilistas dieron cátedra de su calidad boxistica.
@kevinp73002 жыл бұрын
Azumah Nelson gave Salvador Sanchez an incredible fight. I think he only had like 14 fights total under his belt and to take his fight on two weeks notice and to perform the way he did was amazing. But Salvador Sanchez was just incredible man. It almost went the distance as Nelson fell in round 15 and that was the end of it but I gave him a lot of credit for giving Sanchez all he could handle. He did a great job!
@thobelomhlope4472 Жыл бұрын
I think possibly he was slightly ahead of Sanchez until those dying minutes of the 15th if I watched it correctly
@ledesmaalagaver6706 Жыл бұрын
@@thobelomhlope4472 no seas estupido e ignorante Salvador lo mando' a visitar la lona en el 8o y 15o roound si el referee no detiene el combate lo mata o lo deja discapacitado de por vida .no entiendo tu ignorancia
@willimmichel2322 Жыл бұрын
You right❤
@yawos902411 ай бұрын
@robbie604 Stop talking rubbish. He did his best under the circumstances. He whipped Gomez same as Sanchez did.
@yawos902411 ай бұрын
@robbie604 I don't how to read while you can't even write well. Didn't they teach you how to use punctuation in school? If you were asinine and bias, you would appreciate Azumah's reasons for his failures in the fight. Sanchez beat English Pat Cadwell in 15 rounds. Azumah knocked Cadwell out within the rounds. The only emotional freak here is you.
@VictorGarcia-wr3dy4 жыл бұрын
No podemos negar q asuman nelson, fue excelente boxeador, rápido, valiente, pero Salvador Sánchez , le demostró ser mejor, un boxeador fuera de serie, sereno, resistente, rápido, valiente, humilde con un don celestial increíble.
@raulortega42444 ай бұрын
Asi es !
@wajabi6 жыл бұрын
This man still has the 1000 yard stare, the look of a man many feared in the ring. Azumah Nelson a name that will forever be equal to excellence and determination to win. But he should accept like I have (being puerto rican), that Sanchez was better than him.
@Ozzy47472 жыл бұрын
Better on the night
@marknorris1381 Жыл бұрын
Never will. Nelson needs to grow up and give some credit rather than making excuses. The fact that Sanchez was robbed of a life beyond 23 years of age doesn't seem to register with him, shouldn't be too hard thinking about that to give some credit to Sanchez but he seems to have a mental block about that fight and his opponent.
@terences10613 жыл бұрын
We will never know he gave Sanchez a run for his money. To me, Sanchez due to being so versatile…offense, defense, movement, inside fighting…there was nothing he couldn’t do in the ring.
@ricardoroncuzzo13472 ай бұрын
What a wonderful time, I would say that the boxing glories of the 80s were Azumah Nelson, Sanchez, Benites, Hagler, Hearn, etc., etc., fighters, they went head-to-head and without fear.
@karlcooper70162 жыл бұрын
They were both class acts and great fighters and it made for a great fight.
@josephgarcia29794 жыл бұрын
The fact is no one is ever prepared to lose, but it happens as it happened to those Azumah beat as well.
@diariodeunservidordelanaci60617 жыл бұрын
El Mexicano fue el mejor en su tiempo... The Great Champion of the World Salvador Sanchez...
@juancarlosramirezramirez58575 жыл бұрын
Si Sal no hubiera muerto Chàvez no hubiera llegado
@ledesmaalagaver67062 жыл бұрын
@@juancarlosramirezramirez5857 totalmente de acuerdo contigo ese hablador vicioso y drogadicto reconocido por el mismo ni existiera y tambien se atreve a decir que si se hubieran enfrentado el saldria un bocon'
@dlmullins90544 жыл бұрын
Azumah was one of the best ever, but it don't matter how long he had to train or if he had a great mouth piece, he would have lost to Sanchez. Azumah had a great big heart but Sanchez was the best ever at the weight. I always hate to see great fighters diminish themselves by making excuses. Especially one as great as 'The professor' Azumah Nelson.
@MrWeliz3 жыл бұрын
Azumah was a hard cookie but sanchez made it crumble.
@teofemo70003 жыл бұрын
@vincentlongwani80803 жыл бұрын
Two weeks training and in Africa at the time, is that an excuse or a fact? The fight was held in America, so, apart from having to worry about the short notice training, he had to worry about the long flight to US. Anyhow, it's a matter of opinion. I think Azumah would have acquited himself better in a rematch. But as it is we shall never know because it never happened.
@teofemo70003 жыл бұрын
@@vincentlongwani8080 It was absolutely a factor. Azumah fought an outstanding fight regardless. There was also an unknown factor on both sides. To Sanchez it was just another fight. To Nelson it was the chance of a lifetime. Couple that with the act that Salvador didn't know much of anything about Azumah Nelson but Azumah knew exactly who he was fighting. Those things would all impact rematch where both had time to prepare but IMO Sanchez would be aware of what he was up against.
Nelson have only 13 fights when he fought Sanchez. Who knows in a rematch I still believe Salvador was better
@thomascorder66867 жыл бұрын
Sanchez was one of the all time greats. Too bad he passed away so young!
@jumpingship13624 жыл бұрын
Nelson doesn't know what humble or humility is. How many fighters can say they knocked out Gomez and Nelson. Rip Salvador
@bennyanthro48913 ай бұрын
Bro wtf are you talking about?? Mexican here and Nelson was speaking truth. Truth hurts sometimes. I saw the fight and Nelson won everything up to round 10ish.
@saresflores83684 жыл бұрын
Salvador was greater than Nelson There is no question about that 🇲🇽
@brianunderwood29664 ай бұрын
Salvador was pretty much better than everyone
@renehernandez8815 жыл бұрын
Soy puertoriqueño y Wilfredo Gomez es mi heroe pero está demás que pongan excusas por haber perdido contra Sanchez. Sanchez ganó y eso es lo que cuenta!!!!!!!!
@luisvazquez70152 жыл бұрын
Give me five bro!!!
@GabrielJesusCamarena5 ай бұрын
@@renehernandez881 Amigo los mexicanos usaron una mujer para debilitar a Wilfredo y eso le costó la carrera después no fue el mismo saludos .
@johnreyes1749 Жыл бұрын
When great fighters face each other in the ring, something has to give. Azumah became a great champion but Sanchez was on a higher level at this time, sadly given Sanchez’s death we will never know his ultimate greatness, but if you saw his fights and the fighters from that era then you know he was great.
@onetimesicariogarciael90239 жыл бұрын
omg please stop nelson no matter what amount of time you had Salvador Sanchez was Salvador Sanchez so just stop with excuses you lost to a better man period
@ariagonzalez58487 жыл бұрын
onetimesicario garcia el 90 He was just recalling what happened in the fight, he lost to a great champion and it's great to hear his side of the story.
@JulioJimenez-bq3xi7 жыл бұрын
onetimesicario garcia el 90 he didn't make excuses he praised Sanchez he lost but i don't gonna say that Sanchez was the better man for winning the fight they both were great
@kiwishbj17 жыл бұрын
onetimesicario garcia el 90 You are an idiot who have never boxed.
@zues20137 жыл бұрын
no my friend you have that reversed sanchez was more man than nelson that night period
@edgarguzman98067 жыл бұрын
Julio Jimenez. Nadie discute que los dos hayan sido grandes boxeadores; aquí se esta comentando que SAL Sánchez (QEPD) en esta pelea demostró ser mejor que el africano, que después se convirtió en campeón, pero ya el gran campeón mexicano SALVADOR SANCHEZ no estaba en esta vida, pero si Sal Sánchez hubiera estado vivo, ni A. Nelson ni Wilfredo G. llegarían a ser campeones de peso pluma, period !!!
@gustavopena53326 жыл бұрын
creo que una de las lecciones que dio Salvador Sánchez fue que ... Las peleas se ganan arriba del cuadrilátero y dando los mejores golpes .... NO con la boca . Y menos con excusas .
@alejandro83426 жыл бұрын
Esa es básicamente la doctrina en la relación con el oponente en El Boxeo Mexicano. Recordemos que Julio César Chávez también odiaba a los habladores.
@izilgur4 жыл бұрын
@@alejandro8342 y luego llego Canelo a cagarse en eso.
@LuisEnrique-pn1tj3 жыл бұрын
@@alejandro8342 pero en la etapa final de su carrera también sacó escusas, y más peor se volvió un ocicon ya retirado!
@amadocattillo41547 жыл бұрын
azuma nadie te cree tu cuento tu fuiste muy bueno y grande pero serias mas grande aceptando que el Gran Sachez fue mejor que tu por un gran margen senor
@tweettweetjones12624 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't even know about Azumah had he not fought Sanchez. Salvador already had a made name. Azumah was good ,but threw wildly haymakers. Sanchez was strictly disciplined.He often makes other fighters appear amateurish.Chavez supposedly trained under some of the same trainers that Sanchez had. Salvador inspires not only other boxers from Mexico, but has a fanbase worldwide. He touted the prospect of retiring from boxing anyways after the Nelson bout. He wanted to go to med school and become a doctor and help people. When he died, Azumah Nelson and Wilfredo Gomez both paid respects at his funeral.
@ETsonggalaxy6 жыл бұрын
We are not from Mexico , or Africa , Nelson , we highly respect you for your HONEST remarks about the great Salvador Sanchez. Both of you put on an exciting bout! Your life from a poor man to a top champion , like Salvador who did not come from a wealthy family deserves the Hall of Fame! You and Sanchez are super heroes!
@jesusramanujan91756 жыл бұрын
...Salvador lo está esperando allá del otro lado, pa darle otra vez en la madre...por eso no quiere morir
@jorgefloreshernandez46644 жыл бұрын
Buena nota!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
@robertobuendia84504 жыл бұрын
Jajajaja si es cierto yegando aia leva a dar otra madrisa
@chimeneasyventanas4 жыл бұрын
@eliot98094 жыл бұрын
a huevo!
@lalinhoesparza23893 жыл бұрын
@nirvana-soul5 жыл бұрын
Pinche partida de madre que les puso el gran Salvador Sanchez, una cátedra de boxeo...pero les falta humildad.
@davidreyes12734 жыл бұрын
Se vio la calidad de boxeador y de boxeo que era mucho mejor la de sal sanchez que la de azumha nelson
@Gerardo919243 жыл бұрын
Y sobre todo la frase de Salvador: "se habla arriba del ring", cosa que ellos no la practican.
@roiforbes4 жыл бұрын
Azuma was a fabulous fighter in his day. It's a shame he couldn't be more gracious about his defeat by the great Salvador. It is no shame and Nelson's later achievements make up for it. I understand he and Gomez washed their hands in the gravel at Salvador's grave to try and absorb some of his skills.
@josejoelramirezgarza5309 Жыл бұрын
O por su.....
@yawos902411 ай бұрын
You don't want to know that truth. Everybody boxer would take stock of what happened in a loss. What is wrong with what he is saying. Azumah always believed he could beat Sanchez in another fight. I never doubted him.
@waltergg5214 жыл бұрын
La arrogancia qe este compa traía era muy grande ,venía de chingarse a los mejores de África y europa pero en América le esperaba la prueba más grande de su carrera SALVDOR SANCHEZ un joven de 22 años qe le propinaria la lección más grande de su carrera y la derrota más grande también y no reconoció qe era superior en todo ,resistencia ,pegada ,estilo ,defensa y lo mejor HUMILDAD
@gmnboss Жыл бұрын
@@marknorris1381 totally disagree. Azumah fought Sanchez on two weeks notice when he was very inexperienced that doesnt take anything away from Sanchez's incredible level of skill ,strengh(mental and physical) and durability...but Nelson was up there too
@marknorris1381 Жыл бұрын
@@gmnboss totally disagree. Azumah fought Sanchez on two weeks notice when he was very inexperienced that doesnt take anything away from Sanchez's incredible level of skill ,strengh(mental and physical) and durability...but Nelson was up there too
@juso3466 Жыл бұрын
Marknorris, so Did Sanchez know one year before about this fight? Boxers needs to be prepared.
@htcculunbia41166 жыл бұрын
Traduscanlo al español ya que es interesante, en america somos seguidores de el boxeo que iso salvador sanchez y quisieramos saber que dijo asuma nelson sobre nuestro idolo sal sanchez ( desde panamá saludos)
@MauricioMartinez-hc1pc5 жыл бұрын
Dice puras escusas en lugar de reconocer que le partieron su madre.. Alguien que fue mejor que el.
@MauricioMartinez-hc1pc5 жыл бұрын
Escusas como que solo se preparo 2 semanas, como que tuvo los sparring adecuados, como que refere le paro mal la pelea, y otra mamada que no tuvo la oportunidad de la revancha por la muerte de Sal. Sánchez entre otras mamadas.. Mismos pretextos que Wilfredo Gómez. Les hubiera ido igual que el coloradito ese si le dio su madrina 2 veces.
@ledesmaalagaver67062 жыл бұрын
@@MauricioMartinez-hc1pc es correcto .bravo por ti
@israelblanco10937 жыл бұрын
Thanks to all the great boxeadores. for the memories. Thanks for your sacrifice and your hard training to give us great moments Thank you
@FranciscoLopez-dz6hs6 жыл бұрын
Asuma Nelson la admiración que sentía murió, mal perdedor cobarde al querer desmeritar la superioridad de Salvador Sanchez, no quiere aceptar que el mítico peleador mexicano era su mero padre
@jesuscontrerasroman68195 жыл бұрын
Ahuevo donde quedó su bailecito pinche nito te puso uno putiza Sánchez lastima que murió si no con todo gusto les hubiera dado otra putiza Sánchez el no era rajado y mucho menos les daba la vuelta como muchos boxeadores de ahora que son de vidrio
@blite137 жыл бұрын
Azumah.....if you weren't in the best of shape, you shouldn't have been doing the Ali shuffle every round?
@yhwhssonyirmeyahu44367 жыл бұрын
@vector83105 жыл бұрын
Damn straight
@boxingmonthly4 жыл бұрын
Its Motivation
@oscarbanuelos70412 жыл бұрын
Era muy buen boxeador Nelson y con la derrota que le propino Sanchez mejoró mucho su técnica, el maestro aprendió como ser campeón con el gran campeón Salvador Sánchez, QEPD. Cuando se nace con ese don como Sanchez lo tenia solo hay que aprender de ellos y no poner excusas.............
@ramonreyesgutierrez8765 жыл бұрын
El Inolvidable Sal Sanchez, el mejor por siempre.....libra por libra!!!!!!!!
A legend talking about a legend.
@killcancer64995 жыл бұрын
Much respect to a great warrior and true champion. Azumah Nelson has always been a favorite fighter of mine. It was disappointing to hear him make excuses about his loss to another all time great though. In watching that fight it was clear that Nelson's conditioning was excellent, but he was outclassed by Sanchez. That had nothing to do with his mouthguard. He needed a KO to win and he went for it just like he should have. He fell short. A rematch would have been great. Nelson was not yet the polished champion he would become when he fought Sanchez.
@killcancer64994 жыл бұрын
@Mari Jata I suspect that Nelson had much more than two weeks notice. Sanchez was probably set up, and had no idea who he was going to fight. That is why they brought Nelson half-way around the world on last minute's notice. Just a suspicion.
@FernandoRodriguez-qj5xq3 жыл бұрын
Sanchez was the one that was expecting to fight a nobody
@GoGetYourShinebox2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion Sanchez didn’t look his usual self in the fight vs Nelson, didn’t have that usual sharpness. Maybe he felt he could coast the fight. However you can see that when Sanchez knew he was in a real fight he stepped it up a gear, was bouncing on his feet again looking his usual self, but even still Nelson had him in trouble. It was Sanchez’s toughness, conditioning and the left hook that won him the fight. Sanchez was spamming the left hook once he figured it was the punch that was getting through on the counter
@Cking642 жыл бұрын
Your not azumah.
@abrahamjackson60192 жыл бұрын
Fighting on a 2 weeks notice you call that excuses, amazing...
@Ephesians2.8-93 ай бұрын
It’s clear that so many years later, the defeat still hurts him deeply. Salvador beat him in the ring and knocked him out for life.
@MrWeliz4 жыл бұрын
i watched the Sanchez Nelson fight that day and I had so much respect for nelson since until today when i watched this interview and lost it.
@anthonysmall2214 Жыл бұрын
This man is a LEGEND!!! He took him 15 rounds on short notice. Big respect to both of them!
@joneslt8 жыл бұрын
You have to remember that Salvador only trained for a tune up fight since they thought Nelson was going to be an easy fight. If they has rematched, Sanchez would have trained for a championship fight and would have sliced Nelson up.
@cashtagolo75008 жыл бұрын
hell yeah !! everything that The Great Salvador Sanchez had, was from a unknown source.. maybe we know it, but we're not connect it with It.
@amck728 жыл бұрын
It was a tune up fight ? Are you aware the fight was scheduled for 15 rounds ? Are you saying Salvador didn`t train well enough to go the full 15 ? Tune up fights for a world champ are usually scheduled for ten rounds none title. They expected Nelson not to last long until Sanchez camp was tipped off by the sparing partner just how strong Nelson was in the ring against him. Sanchez was already set to fight Arguello next.
@joneslt8 жыл бұрын
@amck72 - wrong. The negotiations for Arguello were off of the table at the time of Sanchez's death. Yes this was considered a tune up fight for his next big fight.
@amck728 жыл бұрын
joneslt of course it's going to be off at the time, Sanchez died, duh.
@joneslt8 жыл бұрын
@amck72 - Did you even read the article? the negotiations were off the table before Sanchez died.
@bernardomendez89416 жыл бұрын
Quién es papi, quién es papi??? Pues SAL SANCHEZ, puro MEXICO.
@tyrannosaurus623 жыл бұрын
No doubt that Azuman did really good facing against Sanchez on a 2 weeks notice. Regardless of the lost. He still did good. No shame in that. He has my respect ✊ 🇲🇽
@donaldmac12504 жыл бұрын
both men were freakishly fit to sustain the pace of that fight....Sanchez had the edge and would have won the rematch
@hugoviktor6 жыл бұрын
Las veces que de debio haber visto la misma pelea una y otra vez esperando un diferente resultado seguro su orgullo no le permite reconocerlo, pero sin duda esa pelea fue donde mas castigo recibió ante un formidable boxeador.
@FranciscoLopez-ex2kd2 жыл бұрын
El mítico peleador mexicano Salvador Sanchez, está en la trilogía de los más grandes peleadores de todos los tiempos en peso pluma, junto con Willie Pep y Sandy Saddler
@franciscogutierrez30958 жыл бұрын
He got his ass knocked down and out! he comes out with excuses, but he got beaten! fair and square!
@victorrojas44447 жыл бұрын
José De La Luz pues si asi dijo que pinche pretexto ya esta como el otro cabron de wilfredo gomez ...les gano y bien que no busquen pretextos que no se prepararon bien ..pues si iban x el un titulo mundial que no mamen
@domingodelgado94337 жыл бұрын
Victor Rojas
@erikislas62015 жыл бұрын
@JULIO Rodríguez una mamada de mayate.
@almanzageraldo8747 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sanchez ha sido el mas grande de todos los suplumas
@jorgerodriguez23874 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sánchez que tremendo peleador wao ese si peleaba de verdad ahora he tenido la oportunidad de mirar todas sus peleas que lastima que muriera en ese fatídico accidente
@FranciscoLopez-dz6hs4 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sánchez está en la trilogía de los más grandes pesos plumas de todos los tiempos, junto con Willie Pep y Sandy Saadler
@TheIkaraCult Жыл бұрын
One of the greatest fights of that decade. Both of them are legends
@marknorris13814 ай бұрын
Agree 100%. It was one of the best fights of the 80's, and for a lot of reasons. Nelson's obvious talent and desire to win, the stamina of Salvador Sanchez, the back and forth exchanges. It doesn't get the credit it deserves other than to true fans of the sport.
@blite137 жыл бұрын
It took Sanchez some time to figure Azumah out, once he did, he was outscoring him. Sanchez was hitting Nelson with a short left hook as Azumah punched wide. This would happen over and over no matter how many times they fought. Just a matter of how many of those left hooks Nelson could take. Sharp inside punching beats long outside punching every time.
@williamscarrera94867 жыл бұрын
respeto mucho la opinión de el profe.azuma nelson pero con todo respeto salvador sanchez era mejor boxeador q el salvador savia canimar en el rin tenía una surda devastadora y suderecha era fulminante tenía mucha técnica de boxeo savador sanchez nunca le cortaron las sejas de un golpe boxeaba con mediaguardia era increíble la técnica de boxeo de sal sachez y azuma nelson era un boxeador duro pero muy frontal
@danielvillanueva49807 жыл бұрын
era un boxeador estetico en el cuadrilatero
@eduardoaguilar39097 жыл бұрын
Era sucio este boxeador , en casi todas sus peleas daba golpes prohibidos ya que eran a la nuca y con los brazos habiertos, es difícil ser derrotado y haceptar que alguien es mejor pero lo único importante es que le ganaron y bien así que cualquier escusa sale sobrando ya que sal sanchez no está aquí para poder haberle tundido con clase una ves mas ....
@AYAXLIRASSS3 ай бұрын
Ni Azuma ni ningún otro peleador de la división hubieran podido ganarle, Salvador Sánchez es el boxeador más "completo" que ha existido, tenia pegada dura, quijada resistente, velocidad, una defensa impecable, y una condición física que no ha tenido ningún otro boxeador, se recuperaba al 100% en 50 segundos, además de elegancia, coordinación y como cereza del pastel, tenía mucho "carisma"
@napoleonlolop95076 жыл бұрын
Simplemente te partio la madre sal de los mas grandes a nivel mundial...
@LuisZunigaPRI5 жыл бұрын
Nelson was continuously training before the Sanchez fight. He fought six rounds not even a month before the Sanchez fight and he won by TKO. Granted, it's difficult to fight consecutively but he fought in Ghana vs a guy who made his pro debut but he didn't start training two weeks before the fight. It would have been optimal to have a longer preparation for a guy like Sanchez and Nelson did give him hell but he didn't lose because he wasn't in shape.
@MilesTeg875 жыл бұрын
Completely agree. The issue i take with his stance is that he makes it look like he was laying around doing nothing and then he was thrown as a tune-up fight for Salvador Sanchez with just a 2 week notice. A month before he KO'ed a guy who was making his pro debut when Azuma was already African champion. Granted that his condition was not 100%, but resuming training after 2 weeks of fighting and having a complete training camp, i would dare to say that his conditioning was better than a guy who took 1 or 2 months to rest prioir to getting back on the gym. There's no way in hell you can do 15 rounds and take punches from Salvador if your conditioning is poor. It makes it sound like poor excuses. The other thing is that Salvador wasn't training for him and probably never saw footage of his fights. Since i'm talking out of my ass here i would say that with a proper training camp, already knowing Azuma from the fight, Sal could have blasted him quicker.
@LuisZunigaPRI5 жыл бұрын
@@MilesTeg87 agreed!!!
@ledesmaalagaver6706 Жыл бұрын
Un infierno es el que vivio' el ridiculo africano que con dus pasos de baile y brinquitos ridiculos quizo asustar y distraer al rey de reyes Salvador Sanchez..tan madreado y fuera de este mundo estaba el africano que hasta se quiso sentar en el banquillo de Sanchez y este cin una seña lo mando' a su esquina como diciendole anda vete a tu lugar .este banquillo es del Campeon
@camiloquinteromontano68697 жыл бұрын
La historia se escribe en el momento que corresponde. Salvador escribió una maravillosa historia para el boxeo mundial, un atleta integro, se desluce Nelson pretendiendo excusar una derrota innegable.
@jorgepuga810411 ай бұрын
"una derrota inegable" nada mas claro. Ya lo deberia haber superado de que le sirven los anos vividos.
@thesonofgariba40747 жыл бұрын
Honestly Azumah you were a great boxer during that time but Salvador was too stronger than you and he would have win you again and again but it was quite unfortunate that he hard a car accident at his early age that didn't let you get the opportunity to meet him again. That guy was a killer
@jeffreyrusselljr77132 жыл бұрын
Imagine the career Salvadore Sanchez could have had? He was the best Ive seen in boxing.
@fidelsanchez74832 ай бұрын
Sal Sanches el papa de todos a sus 23 años el mejor sigamos el legado en todo lo q nos propongamos en nuestras vidas plural el mejor y nunca más q el en el box 👊✊💪
@kforcer3 жыл бұрын
Excuses or not, guys in the comment need to just give Nelson credit; he was green when he fought Sanchez and still gave him all he could handle. It was an incredible performance by Nelson.
@zentroncoso93597 ай бұрын
Solo diré algo, Salvador Sánchez venia de tener como 9 peleas en menos de dos años, en el momento de su pelea contra Nelson, Sánchez era 6 meses menor que Nelson, y definitivamente aun no estaba físicamente en su prime, y por último Salvador Sánchez esa pelea la termino entero, aún cuando se acabó la pelea se montó en las cuerdas y se le veía físicamente intacto. Y eso sin contar que Sánchez no conocía el estilo de Azuma Nelson. Hay que dimensionar el contexto entero y aceptar que Salvador Sánchez fue sin duda el mejor peleador mexicano de todos los tiempos, tenía técnica, inteligencia, potencia, buena defensa, buen contragolpe, aguantaba golpes de poder sin inmutarse, y sin querer exagerar, creo que tenía el mejor fisico y cardio de la historia del boxeo, nunca abria la boca para respirar. Simplemente fuera de este mundo.
@efrensilva66785 жыл бұрын
@nopleasedont79734 жыл бұрын
He did not fight like he wasn’t ready for a fight, he should man up and say, Sal Sanchez was a master in the ring
@vincentlongwani80803 жыл бұрын
That was Azumah Nelson with only two weeks of training.
@professorbryce11453 жыл бұрын
He took the fight short notice, learn your history
@raulcampos4417 жыл бұрын
Two of the big mouths Wilfredo and asuma Nelson
@fernandoblanco30018 жыл бұрын
As great as Azumah was, he did not have anything special to overcome Sanchez' talent. Yeah he can say he wasn't going to get a decision victory, but Azumah knew then and now that he couldn't beat Sanchez on his backfoot (outbox) nor was he going to win most of the rounds via counterpunching, something that Sanchez was a master at. Nelson and his camp knew that and coupled with his great conditioning, chin and confidence took the fight to Sanchez (who was treating the fight as a tune up) and went for the knockout. Sanchez had a granite chin and Azumah on his greatest day would've been unlikely to knockout Salvador. A rematch would've shown a different fight with Azumah taking less chances, respecting Sanchez' power and if Sanchez was unprepared the first time, he forces the action and pushes a cautious Azumah to fight hard and get stopped between rounds 9-10. What seems even more likely is better camps for both fighters, yet a comfortable decision by Sanchez after such a hard, first fight. Azumah was a great fighter with a lot of cultural pride and I understand this interview, but deep in his heart, even he is aware that there are levels to boxing and Sanchez, at that weight class, was a legend and definitely top 5 in that division all-time.
@stevewhiting17684 жыл бұрын
Nice summary I couldn’t have said it better.Most fighters have a plan weather it works or not but how do you beat Sanchez great chin has good power could box counter punch and nobody was in better shape I never saw him even open his mouth to breath even in the 15th round..Nobody ever even hurt Nelson much less knock him down and then out..I really don’t think any feather weight in history could deal with him..#1 all day everyday day and yes this is my opinion....
@chalinosanchez81134 жыл бұрын
Great analysis
@Mewing4life3 жыл бұрын
Nelson was a legendary fighter in his own right. A rematch with Salvador would have been close to a 50 50 fight. Nelson wasn't close to his peak when he fought Sanchez.
@BrionSwansonAmeture7 жыл бұрын
Sanchez beat his ass badly. Nelson wasnt in the same league. Sanchez was the greatest pound for pound boxer ever. He destroyed numerous boxing legends.
@hectormillanortega65357 жыл бұрын
Im agree.. you Know ,,all about.
@peaceseeker99277 жыл бұрын
LoL, Sanchez was great but for example Duran had the edge on him as a light weight and welterweight (pound for pound). Azumah was a bit out matched against Sanchez but he was still very competitive. Sanchez was more well rounded.
@clouddweller11957 жыл бұрын
Duran ? Arguello?
@miguelparra436710 ай бұрын
Salvador Sánchez fue tu Papá , te dio la madrina de vida , acéptalo ,
@kavrera19727 жыл бұрын
Sánchez could have been greater than Chávez!
@POLOAZTECA7 жыл бұрын
jesus CABRERA Trinidad didnt beat DLH.. That was a robbery...
@RobsterRulzDude05187 жыл бұрын
Its really something to realize that they very likely would've wound up matched against one another eventually had Sanchez not been in that car that fatefull tragic day in 1982. Likely,Sanchez would've fought Chavez 2 or 3 years later at 130 or 135. Don King wanted Sanchez to fight for the LW(135) title right after The Nelson fight,apparently because there wasnt enough talent and challenge available at that time in the jr.LW(130) division. Chavez started out at 130 and stayed there for awhile,but he didnt start rising to greatness until around 1984 or 85,something like that. So yeah,they definately would've fought and for sure would've had an epic trilogy i'm quite certain.
@kobe08346 жыл бұрын
yea, chavez first world title was in 1984 at 22 years of age, at super featherweight 130 lbs in 1984 salvador sanchez would have been 25 yrs old, he planned to move up in weight from 126 lbs i agree, would've been epic ... maybe like barrerra vs morales
@box5bastard2776 жыл бұрын
He is yell
@iamapigeyedtraitorthatisin13196 жыл бұрын
Conflicto No digas pendejadas.
@benjaminaguilar1366 Жыл бұрын
I like that he is classified as the great Sal sanchez..
@benjaminaguilar1366 Жыл бұрын
Along with Azumh Nelson
@marcoramirez26084 жыл бұрын
Azumah Nelson fue un gran Boxeador, sin embargo más allá de las palabras y las opiniones, los resultados son los que hablan, a Wilfredo Gomez le ganó siendo ya una sombra de lo que alguna vez fue el Niño Milagroso de las Monjas, sin embargo no pudo derrotar claramente al Acapulqueño Marcos Villasana en peso Pluma, sin quitarle méritos al carismático costeño que era aguantador y con buena pegada pero muy limitado y sin embargo en las tarjetas Azumah fue muy favorecido y peor aún paso con el Azabache quien en la recta final de su carrera peleo dos veces contra Azumah en super pluma una en 1988 en donde tiro al ganhes en el Round 10 y luego le robaron al tapatío en la decisión un año después que volvieron a pelear donde en él round 12 el ultimo de la pelea en lugar de aplicarle cuenta al Azabache lo declararon Ko Técnico, el caso es que Azumah fue muy favorecido en varias peleas pero regresando al tema de Salvador; ni en una segunda o tercera pelea contra Sal Sanchez lo hubiera derrotado,
@abrahamjackson60192 жыл бұрын
There is no doubt in my mind Azumah Nelson would have knocked out Salvador Sanchez in the second fight. The first fight he had two weeks to prepare with only 14 fight under his belt he almost brought Salvador Sanchez to the brink of Destruction
@ledesmaalagaver67062 жыл бұрын
@@abrahamjackson6019 jajajaja al borde de la el referi no para el combate ese negro llega directo a la morgue o minimo al hospital .que estupido tu comentario..y tu tambien
@ledesmaalagaver6706 Жыл бұрын
@@abrahamjackson6019 eres un ignorante..tu ridiculo africano con sus pasitos y brinquitos de baile no pydo distraer al mejor libra por libra del mundo lo envio" a la lona en el 8o round .el africano andaba fuera de este mundo arriba del ring tan es asi que cuando finalizo' un round se quiso ir a sentar al banquillo del campeon y este con una seña respetuosamente lo mando' a su esquina .le masacro' el rostro en los siguientes rounds y en el 15 lo volvio' a derribar a la lona..que pelea viste wuey
@francoromo3196 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sanchez......!! The Best of the Best....Pound 4 pound.
@douglasmiller46016 жыл бұрын
Sal Sanchez knock him down once and then KO him in the last round. End of the story.
@bengolfs14 жыл бұрын
One of the great featherweight champions of all time.
@moesq14 жыл бұрын
Nelson varias veces trato y golpeo a sus contrincantes cuando estaban caídos, era un peleador sucio y SALVADOR Sánchez lo,puso en su lugar en la historia, muy por debajo de él.
@sideeggunnecessary2 жыл бұрын
I feel that the GOAT discussion can never be settled because of the young death of Salvador Sanchez
@joaquinmijangos34277 жыл бұрын
so he only lost to sanchez cause he was tired? he was losing the fight in round 8 already. Nelson was a great boxer, that just tells you what Sanchez was.
@ArkyMalarkey4 жыл бұрын
Joaquín Mijangos : C'mon guys, two weeks notice!
@markboon64914 жыл бұрын
No, Nelson admits to losing to a fitter man, and judging by the way the fight went, I'm inclined to agree. Claiming that a boxer should always be fit enough to fight fifteen rounds against the champ on two weeks notice is, of course, ridiculous, and you know that as well as I do.
@saresflores76746 жыл бұрын
Sánchez any time, any place any where, hands down Azuma, no question about it. It is call talent, you are born with it, Sanchez had it 🥊
@renehernandez98039 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sánchez was better boxer than you nelson!
@erikislas62015 жыл бұрын
All day and night, eight days a week!!! Screech was a master technician.
@antoniogallardo84444 жыл бұрын
Far better
@vincentestone57644 жыл бұрын
NO HE'S NOT ! AZUMAH NELSON was WINNING The Fight and ONLY had 2 WEEKS to train for A TITLEFight. That REMATCH would have showed you something different.
@oscarvasquez65424 жыл бұрын
@@vincentestone5764 LoL in your dreams
@ilhuimoctezumajuarez82534 жыл бұрын
@@vincentestone5764 Jajaja, wining the fight? He kissed the floor two times before he was saved by the referee, poor guys you don't know what real box it means
@ericktellez76323 жыл бұрын
The rematch would’ve been insane to watch
@oliverfrias98382 жыл бұрын
Salvador Sanchez fue unico, tenia todo, defensa, cintura, punch, puntería, y sobre una extraordinaria e inusual resistencia fisica, no habra nadie como el, se respeta a Argüello pero viendo lo que hizo de Gómez. Lopez y Nelson, no hubiera resistido Argüello, para mi que he visto boxeo desde los 80' nunca he visto un boxeador tan completo y concentrado serio y eficaz como Sánchez y por cierto hubiera acabado con J.C Chávez.
@randyperfecto7468 Жыл бұрын
Was a great fight and as a Mexican American Azuma scared the hell out of me cuz he could have knocked Salvador out but Sanchez prevailed. Azuma was great outstanding fight just like the Wilfredo bout. Great show interview sir
@gerardodiaz72859 ай бұрын
Salvador Sanchez was never afected by Nelson...he makes excuses...he lost to Salvador Sanchez. It is sad that he makes excuses. He was knocked out.
@mlmquefunciona12203 жыл бұрын
A 23 year old kid, gave you a boxing class "profesor"
@humbertopaez35475 жыл бұрын
Fuisteis grande azuma pero te duele ese manchón k te dejo Salvador obsérvate tu mismo fue tu mejor pelea aunque ayas perdido jamás volvisteis a pelear de la forma k peleasteis con Salvador estabas en tu maximo potencial hasta te distes el gusto de bailar ante el mas grande de todos. Nunca te volví a ver pelear de esa forma jamás tenias poder juventud condición física como jamás volviste a a tener. Así k no estés de hablador en la revancha Sánchez no te hubiese dejado ni sikiera respirar ten la seguridad Sánchez en ese momento ni sikiera sabía de lo i o sea k no se preparo para tu estilo pero después ya conociéndote tu estilo te aseguro no le hubieras durado ni sikiera los 10 round como Wilfredo eso es seguro así k no estés de hablador y agrádese k murió sanchez de otra manera jamás hubieras llegado a ser campeón x k tu jamás ni en 100 Revanchas habrías podido con la grandeza de Sánchez siéntete agradecido mejor👍🏼
@rustydogrustydog9191 Жыл бұрын
Azuma might of had an argument if the fight had gone to points but he got knocked out so it’s ridiculous of him to argue about who the best man was that night. El gran Salvador Sanchez!
@rommelferia37865 жыл бұрын
Ni con todo el tiempo q te hubiesen dado para entrenar lo hubieses podido derrotar, ademas es notoria la excelente condicion fisica en la q llego sr.; el poder del gran Salvador sanchez muy superior, KOT
@estanislaocarmonasantiago99684 жыл бұрын
Claro nunca le hubiera podido ganar por 2 razones contundentes, porque Nelson ya había dado todo y muestro SALVADOR a pesar de su juventud ya era un excelente y en cada combate se nutria de experiencia
@alvaroluna34377 жыл бұрын
azuma Nelson ni con 100 revanchas hubieras despeinado a SALVADOR SÁNCHEZ. ERA UN KING KONG.😁
@bengolfs19 жыл бұрын
One of the signs of a great champion is the ability to win in your opponents' backyard. Nelson did that in ALL of his title fights, whether it was in the U.S., Mexico, Australia, Puerto Rico, or Europe. How may other champions can make that claim? He was a great champion by any measure and would have given Sanchez a tough rematch.
@juano3688 жыл бұрын
He didn't do it vs Sanchez
@jessicasanchezavalos23447 жыл бұрын
well he was sup0st to figth and his oponent backyard not matter what because at his yard theres no money hehehehehe
@pauloskidane28195 жыл бұрын
Yeah those mfs don’t wanna admit that tho
@bengolfs12 жыл бұрын
@@marknorris1381 I don't know. Fighters are like that. They have fragile egos and Nelson is no different. Name me one fighter who praises the opponent who beats him nowadays? You rarely find a fighter who can put his ego aside and give proper credit. As for the Pernell Whitaker fight, Azumah Nelson was well past his prime when they fought and was fighting two divisions above his natural weight of 126. Plus, it was almost impossible to look good against a prime Whitaker (RIP). He was a gifted athlete and Olympic gold medalist, no doubt. But, let's be honest, he put fans to sleep and was never 'must-watch' TV until he fought Oscar and Julio Cesar Chavez.
@andrewmorris6187 Жыл бұрын
Azumah Nelson is the greatest African boxer, full stop.
@fernando525687 жыл бұрын
he will beat you again azumah. no question about it
@erastovazquez80812 жыл бұрын
Como me gustaria q hubiera un traductor para entender lo q Nelson decia
@renehernandez98038 жыл бұрын
Nelson is the professor of excuses!
@amck728 жыл бұрын
STFU he never used any excuses. Everything he said has been well documented and validated since the fight.
@cashtagolo75008 жыл бұрын
You right, also the professor of REJECTION, no accepting that The Great Salvador Sanchez is way BETTER than him.
@amck728 жыл бұрын
Did he ever say he was better than Sanchez ? Did you even listen to the audio ? LOL
@renehernandez98038 жыл бұрын
He is only excusing
@amck728 жыл бұрын
Rene Hernandez still mad he beat the shit out of your Hispanic fighters huh ? 😁 you must be a special type of fucktard to even think of anything bad to say about a humble champion as Nelson.
@eyeofthetiger81674 ай бұрын
Nelson said he was HUMBLE AND GOD FEARING, but this interview proves otherwise.. not HUMBLE AT ALL!!
@HERSANS214 жыл бұрын
Y también varios boxeadores mexicanos que destacaron, no hablan muy bien de Salsanchez, como que le tienen envidia
@Aphorim2 жыл бұрын
si, el mismo Eddie Reynoso dijo que no era tan bueno, lo irónico es que su estilo esta basado en el fundamento de salvador: defensa agresiva