在你們的縮圖中看到熟悉的縮圖 😄 It's surely never a bore to make a video about the topic of Why Taiwan cannot be called "Taiwan" at today's international sports events, we enjoyed this Mindy! Given that you guys used the thumbnail for our documentary of the same topic, here's a link to that: kzbin.info/www/bejne/pmnTiqGpo9ZrrpIsi=pwnfRZ9k2YS4p_ja It has both English and Mandarin closed captions.
可惜,沒有細談1976年加拿大蒙特婁奧運會退賽經過及影響。如果當年接受國際奧會的決議,以Taiwan的名稱入境加拿大參賽,大概也不會有1979年的國際奧會執委會名古屋決議,將中華奧會名稱由「Republic of China Olympic Committee 」改成「Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee 」。
Yeah, Taiwan should speak more aggressively about her own identity. The whole geopolitics has shifted since US-Sino trade war started in 2018, very different from a few years ago. It's the right time for Taiwan to voice louder for herself. Taiwan has way more leverages to shape her own identity on the international stage. ~ from a Taiwanese American 我也認為台灣在國際舞台上對自己國家的定位可以再大聲。身為台裔美籍,對主導國際局勢的關鍵國家美國,和自己的家鄉台灣,我應該有更深刻,更平衡的理解。此一時,彼一時。自從美中貿易戰開打,幾乎全方面對峙後,geopolitics 產生劇變。現在是適當時機讓台灣多為自己發聲,而非延用舊有的思維讓別入決定自己的名號。繼續使用Chinese Taipei參與國際事務,只會讓國際上很多人困惑,認為台灣人也默認台灣跟香港一樣,法理上是中國一部份。至少,美方是更希望台灣在國際上有更積極努力的作為為自己的定位名號發聲。