BABYMETAL fan went to the NEX_FES !! (Babymetal, BMTH, YOASOBI etc,...)

  Рет қаралды 15,370

Hello AI Channel

Hello AI Channel

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*English Subs available
This video was taken on November 4th.
So sorry for my late update...
Thanks a lot for many views and comments always.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year!!
All the best,

Пікірлер: 44
@annie_metal_1209 Жыл бұрын
AIちゃん お久しぶり🙌🙌 私もメタル中心の音楽フェスに参加するのは初めてです 私は台湾から来ました! 正直に言います! 一日中音楽祭は本当に疲れました、12 時間以上立ち続けました😆😆 YUNGBLUDとI PREVAILは少ししか聞いたことがない,でもNEXに行ってからは完全にハマってます! もちろん一番いいのはBABYMETALです😭😭おっしゃる通り、すっかりすちゃんに目が釘付けになりました🥹🌟 ほんとに神様ですT.T SU------- 私もBMTHのファンですが、最後まで本当に楽しかったです!本当に最高の音楽祭でした!
@ghostship6381 Жыл бұрын
@dingjk5630 Жыл бұрын
Before I went to the concert I thought I would be watching Moametal all the time. The truth is that I kept looking at Su-metal. Completely forget about going to see Moametal and Momometal or Kami Band. Then I realized what the charm of Su-metal is. Yes, she is very very beautiful and talented. Thanks for your great video.
@kelo4366 Жыл бұрын
All 3 have their charms, but Sumetal ticks my boxes. Soo beautiful and majestic.
@jakemuller8626 Жыл бұрын
So cool you witness this Ai-chan.🥰 Sad you missed BMTH x BM.😢 Now i remember about another reactor (a BM fan) who also missed that collab because she had to take a train or something, such a waste of opportunity. I hope you can get the chance to see Legend MM next year.❤ Happy holidays and happy new year!🦊🤘🍻🎆
@jeffschreifels8651 Жыл бұрын
Hello Ai ! It's good to hear from you again. I'm glad you had fun at the festival. I wish I could have been there.
@autohmae Жыл бұрын
Thanks you for this review video, glad you got to go, it was such an interesting festival, having your report really gave it some perspective from a fan like you. I think "I Prevail" vocals concept is similar to many Babymetal songs and Kingslayer as a song, going between a light vocals and harsh vocals. 15:27 started in January, Su-metal and the audio engineer had some issues, but they've been performing so many shows, they have really improved a lot. Which is great, because I was worried with over 90 shows Su-metal might have to strain. My guess is: Su-metal has been showing more smiles this year, because they are a full trio again and Babymetal fans have accepted this formation so well, and smiling people are beautiful people. 🙂
@rickwagner- Жыл бұрын
It's a shame that you missed 'Kingslayer', but it sounds like you still had a great time. Thanks for the festival report.
@Hadesillo Жыл бұрын
I just saw them two weeks ago here in Barcelona and also in Madrid. OMG they are so cool. And they did IDZ in Madrid! Oh if the noise bothers you there are very good earplugs that lower the volume you hear the concerts but barely affects the quality you are listening to it. Most people who does a lot of metal concerts uses them to not damage their hearing. I also saw Maximum the Hormone here in Barcelona in 2022, excellent concert too, big mosh pit. Yes I agree in that Su is performing flawless lately. I don't remember her doing any mistake in any of the two concerts i is crazy, because she is also dancing all the time. And yeah she looks really beautiful now and the three girls look very happy and display a lot of agency now when they are on stage.
@Killem911 Жыл бұрын
Hello Ai! Thank you for the report and I am glad to heat that you enjoyed NEX fest, despite missing out on Kingslayer ❤ I agree with you Babymetal has never smiled as much and seems to have so much fun on stage before. All the shows I attended this year were full of smiles and funny little moments and I loved every second of it ❤❤❤ I was a bit concerned about Su’s voice after performing almost 100 shows this year, so it is great to hear that she took good care of it and sounded amazing as always. Did you leave early to catch a not so overcrowded train back to Tokyo? Happy new year 🤘🔥🦊❤️
@mahchanmetal9884 Жыл бұрын
こんにちは😃AIさんも11/3幕張にいらっしゃってたんですね!?大トリのBMTHは勿論の事NEX FEST本当に楽しかったですよね…😂KINGSLAYER観れなかったんですね…もうご覧になってるでしょうけど色んな人のファンカムが大量に上がってますから是非見てくださいね!AIさん、来年も楽しい動画を待ってます!どうぞ良いお年をお迎えください🙆
@鉄の心 Жыл бұрын
AIさんこんにちは。 今年は個人的にショックな事がありフェスには行かなかったのですが詳細なレポートありがとうございました。 真冬とは思えない暖かい日が多いですが御身体にお気をつけて良いお年をお迎え下さい😊
@yoshimetal3562 Жыл бұрын
同じくBMTH途中で帰った民です。私の場合はホルモンの時に押されて怪我した為、最後までいれませんでした。。。 生キングスレイヤー聴きたかったぁぁぁ 感想ありがとうございます!当日を思い出してまた同じフェスやって欲しいなと強く思いました。
@death-metalmickey3427 Жыл бұрын
待ってました〜 NEXFEST 楽しかったですよね〜 YOASOBI、BMTH、BABYMETAL以外はそこまで期待してなかったんですけど全てが楽しいフェスでした😂 私もホルモンだけは途中退場しました笑 ベビメタのモッシュはここ最近で1番ヤバかった😅 MOA言ってましたけど毎年このフェスが出来たらいいですね! すっごい疲れたけどaiさんもお疲れ様でした❤
@grumpytuber Жыл бұрын
thank you for the subtitles! ❤
@janherrmann1084 Жыл бұрын
Happy new Years Eve and happy new year....Love and Greetings from Germany ❣
@merkaba_lite Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad you enjoyed some western style metal, I hope you get to hear more in the future!
@Nizzy-Metal Жыл бұрын
Hello Ai-chan, it was good to hear that you were to enjoy the festival even thou you where tired at the end, fingers crossed you will be able to see babymetal much more shows in 2024, even be able to see Kingslayer live 😊, have a great new years celebrations, enjoy kohaku uta gassen, first shrine visit and more 🎉🌸
@哲二郎植田 Жыл бұрын
@lightsmetal Жыл бұрын
NEX_FESTすごいフェスでしたね。自分はほとんどのアーティストを見ていましたが、どのアーティストも素晴らしくて、将来化けそうなアーティストばかりでした。 花冷え。はきっと気に入ると思いますから是非機会を見つけてみてほしいです。SU-METAL確かに安定してましたね。とても北米ツアー29公演完走した後とは思えないですね。 BMTHはたしかに後半の方盛り上がりました。やはりKINGSLAYERはすごかったし、その後のDrown、THRONEは素晴らしかったです。 会場が狭すぎましたね。2日に分けてやっても良いくらい良いフェスでした。
@ericifune5543 Жыл бұрын
I was there also. It was an epic day! Nearly got crushed by the rail for Baby-Metal! I stayed to the end for BMTH, but it took forever to get a train home.
@稲垣宏治-g5p Жыл бұрын
@ハク-q2y Жыл бұрын
@yotzztoy6596 Жыл бұрын
Ciao~🎶 NEX_FEST動画待ってました😁 どのバンドを観ても楽しめた良いイベントだったね🔥 YOASOBIの良さを認識出来たのは収穫🎵 ああいうフェスはどこかで息抜き出来る時間あるんだけど、今回は最後まで良かった分、キツキツで体力的に大変だったぁ~😂 個人的にはAIチャンの言う通り、なんと言っても3人がLIVEを楽しんでるのがハッキリ分かって良かった~🙌 あとメギツネでAIチャン怪我しなくて良かったデス🦊🤘
@茹で卵-s8b Жыл бұрын
AIさんと同じで、MTHは音量🔊に耐えられなくなって最後迄は聞けませんでした。😂 YANGBLUDは私も知らなかったのですが、最高でしたね。 観客の楽しませ方を、熟知していると思います。👍 ジャンプするパフォーマンスが、楽しくて乗りやすいと思いました。 BABYMETALはやはり何と言っても、スウちゃんを誉めるしかありませんね。🎉 声量もいつも以上に出ていて安心して聞いていられましたね。👏完璧なステージだったと思います。💪 私も、年も歳なので最終的に疲れてしまいキングスレイヤーを聞き終ると、退場させて頂きました。😅 本当にお疲れ様でした。🙇 それでは良いお年をお迎えください。😊
@6stars946 Жыл бұрын
@TreadheadA1 Жыл бұрын
Hellooooooooooooo Ai-san! Thank you for the awesome show report as usual! I am sorry that you had to miss the Kingslayer performance. That would be a tough decision to have to make but, you did get to see Metari! That song really gets the blood flowing! Plus, I love Momometal's Kabuki performance and scream. Are you going to Legend MM? That, I'm sure, is going to be one heck of a show! Anyway, I hope all is well with you and hopefully the earthquake that just happened did not cause too much damage and all the folks there in Japan are okay. See you next time! 🤘🦊🤘
@JackRocko Жыл бұрын
Hai, Ai, HNY ! 😀
@krzi-o5619 Жыл бұрын
That’s awesome. I was wondering if you have ever heard of the group Nemophila , they are all female Japanese metal group. They’re really getting some recognition these days and they just posted a new video called Odyssey , it’s an awesome power ballad. Anyway , I’m still a hard core Banymetal fan , since 2011 , I wish I had been there , but I did see them in America in Ohio . They are so awesome. 👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️🤟🤟🤟 P.S. I love your smile , very pretty. 👍👍👍✌️✌️✌️❤️❤️❤️
@donai_yamamoto Жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 11 ай бұрын
Ai, Metalverse has just dropped their first music video, Crazy J. Do you plan on reacting to it?
@なかじまひろし-u6k Жыл бұрын
ハッピー ニューイヤー!今年もヨロシク(^-^)/🎉😅!
@pitsuno4013 Жыл бұрын
AIちゃん、お久しぶりっす。 横浜アリーナは参戦しますか?
@レビメタル Жыл бұрын
@神威-e3c Жыл бұрын
@st91129 Жыл бұрын
@唯我独尊-k7q Жыл бұрын
箱が良い!! フェスは英国ソニスが良かった♫ 水野がいた時!!
@mikitaka09 Жыл бұрын
@Eiko-tc8uo Жыл бұрын
え?ワイ小さなライブハウス〜アリーナ、スタンディング最前、シートどれも耳栓なしやで 耳栓することによって弱くなる音域が嫌やねん
@mikitaka09 Жыл бұрын
​@@Eiko-tc8uo 余程強い耳をお持ちなんですね(^0^;。 将来難聴とかになりたくなければ、やっぱ耳栓が必要かなぁと思います。 耳鳴りで聞こえない音域も出てきますし(汗。 特にお子様にはガードが必要ですね。
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