This fits quite well in 50EDO. Being close to 2/7-comma meantone makes the major and minor thirds both be flat by close to the same small amount, while the fifth is just flat enough to pass for 112/75 (thus, out of the uncomfortable tuning space from 31EDO through quarter-comma meantone). It's actually very close to 5/18-comma meantone, which doesn't have a particularly compelling eigenmonzo in its own right, but does provide for the potential of a circulating temperament of 19 notes per octave that has most of the fifths being 5/18-comma to get most of the benefits of 50EDO, and then the most remote few fifths being 4/9-comma meantone (extremely close to 26EDO), thus providing most of the benefits of 50EDO in just 19 notes per octave.