Abs Bat and Joe are onto pretty solid starts. TF was kind of fun, but wanted to see more of the flashbacks like the prior issue.
@CarlsCollection7 күн бұрын
Yeah, there was more there to mine story wise, but I did quite enjoy getting caught up with the present day. Whats interesting though is some of that felt rushed. Getting the Combaticons back together so quickly. This could’ve been a three issue story.
@Moonbase38 күн бұрын
Great to get your thoughts on all three Energon Universe titles in one video! Really nice breakdowns here on the art in Transformers and G.I. Joe. Really looking forward to reading G.I. Joe again. It usually takes me a couple of read-throughs before some things sink in...I didn't put it together that the alternating colors during the Risk sequence was supposed to be a strobe light! 😂
@CarlsCollection7 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed this one! It was a great week! I went back and reread Joe #1 and i enjoyed it even more. Duke’s struggles with leadership & then the events at the end of the issue, it all just carries such emotional weight. Preview pages of issue 2 drive that point home even further. Emotions aside, the mission comes first. Great start for this corner of the Energon Universe!
8 күн бұрын
Another fun comic review episode, Carl! I think the art in the Transformers is pretty decent. Corona is by far my favourite so far, but this was pretty decent for a two issue fill in and I'd not have an issue with him doing an arc if Corona couldn't or didn't want to. I don't get the sense that Absolute Batman is necessarily an improvement over the first issue, but it sounds like it's steady enough to once again buy the 3rd issue next month. That's certainly better than it going downhill. I'll see what I feel after I read it myself.
@CarlsCollection7 күн бұрын
Thanks! The style definitely fit, even if it threw me in some regards. I came around though for sure. Absolute Batman was more of the same, not saying that’s a bad thing…and it did do some more Batman character development, but as I mentioned my favorite aspect of the book was that it was told mostly from Alfred’s point of view. I’m onboard for now, and enjoying it more than the other two Absolute titles.
@bunkmastab8 күн бұрын
Carl's book of the week being a Tom Reilly book? I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!