Band-Maid Live - 3 of My Favorite Miku Moments!

  Рет қаралды 8,022

Venus Gaijin

Venus Gaijin

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@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
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@surfingasongwave Жыл бұрын
Your "Take Me Higher" sample is the perfect illustration of how Miku frees up Kanami. Mincho creates some awesome riff and passes it off to Miku, and now she is free to do solo work over the top of it. She can't do that without that second guitar. The best rock and roll riffs aren't terribly difficult to play but they require good timing to get your butt moving. It's what made AC/DC good and it's what makes Band-Maid good. Miku has a great sense of rhythm, and together with MISA and Akane they make the core of a really good rock and roll band.
@c.7610 Жыл бұрын
It’s impossible to overpraise Miku. She is the heart, soul, and spirit of B-M-the visionary creator and leader of a band that, ironically, she wasn’t really qualified to be in herself at first…so she worked like hell until she BECAME qualified, with Kanami’s generous help. My favorite Miku moment has got to be her triumphant acoustic performance of “Sayonakidori.”
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
Agreed👏 Sayonakidori acoustic? 🫡📝
@c.7610 Жыл бұрын
@@venusgaijinYes, the acoustic version. I love the original, but the acoustic is simply one of the most beautiful performances I’ve ever seen of, well, anything. By anybody.
@charlescoleman4017 Жыл бұрын
Take Me Higher is one of my favorite Band Maid songs! I wish they would play it more live. Flying High, too! Great video, thank you! It's hard to pick my favorite Miku moments, but here goes. Omajinai Time, whenever she sings Rock in Me, her special moment in Salt Lake City with "small Miku." Small Miku stole all of our hearts, po! 🥰❤❤❤❤❤ And just by being the wonderful human being that she is. Miku makes me want to be a better person. ❤❤❤❤❤🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
🫡📝 next video 🕊❤️
@hystericbunny76 Жыл бұрын
my favorite miku moment, is when formed one of the best bands to ever play music.
@ThouDailyBlab Жыл бұрын
@brunobryant4846 Жыл бұрын
Miku is so inspiring, the biggest mistake I believe anyone could make with our small pigeon is to underestimate her, she is way smart,, committed and driven an absolute force of nature. As to her guitar playing I have no problem pegging her with the mighty Malcom Young. I love it when Miku does her Pete Townshend guitar slams and her rock star air jumps. What a spirit and not forgetting her wonderful Cluppo work 👍👍🍻🍻
@charlescoleman4017 Жыл бұрын
Bruno, you are reading my mind! Before I found Band Maid, AC/DC was my favorite band. I absolutely love Malcom on that rhythm guitar! RIP Malcom! I think Miku would love that comparison. Her energy is incredible from start to finish. She would wear out the Energizer Bunny!
@brunobryant4846 Жыл бұрын
@@charlescoleman4017 Cheers 🍻 and yes a big RIP Malcom, that guy had an atomic clock in built for his rythym and timekeeping abilities, made life way easier for Phil Rudd 😄 Miku is of similar stock, way more animated than Malcom but that same stalwart locked in time and tempo ability. I'm hopeful that down the track she might try a bit of lead with her sensei Kanami, that would be a hoot 😁 have a great weekend coming up 👍👍🍻🍻
@charlescoleman4017 Жыл бұрын
@@brunobryant4846 Thanks, Bruno! And yes, I think many of us are hoping to see the Mighty Miku try some lead rips, maybe even a guitar battle with her sensei! Have a great weekend too!
@Kissthetoad321 Жыл бұрын
Since the pigeon has wings, Miku obviously has an advantage over Pete. And she doesn't stop jumping during the whole concert. Lol
@brunobryant4846 Жыл бұрын
@@Kissthetoad321 😄👍🍻
@Bulbagaba992 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this feature for our favorite 810 year old small pigeon. I just can’t help but respect and greatly admire this young lady. She may have started the band in 2013 with zero guitar skills but as early as 2016 live performances I can see how she’s become a competent guitarist. And flash forward to now she just keeps on improving. She’s evolving and honing her craft. And this is on top of her promotional and lyrical writing activities.
@_rafael_b Жыл бұрын
A few weeks ago, you asked us which Band-Maid song was our favorite. I answered your question with a list of 8 songs that I couldn't pick between. You mentioned then that Corallium was your favorite. Well, I have to agree with you that it is one of Band-Maid's very best ones. Corallium is now in my list of favorites that I can't chose between. It's such a unique song even by BM standards. It's also one of the songs that Miku did not write the lyrics or vocal melody for. Corallium is one of Saiki's songs, lyrically speaking anyway. As for Miku, there are a lot of moments that I've seen that could be stand-outs. For me the most memorable moment was when I saw the band play. "First time Georgia" is a quote that I'll always remember. Not because it was the greatest thing she ever said or did, but because I was there and screamed my head off when she said it. My favorite Miku moment though would have to be a moment that none of us saw. It would either be the moment it occurred to her to start a rock band that dressed as maids, or the moment when she asked Kanami to be in her band. That may sound like a smart-assed answer, but I don't mean it to be. Both of those moments lead to the famous saying "the rest is history"'. Miku is someone that admire a lot. She is the heart and soul of the band, and the face of it too. I also feel like her musical contribution to the band is underappreciated. We shower the other members with praise for their musical abilities and rightly so, but I feel like Miku deserves more credit than she gets. Most of not only the lyrics, but the vocal melodies are mostly Miku's. She writes very good lyrics, and the melodies are very clever and catchy. Yes, Miku consults with Saiki and everyone else but what happens after Miku introduces something are usually tweaks rather than wholesale changes to her ideas. As great as everything else is about their music, it wouldn't be the same without the small pigeon's large contribution also. Since I've become a huge fan of the band, Miku has become not only the face of the band for me, but the face of Japan itself. When I read about more serious topics like Fukushima, or Japan's involvement in other world affairs geopolitically, the first image in my head is Miku Kobato. I've never had a negative view of Japan, but I don't know anyone currently that's from there so maybe that has something to do with it. In the larger picture though, Miku has become a tremendous ambassador for her country among the people that know who she is despite never really being political. Btw, it's really cool to see you presenting yourself more in your videos. Your doing a great job and it's also great that you are featuring other bands also. Cheers!
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
Wow, Great comment 👏👏 And thank you🫡😁
@佐藤耕央 Жыл бұрын
貴方の長い長いコメントをGoogle翻訳で読んで深く同意し共感しました。 特に以下の部分はその通りです。 「Miku is someone that admire a lot. She is the heart and soul of the band, and the face of it too. I also feel like her musical contribution to the band is underappreciated. We shower the other members with praise for their musical abilities and rightly so, but I feel like Miku deserves more credit than she gets. 」 翻訳では 「ミクはとても尊敬している人です。 彼女はバンドの心であり魂であり、バンドの顔でもあります。 また、バンドに対する彼女の音楽的貢献が過小評価されているようにも感じます。 私たちは他のメンバーの音楽的才能を称賛しており、それは当然のことですが、ミクは彼女が得ている以上に評価されるべきだと感じています。」 MIKUの音楽的才能がどれほど素晴らしいかは、BAND-MAIDのエープリルフール企画として取り組んだ彼女のソロシンガーの7曲ほどの多彩な歌い分けを聞いただけで納得するでしょう。同じシンガーが歌っているとは信じられないほどの表現力に感嘆します。その多彩な声と抜群のリズム感に支えられたsideボーカルとしての才能がタイミングを逃さないコーラスと絶妙なシャウトでSAIKIのパワフルな声に彩りを与えています。MIKUに不足していたのはロックシンガーとしての中高音域での声の厚さとパワフルさだけでしょう。それを自覚してSAIKIを迎え支える側に回ったのは、ただただ「かっこいいBAND」を実現したいという初心忘るべからずの強い意志がありメンバーの結束とBANDの存続を最優先したからでした。 ソロシンガー企画の曲の中で、「voice」はKANAMIの作曲ではないですがハイテンポながら高音域を地声で歌う切ないメロディーと歌詞が耳に残る最もハードロックに近い曲なのでBAND-MAIDのLIVEで演奏してもおかしくない曲です。また、「スーパースター」という曲は、BAND-MAIDの歌詞としてはMIKUが決して書かないMIKUの心の声を聞くような内容で、心を打ちます。 その歌詞の一部 「スーパースターじゃなくても 自分らしくでいいじゃん こんな気持ちは しゅわしゅわサイダー わかるまで何度転んでも七転八倒 カッコ悪くてもいいっ! もぅ ああでもないこうでもない 誰かのご機嫌鳥ならとんでって 右から左へ さぁさぁ笑って 手繋ぎ踊りましょ 泣いてたって明日は巡ってくる 世界は不平等だもん」 スーパースターでなくても自分らしくでいい。 語尾に「po」をつけるsmall pigeonのキャラクターを不屈の意志と物怖じしない明るさで貫いているのは、ほかの4人のメンバーが放つ天然のキャラクターに負けない「自分らしく」を見失わないためでもあるでしょう。 「世界は不平等」であることを決して不当とも思わず嘆くこともせずに受け入れている強さと明晰さがMIKUにはあります。その不遇の生い立ちからの意志的な自立とメイド喫茶等で身につけた他人を喜ばせることの喜びを力にしてMIKUがBAND-MAIDをここまで押し上げてきたと言ってもいいのではないでしょうか。 ファンなら知っているようにBAND-MAIDにはリーダーがいません。メンバー全員の名前とキャラクターと才能が平等に知られ愛されているBANDはビートルズ以外知りません。一人一人が自立して、それぞれの役割を果たし、いい音楽を作り、いい演奏を届けて世界中にBAND-MAIDというジャンルの音楽を届けたい、という一つの目標をバンド結成以来、メンバーが共有しています。誰一人、自己実現とか個性の伸長とかの一人だけ突出しようとする個人主義の悪弊に染まっていません。しかもそれぞれがやりたいことを我慢せずにお互いを尊重しています。このBANDは一種の日本的なコミュニティ(共同体)です。日本のコミュニティが持っていた、別々の才能が結束して一つの目標を持ったときの強さを再現している、と私は見ています。 以下のようにコメントされていることは、その点で全く正しい見方です。 「Since I've become a huge fan of the band, Miku has become not only the face of the band for me, but the face of Japan itself. 」 「私がバンドの大ファンになってから、私にとってミクはバンドの顔であるだけでなく、日本そのものの顔になりました。」 長くなりましたが、もう一つ。MIKUの作詞家としての才能は特別のものです。日本語はもともと文字を持たなかった言語として語り言葉が一種の音楽のように伝承されてきた面があります。MIKUの作る歌詞もまた、意味を含みつつ、そのまま音楽であるような響きを持つ言葉を選んで作られています。海外のファンにはどのように聞こえているのでしょうか。BAND-MAIDのボーカルが放つ声と歌詞は楽器の一つとして、あの見事に一体化したアンサンブルを構成していると思います。
@wave8359 5 ай бұрын
Great to hear you others also voice the admiration and appreciation I have always felt for the wonderful Miku ! I never get tired of replaying particularly her harmonies and duets with Saiki.... a "soul of a middle-aged man " ?---hmmm--well ----a middle-aged Bach or Da Vinci maybe.
@Eddie-qx7cx Жыл бұрын
Miku has come a long way in a short time.
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@tron7220 Жыл бұрын
Her backup vocals in "Puzzle" are outstanding!
@scottmcgregor4829 Жыл бұрын
My favorite Miku moment is when she was showing the masters and princeess the 12 string guitar that Tony Vizconti lent her, but said she was afraid to play it. Everyone started yelling for her to play it, and she snapped at the fans to "please be quiet!!" In her raspy pigeon voice.
@Антон-ж6п6к Жыл бұрын
@scottmcgregor4829 Жыл бұрын
@@Антон-ж6п6к I'm not somewhere that I can send it now. Look on you tube for Band Maid Miku Tony Visconti's guitar.. I believe it was at the New York Irving Plaza show in 2022.
@Chan_Fry Жыл бұрын
My favorite Miku moment is every time I listen to "Be Okay" and she says "it's gonna be okay" in that very convincing tone. And every time, I believe her.
@_JimS Жыл бұрын
Miku is the Queen Bee of Band-Maid....plain and simple
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@Kissthetoad321 Жыл бұрын
Seeing her sing and play Sayonakidori alone on the guitar during the acoustic Christmas concert is for me without a doubt a favorite Miku moment. Corallium is the most beautiful vocal harmony made by Saiki and Miku IMO.
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@eaglez1901 Жыл бұрын
My favorite Miku moment was in Charlotte in May when she was down on the floor at the rail interacting with fans and leaned in with her mic to reach someone behind me and put her hand on mine on top of the rail. 😊
@Kissthetoad321 Жыл бұрын
I guess from that day on you didn't wash that hand again.😁
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@RahimRahmat Жыл бұрын
Favourite Miku moment? Definitely when she started playing "Forward" during the Christmas Acoustic show, sans Kanami and MISA. That was the first time I saw her carrying the whole guitar section by herself through a whole song. At this point, you know she's no longer just the support for the whole band.
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
Good😮👏👏 🫡📝
@c.7610 Жыл бұрын
I already listed the acoustic “Sayonikadori” as my favorite Miku moment, but I feel I should also mention her encounter with “mini-Miku”-the little girl in the maid outfit who she talked with during one show on the U.S. tour. It was an incredibly charming moment. If/when B-M comes to an end Miku has a future as a children’s TV host!
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@K.H.D710 Жыл бұрын
A "witch song is my favorite Band-Maid song". Of course, Miku can be considered as a kind of a witch because she can cast magic spells on us😏😁😉👍 "Beauty and the beast" is my #1 fav Miku song, at least for today.🕊💕😉
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
@K.H.D710 Жыл бұрын
@@venusgaijin Don't be! It was fun!🤣👍😉
@GaryAa56 Жыл бұрын
Miku is no slouch as a Guitarist, she's sometimes overshadowed by Kanamis increadable talent.
@charlescoleman4017 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but there is no shame in that! Kanami is other worldly! I agree, Miku is a rock solid rhythm guitarist!
@GaryHolloway-810 Жыл бұрын
​@@charlescoleman4017 Gary's got a cool name tho.😏
@charlescoleman4017 Жыл бұрын
@@GaryHolloway-810 No arguments there, Gary! LOL!
@kevinrampersad9202 Жыл бұрын
Ok, so I actually waited a while before watching this video cuz I wanted to give it my full and undivided attention...after all, this is a video about the one and only Miku-chan! Po! So, great vid bro! And I actually (re-)discovered a favourite Miku moment just today, as I was watching the Official Live - Domination vid - and my fav Miku moment there, was when Mincho walks across to Miku and they both face each other and both go at it full throttle on their guitars! Other favourite Miku moments are every time she sings her part in Freedom and every single Omajinai Time!!!... "Do you know Omajinai Time..???..." Just love it!😂❤
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
Thanks 😁🤘 And 🫡📝
@kevinrampersad9202 Жыл бұрын
@bertg2779 Жыл бұрын
I always thought she was underrated has a musician. Seen more for her spark and charming personality than for her musicianship.
@wave8359 5 ай бұрын
Agreed !---her vocal duets with Saiki are my fave thing of all---Miku can wrap her voice in golden streamers around another's voice.
@matthiaskraus7870 Жыл бұрын
My favorite Miku moment was as I discovered the Cluppo- videos of her solo project. That are the consequence to these incredible structure of Maid and and metal- music or the worlddomintion for maids. It shows the thinking of an (great) real artist, not be bordered by the surface!
@c.7610 Жыл бұрын
I also love that Cluppo album. Fantastic pop music. Another side to the always-amazing Miku.
@matthiaskraus7870 Жыл бұрын
I do not think it is Cluppo alone. The whole Band-Maid-structure reminds me to the Artits of the art nouveau. Sure i'm no acedemic artist and my knowledge of Art is bordered, but a lot of things reminds me to mabye Alfons Mucha. In the small but very fine Mucha-museum in Prague /Czech Republic his posters - especialy the commercial Adverstising - are declared. If you ever came to the nice city of Prague take the time to visit it and read the explanation beside the exhibits - You will like it ! The Band-Maid-structure reminds me on his way to think - and then the "Brand" Cluppo is a logical consequence - even if it is no commercial success.
@usagi3919 Жыл бұрын
Corallium is my STRESS tester song. If I can listen to it without the screeching/kettle whistle sounds that happens 3x in the song making me insane, then I know I am stress-free. Luckily I can listen to this song now. It took me awhile to realize why I could not listen to this song.
@satocalbee8857 Жыл бұрын
The voices of Miku and Saiki are inseparable. There are many complex songs that could only be sung by these two. And Miku's rhythm guitar makes Band Maid's music even dirtier.
@bandmaidfanATL Жыл бұрын
Take Me Higher got played last night in Nagano! Too bad we will probably never see or hear it. 😾
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
😢😢 But thanks for the info
@frankandre4385 Жыл бұрын
As great as her performance in the Christmas Okyu-ji was...My personal favorite is Sayonakidori from the online Okyu-ji in 2021 ! And was sad to see your feature on Band Maid acoustic versus regular versions taken down...I can't figure out why you are targeted in that way when other reactions stay up ! 😔 Glass Moon Gaming has a wonderful reaction to the electric version of SMILE that brings up some of the same points you did in regards to different versions of the same song being so wonderfully unique ! ❤️
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
Sometimes, I get a warning from KZbin, and I have to delete the video myself.🫠 I'll watch the Glass Moon Gaming video. Thanks.👌
@venusgaijin Жыл бұрын
I just realized I forgot to save the video before I deleted it💀😭
@frankandre4385 Жыл бұрын
@@venusgaijin Not to worry...If you redid the concept and only use two versions of SMILE ( which are not restricted )...You can verbalize the rest and still make a fine video ! ❤️
@BAND-MAID-USA 5 ай бұрын
Saiki is such a great singer BAND-MAID is the best rock band on Earth
@JuanSan66 Жыл бұрын
Kanami sensei can be very proud.
@c.7610 Жыл бұрын
I’m sure she is. It’s Miku’s team but I consider Kanami Band-Maid’s MVP.
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