Battlefront (2015) hero's ranked worst to best

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Пікірлер: 61
@jackvanman2618 2 жыл бұрын
I forgot to mention that this list was mainly my opinion on how they play in hero's vs villains sorry for any confusion
@sirhynes6924 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s a tip for playing as Chewie He isn’t fast when you just sprint, if you spam jump however he moves a lot faster than most infantry
@jackvanman2618 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip
@matteodonati5216 2 жыл бұрын
Greedo is amazing bro... You just have to use him properly. He needs a certain level of skill, I use him since his introduction in the game, i have managed to do 110 kills in walker assault,and with him I'm unstoppable in heroes vs villains.
@Eenoli Жыл бұрын
110 kills? I've gotten 107 killstreak 0 deaths without hero
@kencur9690 Жыл бұрын
@@Eenoli and with a Cronus.
@HarveyWallbangers2 2 жыл бұрын
Nien Nunb is a beast in big game modes-like Walker Assault.
@turbouzu4181 2 жыл бұрын
This list is all the way fucked up
@trashboat4620 2 жыл бұрын
jyn kinda serves as an elite trooper imo, she kinda has to be a hero tho cuz shes a big role in the movies
@swampson5287 2 жыл бұрын
I still like this game more than its sequel
@Im-gordon-ramsay-you-dounut 5 ай бұрын
I main Dengar he is amazing yet again I’m only level 11 I am terrible
@crsotebeer2690 2 жыл бұрын
Without exploits this is a pretty good list. Like when all these characters first came out this would be somewhat accurate. Putting leia that low is concerning though.
@fusionguava8336 2 жыл бұрын
Can’t believe this game only has 2 saber characters
@BB-9EZ 7 ай бұрын
Not gunna lie I prefer blaster characters in both Battlefront 1 and 2. In Battlefront 1 I loved playing Lando, Leia, Nien Numb, Jyn in that order. Krennic and Greedo for darkside. Battlefront 2 I love playing BB-8, Leia, and Lando. For dark I like BB-9E, Phasma, and Iden in that order. Never was really a fan of the saber characters.
@jvshuwa Жыл бұрын
“Bossks weapon has low dps” Bro what
@comedian416 Жыл бұрын
The fact that you rate krennic better than chewie. Palpatine over bossk lol. You don't know HvV. Probably less than 100 hours played
@xfreeza4978 Жыл бұрын
Tbh they made most the blaster heros stronger then the jedi an sith, also they barely put any jedi or sith in this game because you can tell EA, an Lucasfilm which I believe made this game, didn't have many ideas for them in this game.
@QuinnLytleFilms 5 ай бұрын
Maybe it also had something to do with the fact that it was original trilogy only and the only other force user would have been old obi wan.
@jackvanman2618 Жыл бұрын
I Forgot about r2-d2, but he would rank 15th
@GREATRJ1 Жыл бұрын
so ive been playing this game quite a bit since my last ranking so im going to update it and include a 2nd ranking based on how the heroes work when i have to go up against them again this is hvv only: 14: boba fett: he has low health ok abillitys and a slighty under ok jet pack his ee3 isnt much better either so he gets last. 13: jyn erso: i was considering to put han hear but i think jyns abillitys and default blaster deserves her the 13 spot you know a hero isnt the best when they have to use an abillity to be good and thats jyn her rifle ( aka an abillity ) is usally used as a main weapon with almost no use for her pistol out side of trying to snipe with it the rest of her abillitys arnt that great either the sonic imploder doesnt deal much damage and only really useful for lowering armour and her surge is limited in its use. 12: han solo: han suffer from many of the same reasons of jyn his abillitys arnt great health isnt great blaster could be better he struggles alot and thats what makes him 12 but his better abillitys get him just a spot higher than jyn. 11: leia organa: leia also has alot of useless abillitys trooper bane is useless unless your entering combat with troopers and lets be honest her normal blaster is better her shield only does so much and her only real useful abillity that almost never goes wrong and i say almost cause it can be taken by the villains is her health drops what makes alot of heroes great is the right health for the hero good damage and the right abillitys leia only really fits one of these 3 things and its not even fully and thats the abillity section to be more accurate her health. 10: greedo: i dont play greedo alot so this maybe an unfair ranking but then i dont play alot of the heroes alot since i usally stick to around 2 heroes on each side per game but his left abillity being tied to his trait brings it down as the only way to upgrade is by getting kills or damaging heroes and that requires him to enter battle witch his health cant support his damage output on his blaster is shocking however but that doesnt stop him from being uneffective his scan is good atleast and his sharpshot thing its pretty useless unless your fighting luke overall hes bad but not as bad as the previous 4 heroes. 9: luke skywalker: luke is not well suited for hvv his playstyle involves hit and run witch doesnt work for luke in that mode as theres usally a palpatine or vader or both so palpatine stuns you you get shot at you get choked and saber throwed and then in one hit before you can run you lost half your health and cause of that you can only really get 1 push in before you have to retreat untill your inevitable doom catches up with you hes not the best pick and even against heroes like greedo and boba he struggles hes only higher cause hes far more capable than them. 8: nein nunb: i really didnt want to put him hear nein nunb struggles his play style pushes sniping and his pulse canon actually works as a main weapon compared to jyn and i think thats cause his actual main weapon can actually be useful his turret isnt the best same with his mines but nein struggles upclose and cause most hvv encounters go like that its pretty easy to see how he drops in the list but overall hes a stable hero i dont think hes solid but hes stable. 7: dengar: im just going to start this with frenzy blast is op whenever i see a chewie i go either dengar or palpatine dengars frenzy blast can quickly kill or get rid of alot of health from chewie his proximity rush and hurricane rush are good and his heavy blaster is good aswell hes our first solid hero on the list without a doubt. 6: krennic: another hero i didnt want to put this low but i had to his armour breaker is needed to be good with him like jyn but his abillitys help him compared to jyn his droid is great as defense and a weapon his health buff is great his default blaster is alright but armour breaker is pretty great overall a great hero but we still have 5 even more better ones. 5: lando: ( 1st hero to land in the same spot as last time lol ) ok time for the hero ive learned in even more op than op at 1st glance recently he can 2 shot most villains with a fully charged power blast im not joking i had done it on bossk and palpatine 2 direct fully charged power blast hits on most heroes and there dead its insane you can also do a full powered power blast without needing to fully charge it up just activate power blast start charging deactivate the abillity mid way and you got a fully charged shot only 1 shot can be used though the rest of his abillitys are alright but he could do with them being swapped out for new ones as power blast is landos heart and soul his default blaster is good though. 4: bossk: i was going to put him above chewie but in a 1v1 lets be honest chewies has more advantages so he would win bossk is a high damage dealer though and a monster in the right hands bossk is one op hero. 3: chewie: chewie is incredible while he can only be used in close quarters he can still deals tons of damage when hes not multi bolts and his trait are great use together his middle abillity is great on armour and his slam well could have a faster animation hes a high damage dealer and it was a crime i didnt put him higher the last time i ranked 2: vader: ( 2nd hero to land in the same spot as last time lol ) vader is strong his choke and saber throw are great damage dealers when put together his heavy strike is a high damage dealer if it hits like luke and is very strong the one thing he has over luke is the less risk of getting a bad stun and then needing to run around the map for the rest of the match to survive he doesnt need that and thats why hes better than luke. 1: emperor palpatine: ( 3rd hero to land in the same spot as last time lol ) palpatine is a monster jumping about makes him far to agile for the heroes to get good hits on him his superior damage is incredible chain lightning is a fairly useless abillity in hvv only good for dealing damage at range or for stunning luke his health drop makes him and his team nearly unstoppable and his dash is great for travel overall great hero. fighting list ( easiest to fight to hardest ) 14: luke. 13: nein 12: han 11: leia 10: jyn 9: boba 8: krennic 7: dengar 6: greedo 5: chewie 4: lando 3, 2 and 1 cause they all can take these spots: bossk, vader, palpatine so those were my lists
@jackvanman2618 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see another opinion
@jvshuwa Жыл бұрын
This list has noob written all over it
@GREATRJ1 Жыл бұрын
​@@jvshuwa look its my opinion for boba hes not very good overall and while greedo is good his health is just awful witch lowers down his ranking ive probally died more times as greedo due to his low health rather than surviving a whole game with him and thats simply down to his horrible health that doesnt mean heroes like them cant be at the top of the list cause they can they just have weaknesses much stronger than there strenths and heroes like bossk and palpatine there limited in how they can be used like bossks micro grenades are amazing but there short range so he struggles plus while his blaster is good it wouldnt be enough to carry him on his own and palpatine hes short range but his dash helps him alot with that then theres the horrible all round heroes like leia where they only have one good abillity in a general situation greedo leia and boba are heroes likley to die compared to palpatine bossk lando chewie etc and from my experience thats what usally happens again if you play on console then its probally completly diffirent but on pc where you usally play with the same people you have to be skilled to keep up
@jvshuwa Жыл бұрын
@@GREATRJ1 Boba isn’t great, but not last. Boba is 10x better than Jyn. Greedo isn’t that good. If you know how to use him, you can get some value, but even then, all he has is his pistol. He has no health like you already said. Han is nowhere near the bottom, and all his abilities provide great value. Leia is also nowhere near the bottom. Her abilities are excellent. Greedo, as I said, isn’t anywhere near as good as Han, Leia, or Boba. Jyn and Greedo are basically at the same level. Luke is well suited for HvV. I don't know what you are saying there. Luke is good in any mode. He shouldn’t be this far at the top. Nein Numb is a solid hero, remarkable in any mode. I would put him lower. “Whenever I see Chewie, I go Dengar or Palp,”. ??? Chewie counters both of them. If you went Dengar or Palp, I would kill you in 3 hits. Also, his Frenzy is not op. Dengar should be higher. He may be on the same level as boba, a bit better, though. Krennic is fair. He is a solid character and is suitable for holding down objectives, I’m not sure where I would put him, but this seems right. Lando, sure. He’s solid just because of his power blast. #5 seems solid. Bossk isn’t 4th, lmao. He is the best character in the game, plus a tiny bit overpowered, depending on the teams. Chewie, sure, #3 is OK. Only suitable for close-range game modes, but it is still ok in WA, for example. Vader is not better than Chewie, though. I would switch them. Emperor being first is just absurd. He isn’t better than Lando, Chewie, Vader, Bossk, Leia, Han, or maybe even Dengar if you want to go that far. He’s good in games like hero hunt, and he's good at killing groups of troopers, but putting him one is laughable. I don’t know how much experience you have in this game, but your list shows someone who isn’t very good. And this isn’t an opinion type of thing. I’ve been playing this game forever. Do you ever play with good players? I know who is good. Yes, I’m being a dick for no reason.
@GREATRJ1 Жыл бұрын
@@jvshuwa well like i said pc holds some of the best players ive ever went up against to me palpatine is first due to his high damage output abillity to close long distances in a press of a button and great move set palpatines jump is a great resource and is why chewie cant go higher cause palpatine can hop around him and is so hard to hit. chewie doesnt come higher than palp due to his need to be in close quarters and need of team mates when fighting multiple enemys at once and while his health is the 2nd best in the game it just doesnt work that well for him even in an open area with team mates hes just far to easy to kill i can hardly name a time i got killed by chewie while using palpatine and i cant even remember how many times ive killed chewie with palpatine cause its that many . leia has awful abillitys if she had some sort of abillity like an explosive or a homing shot instead of trooper bane she probally would be better due to her having terrible health and terrible abillitys and her health abillity shield and blaster isnt enough to carry her or her team mates well the health being that exception. luke struggles cause usally vader or palpatine is chosen and his hit and run doesnt translate well into hvv, as soon as you attempt an attack on them palpatine is there to stun you, you loose alot of health or you die, its just he has no way to escape the stuns as you have to wait and palpatines, vaders and greedos stuns leave him open for far to long to attacks. dengar is an example of a great concept with a mid execution, most his abillitys requires being at close range and once he goes close range hes pretty dead luke can deal heavy damage with heavy strike hes left open for far to long and you die more often than not when you use that abillity. bossk is good dont get me wrong but on pc you have to be carful with him as you can easily get killed without your team mates deciding to help and staying with your team mates isnt always the best option even more so with an unexperienced team, bossk is good but i do think if palpatine and bossk went up against each other palpatine would win due to his abillity to move while in combat unlike anyone eles witch is why hes the best hero. vader is far better than luke cause no heroes on light side can keep him stationary for a long period of time like dark side can do to luke, its pretty obvious why hes good. jyn is far better than boba cause the maps arnt well designed for boba where jyn can do well on any map and is a pretty strong choice no matter what. boba is worse than jyn due to alot of the maps not supporting his play style well as hes good at heights but how long will that work against a team of 2 or 3 blaster heroes and he has only one good abillity. ( and no im not counting the dlcs due to them being almost completly dead on pc and im not counting the jetpack as an abillity ). krennic he has great supporting abillitys witch can be used as a weapon if required hes good at turning defence into offence supporting and everything eles another reason why hes better than boba in every way just like how jyn is. nein is good but hes only really good at long range cause if hes not with his team ( witch you possibly arnt ) when the range is closed your probally going to die. han he doesnt stand well up against the other villains and heroes almost every hero is a better choice ( excluding leia and luke cause there almost useless in hvv like han ) he just doesnt stand well against everyone eles but boba just all the heroes but boba easily mess han up so hes a pretty bad choice. and lando hes got only one good abillity power blast, shocking trap hardly works and its very easy to tell what is or isnt the trap and disruption doesnt work most the time in my experience hes good at range not as much at close range but can manage. now this is only for pc hvv so try to keep it in hvv if you decide to do another follow up and i understand your thoughts i do think there possible options for the heroes ( apart from luke leia and han ) again hvv is really the only alive mode on pc that allows heroes now if you do another follow up comment i will not be replying to it as this was rather unnessacary but you cant change my mind its from my experience and ive learnt how to use almost every hero in the game.
@ethansherban8959 Жыл бұрын
nahhhhhhhh why is leia so low
@ethansherban8959 Жыл бұрын
leia has insane hp when she traits up and her dps is crazy as well
@marshabraudrick2792 Жыл бұрын
My top 14 is this: #14 Director Krennic. #13 Dengar. #12 Emporer Palpatine. #11 Boba Fett. #10 Princess Leia. #9 Han Solo. #8 Darth Vader. #7 Greedo. #6 Luke Skywalker. #5 Nien Nunb. #4 Jyn Erso. #3 Chewbacca. #2 Lando Calrissian. #1 Bossk, all the way bro. If you can play bossk, you can take 3v1's of heroes...
@Marscompany 2 жыл бұрын
Leia and Bossk are the best ones to get 50 kill rounds in hero hunt
@genix5700 Жыл бұрын
jyn and krennick are my favorite hero's
@hyrule_hitman2427 2 жыл бұрын
@threed7 2 жыл бұрын
Loved hvv in this game I miss nien nunb. I used to only play this game and mode only. But once I discovered how dueling was in bf2 I just been playing that.
@tom4150 Жыл бұрын
Laieh is better than Han and Nein. She can heal the whole team. Nein is only good if you put turret is exactly the right place
@jackvanman2618 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree my opinion has changed since I made this ranking
@egftkrog45 2 жыл бұрын
Boba Fett pro-con was just a whole list of bad takes
@egftkrog45 2 жыл бұрын
And the only really bad thing about Chewie is the risk for weapon overheat and his speed other than that he's the most OP character in the game
@egftkrog45 2 жыл бұрын
Also Bossk's predatory instincts nearly doubles his blaster damage, ability damage, ability cooldown, and speed. Plus it's a permanent ability so without it I can see why he's rated at 3
@jackvanman2618 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback and sorry about fetts placement
@egftkrog45 2 жыл бұрын
You good man, everyone has their opinion
@ryanfitzpatrick6557 2 жыл бұрын
Emperor plapatien
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
Is Leia on this liat
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
@jackvanman2618 2 жыл бұрын
yep at #11
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackvanman2618 ok thx
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackvanman2618 ok thx
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
Or did u not put boba
@1204-p3r 2 жыл бұрын
Is Battlefront 1 playerbase still alive?
@fusionguava8336 2 жыл бұрын
I believe it’s possible to find matches yes
@MyNameIsJeff20128 2 жыл бұрын
@exceppi1477 2 жыл бұрын
You can find matches on weekends
@verzuryy 2 жыл бұрын
@sebastianclasson9970 2 жыл бұрын
Vader number 1
@bobair37 2 жыл бұрын
in my opinion every hero is good
@darthvader442 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah every hero is good on their on way
@GREATRJ1 2 жыл бұрын
This is my ranking of the heroes keep in mind this is for heroes vs villains as i'm a pc player and that's the most alive mode and my main mode on it plus the only mode I play that allows heroes, 14: Chewie 13: Han 12: Jyn 11: Dengar 10: Bossk 9: Leia 8: Greedo 7: Boba Fett 6: Luke 5: Lando 4: Nein 3: Krennic 2: Vader 1: Palpatine
@jackvanman2618 2 жыл бұрын
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