BBC Hardtalk - Mathieu Kassovitz

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11 жыл бұрын

Shaun Ley interviews acclaimed French film director and actor, Mathieu Kassovitz on his new film, Rebellion, the impact of his cult classic, La Haine and why he's decided to leave France.
Enjoy, comment and subscribe. :)

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@rr7firefly 9 жыл бұрын
Matthieu is impressive as an actor and now deserving of respect as a director. Intelligent and socially conscious, he is someone who deserves our admiration.
@meredumais4934 7 жыл бұрын
TMGVideoDiaries has impressed me as a worthless troll.
@rr7firefly 7 жыл бұрын
+TMGVideoDiaries -- Thanks for a good laugh. Take a number, find a comfortable seat in our waiting room. (We went to a lot of trouble to get the best ligne roset couch for you.) My secretary will call you when it's your turn to administer a lashing.
@synkaan2167 9 жыл бұрын
Continue à faire ce que tu fais de la façon dont tu le fais Mathieu. On a besoin de gens comme toi.
@TMGVideoDiaries 7 жыл бұрын
C'est ce que j'ai dit avec une femme qui couchait facilement et sans histoires...
@meredumais4934 7 жыл бұрын
TMGVideoDiaries pauvre type...
@riwan5322 4 жыл бұрын
​@@meredumais4934 Ah, je crois qu'on a retrouvé la fille en question ah ah ! Ca doit être tellement frustrant de vivre sans l'humour, une vie tellement vide...
@meredumais4934 4 жыл бұрын
Riwan Tu l'as retrouvée au bout de trois ans ? Félicitations alors ! Travail de détectif du premier ordre ! 😂
@JoeSchmoeVideos 8 жыл бұрын
@BonuxCouleur Жыл бұрын
Yeah and it is not even a character he was playing... Kassovitz is all about the CASSSHHH more than you think. When he left to the USA because he thought he would make it there big time, he was literally taking a big CRAP on French Cinema, the very subsidized Cinema who gave him a name and a rich lifestyle, no matter how good or sh*t his movies are at making a buck (only La Haine was a late commercial success). His Hollywood dream was short lived and next thing you know, that c*nt was taking a big CRAP on Hollywood and everything American as well, going as far as turning full conspirationist, questioning the veracity of 9/11. That shows exactly what the likes of Kassovitz are made of. It is not even loyalty to their people they don't have, it is loyalty to the very ideology they sell to People. As long as the ideology feeds them, they will serve it with mass propaganda but they will turn against it for an extra buck. People like Kassovitz are the true danger of our Democracies. They are the true sellouts. For them Democracy is just a product that you buy and sell with the money WE TAX PAYERS ARE MAKING, WE THE MIDDLE CLASS. F*CK MATHIEU KASSOVITZ. F*CK HIS SH*TTY MOVIES.
@lorenacarrillo100 7 жыл бұрын
La Haine is amazing, and so is Kassovitz. It's the interviewer that stresses me out
@gt40mk21 3 жыл бұрын
It’s the way this show works. They ask the hard questions that would be put forward by the detractors of the subject or the person. So they intentionally challenge them and give them the platform to defend themselves. It doesn’t mean it’s the point of view of the program. And you can tell by Kassovitz’s demeanour that he understands that. BTW I love Mathieu Kassovitz. La haine is a fantastic film. And Le bureau is a great show.
@lingodalingodas7471 4 жыл бұрын
Ok just now I watched Amelie...I don't speak French at all but that movie is good and I came to know that this guy has been a director of the film GOTHIKA.😲SO SHOCK AND AMAZZING..HATS OFF TO U ..MK
@flannerymonaghan-morris4825 Жыл бұрын
Really cool dude. Came here after hearing he was working on an animated project by the guy who did Donnie Darko.
@SoFarAreWe 7 жыл бұрын
All these issues and what he stated are more relevant now then ever. Love MK!
@lucydity2179 3 жыл бұрын
he is one real, genuine guy
@josy26 3 жыл бұрын
22:58 "This people need to be scared a little bit, if you want to keep them in line, they need to know that you can kick their asses." Referring to the politicians, Kassovitz being true
@ninjasd1 11 жыл бұрын
Mathieu is the fucking best. Period. French cinema as it is today doesn t deserve him.
@TMGVideoDiaries 7 жыл бұрын
Does youtube deserve ninjasd1 though as a commenter?
@meredumais4934 7 жыл бұрын
TMGVideoDiaries What a paragon of intellectual prowess you are . Félicitations ! I went to the same lycée as Cassel and Kassovitz and knew them socially , by the way. Their unique talents were obvious to all of us, even as teenagers. Very cool, amazingly talented guys, both of them. Really down-to-earth as well. Based on the puerile comments you've vomited here, I'm inclined to think your former schoolmates would not describe you as generously - if they even remembered you, that is.
@humanstation8193 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo Kassovitz.
@Joaocruz30 4 жыл бұрын
Love your movies and the message behind them.
@BrendaRobinson-fu1xv Ай бұрын
First time I heard of Matthieu on Hard Talk today. I like him a lot. What is the name of his last movie he is making about animals and war? I would love to see that! I am an animal lover and a very compassionate person.
@seferino 4 жыл бұрын
"Take it , i don't need it" 😆😆😆 (techno beat dance)
@lakefire9985 10 жыл бұрын
great actor
@sceanlyonz4571 Жыл бұрын
@cheyennealvis8284 2 жыл бұрын
@pariss4957 8 жыл бұрын
lav it kassovitz
@GeoNeilUK 3 жыл бұрын
The BBC interviewer decided not to mention the kids who went burning and looting and came back posting pictures of their loot... a bag of rice and a family size tin of marrowfat peas... They went rioting for food.
@valco8371 Жыл бұрын
@fergar0206 4 жыл бұрын
For a second there his prediction about Marie Le Pen almost came true.
@BonuxCouleur Жыл бұрын
Coming from a privileged Lefty Parisian of Jewish confession like Kassovitz it is puzzling that he cannot even identify what constitutes Fascism. The Nazis were not Fascists unlike Mussolini's regime, they were National Socialists. Mussolini himself was a Socialist before he created the Fascist party. And it is always like that: Historically danger always come from the LEFT. People who call themselves "artists" especially in Cinema have often been the biggest collaborationists during the Vichy Regime. Francois Mitterrand to this very day remain their idol. Kassovitz adores Mitterrand because Mitterrand as a socialist and former President of France for 14 years (1981-1995) is the one who gave these "artists" a free pass. They get so much subsidies, they don't even have to work for a living. And they make a freaking good living. To tell you how blinded by greed these Lefties are, Francois Mitterrand was a collaborationist of the Vichy Regime. Marine Le Pen is a dumbass but she is not a Nazi, her father who founded her political party was in the French Foreign Legion and a resistant. He fought the Nazis from Day One. Why do the media pretend to ignore that? Anyone who has ever called the Police, the Fire Fighters or Emergencies require of the State some level of authority. Anyone who live in the social housing require some control over immigration policy. That does not make you a Nazi, that's what make us live TOGETHER. People have lost their mind. Hitler was a National Socialist who was put in power by Von Hindenburg and who was Von Hidenburg, he was exactly what the likes of Macron, Prudeau, Draghi and many other political leaders in Europe (all World Youth Leaders) presented themselves to be: Independent. These so called independents are all about inertia, never make a decision and that is how the Nazis came to power. Von Hidenburg literally gave Hitler the power, not only the independents built that Monster through their inaction, at the end Von Hidenburg was convinced Hitler would bring progress to Germany. That's Macron, that's Von Der Leyen, that's Biden and all these ultra-liberal rats. Germany in the 30s is exactly what is happening now in Europe. European Nations are going down the drain even Germany and when the middle and lower classes will be desperate enough because the Financiers and Industrial Lobbies of Brussels rule their Nations, of course chaos and wars will happen all over AGAIN. History repeats, it is a cycle. Marine Le Pen is a goof, she is the useful idiot, but the real danger is already in power. Wars don't start because of people, they start because of a well identified group of profiteers. Bankers, captains of industries, these are always the same people who profit from wars. Look at Joe Biden and his so called "Democrats" friends, they have got their dirty fingers in every Ukrainian pies and for that these so called "Lefties" see absolutely no issues allying themselves with the true remaining Nazis of Ukraine. Nazis in Ukraine are real, if you don't know the History of Ukraine, read about Odessa, they knew how to decimate Jews and other unwanted populations long before Vladimir Poutine was born. Yeah with those Ukrainians Nazis, no problem at all, as long as Democrats of USA and Socialists of the EU all profit. The Ukrainians people lose, the Russian people from Donbass lose but hey these f*cking Western Lefties will throw all their tax payer public money at it and it will not go in the pocket of the People who need it, it will go in Biden and Zelenski pockets, these f*cking crooks. OUR LEADERS from the LEFT make the Nazis possible. To even suggest that Le Pen represents a danger is having no knowledge nor understanding whatsoever of what triggered Nazi Germany. Ursula Von Der Leyen is an absolute PROFITEER like Macron, like Biden, these political leaders are what make the Nazis possible. Poutine? Yes he is a brute but he is only protecting his people in the Donbass region and why has he invaded the Donbass region? Because our f*cking Western Leaders have NOT respected the Non Aggression Treaties they have SIGNED. NATO f*cked with these Treaties. GERMANY who signed these Treaties betrayed them. Why would Poutine ever TRUST our Western Nations?! We are led by the most CORRUPT BUNCH of MOFOS ever: the EUROPEAN UNION - MADE IN USA. Are you guys even looking at what's happening in Ukraine right now? That should be our trigger warning. But no, Marine Le Pen this, Marine Le Pen that. Talk about looking at the finger that points towards the Moon. You Lefties are unreal, you are in such denial of the responsibility your ideology serves. Kassovitz s a collaborationist, 100%. This type of weasels goes for whoever pay them the most. They are not Patriots, they are not Loyalists, they are vultures. ULTRA-LIBERALS means only one thing: YOUR Freedom against THEIR GREED. And you're not going to be the one fighting for it. Should I prove my point how easily Lefties switch? That's simple the Communist Resistance in France only started to resist against the Nazis when Adolf Hitler betrayed Joseph Stalin. Before that? They were all behind Hitler and the Nazis. Lefties are perennial WIND MILLS. They are made of profiteers at the top and rewarded useful idiots at the bottom. Ukraine shows exactly that. Lefties from Western Countries allying to Ukrainian Nazi and you are a useful IDIOT for even considering Le Pen a danger. The DANGER is here in Europe right now. The Le Pen legacy has been here forever, they have never been a danger, they are part of the machine, they profit from it. Take a look at Kosovo, they will be the next conflict in Europe and who created Kosovo? Bill Clinton's administration. You just don't invent things like these. Yeah the perceived Firemen are the perennial Fire Starters in Europe.
@fantomedemontmartre 3 жыл бұрын
un digne représentant de la France et sans traducteur
@BonuxCouleur 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you got to understand French Cinema unlike Anglo-Saxon Cinema is heavily subsidized. So the French tax payer contributes massively and normally is happy to do so to protect the cultural patrimony that is cinema (France being the birth place of cinema). Now, if you take English movies, they never take a big shit on England and say its colonial past, instead of slamming what the Empire did wrong it goes the opposite way, it makes the colonies something to be nostalgic about and sometime even English and American cinema goes full propaganda. For instance in Dunkirk the British Army is portrayed with brilliance and heroism fighting the nazi, the reality is that the French and Belgian who stayed behind fought and perished. Dunkirk it is an allie that run away from the enemy all the way from Valenciennes. It is the road of shame. There is a joke among English people that French surrendered in WW2 but the thing is the French Army fought the Germans and lost. But they hold their position, they never fled like their British allies. Back then in the French Army you would be court martialed and shot by your squadron for fleeing before even hearing the first shot from the enemy. And that's the difference between French Cinema and Anglo-Saxon Cinema. Dien Bien Phu is a defeat, there is bravoury, the Foreign Legion paratroopers jumped to join their comrades knowing they will be killed. But it is a defeat nonetheless and that's exactly how French Cinema shows it. American Cinema makes the Vietnam War look like it was victorious. Never thay would show GIs shooting their officer in the back during combat which we know happened regularly. They would never show cowardice or anything like this. Now in French Cinema which is heavily subsidized, the French spectators pay an hefty price to finance it but he never gets to see what is beautiful about the French culture. Systematically French Cinema since the 90s is an exercise of self inflicted punishment. And French spectators are not asking for propaganda, we all know History has its highs and lows but they are also asking for honesty in equal terms. It is easy to say the Police are all facists and people who live in the suburbs are all victims especially those who burn cars, set firetruck alight, throw stones at fire fighters or gang rape nurses who come to give care to their parents and grandparents. The reality is these are no ghettos as depicted in La Haine, this is not Warsaw in 1940, there are no nazis, no German sheperds, no miradors, no barbewire, no public execution, these people are free to go anywhere they want. Mathieu Kassovitz does not live in these suburbs, it is not his car or his dairy shop that some savages decided to rampage. It is easy to take the money and make a living out of the French tax payers and blame the same French tax payers and make movies to tell us what a bunch of facists we are for letting that happen. So of course people are sick and tired of these lefties bourgeois who bite the hand that feeds them and feeds them extremely well. And it is not by choice. Mitterrand who was a cunning son of a bitch socialist understood that to be popular, you have to bribe (subsidize) actors and movie makers because they will create the propaganda you need to keep ruling and keep winning elections. Divide and conquer, cinema can do that for politicians as long as subsidies keep flowing. So the movie in New Caledonia from true event from the island of Ouvea, it is quite simple it was a tragedy. The local Kanak took some local policemen hostages helding them at gun point inside a cave, before that they had killed policemen at the local Police station and the assault team who went into the cave to rescue the hostage killed all the hostage takers. Some say the independantists were executed which is a possibility. Just imagine you see you best friend being massacred in cold blood, if you are a policeman or a soldier you are going to kill the guys responsible for it. And Kassovitz failed to report the full story simply because he hates cops. French people love their army every 14th July we show that, it is not to say the Kanak don't have a right to express their desire for indepedance, but there are elections for this and if you lose the elections and the majority want to stay under French protectorate, then you cannot just go inside a police station and slaughter policemen because you disagree with the result. For Kassovitz, it is just we don't belong there, but some of the Caldoche, they are 3rd or 4th generation, they were born in New Caledonia, it is their land as much as the Kanak and they just have to learn to live together and many Kanak have voted to remain a French territory no later than a few months ago. So Kassovitz the Parisian thinks he knows better than the democratic process, he thinks he knows better that the people who voted and he feels he has to throw some gasoline on the fire instead of making a movie about what we have in common for instance. It is easy to always show the ugliness and chose to ignore the beauty. The majority of people in New Caledonie live very well together. There has never been any segregationist Laws in France. We have had black ministers for centuries. You have to remember Toussaint Louverture was one of the general of Napoleon, you would have never seen an African or Indian General right next to Nelson in the British Empire, not in a million year. So Kassovitz like many of these lefties chose to depict France and French people as these perpetual monsters occupiers, colonials when in fact there is absolutely no nostalgy in France for our colonial past. Kassovitz does not know that colonies were promoted vastly by the Socialist under his idols Leon Blum, Jean Jaures and Co. For the socialists back then, France had to spread "democracy" to other territories. French people know their History enough to see how cynical movie makers like Kassovitz can be. He is talented no doubt but he fails to understand policeman are not rich bourgeois who live in the nice suburbs of Paris, they live in the exact same condition as the criminals they go after. They are the last rampart against anarchy and chaos. It is easy to encourage chaos when you don't have to live its consequences. When I watch the excellent Cidade de Deus and Tropa de Elite, you get to see all phacets of the Brazilian society, it is not clear cut, it is not all good and all evil, it is not black and white. Kassovitz does not have the ethos or the neutrality to make movies like these that show that at the end of the day, the cops and the drug dealers often come from the same suburbs.
@jamesbelan 2 жыл бұрын
Did you really type this or was it a copy and paste job?
@BonuxCouleur 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamesbelan Thanks for your contribution, why don't you go watch a kitten video? That should keep you where you belong.
@jamesbelan 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha why did my comment trigger you lmao! No need to get your knickers in a twist.
@jamesbelan 2 жыл бұрын
It was an honest question. You shouldn't get so upset lmao 🤣 😂
@BonuxCouleur 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamesbelan Okay, my apologies then, it is hard to read a mindset through a comment but for me this is a very important subject where lots of people are being manipulated. Feel free to comment, I am taking you live in England or USA maybe you have a different experience of how cinema works in your country. French cinema though is very different from most places, since the 80s it has been a constant political statement, a liberal statement and not for the greater good of communities it pretends to defend. I am just saying do you research before acclaiming movies like La Haine or Les Misérables. You want to see real poverty inspired by Victor Hugo, travel to any suburbs of any city outside Paris, you will see absolute misery. Le Chemin Vert, Outreau in Boulogne-sur-mer that's people living in extreme poverty but they have decency, they don't go setting their neighbour's cars on fire. La Haine, Les Miserables it is all about Parisian suburbs starting with St Denis. Saint-Denis is the French suburb that received the most public helps of any other cities in France. Marseille and the northern suburbs, La Castellane are the same. 510 Million Euro has been spent for 2020 alone and Macron has already announced he will throw another 45 Million at it in 2022. Most of which goes to Paris because these suburbs vote Macron. Go to Saint-Denis, you will see theatres, sports facilities, public market, libraries, all sort of investments financed by the tax payer. They even help finance mosques in spite of the fact there is the separation of religion and state in France, it is in our Constitution (since l'Edit de Nantes). Our politicians don't finance cathedrals to the extend they should since they go beyond religion, they are our Historical Patrimony, as you can tell by Notre-Dame and Saint-Denis but they do finance new mosques, for people who vote for them. Now travel to Le Chemin Vert in Boulogne-sur-mer, most English people know Calais and Boulogne, go to any of these suburbs. They don't have all these facilities, that's because in France we don't speak about the poor white guy, he does not exist, we speak about the few migrants who chose a life of crime in spite of the fact they living in a suburb that gives them EVERYTHING they need to succeed. And that's a message I send to anybody outside France, don't be naive, don't elevate the likes of Kassovitz because you like the style of their movie. There is corruption behind it. Saint-Denis is not poor. You have to realize that, tax payers pay a lot for these families of migrants to raise their kids in the best possible way. Not every suburb in France receives as much attention from politicians. And yet in Saint-Denis where the Cathedral of the French Kings is located, there is not a day where people like Kassovitz blame the very people who are making the place a better place. Kassovitz chose to elevate criminals. He is a parasite, there is no other way to describe film makers like him. And yes I write long comments because it does touch me directly and I am sick and tired of reading comments from people based abroad who have not a clue on how cinema works in France, they have not a clue of how the suburbs work. But if you are really interested, travel to Saint-Denis with an objective eye, and marvel at how rich it actually is. Then travel to the northern cities of Boulogne-sur-mer (not to be mistaken for Boulogne Billancourt) or Calais... I mentioned these two because I lived there but there are many other miserable suburbs in other provincial cities like these. You are gonna have a shock. Or maybe not because I also lived in England, near Birmingham and I could see the exact same thing. Some suburbs in Birmingham are like Saint-Denis, the local politicians throw tons of public money at it. And yet Birmingham is known to be the nest for people who truly hate anything British. And because I used to travel all over Great Britain, I could see real poverty. Real poverty is not happening in Birmingham, real poverty is happening in Leeds and other towns where people have nothing and yet they don't create violence. Some place in Birmingham I would not go at night but in Leeds I felt reasonably safe even in places where there is lot of binge drinking nonetheless. Again I am not English, so lots of Englishmen might have a completely different view on this. I have only lived in Birmingham for 2 years but France, I lived it, Kassovitz has NEVER lived in the suburbs. Stop praising assholes like this and even people who have lived in the suburbs, question everything they say. A ghetto is Warsaw during WW2, Saint-Denis has never been a ghetto, it is super rich so when assholes from Saint-Denis tells you "we have been left stranded without any help", have a look by yourself, do some research.
@pinkyzwag6107 8 жыл бұрын
@maxthebarberm.t.b700 4 ай бұрын
I cut his hair for the series Paris has fallen and I was so disappointed with how arrogant he was, he was shouting at the directors and the costume people, he ended up getting replaced…. Disappointing as he comes across as a nice guy but really he has his head up his arse, sad man
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