Why did this woman storm Miss World pageant? Witness - BBC News

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10 жыл бұрын

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In November 1970, a group of feminist activists stormed the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, to disrupt the Miss World Beauty contest.
Sally Alexander was one of those who organised the protest and talks about her motivations for disrupting the event, host Bob Hope's reaction and how it did not all go according to plan.
Witness is a World Service radio programme of the stories of our times told by the people who were there.
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@Battif 3 жыл бұрын
The movie brings me here: “If you don’t fight, you deserve the world you live in”
@ceciliaSF-TX 2 жыл бұрын
So applicable to today.
@rahulvinalnarayan9743 4 жыл бұрын
She actually did influence reforms to the pageant..back then Miss World was just about physical beauty and winners were crowned in their swimsuits..now the interview section is an integral part of the pageant
@zurzakne-etra7069 3 жыл бұрын
and today, thank godness for them that these pageants are mostly thought of as jokes...
@eniszulufepustampasic2799 2 жыл бұрын
oh you mean ... what is the single most important thing in the world??? worrld peace, of course... total nonsense my friend....and utter stupidity
@nazmadihmateemnujan1198 4 жыл бұрын
Misbehaviour brought me here!
@derekhart3308 4 жыл бұрын
Same here saw the movie yesterday great film.
@TheSuri26 4 жыл бұрын
Me too. 😊😊
@Miss1Vogue 4 жыл бұрын
Me too
@derekmcmahon8016 3 жыл бұрын
Me too🙂
@imskeptic 3 жыл бұрын
Me too.
@Ross.Cavendish 6 жыл бұрын
Well done, Sally, and your fellow protesters. Though this protest was almost half a century ago, it is well remembered as a pivotal moment in women's equality.
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
Says who? It was a complete waste of time. The pageant went on to great success, and has continued to this day. You failed.
@hazeltomb 4 жыл бұрын
@@californiagold3857 nobody thinks it was as great as before. In my country now its mostly ignored or chuckled by youngsters
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
@@hazeltomb Still watched by millions in over 140 countries every year. It may have originated in the U.K. but Miss World belongs to the world.
@zurzakne-etra7069 3 жыл бұрын
@@californiagold3857 but most people understand that the pageants are a joke... most girls if not all would rather get a scholarship to harvard than participate in something this degrading. Also, many of the women who compete in these competitions are sometimes extremely intelligent and do it to build a platform
@micaelaaz 2 жыл бұрын
@@californiagold3857 la masa de gente siempre será la mayoría. Pero este tipo de actos siembran semillas que siguen creciendo hasta hoy. No fallaron
@Miss1Vogue 4 жыл бұрын
People below the comments saying mean things about her. You must have in mind things were so different those times. Women were paid much less than men, women were only appreciated by their looks and not their minds or personalities. Women's divorced or single mothers were excluded from jobs and universities. They were trying to change the way women were perceived. Just that.
@lisaanketell9611 3 жыл бұрын
what changed that much?
@tami8458 2 жыл бұрын
Well said.
@chloewarner1739 4 жыл бұрын
What a tremendous woman.
@LisaSimpsonRules 4 жыл бұрын
If I manage to get to her age, I wanna be like her.
@user-cx2ho9hg2r 3 жыл бұрын
I just wanna say...Thank you, Sally.
@CriticalBeautySalon 4 жыл бұрын
I wish these feminists would protest the horrific treatment of women in Muslim-dominant countries where Sharia law is the law of the land. Leave beauty pageants alone.
@susmitasengupta3918 3 жыл бұрын
You do that, if you want to change something.
@zainababbas9349 4 жыл бұрын
While growing up i used to watch these contests and i started to believe in notion that a women to has to physically beautiful in order to fit in. Well during teen days i didn't look pretty and it disturbed me to some extent. Unknowingly or whatever this leaves an impression on young mind. Some people had to come forward to let others know that we don't have to follow these ridiculous notions.
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
Who the hell said women had to be a beautiful? Even Miss World contestants wouldn't make such a statement. A beauty pageant is to recognize beauty, and with so much ugliness in the world (Germaine Greer) it was a welcome diversion each year.
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
That's just stupid thinking. because you watch pretty women competing you thought you had to be physically beautiful? When you watch professional women playing soccer did you feel you HAD to be athletically proficient? It's a warped way of thinking. Denying others to do theirown thing is totally against the concept of feminism. Instead they should be applauding diversity.
@MarkMahoney 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly today is worst, this was a competition, and appeared once a year on tv, today we have it every day on social media.
@shanfarco1574 3 жыл бұрын
71 here, look how sharp she is.
@oliviagrimes9995 2 жыл бұрын
Well done Sally, this change our society tremendously. Thanks alot.
@rogeratkinson592 5 жыл бұрын
She is the first wife of John Thaw, who played Morse on British TV.
@FredGumbo1 9 жыл бұрын
Sally Alexander, what a tremendous woman, I get the same feeling of admiration as she tells what she did that I sometimes get when guys relate their recollections of their exploits in war... It's good to hear similar bravery for a just cause.
@parabrahm 3 жыл бұрын
Saw the movie Misbehaviour. I was hoping someone would stuff a sock in Bob Hope's mouth. Good movie though, and interesting moment in time.
@veemeg 2 жыл бұрын
And now Miss World has evolved to the charity-oriented contest it is today. The two main sections of the contest are the interview and the charity project every contestant has to present. They also evaluate their talents, athletics and poise.
@thatfolkishdusk123 2 жыл бұрын
They have to present charity work? How does that work?
@veemeg 2 жыл бұрын
@@thatfolkishdusk123 Miss World has it's own charity: Beauty with a Purpose. Every year all contestant must present their own "Beauty with a Purpose" project, where they can do anything from providing medical assistance, to raising funds, to building infrastructure. It's mandatory. Then, Miss World awards the projects they consider the best with funds and then the reigning winner visits the awarded countries to help with their projects.
@mannylugo2431 2 жыл бұрын
70 years and pageants are still here . The problem was not pageants .
@e21big 10 жыл бұрын
they should be terrified, that is terrible.
@40s_fit_and_fab30 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏽
@summerbankboy 3 жыл бұрын
the biggest fans of the Miss World on the tele in our house in the 1960s and early 70s we my Nan and Great gran and thats the truth
@minamoo3035 3 жыл бұрын
I loved it , still do
@nigelwilliams9307 Жыл бұрын
So how come women are all attracted to tall handsome men?
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
So let me get this straight. This woman protested the choice of other woman, under the pretense that these woman should not be allowed to exercise such choice, because in her very small mind it would let to their exploitation? What a witch.
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
@Glitteras Leftist always lie. This behavior is about control period. Don't be deceived.
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
@Glitteras You are either ignorant or incapable of knowing a lie when you see it. We are so sick of you dim woketards. By the way feminism is a lie thru and thru. That is why women's studies never include biology classes. All known science conflicts with the crazy, nasty feminist outlook about women. What a sad, lie based person you are for believing this crap.
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
@Glitteras People also tend to hate lies. My god the stuff you say. And its is you who does not understand how universities today work. Gen ed is no longer required in many colleges in the same manner as it once was. Students in many universities can create their own gen ed programs. Also, basic Bio 101. 102 etc. do not go in depth into understanding of the sexes. That is why you have dimwits like Judith Butler at UC Berkeley saying lies that biological sex is a social construct. Also, gender is not real. It was a concept borrowed in the late 1940's, 1950s (by Marxist- natural liars) from language concepts in French and spanish that gendered nouns. It was never meant for the biological sexes. It was stolen and cut and pasted on by Marxist who marched thru the institutions to install these lies into the heads of morally compromised people such as yourself.
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
@Glitteras Sorry to tell you this but you gave birth to the third wave. You guys need to own it. They are your children. Feminism at its core is anti-science. The whole point of feminism is to deconstruct the male/ female roles, based on resentment, narcissism, rejection of one's ancestor, bad academic studies and keeping the evolutionary biologists at bay. Feminism at the end of the day is about chaos. Once you start to unravel an established order based on bad morals, every generation gets worse and worse. And yes they are slowly getting rid of the core curriculum standards. Yale has done this, many are following. Additionally, expect to see women's studies start to get kicked out of colleges. It producing bigotry, but more importantly, your ideas since the beginning are not based in science. You guys have been coddled and indulged under this idea of fake victimhood. That era is coming to an end. Buckle up.
@lilylittlemonster5 4 жыл бұрын
@Glitteras ​ Glitteras Your bigotry knows no bounds. You have proved why feminism is so toxic. You invent nasty words so you can deflect any criticism. How childish and narcissistic. The chip on your shoulder is all too big. Also, why do you assume I'm a man? Is that the narrative that makes you feel better? Wanting to believe that all who oppose you are just toxic men, so you don't have to address any objections. And yes feminism (1st, 2nd, 3rd-same poisonous tree just different generations) are going to get kicked off of campuses. Feminism and all the crazy studies degrees are teaching the toxic victimhood and leaving students with a stubborn over confidence in the little knowledge they have.
@SusieQSydney 3 жыл бұрын
My question is to anyone that knows - in the real 1970's Miss World Pageant. Did they really turn these beauty contestants around in internationally televised syndication - to take a quote on their butts like in the movie. I've search every where but haven't found any definitive answer and would really like to know that really happened - as to how far we've come or was that just added for dramatic effect?
@MsGrockle 3 жыл бұрын
They did in the 1957 Miss Universe, the 1959 Miss World, the 1966 Miss World
@SusieQSydney 3 жыл бұрын
@@MsGrockle I'm no lawyer but yeah well in 57 it would be believable because that's before gender equality anti-discrimination laws were in play as Ruth Bader Ginsburg herself was only starting the case in 1971's in supreme court and not until she was judge as late as 1996 there was no real case could be won even in America. www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02FuuIogSKqA0SM3yI6dVEt94dTig%3A1614473149519&ei=vec6YKWUH5SKmgffhJ_oAw&q=when+did+anti-discrimination+laws+come+to+play+for+women+with+RBG&oq=when+did+anti-discrimination+laws+come+to+play+for+women+with+RBG&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgjECdQ7S1Yv0Bg1kJoAnACeACAAb8CiAGVC5IBBzAuMi4zLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEHwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjl5s2UrYvvAhUUheYKHV_CBz0Q4dUDCA0&uact=5 It wasn't until over 30 years later, in 1996, when she a sitting justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, that Ginsburg fully equalized the playing field for .21 Sept 2020 but was only start in the US and this is UK which I imagine had a ripple effect in the world but thereafter the TV station would have well known putting aside the PC agendas and it would have been litigious act even existing human rights laws and large companies are more cautious not to offend if there was good chance they'll have to pay into the millions to lose but even the fight of anti-discrimination laws for women was only being tried in 1971 in US supreme court so it would a question if they really knew or cared of it's existence to acknowledge women as being anything other then being a 2nd rate citizens and crusaders of women's rights were still being treated as mere childish angry "feminists losers" then or even now easily sweep under the rug but with all those millions of witnesses and being a TV station they would have been a great target for libel suite after all a pageant isn't exactly a comedy even if Bob hope is the commentator sure in media you can say a lot more non PC crap. While it's a complicated tango as to what is litigious you could say even now in media but it doesn't necessarily mean you can DO anything like turning women around and grading their arses like a side of beef as a form of entertainment which muses on the titillating feminine accolades which the pageant was pushing has far reaching effect with big name like Bob Hope selling it is rather different to some silly close circuit men's show bantering on this was to be seen for all everywhere to reach for would be the kind deeply offensive polarising performance which would be up for grabs with the existing laws for a great litigator to hear in the supreme court especially because their status of being an international syndication of 100's of millions and them selling it as such a Prestige for young girls and their families to spire to it - very strong fodder for libel case. I mean why improve your mind or good character to be seen rather then heard when when selling your arse is easier and more profitable seems to be pageants unspoken discourse these women were trying to pushing against the tide of popular resistance.
@MsGrockle 3 жыл бұрын
@@SusieQSydney Miss World still happens, although I believe they dropped the swimsuit section and now refer to it as 'beauty with a purpose'. They can get around any harassment claims under the Equality Act (and before that, the Sex Discrimination Act), by saying that the women enter into the competition willingly. The Miss World organisation even won a discrimination case over the stipulation that participants should be single and not Mothers. The bottom line is that women still feel that they should participate in this sort of competition to prove their worth, despite the best efforts of our sisters in the 60's and 70's.
@SusieQSydney 3 жыл бұрын
@@MsGrockle As enterprise developer I take full advantageous that sex sells but it really is how you selling it what was the political climate of the day and are you keeping your promises after all if the so called winner is jumping to the other side what that say about the integrity of the pageant and parading nice young international women like a side of beef even for the 70's for shock or entertainment valuable it seem quite unbelievable and show-casing their arses was a little less than just tacky it strange wonderment to me if that really happened and if it did happened how could there have NOT been more public outrage then just small feminist groups that's not really PG and this was prime time television and this was conservative British television not America and even the America were change their laws at the times while this was being aired. Them entering women who aren't mothers would be discriminatory to mothers who would have more needs for gains (though I would advocate any women go into this pageant for any gains or any pageants for that matter though we know many women having done well by some) with more mouths to feed and again empathizing that they're selling contestants who are tangible objects to be had really doesn't do anything for their image or that they're there to lift or empower people. They deadly seriously need better PR that's about the worst run beauty pageant I've ever seen or heard of you think the Brits would be more smart then their yankie counterparts but that seems infinitely worse then any American pageants I have ever seen or heard of or otherwise what were they thinking if I was them I would go into administration that horse is truly dead no point keep beating that nag.
@MsGrockle 3 жыл бұрын
@@SusieQSydney The Miss World organisation is totally discriminatory in respect of marriage and maternity, but they claim that keeping Mothers out of the competition protects the children from being neglected. Utter tosh. Why did women willingly participate? Why was there not more outrage at the time? Women have been told what 'their place' is for centuries and that their purpose is to look pretty and their value is in how they look. I would hesitate to hold up America as a beacon of enlightenment when it comes to sexual exploitation laws and beauty pageants - the children's pageants are truly terrifying, with children as young as 3 learning that their only worth is based on beauty. If we want to break the cycle, we have to capture young heats and minds and we do this by being better parents ourselves and telling our daughters that they are so much more than a nicely arranged collection of body parts.
Sallying on…!
@manichairdo6346 4 жыл бұрын
Descartes: I think, therefore I am. I think therefore I am.....................a woman!
@Buendia1983 3 жыл бұрын
Her intension may be noble but nobody is compelling these girls to participate.Its their freedom of choice.There is not much difference between her and the Ayatollah of Iran ie for enforcing their will on others.
@minamoo3035 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree, if you dont want to participate you wont, if you dont like watching it well then bog off and watch something else
@100schlingensief6 3 жыл бұрын
I had a feeling she just want to channel out her envy to these beautiful women because she's already worn out single mom
@micaelaaz 2 жыл бұрын
No funciona así, el mundo te educa para aceptar el sexismo y querer sobrevivir en él. Que estes acostumbrada a desear encajar no quita que sigas siendo una victima manipulada por siglos de patriarcado
@marisag5717 Жыл бұрын
Your protest just gave all the beautiful women more attentions.
@MsCchapman 3 жыл бұрын
To our mothers before us - we MARCH ONNNNNNN
@shelbyvillerules9962 2 жыл бұрын
0:14 She looked a bit like Keira Knightley when she was younger.
@catpawprints1 2 жыл бұрын
That was my thought as well. She was so beautiful she could be the winner of the pageant, and in fact, 50 years later she is the real winner as we remember her achievement there.
@terintiaflavius3349 4 жыл бұрын
Gonna have to disagree here. All these contestants wanted to be there. They wanted to compete. There was no force. You don't have the right to interfere in others peoples dreams like this.
@molly-ki1xb 4 жыл бұрын
Helen Bell if they where all doing it In privet; fair enough! But do you realise this was being imposed (men judging women on their body measurements) for the whole world to see?! This was as big as the olympics in her time, what kind of message do you think this imposed on the world? Definitely not just as simple as “well they wanted to do it.. so what’s the problem??🤪🤪” Open your eyes. Select few people’s dreams< rights of an entire gender for generations to come.
@kevinstephenson4674 4 жыл бұрын
She was just one of a bunch of troublemakers who feel they have the right to impose their opinions on people. She's just trying to justify herself here.
@TheSuri26 4 жыл бұрын
Just watched the movie Misbehaviour♀♀
@levitabacug1943 2 жыл бұрын
If she had the look and the body, would she be in any beauty pageant? I think she would.
@WORLD8NSH5KNIGHT1 9 жыл бұрын
Under feminist logic, men should also storm Mr Universe for 'Objectifying Men' The human body is a beautiful thing. I do agree with the viewpoint that women should be recognised for more than beauty, but Miss World is not just about looks. At least not now its not. I think feminists just hate the idea men appreciate femininity.
@FredGumbo1 9 жыл бұрын
I think you will find that most of the people who are interested in Mr Universe are men. Historically (this was the 1970 Miss World event), feminism was trying to find its way for the second time during the 20th century, there were many other protests about the poor place women had in the world. The film, Made in Dagenham showed how badly women were perceived, and also showed how the times were changing. Men get so wrapped up in the 'sex' thing - women just want fairness and opportunity for all, what's so wrong with that?
@WORLD8NSH5KNIGHT1 9 жыл бұрын
Mike Watts- Yawn. I have heard that propaganda so much. I would reverse the question. What is wrong with criticising feminism? Why should it be above criticism? Do not confuse equality with third wave feminism because it is clearly not the case. If feminists believe in equality why do they support sexist approaches such as all-women shortlists? I don't know if you regard yourself as a feminist but it is unfortunate you believe that if someone opposes aspects of feminism they are somehow opposed to equality. That is an absurd reduction. I hate western third wave feminism because it is hypocritical, divisive and dishonest. That doesn't mean im against 'all' specific women's rights movements. Certainly not. I will say this. In my experience male feminists buy into the guilty mindset the feminist movement forces on you and you want other men to feel the same way. Take for example so-called 'privilege' feminists constantly claim men have. Tell me what 'privilege' young men who were blown up in the trenches of WW1 had? I suggest you check out the group 'Women against feminism' because it isn't just men who oppose it. Many women are starting to realise that far from promoting equality (feminism is about female privilege) feminism promotes a perpetual victimhood mentality and constantly slanders half the human race. Throw in the magic word 'equality' and what we have is feminism's most nauseating lie and propaganda.
@WORLD8NSH5KNIGHT1 9 жыл бұрын
Matt Watts- I suggest you think for yourself instead of being subservient and an apologist to a divisive, misandric movement. Ask yourself. Can you freely disagree with female feminists without them strongly rebuking you? Feminism is 'not just about equality' ! You really need to wake up if you think it is. A man and a woman commit the same crime. Feminists preach equality but demand the woman is treated leniently because she is a woman. That is the true mindset of feminism; utter bloody hypocrisy! And by the way 'Made in Dagenham' was set in the 1960s and whilst the pay situation for women was unfair do you really believe all men were 'privileged' ? Get real. Men were being killed in hazardous conditions in coal ines- something outlawed for females in the 1820s! Even today, consider that the majority of homeless- 75% according to Shelter- are MALE Feminist response- Silence So cut the crap. Feminism may have been about equality I the past but it sure as hell isn't today. If you don't like Beauty Contests, that is your right, but you have no right to dictate to others what they can and can't do unless they are hurting someone or breaking the law. Feminists never respect the choice women makes themselves.
@FredGumbo1 9 жыл бұрын
Nathan Hazlett Wow - fact-O-matic! Bulldozing with weird factoids is just boring. Straight forward fairness, anything else is splitting hairs.
@pyro273 Жыл бұрын
Great idea!! let's see men storm the Mr Universe and see what the reaction to that is! I wish someone had disrupted the Beach Boys concerts from the 80s as they featured bikini bimbo dancers in their songs Kokomo and Calif Girls as well as the stupid Be True To Your school when they dressed up cheerleaders. This was for the amusement of the male audience and of course the lead singer whose idea it was. Time these videos were removed from youtube for good.
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
The Womens Liberation Movement logic was completely wrong regarding Miss World. The whole philosophy of a beauty pageant is to recognize beauty. There certainly is enough ugliness in the World, so why not recognize beauty? There are Mr. Universe contests who are judged solely on looks. I don't recall any protests for those contests. You know who won this battle? The pageants won, that's who. They continue today.
@hazeltomb 4 жыл бұрын
A uniformed beauty that is imposed on children thru television? The one that causes anorexia, bulimia, and other mental health among young girls?
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
@@hazeltomb Most are well educated college students, so your theory falls. Most are informed on currrent issues more than the average young woman their age and are more adverse in articulation than others their own age. You need to re-think that position.
@hazeltomb 4 жыл бұрын
@@californiagold3857 even when not judged solely on looks, the contest itself implying that us women need to compete each other to be the most beautiful or the smartest. We actually do not need that, ppl on top floor made that kinda show unnecessarily so they can distract us from paying attention to more meaningful and rich social experience instead of just obeying them blindly and fight their wars mindlessly (remember miss world are sent to vietnam wars to soothe the soldiers, did the soldiers actually get anything from the war? )
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
@@hazeltomb You lied when you said the protest didn't denigrate the competitors, because that's exactly what it did.
@hazeltomb 4 жыл бұрын
@@californiagold3857 how? The protesters aimed at the business owner, the people in power. The protesters didnt shame the women or whatsoever. Those men in power shame and objectify the women openly and impose it on your face thru tv. They said that what they done is normal and you accept it 😐
@user-nx2qy7ou9z 4 ай бұрын
На изборима лепоте никада најлепша не победи , већ моћници одлучују и политика , која ће и више је него очигледно . Све победнице су без шминке присечне , а то није суштина.
@pncbaker1241 10 жыл бұрын
Girls are beautiful. Guys like girls. So what?
@milesflanagan6471 4 жыл бұрын
It's not about that. it's about the objectification of women and women being treated as 2nd or even 3rd class citizens. As I've mentioned earlier, this lead to better things. Some of the women who protested continued protesting. Just one example is that one of them became active in the Claimants Union and in housing politics in the east end of London - campaigning for women's rights to housing in their own name. Imagine if men couldn't buy or rent a house in their own name? I'd be outraged if that was the case and I'd want that to change. As did women at the time. That's what's at the heart of feminism - simple equality in the eyes of the law.
@molly-ki1xb 4 жыл бұрын
PNC Baker it’s really that simple if you burry your head in sand and act like the 70’s and present day are exactly the same. Fool.
@1perfectstrangerr 6 жыл бұрын
Why do men have to be rich before women notice them...???
@asa1973100 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine the face on that bitter old trout 50 years ago ( hideous )
@SusieQSydney 3 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that a moment so vital for the emancipation and liberation of women was scripted from a beauty contestant memoirs that something so powerful for bring women any real dignity or seen as people some how isn't a subject easily broached even amongst it's radical pioneers more as somehow having strength is something we have to apologize still for and only those for whom have compliance in a patriarchy like the 1970's winner or those who has been subjugated to it's BS like Miss Grenada was able bring it to public attention once more after-all she initially eat into the proper gander of pageants claim to fame or fortune only to realize it was false after all through the movie she thought she was blazing the trail and many ways she did eventually for girls of ethnicity but didn't realize her dreams through winning as the commentator wouldn't even so much as let her speak let alone be journalist. I'd say she didn't realize her greatest gains until she found her own inner voice and strength whatever prizes she got for the beauty pageant can't be worth a movie deal and particularly if she turn to other side that kind of says it all! Girls don't enter these things to be objectified they enter - thinking it's their ticket to ride and their one shot to fortune and glory. It's strange the only voice seem to have been heard to bring such a profound event for objective human progress this story and a message brought to the public eye once more came from the mouth most unlikely but I guess it brings us back the roots of feminism that it was never a movement bore amongst the elite bourgeois middle class though started by them rather the more fervently fighter of it amongst those whose it subjugated the hardest. Like the so called "winner" of the 1970 beauty pageant imagine the effort of going though all that horseshit and scrutiny and not even getting what you wanted. I sure she's found greater power if not exhilaration in re-jolting and the retelling of the feminist movement weaving her own success within it. I'm constantly told we don't need feminism any more that we have equal pay and equal respect like being female I've half a male brain normal or financial brain or otherwise in the court of law in some countries whatever flies fellas - what a load of crock and brainwashing that is like a person worth in only in dollars and cents. Like that seems to be the only obsession today what about human dignity at least in the 1970's feminists knew what was even more important I really dig the men who came to join these woman in the fight I don't see enough of that these days who had the balls to stand up for what's right. We protest more today fervently for animals then what truly matters then the rights of women today because it's too scary or many deem it unnecessary not that I don't believe animals don't have same rights it's just being a women just feels at time less then being animal but what a joke thank god though sanity is coming back in fashion since the successfully getting rid of Donald Trump. But our boards and our communities are not equal worldwide and there are girls being step or killed for what we all take for grant today as a matter of fact there are less girls in the world's population today due misogyny so the fight hasn't even begun let alone feminism not being necessary. If the movie didn't come out never knew this ever happened latest interesting pageant protest I've seen (humby cattle shows) outside of watching this movie was that lesbian protest getting kicked off stating she knew she could win as a transgender. I'm a feminist and never even heard of of such a critical modern event in such recent history even existed till the movie came out this year which is rather disappointing when it should be something we should celebrated and educated in all the schools if not the world. Onward and upwards people true power is only found we you find your own inner voice and self respect! Thank you Sally Alexandra, Jo Robinson, Jenny Fortune, Sue Finch, Jane Grant, Sarah Wilson for your bravery we salute you and Jennifer Josephine Hosten for keeping record of such an important part of history and having the courage to bring it front and centre stage and back to life.
@waynehentley4332 2 жыл бұрын
Blah blah blah!😅😅😅
@paulhiggins1577 3 жыл бұрын
So if women want men to notice their minds not their bodies, why do they still cake themselves in paint, wear flattering bras and skirts plus high heels. Not to mention all the cosmetic surgery they get done
@lupitasmith9944 3 жыл бұрын
Social Media. It's made things even more superficial than ever before. A whole lot of females are easily influenced and others do it because they know it could provide an income or seeking attention and fame.
@mariangelessuarez9978 Жыл бұрын
#nomorebeautycontests Who are the men for saying us that there must be some women better than the others and put a calification and a price???? As women, we have to be together and not divided.
@e21big 10 жыл бұрын
fine, let's wear a rag to work next time...
@rositoopenatabor1100 4 жыл бұрын
your protest is Useless hehe..miss world wearing bikini until 90s
@LisaSimpsonRules 4 жыл бұрын
No, it was not. Even if it only was because it made women's voice heard. And many other women started to question certain behaviours and attitudes taken for granted at the time.
@rositoopenatabor1100 4 жыл бұрын
ok go to Miss Universe amd protest
@californiagold3857 4 жыл бұрын
Aren't movements like NOW and Womens Liberation supposed to be about women forging ahead and having the right to do their own thing? That's what these contestants were doing. Instead of critizising the contest you should have been supporting it!
@stezman60 4 жыл бұрын
What a rotten mislead woman in her younger days.
@nguyendailam6703 2 жыл бұрын
Feminists telling woman what they can and cannot do. The irony.
@FRODIII 3 жыл бұрын
Nah... it's just jealousy!
@petemcintire4339 3 жыл бұрын
At least Kayne West at a reason for interrupting Taylor Swift. These "gals" are just mad they weren't invited up on stage.
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