Be Alone As Everything (Non Duality)

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Spiritual Renaissance

Spiritual Renaissance

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Self Realization is our highest purpose in life. These videos share simple messages about Awakening, Enlightenment, and Surrender.. These are the same topics taught by Mooji, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
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@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
Please check these playlists below to see which videos most appeal to you and which can benefit your present situation: NON DUALITY POINTERS- http s:// SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- http s:// SELF INQUIRY AND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS- http s://
@wonderzm2340 9 ай бұрын
I hear you man. I have been misunderstood to the point of hate. People don’t like the truth whilst hiding behind lies. I just remember the old saying…”the truth doesn’t get you many friends, but the ones that it does get are the ones worth keeping!” Love is all, I will see you all on the other side.
@spiritualrenaissance 9 ай бұрын
Yes, very good saying! Exactly!
@flyingcompanion Жыл бұрын
This is spot on. Aloneness is peace and well being. Once you find that heart center open and peace dances within you, you start to question a lot of things when you're around people and you question a lot of things you do, and what kind of people you allow yourself to be around and the kind of behaviors and beliefs and topics you allow yourself to give energy to. An open heart opens up the dimension to inquire into a more authentic, healthy, and peaceful way of living and sometimes that means to stay the fuck home and remove yourself from unconscious people and situations. Do I feel more needy, gossipy, judgemental, angry, etc.. or develop bad habits around these people? Am I entering this relationship to run away somehow? The answer is always yes, if you read your own subtext. And it's okay to allow yourself to run away a little, but one has to be mature and stabilize in oneself to have healthy and balanced emotional, mental, physical boundaries. Otherwise, it's easy to lose oneself in romance. Relationship can often be a one way fast and easy ticket from well-being to hell. AND. WE. ALL. TAKE. IT. at some point to run away from ourselves. I think we slowly stop when we realize aloneness is a lot more simple, and save us from all the troubles. Love the video. Thank you for creating a space for my own inquiry Great timing since I've been reflecting on my relationships, thus having lots to say.
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
yes, what you said is spot on!
@Slaughta18 Жыл бұрын
But what happens when aloneness cannot be achieved and self reliance is not either? I feel as though the subtle message is give up and die.
@johnnynguyen3521 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@Listen2BAware 6 ай бұрын
​@@Slaughta18 Anything can be achieved if you believe it. Everything is mental. This is your little ego speaking. Light & Love to you.
@rawshi7931 4 ай бұрын
Love this response 🙌🏾💜
@ralx225b 8 ай бұрын
This describes me so well. Love you so much man. I love self-clarity and honesty. Vulnerability is strength. But the world thinks its the opposite. The most vulnerable transparent man is the strongest man on the planet.
@marksalmon5346 Жыл бұрын
“God and (me) are a majority” That struck home, once you get a taste of consciousness you don’t need to depend on distractions anymore, I still have desires, and my share of problems, but now I’m more discriminating, more authentic in my motives. There’s no end to being alone, you can go deeper and deeper or just sit with the senses and thoughts as they arise without being uncomfortable. When you are around people you don’t have to prove yourself or try to impress them, you can be content to listen. One of the biggest problems with the world is that people can’t be alone with themselves, they have to always be doing something. I was that way for much of my life. What a relief to just observe non-judgmentally with an occasional “Ahhh……” Grateful
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
@rawshi7931 4 ай бұрын
“Once you get a taste of consciousness, you don’t need to depend on distractions anymore” - absolutely brilliant 🙌🏾💜
@76livika 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely revel in my alonness
@TerryLightfoot Жыл бұрын
And I needed to hear this. I've always felt out of place but now in my 60s I'm finally learning to accept that. When you see the world as spiritual but no one else does its disconcerting. I'm so happy though that people are waking up now. It's like I was waiting for this my whole life. It's crazy to see that life is not accidental at all when human culture had me believing that for so long. Society makes us doubt ourselves and it's so wrong. 🙏
@mikeduwe4105 Жыл бұрын
Everything you said resonates with me! I have always sensed a truth that most people completely disagree with. Everything can be controlled with our mind. Everything
@falliezhang4269 Жыл бұрын
Good topic! Being alone is indeed not a problem for awakened beings. These days I feel so close to everything. Being alone doesn’t stop me from feeling the oneness 24/7.
@vrutu19 Жыл бұрын
I think Nisargadatta will be waiting for you when you go on a higher plane because everytime you say his name you give him a new one :p
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
@kkop4982 Жыл бұрын
I always crack when Yash tries to say N-i-s-a-r-g-a-d-a-t-t-a
@inspiringmedia3716 Жыл бұрын
Lmao 🤣
@KianAllen-cj5is 3 ай бұрын
Hey, at first I was going through a super depression due to realising non duality, until today I realised, being alone is probably the most blissful thing in existence. There's no one to nothing to judge, no one can judge you since there is no other. There is no without, there is no loneliness. It's just all oneness/aloneness which is blissful. Grateful for realising this :)
@Manikese Жыл бұрын
There is aloneness and there is loneliness. I hope everyone learns to be alone without being lonely. Heck, I hope everyone can be around other people without feeling lonely. ☀️❤️
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
@javon144 Жыл бұрын
Nice 🤍
@VanessaGonzalez-jb5rr Жыл бұрын
Can confirm this is true. For years being an immigrant, felt that wanted to fit in, connect. Nurture deeper relationships as the ones that I had back in my country. I used to cry of how lonely and rejected I felt. Then after “the awakening” and founding the well inside of me I feel so much peace and also now people want to connect. It’s crazy like you said. god doesn’t give it to you when you need it, it gives it when you don’t need it anymore. You have to laugh at this stuff 😂
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
Yes. Its true..:)
@receivinglovesubliminals Жыл бұрын
Yash. Thanks man. My biggest thing right now is hating people. I feel I’m just so much further ahead spiritually and yet most other people are just ignorant and blind still. It stinks so bad. I want to meet more people on my level of consciousness but it’s just so challenging. I pray for miracles every day. I enjoy alone time, but I’m tired of feeling so lonely.
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
i understand. I was like that in my teens and part of my 20’s. This will change. Stay tuned to your inner alignment with truth (via what I talk about on my other channels) and this karma will be burnt up in time and u will feel more compassion and spaciousness.
@receivinglovesubliminals Жыл бұрын
@@spiritualrenaissance thanks so much man. My ego wants to control everything and it’s anxiety and suffering.
@InnerEcstasy Жыл бұрын
Dear sibling souls, This short message aims to reconcile the philosophy of ultimate oneness of the absolute truth and the philosophy of duality of the individual souls with God held by most religions. The philosophy of non-duality which realises the oneness of spirit or consciousness is truth, but a relative truth. Non-duality or AdvaitaVedanta is a negation of the material duality. It is admitted that the living consciousness in the different material bodies are one in quality, but they are undoubtedly different in identity. Just like the waves of an ocean, they all emanate from the same source and are all made of the same water, therefore the waves on the ocean are all one in a sense. Yet they are not one. Each wave has its own identity, shape and potency. If we are all one and identical then why is someone a king and the other a servant? Each soul is a finite spark amongst the infinite number of soul sparks. One in quality with the rest of its sibling sparks, but nevertheless separate in identity. To the eyes of a partially realised seeker, the unification of all the soul sparks appears as a collective one, and that oneness feels like the absolute truth. The homogeneous effulgence composed of the infinite number of living sparks is the impersonal feature of God which appears non dual in nature. For example, the sun rays is made up of millions of tiny shining molecules which appear as a homogeneous effulgence yet the tiny molecules remain individuals. no individual being can claim to be the creator. Even If every living being were gathered in a room we can’t all agree together that we as a collective whole have created the material world or organised the cycles of nature. Therefore there must be something transcendent to all the living beings combined which has created everything. That is God. God means supreme creator, Creation means brain, and brain means person. therefore the creator must be a sentient person, transcendental and superior to all living entities in the creation. The creator cannot be impersonal or void. The Inert Material manifestation and the cycles of material nature are caused and organised by the supreme being through his spiritual energy. This is the infinite all pervading aspect of God through which he is present everywhere. There is nothing but God, but still everything is not God personally, everything is his energy. (Matter develops from spirit, spirit does not develop from matter, e.g the body of a child grows because the living spark is present, if the child is born dead the body never grows) The living sparks are one in quality with God but vastly different in might and potency. Just as the finite waves in the ocean are qualitatively one with the vast ocean while also being simultaneously different from the ocean itself in power and supremacy. Hope this has provided some clarity as to the actual nature of non-duality and whether The source of creation is a sentient being or an impersonal void.
@WaltherSuk Жыл бұрын
Just what Sananda said to me in a channeling; in your aloness you find your own love. There's a pot of gold waiting for you in the deepest dungeons of your soul. Your love will find its way to the right people when you're deeply enough established in it so that nothing can disturb your balance anymore.
@Listen2BAware 6 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@rawshi7931 4 ай бұрын
@leelanjoy Жыл бұрын
Thank You
@rawiribeazley7630 Жыл бұрын
You warm my heart♡
@oliverlawrence8112 Жыл бұрын
The tennis analogy is really on point. Really enjoy your reflections 👍
@brianlane3663 Жыл бұрын
I'm my own best friend 💛🌞✌️
@Omnipresence101 Жыл бұрын
One is a majority🙏
@badraldenshalgen4489 Жыл бұрын
You kicked the ball to me in this video and I m Gonna kick it back to you
@leeluvse 3 ай бұрын
Love your videos!
@christinaleilupo8343 Жыл бұрын
Yes… 😌my way on Earth sometimes also in full power Love 😍
@EmRauz Жыл бұрын
This is very affirming! (hopefully that’s not my ego talking 😈)
@Youthanasia131313 Жыл бұрын
what the . . speechless i thought I was alone in this
@phikriajgarkava2217 Жыл бұрын
Let's live together.
@EddyDJIMini3Pro 11 ай бұрын
Life does not make copies. We are not a notion(s) ✌✌😁😁😍😍😊😊
@maireadhaugh6795 Жыл бұрын
Beautiiful once you got into it
@KianAllen-cj5is 2 ай бұрын
If anybody is strugglign with aloneness. Im so sorry ik it sucks. But here are a couple things. 1. Your not alone, i feel lonely too 2. Consciousenss is indees singular and moves through all thinfs but the experience of being alone can only be had by the ego itself 3. Consciousness is singular but every viewpoint of that consciousness is only aware of jts own viewpoint. I am not aware of your body, and your not aware of mine. You realise that you are alone, but so am i, we are alone, but since alone implies separation, ehich does not exist, you realise we are all ONE. There is a HUGE difference I hope this helps any of you. I love you all. Namaste ❤
@spiritualrenaissance 2 ай бұрын
@sidnair Жыл бұрын
Knee -sir-guh-thut-aah
@TerryLightfoot Жыл бұрын
@eliasparker5113 Жыл бұрын
i love you man lol
@thisnameinvolved 9 ай бұрын
I've done the work: self inquiry/introspection, shadow work, shamanic practice and feel more lonely than when I was blue pilled 20 years ago. I disagree, in this human form we dont give a fuck about anyone but ourselves, especially as consciousness rises (and we dont know who we are). When you realize you are the universe experiencing itself and have nothing of meaning to share with interdimensional entities or ETs, thats when you know loneliness has you. This is why you lie, collect and integrate misinformation, and act with the cult of personality. Ive been listening to spiritualists and individuals squabble about awakening for nearly a decade. Awakening is fragmentation, and those leading this ascension /new age movement are drowning in delusional collective ego.
@spiritualrenaissance 9 ай бұрын
Yes, but there’s a rare few that are authentic. Look at sri data mata on KZbin or Papaji and feel their vibrations
@glennmcgee4466 Жыл бұрын
I’m doing semen retention 4 weeks now and I’ve got lower back pains since I this anything to do with semen retention?? Other than that I feel great
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
Its ok. The body will always have some symptoms that wax and wanes or disappear and then reappear. -- Its like a car.
@omarshaaban907 6 ай бұрын
Would love a video about Before and after sex Love your channel! It’s helped so much
@Krystar Жыл бұрын
@Youthanasia131313 Жыл бұрын
I have a question. At some point, you say that once you understand yourself, you can enjoy the people and their perspectives. In the past, i reached that conclusion and then lost it again, like a big circle and it all happened because i tried to love again. People around me who are unconscious (to me) and can enjoy themselves and others don't have to go through that process and can enjoy each other without that much thinking. Have you thought these people are just luckier, that they don't have to wonder about all of these things? Like maybe they are a better version of the human species, that are free of thoughts of this kind and don't have to suffer and lose time from life nature, and meeting people. And how do you overcome these thoughts? thank you
@spiritualrenaissance Жыл бұрын
There can be many reasons. But I can say also that There are some people who are enjoying the fruits of previous good karma. But still, those fruits will be extinguished at some point and so then if one doesnt realize who they are beyond body-mind level then its.just a matter of time before life hits them with something that forces them to deeply contemplate who they are beyond the human construct level. One could also know who they are beyond body-mind level without thinking much about it or articulating it. But many people (villagers for example) are very simple -- this life is for them to just get acquainted with the human vehicle and so life takes it easy on them at first.
@Youthanasia131313 Жыл бұрын
@@spiritualrenaissance Thank you for the response, my friend. Have a great day
@isildurany2888 Жыл бұрын
Giving Haldol to a 7 year old ? Man thats bad...
@sylvestercrowley 2 ай бұрын
Theres always a very specific air of smug with people who claim to be "enlightened" or "awakened"
@cleener 5 ай бұрын
Hash, I am sorry but they told me to attack this video, so everything that you here is from me, don't worry if you are sane or sober, sober is only what you think it is. I learned beyond that, then you stop worrying what other people are doing and what you are doing. Just a hint on should you teach others about semen control or are you going to let us. I do not want to take away your drive, but you cannot take away one of our methods. You Are too much for us, give us a chance to teach, please. If you do not let go and just escape to learn how are you going to learn. You have to have the fire before the people see the fire.
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