みなさんこんばんは🌝 今週もお疲れ様でした! 明日からGWの方もいらっしゃると思うのですが、長期休みにDIYを予定している方や、新生活が始まってこれからお部屋のリメイクを考えている方など、もしも参考になれば幸いです🪚✨作業メインなので、家事の合間やお勉強のお供にラジオ的にご覧いただけたらと思います📻 それでは素敵なGWをお過ごしください😊 KAORIOTAKU Good evening everyone 🌝 Thank you for your hard work this week! I'm sure there will be some people starting Golden Week tomorrow, but I hope this will be helpful for those who are planning to do some DIY during their long vacation, or those who are thinking about renovating their rooms after starting a new life ✨ Since I mainly work, I hope you can watch it on the radio while doing housework or as a companion to your studies 📻 I hope you have a wonderful Golden Week😊 KAORIOTAKU