Cost Effective 2 Vessel K-RIMS on a DIY Cooler-Based Brew System: When Old Meets New Nostalgia Brew

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BEER-N-BBQ by Larry

BEER-N-BBQ by Larry

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@dannewman7974 2 жыл бұрын
Started brewing in OC back in '78. Went all-grain in the 80's and used an ice chest and a single kettle (beer keg with top cut off). Got many great (and award winning) brews for over 20 years on that system. Tried in the early 2000's a three kettle system w/HERMs; tried BIAB more recently. I keep on going back to my ice chests/coolers and single kettle systems: simple, reliable, easy to clean & store, inexpensive, and most importantly fun. It's my sensible, approachable, teachable, everyman's system.
@GURGTUBE 2 жыл бұрын
Love that you're using a kegmenter at the end. I love mine....and my Scylla
It’s my first time using it. I like it so far. Exactly fits my criteria for a fermenter.
@roderickroderick7216 2 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this video for so long Larry. I love the old school way of doing things. BTW, Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Awesome. Glad you liked them both (this video and the personalized one). Happy birthday again!
@ElementaryBrewingCo 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the vid Larry. Nice to see the old equipment get dusted off! Cheers 🍻
It took a little elbow grease. Lots of cause in every nook and cranny. I suppose that’s what happens when you store your gear in a garage.
@MrRhino12667 2 жыл бұрын
Larry, You always inspire me to want to brew. I started with just a pot and turkey fryer, did an extract kit.. then added a cooler mash tun, and now have an all-in-one. I still like to use the old cooler once in a while. Cheers
@tagrifleworks 2 жыл бұрын
Ahhh the nostalgia is great 👍
@TheApartmentBrewer 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video! It must feel very sentimental to break out the old stuff. K-RIMS sounds pretty similar to an older system I pieced together a few years ago, solid method!
I wish I did this years ago when I built my first system. Would have saved me the addition cost and hassle of using a HLT.
@brewing8094 2 жыл бұрын
Good video Larry , have been following your channel for a number of years now. Its truly amazing how electric brewing has taken off around the world and innovative ideas. You can repurpose old brewing gear and integrate into these new electric brewing systems. I recently upgraded to my 3rd electric brewing system 230V- 15A, this time I went with the Grainfather G40 and 64 pounds/ 29kg dry weight is a awesome unit.
Yeah. I never thought I’d go electric, but here I am.
@brewing8094 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY One idea I had if you have a spare mash tun from a previous build to intergate with your new electric ⚡ system is set your mash time in your software to like 1 min to trick/skip stage in the software software on your next brew if your having a double brew day and save time on the second brew. So you could start the mash like half way , say from the 60min boil on first and start 60min mash on your second brew and by the time you finish the first you sparge and pump second brew into electric ⚡ system and straight to boil👌. I'm about to try this to see if it works 🍺🍺👌.
@jasongarland3165 2 жыл бұрын
When I went all grain, I was dealing with friend who'd come into the remnants of a homebrew shop and I would up with two kettles and a basket. Then I brewed on his Breweasy system. I ordered a Blichmann Hellfire and found a used old style Hellfire controlled in a forum and viala! homemade Breweasy system. I also use one of the DC wort pumps. It's tiny, powerful, and makes zero noise, which is nice because like you mention, it runs for an hour.
“Remnants of a home brew shop”? As in a “Five finger discount”? lol
@jasongarland3165 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY Nah, nothing like that. He managed a brewshop and the owner passed away. The owner's widow closed the business and gave my friend the remaining inventory as sort of a severance. He sold it all off little by little for cash.
@tooidiotsbrewingcompany8137 2 жыл бұрын
Nice Video. Still using my ole dual vessel system similar to yours after 7+ years. Just cant seem to bring myself to buy another system yet.
@beeroquoisnation 2 жыл бұрын
GREAT vidya buddy. You kept me busy controlling the volume between conveyances with the Chicago Blues Review, LOL. I love the old system. I had no ports in my kettle, because I only had the Northern Brewer Tall Boy. I found that I could use my BrewSSSiphon to circulate when I had no ports in my kettle. I was going to use the converted Spike Flex with an 5 gallon Igloo today, instead I will use the oldest rig I have. Thanks for the inspiration. I still have yet to contact Clay about getting a big chiller for my Blichmann 30 gallon brew kettle. I might need to start a savings account for it. Cheers.
We had all sorts of audio issues and had to resort to using back up audio from other recorders. This is really was the best cut possible. Lesson learned; stop buying cheap Chinese equipment.
@beeroquoisnation 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY Still a great vidya buddy. Don't be a stranger.
@timclark7507 2 жыл бұрын
I believe the system that can fit in your dishwasher would be the best. I have a 10 gallon system I rarely use because it is a PITA to clean up. The smaller 5 gallon system I have can be washed in the kitchen sink.
Is why I only brew ten gallon batches in warmer weather so I can wash everything outside. I typically only brew 5 gallon batches in winter or other cold weather days.
@beerme_2 2 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed the Video.. Hope you are doing well... I often think about going electric but I have been following a process that works ok for me (Propane) one day i will likely add electric brewing gear.. .. Upgrading to the JaDeD Concentric Hydra stepped up the game for me. Awesome chiller ( thanks Clay)...🍻 Stay Safe!
There’s nothing wrong with that. For all the pros for electric, one big pro for gas is the ease of cleaning the kettle.
@PatrickSandy78 2 жыл бұрын
Morning Larry.
@sfimperial6726 Ай бұрын
Great idea! How much wort goes in BK for heating and recirculation?
@EverydayBBQ 2 жыл бұрын
I really loved this video, brother. It reminded me of being there hanging out with you. It’s been a while. I really hope we can get together this summer. Really enjoy hanging out. Hope you and the family are safe and well.
For sure. Time flies when you're always busy. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting back to cooking again this Spring. Winter really sucked for that.
@tman9338 2 жыл бұрын
Wow Larry!! This was great !! Didn’t see unlucky using a hop spider. Did I miss a step to keep the plant matter from going into your fermenter ??? I have a cruder setup but (barbed fittings) but I think I can do the same. What keeps the chugger from clogging when you did your vorlouf ???
I don’t use hop spiders unless I have to (i.e. systems with small pumps like Grainfather). I don’t like them nor hop bags. I keep most trub out of fermenter via whirlpooling, settling, and pulling from side of kettle. Some trub gets by but that is fine because yeast benefit from a little trub in the fermenter.
@davechang-sang4366 2 жыл бұрын
Morning Larry! Nicely done video and liked watching the old system at work! Do you find that you don't need to run your cooled wort through a mesh "screen" (i.e. like a mesh strainer) to filter out any hop matter as you transfer from the kettle to your fermentation keg? I see you're doing a pressure ferment with US-05; would love to hear how this beer turns out! Cheers!
I quit using screens many year ago. Not necessary and too much trouble keeping them from clogging during transfer. I just whirlpool and collect from the raised edge of the kettle. I also scale up the batch an extra quart or two to account for what's left behind in the kettle. Some trub isn't all that bad for fermentation. In fact, it is beneficial to the yeast to have some. I'm not truly pressure fermenting it. (There's no need to being an ale fermenting within the yeast's ideal temperature range.) I used the SPUNDit as a "normal" airlock (set to 0-1-si psi) because I do not have a 4" tri-clover plate with a hole in it and will also want to use pressure later to transfer it to the keg while in place in the fridge so that I do not have to move it out of the fridge first as I would if using a siphon. I'm doing a couple of follow up videos; one on the Kegmenter and one on the finished beer.
@davechang-sang4366 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY - Now I'm really intrigued to see how the beer turns out! Quick question: Will you be dry hopping at all? I've also considered setting the spunding valve to a low PSI (1-2 psi tops) instead of a blow off tube - adding the tube and then a bottle of starsan into the fridge (fermentation chamber) just takes up so much more room especially when the fermenter is a bit stainless one (I am using the Spike Flex+) - glad to see the videos again Larry!! Cheers!
@@davechang-sang4366 I opted to do the late boil hop additions as well as a hop stand instead. Is there a reason why you use a blow off tube instead of an airlock? I quit doing that after buying larger fermenters so that there’s no overflow to account for.
@davechang-sang4366 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY Regarding the blow off tube; I guess it's force of habit ya know? I mean, I do try to get about 6 gallons into the Spike so that does leave me with more than enough headspace for active ferments and I don't recall having to deal with extremely active fermentations over the past year since I have switched to the Flex+ so I likely should just make the switch and spund at a lower PSI like you're doing. I made my spunding valve thanks to YOUR video - you really made it look easy so thank you for that!
@Unsub-Me-Now 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like you got a little bit of tunneling. Maybe a sparge attachment could have prevented that. Cheers!
Yep. Known issue that I never fixed because I stopped using it before I did anything about it.
@luclaplante3358 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Larry, if i understand well you don`t do a sparge step so did you put all the needed water of the recipe all at the beginning in the pot ?
Yes. All in the beginning as is common with BIAB and other similar all in one system. No need for a HLT.
@luclaplante3358 2 жыл бұрын
@@BEERNBBQBYLARRY Thank you Larry i will try that on my next batch 😀
@paulg6421 Жыл бұрын
10-100, huh? Haven’t heard anyone use that phrase outside of work in years!
And the follow on 10-200 for #2. Use both in my live streams all the time.
@chadcarpenter9742 2 жыл бұрын
Larry, ( an those who care)sorry I didn't make it to this brew day..they are always fun! Oh..I remember this system like yesterday with the cooler hot liquor tank and batch sparging. Man all the hops added at the end will be vary tasty and aromatic! I like the digital tester, but would I be safe to ask if there's a accuracy percentage + or - % ?
You missed a cool experience brewing KRIMS style on it. It's seems to make more sense to do it this way from now (if I were to stick with propane that is. LOL) That EasyDens is within .001 S.G. accuracy, and it also does away with user error while trying to read tick marks and adjusts for temperature automatically too.
@petepapy8044 2 жыл бұрын
@jafarym77 2 жыл бұрын
Larry, where can I get that foot switch that you used to turn your chugger pump on and off?
I bought it here:
@BuckRogers2491 2 жыл бұрын
Harbor Freight also has them.
@knacrr 2 жыл бұрын
Do u have a suggestion for a good digital thermometer?
@nkrull3 2 жыл бұрын
Great video Larry! Could I ask what type of folding thermometer you use and have you been happy with it?
@GentleGiantFan 2 жыл бұрын
Thermapen. They are a bit pricy but worth it. I recently bought Inkbird's verson of that. Main reason was the Inkbird is backlit, is rechargeable via USB, and much cheaper in price.
Thermapen. I have two. Been using them for years for both brewing and cooking. True instant read and accurate.
@BuckRogers2491 2 жыл бұрын
@@GentleGiantFan Thermapen Mk 4 and Thermapen One are both backlit. Plus, they're both powered by regular a regular ole AAA battery. No proprietary batteries to obsolete your temp probe.
@GentleGiantFan 2 жыл бұрын
@@BuckRogers2491 I looked at those but ultimately went with the Inkbird due to price and USB recharging. My Makita battery charger has a USB port that I can plug the Inkbird for recharging. Very convenient since I brew in my garage.
@BuckRogers2491 2 жыл бұрын
@@GentleGiantFan Thermoworks Thermapen is definitely expensive, so I can't fault you there. On the battery, I prefer AA and AAA rechargeable and that's a plus on the Thermapen.
@justincaldwell698 2 жыл бұрын
Larry what are you doing enough with the music
lol. Oh ok. Next time it’ll be a silent slideshow.
@coryhyatt2035 2 жыл бұрын
Larry the music is way to loud. Personally I dont think you need much of it in general.
@JoshF89 Жыл бұрын
Better than a 10 200 lol jk
I sure hope so! Ha
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