Beginner Tarantula Keeping MISTAKES to AVOID!

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Tarantula Collective

Tarantula Collective

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@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
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@brianacarey8617 2 жыл бұрын
Holes in the enclosure are definitely a problem. My baby pinktoe escaped when I didn’t realize she could fit through the holes in her door hinges. I was extremely upset when I found her dead on the floor
@atzend8569 2 жыл бұрын
Is this a new feature, adding the species name in the bottom left of the b-roll? I don't think I've noticed before, and as a beginner who doesn't recognize a whole lot of species by sight I really appreciate it! Thanks for all your hard work man, and happy holidays and new year to you and yours.
@baikia777 2 жыл бұрын
Letting them extra chonky all the time will make them hide more sometimes, especially new world Ts. If they think they have plenty of energy reserves, they won't look for prey. My solution is if you like to feed them often, feed them smaller prey so they get hungry faster.
@CtrlAltObsolete 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I am glad you called out the negativity in some “tarantula groups.” It is important to put egos and the so-called “I’m a tarantula guru” attitude aside and educate rather than shame others for their lack of experience or knowledge. We all started off new. Y’all don’t have to kick off the hairs on your abdomen. In all aspects of our lives… don’t forget where you came from.
@destroymysilence 4 ай бұрын
I know this is an old comment but thank you so much for saying this. I was on arachno boards last week because I'm a very very new t owner. I did a lot of research but I realized that there were things that I did Miss. It happens to all of us I'm sure. I was asking some questions and someone got nasty. And it's a shame because I've read some of their older posts and they were very informative but it felt so condescending when this person responded to me. It made me want to go find the nearest tarantula expert and give them my Ts. Then I realized that this person has probably been in it for a really long time and forgot what it's like to be new and be nervous.
@destroymysilence 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. I know it's a couple years old but I want you to know that it is still very appreciated and some of us are definitely hearing what you have to say. I caught myself fussing a little bit with my one tarantula's enclosure and realized I need to back off. He's got a full abdomen, he's got water, he's got plenty of places to hide. I just need to leave him alone for now. The only thing I need to do is just go do a quick room temp check once in the morning and once in the evening.
@syyek 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time and effort to make these beginner videos. I have quite a few friends who have seen my collection of T's and made the decision to get their first. I always direct them to your channel (among others) and point out your beginner keeper playlist. Appreciate the time you put in! As somebody who works with photography and editing I know how time consuming it can be.
@aappaapp6627 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for looking out for us newbies, Richard! Your efforts to educate as many people as possible with your vids are well appreciated :)))
@PinkBlue_Spood 2 жыл бұрын
Videos like these are incredibly helpful! I’ve been preparing for tarantulas for many months, assuring I was well prepared for them, since I could finally get my first tarantulas this year. Today, I ordered my first tarantulas (four of them), after feeling confident enough and having everything I needed. As someone who is disabled from a severe progressive condition, I liked how tarantulas weren’t as exhaustive to care for as many other pets out there I haven’t been able have, because of limitations and severe allergies. I grew up in an almost zoo-like environment with the amount of exotic or even dangerous animals we had, and I miss being able to care for animals like I could then. Tarantulas quiet, simple to care for compared to most animals, and wonderful to observe, even if they can be bold or defensive. I’ve always liked them as a child, but, I never would have thought that they would later sound like the perfect pet for me.
@pascalecat 2 жыл бұрын
I made the mistake with my pumpkin patch spiderling-you guessed it-escaped from the (surely microscopic, it can’t get out, right?) holes! I just had the gut feeling it had and sure enough, I picked my laundry up off the floor, and the baby tarantula was staring back at me. Very lucky to have found it, and it’s burrowed away for now. In a different enclosure. With even smaller holes.
@invertebratsnicolec.3178 2 жыл бұрын
great video! ive been in the hobby for about a year and half now, and I have made the mistake of keeping a super teeny tiny 1/8" pseudhapalopus sp. Colombia sling in a container where the ventilation holes were too big (not to the naked eye but apparently i misjudged!) and it escaped within a couple of hours of receiving it, never to be seen again. and the was my second sling of that species, the first died for some reason after a few weeks. and i was super sad to lose both but those are also not cheap slings so big mistake on my part! :(
@gutz323 2 жыл бұрын
Your right about people on the forums, some of them with their harsh comments for new keepers could be damaging to T's. I bet some noobs are frightened to ask questions because they don't want to be talked down to and end up making mistakes because they haven't asked. I get that new keepers do ask questions that has been asked hundreds of times before, but sometimes it is nice to communicate with other keepers rather than just reading another thread. There is a couple of people on one forum I go on that can't wait to jump on a thread when someone asks a simple question with 'RESEARCH THIS YOURSELF, DONT ASK STUPID QUESTIONS' It must put people off asking. Their attitude seems to be, don't come and ask questions unless you are an experienced keeper. I don't get what they get so worked up about, they don't have to answer. Some of them are so rude. They certainly don't give a new keeper a warm welcome unless you ask the right questions.
@DougA333 2 жыл бұрын
Your camerawork/production value is 10/10👍
@jgscatsandthings5208 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome part 2. I'm always enjoying taking in more information. I can honestly say I'm always checking sizes of vent holes, so there's no escapees. So tend to not jump ahead of upgrading them into a bigger enclosure too soon. Hope yourself & family have a Happy Thanksgiving, and also to any other Americans in the comments. From the cold UK
@ElectrizzoMadLad 2 ай бұрын
Be patient... that's what I gotta learn
@Xechil Жыл бұрын
I'm super fortunate with my burrower rancho ♡ they must love their enclosure because they're out on display super often ♡
@allenszykula8071 Жыл бұрын
Solution to make sure you don't just have a box of dirt. I bought a cheap bore scope camera that attaches to my phone I can peek in and see if he is ok without bulldozing his home.
@stevem8131 2 жыл бұрын
I give you props on giving good information for new keepers. Nice job!
@paulh5429 2 жыл бұрын
At this point I've learned most of what I can from tarantula care videos, and just need more hands on experience, but I always watch yours if only for the cinematography. You have some absolutely fantastic footage. Would love to see more species in your documentary series, those are all excellent quality. Keep it up, your channel is a large part of why I have one T and plan to get many more as soon as I am in a better living situation to do so.
@flareon1368 2 жыл бұрын
Richard I want you to know how grateful I am for your channel. I've done a lot of research myself before diving into Tarantula keeping, but no amount of reading can prepare you for some of the real struggles one can face as a new T keeper. Its thanks to your beginners guides with easy to follow demonstrations and explanations that my GBB didn't die this morning. She was in death curl and I had no idea why. She'd been rejecting food but at first I wasn't too worried because she was still doing normal T behavior and I knew (from your videos!) That Ts can fast and go on hunger strike, so this allowed me to put my mind at ease and have patience. But she'd been kind of slowing down the last few days and being generally lethargic, so I was beginning to be really concerned. I tried different feeders to see if she would eat, but she kept threat posing her prey. She was obviously irritated and not feeling well, but I didn't know what to do. Once she was in death curl I knew I needed to act fast. Because I'd watched so many beginners guides, I knew the first thing I should do is NOT to put her in an ICU like a lot of articles online suggest, but to simply attempt to rehydrate her and see if it would help. My partner and I went ahead and spritz down her enclosure where she was sitting. At first she backed up into her burrow, so we were relieved she was still able to move but still worried about whether she would get to the water and drink. But once again, we were patient, and eventually she climbed onto the glass and pressed her body flush and began slurping up water like crazy. This is all to say that I had no idea that she couldn't find her water, since we placed her bowl right next to her hide, but she was SO thirsty that obviously she wasn't drinking or wasn't feeling strong enough to make her way over to the bowl or something cause I could see her strength slowly fading recently, but now she's engaging in normal T behavior again. I love what you're talking about at the end of this video. I've gone online and asked noob questions and been trolled online and it's scary sometimes to want to ask. But even something as simple as how you should rehydrate a spider first and foremost when you notice a death curl can spell life or death for your T, and I am more grateful than you'll ever know that you're a resource that's available to us Richard. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much
@brookeggleston9314 2 жыл бұрын
My mentor, in life, as well as music composition, taught me one extremely important thing, out of many: *the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask!* Not one of us knows everything, though some would have you believe otherwise.🤔 It usually turns out that they are the ones that know the least. Keep on keeping on, and don't let the bastards grind you down!!🙇 Blessings . . .🌊✨👁️🕷️👁️✨🐬
@flareon1368 2 жыл бұрын
@@brookeggleston9314 100%! I'm a tutor and I can't tell you the number of students who come in dispairing because they've been made to feel stupid just for being a beginner at something. I think it's a real shame that some people are so quick to aggress people just for being new to something. I may be relatively new to Tarantula keeping and haven't encountered the same problems someone who has been at it for 10 years has before, but the point isn't that we should all be experts off the bat, but that the experts before us are willing to teach us
@brookeggleston9314 2 жыл бұрын
@@flareon1368 Remember: the cream always rises to the top! It sounds like you're on your way up! Blessings . . .🌊✨👁️🕷️👁️✨🐬
@noncookiecutter6753 2 жыл бұрын
Just got my self a Brazilian wandering spider super pumped about it can’t wait to handle it.
@That1menace 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos helped me convince the wife to get a tarantula, well now she wants two, soon to be probably three-four after awhile
@sammy3712 2 жыл бұрын
I got 2 slings just over 3 months ago, this video was super helpful Thank you 🙌
@therodian96 2 жыл бұрын
The Poecilotheria Metallica is such a beauty!
@mre912 2 жыл бұрын
Great video Richard. I feel you can never have to much information about anything. Especially your T's that you put a lot of $ effort and time into. Thanks for the great content. 👍 happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well.
@dprofessorscritters8762 2 жыл бұрын
Have to say....your production has really stepped up in game. Great stuff as always and putting ID in the video is a great idea.
@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you like them!
@L.V.exoticpets 2 жыл бұрын
Love the info you give bro your very wise
@additudeobx 2 жыл бұрын
I learned the "Stagnant Air" syndrome the hard way. I had a nice female balfori that was still in the acrylic 12x5x6 bring home container from the pet store. I'd had it a couple of weeks, it looked fine, was eating and then I decided to "wet down" one corner of the enclosure. The bring home container had minimal air flow. I was naïve... (Stupid) .... I learned that lesson the hard way.... it died sitting right in front of the enclosure in plain sight.... balfori was probably thinking, "Help Me, please help me".... I was like, "Are you ok?" ...
@lindabriggs5118 2 жыл бұрын
Just goes to show people can learn new things. I had no idea, since I'm a newbie too, that to see if your tarantula needs or does not need to eat, check to see if their abdomen is the same width of their carapace. Learn something new every day concerning tarantulas! Thank you, Richard, for all the work you do making these videos! And I hope you and yours had an outstanding Thanksgiving!
@abenxu8731 2 жыл бұрын
You sir, have made another great video
@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@jamielovesjohn 2 жыл бұрын
I love your Facebook group. Probably one of the friendliest animal Facebook groups. Your Admins do an awesome job managing the trolls and removing them and their nasty comments quickly. There are so many friendly people who are willing to answer all my newbie questions, even the most obscure.
@Coonfuciius 2 жыл бұрын
Front and top worked out for me so far
@benc6613 2 жыл бұрын
For me it was finding the right amount of humidity for my versi. So many husbandry videos talk about Sudden Avic Death Syndrome with humidity too high, but I was way under doing it for dry, dry, dry Colorado. It got stuck in a molt as a sling and dropped a couple legs. But after that, luckily non-lethal, lesson I've upped the humidity and she's been all good for many more molts. As always, thanks for your excellent and educational videos!
@richywolf9925 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou so much I was making a lot of mistakes. I'm very grateful for your information the heath of my new friend is all that matters.
@laurendobelbower2713 2 жыл бұрын
I share the same sentiments as those who have commented below... Another truly amazing video! Thorough yet succinct, perfect topics of conversation, well-edited. I really hope all new and even experienced keepers watch this for helpful reminders and tips. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world!✌💜🕷🕸
@BobBruns 2 жыл бұрын
Ya Richard some people give crap advice and like you said be patient. Also I wanted to tell you, your store has the XXL brown tattoo short sleeve t-shirts now so I ordered one. Thank you for all of your videos. I've learned a lot from you.
@ashleybonner5423 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the patience and don't dig out of the burrow thing. I've bought an aphonopelma chalcodes large slong/small juvenile a couple and half months ago but it has been barricades in a burrow for the last 31 days. I've actually started slowly scraping away the outside soil from the barricade just to make sure it was still okay, but I've refrained when I reminded myself that there's a reason it does this. I miss her so much!!
@brutusinthesin5883 2 жыл бұрын
I got one that is a large-ish sling and it ate about twice and then burrowed up and has been that way for months (going on for like 5 months). The only thing is the burrow is next to the edge so I can peak in and see how it's doing. It's well but I do wish it would come out and "play". lol
@Nightshade2003 2 жыл бұрын
Dudeeee. I reaallyy loveeee ur cinematic,ur shot,ur speak. And the backsong was great for explain about tarantulas.🔥🔥🔥🔥
@sebfetea3408 2 жыл бұрын
Love the binomial names on the shots, very helpful
@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
So many people have been asking what species were at different time I figured this would be easier. Hopefully I remeber to do it in future videos
@lawelch82 2 жыл бұрын
Great video as usual Richard 🤘
@tarantulacollective 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks my friend!
@Mikeyd8383 Жыл бұрын
Thank you again for your time and information!!!!!!!!!
@ariunger1080 2 жыл бұрын
I made the mistake of digging up my Davus Pentaloris sling a few times when I first started spider keeping. He made me so nervous not seeing him for weeks! I know better now
@skyhuntxr 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video! Could you cover the Sericopelma sp darien? I recently bought a sling of this species but there’s almost no videos about it. It’s doing great tho. So I have no worries but I would love to get some more information about it.
@knitter4years 2 жыл бұрын
You found a problem in my husbandry. I have to track the feeding. I'm the new mom of 4 spiderlings and I'm not tracking when I feed them which for me means I feed to often because I am not keeping track of when they are fed. Thank you so much!
@pumpkinchow 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely had to check this video out and make sure I’m not making any noob mistakes🤷‍♂️ thankfully all on point except I did have giant rose hair tarantula escape for a week in my room luckily I always made sure my reptile room is escape proof so I was able to safely get the tarantula back in it’s enclosure after a week of being free range🤷‍♂️ she webbed the whole floor up almost it was quite a sight and found her one night just chilling in the middle of the floor. She was one of my favorite tarantulas I used to take her out quite often for friends to hold and admire but made the mistake of forgetting to close the lid properly and my sister ended up moving out of the house because she’s terrified of spiders probably because I used to trick her with the sheds and toss them at her 🤦‍♂️ looking back now I definitely don’t recommend that and should have tried educating her more so that she might’ve grown to enjoy them like I have.
@freilichwurscht 2 жыл бұрын
Would have expected to hear something about mesh lids
@akureitenshi 2 жыл бұрын
I feel bad when I have to damage the burrow at all. Like when I had to get the molt out and ended up destroying a part of it.
@susannebuchholz785 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating! Looks absolutely great!I like to watch tarantulas!👍🏻
@Natmusic2011 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Shared with my son. A newbie
@pencilRC1 2 жыл бұрын
Dude I got my first tarantula on Sunday. These videos are a miracle, luckily I have common sense and did research so I’m not learning everything from these videos.
@leafwitheyes2473 2 жыл бұрын
Worth the wait!
@phillipengelbrecht4699 Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if you will read this but your videos are so Damn helpful!!!!!!! I just got two Ts this week and it’s kinda stressful bc I don’t want them to suffer and die so I’ve been trying to make sure everything is perfect (even opening my room door gently as to not disturb them). 😅 But I must say your videos really give me some peace of mind 😊 Quick question….how do tarantulas react when you shine a light on their enclosure?
@sharonfloyd3101 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome part 2 btw
@jrvalek4440 2 жыл бұрын
Man you're videos are the best 💯 🙌
@tracydoverspike5255 Ай бұрын
We had one escape for a week! We found her in our family room.
@h3arty 6 ай бұрын
you're amazing. i just love your passion so much. you really care about the correct care and i just think you're a true gem because of that. i'm learning so much from you and i'm so excited to be a newbie in the world of tarantulas. i promise i'll heed all your advice and be a good T keeper :)
@tarantulacollective 6 ай бұрын
@raizurr5218 2 жыл бұрын
I never comment on you vids Richard but I just wanted to say you are really doing a great job and your information and videos are so helpful. I appreciate your content.
@shawnszirbik4717 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips you’re videos help a lot
@EJChevy 2 жыл бұрын
Years I've owned terrestrials and decided to move to arboreals and they keep dying. Had a Poecilotheria regalis for a year everything was good to go but once I cleaned up its enclosure it passed away. Used a damp cloth to clean the glass and substrate. My Caribena versicolor started to curl on the enclosure floor , but it would bounce back and be it's normal self, then one morning it just passed on, this went on for about a couple of weeks.
@John_Doe62 10 ай бұрын
I myself are quite fat so I find it really really hard not to feed them as much as they like. And I've notice the ones that eat the most, are usually the one that's the least scared of me and the least aggressive.
@negronjr7853 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks again, Champ!!!
@AndreaArturoGiuseppeGrossi 2 жыл бұрын
Hello there and friendly greetings! This will be a long comment but I felt the need to tell you something. I watched a lot of your videos from months now before I decided to get into the hobby. Now I have 4 C. cyaneopubescens and I am happy as I can be! I am discovering TONS of things about Ts and a lot of them thank to you. The most important parts are the one about rookie mistakes: I am quite insecure about a good caretaking of Ts (is the light correct? How dry or moist should I keep the enclosures?) so I had and still have a lot of doubts, I guess time will make me better but your advices turned out precious. Also because I've seen similar suggestions on some board and on Reddit. After all you said about tarantulas, I can state that these are the pets that most suit my personal character! So, all these words for thanking you a lot for what you are doing for this hobby! (Having watched all your oldest videos, I have to say that it is good to see your confidence and quality increased! Keep up the good work! 😀)
@alvincole9551 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this awesome video.
@wolvesdefender3771 Жыл бұрын
Great advice
@ZatiCoh 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge arachnophobe and up until a day ago couldn't even look at a picture of a spider on my screen. I've spent the last day looking at tarantula videos and getting myself out of the mindset of being afraid when I see them. In one day I've already gotten to the point where they are cute to me! I thought I was just gonna leave it there, but I made one crucial mistake. Every video I was watching was from people that are super into collecting! Now I've gone from the mindset of being incredibly scared to wanting one of my own... You are a very persuasive bunch ya know that? With that being said I do have one big question. Considering I have never owned a creature quite like this before (closest thing I've owned is a turtle to put into perspective), I'd like to know if I should start off small and simple with a jumping spider before setting my sights on anything daunting such as a curly hair tarantula. I do plan on spending another month doing research before even looking into purchasing anything, but where I stand right now I don't know if I'd be able to jump straight into the deep end of owning anything that big. Sorry for such a long comment, it's been a long day so my filter is nonexistent!
@nexusexotics 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Richard, I'm one of your fans here in the Philippines. I hope you can feature how to increase the lifespan of matured male T's. Keepers here specially newbies are scared of owning a male tarantula.
@humintas6930 Жыл бұрын
one day can u pls make a montage wideo with all ur spiders and cool rock music in the back??
@amandaz9762 2 жыл бұрын
So much great information! We needed a Richard in this hobby. Keep it up! 🤘❤
@WildWhiskersVideos 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you....TC (tarantula collective) for making those videos about tarantulas... even though I'm in the Philippines... I really loved your advice Do's and Dont 's in keeping a Tarantula ], been following it since last my first T's which is Bed head tarantula...Wish you more...
@Chihayamoon 4 ай бұрын
I am a newcomer to your channel and I’ve been watching it quite a bit since I have a fire leg tarantula and here she has been doing really really well and your videos are very helpful however, I do you have a question do you have a video or would you do a video about keeping a goliath bird eater and what’s your recommendation to somebody who’s into the hobby?
@yakfishuk8123 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I don’t know if this is a stupid question but are you supposed to clean the enclosure ever? Also I haven’t used enough substrate, can I just add some to the top? My juvenile red knee has already burrowed so wasn’t sure if it’ll collapse or not. Awesome videos by the way. Really helpful
@apss5736 2 жыл бұрын
awesome video once again
@modernprimate3279 2 жыл бұрын
we are back with more LONGSLEEVE RICHARD
@NekroFuent 2 жыл бұрын
Getting into the hobby and loving your videos. I appreciate it! You always say if there’s a species we would like for you to do I have one! If you can do one on the Chilobrachys sp. Electric Blue I would love it!! Thank you!
@AmyBuccilla 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video! I just got three slings right before Thanksgiving! That makes NINE tarantulas! I had to add a G. pulchripes, T. vagans and and B. boehmei or however it's spelled. STAPLES is what I told my husband. LOL! Those were added to my GBB, G. pulchra, B. hamorii, A. avic, Curly hair and B. emilia. That's pretty good considering I started keeping in Sept. of 2019. :) I really enjoy your FB page too! Great information from folks!
@apss5736 2 жыл бұрын
if you can an aphonopelma seemanni can make a good pet tarantula
@georgecardiff1946 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant stuff Richard, very sound advice 👍.
@mikewithrow2271 2 жыл бұрын
The little Mexican red rump sling a friend got as a freebie I'm currently learning to care for molted just about an hour ago. Two week before they ever got here I was reading and watching as much as I could about them, the sling was pretty dark colored and it's abdomen was almost bare, I thought it had just been kicking hairs like crazy while being shipped This afternoon I was checking on it because it's in the corner of a tiny enclosure, right off the bat something didn't look right. She had already molted and and flipped over It's color was off and finally after about an hour long heart attack and KZbin and googling like a madman. I found out what was happening. With her just like having molted,the enclosure is 100% good to go for the 10 or 14 days I'm going to wait to do anything else other than maybe peeking at the corner of the enclosure. Anyway long story,but my point was to express what I just experienced and had it not been for this channel and a handful of others, I would have already probably hurt this sling by trying to mess with it by moving anything around it. Thank you for that and I really honestly do mean that.
@AngelLopez-tf2le 2 жыл бұрын
Part #1 Part #2 Super Killer Videos 🔥
@gigistarantulas4800 2 жыл бұрын
Love u richard thanks for all the awesome content and happy holidays ♥️♥️♥️
@shehashelpinghands 24 күн бұрын
As a new tarantula owner I found this video very helpful! I'm raising a (Sling) Pink Zebra E. camp species. Trying to learn as much as I can about keeping the enclosure to it's liking. :) Thank you for these do's and don'ts. I tend to over-care for my pets, plants, etc. This species is tropical and buries. I was wondering if you have any experience with this type of New World spider? I fed her on Friday, going to try again soon. I wanted to ask about keeping the soil from completely drying out if this is an issue? Do they prefer a dry and wet side, if I mist the cage and wipe it gently down inside to avoid too much moisture. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. I just DON'T wan't mold in the enviroment. I noticed you have tiny water dishes like bottle caps in each tank.
@brandongiles6875 2 жыл бұрын
Nailed it with people posting stupid comments. I inherited a desert blonde that used to belong to a high school student. Took a pic with my hand beside it, which my wife shared to a Tarantula facebook group. Got comments like 'Bold of you to do that, you're lucky it wasn't a baboon species'. Not my first rodeo pals. I've kept invertebrates before, the scariest being about a 8" Scolopendra dehaani. I know what to expect from my animals. I had written 'pets' but that's not accurate, any more than tropical fish are 'pets'.
@lisaforbes191 Жыл бұрын
i've only been keeping for 2 yrs and I recently lost my T.stermi thought I was doing everything right ie: humidity ect. Any advice on this species would be greatly appreciated
@NoG-Inc. 2 жыл бұрын
CAPTAIN REDBEARD!!! I hope all is well, I agree and approve of this message! 🕷🕸🕷🕸🕷
@NoG-Inc. 2 жыл бұрын
BTW... when we I get another dancing intro?? The first time you did it killed me... lol
@sarahbishop6187 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Richard! First id like to say how much I love your channel, videos, fb group, just everything! I am new to the community and don't have a spider yet but I love learning about it all and it's helped me get rid of my fear! I have an opportunity to buy a Gandanameno velvet spider to start my spider journey. Do you have any of those and would you recommend? Can you handle them at all and whats an appropriate price for a rare spider like that?
@apss5736 2 жыл бұрын
do you have any tips on a small abdomen for tarantulas. i recieved an aphonopelma seemanni with an abdomen smaller than the carapace. i dont want to overfeed edit you covered that in the video
@shounreivsonramiro Жыл бұрын
How much do I need to feed my tarantula and what species of tarantula I have please
@Kristian179 2 жыл бұрын
what about if a feeder insect goes down a burrow & the tarantula doesn't eat it, how would you remove that insect especially if you can't find it, then could you dig up their burrow?
@moydamer 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, brand new keeper here. So, is there ever a reason to change the substrate? I mean like, maybe if there's a mold problem or something? I dunno. Or does the substrate ever just need to be changed so it doesn't get...gross? Don't know the right word, but you probably get what I'm saying. I suspect it's not necessary, but you know what they say about assuming.
@brianlindsay9097 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Question: My B albiceps sling buried itself and plugged up the hole, maybe 2-3 months ago. It's fine; I can see it inside its burrow which is up against the glass. But as far as I can tell it isn't even coming out at night: like I said the entrance is blocked and the mound of soil doesn't ever get moved around at all. So, I keep the water full but I haven't been leaving any food, figuring I'll just keep an eye out for their re-emergence. Am I right in doing this?
@jilliancrawford7577 2 жыл бұрын
This is a stupid question I am asking hypothetically, but would it be viable to cover ventilation with something like tulle for sling enclosures? Obviously it would need cleaning, but I would think a sling would outgrow the enclosure to a normal one before you'd need to worry about cleaning the tulle.
@bewarebroadcasting9773 2 жыл бұрын
2:05 I'm curious where you that enclosure or if you made it I have 3 arboreal species in need of a re housing ...they kind of fell in my lap so I wasn't prepared I e watched all the videos on how you make the terrariums and love them just trying to find this specific type where the door slides out or opens from the side
@3456yuhhhjjijZiadtui 2 жыл бұрын
Emperor scorpion mypat like your videos
@ItHurtsWhenIP_ZA 2 жыл бұрын
What I've learnt when it comes to this hobby... "There's no such thing as a stupid question"
@brookeggleston9314 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask!🤔✨🙇
@deecrute Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! Thank you! I'm very new to T keeping - I have Juvenile Mexican Red Rump in a terrestrial enclosure - in the UK I was sold long and wide but rather shallow one (deep enough for 4 inches of substrate) vivarium with top lid. I read that you should remove uneaten or dead crickets, but that would require taking the whole lid off daily. What would be your advice? Thank you!
@tarantulacollective Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the video! You do need to remove any uneaten or dead prey as soon as you notice to help prevent attracting mites. That would require you opening the lid, but tarantulas don't need to eat every day. So you would only need to worry about that the day after you feed them. Depending on the size of the tarantula, that's only once or twice a week or even just once a month. I have an entire playlist of videos just for people like yourself that are new to keeping tarantulas. You might find some helpful insights in those videos:
@erickhovorka1654 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Richard. Can you do a video about Instars? I realize that it is used to measure a tarantula after molting. I want to know can adult tarantulas' have an instar after a molt? Is it only used for slings?
@robertsimpson5072 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos. Do you have one on signs of premolt?
@talimckay665 Ай бұрын
Hey, I'm not overly new.. I haven't had baby tarantulas, I have a baby now. And I wanna know how old and best way to tell gender of a little one.
@L.V.exoticpets 2 жыл бұрын
Whats good brotha so tired 😫 lol
@rip_gaming9141 2 ай бұрын
My slings burrow dug on him once,so it was ok to dig him out? He was a B.hamori so it (not gendered) was not aggressive
@GooshawnXD Жыл бұрын
Question for ya'll. My GBB juvenile sits in her web in the top corner of her enclosure. We put her food right in the web. I have never seen her go down to the bottom where her water dish is. I mist her web because I'm afraid she is not drinking but it obviously stresses her out whenever I do. How should I proceed?
@ashleygenovese1922 2 жыл бұрын
So I recently messed up my tarantulas web because he made a web around his water bowl so I was wondering if there is a way to make that less stressful
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