A very incredible experience for everyone. To me, I like the ideas of celebrating after the last shot or scene. Even everyone's opinions on the elements of weather, constuming, acting, and scheduling is very honest. I like that honesty and everyone has a opinion about the whole experience and project. Plus, even the Homecoming scene was very nicely done and beautiful. Even the improve is very resilient. Andrew and the cast, I really do appericate the hard work and efforts thats was put in to this project. Not only, this was a idea and almost a full length film in seperate pieces. I overall and including my closet friends enjoyed this series. To us, we would like sqeual, but that choice is up to the fan base and yourself. You said it at the end of the clip, Andrew. "You wanted to prove yourself" I believe you did prove yourself as a filmmaker, editor and Director with a little assistance. I think, you did a absolute outstanding accomplishment including your family and cast members. My friends and I give you, a round of applause.