The statement “story doesn’t matter” followed by woolie getting angry and complaining about the story constantly was always funny.
@BigSisterNeko3 ай бұрын
its the craziest thing 🤣😂
@Egalia_1 Жыл бұрын
"I hope each new weapon doesn't come with a tragic Bayo death." Oh you sweet summer child, so full of hope and innocence at the beginning.
@vVAstrAVv Жыл бұрын
Hey now. TWO weapons came with tragic Jeanne deaths lol
@PR0MAN01 Жыл бұрын
To see Woolies optimism slowly fade was glorious to watch.
@Zepherl01 Жыл бұрын
Woolie thinking Viola was Jeanne and Luka's kid is still legendary.
@Kolbatsu Жыл бұрын
I kinda makes sense. The new kid comes along we don't know who they are and we find out they're the kid of the edgy rival. Like with Nero and Trunks before.
@LilAnonomus Жыл бұрын
I know Woolie's acknowledged that he's become more jaded and cynical over the years, but Bayo 3 was the game he never lost hope in being great. Now that he's finally finished the game? _"Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had"_
@TheHenrytouchdown Жыл бұрын
Hey, Metroid Prime 4's coming any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Aw, man.
@ReachStudioPro Жыл бұрын
Oh yes. He has absolutely become more cynical. Even Reggie has become more pessimistic. I have gone through their earlier videos to the latest and you can clearly notice the difference in attitude towards games. When Woolie started the channel after the shutdown of Thesw1tcher & Two Best Friends Play & Super Best Friends Play it was all hype. Everyone was happy. Now? That happiness has come and gone. I hope we get to see a new let's play that revitalize those glory days.
@Darkryu256 Жыл бұрын
@@ReachStudioPro Instead we will get a new Dokapon, they may not survive this one
@jchverman Жыл бұрын
@SivTheScribe Жыл бұрын
Hey guys, Siv here. Bayonetta 3 is Best Of#29 from me. Since most viewers knew what was in store, I edited it as a react Best Of more than a gameplay Best Of (but I did put some fights like Grace & Glory in there). 2:08:25 is probably my fav hilarious moment, i.e Woolie exhaling at the serial number. Here's to more Best Ofs to come in 2023!
@SuperCJK333 Жыл бұрын
The serial number has got to be a platinum easter egg or something.
@aperturesciencesubject6269 Жыл бұрын
man... I feel so bad for them seeing their excitement and joy in the early part of the video versus how they feel about the game after they finished it. It's like rewatching a trainwreck knowing how it's gonna end again.
@samb3514 Жыл бұрын
This game really screams someone watched Spiderverse and played DMCV and thought "Yeah, we can do that."
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
With the romance plot of Multiverse of Madness added in fnr
@0uttaS1TE Жыл бұрын
The thing is that even Spiderverse understood that the most interesting part of the other Spidermen was how their paths diverged, and how that would affect their morals, their ideologies, or how they conduct themselves. Not to mention the larger aspect of "Not every Spiderman is Peter Parker" which opens up huge potential for story telling. In Bayo 3, we don't get that. We don't get a universe where she was raised by Balder as a Lumen Sage. Or one where (to steal from Woolie rq) Luka is Bayonetta. We get smaller distinctions, like Egyptian Bayo being a subordinate to Jeanne but nothing that big. If they want to establish it as a title, rather than a name, SHOW IT TO US. SHOW ANYONE CAN INHERIT THE NAME. Because for all in intents and purposes, every Bayo is just our Bayo. But with different costumes. And I'll be honest with you, that is boring. Too much Bayo is boring
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
@@0uttaS1TE they feel so out of place too. Like, when they are first introduced and then immediately killed off after their stage I was like, “tf? I wanted to play as that bayo, not just her weapon.” Geez, its just so poorly written. Its like they hired Jack Kirby for the character design and game aesthetics and Alex Kurtzman for the characterization and plot.
@fissilewhistle Жыл бұрын
They were so focused on whether or not they *could* that they didn’t stop to think if they *should.*
@DashWallkick Жыл бұрын
Platinum and Kamiya looking at the balancing act those titles carefully honed into being fun and emotionally resonant and thinking, "How hard can it be?"
@CyricZ Жыл бұрын
A round of applause for all of these corpses.
@Solqueen86 Жыл бұрын
Man, Viola having to kill her grandma and not knowing and gain the Umbra Clock Tower a symbol of her heritage as a new gen witch learning the old ways would have been so much better
@powerprotoman Жыл бұрын
woolies dislike of luka comes from the primordial part of his brain that recognizes he's going to get Anji Mito'd once again
@Zeronigel332 Жыл бұрын
But Anji cool!
@P0rk_Sinigang Жыл бұрын
@@Zeronigel332 He is indeed, friend.
@LucasDarkGiygas Жыл бұрын
what does Anji Mito do?
@Whatevsman272 ай бұрын
@@LucasDarkGiygasiirc, Anji got to hook up with Baiken
@malikoniousjoe26 күн бұрын
@@Whatevsman27Sorta. He seems to live in her house or vice versa, but they’ve been pretty non committal on the romantic writing front. Even moreso now that Delilah came along and completely derailed all of Baiken’s plot relevance.
@VinceMouse Жыл бұрын
"I can't believe how cursed this LP is." Man knew it was coming in his soul.
@RekizFilms Жыл бұрын
1:47:00 they having a mid off
@weatherreport9227 Жыл бұрын
Look, lis, if you pause it at the right time, you can see exactly when his heart snaps in two!
@vadandrumist1670 Жыл бұрын
The joke would hit better if you had an actual timestamp.
@0uttaS1TE Жыл бұрын
@Vadan Drumist Just skip to the desert level, that's when it starts
@RicochetForce Жыл бұрын
@@0uttaS1TE 43 minutes into the first desert mission, Woolie's face permanently lost the joy for the game. Even after stuff like Baal Zebul it'd quickly revert to the glum look.
@Shadest Жыл бұрын
His smile and optimism: GONE
@melancholyman369 Жыл бұрын
You can see the enthusiasm gradually bleed away from the boiz to the point Reggie has to turn his mind off and Wollie channels his inner Joker laughing at the game ironically.
@werwolfnate Жыл бұрын
31:46 the excuse they could have done was that if Jeane just busted in, they could destroy what she's trying to find. Get in before they can throw documents in the furnace. Though just having Luka do it is the better option.
@SvenHolgersson Жыл бұрын
Wait a minute.......this isn't a compilation of Viola and Luka slipping on banana peels? What gives!
@MacMens0100 Жыл бұрын
They really spend the WHOLE GAME dunking on viola then say she the new Bayo without giving her A win
@LuckyHazama Жыл бұрын
2 hours for only the truest of Bayo-nutters
@jobscarryg9514 Жыл бұрын
Such a shame Bald-onetta couldn’t make it to the final cutscene.
@calzonecave Жыл бұрын
y'know I think they could've gotten a lot more out of this shit ass villain if the way he dispatched of all these Bayonettas actually made it look like he was outsmarting and overpowering them instead of every death feeling like the characters were just dumbasses who forgot how to use their abilities. Singularity squishing people with rocks does not feel like an ability that slays an invincible God slayer multiple times in one game and the fucking Sonic 06 Laser that killed Jeanne was even more anticlimactic
@werwolfnate Жыл бұрын
As an AI, he could pose the best match for Bayo if they portrayed it right. A being capable of light-speed thought and planning, predicting and out pacing each Bayonetta would be cool.
@vVAstrAVv Жыл бұрын
And then when you fight him and he cant backstab he just does the handwave anime shockwave and puts everyone at 1hp.
@nikodemossowski4621 Жыл бұрын
you made me think of an AI antagonist where his defining ability is something AI's already do, but which is normally restricted so games aren't unwinnable - input reading the game starts with the AI enemy just perfectly reading and reacting to your every input and always employing the proper countermeasure and in the final fight the overlapping Bayo's manage to kick his ass because it overlaps three different control schemes, with the afterimages applying their own movesets and some of the responses becoming punishable and then Fairy Viola attacks work since they are just hitscan
@ChaosWolfRider Жыл бұрын
@@nikodemossowski4621 You know what's funny? That's more or less what happens, in... of all things, in the fucking Sonic Battle arc of Sonic X. One of the characters is an ai that can learn and adapt to any fighter it battles, and nobody, not Sonic, not Knuckles, nobody can beat it in a fight. Until Cream steps up, with Cheese the chao in tow. They combine their attacks, making it so the ai can never focus on which one is going to strike next, leading to them utterly /thrashing/ the ai. And now your idea made me realize we could have had like four Madama Butterfly's all teaming up to pull an enemy apart, literally quartering it with their bare hands. Which also made me think of the missed possibility of a universe where a Bayo didn't just beat Jubileus, but actually gained control like it was one of her demon slaves. And then Jubileus and Butterfly could have teamed up... god this game is just missed opportunities everywhere.
@Xenmaru0011 ай бұрын
@@ChaosWolfRider Literally Valley of the End: Sasuke vs Naruto, Sharingan vs One Tail Shroud. The Sharingan couldnt fully help Sasuke cause while Naruto was doing one thing, the Kyuubi Shroud was doing something *different* and Sasuke couldnt keep up with reacting to two different attacks at completely wildly differing times that were yet still somehow harmonized. He didnt have the skill. Singularity could have been easily written that it *feared* what could happen if multiple variants of Bayonetta (or even the Umbra or Lumen themselves) got together. Could have included a flashback to the final fight of Jubileus, the final attack against Aesir, how witnessing these incredible powers, already at Nuclear Devastation levels of power potential, combine into Planetary Devastation levels by unification. An AI, created to attempt to perform the role the Umbra and Lumen used to hold, seeing the sheer destructive potential of these two forces, becoming terrified at the absolute erasure of Humanity, going off the rails to attempt to preserve Humanity by destroying the most powerful Umbra (since the most powerful Lumen is already gone), in fear of them unifying and destroying everything in their casual negligence. And then its defeat at the hands of that Unification. It would even provide a different take on "AI goes rogue trying to 'protect' humanity" by instead of making it the usual "decides to cage/capture/control humanity" plot, its a plot of "AI sees the biggest threat to Humanity for once ISNT Humanity itself but its previous guardians/chroniclers, and effectively goes 'oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck if they keep existing there's too much of a chance they'll blow up the planet on *accident* before Humanity can have an escape route!' and attempts to destroy that which is the biggest potential threat".
@mgarcia285 Жыл бұрын
The disheartening in woolie as he plays the game!! Worth it
@LW1773 Жыл бұрын
Credit to Woolie for never saying: "Seven years for THIS?"
@Loffeleif Жыл бұрын
The addition of Twitch comments highlights is a great touch. Definitely bring that to new videos too!
@WandererRedux Жыл бұрын
Really appreciate all of the comment/twitch chat integration into this compilation, makes an already great playthrough even better. Kudos to Siv for the great work editing this monster.
@SpardasTechReviews Жыл бұрын
Bayonetta in the multiverse of madness
@austin9568AuraMasterDX Жыл бұрын
Silver Luka Statue: *Slides into frame Dabbing*
@boanoah6362 Жыл бұрын
For anyone that might be curious about the weird 'ripping her own heart out' thing... Demons only do shit for Bayonetta because they normally get to eat angels for halos by serving her. That ain't happening here so instead she's feeding them droplets of heart blood, a concept in Asian mythology where blood will accumulate in the heart and become enriched with power, aka lifeblood. So when she's done squeezing out her literal life essence she just crams that bad boy back in her chest... not that it matters since the game kind of sucks but there ya go if you wanted to know.
@rafabuda0 Жыл бұрын
They also accept tomato juice.
@kapkant6197 Жыл бұрын
RIP Siv, Bayonetta did what I never could and defeated him. No mortal could survive a 2 hour Bayo 3 comp 😔
@SivTheScribe Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, Morale Damage was sustained while editing this one lol.
@kapkant6197 Жыл бұрын
@@SivTheScribe I should have been the one to defeat you, not this. Our iconic and well known rivalry that I totally didn't make up on the spot while queuing for a DbD match never concluded... Farewell Siv's ghost....
@ldragon2515 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny how Bayonetta was seen as the leader of the action genre, and having taken said lead from the Devil May Cry series, and now it’s the former that is playing catch-up to the latter. Like, Capcom managed to surpass the original creators.
@versebuchanan512 Жыл бұрын
Man, MAN, do I feel bad for the people who actually really care about this series.
@thelaughingrouge Жыл бұрын
It feels bad man. Feels real bad.
@brian.jrmontoya3227 Жыл бұрын
@@thelaughingrouge I’ve already made it to the stage of acceptance, and fuck does it hurt still.
@alphax-shroom6781 Жыл бұрын
Thats the thing I felt about bayo 3, the more you care about the series, the more it hurts.
@darthekul1 Жыл бұрын
I am huge dmc fan and i played the first two games , but forgot basically everything and so I had a great time watching woolie play the first and second games , and I almost bought a switch just to play this and I'm super glad I didn't lol
@tragic3820 Жыл бұрын
@Secret_Takodachi Жыл бұрын
28:50 Hunters get ready Zorah Magdaros is approaching the first barrier!!!
@LordQuadros Жыл бұрын
Invader Zim's school nurse looking at Bayonetta: "My, what a healthy young woman! And such plentiful organs!"
@Midknight824 Жыл бұрын
Seeing the excitement and joy from the first parts of the game vs the just utter disappointment starting around the Egypt levels is so sad, and yet also I felt the exact same way
@hamham0317 Жыл бұрын
Rodin: If what your saying is true, then this ain't just a human problem. And thus heaven and hell proceeded to not give a single shit Stupid question, but anyone else notice that at the beginning of the story feels fluid setting interesting things up, but then forgets its own plot As woolie says, 'To be a fly on the wall a platinum' Something clearly happened during dev The story feels like a patchwork of notes stitched at the final hour to ship
@werwolfnate Жыл бұрын
The fact this game didn't culminate in a truce between heaven and hell to take out Sungularity is a massive missed opportunity.
@just_matt214 Жыл бұрын
Considering the lead writer for Bayo 1 and 2 was apparently *at Capcom* during most of development? It might be that.
@Xenmaru0011 ай бұрын
@@werwolfnate I'm pretty sure they vaguely establish in one of the earliest levels that Singularity's green mist bullshit is *actively restricting* travel between Paradiso and Inferno to Earth/Purgatorio. Which is why only specific locations in certain levels have those portals that create a small gateway into Paradiso/Inferno and only until Bayonetta kills everything there and closes it again. As to why that field doesnt just stop summoning entirely...the thing is *it does* actually. In *Jeanne's* missions. the field there is strong enough/concentrated enough that Jeanne cannot externalize her demon magic to use her hair as a conduit to manifest her pact demons. even just a limb. Meanwhile outside that facility, the field is basically acting as a window screen, y'know the ones that keep most bugs out but let air through, around Earth/Purgatorio. Pact demons can still be summoned only because of the medium of creating a bridge, but there *are* "holes" in the barrier, but they're very small. Not to mention, Queen Sheba may still be active, but Heaven's Leader, Jubileus, is HELLA dead. Soul got punched into The Sun levels of Dead. So Heaven doesnt have anyone around to reach out even to Hell and go "hey...uhh...what's that green shit? Should something about that?" Cause the last time Heaven and Hell unified was when Loptr was trying to take the Eyes of the World for himself.
@ka1nzero0o86 Жыл бұрын
Bayonutters the time has come
@zevitu1433 Жыл бұрын
31:29 Vegeta! you must stealth around to protect the enemies against yourself.
@VinceMouse Жыл бұрын
"Gomorrah cannot be trusted." *Woolie, relying on the Godzilla blast half the game*
@johndelanie3649 Жыл бұрын
It would have been such a better plotline if the alternate reality bayos fused with Cereza instead of getting backstabbed, it would still give her a reason to have their weapons, plus it would be a feasible reason for her to be able to fight singularity at the end instead of pulling out a bunch of MacGuffins from nowhere, LIKE WHEN SHE FUSES WITH BAYO 1 AND 2
@lelynneer5213 Жыл бұрын
So can we all agree the demon summons were the best part of the game? Just glad Phantom got his just deserved honors.
@rafabuda0 Жыл бұрын
I'll give the game that, I was smiling at every Phantasmaranae scene. His weapon's crazy fun too.
@Homodemon Жыл бұрын
"Please, I want a third Bayonetta game!" And thus, one of the fingers in the monkey's paw curls....
@silverroddo1468 Жыл бұрын
This is Viola’s 90s tv series backdoor pilot; i for one, welcome Viola’s future stand alone game: “Viola!”
@Kolbatsu Жыл бұрын
Bayonetta 3: Eviction of the Roommate
@santino7470 Жыл бұрын
I mean, if there’s one thing that came out of this game, it was the dances
@Secret_Takodachi Жыл бұрын
2:02:40 Happy Souls WHY IS EVERYONE STABBING ME IN THE BACK?! "cuz it's easy, and it does a lot of damage"
@Indivisibleidiot Жыл бұрын
This is a lot longer than I thought it'd be
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
You expected about 35 minutes of combat fights that were actually fun and original Like i did when i played
@Kswitchem Жыл бұрын
"That's so fucked up! That's so mean! Damn that hat is sick!" Killed me 😅
@BigLadStudios Жыл бұрын
0/10, doesn't contain Woolie's absolute distain-fueled "Oh shut up!" at Luka saying Bayonetta on the title screen.
@ChibiHelloween Жыл бұрын
"You´ll always be in my heart" * Burp * WOW! I felt that!
@GrayD_Fox Жыл бұрын
What was Kamiya thinking when killing every Bayo in the Multiverse?
@delallelilolu744 Жыл бұрын
another thing I've noticed about this game is that there isn't much sex stuff, like in the intro of 2 theres that bit where Bayo is riding the centaur angel and slaps its ass and then straddles it from underneath, nothing like that happens in this game, theres very little innuendo and Bayo doesn't even do very many sexy poses. She does cool stuff, but not much sexy stuff
@vVAstrAVv Жыл бұрын
Cus If bayo is sexy she cant get pregante idiot lol
@maddlad_l5257 Жыл бұрын
The choreography is less "stripper/pole-dancer" and more typical this time around. It looks far more "flailing around" than anything that looks controlled and sensual. It's weird.
@night1952 Жыл бұрын
Because they went for an idol aesthetic for Cereza. They wanted this Bayo to feel different than the first two.
@Keihart8 ай бұрын
I think that Woolie's hate for Luka is so strong that it gets redirected at Viola when he is not on screen, he is just not into dorky, clumsy, cringy characters in this world.
@silverroddo1468 Жыл бұрын
Think of it this way, Luca is basically Zubaz. He swings, a weirdo and loveable?
@alastor8091 Жыл бұрын
I'm boutta Bayonut.
@TheNocturnal1 Жыл бұрын
I think what could’ve been better is having the Demon Masquerade be swapped with the Demon Summoning hold button to be an actual Devil Trigger, and the Ultimate Move can be that of summoning the Demon for a big attack.
@Secret_Takodachi Жыл бұрын
47:27 Woolie accidentally admits to be a real life Luka. 😂
@Secret_Takodachi Жыл бұрын
I had no idea someone could be attracted to "Punk Bugs Bunny" yet here we are.....
@The5lacker Жыл бұрын
Yay, the abridged adventures of Tradwife Bayo and her bumbling husband, daughter, and ex-roommate!
@kalekujo4519 Жыл бұрын
I can understand not wanting to have your new character overshadow the veteran (since that almost always turns longtime fans off), but it's still insane to me that the game repeatedly has Viola get her ass kicked and then expects people to be cool with her taking over the new franchise heroine.
@vadandrumist1670 Жыл бұрын
Also the part where she was cringe comedic relief throughout the entire game and how her plot was completely pointless. Instead of immediately passing the torch they should have just established her as a new combat capable character, possibly as an apprentice to Jeanne though I believe she has potential as a lumen sage.
@Homodemon Жыл бұрын
But she's so funny you guys! Don't you wanna see Viola's misadventures as she slips on banana peels right into adventure! Coming next, Bayonetta 4!
@powerprotoman Жыл бұрын
people really like to forget nero spends the back half of dmc4 in a wall
@vadandrumist1670 Жыл бұрын
@@powerprotoman Except for the part where most people agree that DMC4 didn't handle Nero well and that DMC5 was in-part an effort to legitimize his character. Did you like to forget that?
@Maioly Жыл бұрын
@@vadandrumist1670 Not really people hated on nero on release, but long before 5 came out people had gone back to 4 and re-evaluated him (4 special edition and DmC helped)
@modaltas4693 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy… here we go
@Cloperella Жыл бұрын
I feel like Viola's main problems are that 1) Someone at Platinum wanted to make their own version of Nero without understanding the point of his character, and 2) They leaned *way too hard* into the comic relief of her without giving her enough moments of being competent, so she just looks like a joke at every turn. DMC4 and 5 showed Nero slipping up now and then because he's the young upstart, but for every one banana peel, there was 4 or 5 times where he was riding on an enemy's back and kicking them across the room. He felt like he could hold his own even if he was still a little rough around the edges. Viola however just looks like a joke from start to finish.
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
Nero had an entire game before too to establish himself and no one really hated Nero that much after 4 anyway because he wasn’t a moronic, slapstick character. Hell, the first thing Nero does is fight Dante but even then he doesn’t come off as an idiot, he’s just green at that point. If they did a standalone viola game or even just made her half of the beginning of this game it would’ve established her much better.
@jasonwalker4003 Жыл бұрын
this whole game has a weird commitment to not letting its protagonists be cool. Like, the whole appeal of bayonetta as a character is that she is the ultimate untouchable dommy mommy, so why on earth would they write a whole ass game about bayonettas dying over and over. it's not like anyone cared that much about the storyline or lore of the world, we're here for bayo first and foremost, it's so bizarre
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
@@jasonwalker4003 it’s such circuitous thinking. Like, Bayonetta was their main IP and now she’s just maligned in her own game.
@Xenmaru0011 ай бұрын
Her biggest in-universe problems, which out of universe make her look worse than she actually is, is that she's young, she's still in-training, she's *horrifically traumatized* and is overcompensating by trying too hard to impress her *Actual Mother* The problem is made worse by Bayonetta *realizing* something is "off" about this girl, but being coded to not giving much of a shit, which means Viola doesnt get that proper "Yes. I *do* See You" feeling till literally the end of the game. Which means her mind is *everywhere* but where it needs to be. So she fucks up over and over and over and is just slapstic and stupid and pointless seeming. Nero was immediately shown fighting monsters and whupping ass with one arm in a sling, then immediately fighting The Main Character and NOT getting rinsed...he was written immediately to be more serious, but still willing to be snarky and a bit goofy. He literally was, the fusion of Dante's Wacky Woohoo Pizza Man and Vergil's Why Would you Do Such A Thing You Mediocre Dunces. Viola was coded very heavily into Luka over Bayonetta: and very much Bayonetta 1 Luka: out of his depth, wildly ineffectual, strangely lucky, with a hint of Actual Legitimate Intelligence and Skill. She was basically written as "What if Luka had some Umbra Witch Powers? Also tits." Bayonetta herself was a Mommy's Girl. Viola is a Daddy's Girl. But the biggest difference is that "Mommy" was a hardcore badass (Twice over in Cereza's eyes) while "Daddy" for Viola is...a slightly skilled pervert. Then you add in the Fae ancestry, and suddenly it all loops around to making sense. The skill is trained, the *luck* is Fae. But that includes the mischievous, prankster nature of the Fae: cockblocking all of your hard-earned moments of Awesome, whenever possible, until it becomes Lethal and then they go "oh you are NOT taking *MY* Toy" and deliver a cosmic level smackdown.
@GoingMenthol Жыл бұрын
1:14:08 the frog is fighting shirtless in the rain with those sword swings, i mean tongue swings
@TheMilhouseExperience Жыл бұрын
Canada is now offering MAID to every Canadian who bought Bayo3.
@dodiswatchbobobo Жыл бұрын
“Best” of “Bayonetta” “3”
@VinceMouse Жыл бұрын
I like how he just banishes the wine mixing bottles like they're demon weapons.
@vincentstars606 Жыл бұрын
Bayonetta: The 4th Birthday What a way to start 2023🎉
@viewtiful1doubleokamihand253 Жыл бұрын
Is this a Parasite Eve reference ? Sir, you have some class. Nobody remembers that piece of shit.
@Chaos2Frozen Жыл бұрын
@@viewtiful1doubleokamihand253 not really that hard, both Woolie and Pat have been referencing 3rd Birthday whether they talk about Bayo 3 lol.
@kattastic9999 Жыл бұрын
I was so confused when Jeanne lost her summons and acted like that mattered
@kattastic9999 Жыл бұрын
@VinceMouse Жыл бұрын
I'm realizing that, even the first Strider fight was cursed as hell. Getting kicked and knocked down by the Lappy head was the hint.
@vadandrumist1670 Жыл бұрын
I hope next time we see the series it's as a reboot. If this is the DMC2 of Bayonetta I'll risk a dmc Devil May Cry. No time travel, no multiverse, just set up Bayonetta with witches and sages duking it out with angels and demons.
@kiteamakusa Жыл бұрын
so you want a reboot that everyone hated
@vadandrumist1670 Жыл бұрын
@@kiteamakusa Could not be worse than B3, and as far as I'm concerned a b Bayonetta is much more likely to be good than a v(iola) Bayonetta.
@jasonwalker4003 Жыл бұрын
Gotta agree, Platinum has always been a little out of touch with the stuff that makes bayo good in terms of story and aesthetics, and I think if they took another pass at it from the ground up and really committed to a nailed down vision they could get past the issues that have plagued the whole series.
@conked944 Жыл бұрын
yo wtf why does Reggie have like a good singing voice
@ultimamage3 Жыл бұрын
Viola's melodramatic and excessively anime body language is annoying. So anyway if there's only one Hell and only one Paradiso but a multiverse of human worlds, that'd mean at least one reality occured where Balder won in Bayonetta 1 and Jubileus recreated the Trinity, or a reality where Loptr won in Bayonetta 2 and gained the Eyes to recreate the Trinity. Which makes this plot absolutely bullshit and an afterthought to justify whatever was going on in this game.
@Animedingo Жыл бұрын
We need to make Reggie play Devil may cry and persona 3 to 5 next
@johnface3474 Жыл бұрын
Persona would never end
@inqman Жыл бұрын
Apparently if we Kingdom hearts the storyline a little bit we're not supposed to feel bad for all the messed up stuff? I think I get what they were trying to do but I still hate it: So what I gathered from the whole story as it's told was "Whoever has all the powers of all the Bayonettas (Arch-Eve's) will be able to remake the world of Chaos as a new god from the newly made singular universe (and also probably absorb the trinity of realities at the same time)" but if you have the chaos gears and go to the OLD original universe (Alphaverse) you can use it's power to undo all the damage and do the old "I wish everything was back to normal!" (undo button) trope. "So dont feel bad about all the dead bayos we'll be bringing them all back! but also FEEL THE DRAMA AND SADNESS IN OUR BAYONETTA GAME!!!" ... Fast forward to where everyone's gone but Rodin and Enzo hiding in the gates of hell and viola trapped alone in a dead world so there's no Arch-Eve left to restart the universe, except we remember how Pharo-netta(Cleonetta I called her) killed Egypt-Jeanne and became the new Arch-Eve so when Viola "Proves herself" we got her as literally the last person on earth to be protagonist and reset the clock. Now everyone's alive, viola is hanging out in what MIGHT be our universe, or perhaps her original which just looks exactly like ours? and apparently she's going to college while living with Luka and doing side gigs for up-and-coming umbra witches as Bayo-Jr. and my copium is telling me that Bayonetta Cereza and Bayonetta Jeanne are still living together and occasionally paying child support to her baby daddy for the next 50 years until he dies and their immortal asses move on to the next God needs punching.
@WhoisThatGuy-11 ай бұрын
Still pretty good game and love some of the reactions
@thepickles8833 Жыл бұрын
I guess... in the end.... we were the true Beta Orbiters all along 😌
@Homodemon Жыл бұрын
Maybe there's a little Luka in all of us after all...
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
@@Homodemon 🤣 I fucking hope not
@victorsimmons6769 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the real treasure was the fedoras we tipped along the way
@werwolfnate Жыл бұрын
Viola's design and presentation seem so confused to me, they go for a punk-rocker girl ascetic, a big sword, destroyed world backstory, but give her anxious- almost vaudeville level mannerisms with a ton of slapstick. She feels stuck between two clashing ideas, and like the game doesn't really know what to do with her. Drawing another analog to DMC5, it's like they mushed Nero and Nico together.
@azabache6058 Жыл бұрын
The one problem with that analogy is that even Nico was always great at what was expected of her. So she had physical comedy with the van and her and Nero arguing like siblings but when it came to making weapons she consistently lived up to her family name without fail.
@werwolfnate Жыл бұрын
@@azabache6058 More along the lines of: one's a rookie upstart, the other's a literal cartoon character, they don't mesh well in one character. Her competence is another issue entirely.
@Xenmaru0011 ай бұрын
@@werwolfnate there's one simple explanation to Viola: she's trying to impress her mother, while also trying to save her life. That's it. that's her character summed up in one thing. She's trying to save her family, but also get validation from her parents. She clearly wasnt ignored or mistreated by Her Bayonetta, but she wants to show she Can Do It. She's Strong. She's Capable. Even though she's not. She wants to show Mummy that she's ready. But she isnt. She's a Combat Capable Child Cereza in an eighteen year old's body. She watched her father vanish, her mother die, her friend/leader/commanding officer sacrifice himself sending her to safety. She wants validation from her mother, she wants to *save* her family, but she's undertrained, barely-skilled, and *a freakin kid way out of her depth even when dealing with the supernatural* in the end. does it make for great storytelling? especially as the latest installment of a franchise based around hyper-competence with the occasional bitchslap of comedy? no. not in the slightest. but does it make sense from a character analysis point of view? oh yes. could it have been done better? oh FUCK yes.
@deadnalive9166 Жыл бұрын
YEEAHH a compilation of the BEST ACTION GAME of 2022 lfg
@VinceMouse Жыл бұрын
Rodin not caring about Enzo's family, I understand. Man's a demon, and he's owed. He's the most malicious form of bodyguard for Enzo: "You live until you pay me back. No matter what." I can absolutely buy it as a Faustian deal playing out on the screen.
@Th4tOn36uy Жыл бұрын
Finished all the parts now i can suffer once again God that “ARCH-EVE ARCH-ADAM” shit is fucking vomit inducing
@zerofang009 Жыл бұрын
In summary, instead of badly copying DMC 5, they should have straight-up copied DMC 4.
@sketchpixels6255 Жыл бұрын
1:34:20 huh
@theyurireviewer Жыл бұрын
I haven’t seen character assassination this bad since Other M. There, I said it.
@Xenmaru00 Жыл бұрын
why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
@ultimamage3 Жыл бұрын
The Third Birthday, though
@ldragon2515 Жыл бұрын
And it doesn’t even have the excuse of a poor translation in its defense. :(
@FormalGibble Жыл бұрын
Well that's over and done with, anyone up for some pokken?
@RayzeCruxis Жыл бұрын
After DMC5, I was excited for this only to have the same feelings I did for KH3. A solid meh experience.
@Aregulargameplayer Жыл бұрын
As okay as KH3 turned out in the end, nothing in Bayo 3 is as hype as KH3 making you fight all three final bosses of the series at once with an absolutely ridiculous boss theme that combines their three themes together.
@pridefulmaster1390 Жыл бұрын
Honestly getting flashbacks to post KH3’s release where a bunch of people were demanding Platinum take over the series. It made no sense & after this game I don’t think anyone will be making that request again
@redkite1908 Жыл бұрын
@@Aregulargameplayer Yeah but then we got the game seeming to mock anyone who thought Kairi would do anything of importance after the game itself had spent time hyping it up, and the gang being revealed never having an inkling of a plan of how to actually stop Xehanorts attempts to get the Chi blade. It ended up feeling like a checklist of moments the fans wanted to see interspersed with setting up the plot for the next game, instead of a well done conclusion for the saga in its own right. Bayo 3 is still infinitely more of an active slap in the face as opposed to the nothingburger that KH3 was, but both circumstances Kinda broke the franchises for me.
@pridefulmaster1390 Жыл бұрын
@@redkite1908 the game didn’t really hype Kairi up though. All it did was show she was going to fight alongside the others. Which…she ended up doing, outcome be damned. If anything, how 3 ended seemed to be setting up a bigger story for her going forward. Now that most of the other characters are sidelined or off doing other things, it seems like a golden opportunity for her. As for the plan to stop Xehanort, it was really just “beat everyone at the Graveyard.” The battle happening was inevitable, and all the heroes could do was be prepared & try to win it. The X-Blade being forged seemed inevitable so they just had to be prepped to stop Xehanort. Also it was a well done conclusion, stop being upset they kept some threads open for future games
@indigosunset70 Жыл бұрын
this lp was crazy. but fun.
@chero666 Жыл бұрын
A solid 7/10 that I KNOW I'll dislike more on replays and refuse to.
@miguelnewmexico8641 Жыл бұрын
now that seems reasonable.
@richtanner4879 Жыл бұрын
Did nobody notice all the jpeg Bayonettas in the finale
@adamtheriault674310 ай бұрын
What bayonetta 3 shouldve been: 1. Bayonetta learning lumen sage techniques out of respect for her passed father while simultaneously playing into her origin of bringing the end of the world (could use angels for unique gameplay alongside demons) 2. Singularity being made by a human scientist who researched all the strange phenomenons across the world involving the witches and sages, wanting to create a countermeasure to help protect humanity from their antics, with singularity as an ai being the answer to jubileus and whatever the witch equivalent was 2.a. the homunculi being designed to protect humanity from angels and demons could have been shown right from the opening, with them ferrying humans away while engaging bayo in all that madness, and plays into their cloud naming scheme, a forecast of future events and being a prevention for those 3. If they still want viola, shes not bayos daughter, instead being the daughter of a different, mysterious umbra witch who managed to survive the hunts, explaining why viola is so different to bayo fighting style wise, whos very off put and distrusting of bayo, but comes to understand her through her colorful cast and bayo eventually slipping into a mentoring role with her 4. For gods sake make singularity interesting, make him look out for humanities interests as is his purpose and make him a threat not through power, but intellect, like being the only one who can effectively chip at bayonetta and get under her skin as an interesting dynamic (hell, make it so singularity researched her entire life story and so knows exactly where and how to poke, to give us subtle bayo characterization, more of who she is under the style and attitude in response to singularitys jabs) 5. The ending could explain bayos prophecy as ending humanities physical attachment to the world in a sense through defeating singularity, the peak creation of humanity that set out to destroy angels and demons (just imagine how that final battle could play out with that concept in mind)
@TheHardM Жыл бұрын
""""""Best"""""" of Bayonetta 3
@thelaughingrouge Жыл бұрын
Ah man you beat me to it!
@0uttaS1TE Жыл бұрын
We gotta damn with faint praise
@Nightwing1933 Жыл бұрын
I hope woolie and reggie do end up doing Reggie vs Devil May Cry because I feel they both could use the palate cleanser of some GOOD character action content.
@sleepythemis Жыл бұрын
*single finger on the monkey's paw curls* DMC2.
@Nightwing1933 Жыл бұрын
@@sleepythemis good point. Would be a good laugh tho
@sleepythemis Жыл бұрын
@@Nightwing1933 It would help him appreciate the games that come after even more, I guess. Though maybe they could just play them in story order and not touch 2 at all since it's basically irrelevant storywise (I think the only connection it really has to the rest of the series is in like... a couple of the books or something where Dante goes back to the island/Lucia comes back briefly to thirst over him.)
@Nightwing1933 Жыл бұрын
@@sleepythemis agreed
@shun22222 Жыл бұрын
bayonetta series is still a FANTASTIC character action. This game has flaws but none of them is anything about gameplay. Also bayonetta 1 is one of the best character action games of all time
@icevlad1486 ай бұрын
I never found Luka as a creepy guy. He has that Casanova energy but he's a goofy failure. Never seen him ending up with bayo in the end though
@hannabelphaege37749 ай бұрын
This game might be an actual hate crime
@Tyberes Жыл бұрын
Hang on. Shouldn't this just be a re-upload of the Paris levels?
@Wixvhen Жыл бұрын
I'll be honest. I always figured Bayonetta was going to get it rough in the end. She is a witch, the female term for warlock, and ultimately witches sell a piece or all of themselves for power. She dug -deep- so it was going to happen eventually. I guess her time was up after one last push. At least she went down with a loyal person by her side, and with her enemy defeated. Even if it wasn't the grandest, it was better than I imagine most witches get it in their stories.
@SeaJayLY Жыл бұрын
Remember in Bayonetta 1 when Jeanne "died?" And how during that scene, after discovering Jeanne kept her safe for 500 years, Bayonetta gently holds Jeanne and runs her hand down her cheek? Remember how Bayonetta's entire motivation for going to Hell in 2 was to rescue Jeanne? Well, she needs a daughter, so... Remember how Bayonetta and Rodin flirt all the time and even have sex at one point? Did nothing come of that? That would have made Viola even cooler if she was a Half-Demon-Half-Witch, and now you don't need to make up some bullshit on the fly about her dad being a Fairy Werewolf or some shit Fuck it like just say Jeanne and Bayonetta had a fuckin baby because of magic or whatever it's fantasy, so who cares 😭
@vVAstrAVv Жыл бұрын
Homie, when you lose and rodin KICKED HER ASS before implying sex.... What do you think that is. Rodins cool and half demon viola would be cool. But i hope you dont actually want to make the "cannonize r*pe" arguement lol
@miguelnewmexico8641 Жыл бұрын
and people act like people like you don't exist. here you go guys, he's right here.
@questingmoo Жыл бұрын
Is it *really* the *best* of bayo 3? Is there such a thing?
@viewtiful1doubleokamihand253 Жыл бұрын
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when Hideki Kamiya is occupied with something else while someone else is left with the duty of directing his games for him.
@TheProtoChimp Жыл бұрын
@Egalia_1 Жыл бұрын
Attention all Bayonutters, it is time to get hype and then be incredibly disappointed. Welcome to the Silent Hill experience Honestly, the first tip off for me was when no one cared that Enzo's family got offed
@RahkshiMaster Жыл бұрын
If sigurd was evil the whole time, why did he help bayonetta and why were his goons attacking him? was it for the obvious TWIST REVEAL?
@Xenmaru0011 ай бұрын
Sigurd himself wasnt evil. Singularity had captured and replaced Sigurd already. As well, Singularity is an AI, it could just Body Hop if it wanted to. But otherwise, standard "trick the good guys" ploy of "have my own men attempt to capture/kill me to sell the tale for the good guys before i turn around and End them all from within."