Ohne Ton zuschauen und nur mitlesen hilft gegen diese "dumme KI" ....zwar ein Widerspruch in sich, aber wahr.
@sheba96794 ай бұрын
Absolut.😳 Das ruiniert die komplette Doku
@burda28093 ай бұрын
Aber die PC-Autokorrekturen sind genauso schlimm, wie die KI-Stimmen.!
@spiky733 ай бұрын
Ich gucke gerade das Original (englisch), dann geht es und dann ist die Doku sogar ganz gut! (Und man versteht endlich, was die interviewten Leute eigentlich sagen...)
@3DBody3 ай бұрын
Und was daran war jetzt so furchtbar? Leute, die nicht so gut Englisch können Hilft diese außerordentliche KI.
@sedumreflexum52953 ай бұрын
so the men are allowed to work with machines but the women are not allowed to have a washing machine for their work? seems a little unfair to me
@joaojoao55473 ай бұрын
Foda-se o que vc acha
@Ari_Dias772 ай бұрын
pois então...
@personne6600Ай бұрын
Yup, they're accepting modernity as long as it helps them make more money and conserve patriarchy, men decide the rules so they make them for their own benefit
@LiselainedeAlmeidaАй бұрын
Você pensou o mesmo que eu...🙄🤨 Nada justo....
@Nicol.G.Ай бұрын
Are you a woman ? 😉😂
@TopSpion3 ай бұрын
Ich weiß nicht was die Amish wirklich gewinnen könnten. Unser modernes Leben mit Arbeit, Fernsehen und allen schlechten Dingen ist auch nicht besonders aufregend.
@hansdampf24712 ай бұрын
Realität und Wissenschaft sind auch nicht zu verachten
@frauludmilla41302 ай бұрын
@@hansdampf2471 ganz schön anmaßend dein Kommentar!
@petraundfinn199019 күн бұрын
Sie könnten zB lernen, dass auch Tiere ordentlich behandelt werden sollten.
@josuedenoun32213 ай бұрын
Il y a une erreur dans les références bibliques (je ne sais pas si c’est la traduction en français ou ce que dit le menuisier en anglais); la Bible ne dit pas « l’argent est la racine de tous les maux » mais « l’amour de l’argent est la racine de tous les maux », ce qui est très différent.
@desertofloresta2 ай бұрын
Você está certo
@petraundfinn199019 күн бұрын
@si_vis_amari_ama3 ай бұрын
Furnituremaker Roy, @20:15 states that "money is the root of all evil". My understanding is that the gospel states *"the love of money* is the root of all evil". There is a big difference in the meanings of these two statements.
@eunicecapellinimoris19763 ай бұрын
Muito bom seu comentário. Se ele acredita no que fala, pq trabalhar tanto e juntar dinheiro??? Ter o mínimo e viver com o mínimo, essa seria a regra certa ao que prega.
@si_vis_amari_ama3 ай бұрын
@@eunicecapellinimoris1976 Thank you. Further to my earlier point, its the *love* of money that causes the problem. Having a lot of money in the bank is not necessarily a problem; it is what is done with it, and how the love of the money may cause harm, e.g. feeling more powerful or superior because of this wealth. For all we know about this man, money may not have made him a worse person, indeed perhaps he has given money to his community or other things, and he provides jobs for others. We do not know the details, so we cannot judge him. Nothing is shown that he has opposed the teachings of Jesus. Furthermore money itself has not the power to cause harm, I have money in my wallet and it does not harm me or others. Its people that cause the harm. Therefore money Cannot be the root of al evil, as usual it is people that cause trouble.
@MartitaVargas-l5l3 ай бұрын
@marionbusek43072 ай бұрын
Sicher sind nicht alle Menschen glücklich in so einer Gemeinschaft zu leben aber dennoch habe ich den Eindruck das die meisten zufrieden und glücklich dort sind. Ob ich so leben könnte kann ich nicht wirklich beantworten aber muss ich doch sagen es gibt Dinge die mir gut gefallen. Der Zusammenhalt der Menschen, dass man mit viel einfacheren und weniger Sachen auch zufrieden sein kann. Was natürlich nicht so schön ist das eben es nicht ausbleibt das immer wieder nur untereinander geheiratet wird und es bei den Nachkommen dann zu Gen defekten kommt.
@okko162 ай бұрын
Bis vor 20-30 Jahren hat man über solche Leute gelacht, aber in der heutigen verrückten Zeit denkt man: die werden die nächsten 50 Jahre viel eher überleben als wir.
@petraundfinn199019 күн бұрын
Eher nicht
@Jonne61018 күн бұрын
Doch! Weil sie dieses Leben gewohnt sind. Wir sind viel zu verweichlicht!!
@evelyneulmann27365 ай бұрын
C'est un reportage que j'ai déjà vu donc je réitère mon observation à savoir que c'est une belle idée de vivre loin de ce monde cruel mais le gros problème, toujours le même, est que les femmes sont toujours sous-estimées et doivent être serviables. Si ils étaient égaux hommes et femme ce serait une société parfaite.
@lunair344 ай бұрын
"L'égalité"; cela ne veut rien dire; L'état de la socièté moderne en est la preuve.Echec total de la société de consommation. rien n'est égal sur Terre, tout est différent..Acceptez la différence est la base de la vie. Elle nous fait évoluer dans le bon sens. La société marche sur la tête en inversant les valeurs.
@Rightpath084 ай бұрын
Your opinion is Bullshit . even man and woman have they same rights they failed in thier life
@jules93914 ай бұрын
Les enfants n'ont aucune éducation, ils ne connaissent rien du monde, rien des uns et des autres, rien en maths, lecture, sciences, technologies, c'est une société profondément raciste et lgbtphobe. Rien d'idéal.
@annuelle62154 ай бұрын
Ils sont égaux dans leur différence.
@yann-padrigarpont57154 ай бұрын
J'ai l'impression surtout que ce reportage interroge des femmes Amish qui ne sont pas en accord avec leurs principes et qui, peut-être choisissent de continuer parce qu'elles aiment leur mari ou pour une autre raison, mais je ne crois pas qu'ils pensent que les femmes sont inférieures aux hommes.
@harryhole57863 ай бұрын
Ich bin ähnlich aufgewachsen, Wäsche wurde gekocht, Teppichklopfer, etc. Dann haben meine Eltern einen TV gekauft. Als er ein paar Jahre später kaputt ging, hatte meine Eltern genug davon: es wurde einfach kein neuer angeschafft. Das waren die glücklichsten Jahre in meinem Leben. Na, nach und nach wurde es dann doch moderner, Zentralheizung eingebaut, statt Holz- und Kohleofen. Rasenmäher gekauft, ein Auto hatten meine Eltern bereits von klein auf. Auch heute habe ich kein TV im Hause, schaue aber viele Filme auf dem Computer. Und mein Telefon benutze ich auch kaum, vielleicht 2 x im Monat. Gäbe es noch die Klapphandies, wäre ich sicherlich dabei: ich vermisse den ganzen Technikquatsch nicht sehr. Komme gut aus, nur bei der Arbeit mag ich es ganz gerne moderne Maschinen zu haben. Na, und für die Wäsche auch. Komme aber weiter ohne Geschirrspüler und Wäschetrockner aus: wird einfach über die Leine gehängt, trocknet genauso. Die benzinbetriebenen Maschinen nerven mich eher, auch Generatoren. Da mag ich lieber elektrische. Aber sonst, ich glaube ich könnte es mir vorzustellen, ähnlich wie die Armish zu leben. Nur ganz ohne Telekommunikation (Computer) möchte ich nicht leben, und ich mag's auch wenn die Frauen sich ein wenig aufmöbeln. Sieht doch ziemlich schrecklich aus, irgendwie so alt.
@ixydelay56443 ай бұрын
Weisst du, dass es ganz verschiedene Amishgruppen gibt. Bei uns wird den Ungebildeten oft ein verrzerrtes Bild gezeigt!
@1970Lazy3 ай бұрын
Es gibt noch Klapphandys.
@tomashelm52473 ай бұрын
Alle Dinge und Möglichkeiten haben wenigstens zwei Seiten, die jeweils einen unterschiedlichen Einfluß auf den Verlauf unseres Lebens haben können. Was macht uns frei(er), was erzeugt Abhänigkeiten, Unfreiheiten? Gebrauchen wir unseren Verstand, wie es der Philosoph, Immanuel Kant, empfohlen hat... Leider, so scheint es mir, ist der Mangel an Verstand das Grundübel unserer Tage...
@ixydelay56443 ай бұрын
@@tomashelm5247 Schon der erste Satz ist eher falsch: Mord- oder Heroinsüchtigenlaufbahn haben eigentlich nur eine Seite - mit ein paar Nuancen. Söldnerexistenz . naja? Ironischerweise lag Kant mit den meisten seiner Thesen falsch, hat seine eigenen Überlegungen stark relativiert: beüglich Vernunft , etc Verstand wird definitiv überbewertet, DENN nicht jeder hat an sich sehr viel davon, und lebt trotzdem. Freundlichkeit, Aufmerksamkeit, Mitleid, Anteilnahmen, Genpgsamkeit, Härte, etc etc etc - sind in vielen Lebensvarianten die besseren Helfer! - Und die komplexe Welt der Amish auf "kein Handy, Geschirrspüler und V8 Pick Up" zu reduzieren wird dieser Gemeinschaft nicht gerecht - denn es ist immer eine Gemeinschaft! Wie wäre "nie allein, nie ohne Hilfe, nie ohne Familie, nie ohne Kinder, nie einsam, nie ohne Trost, nie ohne Persektive, nie ohne Sinn" - faszinierende ist die hohe Zahl der Heimkehrer nach dem Rumspringer!
@jiong-tyxАй бұрын
Ich lebe in Deutschland, aber ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch. I kann nicht lebe ohne Internet!!!!!!!!!!
@barbarar58694 ай бұрын
A part of me doesn't understand why they need to shun things like electricity, which could make their lives easier. I think they seem a bit obsessed with temptation and sin. What is wrong with music? What is wrong with colorful clothing?
@g.christelbecker63494 ай бұрын
I agree
@who-gives-a-toss_Bear3 ай бұрын
Like most religion there is a fear by the top dog controllers that there power will be watered down, if there’s a movement to outside influences. Although there is a great comfort in knowing your community will support and help you through any disasters.
@RalfDieter3 ай бұрын
Es geht darum, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren.
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
Apparently nothing. Now,look at nowadays state lf things There are luciferin sects pushing step by step evil laws that are having a real evil efect on all society
@konian713 ай бұрын
Könnt ihr bitte mit euren KI-Stimmen so lange warten, bis das so funktioniert, dass man es nicht mehr merkt. Das ist ja grausam ...! Das ist wahrscheinlich sogar automatisch übersetzt aus dem englischen . .
@josuedenoun32213 ай бұрын
Et oui ce sont les États Unis avec tous les extrêmes sur un même sol. Je suis chrétien mais je suis en désaccord avec certains de leurs principes que je trouve inutilement légalistes. Mais il y a bcp de choses dont on peut s’inspirer. Quand j’étais petit nous avons été voisins durant 3 ans d’une famille mennonite (les descendants des Amish en qq sorte), quelle famille extraordinaire c’était; nous évoquons encore ces beaux souvenirs mes sœurs et moi.
@oscargiron92905 ай бұрын
Here, in El Salvador, there's a Christian denomination similar to the Amish community. They are called: "Apostoles y Profetas" (Apostles and Prophets). Actually, they're a community oriented church. They're so strict with their rules and laws: the way they dress up: woman clothing are just like Amish dresses, exactly the same; men are similar: they use long sleeve shirts, and always dress formal. But they allow technology and cars. Another thing that they do like the Amish denomination, is that: they stop going to school at 9th grade, and dedicate their life to run their own business. They are no perfect, like any other Christians: but the way they fear GOD, and the way they try to obey GOD`s law, is the way that make them a Blessed Community (GOD bless them so much, in all the ways of life). I'm already a Christian, but I'm thinking to join their church and community (They allow anyone in, and they have no problem of any age or if i`m a professional with an Architect degree). They`re focused on preaching the Gospel and to bring newcomers into the Christian life. I call them: "The moral reserve of Christian Church". May GOD Bless us all. GOD Bless America.
@burda28093 ай бұрын
Sehr schlecht! Das schreckt Menschen ab! Aber Amish sind genauso extrem, wie der IS! Oder die Kalifat-Forderer! Ich bin Christin und weiß, dass der Koran 560 Jahre nach der Bibel kam und nicht nur das Fasten schrieb man von der Bibel in den Koran ab. Katholiken sind auch Heuchler,... Zölibat ist Blödsinn, wo Gott die Ehe unterstützt,...Weihnachten als Geburtstag Jesu zu bezeichnen ist auch eine freche Katholikenlüge! Dieses Geburtsdatum steht nirgends! Ostern hat auch nichts mit der Auferstehung zu tun! Der Papst steht als Teufel oder Anti-Christ in der Offenbarung!!! Gäbe es jedenfalls 2 Götter, gäbe es Krieg der Götter, Krieg gegen Bibel & Koran. Gott oder Jesus sagt nicht:'' So, heute ist Burka, morgen offenes Haar! Genauso wenig steht in der Bibel etwas von einer Kleiderordnung, weiße Hauben und vom Verbot von Telefon, Strom usw. Jesus ist auch in der modernen Welt und will, dass wir über KZbin vor solcher Extreme warnen, was auch zudem bei den Amish bestraft werden müsste, ist diese Inzucht und daraus entstehende kranke Kinder! Wo will Gott das?
@eunicecapellinimoris19763 ай бұрын
E por qual motivo vc não se firma como cristão na sua comunidade? Procure uma busca interior e não nas outras comunidades. Só o seu interior com Deus vai te preencher e não os costumes dos povos.
@oscargiron92903 ай бұрын
@@eunicecapellinimoris1976 I'm already a Christian, and I'm already filled with GOD's Spirit. I'm not looking for a "fit in", but I love the simple life: not city life, not materialistic; that's why i love rural life. The opposite of what is going on in Brazil: Churches full of Emotions, and emotional people, False "christians", false preachers, FALSE "apostles", MUSIC, Entertaining, Materialism, consumption, looking for acceptances, looking for emotional fulfillment, a lot of Religion, BUT lacking of the knowledge and the Spirit of GOD. Just Prosperity and Emotions.
@_________shadi_________25735 ай бұрын
Thank you for that Doco, I enjoyed it very much 🙏
@alexandraschabus95494 ай бұрын
Für mich sind es Menschen ,die grosse Angst vor ihren eigenen Schwächen haben und deshalb sich und ihre Kinder wie unter Kontrollsucht halten... wenn ich mein Kind gut begleitet habe ins Leben,kann ich ihm auch gestatten,die sogenannten Versuchungen kennenzulernen und vertraue darauf,dass es richtig für sich entscheiden wird... dass alles hier ist der Versuch Kontrolle zu behalten und Misstrauen,sich selbst gegenüber
@ElevAnt3234 ай бұрын
It reminds me to Jehovas Witnesses … Every extreme Religion arent good for the people. Poor kids who are born in Religions like this…
@andreacugini53723 ай бұрын
Anche io sono stato testimone di Geova per 33 anni.. A parte le bugie che hanno raccontato, posso dire che la morale biblica mi ha protetto e questo vale per tutte le religioni "giudeo-cristiane"
@tainy26072 ай бұрын
Sou testemunha de Jeová, e não somos extremistas.
@tainy26072 ай бұрын
Sou testemunha de Jeová, e não somos extremistas
@stephaniemonin25442 ай бұрын
Bonjour, la différence c que les Amish ne sont pas une secte, ils ne font pas de prosélytisme, or désolée mais vous témoins de jéhovah êtes une secte dangereuse qui lave les esprits @@tainy2607
@MatthiasSchneider-u2g4 ай бұрын
Ja ich kònnte so nicht leben aber ein super Zusammenhalt das finde ich schòn
@IngenieurIII0694 ай бұрын
wenn du von Geburt an so lebst schon haha xD
@svitlanalozova11034 ай бұрын
What's wrong with washing machines?? People create obstacles for themselves and heroically overcome them)
@lindatisue7334 ай бұрын
And the "mens work" seems to have relatively modern tools using solar power. We had a wringer washer when I was a kid in the 1960's it took a long time, and the wringers were dangerous, my sister broke her arm helping mom.
@AnneSarrazin-l8m4 ай бұрын
Est-ce une idée pire de se mettre à l'écart de la modernité par réaction aux persécutions plutôt que de vivre surarmé et d'avoir la haine contre les voisins ? Pour l'égalité hommes-femmes je suis d'accord et malheureusement cette égalité est loin d'être une réalité à travers le monde, ni même un idéal à atteindre partagé par tous. Quant à l'individualisme. . On sait que ce qu'il donne poussé à l'extrême. Ce refus de la modernité est manque de confiance en eux-mêmes, trouver un équilibre n'est pas si difficile.
@Alex-mainz7 күн бұрын
Rispetto per queste persone che a mio parere vivono splendidamente. Senza tv ,smartphone e cose del genere cresci meglio ed impari a relazionarti con gli altri , a non chiuderti ad essere empatico e in più maniera sostenibile. Se tutti vivessimo come loro vivremmo in un mondo forse all'apparenza meno divertente ma in sostanza molto mogliore..
@lindatisue7334 ай бұрын
The women have to use old applainces from the 1950's. But those tools for furniture making are quite modern, 20:00 a electric palm sander neumatic tools, and a forklift 20:56
@annerigby44004 ай бұрын
The farmer's equipment was also fro, the 1950s. Perhaps the furniture factory is what brings in the most money and takes care of the poorer of the community? I find the contradictions more disturbing - no electricity or washing machines, but a computer and a telephone to be able to run the business? if it is ok to accept a computer out of necessity, then washing machines and farming equipment need to be accepted too, and nothing to do with gender, just consistency.
@g.christelbecker63494 ай бұрын
@@annerigby4400 amen
@g.christelbecker63494 ай бұрын
@@annerigby4400 amen!!!
@catshez4 ай бұрын
Personally I think our greatest invention was the electric washing machine.. it changed womens' lives FOREVER !! We were finally set free to do more than just spend all week washing and drying clothes and linen! 😮 I could happily live without a mobile phone or computers, but don't take my washing machine 😢😅
@annerigby44004 ай бұрын
@@catshez Actually, at least where I'm from, women didn't spend all week washing and drying simply because they didn't have the amount of clothes that would have required that, or the time to spend washing every day. They had one day every week where they went to the public laundry place (a covered place with a large basin of moving water and a large kettle to boil clothes). The wealthier people with more clothes used the services of a washer woman. Also keep in mind that in the past, not all clothes got washed. Think dry cleaning nowadays but done differently - spot checking and alcohol, for instance. So, I agree that the washing machine is a great tool but it is also what allows us to have ridiculous amounts of wear-once cheap clothes and waste massive amounts of water in the process.
@perez-q91623 ай бұрын
O sea que no pueden conectarse a la red eléctrica local pero sí pueden tener generadores. Usando la electricidad de todas formas....
@lillysu80192 ай бұрын
Ich finde es beneidenswert so zu leben.Achtsamkeit pur❤️
@shipraasainiАй бұрын
Very interesting...some of them make a lot of money and still lead a very simple life and use the money to support their community, is so very humbling.
@StAnja-e6h4 ай бұрын
Ich hätte es gern geguckt, aber die Sprecher gehen leider gar nicht .
@karinlinakrauchi654 ай бұрын
KI halt, ja, unangenehm zuzuhören.
@j.h.96444 ай бұрын
KI ...... total bescheuert
@j.h.96444 ай бұрын
Mei serntezeit😂
@Chris-gp6ne3 ай бұрын
Ich habe es einfach ohne Ton geguckt. 😢
@dsch70803 ай бұрын
Ich habe die KI ausgeschaltet und es auf englisch angehört. Die Übersetzung war fürchterlich.
@DinahKanake5 ай бұрын
I admire the community aspect, as well as thr informal education.
@edinahorvath11913 ай бұрын
I am born amish in many ways. Should get a DNA, test. There isn't rational reason why do I feel so relatable. I love the lifestyle and principles, apart from me being agnostic to religions. Everything else gels well with me.❤
@PashazecoАй бұрын
Beautiful 😊
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
Without God they would not have all that things you like.
@foiegras-centre5 ай бұрын
Хорошие люди!!!Благослови их Господь!!!
@FunnB3 ай бұрын
@si_vis_amari_ama3 ай бұрын
Just curious, why are modern milking machines okay for the men, but not modern washing machines for the women?
@Usergvfh3 ай бұрын
Thought the same🤫🤔🫣
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
Women you dont know what you want. You were told men have It easier. Now you can vote, join the army,you must work. Now there are higher % ever of women using medications for depresion. Abortion kills the soul of the mother that does It. I could go all day typing examples You have been cheated.
@patchiappangovindaraju15634 ай бұрын
The wise man is he who despite surrounded by good , bad, beauty , ugliness, happy , sorrow etc not affected by the duality. Not by running away from the ever changing world. (Sanatana Dharma teachings)
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc4 ай бұрын
We know you worship him: *Rig Veda 10.23.4* "With him is this rains: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard" *Rig Veda 1.100.18* “Indra attacked the Dasyus and the Śimyus; won the land, sunlight, and water with his white-complexioned friends” *Rig Veda 1.130.8* “Indra defends his Ārya worshiper. He consumes the malignant; he tore off the b_______ skin; and him who delights in cruelty.” *Rig Veda 2.20.7* “Indra, the slayer of Vṛtra, destroyer of cities scattered the b______-sprung servile.” *Rig Veda 9.73.5* “They have burned up riteless men, Blowing away the b______ skin which Indra hates.”
@lagusybonita61012 ай бұрын
Que estilo de vida tan limpia, modesta y realmente admirable .
@PashazecoАй бұрын
Imagine how peaceful amish's mind might be with no distraction nearby.
@jjjjj-y2d3 ай бұрын
Zum Glück gibt es solche Menschen in den USA bzw. generell auf der Welt.
@PashazecoАй бұрын
Those who are mocking Amish for being isolated from the rest, they're on right at least they're saving themselves from harmful culture and worshipping true God, instead of falling for devil
@eliasferreira99084 ай бұрын
What worries me is whether these men living in such a rude way are really good men who don't rob their wives and children. Living in simplicity does not mean being humble and being a person.
@bartduynstee15773 ай бұрын
no it does not. they have their fair share of problems with abusive husbands and childabuse. but since they are so secluded, hardly any sign of this is seen at the surface.
@АндрейИпатов-ш2иАй бұрын
Я из России и скажу так : ЭТИ люди живут как ЛЮДИ .
@g.christelbecker63494 ай бұрын
this video made me very sad. The sect where children have to wear black and the whole life is centered around preventin g falling into temptation is evil. Truly evil. At the end, the old folks having fun in Florida seem to have learned something but it is not for the young ones at home. So sad.
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc4 ай бұрын
I'd love to have the Amish as neighbors and buy their vegetables, pies, furniture, construction work . . . rather than Redneck/Hillbilly Baptists/Evangelicals. And do get me started with Meccans and Medinans.
@maxmustermann27613 ай бұрын
Ich würde mit denen sehr gern tauschen bei den Dingen, die ich in meinem ehemals schönen Land erleben muss.
@ks123xyz3 ай бұрын
@@maxmustermann2761du kannst auch in deinem Land so leben, wird keinen stören
@eunicecapellinimoris19763 ай бұрын
A cor negra significa medo. É isso que incuntem nas crianças. Medo. Muito triste pq Deus é alegria, Deus e vida plena, Deus é evolução e acima de tudo Deus é liberdade com amor. Deus é amor e não repreensão e medo.
@FunnB3 ай бұрын
@@maxmustermann2761wie recht du hast! Ich würde auch gern tauschen
@monicelima23933 ай бұрын
A qualidade de vida é ótima, observo que teem longevidade, mas pra que tudo isso se não tem liberdade? Pra nós que nascemos livre não dá pra imaginar viver assim, mas pra eles está tudo certo, e isso é o que importa
@matcakodi8899Ай бұрын
Хареса ми. Благодаря ви 😊
@manuelabeyer60933 ай бұрын
The KI whisper is horrible to listen. ..you just take the soul from the Doku.
@KaraniNewton-vp8sn3 ай бұрын
I think cases of rape are zero here... The women are incredibly modest dressed and not a single instance has my brain thought of anything but pure God's beauty...
@dutchyatchateau3 ай бұрын
Thats not treu: the most rapest and childabuse (google Afghan dancing boys) are in Afghanistan where the womans are totaly covered.
@Gusrikh15 ай бұрын
A fascinating video….
@Tonystark-zzz2 ай бұрын
They all are calm and satisfied..
@JohnBurman-l2l4 ай бұрын
Yes but belonging to a big family makes life easier.....if you can stand it.
@ginalaengrich52984 ай бұрын
Die Zugehörigkeit ist ein Muss.Ein freiwilliger Zwang!
@mireillestutz53093 ай бұрын
Danke für den beitrag! die KI - stimme ☹️
@kalimanbuda23892 ай бұрын
I am an outright Atheist but I like some of the Amish way of life..such as only talking or mingling with like-minded friends
@mariaberge48114 ай бұрын
obrigada pela reportagem , muito bom esse modo de viver , tem paz de Deus
@FunnB3 ай бұрын
@ceresferraz96484 ай бұрын
Eu errei muito na vida e um desses erros vieram por falta de disciplina familiar...Hj tenho 2 filhos, sou mãe solo( não me orgulho disso)...Acho sim q mulher tem suas vestias próprias e homens tb...A tecnologia se bem usada serve p aprendermos mas sabemos q a modernidade, a Tecnologia é mais usada p futilidade do q p aperfeiçoamento( manter a tradição é importante sim)
@lauravillas29302 ай бұрын
No lo comprendo porque hay cosas que no se pueden entender en plano siglo XXI.,,,, son muy religiosos pero en ningún momento Dios dice “retroceder en el tiempo “
@loktstar-kongotronix5 ай бұрын
🔥Pure ADMIRABLE WISE PPL!.....Bravo!
@6000mikesch3 ай бұрын
Diese Übersetzung ist unerträglich, kann mir den Beitrag leider nicht mehr ansehen...
@iltoneliasdefreitas94723 ай бұрын
@alessandraribeiro14633 ай бұрын
A biblia não diz que o dinheiro é a raiz de todo o mal....mas sim ..O AMOR AO DINHEIRO É A RAIZ DE TODO O MAL.
@ericson23904 ай бұрын
Le style de vie reste le choix de chacun...religieux où pas,l'argent reste le but ...une communauté extrémiste qui ne survivrait pas juste avec des ressources non pécuniaires dans le monde actuel.
@yann-padrigarpont57154 ай бұрын
Tu essayes de te raconter des histoires. Cette communauté a survécu dans des conditions bien plus difficiles que le monde moderne. C'est seulement si les gens superficiels du monde actuel voulaient les empêcher de vivre qu'ils auraient des difficultés. Toi, tu as besoin du monde moderne pour survivre. Eux n'ont besoin de rien.
@sonjabreuer1470Ай бұрын
I don´t find the world so full of temptation as the Amish make it out. I would quite love to live in a neighbourhood like that minus the religious control and the excessive fear of temptation. Ecology seekers are looking to create natural lifestyles like this and as it is their passion they won´t need to fear temptation.
@who-gives-a-toss_Bear3 ай бұрын
They reject any intrusion of modernity. Except at 4:43 where the food is contained in clear plastic containers.
@Mondstein7778 күн бұрын
Ein sehr guter Bericht, vielen Dank dafür. Die Stimme ist aber ganz schlimm!!!!
@giselakunick52335 күн бұрын
Immerhin braucht die Stimme nie ein ehm, äää, ähm.... und - innen spricht sie auch nicht.😊
@maschenhysterie2 ай бұрын
Bestimmt eine tolle Dokumentation, aber die KI-Synchronisierung ist grauenhaft. Das kann man sich leider nicht bis zu Ende anhören.
@PashazecoАй бұрын
There is no harm with amish lifestyle
@devarni3 ай бұрын
Diese KI Stimme ist eine Katastrophe, völlig falsche Betonung! Ganz übel
@dutchraver733 ай бұрын
What a big difference between Christian in Europe and America...
@rosireh58172 ай бұрын
Christen in Amerika können auch genauso verweltlicht sein wie in Europa. Da gibt es viele verschiedene Gemeinschaften. Die Amishen sind halt irgendwo bei der Technik stecken geblieben. Und die exteme Zurückgezogenheit ist glaube ich auch nicht gut.
@MrStuartLitleАй бұрын
Please, come back. Help us clean our sacred Europe
@gumisora3 ай бұрын
I really like Amish culture, no they autorithy but the culture. I saw them in amussement parks, zoo and even in my country in the airport (where I work)
@NarayanKulkarni-mu2yp5 ай бұрын
Sir how you protect the family from burgarlars, robbers without wepons
@blitzkreig48875 ай бұрын
Burglars like to steal electronics and shit. Stuff that you can easily sell. How do you sell a horse cart or a 1950s Washing machine ?
@ingridakerblom75775 ай бұрын
Anything can be a weapon. Even a pillow.. And those houses and barns are filled with heavy & sharp objects. When you don't have powetools you need a big sharp blade.. And they have power in numbers, their community members..
@johnathandaviddunster385 ай бұрын
Most of the world's civilians live without GUNS, 120,000 men women and children are shot every year in the u.s.a,mainly thanks to the second amendment, ...😅😅😅
@annerigby44004 ай бұрын
What??? what burglars? what robbers? who would burglar or rob an Amish home? what would they take? If you live simply and don't have unnecessary luxuries, then there is nothing of any interest to the kind of people who take from others. Think a bit! Have you always been this frightened?
@bartduynstee15773 ай бұрын
they dont. they dont really have anything worth stealing anyway. their wealth lies in landownership, buildings and cattle.
@malika51364 ай бұрын
I wonder what do Amish people think of nuns? For us regular people nuns are the closest to god bc of their lifestyle. However for Amish people they believe their lifestyles is the closest to god. For example: nuns don’t have any children bc they’re married to god. Amish people on the other hand have often familie of 7-11 children bc the more children the close you are to god they believe. Idk I just thought about it.
@Mathilda5xp4 ай бұрын
The Amish don't allow people of colour into their communities. Yet, God created all humans into His own image. How can they be the closest to God, when they are so racist?
@gilbertforest6518Ай бұрын
Avec mes remerciements en compagnie de ma profonde gratitude infiniment
@JohnBurman-l2l4 ай бұрын
I can see the logic of only allowing technology that you absolutely have to. Submission of individuality to a common cause makes sense if you are on spiritual path to unity/God. If not then "it's putting the cart before the horse"...sorry for the pun.
@elenaalvarezcuartas79543 ай бұрын
@Cherry-km8scАй бұрын
Interesting, they don’t use electricity, but they use solar panel. In what universe this make sense.
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
Common sense university.
@4tce98120 күн бұрын
@AnneSarrazin-l8m4 ай бұрын
Et chez les "Schwarzentruber", le savon est liquide dans un flacon en plastique .-)
@JanetteTer4 ай бұрын
intrusion of modernity - why do they have plastics? A ball? clothes and shoes produced in massive companies, why do they buy so much food? It is completely possible to live out of your own grown things and process it yourself. (I know they grow a lot, but not everything).. I have so many genuine questions - I do not mean to argue but I would love to have a discussion with an Amish person regarding this to gain a bit of more understanding
@annerigby44004 ай бұрын
I had a reaction seeing the plastic items too. I think their community is in constant conflict with what should or should not be allowed balanced against what is perceived as necessary or not. It seems to me that if a community wants to claim to live without change since the early 18th C then they should. Otherwise, their children should have the option for those who want to, of getting a higher education. When I visited a 'Pennsylvania "Dutch"" region, I was confused to see shop keepers using computers and some of the traditionally-dressed people with cell phones. I had a passing thought that actually it's not a bad idea to have everyone in a community carry on dressing a certain way, look like they're living as in the past, and make a living from tourists and tourist goods and foods from people who come to see what they look like. As always in any human environment, there will be those who stick to the rules and those who bend them. What I don't understand is when it was said about the farmer that he used this or that because of the competition. What competition? do they sell their farmed goods on the national markets? if yes, then why not have the modern equipment. I don't think the diesel engines he was using were around in the early 18th C, so why not just use modern and more efficient machinery? It seems to be more a matter of fearing modernity because it is called modern. A computer??? that is the conduit to world society! all the good, the bad, the best, the worse.....
@JanetteTer4 ай бұрын
@@annerigby4400thanks a lot for the comment! I absolutely agree with you and as much as I respect different communities, some of the rules are bent just for their own benefit no matter the logic behind it. Most of the rules do not make sense and seem to be rather shallow and restrictive towards education. It looks like they fear higher education because the kids would see more sense in certain things and might leave the community so that is why they are not allowed education and must work at home because it is supposed to be like that. But why? Some questions would still remain unanswered in a logical way…
@Boxey240112 күн бұрын
Diese Reportage ist an sich sehr gut und ich war bisher geteilter Meinung, was die Amish betrifft und ihr Festhalten an dem Leben ohne große Technik. Allerdings, wenn ich mir diese KI- Stimmen anhöre- oder anhören muss- kann ich es absolut verstehen, weshalb diese Menschen nichts mit der Moderne zu tun haben wollen.
@catepilarr3 ай бұрын
Its in almost all Amish documentaries. Men get the modern maschines for their work and women dont.
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
You've got your modern feminism everywhere. Women are more miserable than ever,nowadays. A fish cant fly, a bird cant live underwater. You can drink nowadays poisson as much as you want. And be contaminated by gnosticism. A woman need having kids or be dedicated to God. Otherwise, mental problems will strike. Therapists are not normal nor natural nor help anyone. They are a symptom
@philipoconnor42635 ай бұрын
Our culture works best when we question nothing and accept everything we are told. Christian North Korea.
@JohnBurman-l2l4 ай бұрын
Human mind creates it's world. Many minds in agreement form a group. This agreement requires continual reinforcement. Church, cultures, military, cults, politics, countries.
@AGPO44684 ай бұрын
Ça ça s'appelle de la soumission.
@pascalemayne95184 ай бұрын
@@AGPO4468Non...chacun est libre de choisir
@AGPO44684 ай бұрын
@@pascalemayne9518 Quand on interdit on est pas libre de choisir par définition.
@pascalemayne95184 ай бұрын
@@AGPO4468 Alors je ne sais pas où vous vivez...mais tous les jours les gens s ingénient à faire le contraire de ce qui est interdit....(p.ex: GSM en conduisant) et ce n est qu un exemple. Pas anodin bien sûr vu les conséquences dramatiques parfois.
@alexsantiago40706 күн бұрын
Eles estão preparados desde o nascer, para um eventual colapso da civilização. Admirável o modo de vida deles… Deus seja louvado.
@MrsPeel23054 ай бұрын
Kein Auto, kein Strom pp., aber mit Plastik haben sie keine Berührungsängste?
@PelinBakir4 ай бұрын
So eine Kommentar hätte nur aus Deutschland kommen können keine Sorge ihr rettet die Welt 😅
@MrsPeel23054 ай бұрын
@@PelinBakir Totschlagargumentierer?
@MrsPeel23054 ай бұрын
@@PelinBakir Warum sollte ich? Das ist ein Job für Hilfsarbeiter ohne nennenswerte Kenntnisse. Dazu zähle ich nicht.
@FunnB3 ай бұрын
@@MrsPeel2305 du hast null Ahnung.🤦🏼♀️ Halt bloß den Sabbel.
@MrsPeel23053 ай бұрын
@@FunnB Totschläger ohne Argumente?🤣 Erleuchte mich, oh Wunderbare😇
@user-xn2hf9re8r4 ай бұрын
I wish I'd been born Amish - our society is sick compared to theirs
@pliplo31214 ай бұрын
Ça dit que leur vie est toute tracée et c'est vrai, mais de notre côté aussi nos vies sont tracées. Je pense qu'il nous est tout aussi difficile de quitter nos vies actuelles que pour eux.
@firasjawjad4363 ай бұрын
(22:55 28:11 ae. 28:59 e 31:43 d. 39:33. 51:55
@Ilmaja3 ай бұрын
Ich wünschte, ich hätte dieses Wissen und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten ohne Strom und Wasser aus der Wasserleitung usw zu leben. Es wird immer wichtiger und hier immer verbotener, denke ich
@eichhornchenmafiaАй бұрын
Амиши классные. Хотя мне в целом не близка христианская культура, но в их исполнении жизнь сообщества со всеми их уникальными фишками вроде конных телег и патриархальных многодетных семейств выглядит отлично. Одна только печалька - близкородственные браки. Вот прям ложка дегтя для бочк мёда. Надеюсь они решат это.
@ConstantaGraurАй бұрын
@sandrokaric81933 ай бұрын
Interessante Doku. Schade, dass die deutsche Synchronisation so schlecht ist.
@monicaestergomezpaternina58853 ай бұрын
Tremendo documental
@missgreenx3 ай бұрын
Habe leider auch abgebrochen- die KI Stimme geht gar nicht... bin enttäuscht was diesbezüglich mit meinen GEZ Gebühren gemacht wird.
@killuminati777FTRTTS5 ай бұрын
a world away form the filth of today...lgbt, internet, porn, drugs, gambling, the government...
@docteur-stihl4 ай бұрын
And Muslim
@MuSub74 ай бұрын
@@docteur-stihl You are ignorant
@docteur-stihl4 ай бұрын
@@MuSub7 I m !
@MuSub74 ай бұрын
@@docteur-stihl Ne vous souciez pas de la morale des musulmans, car ce sont des êtres humains qui commettent des erreurs comme les autres, considérez plutôt l’Islam à sa source correcte.
@annerigby44004 ай бұрын
well, they do have a computer so they do have the internet. Also a world away from medical progress, education, scientific research, etc. You probably would not be accepted in such a community because of your hatred.
@thearrival57134 ай бұрын
Technology will destroy humanity's mind and healthy lifestyle...
@MarianaRibeiro-yx8op3 ай бұрын
Concordo em partes, mas gostaria muito fazer parte de uma comunidade Cristã. Se afastar de coisas mundanas, só não pode virar seita aí da problemas.
@eunicecapellinimoris19763 ай бұрын
Para vc ter isso não precisa de ingressar aqui ou ali em comunidades. Deus é liberdade com amor e só vai ter isso qdo seu interior estiver conectado com Deus sem interferência de homens. Crie seu canal com Deus em suas orações e em seu silêncio. Não precisamos de ninguém, pois qdo se precisa, Deus perde o sentido. Deus é Deus e basta. Deus te abençoe 🙏
@ayurvedapratique3 ай бұрын
Ce serait intéressant que les religieux fassent la lessive pendant un mois en hiver pour qu’ils comprennent le calvaire des femmes…
@anyone1603 ай бұрын
Nach 52 sec abgeschaltet. KI darf nicht verwendet werden, das führt zu Sinnes-Organ Schäden. Hilfeeeee
@DemJonesDemJones5 ай бұрын
Pleasing that they see womens work as work, and women are therefore able to use washing machines and sewing machines.
@redfall24933 ай бұрын
weniger KI wäre angenehmer zu zuhören und zu schauen ist sehr sehr antrengend und macht kopfschmerzen
@yanywebyer44453 ай бұрын
Gehe mit der Zeit, sonst gehst du mit der Zeit- Bruno Gröning
@marionsander35474 ай бұрын
A woman is not alowd to use a elektic waschmaschien but a man can use elektric tool's ? Why? 🤔🤔🤔
@ginalaengrich52984 ай бұрын
Gleichberechtigung gilt anscheinend nur für die Männer. Da werden die Augen zugegriffen. Und warum? Weil durch die moderne Elektrizität mehr Umsatz in finanziellen Mitteln gemacht werden kann. Ja die Gleichberechtigung trägt Hosen und Hosenträger.
@rosireh58172 ай бұрын
Da in dieser Gemeinschaft die Männer das Sagen haben, wird sich da wahrscheinlich nichts ändern. Die Männer müssen nicht die schwere Arbeit mit dem Wäschewaschen machen. Dann würde sich vieles ändern.
@monicelima23933 ай бұрын
Se é pra manter a tradição exata porque estão usando máquinas de costura, de ordenha, de lavar roupas e até uma colhetadeira? Tá errado, façam tudo a mão! Como nos tempos primórdios!
@MartitaVargas-l5l3 ай бұрын
Están pirados !!😡
@FtgfelliАй бұрын
It's the church?!?!?
@olivierdivry57304 ай бұрын
Ils fabriquent eux-mêmes les verres de leurs lunettes ?
@ginalaengrich52984 ай бұрын
Die Frage war gut! Also zum Optiker gehen sie hin aber Arzt dürfen sie nicht werden. Sehr kurios.
@murielsanz61464 ай бұрын
@@ginalaengrich5298 ben c'est pas parce que tu vas chez le médecin que tu vas vouloir devenir médecin, c'est bizarre comme façon de penser. Vous allez chez le coiffeur ? C'est pas pour autant que vous voudrez devenir coiffeur...
@kalimanbuda23892 ай бұрын
The bad thing about amish is that they believe in myths ...bible should be considered a comic collection of books not a sacred one
@andreaWBW5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately most of them are not Christians, they are not saved according to the Bible, that teaches that we are saved by grace. They live by rules and they can't save you, that's what religion never can. That's very tragical.
@RealVik12326 күн бұрын
Dont be silly. Im catholic, you dont need a master in Harward to be aware they will be saved in higher % than modern society. They will have some individuals breacking God's rules to the point of damnation? Yes. But still, they beat 2024 distopy on every sense
@Chris-gp6ne3 ай бұрын
Diese K1 Stimmen sind schrecklich.
@gologgun60204 ай бұрын
Verstehe ich das richtig? Anschluss an das Stromnetz ist tabu, aber Solarpanele und Dieselgeneratoren sind erlaubt? Warum????
@bartduynstee15773 ай бұрын
ganz genau. hypocriten, alle
@eunicecapellinimoris19763 ай бұрын
Vendem uma falsa vida controlada pelo medo que os anciãos egoístas insistem em escravizar pessoas. Isso é narcisismo puro passado de geração em geração
@tomashelm52473 ай бұрын
Sehen Sie das mal unter dem Aspekt entstehender Abhängigkeiten, der Normung des Lebens, die in Unfreiheit, Skaverei führen kann... es fäng harmlos an und endet dann in NATO, EU, WHO, Verlust von Freiheit und Selbstbestimmtheit...
@bartduynstee15773 ай бұрын
@@tomashelm5247 kompletter unsinn. das hättest wohl gern!!!
@gologgun60203 ай бұрын
@@tomashelm5247 Ich lebe dank Nato und EU in sehr großer Freiheit und Selbstbestimmtheit! Ihr Vergleich ist völlig abwegig!
@marinellacastellanossuarez64803 ай бұрын
Y cuál es el límite entre lo bueno y lo malo ? Entre usar tecnología como computadores o no? Finalmente...: Cada cual con sus creencias
@lisabuchholz164320 күн бұрын
Erst einmal ein fettes dislike aufgrund der KI Stimme!!! Schade für diese Reportage