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Bill Whittle

Bill Whittle

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Will the astronauts of tomorrow be John Wayne types or Alan Alda types? And how did America learn to become a Beta Nation? And why is is that Alpha characters -- even when written as foils and villains -- always steal the show? And why is Conservatism so Alpha and Liberalism so Beta?
You'll know six and a half minutes from now.

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@billiewright8495 8 жыл бұрын
Mr. Whittle, you are a breath of fresh air. I'm a 64 year old woman. I am retired from a Steel Mill, where I did not sit at a desk . I started as Labor, shoveling and every other job needed done. But I was so happy to be asked if I wanted to be in Maintenance. I jumped at it. And was accepted. I had to Maint. sChool for almost three years. I was apprentice. I was also married and had two children at home. Besides working, going to school, and being a wIfe and Mother and Daughter, we took in My Father in law, and later my Mom. I didn't want to put them in a home. I'm retired, and my family is either dead, married or otherwise. But I am truly worried about our Country. Why do the Liberals act like freedom is a bad word ? Thanks again !
@lucabrazi3067 8 жыл бұрын
Bill I never though I was a conservative. I saw my self as to smart to be on any one side. I took pride in my objective logical critical thinking. It led me to realize I had always been a conservative. I didn't decide to be conservative. I discovered I was.
@gurugeorge 7 жыл бұрын
+Luca Brazi I had a trajectory from self-made socialist (from when I can remember first thinking about philosophy) till my mid-20s, to libertarian (but appreciative of conservatism). I fought my way out of the Catholic conservatism I was born into, because it was actually narrow-minded and somewhat brutal, and because socialism advertises itself as the liberative philosophy, that's what I was attracted to. I never encountered anything classical liberal until much later, because you had to dig a bit deeper into the library to find it, and I had no interest in reading the "enemy" until i felt it a duty (in order to be able to argue against the enemy effectively). That thing of being so smart you can see every side of everything, is really the problem - as Evan Sayet says, socialism (particularly of the modern kind) is a religion of childlike indiscriminateness, really it's the politics of the _smart child_. I think one grows out of it when one either gets religion, or starts to understand that science actually tells us that judgement and discrimination are necessary in order to live and flourish, that biology means there is after all such a thing as a relatively fixed human nature, and that life is about trade-offs, not the implementation of ideals.
@thatguy22441 8 жыл бұрын
I've lived in both Oregon and Texas and I've noticed something really strange: The leftists in Oregon talk about helping the disadvantaged, virtue-signal constantly, preach socialism and generally try to pass themselves off as compassionate when they are actually anything but. They are actually, closed-minded, cold-hearted and seriously racist. On the other hand, Texas (arguably the reddest of red states) is full of people who are kind, compassionate, polite, helpful, strong and actually quite tolerant. They may espouse what some would say are extreme right-wing views but they are, in reality, some of the most helpful and compassionate people you will ever meet. The simple truth is that if you scratch the surface of a liberal, you find a closet aristocrat. They may preach egalitarian ideas but they are actually very smug and self-righteous. I think they're in constant conflict with their true nature and try to project that nature onto everyone else. ALL humans are selfish, violent, greedy, etc. Conservative (for the most part) at least admit it.
@thatguy22441 6 жыл бұрын
Actions speak louder than words. Many of the left seem unaware of that. I have met many people who spew racial slurs left, right and center but act in the most egalitarian way. The left is just the opposite.
@AnthropoidOne 6 жыл бұрын
Indifferent Centrist Thousand thumbs up!!
@brianwesley28 3 жыл бұрын
Texas isn't the reddest of states anymore, unfortunately. The red is still red in Texas. It's just not what it used to be.
@pistlfrk9506 10 жыл бұрын
As a Gay, gun loving white american male...i support this message.
@Atreus21 6 жыл бұрын
It's 2018 and this is still great.
@syzyphyz 8 жыл бұрын
Bill Whittle is alpha as fuck, salute!
@Music6710 8 жыл бұрын
I wish that Bill had his own prime-time TV show.
@RepublicofE 9 жыл бұрын
Kirk was a cultural hero because he possessed the best qualities of both the alpha and the beta. A leader, warrior, soldier, explorer, scientist, officer, mentor, philosopher, and friend. The intelligence and sophistication of a stereotypical beta, the strength and courage of a stereotypical alpha, while possessing neither the subtle, lazy, and condescending arrogance of the former nor the hot-headed and rash arrogance of the latter. In the Episode "The Enemy Within" (TOS) they do an interesting character study of kirk, splitting him into his alpha and beta components and revealing that neither was able to function without the other.
@EngineeringWizard11 9 жыл бұрын
+RepublicofEthan Except that he was a jerk to people wearing red shirts. What's up with that?
@RepublicofE 9 жыл бұрын
EngineeringWizard11 Well no leader is perfect. George Washington owned slaves, MLK beat his wife, I guess this was just Kirk's thing.
@sandworm1187 8 жыл бұрын
+RepublicofEthan Your argument is "beta" and FUBAR! There are no "beta" qualities. The beta male tries to criticize the alpha by pointing out his inevitable human imperfections and basically saying, "That alpha guy may be more capable, reliable, and courageous than me, but I'm so much more cultured, sophisticated, bla bla bla bla bla". Being "alpha" is nothing more than having the courage and confidence of your convictions. The "beta", lacking the courage of his convictions, is weak, doubtful, and ultimately a coward. To do the right thing, in the present moment, and accept the consequences as they might be, is the Alpha creed. Regarding the Star Trek episode you referenced, Kirk was divided into GOOD and EVIL. Not alpha and beta at all.
@RepublicofE 8 жыл бұрын
+sandworm1187 There's a difference between being a beta and just being an emasculated pussy. Or at least there used to be before progressives decided that being an emasculated pussy was the pinnacle of manhood. Believe me, I'm no fan of the "real men aren't afraid to cry about their problems" crowd. But really Bill himself could be considered beta in some ways, being soft spoken and culturally literate. But he's also an alpha who isn't afraid to speak out about things that need to be addressed. Hitler was also an alpha and a beta, just the worst of both. Leftists like to point to the fact that he ordered a bunch of books burned and intellectuals and artists executed and imprisoned as evidence that he was a pure alpha whom conservatives like Bill Whittle would have admired. But what they seem to forget is that he spent most of his youth bitching about the dominant European arts and being mad at the world for not appreciating his paintings, and lamenting about people not sharing his sophisticated cultural outlook. Sound familiar? If he were a college student today he would probably be the kind leading student walkouts in protest of the humanities professors pushing Euro-centric and patriarchal culture and demanding the government give him a million dollar grant to make his unique sculptures that no one actually wants to look at. Beta males of the type progressivists admire really are alpha males, just the bad kind of alpha males. They are the type of alpha male who just happen to be more comfortable never having to step into a position of leadership and prefer to have everyone else around them do all the work while they take the credit. They are good social adapters who just happen to be smart enough to recognize that in our current social context making yourself out to be the sensitive and deeply philosophical one is a tried and proven way to get panty access, that's really it. They have all the arrogance and self-centeredness of a stereotypical alpha males, just none of the courage.
@michaelwall4022 7 жыл бұрын
+ RepublicofEthan I always wince when anybody speaks of John Wayne as a role model, the guy who thinks just punching somebody is a solution to every problem. Stupidity and the refusal to accept that you might be wrong are not bravery. There certainly is such a thing as an alpha male, and we all want to be him, but the rest of mankind can't be described as just beta. There are men who we might describe so, who would give their life for something they believe in. I believe that the problem is when we begin forcing anybody in to a personality that we think is right for them, as the modern movement to feminize men does. There is such a thing as right and wrong and I do not give much of a hoot whether the person supporting that which is right is alpha, beta or phi beta kappa.
@wlbn6954 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mr. Whittle. I honestly appreciate your programming. As soon as I am able I will help support you and your team.
@Hard_Boiled_Entertainment 10 жыл бұрын
Gotta love the quick flash of Tommy Lee Jones (noted Alpha-Male-type-character actor) giving a "Really, dude?" Look as Whittle says, "Says who?" Great touch, Whittle!
@ScrappyXFL 10 жыл бұрын
I think his classic line (which my wife hates) is "I don't care."
@Julian-bq9qv 7 жыл бұрын
XGC - how about his line, "If you have something to say, this is a good time to keep it to yourself.:
@bricool4 12 жыл бұрын
Love the last line there. "Why not do yourself a favor and become one today!" Awesome.
@DerickTherving 8 жыл бұрын
Nerd =/= Beta. Just my plug, there's some pretty nerdy/smart guys out there who aren't beta males.
@stevelambert4489 8 жыл бұрын
Alphas can be quiet small nerds. It's inner fortitude that separates real Alphas from Manginas. Not all Betas are Manginas. Some only want to be followers, but show Beta behavior in the presence of higher Alphas THEY RESPECT. Manginas are other types altogether, they're Gammas, like the one who shouts "You're a white male" meme. They're the major problem.
@mattconnolly169 9 жыл бұрын
Archie Bunker was awesome, Meathead was boring and lame he was like the Lisa Simpson of the 70's a self righteous prude
@billybassman21 9 жыл бұрын
matt connolly Meathead ended up leaving Gloria and their son Joey to live with a bunch of hippies. Archie was right about him all along.
@mattconnolly169 9 жыл бұрын
interesting I have to watch that episode, thanks
@billybassman21 9 жыл бұрын
matt connolly It was on the show Archie Bunkers Place. I want to say season two or three.
@pilsnrimgaard2507 8 жыл бұрын
God I love your stuff Bill!
@0Maloy1 12 жыл бұрын
This video addressed this issue PERFECTLY! If we spend our whole lives trying to tackle our feelings then we won't ever have the strength left to tackle real issues. You will always have some emotional or psychological issue to tackle in life, so, be a man say screw it and get the job done.
@Henners1991 9 жыл бұрын
Three words: Ron. Fucking. Swanson.
@bsabruzzo 12 жыл бұрын
"Carlin a liberal? Yeah, right..." Hey, I'm just basing it on his last CD where he says we have no rights and the US Constitution is just a load of priviledges. Up until the 90s, I loved his libertarianism...
@692ALBANNACH 12 жыл бұрын
Archie went on to own his own business .
@gurugeorge 7 жыл бұрын
Another (although darker) example: Rorschach from The Watchmen. A character intended by socialist Alan Moore to be as vicious and antiheroic a portrayal of a Republican or Ayn Rand hero as possible - but the most beloved and memorable character in the entire comic/movie (and wryly acknowledged as such even by Moore himself).
@kiddynamo41 12 жыл бұрын
You know what's funny is i had this same discussion with my friends after watching the avengers. Now all of them are decidedly heroic when the time calls for it, but none had the courage or clear leadership of Captain America. They were all enamored with iron man, who is charming and funny and brilliant, but when the chips are down, they all looked to one man for leadership. and that's the man i'd want to have my back in a fight. Funny, he's from world war II, when a man was a man. Captain.
@billiewright8495 8 жыл бұрын
Bill, I am a 64 yr. old white woman, and my Dad fought the Japanese in WWII , he was a great man, and helped all of my uncles get good jobs at Republic Steel before the war. My Dad came back a total mess. My two older sisters were young when he went war. I was born when Truman was Pres. My Mom raised us girls by herself. And my sisters got married at 17, and my Mom took care of me alone. But I saw her walk in snow a mile and a half each way to get a can of kerosene to heat our little house. She wold NEVER take anything, it was offered, but she refused. And we were better for it. But now I am so worried about our country. My Husband and I have 12 grandkids between us. And we worry about them we just became great grandparents for the first time. I listen to Mark Levin and he inspires me, and both of you educate me. I wish there were a manic act that could take us back to before everything went crazy. I couldn't understand why people voted for a man named HUSSEIN only 7 yrs. after 9/11/01
@Thraxz666 7 жыл бұрын
This guy converted me back to reality. Thank you Mr Whittle.
@TLSoulDude 12 жыл бұрын
An episode of The Firewall uploaded yesterday and today's my birthday. I'm VERY happy right now!
@Ch4os4ever 3 жыл бұрын
Still relevant in 2021, and probably will remain relevant until the end of times...
@LuxsDeluxe 9 жыл бұрын
its weird how a lot of things can be traced back to alpha vs. beta
@Lfdjake91 12 жыл бұрын
As a US Army Gulf war vet & Firefighter/paramedic I have to say this is %100 true.We often talk @firehouse about the "wimpification" of America.We work in a upscale community w/ many white collar professions inc. many teachers from Harvard & MIT & these beta archtypes have lived such sheltered, pampered lives that they are totally unprepared for the stress & roadblocks of everyday life & they fall apart & need to be handheld through even the most minor of difficulties.
@Nawor666 12 жыл бұрын
Technically, He didn't carry the cross up a mountain, the Romans grabbed Simon to do so. However he did single-handedly drive out all of the merchants selling goods in the temple, went for forty days without food just because. And when He was teaching in the temple as a kid, He was teaching the guys who had spent their entire lives studying the Old Testament. That's like an 8 year-old going into Cambridge and explaining to the top professors things they didn't realize about Quantum Mechanics.
@PQRXYZ433 12 жыл бұрын
I find the worst part of debating on youtube the character limit. Thank you for your support; that really is the best way to get people thinking about the role unions play in an economy. Honestly, I don't think amyhuk is a Keynes supporter as much as their conceptions are confused. To me, it seems as though amyhuk heard about a handful of good-sounding ideas and is repeating them without knowing the logic behind it. Something almost all of us are guilty of at some point or another.
@OrionXIII 12 жыл бұрын
Bill, you are one of the most valuable minds in America right now. Keep on keepin' on, sir. Orion
@PatrickMcCarthy13 10 жыл бұрын
Bill I love your work I have since ... well a long time and this is one of the best videos you've ever done. Loved it man well done.
@dank1j 9 жыл бұрын
I liked it too. One thing I like to point out about all in the family and that era is that the Meathead character is presented as a hippie/liberal but he is not always right and he is a caricature of a left of center student spouting stuff he's being fed at school but not anxious to have real responsibility. Archie is presented as a limited guy with some bedrock ideas that are goofy and bigoted, but he is a good family man who loves his wife & child and respects his neighborhood and his country. And Norman Lear is a bit lefty, so the Left at the time was still pro-family and gave grudging respect to the Archies and were willing to laugh at the Meatheads. All of the lefties involved were, however, shocked that Archie was so loved. The Left today do not recognize any good qualities in those they oppose and do not respect or believe in this country. A show like All in the Family would not be as balanced today and it would suck. The Left today is so far beyond what it was in the 30s that the radical 30s leftist rhetoric is today's mainstream culture and 60s rhetoric seems balanced (and therefore favors the conservative) compared to today's lefists "we're great and y'll are evil" chants and talking points.
@PatrickMcCarthy13 9 жыл бұрын
dank1j well stated...funny that liberals became the caricature that we all used to laugh at
@dank1j 9 жыл бұрын
*****: good example. There are lefty hollywood/tv people today who can produce good work with good values despite the rhetoric they spout. This is why the left has to work so hard to squash internal dissent and condemn anybody that fails to follow the party line. Many many people do not live like they preach on the left and yet they still preach. They don't realize how brainwashed they are.
@karldelmatier6382 8 жыл бұрын
+dankbubba Meathead grew up and got elected president
@BondFreek 8 жыл бұрын
Bill, you obviously never met Shatner. Shatner is very much like the characters. He plays (except he's not gay). It's one of the reasons George Take hates him. Combine captain Kirk and T.J. Hooker and you get Bill Shatner
@regelemihai 12 жыл бұрын
Rorschach is by far my favorite comic book hero of all time (and the most underrated one as well).
@brianlemay5204 8 жыл бұрын
Bill needs a much bigger platform!
@PappyStu 12 жыл бұрын
Fishermen on every single boat in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia would hollar "Hey John" as they passed the Duke salmon fishing....
@sue200012 12 жыл бұрын
Hallelujah for real men!! So glad I found your channel. Thank you. Mr Grant to Mary Tyler Moore on her interview: "You're perky! Mary smiles bashfully, looks at the floor. "I hate perky!"
@ofwhatmatterisit 12 жыл бұрын
Man does not have to actively go to war to be courageous. Dying in a war doesnt make one a man. Plenty of soldiers are boys. being a man means to love so deeply that you would die for that love. The sign of a man is to protect the weak and defenseless, to protect the land that has buried his fathers. To fight for his life, but at the end of the day accepting the end in which you are found. Being a man is not about looking for that blaze of glory to die in, but accepting it when it comes.
@xoheartsongxo 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for having a voice of reason. Wish you had a television show Bill.
@longbeachboy57 12 жыл бұрын
I love the sound of Bill Whittle's voice in the morning...
@deckardcanine 12 жыл бұрын
I don't expect to hear accolades for John Wayne types from such a soft-spoken voice.
@snakey934Snakeybakey 8 жыл бұрын
the reason why I am not a conservative, is because I like being intellectually flexible, and don't want to be part of the team, but damn I HATE emasculating parasites!
@murdock283 12 жыл бұрын
I think the difference is that conservatives want society to be more traditional, and libertarians want people to have more individuality, even if it is or isn't traditional.
@killer13324 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Show strength not weakness, backbone not spinelessness, confidence not self-doubt. All of these things modern liberal politicians are incapable of the most recent one that could display confidence and strength was FDR.
@stevenhahn2343 5 жыл бұрын
Having emotions is not weakness bill Whittle is the reason so many people in America kill themselves . Bill whitlle is a piece of human garbage
@GremlinsAndGnomes 12 жыл бұрын
I think I could be an astronaut. I can sit quiet for hours on end and I don't feel the need to discuss my feelings.
@sheriff0017 11 жыл бұрын
Indeed. Let me know if one ever comes into existence.
@thohangst 12 жыл бұрын
Excellent as usual. Thanks, Mr. Bill Whittle. And I'll be the first to say that you are not merely a fan of the alpha traits but you possess them as well. Goodonya.
@samjudge1240 7 жыл бұрын
I give you credit Bill, your a good salesman of being a conservative.
@MovieMowDown 12 жыл бұрын
A human doesn't always do the heroic thing; a human has weaknesses and emotions, which these meat head alphas have nearly none of. Alphas set a high standard and mock anyone who can't reach them, now that isn't human.
@MovieMowDown 12 жыл бұрын
We cheer for them because they are more human and relatable.
@ANARKOTEROR 8 жыл бұрын
I was thinking of Ron Swanson when he mentioned Archie Bunker; there seems to be a pattern of failed attempts from cucks to ridicule alphas and creating legends accidentally.
@shatwood 12 жыл бұрын
Perhaps there was an actual reason why a trip to Mars would be better for an "Alan Alda" type. But we never got that answer. Whittle didn't even need the space story to do this monologue.
@dodgermaven 12 жыл бұрын
Love it Bill. You're brilliant as always.
@dav35601 10 жыл бұрын
God, I loved John Wayne! I also loved Ronald Reagan............
@GoblinKnightLeo 12 жыл бұрын
There's a story that the Lunar Lander refused to ignite it's hypergolic fuel when Buzz and Neil were ready to depart, and it turned out that one of the contacts had broken. So Buzz dug out the ($6million) pen that NASA gave him and used it as a contact to launch. He kept the pen and the broken contact in his pocket for 40 years until a talk he gave recently.
@MovieCompoundBoat 12 жыл бұрын
I figured after his rant about this on Trifecta this would be coming.
@PQRXYZ433 12 жыл бұрын
You've missed my point completely. The pay of labor is determined by its scarcity and value, not the cost of the product. I'm a machinist, I have a skill set valuable to an employer and my pay is determined by how few of "me" there are applying for my job, not based on the retail price of what I produce. If I happen to produce inexpensive items that I can easily afford, fantastic. What universe do you live in where an average Boeing employee can afford a hundred million dollar aircraft?
@dodgermaven 10 жыл бұрын
You're also missing Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec.
@TLSoulDude 12 жыл бұрын
Same with J. Jonah Jameson. Yes, Ed Asner voiced the guy in the Spider-Man cartoon from the 90's.
@Atreus21 11 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ how did I miss this firewall.
@superjae5 12 жыл бұрын
The whole feminist movement was a two-edged sword. I don't miss the chauvinism we left behind, I do miss more men being men. There may be some girls who like the beta male, but I think the majority want alpha males. Don't mistake alpha male for chauvinistic jerk. Real men aren't threatened by women. We want you to be strong, noble, courageous, confident--everything Bill is saying. We want equal partners whose masculine compliments our feminine and vice versa--a truly balanced yin and yang.
@tomforsythe7024 10 жыл бұрын
On Breaking Bad, Walter White goes from beta to alpha as he goes from good to evil.
@billiewright8495 8 жыл бұрын
Gary Cooper all the way ! I loved when he played Sgt. YORK !
@lochofmceo 12 жыл бұрын
the issue is like America confidence for no reason means nothing
@catholiccontriversy 12 жыл бұрын
Which is why I said "I forgive." I agree with what hoosherdaddy said and just want facts to be strait.
@zvi303 12 жыл бұрын
In the year Bill and I were born, 1959, a survey was taken of prominent scientists on the age of the universe; most had said the universe was eternal. This had been "settled science" for over 2000 years, and contradicted Judaism and its offshoots. Within 10 years, science had given in to religion.
@bobhill8856 11 жыл бұрын
Don't let women tell you what an Alpha male is. That's our problem today.
@murdock283 12 жыл бұрын
Also, conservatives tend to be religious, and libertarians tend to be atheist or agnostic.
@zvi303 12 жыл бұрын
The other reason was that his method of production (the assembly line) was so hard on the workers, that he paid them a lot to be happy instead of exploiting them. Too bad he was such a jerk in every other way.
@PQRXYZ433 12 жыл бұрын
No, that's not the way it works at all. "Alpha" typically means "strong, confident, able and responsible male adult," not "douche-bag wrecking ball" or "rapist."
@taratorah 12 жыл бұрын
Also, every voter I have ever met believes beyond the shadow of a doubt that his or her preferred candidate is MORE worthy to hold office than the opponent. There is nothing wrong with considering one person to be more or less worthy than another, even if the belief is inaccurate. In some cases (such as the case made by Mr. Whittle), the truth is right there for all to see, whether or not we acknowledge it. It's not a "hate" thing -- just simple truth.
@dmforeacre 9 жыл бұрын
A truly strong man (or woman for that matter) embodies the best traits of both these types.
@therealhardrock 12 жыл бұрын
And the Gargoyles' leader is a tough, strong, alpha male. The main female on the show is a tough New York city cop as opposed to a damsel in distress. It's no wonder why modern Disney is trying to distance themselves from this show as much as possible.
@LordGouda 12 жыл бұрын
Bravo! The two things the Keynesian supporters can't battle are facts and sound logic, and you have presented both. I have discussed America's labor situation with many friends and acquaintences who support unions, and have found an argument that works well: I ask them if they work hard. Then I ask them if they work harder than those around them. Finally, I ask if they have lazy colleagues. The answers are almost always "YES". Then I tell them the reason why those people still have jobs.
@cpjackson79 12 жыл бұрын
Love it. Where I work, they don't care about the end result -- just the steps taken to get there. It's maddening. I thought factories existed to produce things. All we produce is stacks of paper and no one knows what to do with it. What's worse is, those in charge are afraid to make decisions. All because of Federal regulation.
@Arlemagne 12 жыл бұрын
Why would you say the Elliot Kupfberg character is despised? He seemed, to my recollection, an honest guy who made an honest living. The character really despised, to my mind, is Artie Bucco, a beta who couldn't be a mobster but had mobster pretensions, who DIDN'T want to make an honest living, and got slapped down every time he tried to imitate his mobster buddies. That guy is much more despicable, with neither the honesty to be admired nor the courage to be feared.
@TheMistysFavs 10 жыл бұрын
My late dad was sure an Alpha male, how I miss him! I can only think of 2 more off the top of my son who serves in the Military, and my husband who is a Veteran.. I have another adult son who's well on his way since he left liberalism behind (ain't that something?) Rest in peace, President Reagan, Carrol O'Connor, and all of the Alpha Males who make and strived throughout their lives to make America great! God bless them all! Another excellent video, Bill!
@haxney 12 жыл бұрын
After this video, I've noticed the phenomenon everywhere. 30 Rock is the best example: Jack is so awesome that I can't believe the writers are trying to vilify him. Ron Swanson rocks "Parks and Recreation", and "How I Met Your Mother" is hilarious, but Ted is so beta that he's nearly unwatchable.
@TheAlfonz69 12 жыл бұрын
Why can't Bill Whittle accept that cultures move on naturally and organically, and that his perception of masculinity is just out of date.
@DaBearsManiac 12 жыл бұрын
No, Alan Alda's character let his emotions get the best of him. That's what the Alpha Male doesn't do. He fights his anguish and suffering with a positive attitude and investments in hard work.
@roymarshall_ 12 жыл бұрын
Or he was just raised by a mother or father who yelled and he has a natural defense mechanism from showing emotion.
@john42t 12 жыл бұрын
YES! You're the man for pointing that out! I'm a stereotype geek, studied maths, develop software for a living, love fantasy/sci-fi. Psychologists and their creed are *not* intellectuals. They problem is *not* that they are too much into theory and intricate ideas. They problem is that they are empty posers who have nothing to offer to society.
@Frankcastle522 12 жыл бұрын
I agree boss, if you ask any students in k-12 about positive male role models on TV sitcoms they say Homer Simpson Peter Griffin and those kids from Jersey Shore, the lack of positive male role models actually acting like men is so non existent that boys assume that they are flawed from birth.
@ruffhouse00x 12 жыл бұрын
I wonder what kind of debate Bill Whittle and Neil Degrasse Tyson would have that would be interesting
@realcoolboy17 11 жыл бұрын
Lol, Tony soprano admitted routinely throughout the show that he was a crybaby product of his generation. He romanticized greatly about the real men of his fathers era. Put in simple terms, the Wop was a drain on society.
@AlaskaFinal 12 жыл бұрын
Kony wasn't bullsh*t, it was just too little too late. The movement started when Kony was at the height of his relevance, moves to hunt him down however only began when he had already left Uganda.
@eatenmyeyes 11 жыл бұрын
I am only familiar with that movie in passing. They picked the dogs and monkeys that went into space based on similar criteria. Of course for the animals, resistance to stress took the place of piloting skill.
@Eincrou 12 жыл бұрын
"This guy reeks of loudmouthed insecurity." "My god even staying on this page makes me lose IQ points. Im out." Speaking of loudmouthed insecurity, having an emotional meltdown and announcing that you're leaving the page is a pretty good example of it.
@jeremiahhuntley2836 11 жыл бұрын
thank you my friend im going to improve myself by those qualitys
@murdock283 12 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to hear that. I'm a libertarian, and I agree with most of the things on that list.
@puppetsock 12 жыл бұрын
I grew up on a farm. After a bit of adjustment to horses rather than tractors, I think I'd do ok.
@alinv75 12 жыл бұрын
It's so good to see that there are many americans that have eyes wide open, when it comes to socialist threat and totalitarian threat! The same good feeling, nations behind the iron courtain had, that were hearing the (encouraging) critisism of former president Ronald Reagan, regarding communism! Him and the nation he lead, gave us- the oppresed, the HOPE, in a land/territory where FREEDOM seemed to be abolished forever! Alin, from Romania, S-E EUROPE
@taratorah 12 жыл бұрын
I dunno...some people really NEED simple to get the point across! Bill points out dynamics that are observable and provable, but that simply cannot by communicated by drowning them in euphemisms. If this is insulting, it is only because it hits a nerve in the person who perceives an insult. What I really love about Bill is that he doesn't use crude language, employ slander, or engage in acts of hypocritical hatred. He's just very direct -- TOTAL alpha qualities!
@Kaniela6759 12 жыл бұрын
Excellent, and the answer is "no" because we'd be too busy being politically correct not even being able to identify the enemy as the enemy.
@RepublicofE 9 жыл бұрын
Beta males really are alpha males, just the bad kind of alpha males. They are the type of alpha male who know just happen to be more comfortable never having to step into a position of leadership and prefer to have everyone else around them do all the work while they take the credit. They are good social adapters who just happen to be smart enough to recognize that in our current social context making yourself out to be the sensitive and deeply philosophical one is a tried and proven way to get panty access, that's really it. They have all the arrogance and self-centeredness of a stereotypical alpha males, just no the courage.
@JohnRinNoHo 11 жыл бұрын
Another attempted negative conservative stereotype was Slim Pickens role in Dr. Strangelove, it was meant to show the milirtary as buffoonish but instead showed the crew's determination to get the job done , no matter what, to defend the folks back home. Search: Slim Pickens: Dr. Strangelove ("Noo-ku-lar Combat") Monologue
@Preds7thMan 12 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see you talk on a similar subject about the Avengers... All of those Alpha-Males forced to work together, with Captain America taking the lead... It writes itself
@kiddynamo41 12 жыл бұрын
The Ultimate Alpha Male: Hulk Hogan. Say your prayers, train hard, take your vitamins, and always fight till you cant anymore. Late 80's-early 90's, he was my super hero.
@Robbob9933 12 жыл бұрын
No one on any level of the original space program would have been considered a beta. Even the females that worked in supporting roles were Alpha females. Performing and thinking on the fly is an Alpha trait. Oh, and in that dat, sientists and engineers were geeks not nerds.
@cassidy99ful 12 жыл бұрын
FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! now that's an alpha male taking charge.
@BoneistJ 11 жыл бұрын
30 Rock taught me that Alec Baldwin can act like someone who has something interesting to say.
@vwr32jeep 8 жыл бұрын
When we see these betas at the beach, we need to get back in the practice of kicking sand in their faces and stealing their pretty girlfriend. Gotta toughen them up. We've let them get soft... some of this is our fault.
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