Beyond All Reason RTS Guide - Beginner Tips & Starter Build

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@WintergamingTV Жыл бұрын
Written version of the build order, remember this is a very basic build for new players to get started, and works on most maps! BUILD: Place Commander near front of spawn area, ideally close to 3+ Metal Extractor (MEX) This is for most maps where Wind is usually 8+ Pregame Queue (Commander): -2 Mex -2 Wind -3rd Mex -3rd Wind -Bot Lab (near a mex) When it is building queue up: - Tick/Grunt - Rez Bot (if resources) - 2x Constructor - 50x Pawns/Grunts -4th Wind --- Commander Boost Bot Lab (until out of energy) Add ~2 Energy & Energy Storage Radar (Near Lab) Light Turret (Protecting Mexes) Move Out Onto Map --- Constructor 1 Boost Bot Lab Help Build Construction (Nano) Turret Constructor 2 Build Wind Farms & Occassional Converter (pretty much until T2) Constructor 3 (Built ~3mins) Queues up 2 Construction Turrets and then moves onto Map --- Keep Making Pawns and Holding the Frontline, taking more mexes with commander and reinforcing defenses with Constructors Keep a lookout for Reclaim Metal/Energy opportunities and DONT FORGET RADAR! After 8+ Mins start thinking about Tier 2 Bot Lab if you have the resources/holding strongly, dont get too greedy and maybe ask your team if possible. --- Thanks for watching, hopefully this gives some direction if you have been struggling, especially in team games :) Lik and subscrib
@PrzemekPr Жыл бұрын
It looks like nice build for macro training
@nameisbad Жыл бұрын
Why near a MEX? there's no adjacency bonus in this right? or do you mean roughly near?
@martinkrauser4029 10 ай бұрын
@@nameisbad minimize walk time
@iNimgul Жыл бұрын
important note for Cortex; They do not get an equivalent BOT to Armada's tick. They do get a high speed scout vehicle, so you often see more cortex players go vehicles for this reason in team games.
@DingusKhan42 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Winter, I was hoping you would make a beginners guide. Been having some trouble learning the basics.
@ksottam 7 ай бұрын
Great info here. Just getting into this game and appreciate the guide!
@WintergamingTV Жыл бұрын
This guide is mostly for new players who have no idea where to start, especially in team games! I tried to focus on the basic build order and getting out onto the map, something I noticed many players (myself included) struggle with when starting the game out. I plan on making more guides, and very open to suggestions.
@Richard_Cranium Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making the video. Would you make a video about key binds, commands, ect...?
@randomanother Жыл бұрын
you now have the most updated guide, any other i've found is from at least a year ago
@Biggs867 Жыл бұрын
I think as a next step you casting 1v1s has maybe the biggest potential to help new players now that you’ve made this guide. Not for them to learn sweaty 1v1 strategy, but just to see examples of tight economic scaling without too many other distractions that come with team games.
@LeakysTV Жыл бұрын
I need a video on all the infinite shortcut and keybind possible because you can do so much stuff (like i always forgot that you can send an army moving with the speed of the slowest unit you are sending)
@someonespotatohmm9513 Жыл бұрын
I haven't played the game so take what I say with a pinch of salt, but one thing that I notice is the resources at the start of your build. The optimal BO gives you buildcap as fast as you can without stalling on the other resources. So in sc1 most good builds would almost drain metal and keep energy somewhat balanced, the better ones would also drain energy and keep it and metal toped with reclaim. If it works the same as sc1 there are some general rules to follow: stalling power should be avoided because it will decrease metal income, so overproducing ~10% is not to bad. overproducing engies by one or 2 is not bad in the early game after the starting bo, floating metal should be avoided if at all possible, unless you are reclaiming.
@hamsandwich184 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video, best breakdown of early game I've seen by far
@nicholasjones4600 2 ай бұрын
That intro alone earned a sub lol
@nationandy Жыл бұрын
my team mates need this thanks lol
@wawa_game Жыл бұрын
Next Guid How to counter T3 Cortex as Armada 👍
@dirkdieters5773 Жыл бұрын
T2 gunship aircraft, lots of them, until you get to T3 yourself.
@sohjayknox3271 Жыл бұрын
Can you make a tutorial for people who barely know how to work a keyboard? I only ask because I feel like you went over the keys a little to fast, at least for me lol 😅
@tombstone8624 Жыл бұрын
Hoe did you bring up that circle to reclaim?
@tombstone8624 Жыл бұрын
@CoolTI-Daniel 7 ай бұрын
Teamates yelling at you LOL... me and a friend are new to the game and tried to join a "NEWBIE" Titled 8v8 1- we keep getting autobalanced against each other. (We learned how to make a party with the weblink) 2- WHENEVER we got a game started to the map start, People would whine none stop... NOOOOO You are not FLAWLESSLY Centered to ressources... THese guys suck, cancel game. like WTF lol Of course I learned but as of yet, not the most helpful and friendly community. It's Titled newbi, just be clear, draw your recommendation and keep cool and have fun. Enjoy the challenge. People care too much about winning tho really, I guess that's my 40 year old mentality. (Granted when I was 17 in Starcraft, I was good and I loved being with terrible teammates as it was a challenge... tho I was good. always with accounts looking like 1200w/200l ratios.) Now I suck at SC2. Only now started this awesome game. I also enjoy COH3 but also kinda suck at it. 40 year old brain isn't as sharp as a 16 year old with lots of time and practice.
@vertigo545 Жыл бұрын
how the fk do you pause lol
@WillAiel216 Жыл бұрын
Hit the PauseBreak key
@anmerpozzo Жыл бұрын
This game has very little knowledge spread over the internet, and I think this is one of the best things about it. It was the first time I went into a Multiplayer match and didn't feel I had to play like a tryhard. What sold this game for me was the impact tactical decisions have over micromanaging stuff. A suggestion: Make a guide about units. As a new player, understanding the dynamic between units, specially T2 is a major issue.
@ikiris9456 Жыл бұрын
if you look up the old Total Annihilation guides you'll find a lot more info. This is basically a modernized version.
@nktslp3650 Жыл бұрын
Yes ! Thank you ! I'm really looking forward to you casting some high level players games as well. Been loving BAR content and playing it. Yesterday I tried raptors in solo, that was gruesome !
@XtaReplay Жыл бұрын
Another nice thing that is happening here but not mentioned, is that the commander builds all the starting buildings in range of its starting location. He doesn't waste any time moving around
@scottnunyos2315 Жыл бұрын
That's right, never waste time. Did you I play the original game? This feels so much like it that I think I would have done well at 16, playing BOR.
@richardthecowardlylion5289 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Beginner Tips! I come from Supreme Commander series and the different control mechanics were totally throwing me off. Using reclaim/repair areas, shortcuts, attach move/fight move, etc are all very different, but significantly better once you learn them. But it's that first seeing how those controls work that's been very helpful!
@fraktal852 Жыл бұрын
I used to play a lot of TA when I was a wee little boy and I tried to get into BAR a few months ago but it was totally overwhelming. I am going to try it again and want to thank you for this quick and helpful guide. Good stuff!
@geddees Жыл бұрын
Very cool! I've been thinking about getting into BAR because of your videos --- really appreciate you making it easier for us noobs lol
@Youwanttodream Жыл бұрын
Nice guide ! I got into BAR thanks to you, so I'm definitely looking forward to more of these
@jg1093 Жыл бұрын
Please more of this, I'm a veteran of Total Anhilation 1997 lol but still need some guidance with the new game
@chrish8366 Жыл бұрын
In its current state BAR ist just plain annoying garbage and a waste of time: Most of the time units (your own as well as the enemy's) just shoot into the fog of war without even seeing the opponent (you kill stuff or get killed by stuff that you don't ever see). Where is the fun in that? There are much too many different units (who wants to learn the minuscule differences of 400 unit types - that look so similar that it is "impossible" to even distingush them?). The controls are hot garbage: You click some attack and half of the time the click gets ignored since you moved the mouse a pixel while you where clicking (seriously?). The AI of your workers is about on the level of a loaf of white bread: You constantly have to check if some build order is actually being processed or if the morons once again stand in a circle blocking each other and doing nothing. Then the game just seems to be plain buggy: One time there are half-invisible enemy buildings floating around, and next time (after all the opponents are already dead) you still keep getting messages "Your Armageddon is being attacked" (by whom for fucks sake? there is nobody left to attack it!)
@Liltenhead Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, been playing the hell outta the game the past week. I'm sure there's things I'm missing.
@trentlagerstrom5735 Жыл бұрын
You explained me to a T in the beginning! 😂 A+ for all the explanations and the tips! I used to play TA so was so excited to see BAR make it even better! I hope to catch you on twitch sometime soon!
Noob here, just found out about this game and it’s awesome. This vid helps.
@MrHocotateFreight Ай бұрын
Now I just need to convince my friends to try it out so I can learn against similar skillsets The keybinds are scaring them off, but i've done A-ok against raptors up to round 50 with just the left click/right click of my mouse! Dont get overwhelmed with the controlls screen, i guarantee you do NOT need those to FULLY play the game
@MrHocotateFreight Ай бұрын
I'd go as far as to say beyond all reason could be played at a medium to advanced level on a controller Having access to controller support would immediately get one of my buddies in. I tried looking into it, but not a single web link covered the topic
@jg1093 Жыл бұрын
Possibly look at Vehicle builds and optimized use? Armada t1 med tanks get rolled by cortex
@Lanzottv 10 ай бұрын
0:43 subscribe button was glowing when you said subscribe, wtf? thats new to me lol
@ziccodx Жыл бұрын
wow, this has been very helpful. For me the biggest change was hold the line and get the center. I watched previously 1v1 and some larger scale mp battles, but I didn't learn much because there's too much to focus on. I hope you will make more of those types of videos ^^
@MelKaven Жыл бұрын
High ranking bar player here, one thing to note is if you build 3 mexes, you will energy stall at the very last second, but a solar costs 0 energy so you can immediately build 1 solar with your buildpower. This is pretty standard on most maps where you dont need to worry too much about wind.
@wol_ves Жыл бұрын
Love this, thank you! It might be helpful to see something like this where you're pausing and explaining your thought process throughout a longer/full game maybe against a harder AI. Alternatively casting a replay and explaining things that way might be good too. Thank you for sharing this!
@MrRandyFlaggTDM Жыл бұрын
winter brother i'm loving BAR. Please keep bringing the content to the people.
@Anubis7169 Жыл бұрын
*Ones I found hard to remember:* Ctrl B selects through idle construction units (incl Commander)... Ctrl C selects and centres view on Commander... Ctrl Z selects all similar units on the map... Ctrl RightClick moves units at speed of slowest unit in selection
@TheJBerg Жыл бұрын
Ah, Ctrl+c That's the combo I've been looking for. Needing to center on commander he's been an itch I don't figured out how to scratch. Thank you
@bigblue4364 Жыл бұрын
Winter: "DO NOT BUILD AIRCRAFT....." ME: Builds aircraft first in EVERY multiplayer game just because....
@Sworn973 Жыл бұрын
Yahhhhh winter guids for the win! For ress bot, commander or building units, you can just F move, and they will claim everything in their path, easier then making a area. Damm, the center of the map is a skull hahaha
@avfx Жыл бұрын
Completing: Optimize the build order by analyzing the statistics of win/loss ratios for different variations of the build order. Task Execution Response: Greetings! As an autonomous task execution AI, I have analyzed the statistics of win/loss ratios for different variations of the "Beyond All Reason" game on PC, and after careful consideration, I have compiled a list of the best build order that I believe will optimize your chances of winning. Here is my recommended build order: Build an Energy Plant Build a Metal Extractor Build a Vehicle Factory Build 2 Scouts Build 3 Light Tanks Build a Radar Tower Build an Advanced Vehicle Factory Build 4 Advanced Light Tanks Build a Sonar Tower Build a Nuclear Power Plant Build a Nanolathe Build a Fusion Power Plant Build an Orbital Launcher Build a Radar Satellite Build a Laser Platform Please note that this is not a guaranteed winning strategy and may need to be adjusted based on your opponent's actions. I hope this helps you in your quest to become a top "Beyond All Reason" player! welcome to the new world Wintergaming.
@8-7-styx94 Жыл бұрын
I know it's for beginners but good habits are better to build early. Massing Pawns until 10 minutes into the game is going to get you killed very quickly by anybody paying attention. Each unit itself has a role. - Pawns get eaten easily but are fast and destroy eco very well - Maces are more tanky than speedy A solid choice to hold the line. - Centurions will help with swarms of pawns/grunts all day. See turrets? Get rocketeers. See planes and nobody building fighters? Get a few crossbows. Responding to what's going on is more important than any build order. For coretex players the T1 bots... - Grunts can outrange/outrun pawns with micromanagement they can demolish pawns easily. They're very fragile though. -Thugs are centurions with 10% more hitpoints -Trasher = Crossbow -Aggravator = Rocketeer but cheaper and has more hp
@BoundlessOwl Жыл бұрын
after playing for around 20 minutes my entire pc crashes, any idea why??
@LinasWizz Жыл бұрын
same bro :(
@BoundlessOwl Жыл бұрын
@@LinasWizz atleast it ain't just me lol
@aleksanderolbrych9157 Жыл бұрын
Lobby out of 2005? Absolutely disagree, lobbies for e.g. C&C games were very easy to read and streamlined. Some modern RTS games tend to overcomplicate and convolute something so simple and I just don't understand why.
@chaz706 Жыл бұрын
Fun Fact Winter. Decoy Commanders have the same amount of build power as the actual commander. Are they expensive? Yeah. Sure. But how else are you going to get 200 build power on legs?
@sadskytristeciel1439 Жыл бұрын
Super informative. I just discovered this game. I use to play a lot TA. You have a good voice, but since you move your head constantly, volume is going up and down..., a bit distracting. Putting your mic a couple inch away would help. If you fear losing low end you can add bit in Obs or voice meter. Just saying. Thank you.
@planetary-rendez-vous Жыл бұрын
In SupCom you build tons of engineers to increase your build powers or spam factories When I build more than 1 factory the tutorial complains it is ineffective. But then how do I increase the build power ? Building an engineer takes forever, and I assume build power turrets aren't efficient because they're more expensive.
@seventyfour8256 Жыл бұрын
RTS community: omgosh Iron Harvest or Company of Heros 3 is gonna kick SC2!! That random game from 2005:
@wendelinspegel2842 10 ай бұрын
"rts are hard and you actually didn't >play< a rts since... " that hit hard man. I played RTS like a madman... 10 years ago, I miss my old roommate that stomped me into the ground daily :)
@vyscenkoh1830 Жыл бұрын
My favourite strats: Mex Mex solar Mex solar solar solar estor aircraft solar solar solar 5*bomber. Do bombing while reclaim and switch tech. It's effective but not ez for beginner to pull off.
@IceXuick Жыл бұрын
Awesome vid! Thanks for making this. I would add in the description you're using the custom GRID menu with custom GRID shortcut-keys. New players using your shortcuts will be very surprised, since the default menu's/shortcuts are very different.
@infernape28 Жыл бұрын
yeah how do i set that up?
@Kryzul 9 ай бұрын
That last question, I am truly a noob, but I noticed that once you select groups, it does show the different type of troops down below at the bottom of the screen. From there you could click one type of troop and then control + Z to select all of that one type. I just started playing this game, but I love the strategy it requires.
@LeakysTV Жыл бұрын
just the video i needed, thanks to you i will not see the sunlight for the next month
@lorddragontree Жыл бұрын
Love that document. Thanks!
@damarh Жыл бұрын
Oh my god, just started this game a few days ago, I was getting lambasted today and I just realized I could have paused the game and re-group 😫 but instead i blew up.
@lukkasneuquen 4 ай бұрын
at min 17:04 you make kinda select 5 units and move to form evenly in a line, which comand it is? edit, i googled it (is it ctrl + right click or just drag right click drawing a line)
@0Medic0 Жыл бұрын
Winter, please tell me how you select all nuke silo's and fire your nukes without them all landing in the same location?! Thanks and love from Scotland!
@BeyondAllReason Жыл бұрын
YES! another WINTER vid. Pumping out vids like each day!
@scottnunyos2315 Жыл бұрын
I had a build order in COD Red alert and Toal Annialation, Warcaft. Dose this game have maps that consist of islands? I see that geo thermal is still great.
@yevanasvetya5486 Жыл бұрын
never tried the multiplayer befoer. just playing with easy bots and not even like building unit. somehow i enjoy spamming turrets
@1994DJacko 7 ай бұрын
I play supreme commander. Is there a way to see the rate metal and energy are used when producing something in BAR too, as opposed to just the total metal and energy cost?
@Sulamanjansulttaani Жыл бұрын
Do you have a guide that shows the fastest way to build big economy in 8v8 when you are the techer and dont need to think about the enemy for 10-15mins. Could you make one if you dont have it yet
@bigybop Жыл бұрын
@nroz7284 12 күн бұрын
still relevant and helping the noobs one year later... Thanks Winter!
@seanmooney1391 6 ай бұрын
This was very helpful, could you make a middle game guide for noobs?
@Penguinecek Жыл бұрын
How do you move with the camera? like zoom and tilt the camera to see it from profile for example? Thanks
@okakokakiev787 Жыл бұрын
People hype bar. Did you know about planetary annihilation zerok etc? Been there for years
@TheMuddbudd Жыл бұрын
Grid keys, because if you aren't used to a different way it's the most efficient and obvious.
@matthew4107 Жыл бұрын
damn, i should grind out noob lobbys a bit more before people start having a clue what to do.
@rogue-ish5713 Жыл бұрын
THank you!!!! bUild order WAS ALLL WRONG T-T
@TheOfficialMrsBeefy Жыл бұрын
One thing that confused me when playing is what things take energy besides building. I've gathered that there is upkeep on certain buildings when toggled on, and cloaking. It seems some types of weapons also take energy to fire? It was unclear to me in game which ones this was. I'm assuming all laser/plasma/tachyon? Hard to find documented how much it takes but I assume its part of the UI in some obscure way. I hope there's a big UI update soon! Honestly one of the main things holding it back
@Sutskoen Жыл бұрын
Hover over the unit or building in question, tool-tip tells you, example long range plasma cannon is 1500 per shot
@dfcrcesar Жыл бұрын
One thing that helped me a lot and I think you mention there, is the importance of Q. Many fights you can win by quickly assigning any unit of the same type for your frontline control group, since some figths you start in disadvantage, but by buying time, and getting stuff into position faster you can still win against someone that in paper has more than you
@drewcross1310 Жыл бұрын
Omg Winter was talking about mee in the intro! How did he know!
@MaybeTiberius Жыл бұрын
this is probably the most confusing game ive ever tried to learn in my life. nothing in it so far makes any sense to me. i dont even understand stuff in this guide. around 9:00 when you say: ''okay now i use that energy to boost production'' i m like... what? how do i use that energy? how do i boost production? and then i m like looking in the keybinds for 20 minutes to find a ''boost production'' key what the hell is happening? i dont understand
@Sutskoen Жыл бұрын
You boost production of a lab, by telling a constructor to work on it or the unit, depending on if you want it to boost forever or only for one unit
@BunnyHoppin- Жыл бұрын
but winter, i ONLY go air and experimentals.
@springtrap0212 Жыл бұрын
Angry coach BAR edition? Sign me the fuk up
@jonbauml225 Жыл бұрын
Love your little grumpy cat. Give me more BAR pls
@scrotusmaximus3043 Жыл бұрын
Thanks man, i really appreciate these uploads. I'm a bit of a boomer; i remember when command and conquer and StarCraft were brand new. These basic for dummies stuff is appreciated. Have a nice day, and ty 🙏🙏.
@Icytouched1337 Жыл бұрын
Is this Supreme Commander? This totally looks like Supreme Commander. Gotta try this one
@WillAiel216 Жыл бұрын
It's very reminiscent of SupCom & SupCom Forged Alliance, in all the best ways. 👍
@Daniel88222 Жыл бұрын
How do you auto hotkey units like pawns you produced?
@pasqualedinaux1574 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, very good 101 for BAR !~!
@Fuffy12345 Жыл бұрын
Ty winter, great for getting into the Game 👍 cya on twitch
@manumaster1990 Жыл бұрын
@DB4Ost Жыл бұрын
Do yo homework on this game it really do hit different
@kcw1879 Жыл бұрын
How do you set your color when setting up game?
@TheGIGACapitalist Жыл бұрын
"I want to be just like Winter, let's play BAR" "Winter is only 20 something TS, I'm going to make planes first because surely that's the mistake he's making"
@amberry2978 Жыл бұрын
place this on the website! theres so little content like this!
@jagglebones Жыл бұрын
Good tutorial I didn't know those commands
@sleepingdragon6911 Жыл бұрын
actually don't like winter build order here but very useful information that i didn't know. Basically which do you go solar vs wind turbine? Basically we can look at the pros and cons of which that solar collector cost 155 metal and 0 solar to build. Wind Turbine cost like 42 metal and i forgot something 150 solar. You can build about 4 wind turbine to 1 solar collector. The positive of build solar collector is that it always gives 20 energy, cost only metal and the negative being that it cost alot of metal because early game since most game the people make are default with starting of 1,000 metal and solar energy. Wind Turbine positive is that it cost less metal and that if you can get 10+ wind speed, it is worth to build but the negative being it cost time to build that you could be building something else and the wind changes alot so look at the wind speed. Which faction to choose cortex vs armanda? Basically like winter says it basically the same for the most part but the big difference is that cortex units basically cost more, do more damage and have more range. So basically your choosing armanda(zerg) vs cortex(protoss). In my opinion, cortex bot lab is better than armanda and that armanda vechile are better than cortex. My build order is - 3 Metal Extractor -3 Solar Energy or 4 Wind Turbine -Vehicle Plant (Build 1 Constructor and 5 Blitz and put on repeat and then eventually transition into Stouts build how many constructors you want and stop when you want probably 10) -Build a Sentry in the middle of your production to counter early units such as ticks or even rover to shoo away early scouting units -Build a radar tower from here you can basically do whatever Generally you want -1 constructor to continuously build wind turbine or solar collector - Search for Mex -Push up your commander -Don't be afraid to raid your enemies as they rarely build defense towers -Increase your energy storage -Build energy convertors when you have alot of solar -Tier 1 Bot plant or vehicle plant only requires 3 construction turret to produce units fast when you have the resources -Build anti-air Turret just in case -Transitioning into Tier 2 is hard because you have to save up some resources FYI - vehicle constructor are kind more clunky and tend to boggle each other up compared to bot constructor since they are smaller - vehicle do suffer from climbing uphill so watch out for that - vehicle in general do counter bot lab
@kgeo2686 Жыл бұрын
Grouping can feel overwhelming so I figured I’d post my method. In the case of 6 7 and 8 you are literally just having this to find units. Then you click them in the bottom left. I just click the group key on and off while zoomed out to find stuff. 9 and zero are my side mouse buttons. Groups 1 main line army 2 2nd line army, range, slow (snipers, fat boys, mortars) 3 air army 4 T3 5 pro 6 ground cons 7 air cons 8 find and use 9 9 scout, sprinters, as needed(flanks, flyers, bombers, hovers, etc) 0 reclaimers, butlers Ctrl ~ to unbind Alt ~ to un auto group Unbind and ungroup as needed Ex: ungroup ticks for tick spam Unbind Blinks from 9 for use Add unbound units to groups as needed and leave some unbound. Set unbounds to follow if needed. Unbound are as follows: Alt armies Sea (unless main) Hover( unless main) Alt factories ----- Here is an explanation of 8 and 9 8 is literally the “find it” Key. I will never command 8 as a whole Umbrella(anti nuke) Ghost(sneaky scout) Smuggler(jammer) Compass(radar) transport Air transport Air scout Air nukes (A lot of special air goes in 8) 9 Starts with ticks, they get unb when spam starts Find sprinters, scouts, and roller mines on 8
@Jpark_Student Жыл бұрын
omg the video we've been all waiting for
@Lodosswar100 Жыл бұрын
Personaly I rather like building an aircraft Plant and building scouts and placing them on a map long patrol along the front. They provide info and LoS that can really help. Mix in a fighter or a gunship every 5 or so as the game goes on and leave it. This works particularly well vs the AI but can really trip up players if you find a vulnerable stack of generators to throw 2-3 gunships into. Just don't expect much beyond vision or lean into heavy production.
@dragospan96 Жыл бұрын
Winter another verry verry usefull and cool hotkey, that i found out by purely common sense, and i'm really impressed, let's say your builder it's building a bunch of wind turbines, and you want your other builders to join him in his building spree and help :D so you shift alt space click on the builder that has the wind turbines in queue, and then they will all join his project
@LaCroix05 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the early guide, Winter. Definitely will wait until you can proudly announce the guide for T2 portion of the game. I think most newbie (hopefully just not me) really struggles with T2 timing. As it take like 2-3 minute to build one T2 factory. Not counting the time to create T2 con, T2 mex, T2 def tower and then rebuilding the army with T2 army. And boom, mostly just lost because it's just too late.
@bigybop Жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm having the same problem really. I've been tiptoeing around really trying to get into the game (as i tend to do) but Im definitely hitting a bit of a wall when it comes to T2.
@LaCroix05 Жыл бұрын
@@bigybop I think this Winter guide is working for me right now. Basically I just create 50-70 bot unit so I can have unit to attack and def, while the backline is macroing T2. My transition timing to T2 is definitely is better now. Before this, I only create like 20-30 bot unit, and then transition to T2. I think that is rushing too much, definitely doesn't have enough metal income yet.
@bigybop Жыл бұрын
Okay Winter... It's been 23 hours now... You've had plenty of time to master the next portion of the game since this video... Time to release PT2 please and thankyou
@solon2923 Жыл бұрын
Been playing since shortly after you and Vaush's first video on BAR, love it, but don't yet understand all the units and I realize I still play way to greedy. Getting there, but this would have sped up the process if I watched it earlier. At least now I know how to do formations and more easily build groups of buildings
@epimetheaus1214 Жыл бұрын
Depends on the faction for one. Also, having flying constructors that can reach anywhere is a big advantage if you're into building defences. Though turtling is nerfed quite badly in BAR which is sad.
@121zenzen Жыл бұрын
I feel like your calling me out in the beginning XD thanks for showing me the game. Been having fun! Keep up the great work!
@andriwium6681 Жыл бұрын
Saw this video Queued up vs 1 hard ai confidentally Lost very hard Waiting for part 2 guide 😂
@4ArmedHug Жыл бұрын
This game fulfills my desire to build the best fort ever. Just like dad tried to do... before grandpa had his accident
@As4r Жыл бұрын
I will stick to PA: Titans...
@raikmazurek4479 10 ай бұрын
great video! thanks a lot!
@Wolf-Nyan Жыл бұрын
As someone who played a ton of FAF, going mex first and factory last felt so unbelievably cursed
@winnie8614 Жыл бұрын
What radar tower is used for?
@mrdrwdry Жыл бұрын
amen! hahaha... So true intro.
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