Я 4 года изучаю Бхарата Натьям и вижу в первый раз очень подробно и медленном темпе индийский танец. Потихоньку понимаю о чем танцуют апсары. Большое Вам спасибо за творчество , у Вас многому можно научиться.
@sharmkar13 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful expression by these artists also very educative for aspring artists.. Well presented and good introduction to understand various bhavanas in Bharatanatyam. Well done. Jai india
@kalakriya12 жыл бұрын
I have 4 years of study Bharata Natyam and see for the first time is very detailed and slow pace Indian dance. Slowly understand what dancing apsaras. Thank you very much for your work, you can learn a lot. - thanks for the google translator hi Nina, Thank you so much for your appreciation, do visit our kalakriya bharatanatyam online shop & do enjoy our other videos
@kalakriya13 жыл бұрын
@sharmkar Thank you for your appreciation.Such feedback inspires us to bring out more such good products.
@lathak211310 жыл бұрын
It is very graceful expression & it gives natural Bhaava feelings, so for this I Thank u..... mam & please send your new videos & keep blessing to all Artists through Dance & Bhava
@kalakriya10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your appreciation, do visit our kalakriya bharatanatyam online shop & do enjoy our other videos