Biblical 'Noah' Believer Baffled by Basic Questions

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David Pakman Show

David Pakman Show

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@DarkMatter2525 6 жыл бұрын
They'll jump through hoops to try to explain what they ate on the ark, and even the bible says Noah brought food onto the Ark, but that doesn't explain what they ate after they got off the Ark. The world would've been devastated, the vegetation dead, and there still would've been no other animals.
@mpemberton7760 6 жыл бұрын
DarkMatter2525 Spam?
@FuelDropforthewin 6 жыл бұрын
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam lovely spam wonderful spam! Lovely spam wonderful spam!
@brandonian2000 6 жыл бұрын
The legend has spoken. Bow down our heads to the real God, DarkMatter2525!
@dingovory 6 жыл бұрын
DarkMatter2525 Keep doin yo thang mayne. If I weren't poor, I'd be a patron 👍
@ragingbullalf5790 6 жыл бұрын
DM. I bow down to logical thinking. "I Never thought of that, what a silly Bunt" But the Spam idea is silly. How many 3 Toed Sloths, do you know that use a can opener. Question.... Did the slow movers (slugs, snails and slow worms), have to set off early, to arrive on time for the Grand Departure?
@alexandrorocca7142 8 жыл бұрын
Apparently God is satisfied with us since the flood... really? Kind of a low standard.
@darkeyedgirl005 8 жыл бұрын
Made my day. Thank you. From a child of Sodom, apparently.
@tarkamlokar9709 8 жыл бұрын
It can't possibly last. In the near future he will probably reduce every city to ash who accepts men fucking each other. Because if there's one thing god really minds it's where people put their dicks.
@darkeyedgirl005 8 жыл бұрын
Jens Olesen And he really minded during the Greek and Roman empires, the Ottoman empire, the Persian empire, all the Dynasties of China and Japan, and even the barbarities of Native American tribes. All of these are recorded to have a homosexual undercurrent and a few of them were public about their enjoyment of children of either gender. If there is a God, there is only one reason he cares about where humans put their dicks. It's because he doesn't have one.
@tarkamlokar9709 8 жыл бұрын
He could just create a dick if he wanted. Allegedly the christian god is omnipotent.
@darkeyedgirl005 8 жыл бұрын
Jens Olesen So close...the Christian God is actually impotent. He can't give himself a dick. Dicks can't have dicks. Why do I call Him a dick? Read His book, it's the perfect guide to how anyone can use nigh omnipotent power to be the universe's biggest douchebag and still have people idolize you. It's insane, when it's taken as a manual for exactly what is needed to be a God among men. Try it out, it's worth it. Keep your hand on your junk, tho. Apparently, the creator of the Bible has no dick. I learned that from a very credible source (me!).
@FECtetra1918 9 жыл бұрын
1) No Ark has EVER been found. 2) Men CANNOT live 950 years. 3) Carnivors would have eaten their preys. 4) Noah was told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. The largest wooden ships ever built were just over 300 feet. 5) How did the animals from, let's say, Australia, manage to get to the ark? 6) How did he manage to find and care for the hundreds of thousands of parasitic species or the hundreds of thousands of plant species? 7) How the fuck did he manage to put trees on the ark? Redwood trees, for example. 8) The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with fifteen cubits to spare. Where did all the water come from? Where did it all go? Why is there no evidence of such a massive flood in the geological record? 9) God is filled with remorse for having drowned his creatures in the flood. He even puts the rainbow in the sky so that whenever the animals see it they will remember. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light, the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 10) What did the animals eat after the flood? There were no plants and whatever prey they ate would have gone extinct. 11) What did Noah's family eat after the flood? The animals they had just saved? Fruits? 12) After the flood, Noah kills the “clean beasts” and burns their dead bodies for God. This would have caused the extinction of all “clean” animals. 13) How did 8 people repopulate the Earth? Incest? 14) How the fuck did he manage to put dinossaurs on the ark? 15) How the fuck does an adult - in 2014 - believe such a pathetic story?
@yapuastink5525 9 жыл бұрын
Bravo sir
@NefariousVirtuoso88 9 жыл бұрын
errrr magic you're far too logical for this bullshit - the answer to something that makes no sense is MAGIC
@TimothyBukowskiApologist 9 жыл бұрын
Sir, these are basic questions that I love to answer! 1. Sadly, probably destroyed in some way (natural) Sad, but true, the wood probably decayed. 2. I has to do with the past genetics in the Bible 3. God created animals as herbivores. This is a uniformatarianistic view...The law of carnivory didn't exist till after the flood.... 4. Who said Noah was unskilled? There are MANY evidences of GREAT skill in early humans. Also, from a BIBLICAL worldview, God MAY have somehow had a divine intervention, but even by natural standards, him and his hands had MUCH time to do this, and is by no means impossible 5. There was no 'Australia' The continents were actually probably connected (LIKE Pangea) before the flood. 6. He didn't.... He was told to bring all the KINDS of LAND animals....No bugs or fish, or bacteria etc. 7. He didn't put trees on. The seeds survived. Seeds in plants are VERY fascinating. Many can survive the soaking in salt water, and some could have survived in vegetation masses, clumped together during the flood. They also could have survived through preservation in volcanic pumice (There was SO MUCH volcanic activity on Earth during and right after the flood.) 8. Genesis 7:11 says that 'all of the springs of the great deep burst'. Most likely this was an explosion in the mantle. The water came from the mantle. Most geologists agree that the mantle still contains enough makeup of water that it could fill the oceans TEN times. Where did it go? It's in the ocean. The hypsographics show the amount of the earth’s surface at (or higher than) various elevations. It illustrates that if the ocean basins were pushed up 5 km and the mountains shaved off, water would cover the entire earth. Such tectonic movements seem huge to us, but compared with the radius of the earth, (6,378 km), the movement is tiny, less than 0.1%. There IS evidence. It's in all the fossils! Fossils require the dead organism to VERY QUICKLY be buried in sediments, and guess what? That's what a global flood would do! Also it shows in the erosion in places such as the Grand Canyon 9. I am not actually sure what you mean by that. All God did was show a rainbow and a signal he could leave and would never send a global flood again... 10. Firstly, they then were allowed to eat meat. As shown in the dove who gave an olive branch to Noah to signal it was ok to come out, there was rapid speciation after the flood 11. They ate some of their preserves, and a very small amount of meat in the beginning most likely and then grew food. 12. No....He sacrifices ONE clean animal....Not ALL. 13. Incest is a modern word....Adam and Eve were created perfect....Noah and his family are a copy off a copy off a copy (etc.) of this gene pool that started perfect and got a tiny bit worse each generation, through a steady incline of mutations...It wasn't dangerous at the time. 14. Do you realize that most dinosaurs were only about the size of a horse....He needed two Psoropod KIND of dinosaur, 2 tripod KIND of dinosaur, so not EVERY species, and he most likely picked young adults, they weren't as big as you think. 15. Many people believe this...Including many gifted scientists....BTW-The inventor of the MRI scanner, which revolutionized modern medicine technology, was a biblical creationist... If you have any more questions, I'll be glad to answer them.
@FECtetra1918 9 жыл бұрын
Timothy Bukowski You haven't answered a single question with facts/science. You have only stated your opinion and used magic as a response to every question. I don't care about your opinion. I want evidence.
@TimothyBukowskiApologist 9 жыл бұрын
Carlos Amaral Magic? What exactly do you want? Most of these are BIBLICAL questions. I gave you examples of geological evidence (Fossils, grand canyon) and talked about the plants, (very in depth , actually). Many of these questions were ignorantly asked (such as the one about parasites, because he only needed to take land dwelling animals, as CLEARLY stated in Genesis) If you don't want the Bible, look at erosion, fossils, and the HUGE number of flood legends, the evidence for a flood is CRYING out. It comes down to a worldview, either you are looking at it as a uniformatrianist, who doesn't believe in God, or as a Bible believer...
@xxPsychorabbitxx 6 жыл бұрын
"I'm just making that up."
@RagicalPlays 6 жыл бұрын
I'd add the following :D "But you can't prove I'm making it up"
@garyconyers 6 жыл бұрын
//Of the two explanations for the creation, the one that requires something to come out of nothing, organize itself, and then defy every single law of science in order to get where we are today,// LOL - you had me fooled for a second. Only the most stupid creationists repeat that nonsense. Good bit of satire there, ridiculing the daftness of straw-man arguments some creationists try to peddle.
@prototype-fk9lm 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb so the universe coming from nothing is stupid but a god infinitely more complex than a universe coming from nothing makes perfect sense to you? (we don't know where it came from bty no is is saying it came from nothing)
@SirConto 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not a creationist or a christian, I don't even remotely believe in any of those stories, but I don't think that line of criticism is entirely fair. Let's say you see a magician perform a magic trick. Later you tell your friend about it and he says "That didn't happen. It's physically impossible!" You can have a bunch of possible explanations for what the magician could have done though: a slight of hand, forcing a card choice, using a card with two back sides at the right moment, etc. Of course you can't be certain about any of those, so you're basically making them up, but as what you're trying to prove is that the trick was something that happened. The first step of that is to show it is even possible and for that those made up explanations serve as viable evidence. Of course the explanations the guy in the video makes will still fall one step later when you look them up at a bit closer. But I just don't think holding it against him that he isn't sure about his explanations is quite a fair criticism at the point where he's trying to simply show that the story is possible.
@technicallyobservant7888 5 жыл бұрын
not only christianity but all religions even though islam is a law not a religion it is also bs
@jackthebassman1 7 жыл бұрын
The acrobatics that god believers perform to attempt to prove childish tales is staggering.
@alvarogoenaga3965 7 жыл бұрын
Noah's boat was a zoo, not a circus!
@daverobson3084 7 жыл бұрын
Yes Larry. they go through the "staggering mental acrobatics" of, gasp, actually reading scientific papers and actually interviewing the actual scientists, who actually did the actual studies and actually getting the actual real story. You know, instead of casually squinting at a (non scientific) article and then declaring they know better than the scientists that did the studies the article is based on. You know . Like the Hovinds( both of them) and Ken Ham tend to do.
@Knightriders786ify 7 жыл бұрын
So larry, can you address some of these questions posed by people who don't believe in noah's fairy tail?
@lere97 6 жыл бұрын
Best comment I've read today.
@sidneyprescott5637 6 жыл бұрын
@PinkkElephantt 7 жыл бұрын
'I wrote a 500 page book on the logistics of Noah's arc' ...Christ, that must be the definition of a big fat waste of time; 'I wrote a 500 page book on the logistics of how Winnie the Pooh kept getting his head stuck in the honey pot.' life's just too short.
@steveswangler6373 6 жыл бұрын
West Facing just in the interest of accuracy, the idiot stated "I have a 500 page book" he didn't claim to write it. but you are correct otherwise
@penzotoko6619 6 жыл бұрын
Actually, read the Tao of Pooh. It's Winnie the Pooh's take on the Tao te Ching. It's really kind of incredible.
@acidpainter1139 6 жыл бұрын
U done with that book yet
@WeldonDavis 6 жыл бұрын
West Facing now that’s funny!
@BlackHearthguard 6 жыл бұрын
West Facing Although, to be fair, I'd read the Winnie the Pooh one
@michaelbaker7499 7 жыл бұрын
I'll tell you how "Noah the real story" should read: It didn't happen. The end.
@lancepabon 6 жыл бұрын
@jerryking296 5 жыл бұрын
Dude says:"You're wrong!" like a five year old. The equivalent of "NUH UHH"
@adrielstout6844 3 жыл бұрын
It makes a good fantasy story though. 👍 I agree it's definitely not real and I'm technically a Christian.
@perryegolson833 3 жыл бұрын
@frankos rooni Dude, god isn’t real in any literal sense whatsoever. The things that are written down in the Bible didn’t actually happen. God is real to you if you believe in god. That’s it. It’s fine to hold religion near and dear to your heart but do not try and argue that there is evidence of the literal and physical existence of god or the other biblical characters. It’s like saying that Santa Claus actually exists.
@skunkjobb 3 жыл бұрын
@frankos rooni You said Michael Baker's post was embarrassing when he said the story of Noah didn't happen and then you seem to also say it didn't happen. Your post makes no sense.
@sbunny8 6 жыл бұрын
The flood story makes perfect sense if it was written by someone who doesn't know much about the world, expecting the story to be heard by people who knew even less. If you live in a place that's pretty flat and you've never been more than 50 km from where you were born, and nobody around you has either, then it's easy to imagine that a flood covered the whole world, all the way up to the highest mountain. If you've only ever seen a couple dozen different species of animals in your lifetime, it's easy to imagine that some dude was able to fit two of everything into a boat. If you think that building a big boat is just as easy as building a small one except it takes more time, it's easy to imagine someone building a 450-ft long boat. But once you learn just how huge Earth really is, how tall the highest mountains really are, how many millions of different species there are that can't interbreed with each other (and how many of them are isolated to far-off places on the planet), not to mention just how incredibly difficult it is to build a really huge boat... the whole story begins to look childish. Plus, there's a major plot hole. God gets mad, plans to send a flood, keeps it a secret from everyone except Noah, right? So Noah is the only one who knows that it's important to load up his boat with two of every animal. What about all those other people who have boats? I mean, Noah didn't have the only boat in the whole world, right? He was just the only one who was told about the flood in advance. So all those other people who had boats, surely some of them could have just floated around, eating fish and drinking rainwater, waiting for the whole thing to be over. A few of those boats would have sank or the crew died of scurvy but there's no way the Ark was the only boat remaining. So, the story makes perfect sense if you know nothing about biology, geography, or ship building, and if you aren't paying attention to the plot holes. That's exactly what you'd expect from illiterate goat herders. It's nothing at all like what you'd expect from an omniscient deity.
@stevieh9860 5 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb. Please calm down. The first half of this theory is a very likely explanation. If you follow your scriptures, then your points surrounding who knew, and boats and stuff will make sense, but the fact remains that Noah’s Ark didn’t happen in the way Genesis said it did. No sentient being possibly believes it did. It’s clearly not credible.
@rs72098 4 жыл бұрын
*250,000 years of humans on the planet with only 7 billion people? Hmmmmmm🤔 well let's calculate that.* The human population doubles every 100 years, likely more when there is no contraception. So 2 to 2,500 power (250,000 years) would equal an unfathomal amount of humans, while 2 ^(32) = 4,294,967,296. (2 to the 32 power). 32 x 100 years equals 3,200 years. This is a very conservative estimate even only doubling every 100 years, early populations would like even double in 20 years. Evolutionists will point out that humans were trying to figure out farming and hunting. However early humans likely had plenty of food, and farming is easy to understand even for a young child. How difficult is it to domesticate cows? Or plant seeds? Corn grows within 3 months. There are serious issues with evolution and their timelines. We would literally have millions of trillions of people if humans had been around 250,000 years. Humans are the smartest, most capable animals on the planet, with some of the longest lifespans. Were humans being outsmarted and killed by lions, wolves, bears, sabretooths? I don't by it. Even ancient man would figure out how to make a spear or a slingshot, bow and arrow, and traps.
@roblb7305 4 жыл бұрын
@@rs72098 Pestilences, disease, WAR (a fuck ton of it), child mortality, the fact that population didn't comunicate with each other nearly as much as now, ecc....
@HEARTS-OF-SPACE 3 жыл бұрын
@@rs72098 You have no clue how populations increase and decrease over time. You just assume the population doubles every 100 years, and extrapolate all of your data based on that flawed premise, while ignoring all other factors. Seriously?!? Why are Christians so simple minded?! Rob LB is absolutely right, and you're absolutely wrong.
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
Not to mention the world has a finite amount of water. It's virtually the same rain that fell on the dinosaurs, much more polluted now of course.
@troyevitt2437 8 жыл бұрын
For a former highschool Chemistry teacher-turned-methamphetamine producer, Mr. White sure has a hard time with science when it comes to religious lunacy like Noah's Ark.
@OmniphonProductions 8 жыл бұрын
@quincyme2010 8 жыл бұрын
That was priceless! well said Troy.
@oriondogofwar3517 7 жыл бұрын
Troy Evitt lol
@sacluvsBM 7 жыл бұрын
Troy Evitt the biblical story of Noah was taken from the Zoroastrian Epic of Gilgamesh which predates the retelling in the bible by more than 1500 years. There is absolutely no way to get around this fact.
@troyevitt2437 7 жыл бұрын
I'm certainly not arguing that point. I was raised in Jehovah's Witnesses as a child and early-teen, but at least the Watchtower Society acknowledged this, but claimed the mainstream Christian/Jewish belief that the Bible began to be written so much later than Gilgamesh was wrong. What I am wondering is, are Walt and Jessie not getting proper ventilation and, as such, prone to religious lunacy?
@joeyrpugh 8 жыл бұрын
8:01 "I'm making that up... but that's the only way to answer that kind of question..." Basically all religious arguments in a nutshell
@TheKyrix82 6 жыл бұрын
I don't even believe the damn story and I can make up better excuses than the ones I've heard Ark apologists use
@nootgourd3452 6 жыл бұрын
I think that's called forming a theory (because we can't just go back and look at the damned thing), but yeah, christians do have to cut corners a lot
@TheKyrix82 6 жыл бұрын
That is NOT called forming a theory. That's called making a guess. Or if you want to be charitable, forming a hypothesis to be tested. That's not what a theory is in science.
@tippiebear6532 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't know Walter White did interviews.
@larryscott3982 6 жыл бұрын
Warren Kings Holding that the Bible is literal is by definition anti-science.
@larryscott3982 6 жыл бұрын
Warren Kings And nothing good to say about it as a textbook.
@gninja92 6 жыл бұрын
He changed his life after surviving accidental suicide at the hands of ABQ neo nazis
@larryscott3982 6 жыл бұрын
gninja92 After all ... Nazi germany: a very christian society.
@karlbennett1185 6 жыл бұрын
Film Junki 😂😂😂😂😂
@meeeee9407 6 жыл бұрын
"The reason for the flood is God looked down and saw that mankind is evil" Did God go blind since then?
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
Deaf and mute too apparently
@janesteele6496 3 жыл бұрын
Jesus came and told us we have a free will so we have sun we have corruption
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
@@janesteele6496 What?
@janesteele6496 3 жыл бұрын
@@66fiveandahalf What God is the creator of Heaven and Earth he was there when Noah was building the Ark people don’t want to believe it people have a free will to believe want they want
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
@@janesteele6496 Yes we do that's why I worship Odin, Thor, Freya ,Chthulu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. To each his or her own I guess you are right
@madisonshay 8 жыл бұрын
"Noah fed them magical buy my book"
@peterbentley8471 8 жыл бұрын
And that is what it has always been about . MONEY.
@beggaroonieextreme4158 8 жыл бұрын
hey its sold pretty well! if only i could write something that fanciful
@madisonshay 8 жыл бұрын
Yah scifi books tend to be popular.
@stephentaylor6726 8 жыл бұрын
+Madison Shay 'I...umm...listen you don't even have to read it just please buy my book...'
@beggaroonieextreme4158 8 жыл бұрын
Stephen Taylor does your book include your dip shit god killing every baby on earth with a flood? Cause thats the kind of action that sells books!
@pavmx703 8 жыл бұрын
Saw 10 seconds of video and immediately went looking for the Walter White comments.
@vidittanwar 8 жыл бұрын
+Tom Guy I did the same, Tom!! :D
@kelumo7981 8 жыл бұрын
+Tom Guy Lol Walter White,you are sharp man, I thought I had seen this guy somewhere and you nailed it
@vickybartistry3292 7 жыл бұрын
Tom Guy lol me too
@ataridc 6 жыл бұрын
And i assume you were not disappointed
@iamzombie4106 6 жыл бұрын
Tom Guy how did he deal with inbreeding the genetic gene pool is not large enough to repopulate the world
@hiimgerbert4469 6 жыл бұрын
I thought Walter White was supposed to be smart.
@badgerbush3556 5 жыл бұрын
Alf Fonzo Hahaha You gained +100 speech skill.
@gelatinocyte6270 5 жыл бұрын
This is why Meth is illegal
@rs72098 4 жыл бұрын
Atheists believe humans came from rocks and gasses. You guys can't even win a Senate seat in the government. Who's not smart again?
@rs72098 4 жыл бұрын
Yep humans have been around 250,000 years with a relatively small population of 7 billion. That's *INSANE* if you consider that human population can grow 20 times within 100 years without contraception. Try explaining the math on that. I suppose you think the smartest, most capable beings on the planet were weighed down by diseases, lions, and bears and couldn't figure out farming for thousands of years when it's relatively easy to do.
@jamesmathai1138 4 жыл бұрын
KingJustice98 Internal combustion engines are quite easy to understand but they weren’t invented until the late 1700s. There is a big difference between coming up with a new idea and understanding an idea when someone explains it to you. Newton’s laws of motion seem very primitive to us today, but that’s only because our knowledge has advanced so much since then. In 200 years, the inventions of today will seem primitive.
@ericsmith5613 3 жыл бұрын
"I'm making that up" "Yeah I know" LMAO
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
So were the dudes that wrote the bible 😆
@C141421356 8 жыл бұрын
"Except for one're wrong" Followed by nothing...
@StanWilhite 6 жыл бұрын
Love the standard, "It's not for us to understand', or "God works in mysterious ways" when there is no logical answer. A volcano erupts and kills 1000 people. Days later a little 3 year old girl is found alive....all shout "it's a miracle....God is good and merciful"!!!! Everyone seems to gloss over the fact that he just murdered 1000 innocent people. It's like, "Forget them......look over here at this little girl"!
@TheKyrix82 6 жыл бұрын
I want someone to come out and say "Looks like God missed one. Yahweh's getting old, he may need glasses"
@oldenvye6432 10 жыл бұрын
8:03 Larry: "I'm making that up" David: "Yeah, I know..." You sure are Larry. You sure are.
@mardukalpha 10 жыл бұрын
It's depressing to think people actualy believe this nonsense. :(
@borisbeverton5998 10 жыл бұрын
mardukalpha Welcome to the Tea Party!
@nitehawk86 9 жыл бұрын
"Except for one thing, you're wrong." Oh well that fucking convinced me. Nice one Larry, you are a freaking genius on Ken Ham's level.
@nitehawk86 9 жыл бұрын
Also, "read the book, read the book" Let me guess, his book is just as infallible as the bible because he says so. What a jackass.
@Pissedoffpeasant 9 жыл бұрын
nitehawk86 lmao yea that got me too. That's really the only argument these nutbags have.
@happytobereligionfree9648 9 жыл бұрын
nitehawk86 I'm not going to read the book for two reasons: 1. The entire thing is just so stupid, it would literally be a waste of that portion of my life. 2. I don't want to give this knucklehead the satisfaction of earning a living by selling this crap. That, and it would be a complete waste of my money, similar to #1.
@RandallStevenson 9 жыл бұрын
+HappyToBeReligionFree no need to read the book, just ask him directly and he'll pull something out of his ass for you
@andrewhoye6355 6 жыл бұрын
The easy answer to animals not eating other animals question is that Noah fed them meth so it suppressed their appetite.
@warpnin3 6 жыл бұрын
Yes. Either that, or he kept them on different floors and in different compartments. But I don't think he was that smart. I think i'll go with the meth argument too.
@Redmow51 5 жыл бұрын
And your thinking abilities.
@formalbug5716 7 жыл бұрын
It's funny watching creationists try and rationalize this garbage. They discard all evidence and start using their imaginations rather than find evidence that stands to scientific scrutiny.
@tonysimonsen3228 6 жыл бұрын
President Garrison's Pink Strapon why break the habit of a lifetime? That method has served them well for 2000 years or so
@idontgiveafaboutyou 6 жыл бұрын
Why do you have to criticize them for their beliefs?
@henryphilippeaux3566 3 жыл бұрын
@@idontgiveafaboutyou why do they use their beliefs to criticize others?
@JMDinOKC 7 жыл бұрын
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
@alanhilder1883 6 жыл бұрын
what sauce should we use on this one?
@gainzmotivate 6 жыл бұрын
Indeed. Therefore you should try dmt and see what your mind is capable of
@americafuckyea2789 6 жыл бұрын
Dirty Dave it's ineffable
@gh2frg 6 жыл бұрын
Indeed. The only thing this guy could reply with was talking only about one carnivore 'lions,' being kept in only one part of the 450 long arc. What about the rest of the carnivores? Can't keep them all together, because carnivores will eat other carnivores. And there certainly isn't enough space to keep the carnivores separate from each other and from all the other animals. There's just far too many carnivores. And we haven't even mentioned the omnivores yet, who might on occasion desire a meaty snack.
@robertlongwill8856 6 жыл бұрын
JMDinOKC isn't that the truth. I still can't believe the people still believe this nonsense in the Bible.
@arcaneone 10 жыл бұрын
Every time Larry Stone did not have an answer he just repeated "Read the book" which any rational adult realizes that not only it is not an answer, but a plug to sell more of his books.
@supertotoro 6 жыл бұрын
2018 now and Im still laughing
@patricklloyd1797 5 жыл бұрын
2019 now, and I'm still laughing
@MrPooPooJohn 5 жыл бұрын
More sad than funny :/
@LeonardLeon 3 жыл бұрын
2021. Now we are all locked up. Very few people are laughing, I am one of them.
@cade8986 3 жыл бұрын
@@LeonardLeon same
@lewkor1529 3 жыл бұрын
2021 Life is slowly getting back to "normal" and I'm still cracking up...
@davidrbecken 7 жыл бұрын
It is so confusing to these people when you present facts. When I ask people how civilizations like Egypt existed before, during, and after the flood without interruption, I am met with dead silence, or with an excuse like "it was a regional flood." If it was a regional flood, then the bible isn't infallible.
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
davidrbecken if it's a global flood how was Egypt (a civilization completely on the banks of a river and surrounded by dead desert) able to survive if the river flooded and it flooded all the way to the Red Sea and Mediterranean? Your stupid....
@jeffnarum1373 6 жыл бұрын
Local flood? How long was he on the arc when he could have paddled to shore.
@iainmclaughlan1557 6 жыл бұрын
davidrbecken there is fossils in the Himayas.
@slowdawn89 6 жыл бұрын
David Anewman Egyptians were atheists 😂😂 Fuck off mate.
@slowdawn89 6 жыл бұрын
David Anewman Well they clearly know from history that they were polytheistic, so they were not atheists. And let me guess, every other religion in the world is wrong aside from your particular denomination that you just happened to be born and raised into? How convenient for you to be born into eternal salvation when billions of people never get that luxury. 🙄
@L1Games 8 жыл бұрын
"I'm making that up." "Yeah, I know." LOL!!! Really though, you have to laugh!
@defenderoftheadverb 8 жыл бұрын
That guy's right, not the argument itself but the fact that all he needs to come up with are hypothetical scenarios to counter the positive assertion that it was impossible. Of course the story is nonsense though.
@johndaddyo444 8 жыл бұрын
No, the story of Noah is not nonsense. You've read too many pseudo-scientific texts and articles on the topic. Considering the story of Noah to have been an allegory is what some Christians did when they thought the science was irrefutable, 100 years ago. Turns out it was the scientists from 150 years ago who had overreached, and today's atheists don't have any answers to defend those old arguments against the Christians and Muslims today, who grew up with both modern scientific training and faith in a Creator. What would you consider the most powerful scientific evidence that there could not have been a global flood that nearly wiped out all land creatures, as described in Genesis? Mount St. Helens proved the layers seen in the Grand Canyon are more likely than not to have been created in a great flood event, over the span of a few years (not the millions of years hypothesized, incorrectly, by evolutionists). Radiometric dating has been nearly completely debunked at this point, so I'm amazed so many still trust it is accurate and reliable. Tell you what: go learn how to do the complete, detailed process of radiometric sample preparation, and how the material in the samples is then dated. After you've learned what is done, and how many false assumptions are made to reach an estimate of the age of a material, if you can then defend the techniques against my questions, I'll post a public apology to you.
@defenderoftheadverb 8 жыл бұрын
johndaddyo444 _"Radiometric dating has been nearly completely debunked at this point,"_ Not by scientists, only by creationists. I wonder why that might be? Shall we do this by degrees? How do you account for the diaspora of animal species endemic to particular locations, for example wombats that are exclusively found in Australia?
@Longtack55 8 жыл бұрын
Crap! That's all you deserve, but my rebuttal of your Grand Canyon theory consists of "Read some elementary geology - not evolutionary theory if you want to know about geology."
@gandalftheantlion 8 жыл бұрын
If a flood did occur.. how come the fossils are neatly packed in layers that we can predict where they are. This proves that they were kill years apart from each other. And we don't see dinosaurs with the human fossils, so no flood here.
Or how about The Epic of Gilgamesh, which predates the story of Noah.
@C141421356 8 жыл бұрын
I suspect that'd be a whole new level of "I'm offended."
@IAmTheLord3 7 жыл бұрын
There were 3 other versions of Noah's flood, Gilgamesh and 2 others.
@C141421356 7 жыл бұрын
IAmTheLord3 - Ya, much of the nonsensical main themes are unoriginal. Nonsense has been a big 'seller' for quite some time.
@IAmTheLord3 7 жыл бұрын
C141421356 Must be true since the Bible is still a best seller.
@MDLi0n 7 жыл бұрын
patrick71682 there's at least two before that as well
@gerardorcastellanos950 6 жыл бұрын
Larry, look up Epic of Gilgamesh,the Sumerian myth that predates your MYTH and borrowed by the Hebrews.
@MrBilld75 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly, among many, many other stolen bullshit stories which we can prove were mythology. Moses is another one and the parting of the seas. That story predates Moses by 1000 years in Egypt. The Tale of the Turquoise Pendant was an even better story and Sneferu's Priest's trick was even better than Moses's, lol. He literally "folded" the water in half onto itself. Hehehehe. These people are imbecile and gullible as fuck, believing tales written by ignorant Sheepherders. Lol.
@drdalet 5 жыл бұрын
Epic of Gilgamesh is Akkadian and the part about Utnapishtim was borrowed from the Epic of Atrahasis and the Epic of Ziusudra. The Noach story consists of two seperate stories (one from Judah, one from Israel) who were mixed. Noah is just a name and, like all other biblical names, reflect the personality of the character. In ancient times historical events were rapped in myths and legends. It is literature. In the movie Exodus, Gods and Kings, God is portrayed as a spoilt, arrogant child, which I think is perfect 😉
@Redmow51 5 жыл бұрын
@@MrBilld75 wonder then...if the government of Saudi Arabia is ignorant also? Or maybe they fear something. There used to be pillars of the 12 tribes of Israel at the crossing point. When the Saudi government found out what they signified, they tore them down. The altar to the golden calf is still there...but, the Saudi government put a fence around it and are going to tear it down. The split rock is there but also being tore down. I have no problem finding these things and reading about them. Why is it so hard for you? Speaking of ignorant.
@MrBilld75 5 жыл бұрын
@@Redmow51 Nobody ever said that some of the locations in the Bible are not accurate, you dishonest fucktard. You can find where they crucified people too. I can prove that the stories in the Bible are not only impossible bullshit, but that they are thefts from other more ancient religions and cultures LONG before the Bible. Stop using fucking logical fallacies like the straw man you just attempted (I know it's hard for you religitards, because your entire belief system is a logical fallacy, but give it a shot sometime, imbecile.)
@briancomley8210 5 жыл бұрын
You beat me to it.
@YR2050 10 жыл бұрын
Why would we bother to read his book? He couldn't even answer that basic question. Religion makes people ignorant and stupid, Larry is a prime example of that.
@PaulTheSkeptic 8 жыл бұрын
You apologists don't seem to understand how standards of evidence works. Just take a look at the big picture. We have extremely educated scientists with access to highly sophisticated equipment and training and a consensus that has developed over centuries by some of the greatest minds the earth has ever known and we have a collection of half a dozen or so ancient books full of myths, _one_ of which you think has the absolute truth in. The Avesta is wrong, the Quran is wrong and so is the Bhagavad gita, the Guru Granth Sahib and the Zarathustra but the Bible is right. The Bible. The same book you were raised with, coincidentally is the right book even though you've never read the others. It's absurd. Just think about it for a second.
@sagerider2 8 жыл бұрын
+Paul TheSkeptic They don't read the fucking bible either. 95% of the atheists I've talked to said, that the thing that turned them into an atheist, is reading the bible. So, I'm not the only one.
@PaulTheSkeptic 8 жыл бұрын
Marilyn Newman That's another really good point. There are a lot of things one could say. But, just given that alone, just what I said, that should be enough for any thinking person to realize that religion is bullshit. It's human behavior, cognitive bias and so forth. Psychology, that's why more people haven't figured it out.
@ToveriJuri 8 жыл бұрын
+Paul TheSkeptic Reading the bible on your own plus studying Christianity for 12 years gives a lot of perspective. That perspective seems to turn most people into atheists gradually. It's ridiculous how most of the time It feels Like I know the bible way better than the majority of Christians I discuss it with.
@PaulTheSkeptic 8 жыл бұрын
Toveri Juri Most atheists do. I'm no expert in the Bible my any stretch but I know it quite a bit better than your average Christian. They kind of tell you not to read it. I don't know if you ever heard this as a Christian but I heard it all the time. They'd say "You're not supposed to read it straight through like that, from beginning to end." They discourage Christians from reading the Bible from beginning to end. Why do you think that is? This is what I think. A lot of people, when asked "Why did you become an atheist?" their answer is "I read the Bible." I think they know that and that's why they say it. They want you reading it with guidance. Anyway, that's what I think.
@ToveriJuri 8 жыл бұрын
Paul TheSkeptic I wasn't an American Catholic though. Our religious education here is very thorough. We went through the bible, the history of Christianity(real history, i.e. from other sources than the bible) and pretty much every major western and eastern religion and how they compare or relate to our religion. To me it's baffling that people take the stance that you should not study your scripture. It's ludicrous. How are you supposed to have faith in something when you don't even truly know what the subject of your fate is. So, yeah. In my opinion you are right about everything you say. There's one thing that really confuses me though. Why would they tell them not to read the bible unless they actually knew themselves it was bullshit. And if they know it's bullshit wtf are they doing in a Christian organization to begin with?
@tristancreed 8 жыл бұрын
I got a bone to pick with every ark believer. Given that I used to work in a zoo. All of these animals have different diets. There are predators, scavengers, herbivores, insects who feed by pollination and a lot more. And these animals were in every sense, wild. So how did they manage to keep the predators at bay? And what kind of food did Noah even feed them? How did he manage an entire vessel that doubled as a zoo with a crew of seven?
@ytxmak 8 жыл бұрын
Ha ha great comment. Of course the answer is the ark myth is all delusional bullshit. I wonder who got the job to take on the 2 small pox viruses :)
@danduryea 8 жыл бұрын
+Tristan Paul Creed -- hehehe, well, it was told to me, that only "nostril-breathers" were included in the call. Insects breathe through their bodies, so I'm not sure how the deluded explain insects, microbes, viruses, fungi, etc!
@ytxmak 8 жыл бұрын
Douglas Davis I worked with a guy who was a part time preacher at a church in Australia. He told me that nothing in the Bible was literally true, it's all didactic mythology. You know, stories we can use as metaphors for life. He was certain of this. Then again other believers will insist every word is literal truth. They can't both be right, but they sure as hell can both be wrong!
@Superchilliface 8 жыл бұрын
The problem is that they blindsided by their stupidity and no argument will convince them otherwise,
@tristancreed 8 жыл бұрын
Bible Bill Look Crazy Bill. There's a difference between finding a fucking excuse and having gone through studies your whole life along with having the words "zoo aide" in your resume. Go ahead. Try preserving an entire species by gathering only two of each animal regardless of species and subspecies. I'm pretty sure inbreeding would not just magically poop out some deformed offspring as a product of genetic recession. While you're at it, stack a random amount of meat without accounting that one tiger needs at least 20 kilos of meat a day. So basically, you need at least 800 kilos to feed just one fucking predatory cat for forty days. Now add a partner and that's more then a ton and a half. That's just one species. What about the lions, panthers, every seal species, penguins, thylacines (who weren't officially extinct until 1936), ferrets, foxes, wolves. Wolves are pack hunters you dumb dingle motherfucking turd waffle. You can't just contain them, feed them and call it a fucking day. Now try doing the fucking math you turd waffle. Oh fucked up...fine, I'll do it for you since you're a fucking adult who still can't figure out shit that a third grader knows. I'm not disappointed either because I didn't have much expectations. Moving on, now that we somewhat took care of that, how would you store tons of meat without them going rancid without freezers? You can't expect a family of eight to just ferment a even just a single metric ton of that on their own. Even the animals wouldn't be cool with it. And eventually, you can't exactly sustain the herbivores too. How can you store so much grass when you live in a such a borderline barren strip of sand? Let alone make sure they don't end up drying up. What about containment? because that will be your primary priority. You can't just expect all of those animals to stay behind hardwood enclosures. Especially when at least 60-70 percent of them can easily break out of those wooden enclosures and run loose in the halls. Sorry Loony Bill. You can't exactly dupe a zoo employee (active or former) into buying the Ark bullshit. By the way, your little ark fairy tale was a rip off of the flood in Gilgamesh's Epic.
@erestube 6 жыл бұрын
Why would God wipe out the world because of sin? Did anything get better? Looks like a lot of work just to have things return to business as usual.
@Redmow51 5 жыл бұрын
That's simplistic. Maybe you should study the Bible before coming to a conclusion. And stop listening to so-called geniuses who are fueled by ignorance and hate.
@martinsgakke 8 жыл бұрын
He's not baffled, he just wants to sell his book. Why would you even agree with an interview where your only anwer to any question is "read the book".
@daverobson3084 7 жыл бұрын
Larry Glazner....But. He did not only have "ten seconds" he had ten minutes. He offered nothing but " read the book". FOR TEN MINUTES. That, and " READ THE WEBSITE". Gakgaming has a point here. The man came to push his book and never planned on answering any questions.
@stevegovea1 8 жыл бұрын
Noah feed the animals multi vitamin pills...duh
@maxnullifidian 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, must've been Flinstone muli-vitamins.
@trevor4188 6 жыл бұрын
Or gummi vitamins
@similaritiesendhere 10 жыл бұрын
Even if this story is true, god seems really evil or, best case scenario, terrible at his job. If he can see the future, then he knew he was gonna be killing and torturing billions of people since before he even created man.
@Hexdoll 10 жыл бұрын
I always point that out, if you know in advance you are going to "need" to kill millions of people, that is deliberate.
@similaritiesendhere 10 жыл бұрын
Why sacrifice your son to save mankind when you could've simply not put a forbidden tree in the garden of Eden? There are several verses in the bible were god claims responsibility for ALL evil. Isaiah 45:7 "I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things." Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? Lamentations 3:38 "Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?" Jeremiah 18:11 "Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you." Ezekiel 20:25,26 "I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live. And I polluted them in their own gifts...
@DynV 10 жыл бұрын
Hexdoll LOL that was a good one. MUAHAHAHA! >:)
@similaritiesendhere 10 жыл бұрын
Let's count how many times God has failed to create paradise: 1. Fallen angels 2. Adam and Eve 3. Noah's Flood 4. The Promised Land 5. Heaven would probably fall apart too if people kept their free will
@Wranderous0001 10 жыл бұрын
similaritiesendhere Maybe it did lol
@shannaveganamcinnis-hurd405 3 жыл бұрын
Christian god: I love you. I made you in MY OWN IMAGE. I am perfect. Believe me and follow me. Also Christian god: If you don’t follow me and love me, I will burn you for eternity in hell. Psychopath much?
@jamesthornton6234 8 жыл бұрын
This guys dumb talking point summed up: Read my book, which has all the answers to the questions that I can't answer here. BTW the book; which has ALL the answers, is very short. That's on purpose.
@Predated2 7 жыл бұрын
because you need to read other books to get answers incase all the answers were not convincing or satisfying enough to be an answer.
@AZOffRoadster 7 жыл бұрын
Like most parts of the bibles, the story was ripped off from previous religions, which were in turn ripped off from previous religions. If you study the history of religions, it is quite obvious they're all just mythology.
@blackatheistmillionaire1636 7 жыл бұрын
AZOffRoadster. So true!
@jilliansmith7123 7 жыл бұрын
AZO: No, damn it! There WAS once a real flood! There WAS! And before that there had never been any rain! EVER! And GOD made it all happen, he "shut the mouths" of the lions to preserve the lambs and things, and he brought the animals, and he took them all home, and he made the food stretch long enough, and he ventilated the ark, and he made the poo just "poof, disappear," and, and, and, MAGIC! DAMN it, people, god can do ANYTHNG? /sarc--but it was exactly what I was taught at ages 3,4,5,6,7,8...until I believed it. Stupid me. So why did he have to drown all the unborn puppies and kittens and fetuses and all? Because he could, and he enjoyed it. Why just make people good enough in the first place? It's so much more fun to watch them fuck up and devise interesting punishments, like ETERNAL PAIN. That's entertainment!
@RubberyCat 6 жыл бұрын
Well, there were a flood, but "Noah" was not the only one to save nearby critter and survive. Also, the flood did not cover all mountaintops, it only looked that way. No, i'm not a bible-nutter, i'm laying a jigsaw puzzle with old myths and ancient history.
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
AZOffRoadster Jesus came to free us of organized religion and to warn us of America and the Roman Catholic Church.
@gumchewingfunkmonster4661 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb im not the one telling people they are going to hell, butt munch. How would you like it if I told you you would be kicked in the nuts tommorow? That would still be better than what you're implying.
@tednugent8501 6 жыл бұрын
I cant believe this is still open for debate.😔
@tednugent8501 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb absolute hogwash and fairytales.
@warp65 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb Gosh Tim, is being condescending and threatening ok with your God? I myself dismissed the 2000plus gods including yours for a healthy happy life.
@warp65 6 жыл бұрын
No, that's a threat. At least own it.
@tednugent8501 6 жыл бұрын
And what are ur thoughts on the flying spaghetti monster?
@warp65 6 жыл бұрын
Follow me or burn for eternity. Threat Slow down in the rain, its slippery. Warning. Will and may, differentiate these statements. You will burn....., you may crash. You are threatening people who do not follow you.
@PaulTheSkeptic 6 жыл бұрын
"That's the only explanation." Or, it didn't happen. There's another explanation for you.
@nmarbletoe8210 6 жыл бұрын
or, it happened, but the details were lost as history became story became myth. Glaciers melting perhaps.
@PaulTheSkeptic 6 жыл бұрын
Right, either it happened or it didn't happen. So, how do we tell? Well, one thing we could do is look at the source material. First of all, do we have the originals? We don't. Were the writers unbiased or was there some particular idea they wanted the readers to believe? They were not unbiased. Do we have second hand corroboration? You might be thinking that we do but I believe that when you examine the details, they tell a different story. There are flood myths from around the world which means that there were clearly survivors around the world. Then there are the flood myths from the same area that both predate the Biblical story and they tell the same story. Since they share so many details, they must be indicative of the others. But then looking back to the other flood myths from around the world, they don't share any of the details. In fact they're usually fantastic stories that no one from modern times could be expected take seriously. Adding all that up, it seems clear that there probably was a flood or many floods all around the world at roughly the same time. And we know that when the ice age came to an end, it covered up a lot of the land that people had been living on. Or, it's a possibility that a meteor struck the ocean creating a vast tidal wave but that's purely speculation. Since then, we've started to discover stone age artifacts beneath the sea. This is the sort of event that people would've wanted to remember. They would've passed on this event through the various oral histories around the world. But if we're talking about a single global flood that covered all the land for almost a year with a boat full of animals, that seems less than plausible. Geneticists would be able to study a huge genetic bottleneck that affected all life a few thousand years ago. Geneticists do study genetic bottlenecks in some animals like the cheetah. Cheetahs are so genetically similar that any cheetah can take a skin graft from any other cheetah. But we don't see that in other animals. In fact, we can roughly trace how humans spread throughout the world by studying their haplogroups. Also, there are about 6,909 living languages around the world. If the ark was populated by people who spoke one language, that would mean that well over one new language a year would have to develop. And that's not to mention radiometric dating, ice core samples, dendrochronology and living organisms that are thousands of years old. The details just don't add up.
@EsDoncor 6 жыл бұрын
were there air conditioners in the ark? how did they kept the polar bears and other animals in different cold areas so they didn't eat or kill each other? how did they got the polar bears from the North Pole? how did they got kangaroos from Australia and Capibaras from South America? how did they stored every single specie of bacteria in the world?
@zacharybell9925 6 жыл бұрын
Alejandro González if you're an atheist you probably believe in evolution right? It's well known that polar bears are simply bears naturally selected to have thick, lightly colored fur. This would help them to survive.
@zacharybell9925 6 жыл бұрын
Alejandro González The same is true about kangaroos and bacteria. The diversity is due to microevoluton.
@EsDoncor 6 жыл бұрын
are you serious? evoltion is real when it's convenient? polar bears appeared 150.000 years ago, all humans of the time were still inside Africa, Noah is from Mesopotamia. The 1st canoe ever built was 10000 years ago. The story of Noah is a plagiarism from old Sumer which is the earliest human civilization in the world also in Mesopotamia barely 5000 years ago, nothing has evolved much since then, polar bears were already polar by then and kangaroos were already kangaroos. I'm not an atheists, I'm just informed enough to know the Ark is bullshit
@reyr.8552 6 жыл бұрын
Alejandro González lol the believe in micro evolution but not evolution lol
@tonysimonsen3228 6 жыл бұрын
Zachary Bell so what if you arent an atheist and you dont believe in evolution and refuse to pick and choose when you do or dont believe something for the sake of perpetuating a lie?
@imreadydoctor 8 жыл бұрын
Never mind the lions not eating the other animals on the ark, how did he stop them, and all other apex predators, from eating anything after the flood for the next several decades?
@lairx 8 жыл бұрын
don't ask :D
@Zucadragon 7 жыл бұрын
They were magically changed to eat vegetables... You know, kinda like what Christians say animals were like before "the fall".. Though obviously, no evidence was ever presented for this, it's just another of their out their ideas to solve the meriad of problems with the bible myths.
@TVeldhorst 7 жыл бұрын
just a small snag: the earth was drowned for moths so no land vegetation could have been left... Funny stuff, the more you think about the more bizarre it gets :)
@kingrobert1st 6 жыл бұрын
The wanker who built the huge replica of the Ark as a showpiece honestly believes Noah crammed a few prize dinosaurs into the belly of the boat! Now that's stretching the imagination a little too far.
@ParanormalEncyclopedia 6 жыл бұрын
Animals didn’t eat meat before the flood supposedly
@meeeee9407 6 жыл бұрын
Read his BOOK~"It is intentionally short", made that way for the abilities of his readers, it also comes with pictures for those who don't like reading and a book on tape for those who can't.
@polemius01 5 жыл бұрын
David's interviews with Fundies are the best comedy videos on KZbin.
@HillaryCampbell 7 жыл бұрын
It. Didn't. Happen. Questions answered!
@rembrandt972ify 6 жыл бұрын
Tim, you claim there is evidence. Please provide such evidence.
@gumchewingfunkmonster4661 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb bill nye the fucking science guy already proved it didn't happen
@gumchewingfunkmonster4661 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb even if what you're saying is accurate (it's not but I'll play along) how did an old man round up two of every animal? Did he have pokeballs? How did he even know how to tell male and female animals from each other? How did he keep the animals on said boat from eating each other? If God,the insane idoit,demaded he sacrifice a lamb afterwards did he take 3?
@gumchewingfunkmonster4661 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb can you even read? I asked how NOAH knew which animals were male or female? Was he going around grabbing tiger dicks? How would have even been able to see on flies if he didn't have a microscope? Just keep using childish insults to cover up the fact you don't have any real answers. The story is full of more holes than Swiss cheese
@gumchewingfunkmonster4661 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb fucking Tim Timothy! Youre the one whose brainwashed. Fuck off. Stop wasting my time you patronize pissstain. I have better things to do. Like identify wolves by the smell of their shit. Do you know how many wolves asses I would have to smell to be able to identify them by the smell of their shit? And that would still be more plausible then the Noah story. Peace the fuck out. Have a great day.
@xfer43 10 жыл бұрын
I am very impressed with both the interviewer and the interviewed here. Excellent discussion without bitter discourse. Even though the answers to the questions were weak.
@thedavidpakmanshow 10 жыл бұрын
Jason Melendez there's an understatement
@GamingPenis 9 жыл бұрын
frankos rooni :D
@michaelhill5272 9 жыл бұрын
+frankos rooni . Like Grimm's book is convincing that fairies really exists.
@vizardstorm 9 жыл бұрын
+Michael Hill they exist... In your heart :D
@michaelhill5272 9 жыл бұрын
+vizardstorm . I have blood in my heart. I don't know what you people who are made of dirt have? Are you undead?
@brudno1333 7 жыл бұрын
Where did all the flood water come from, and after the flood where did it go? How can you have runoff when the entire world is underwater?
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
Rolly Throckmorton if the story's true and god created the entire galaxy all the billions of stars and trillions of solar systems is it so hard to believe that he can move some water around. I mean if the story's true he put the whole ocean there all the oceans on Europa too.
@ClannCholmain 6 жыл бұрын
orducksrosebowl09 There’s no reason to believe that. "Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you." -Deuteronomy Ch.13 12-16
@jimmyknoxville4709 6 жыл бұрын
orducksrosebowl09 If God could make extra water appear from nothing and then make it disappear again, why did He need to drown all of the other innocent animals that weren't on the ark? He could have just made them disappear without such a painful death.
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
Jimmy Knoxville self is an illusion pain is temporary.
@alanhilder1883 6 жыл бұрын
The world is flat, it just runs off the edge. I'm sure the 4 elephants and the turtle would have enjoyed the wash more without the drowned bodies.
@chiku40 5 жыл бұрын
“Say my name” “Heisenberg the Ark Believer” “You’re god damn right it is”
@BrianGay57 10 жыл бұрын
What about... "Buy my book" Can you explain... "Buy my book" But how is possible... "Buy my book"
@AmusedChild 10 жыл бұрын
Um, it seems to me that your real question is: what did the lions EAT? Simply keeping them away from the other animals, thus keeping them from eating the other animals, does not get around the fact that the lions needed to EAT something or other. He didn't answer the question. He just squinted like he was trying to imitate Walter White facing down Tuco. BTW good job, David.
@Judicial78 10 жыл бұрын
They had Jesus food. He broke a few pieces of bread into thousands remember?
@ataho2000 5 жыл бұрын
"I can explain this: read the book" The book is mythological and it tells me no actual facts, only fiction.
@mafiotzi 7 жыл бұрын
This guy is only interested in selling his book ! $$$$$$$$$ !
@johnsergei 6 жыл бұрын
& the government's only interested in taxing him, millions ( if he makes millions selling books) & the banks are interested in that tax being spent paying interest on government debt & the media are interested in credit, to fund & grow their charming industry. What a vicious circle, see Modern Money Mechanics, Grace Commission & Debt Clock
@sdgundum990 10 жыл бұрын
"Easy answer: you're wrong!" I immediately checked out of the interview at that point. Just ignorance and arrogance at such a profound level.
@colinsweeney2628 7 жыл бұрын
Did he just say Creationists dont want to read a 500 page book.
@jilliansmith7123 7 жыл бұрын
Keyzer: he's got THAT right! Let alone a 1000 page book!
@sasageyo5674 6 жыл бұрын
Im a creationist and read volumes of books like encyclopedias and other factual stuff together with bibles in different languages 3 lang. actually....ones was.
@chriswaters926 6 жыл бұрын
marc lol l like the way you distinguish between the Bible and factual books. You are correct.
@tonysimonsen3228 6 жыл бұрын
marc lol why in 3 languages? Did you expect a different ending?
@Nilsy1975 6 жыл бұрын
tony simonsen in the Russian version it's meat and vodka not bread and wine; When Judas betrayed Jesus, Jesus took out a machine gun and shot Judas and all the soliders.
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
This mad is just sad... christianity is a joke.
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
LuthAMF how so??
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
LuthAMF The assertions made by christians regarding the bibles supposed divine inspiration and infallibility....its truth claims regarding miracles, the supernatural, fulfilled biblical prophecy, predictions for an antichrist, a second coming of jesus, the future of mankind and the end of the world...THAT is the joke!! The bible and the thousands of denominations that fall under the banner of christianity is surpassed only by the qur'an and the virus of islam in it's bad ideas and subsequent human suffering!!! The bible IS NOT inspired. The fulfillment of NOT EVEN ONE supposed bible prophecy can be demonstrated. The bible is far from a source of morality, rather it is one of the most hideous collections of immorality ever assembled. It's god character is quite possibly the cruelest being ever imagined. The bibles countless examples of immorality are rivaled only in its absurdities.
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
LuthAMF Not an "opinion", they are FACTS.
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
LuthAMF Im confident that I know more of the bible and it's doctrine, both inside and out, and the books history, as well as the history of christianity better than you do my friend. Try me!!!
@jeromeelster803 6 жыл бұрын
LuthAMF I like EVIDENCE supporting TRUTH, regardless of where that evidence leads or to what truth!!
@paulrenfrew6137 8 жыл бұрын
Man made God in his own image.
@peterford9369 6 жыл бұрын
Paul Renfrew Interesting.
@serenanorris6129 6 жыл бұрын
I too find that interesting
@OliverCaesar 10 жыл бұрын
Why would a caring all powerful god drown an entire planet full of people rather than just blink them out of existence? Seems pretty sadistic to me.
@markt5619 10 жыл бұрын
I think it is ok with most Christians that God causes suffering because they like to believe that God loves the Christians and everyone else will suffer because they are not as special as them.
@OliverCaesar 10 жыл бұрын
Right. It's not about caring and forgiveness. It's about justifying using others to your own purpose. Slavery, subjugation of women, rape of the environment because Jeebus will forgive you. Just Dumb.
@DattMunn 10 жыл бұрын
It's not like He only wiped out non-Christians. Christians aren't some master people or anything. A portion may act that way, but I would say most Christians aren't the Christians you're portraying in your comment. However, to the original comment, I don't know for sure why God would drown the planet instead of just "blinking us out of existence." The one thing I can think of though, is that the reason behind flooding the Earth was because of man's sin. And think of the flood as a "refinement" of the Earth as far as sin is concerned. He wiped out everyone to take away the sinning. He saved the only sinless, living creation: animals. And after the refinement(the flood) He said He would not flood the Earth again, but next time it would be by fire. Later, he will refine the Earth by fire and like the bible says, there will be a "new heaven and a new earth." That's all I know.
@lapiz85moi777 10 жыл бұрын
Matt Dunn As far as genetics, there are scientists who have explored this in the following film: "Human Family Tree" It does state that humans originated from AFRICA. All of us. Also please, please, please search " The Daniel Project" The guy decided to go on a quest to find out if the prophecies and Bible itself is a scam. The signs my brothers and sisters they been/ are here, being fulfilled. The time of testing "true faith is near." I hope God will open your eye's. We cannot put our trust in Men (non gender specific) for we (jew, christians, muslims, athiests, etc...) are all faulty. If you do not belive then fine, but I urge you to define that as temporary and not permanent. The word says seek and you shall find. Take one step towards the Lord and he will take 2 towards you. FIND YOUR OWN FACTS IN THE SIGNS! GOD bless us all with clarity.
@OliverCaesar 10 жыл бұрын
Why do lions lick their assholes? To get the taste of Christian out of their mouths.
@archaeologistify 9 жыл бұрын
I am an atheist, but I apreciate this conversation with MrLarry Stone very much. You can learn from this coversation that we can have differences or disagreements, but that doesn't make us enemies. Believers or not, we are all people and we should work together for a better future.
@jamesb.8940 9 жыл бұрын
If only everyone had that attitude :) This thread is pretty informative too.
@ytxmak 9 жыл бұрын
Ya I agree we should work together- trouble is religion poisons the minds of children and religious people seek to infect public policy with their beliefs.
@MsAnthropicGeek 9 жыл бұрын
Ytxmak Atheist are doing the same but in a more aggressive manner. It doesn't matter how people raise their children, so it shouldn't bother you at all. I never see anyone bashing people for being Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Wiccan, Enlightened, or Cabalist, etc. If they have a right to serve their many gods, why can't people serve Jesus in peace?
@ytxmak 9 жыл бұрын
They do have that right, but in the US and many other countries religious zealots (and moderates) enter the political arena and try to affect or run public policy, their beliefs based only on the flimsiest of 'evidence' and only after surrendering their reason to the very dubious credentials of the bible. Remember George W Bush's declaration on the invasion of Iraq? "God told me to do it". Or in my country, the (failed) attempt to introduce Syariah Law?
@longliverocknroll5 9 жыл бұрын
MsAnthropicGeek You can believe whatever you want. What many atheists (in this case manly people of the Western world) have a problem with is the extremists or literalists that try to teach what they believe as fact despite a general lack of corroborating evidence. If you want to have faith, I'm all for you having that right. If you want to believe and try to impose it as fact that should be taught as such (i.e. teaching creationism in public educational systems), I have a problem with that. Of course there are some atheists that are unwilling to let you believe what you want to and may be a dick, just as there are some theists that will be immediately condescending if they are informed you don't ascribe to their particular beliefs. The only thing that I despise from some of the theists is trying to refute evolution with creationism despite the fact that nowhere do either of these concepts inherently refute one another.
@kingrobert1st 6 жыл бұрын
How did no animals get eaten by other animals?....Awkward grimace...ah you got me there...that's where my argument falls apart I've never run into that kind of question before. I was just making it all up. Reminds me of Monty Python.
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
King Robert if the story's true and god created the entire galaxy all the billions of stars and trillions of solar systems is it so hard to believe that he could make all the animals peaceful for a bit?
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
Tony Tony Popony Banananana Fofony don't be so proud as to say you know what real evil is bacteria virus all that those are things not good not bad just things. If you don't understand that bad and good are human made then you have 0 understanding of god
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
frankos rooni read the book pay attention to life you'll understand one day
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
frankos rooni you can't drown an unborn kid they literally grow in water in the womb.
@StanWilhite 6 жыл бұрын
orduck Can't drown babies in the womb?....maybe not. Wonder what drowning the mother-to-be would do to the baby?
@DaveWhoa 8 жыл бұрын
@ 7:30 "now the obvious answer, at this point i'm making that up because i'm not quite ready for that kind of question". @ 8:02 "i'm making that up, but that's the only way you can answer that kind of question". No room for the truth when it comes to selling your book on religion.
@jeromesavary7033 6 жыл бұрын
Dave Smith rational thinking and reasoning would dictate that you investigate when you are asked a question that you have to do gymnastiscto answer
@sasageyo5674 6 жыл бұрын
why dont they just accept that Aristotle is right that they are all Jon snows.
@mzeewatk846 7 жыл бұрын
It must have taken Noah half a day just to swamp out the elephants. Stinky work too.
@jeffjodoin7882 6 жыл бұрын
And removing it from the ark during a storm , how likely.
@boataxe4605 6 жыл бұрын
Mzee Watk And trying to keep the Elephants from going to one side!
@pat34lee 6 жыл бұрын
Jeff, you might want to look up what a moon pool is, and how it works.
@kraftpunk5947 5 жыл бұрын
Imagine jerkin em off?
@DjVortex-w 9 жыл бұрын
There are so many reasons why the flood story can't have been real, but here's one: There are contagious diseases that are species-specific. In other words, they can only survive in one single species and no other. In fact, there are many diseases that can only live in humans, such as measles, leprosy, smallpox and typhus. These diseases either kill their hosts, or are killed by the immune system of the host, and the only way they can survive is to spread to other individuals. How did all these diseases survive the flood?
@jamesb.8940 9 жыл бұрын
Could they have started after it ? Or even as a result of it ? If we're going to discuss a myth about the world, we might as well ask real-world questions about it. Such a huge flood must have had lots of effects.
@DjVortex-w 9 жыл бұрын
James M How do all those viruses and bacteria form from nothing in just a few decades or centuries? In reality they formed over millions of years, but the flood story does not give them any realistic amount of time to form. If the answer is "God created them after the flood", that raises a whole lot more questions than it answers. (For one, it makes the whole idea of the ark completely nonsensical, if God was going to create/recreate living organisms from nothing anyway. What was the point?)
@henrygouge84 9 жыл бұрын
Okay, let us go with this. Imagine you are a disease. You enter a host. The host develops immunity to you, but still you are there in a cage. Now these so called survivors amounting to eight humans go to another area after the water settles. Now a little surprise. There are survivors besides those on the big boat who have not had contact with you and you are looking at them as fresh meat. So you leave your host and enter into the new host. Remember in this story the world is not completely covered with water. Only a small portion. We are only dealing with the world of Adam and his descendants. Noah and his family are all white. Those other hosts that are met by Noah and his family are Asians and Blacks.
@DjVortex-w 9 жыл бұрын
henry gouge What are you even talking about?
@XCyclonusX 9 жыл бұрын
Their ancestors were there as well living in the hosts or in the environment outside of the ark. The bible never said all forms of life were wiped out, thats why Christians don't believe God told Noah to take a Blue Whale on board. Afterward the diseases mutated in to lethal diseases. On a bacterial/viral/fungal level mutation can happen quite rapidly.
@Timberella3003 6 жыл бұрын
David, your skeptical “hmmm”s make me smile every time I hear them.
@StanWilhite 7 жыл бұрын
"At this point I'm making this up" mean like all of the rest of the time? You can easily believe all of this.....just put logic, common sense, and rationality aside.
@Alessandro-B 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb "every animal was vegetarian before the Flood." Well, of course, the Bibble can make all sort of unfounded claims, the facts remain, felines are obligate carnivores, and carnivores teeth cannot chew, making a vegetarian diet impossible. Maybe you haven't noticed, Christians tend not to, herbivores and ruminants must chew for hours and even have double stomachs.
@Alessandro-B 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb "Species are a subset of "kinds" " nope, kind is ill-defined and used to mean all sort of things from Family, to clade, to species. "The disease you mention is almost certainly the result of human virology lab tinkering" what labs existed at the times of the plagues, Black deaths etc? None. Plus, how could the ignorant men of 2/3000 years ago invent diseases? Diseases have always existed and were only discovered by science recently, the Bibble says they were demons. "with a reasonable objection to the data as recorded." what data, stories by unknowns, edited by unknowns, translated by unknowns? That's not data, those are stories by primitive, superstitious bronze age ignoramuses. Lastly, after a worldwide flood lasting a year, there'd be no trees alive, not any other plants. No food for no animals for at least a year or two. The reason why (apart from no geological evidence) the flood never could have happened.
@Codex7777 6 жыл бұрын
Tim, those hybrids you mention are from closely related species within the same family... and they are sterile, unable to produce offspring.
@MrDanAng1 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb No matter how you turn and twist, "kind" are I'll defined, Bible or not. For example, the Bible define bats as a bird. So a mammal that can fly is suddenly a bird? Are all birds the same "kind"? A flying squirrel, that can glide, but are incapable of true flight, is that a half bird? And Penguins or Ostriches or other birds that can't fly, are the birds or are they another "kind"? If "kind" is so well defined in the Bible, I challenge you to answer these four simple questions, preferably with a Bible verse tjat support your answer, and the biblical definition of "kind", so that we who ask for a coherent definition of "kind", once and for all can get the simple and obvious and easy concept I hear claimed, again and again, that it is. If "kind" is so basic and easy, how come nobody can define it in one or a few sentences?
@MrDanAng1 6 жыл бұрын
Tim Webb If you don't know the Bible, I don't care at all to give you the reference, it's in Leviticus 11:13-19. I have actually read the Bible, unlike most christians. As for the root animal for dogs, domestic dogs ARE a subspecies of wolfes, but I get your point. However, the line become blurry when we go for the side striped or black backed jackal, that is not very closely related to a wolf/dog or even other jackals. They are more closely related to wolverines or racoon dogs. And there we are, very close to weasels, all of a sudden. While still working genetically from clearly "wolf/dog kind". Or are the side striped/black backed jackals not the same "kind" as a wolf? Or are they the same "kind" as a wolverine? Or a weasel? Or a kind of their own? Whatever animal you choose for this "root animal" you mention, there is ALWAYS this blurry line where it is no longer obvious what the root animal is, or rather, it is like there is several level of root animals, like an ancestral tree if ever changing animals or other organisms. Like there is "kinds within kinds" like matryoshka dolls. Or like there is no "root kinds" at all in the sense you imply. And BTW, can you give me the biblical verses that support your definition of "kind"?
@ozskipper 9 жыл бұрын
Top speed of a koala is about 6mph. A koala also sleeps 20 hours a day. So it can only crawl at 24 miles per day at "top speed". Do the math on how long it took two cuddly guys to get there. Oh and they had to carry a couple of tons of Eucalyptus with them.
@hohum2722 9 жыл бұрын
They did very well then :)
@ozskipper 9 жыл бұрын
Roger Pinsent You didnt even notice I said "two cuddly guys"? They were gay koalas.
@hohum2722 9 жыл бұрын
ozskipper No, I didn't? How does that work on the re-population front?
@ozskipper 9 жыл бұрын
Ho Hum Hmm... Thats a good point. Maybe they were just bisexual koalas who snuck some females on in their hand luggage.
@hohum2722 9 жыл бұрын
ozskipper Not handbags, pouches. They're marsupials :) And what happened one of the two didn't fancy the other one?
@chanrichard911 9 жыл бұрын
I wonder how much of a head start noah gave the gazelle's before he let the lions go..
@abe423 9 жыл бұрын
@Darkpara1 9 жыл бұрын
you all pull together in a crisis apparently.
@jamesb.8940 9 жыл бұрын
Chris Lucas the spider said to the fly.
@Darkpara1 9 жыл бұрын
James M How did those animals get to Australia or America? errrrrrr there was a land bridge or some shit.
@leo16mmiv 9 жыл бұрын
Chris Lucas They rode volcanoes apparently.
@Underworlder666 6 жыл бұрын
"I'm making that up." "Yeah, I know." I'm crying.
@DBringmann 10 жыл бұрын
ok so Noah did not keep the lions with the zebras, but what did he feed the lions??? where did, and how did, he store the meat?? the flood lasted one year(roughly) so he had to have one year worth of meat just for the two lions. a lion eats at least 8kg(acording to websites about lions) of meat a day so that would be(8x365) 2920kg of meat per lion for a grand total of more than 5 metric tons of meat for two lions for a year. also wouldn't the meat rot?
@stephenlord1986 10 жыл бұрын
Im sure christians would say something like he went fishing for wales off the side of the boat and fed them that lol
@DBringmann 10 жыл бұрын
then he would need the equipment to haul it a board and what abour rhe food for the none meat eating animals?
@stephenlord1986 10 жыл бұрын
Na he just chained it to the boat and let it float and cut bits off when he needed it. You see i dnt believe this crap either my freind but the problem is these fantasists have so many outs its crazy.
@MrCmon113 10 жыл бұрын
Even if he just kept frozen embryos of all the animals, it would make no sense. The more different animals he takes with him, the more space does he need. The less he takes with him, the more must diversity explode after the flood.
@TheStimpyboy 9 жыл бұрын
No Noah had a freezer on the boat. you should know this...
@Rundvelt 10 жыл бұрын
The important message of the Ark story. God, being perfect, makes man imperfect, then blames man for being imperfect. And that blame means that he has to kill them, instead of some other sort of act. And God is so intolerant of sin, he goes off to kill animals too, because to hell with the animals.
@pineapplepenumbra 10 жыл бұрын
He seems to dislike animals as firstly he gets angry at a vegetarian offering and is pleased with the killing of an animal, then he demands loads of animal sacrifices. Not only that, but he also said (not that any god said anything to any human) that that animals were for humans to use, forgetting that humans are animals, too, and that many humans can't be trusted to look after other animals and seem to enjoy abusing them in the worst ways they can think of.
@abe423 9 жыл бұрын
He sounds fucking mental! He made humanity with sin just he could kill us? That sounds retarded! What was the point of punishment if we had sin to begin with!
@sieracki001 9 жыл бұрын
How about the 75,000 or so species of fungus that are currently identified and many more than that estimated to yet be identified? Being submerged for months is not exactly a survivable environment for these guys.
@MikeJackal 8 жыл бұрын
+Haku infinite Fish are a good one, all the freshwater and saltwater areas that were flooded and all the water mixed together. Why didn't they all die?
@MikeJackal 8 жыл бұрын
Haku infinite I don't know why we're wasting our time really as it's clearly ridiculous
@MikeJackal 8 жыл бұрын
Haku infinite Oh of course we need to beat them back, I just think we are thinking far too deeply into the specifics when the geological record pretty much covers it lol
@BattlesuitExcalibur 8 жыл бұрын
+Moraine LAKE If you do the math, assuming the flood waters rose exactly to the top of Everest, every plant at sea level would be under 95-97 atmospheres of pressure. Anything below sea level sees only greater pressures. I don't know of any papers detailing equations to describe the mechanical response of woody tissue under increasing atmospheric pressure, but I'm going to take a conservatively wild stab and say that literally every plant had to have been crushed *flat*.
@MikeJackal 8 жыл бұрын
BattlesuitExcalibur Don't forget to factor 'super wicked Jesus magic' into the equation.
@colinbooth531 4 жыл бұрын
The fictional movie does not accurately portray the fictional story.... That's a shame.
@kazoosc 6 жыл бұрын
but even considering that Noah could segregate lions, say, from herbivores and other prey animals, you still have to satisfy the lion's dietary needs over an extended time. is this author suggesting Noah fed the lions and other carnivores a special vegetarian diet? where did he grow or store this food? .. and the disingenuous term "kind" -- never defined, always illusive
@epicurious6078 8 жыл бұрын
Walter White is a biblical fundamentalist? Fascinating.
@b-retrogamer2925 8 жыл бұрын
+Jason Lingle (Life-Expedited) I thought the same,lol
@D_skeptic 7 жыл бұрын
I would have led with the ark couldn't have floated. A wooden ship of that size would end up leaking like a siv and sinking. Think about it. Ken Ham tried to replicate the dimensions and materials and whatnot as close to the Bible as possible. And yet, Ken Ham's ark (and my ark, I mean boat shaped wooden building) sits NEXT TO a lake. Not on it. Ken Ham had tens of millions of dollars, professional architects, construction technology, etc. He couldn't make it float in a teeny little lake. And this idiot thinks a man who was hundreds of years old with no expertise in ship building, build a gigantic ark that could fit every animal in it and float on top of violently frothing world ocean? Come on. Besides, why is he so willing to morally except the mass genocide of the flood myth, followed by mass incest. If hypothetically that were true, God is a monster and Noah's family are sexual deviants.
@DigitalPadawan 4 жыл бұрын
"I'm making that up. " "Yeah, I know. " hahahah
@SkepticReview 9 жыл бұрын
uuuuhhhhh... the stupid. It burns.
@emancoy 9 жыл бұрын
LOL! How NOT to promote your 500 paged book! Maybe Steve Shives should do it in his "Atheist reads" series for shits and giggles.
@yootoob4516 9 жыл бұрын
John Smith -- I've best heard it expressed this way: "Too bad stupidity isn't accompanied by intense physical pain."
@CJ-rf9jm 9 жыл бұрын
yoo toob I'm thinking that might be the only way humanity on this planet possibly survive.
@bogdanbuda8118 9 жыл бұрын
John Smith they are not stupid, they are after money, and they will milk the god cow until people wake up. the stupids are the people who buy these books.
@apeek7 9 жыл бұрын
Bogdan Buda You got it exactly correct. Comfort, Ham, Etc... are not stupid. All they are doing is "trying to keep their customers satisfied..." They have people who want to hear lies and will pay money to hear lies and the creationist is more than happy to supply them with those lies. It is all about money and power. The various religion scams have been around for 10,000 years and will be around until Homo Sapient becomes extinct. It is only hoped that their effect will diminish in the future. But I actually have much in common with a Theist. He disbelieves in some 30,000 religions and deities. I disbelieve in 30,001.
@tristancreed 8 жыл бұрын
In science, we can't say that "we're making it up" when we're defending credibility of information. Why does he keep saying "read the book?" If you're aiming to create something informative, you lay out all of the details. ALL OF THEM!!!
@klopapierben 6 жыл бұрын
"Why does he keep saying "read the book?"" Ähm, Money? thats HIS book. He gets money if you buy them. Everytime he said that, he "Advertisiment-raped" the Video.
@hazmat5162 7 жыл бұрын
I love Christians says the Lion, they taste like chicken!
@andershine 6 жыл бұрын
Larry: "And I'm making that up." David: "I know."
@AtheistRex 10 жыл бұрын
What a simpleton. Lions aren't the only carnivores.
@Vegirobin 7 жыл бұрын
Two things... 1: The "kinds" argument means believers accept evolution because the "kinds" would have to evolve into the variations of species we have today. 2: Why would an Ark be necessary? If God created animals once, surely he could create them again with no problem.
@nawangdawa7994 6 жыл бұрын
frankos rooni First of all there is no evidence of evolution. Period. None at all. Can we be clear on that? If you say there is , you are deluded. Modern concept of evolution takes millions of years to be observed. Do you agree? Yes you do. The best that evolutionists can show is similarities and dissimilarities in DNA and other biomolecules to show relationships. Now, the good thing about this is that it is not contrary to the Bible. The Bible says that the same God created all living organisms. That is the reason why all of them have similar information. That is God's signature. It could also be argued that all the fossils could well be the organisms that could not survive the flood. That is why they don't exist today. They died out in the flood. Remember, similarities in DNA/RNA have to exist ,it is God's signature.
@gonzomuse 6 жыл бұрын
So, what are these relationships? Evolution can be and has been observed in labs many times. You have nearly all of humanities wisdom at your fingertips if you are genuinely interested in learning.
@nawangdawa7994 6 жыл бұрын
Mark Bowyer No evolution cannot be observed in labs, adaptation and other processes can. Evolution (or speciation ) by theory takes millions of years. If it could be done in a lab, evolution would not be a 'theory' but a 'phenomenon'.
@nawangdawa7994 6 жыл бұрын
Evolution is a dogma just like any religion. It has a lot of unfound concepts and some concepts backed by evidences.Even religion has things that are true. Mohammed was a real historical person, Christianity teaches that dishonest living is bad. Does that make the whole of Islam or the whole of Christianity correct.
@gonzomuse 6 жыл бұрын
Ahhh, the old "it's only a theory" argument. Look up the definition of "scientific theory". And yes, speciation has been observed, relatively recently.
@Mephistahpheles 10 жыл бұрын
"Noah" is Dr. Who's real name. The Arc was a tardis. What's so difficult to believe?
@haiggoh 10 жыл бұрын
That would at least explain how all the animals fit in.
@lapiz85moi777 10 жыл бұрын
haiggoh As far as genetics, there are scientists who have explored this in the following film: "Human Family Tree" It does state that humans originated from AFRICA. All of us. Also please, please, please search " The Daniel Project" The guy decided to go on a quest to find out if the prophecies and Bible itself is a scam. The signs my brothers and sisters they been/ are here, being fulfilled. The time of testing "true faith is near." I hope God will open your eye's. We cannot put our trust in Men (non gender specific) for we (jew, christians, muslims, athiests, etc...) are all faulty. If you do not belive then fine, but I urge you to define that as temporary and not permanent. The word says seek and you shall find. Take one step towards the Lord and he will take 2 towards you. FIND YOUR OWN FACTS IN THE SIGNS! GOD bless us all with clarity.
@haiggoh 10 жыл бұрын
Moichepit Yes, humans originated from Africa. At no point does the bible mention that or even hint at it. So how does that confirm Genesis whatsoever? Actually the Noah story was used by slave owners to justify their actions as the bible describes Africans as the cursed sons of Ham. Also please search "failed prophecies in the bible" you will find dozens of lists. If you are ready to challenge your faith, you might want to have a look at it. Also you might want to research the work of the templeton foundation who have tried to prove the efficacy of prayer in studies for many years and the result was always the same. Prayer doesn't have any effects whatsoever.
@tabby956 10 жыл бұрын
Hmmm; that kind of remark actually makes sense.
@RosyCheeker 6 жыл бұрын
i like these kind of discussions where the host asks a question and then listens to the guests answer without interrupting (even though i disagree with the guest)
@mikesandmire1382 7 жыл бұрын
To shorten the answers down, theists might as well just write down what they ultimately think which is 'God did it.' or 'It's magic.' The flood may be the most ridiculous event in the Bible, and that's saying something. Imagine a world wide flood that the Egyptians, mayans, and Chinese never noticed, as all three civilizations were around before, during and after the alleged global flood.
@zacharybell9925 6 жыл бұрын
mike sandmire There's actually a lot of evidence for the Great Flood. Articles from the Smithsonian Magazine and the New York Times, countless archaeologists, and many and more scientists would agree. Just search "evidence for the great flood" on google and you'll have a bunch of articles come up.
@YY4Me133 6 жыл бұрын
+Zachary Bell Most humans live near water, since it's necessary for life, so most human groups have experienced floods. Yes, there are articles about a "great flood," but they're theistic, not scientific. There is zero credible evidence for a worldwide flood.
@zacharybell9925 6 жыл бұрын
YY4Me133 So New York Times and Smithsonian are Theistic then? There is a lot of evidence for the flood, just look it up
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
mike sandmire if the story's true and god created the entire galaxy all the billions of stars and trillions of solar systems is it so hard to believe that god did it is a valid answer. The flood was before all those cultures in the Bible way before.
@orducksrosebowl09 6 жыл бұрын
YY4Me133 legit no one debates if there was a flood 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@childofthestones2820 10 жыл бұрын
"Read the book" i.e. feed my bank account.
@lapiz85moi777 10 жыл бұрын
As far as genetics, there are scientists who have explored this in the following film: "Human Family Tree" It does state that humans originated from AFRICA. All of us. Also please, please, please search " The Daniel Project" The guy decided to go on a quest to find out if the prophecies and Bible itself is a scam. The signs my brothers and sisters they been/ are here, being fulfilled. The time of testing "true faith is near." I hope God will open your eye's. We cannot put our trust in Men (non gender specific) for we (jew, christians, muslims, athiests, etc...) are all faulty. If you do not belive then fine, but I urge you to define that as temporary and not permanent. The word says seek and you shall find. Take one step towards the Lord and he will take 2 towards you. FIND YOUR OWN FACTS IN THE SIGNS! GOD bless us all with clarity.
@childofthestones2820 10 жыл бұрын
Good gracious.
@Cha4k 10 жыл бұрын
""Read the book" i.e. feed my bank account." I know, it boils down to this Him: "I think this totally crazy story is true" Us: "I disagree, prove it" Him: "For $20 I'll prove it"
@childofthestones2820 10 жыл бұрын
I'm in the wrong line of business, obviously :(
@tabby956 10 жыл бұрын
Exactly what he was saying.
@ixtlguul4578 9 жыл бұрын
if poop comes from animals, why is there still poop?
@Gorgorism 9 жыл бұрын
@arthurdent549 9 жыл бұрын
ixtl guul ...because animals still exist?...
@ixtlguul4578 9 жыл бұрын
Arthur Dent Is there any tea on this spaceship?
@arthurdent549 9 жыл бұрын
ixtl guul ...not like home...
@kishintuchis4133 5 жыл бұрын
@sandmanhh67 10 жыл бұрын
"Read the book" Yeah I have mate - the original version the Jewish people copied the myth from and added their own spin to the story. And like the Noah story, the story of Utnapishtim from the much earlier Mesopotamian culture is a MYTH.
@ThePowerfulPanda 10 жыл бұрын
Damn... I'm starting to think the entire bible is plagiarized (even though I know a great deal of it is) from other myths. They could have at least put some effort into it.
@7urbo1azer 10 жыл бұрын
ThePowerfulPanda It's easier to convert people when you can say, "do everything you do the same, we're just calling it this name now."
@haiggoh 10 жыл бұрын
***** actually there are a lot of parallels between noah and the flood story from the epic of gilgamesh, down to even small details like sending out a bird to find land. The epic of course predates the supposed first written version of genesis by more than 2000 years. The jews also borrowed a lot of the stuff from genesis 1-3 from Babylonian myths including the idea of one creator god vs satan as antagonist
@haiggoh 10 жыл бұрын
Andy Reid Doesn't even have to be a comet, a regular tsunamis would probably be enough to make superstitious people interpret it as a punishment from god. Though Sodom & Gomorrah sounds a lot like meteor showers. Anyway, natural disasters have always existed and even today there are people who make claims such as hurricanes being god's punishment for homosexuality and whatnot.
@haiggoh 10 жыл бұрын
Andy Reid I see. Well if it fell in the sea we'll never find a crater. However, Tsunamis are usually caused by tectonic plate activity
@danniboi187 7 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the fact that Larry Stone admits he is pulling his answers out of his ass.
@brianb9969 9 жыл бұрын
is that Walter fucking White?!!? XD
@tomatodamashi 9 жыл бұрын
Brian b I thought the exact same thing!
@Floydthefuckbag 9 жыл бұрын
Brian b You really shouldn't have outed him. He faked his death. If there's a knock at your door, don't answer it.
@simon201063 9 жыл бұрын
Brian b I knew he looked like somebody but couldn't remember the name.
@Jimmy-Volmer 9 жыл бұрын
Brian b That's exactly what I thought when I first saw him.
@hjames78 9 жыл бұрын
When did walt take on religion?! thought he was a man of science he taught it in schools! wow walt have you fallen!
@nickalimonos3588 6 жыл бұрын
The best part of this movie is when Noah tells the story of Genesis, and everything on screen resembles evolution.
@Sparten7F4 9 жыл бұрын
"How did the carnivores not eat them" Uh-Bu-I-huh-heh-oh Wow, much fail.
@Youcanpokemyballs 9 жыл бұрын
Altay Kai i'm really sad he didn't pin him down by saying how ccan a anteater survive a whole year without eating ants
@allanrichardson1468 9 жыл бұрын
CODandHALOlove And did Noah collect ants into a giant ant farm to save them and to feed the anteaters? I had one of those once; anyone else?
@MP197742 8 жыл бұрын
He gives his explanation of how the lions were stopped from eating everything else, but he doesn't explain what the lions did eat. They didn't survive for 40 days without eating other animals.
@THE16THPHANTOM 8 жыл бұрын
+MP197742 the guy above said god intervened while they were on the boat. so god magically kept them from getting hungry, kept all the animals from getting hungry. Now if we went that route, i would ask the believer why didn't god just make two of each animal he deemed worthy be able to breath under water and just forget about the ark. that could have helped with how so many animals survived with out implying evolution of the surviving types worked that fast to make animals we see today.
@MP197742 8 жыл бұрын
THE16THPHANTOM Yeah, if God was intervening on that level, then what the heck did he need Noah for? Just make all the animals hover above the water for 40 days and nights.
@kaplaarsk4163 8 жыл бұрын
+MP197742 Actually it rained for 40 days and nights and then it took about a year for all the water to retreat. So all the animals had to be cared for and fed for a year.
@MikeJackal 8 жыл бұрын
+MP197742 Didn't you know they used to be herbivores like T-Rex's were. Have you never been to the creation museum? :D
@MP197742 8 жыл бұрын
Mike Jackal I didn't know there was such a thing. Now I want to go. I bet it's hilarious.
@notimportant3686 6 жыл бұрын
i swear, anything at all to do with any religion absolutely depends on your suspension of all reason and logic... fuck that... i'd rather live in reality, even if it is less pleasant (although i would contend it is more so, thus i don't even understand remotely the appeal of any religion)
@MsStack42 6 жыл бұрын
Graffiti on the Ark:"Somebody tell the Cicadas to SHUT UP!"
@TheSwagnostic 10 жыл бұрын
Since when does Heisenberg not trust science?
@brigadierharsh1948 10 жыл бұрын
You can tell David is having a lot of fun.
@daveb5041 6 жыл бұрын
*As a good christian I'm going to get all upset that this movie was an afront to the bible. But have no problem with going to war over bad intel and killing hundreds of thousands of people. Reminds me of how people got killed from drawing the prophet.*
@ivoandricic1088 5 жыл бұрын
got to say: It is 21st century and this is still being debated, c'mon. Also, bravo to the interviewer for keeping an enormous amount of respect for the interviewed dude.
@cade8986 3 жыл бұрын
“I’m making that up” Interesting technique, let’s see if it pays off
@66fiveandahalf 3 жыл бұрын
Said every author of the bible 😆😂😆😂😆
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