Biggest Kingfish EVER caught on TLL (A Camping & Fishing Adventure)

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The Lateral Line

The Lateral Line

Күн бұрын

In this latest episode of The Lateral Line, the boys set off on a camping and fishing adventure with the brand-new FlyFin boat. The weather forecast looked perfect, but when they arrived at their chosen destination, they were met with unexpected wild conditions. Determined to make the most of it, they managed to launch the FlyFin boat off the beach and into the rough waters.
After a tough day battling the elements, Milan hooks into the biggest kingfish ever caught on The Lateral Line! Go boys!
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Welcome to The Lateral Line, an online fishing show presented by Milan Radonich and Nathan O’Hearn, 2 best mates better described as brothers. They both have a genuine love and respect for everything New Zealand's outdoors has to offer and have been fishing together for over 15 years!
The Lateral Line is all about being out in the wide open spaces with good mates, for days at a time, soaking in New Zealand’s beautiful scenery, laughing out loud, and having as much fun as possible while trying to catch something to cook and eat. Throw in a few big Yellowtail Kingfish and the odd big Snapper and the boys are living their best lives.
Subscribe to the channel for bi-monthly (15th and 30th) fishing adventure, full of good food, and stunning landscapes with a couple of good mates having lots of laughs while fishing.
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Пікірлер: 321
@lancegardner7176 Ай бұрын
Really enjoying seeing Nato getting a go with the rod and reel. Great fish too!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Next show I even land a fish 😎 chur chur 😁
@paulcannell7188 25 күн бұрын
What a battle with that Kingy. Milan fought epically and he appeared not to have left anything behind either, Winning 🎉 Great footage as always Nato, Chur chur my Kiwi Brothers from SW WA
@TheLateralLine 24 күн бұрын
Best fight I’ve seen in a long time 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@gavscello Ай бұрын
Keep the big Kingies coming boyz. Epic episode!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
That’s all Milan ever wants to do 😂 chur chur 😎
@joffbakx2128 Ай бұрын
Jeez! Great timing guys! Friyay fishing funday! 🎉😊
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur 😎
@johnrogers5825 Ай бұрын
That was a King kingfish. So solid. Handsome fish like that must have the choice pick of all the ladies. What a stud.
@TheLateralLine 29 күн бұрын
That’s the way it should be right 🤪 chur chur 😎
@KY_kiwi Ай бұрын
Love the enthusiasm Nato! Frickn infectious!!!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It’s all in the name of fun brother 😎 chur 😁
@mattd4616 Ай бұрын
Man, you guys just keep coming up with the goods, TLL is the only fishing video I anxiously wait for twice a month. You guys a bloody legends!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It’s all in the name of fun 😎 chur chur brother 😁 we really appreciate the support 👍
@petercrookes55 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video, it's so good to see you guys back out on the water again fishing for trophy size King fish. That beach is one of my favourite camping and fishing spots. Can't wait for part 2. Cheers Pete.😃👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother Pete 😎 it is a dream location all right 😁
@shanemarr6676 Ай бұрын
Saw the wise angler hooks at hunting and fishing petone last week. Grabbed a couple packs for me and the young fella. He lost his mind when I showed him haha. Managed to land a few fish that day. Will be filling the tackle box this weekend. Chur the boys
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
You legend 😎 thank you so very much 😁 chur chur my brother 👍
@danifoote7883 Ай бұрын
Epic fish boys! We followed your foot steps last weekend up there off the bricks, was slow but it was the anticitation of something massive like that tank you caught! Can't wait for day 2!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It is always a possibility 😎 chur chur 😁
@KingsWithAndy Ай бұрын
Dam guys that was an epic Kingfish, thank you so much for these videos, they make me want to up my game every time I watch them. All the effort put into the b-roll and story creation makes them top notch! Keep them coming…. Ps we should get you guys out on a couple of Stealth Kayaks next year at the same spot to go for some epic sleigh rides with kings attached.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Would definitely be on a slay ride connected to that fish on a kayak 😳😂 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@Blacky238 Ай бұрын
The camping aspect in videos hits different!! Adds more zest. Love it!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Camping is good fun and gives me a lot more to film which is awesome 😎 chur chur
@TeamKingiesFishingCrew Ай бұрын
Wow, the girth on that king is insane.... Well done brothers
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎 awesome fish 😁
@twintype Ай бұрын
Heart in mouth when the rod almost went overboard...killer!!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It was a epic fight 😎 so much fun 😁 chur chur 👍
@AnthonyLiechti-n9k Ай бұрын
Bloody ripper of a king ! Great scrap omg thats my bucket list right there !
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Get out there and get some my man 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@kccox3446 Ай бұрын
❤❤❤Nato,Milan what a Tank!!!! I was worn out helping you hold that reel Milan😅 safe travels Milan and fun times with family,Nato my gusse's you will be Huntting❤ cant wait to see next Adventure!!! Latural line "My Guys"❤❤❤
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I’m gonna spend December helping my partner Claire with an I catch her very first king fish 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@shauno7582 Ай бұрын
Told you bro! The Gold Hat is the key to catching the big boppas!! I bet you go back through all ya episodes where Milan is wearing goldy, he catches big fish 😊
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
You are correct! Biggest king and snapper with the gold hat 😎 chur chur 😁
@paulbecroft8879 Ай бұрын
What a tank of a fish. Well done, they scrap was epic.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
The fight was awesome from where I was 😂 such a strong fish 😎 chur chur 👍
@paulw9293 Ай бұрын
Like everyone else - loving this content from the boys at LL! Such a good ad for all things Aeotearoa - you made our Friday arvo fellas thank you so much ✌️🙏💪🐟🐟🐟
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Our pleasure brother 😎 once again we appreciate you taking the time to comment 😁
@markshark7521 Ай бұрын
Nice fish lads my back was hurting just watching Chur Chur 🦈
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
My tummy was hurting from laughing 😂 chur chur 😎
@NZmellowyellow Ай бұрын
Content has gone to the next level with the new boat. Loving it 👌
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It’s good to have a boat and our fishing independence once again 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@franksaunders6534 Ай бұрын
What a tank, Milan! Well done, mate and great filming and editing as always, Nato!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother 😎 we appreciate the comment 😁
@DominickReale Ай бұрын
When I hit 50 years of age, I decided to make and keep a fishing trip gear list on a 3x5 card. I look at it before I leave home for a fishing trip. It has many times saved my butt from trip disasters; where I got way out there and realized I had forgotten to bring some crucial thing.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Milan definitely needs a list! only when he forgets stuff it doesn’t bother him at all so he isn’t fixing what isn’t broken 🤪😂😜😁 chur chur
@brettlaw9984 Ай бұрын
What a beauty boys kingfish time yes.Cant wait to hook up over here on the barrier.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Get into them 😎 chur 😁
@Swwa89 Ай бұрын
Man that bloody kingy looked like a tuna!!! Thats what you call a torture test for quality rod and reel well done what a powerful animal!!!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It’s crazy how hard they can pull 😎 super fun trying to catch them 😁 chur chur
@Johnjohn-qp8uz Ай бұрын
Good vid !! How lucky are we to have this, big Kingi 👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Life is good 😎 thanks for watching 😁
@TheBiggerLebowski-t1m Ай бұрын
Awesome Kingfish and Milan's hat rocks!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
The gold hat seems to be the monster fish hat 😁 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@robwilson9061 Ай бұрын
Hi there guys just love your shows what a fantastic kinge that would be the biggest one I've ever seen it bloody cool to see it come in well done. Looking forward to seeing your next show.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
They don’t come that big very often. Chur chur for watching 😎
@gavingi5875 Ай бұрын
Awesome, looking forward to it. Due to health I've just had to hang my rods up, so I live vicariously through you guys now . Cheers Friends Me ...
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
So glad to hear we can give you a fishing fix 😁 we appreciate the comment 😎
@andykjohnsonjohnson7622 17 күн бұрын
Excellent 🎣 video Guys 👏 Chur Chur 👍👍
@TheLateralLine 17 күн бұрын
Awesome to hear 😎 chur chur 😁
@gpurcell9424 28 күн бұрын
Thankyou fellas ! always THE BEST fishing content period !
@TheLateralLine 28 күн бұрын
So good to hear people enjoy the videos 😎 we appreciate the comment 😁 chur chur
@grenaldalves Ай бұрын
Love it, your new boat looks fantastic
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
The new boat is awesome fun 😎 chur chur 😁
@Robert.Walker1B Ай бұрын
Milan, you could get you a drill and an old braid roll to de-spool your reel to save time and used braid for less waste 😅 Just a suggestion haha Chur Chur TLL Brother’s. Mean 👏
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
We have sooooo many spools of uesd braid it’s not funny 🤪😂 can’t use any more old braid then we already do. Milan forgets to pack things like frying pans and bait knifes so I’m guessing getting Milan to pack a drill to strip braid off a reel is a big ask 😂😜🤪 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁 Ай бұрын
Yeah boys, bloody good fishing! Yewww 🔥 great watch as usual
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎 awesome to hear 😁
@YesNoMaybeIDntKnwDoU Ай бұрын
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It was a goodie 😎 chur chur
@chrisx6882 24 күн бұрын
Could you guys do some how to videos. Like gear and how Milan ties his knots? Thanks
@TheLateralLine 23 күн бұрын
Sorry mate, there just isn’t enough time in the day to make how to videos 😬 producing a fishing video every 15 days is challenge enough 🤪 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@ArjoonGunness-hf8yp Ай бұрын
Milan I would love one of your pink hat man but unfortunately I'm from Trinidad man anyhow love you'll videos can't get enough man.. bless..
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎 glad to hear you can enjoy the videos 😁
@rhysmartelli7112 Ай бұрын
What an absolute tank of a kingi!! How good!!! That was so exciting to watch hit the deck and measure mat, good work you pair of legends 🤙
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It was a good day to be us alright 😎 the measure mat is a awesome feature in the Udek, I don’t think I will have a boat again with out one 😁 chur chur 👍
@olivercolman3276 Ай бұрын
This was an awesome episode.. that’s kingy was a beauty! Campsite was sick too.. Chur Chur
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
All round good fun that one 😎 chur chur 👍
@adammalski Ай бұрын
Another cracking adventure and how about that 130 King!!! Well done fellas
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I would love to see a few more kings max out the measure mat 😎 awesome adventure alright 😁 chur chur for watching and taking the time to comment 👍
@KrakenKiwiFishing Ай бұрын
Yessss boys. Freaking awesome. What a tank.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I would love to see a few more like that one 😁 chur 😎
@flowss7329 Ай бұрын
That was awesome to see fullaz congratz on that tank of a fish The Lateral Line Rocks chur chur
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur for the comment 😎
@michaeltopolino8017 Ай бұрын
Awesome episode as usual fellas. Keep em coming always look forward to them. Really appreciate all your efforts, first class workmanship
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother 😎 it’s awesome to hear people enjoy the videos 👍
@02bigkev Ай бұрын
That was an awesome fish as well as the snapper.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I was happy as to see the snapper and then wow 😳 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I was happy as to see the snapper and then wow 😳 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@Nofriends28 Ай бұрын
Freeeeeeking awesome big nato!!!!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother 😎
@danielwillaton7479 Ай бұрын
Yewww boys. Absolutely rippa episode and congrats onbthe slob of a kingy!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎
@adadashian 14 күн бұрын
Please zoom in on the spool while it is pulling the line. I love this video
@mikevincent1636 Ай бұрын
Sick mish boys, the kingfish mojo is strong 👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
The FlyFin has mojo alright 😁 chur chur 😎
@FlyByDesign8 Ай бұрын
Good to see you both back on the water. 😀
@TheLateralLine 29 күн бұрын
It’s great to be back 😎 chur chur 😁
@olen.2760 Ай бұрын
Holy Schmokus! What a donkey! 😂 Great video, great trip... Love seeing you guys having a great time 👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
That awesome as we love having a great time 😎 chur chur for the comment 😁
@cavemankris Ай бұрын
Great stuff boys! can't wait for part 2.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
The camera man even catches a fish 😁 chur chur 😎
@mikefish7313 Ай бұрын
Another ripper show goes and what a bloody cracking kingfish 👍👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I would love to see a few more that size 😎 chur chur 😁
@broughxtreme 25 күн бұрын
Melan. I have a chuckle when ever I here you say "Holy sh-moly". Got that off of the ol' man. Ken
@TheLateralLine 24 күн бұрын
It’s a cool word 😎 chur chur for the comment 😁
@tranchieuhien Ай бұрын
Well done finally you catch biggest King fish
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It was a good one alright 😎 chur chur 😁
@Cornish666 Ай бұрын
Just go out without him , take a mate . Just this once ehy 😉👍. Top vid boys , belting kingy 🤙🤙
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎
@BrettWoodPhoto Ай бұрын
What a fricken tank !!! That fish was like a bus 🚎 Any chance Milan can put up his salad 🥗 recipe? Looks like mint food. Cheers boys
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Unreal fish alright 😳 we don’t see to many like that these days but they definitely do exist 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 👍
@kwikflikzyakadventures3795 Ай бұрын
Great video Lads, can’t wait for the next release, My Moko(17yrs) in Aussie wants to come to NZ to catch a Kingi.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
NZ is definitely worth a fishing holiday 😎 chur chur for watching 😁
@BenajaOushana Ай бұрын
Great video as always 😊
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother 😎
@HarryJohnno.99 29 күн бұрын
Cracking Kingy,loved the video!!!
@TheLateralLine 29 күн бұрын
Chur chur 😎 we appreciate the comment 😁
@joshuagraham1305 Ай бұрын
Awesome chaps chur.❤❤❤
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur 😎😁👍
@jonbeecroft4912 Ай бұрын
LOL its the Kiwi style to take the piss out of you're mate when hes doubled up on a fish keep them coming
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It’s all in good fun brother 😂 chur chur for watching 👍
@damiantrownson3687 Ай бұрын
Absolute hog of a king , nice work 👏 awesome show as always
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎 I would love to see a few more that size 😁
@BishopsBits Ай бұрын
Great episode!! Spectacular Kingi. The everlovely wants to know when the ladies will be joining you for a fish too!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Tell the everlovely that while Milan is away in Kenya my number one goal is to help Claire with a I catch her very first king fish 😎 chur chur my brother 😁
@BishopsBits Ай бұрын
@@TheLateralLine the everlovely is happy.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
And I’m filming it for a show to 😁
@maljones590 Ай бұрын
Great fishing fellas beautiful king
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my man 😎
@Michael-gf2er Ай бұрын
Awesome 👍
@brianbarnard7004 29 күн бұрын
I have tried several times to Sasam the music at the end of your movies, but it can't find it. I guess it must be an original. I love your videos. Keep up the great work, and thanks for doing it.
@TheLateralLine 28 күн бұрын
All the music used on TLL is created by DJ Dick Johnson. So yes, original and at this stage those tracks aren’t anywhere but here 😬 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@teamyak-attack1060 Ай бұрын
Brilliant episode! Well done boys.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Thank you mate 😎
@downunderdave5417 Ай бұрын
Chur Chur Again a great watch Thanks From over here.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother from over there 😎 we appreciate the comment 😁
@darylthexton2287 Ай бұрын
Holy!!! That was a shark!!!. Hows the gurth of it!. What a monster! Great camping spot too.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
That trip had awesome everywhere 😁 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@markkovaleff4690 Ай бұрын
Epic catch guys
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Cheers brother 😁
@johnclisby8451 Ай бұрын
Wow that's the first time that I've seen Milan struggle with a fish and amazing fish great job guys so to your next video Nato Chur Chur to you and Milan from your Aussie brother John
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur Aussie brother John 😎😁👍
@karmaraaider8632 Ай бұрын
Me and the boys are all big fans, must have just missed You two by a day or so I imagine.
@karmaraaider8632 Ай бұрын
We’re all watching your videos the day before we headed out there
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Awesome 😎 we appreciate the support 😁 chur chur 👍
@CASHK3YS Ай бұрын
what a beast, Awesome work guy's churchur
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur to you to my brother 😎
@isaakosopoaga6847 Ай бұрын
Huge kingi!!!…wow . Love the content.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my man 😎
@flyingyoung4889 Ай бұрын
It would be good if you guys do a how to get kingfish tutorial... Really want to learn from you guys!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Every show is a get a kingfish tutorial pretty much 🤪😂 chur chur for watching and commenting 😎
@RodneyGates-cd1nz Ай бұрын
To good guys
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur 😎
@goosebumpification Ай бұрын
What a beast! Had a belly on him too, well done!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
In great condition alright 😎 chur chur 😁
@claudiodippolito5686 Ай бұрын
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my man 😎
@agelualofa Ай бұрын
That monster fish would have feed a family of 6 for two days. Different mindset. Cool video guys thank you
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
We love eating fresh fish yes! 😁 but , we don’t like taking big kings when we can’t do the fish justice and by that I mean…… we were gonna be camping there for 2 days and we did not have enough chilli bin space for a fish of that size and to be fair I want to process a fish like that and have any meat that wasn’t gonna get consumed in the days following the capture in the freezer on the same day it was caught. The day following that show I catch a good king and that one was hooked in the gills and we do take it home because we could get it on ice immediately and get it home and in the freezer on the same day it was caught 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@agelualofa Ай бұрын
@@TheLateralLine thank you guys good fun and loved the video actually love and enjoyed all of your fishing videos. Hopefully meet up when I’m in NZ December 2024. I’ve never fished in NZ and always wanted to. Beautiful place you have in NZ god bless and see you on the next video
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
NZ is definitely worth a fishing holiday and December is a great time of year to chase after big king fish land based 😎 I hope the fishing gods are in your favour when you are here 😁 chur 👍
@littleaussielegends7395 Ай бұрын
Epic once again boys
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur brother 😎
@BasicFishingNZ Ай бұрын
far out exactly 130cm haha i recently landed my pb kingfish too off the sand that was great. that kingfish was really well fed
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
It was a fatty alright 😎 big strong fish 😁 congrats on your PB 👍
@joshlangi1934 Ай бұрын
Wow that is a tank 🐟💪
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
My words exactly 😎 chur chur 😁
@jrnbuckachristensen6597 Ай бұрын
Epic, greetings from Denmark ❤❤❤❤
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur my brother from Denmark 😎
@craighammond6645 Ай бұрын
And all of December for nato to hunt, what a Christmas
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
I’m gonna spend December helping my partner Claire catch her very first king fish 😎 chur chur 😁
@michaelmello9510 Ай бұрын
Awesome job 👍
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur 😎
Damn i gotta start using live bait or cut bait. I always use artificial here in Florida and do occasionally catch fish but live bait absolutely works, what a fish!!
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Live bait definitely works on fish that feed on just that 😎 chur chur for the comments 😁
@lesmansom7817 29 күн бұрын
Nice fush boys👌
@TheLateralLine 28 күн бұрын
I like to see a few more like that one 😎 chur chur 😁
@philm9408 Ай бұрын
That kingfish was a tank alright!! It wasn't until I got out my tape measure & extended it to 130cm that I could truly gauge the shear mass! Holy shit balls 😮🤣
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Holy shit balls alright 😳😂 it was super cool to see 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 👍
@alexhyde5859 Ай бұрын
What a fish 🎣🐟🌊🛥️
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Very cool fish 😁
@mattstrachan3559 Ай бұрын
Yes the boys that’s a solid fish ,epic fight I’m off to get on trademe and buy a boat 🤙
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Yeehaaa boat shopping is awesome 😎 chur chur 😁
@russellleaver1745 Ай бұрын
awesome fish Milan you go okay for a kiwi 💥
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
😂 chur chur brother 😎
@johnhaugie4555 Ай бұрын
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
@adadashian 14 күн бұрын
I enjoyed watching this video as much as catching that big Kinggy
@TheLateralLine 14 күн бұрын
So good to hear people enjoy the shows 😎 chur chur for the comment 😁
@samjoblin1542 Ай бұрын
U boys need to get out of the Harbour more, that swell and wind is nothing😅
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Yes it is 😂 we just find our self’s having more fun when it’s flat and beautiful 😎 chur chur for watching and commenting 😁
@jacksparrow7245 Ай бұрын
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur 😎
@mathewranginui1657 Ай бұрын
So u guys are on a 200k rig. Glad u guys went bush
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Went bush? The FlyFin is around 100k if that’s what you meant?
@brucebruce7168 Ай бұрын
Another great video and cracking kingfish. Does Nathan have some connection with Hungary, they also say chur chur (I am living in Hungary now).
@user-rr5ce1wb2j Ай бұрын
Chur in NZ can mean thanks, sweet as, awesome and has been around since the 1960's. Its slang so not official NZ language. What does it mean in Hungary?
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
That comment somes up the Kiwi “chur chur” perfectly 😎 and yes please, what the meaning in Hungary?
@brucebruce7168 29 күн бұрын
It means goodbye and probably a corruption of the Italian ciao, it is interesting to hear it in NZ too. I love your channel 🥰 TLL and always watch it Chur Chur boys, keep it up.
@user-rr5ce1wb2j 28 күн бұрын
@@brucebruce7168 Nope
@StoneWii Ай бұрын
Chur Chur the Boys.
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Chur chur to you to my brother 😁
@simonmarshman3856 Ай бұрын
Cool vid.
@TheLateralLine 29 күн бұрын
Chur 😎
@Sentinel-Ai Ай бұрын
Man i need to make my way over to NZ Chur Chur
@TheLateralLine Ай бұрын
Come get some 😎 chur chur 😁
Back at SPOT X 12 Months Later (Plus a Boat Update)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 103 М.
黑天使被操控了#short #angel #clown
Super Beauty team
Рет қаралды 61 МЛН
Правильный подход к детям
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
Natan por Aí
Рет қаралды 30 МЛН
Fishing in Far North New Zealand (New PB Landed)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 148 М.
A Chatham Island Fishing Adventure (Chasing Big Fish Down The Beach)
Fishing Lures in 1 Meter of Water (The Boys are Limited Out)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 44 М.
The Boys get a Feed of Fresh Fish in the End
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 51 М.
Wharf Fishing on Chatham Island for Big Moki
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 68 М.
LB Fishing New Zealand’s Wild West Coast (Choppered to an Island)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 139 М.
New Zealand Harbour Fishing at it's Very Best! (Successful Meat Hunt)
Fishing the Big Island for the Big Fish (Nato catches some fish)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 57 М.
First Fishing Mission in our New FlyFin Boat!
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 93 М.
Big Snapper Hunt Onboard the 821 (Milan Lands a Show Stopper)
The Lateral Line
Рет қаралды 52 М.
黑天使被操控了#short #angel #clown
Super Beauty team
Рет қаралды 61 МЛН