Just a quick note, I know a smith that broke the tail of his anvil off making hardie tools while upsetting the metal. It looks like you anvil is similar to his, cast iron base with a forge welded tool steel work surface. Cast iron is more sensitive to shock than steel and can start cracking. After seeing what happened to him I'd hate to see it happen to anyone else. Awesome video, keep them coming...
@TechnicusJoe12 жыл бұрын
This is actually called hardie tool or bottom swage (depending what you make of it) But a swage block is a (often) cast-iron block/ thick plate with multipule holes of various sizes.
@ThorntonsWelding12 жыл бұрын
Thanks bud! I posted an updated vid of it and my anvil
@ThorntonsWelding12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up...check out the update on this hardie tool if you want to just posted it.