Blue Protocol Why This Game Failed

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Ginger Loves Anime

Ginger Loves Anime

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@kermidiu4390 6 күн бұрын
"Children don't think like adults." Me who knows adults that still act like children...
@e3.14c4 6 күн бұрын
cognition, not character, a bad adult isn't criterium.
@steak5599 3 күн бұрын
Children don't think like Adult, but they want the same things Adults wants. Btw, I am talking about Highschool age children, not kids younger than 10.
@danielfmc 6 күн бұрын
Saw some news that a Tencent version of BP is under development. It will be available for mobile and PC. Seems that BP is not actually dead. We'll see how this turns out, but it gave me hope again.
@touff333 6 күн бұрын
That news was really a good read! They already have 7 weapons playable which is crazy. I love new changes like weapons are now dropped inside the dungeons etc. There's also a healer class which is sick!
@ElasticGoblin 6 күн бұрын
I'll be super edging to this news for good luck
@keylorv1533 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, just and lets just HOPE theres no autoplay trash..
@ahmaudr.burgess5948 6 күн бұрын
​@@keylorv1533 the success of marvel rivals makes me have a glimmer of hope that tencent is changing their design choices for the better, so I'm fairly certain this won't have auto
@hatohatomo 6 күн бұрын
had me at 'mobile'
@jeffcarrier9808 3 күн бұрын
It's crazy how good this game LOOKED to be. Absolutely incredible in trailers.
@Rivershield 6 күн бұрын
I just want to clarify something that I think westerners misunderstand regarding age of consent: The age of consent in my country is officialy 16, but in practice it's 14 (it's complicated). The reason why is because in our culture (Georgia, the country) people are expected to remain virgin until marriage and marry young. I was 17 when I got engaged, my now wife was 15. I'm 26 now and we have three kids. In other words, the reason the age of consent is low is not so that some old guy can go for overly young girls (this is frowned upon here too), but rather so that we can keep upholding our traditions as a christian country to prevent our youth from going astray. We don't treat romance as mere entertainment, we take it seriously. So instead of allowing our youth to engage in promiscuity we give them incentives to marry young. Japan is not christian but I suppose the reason their age of consent is low is for similar reasons, even though they don't seem to follow any of their family traditions anymore, but they really should start rescuing these traditions otherwise their country is going to collapse from withim due to low marriage stability and low birth rates.
@marcusclark1339 2 күн бұрын
even japan isn't 14 this is a false statement, like saying US is 14 cause there's places where it is, its largely not
@GhostEmblem Күн бұрын
They have extremely high marriage stability from what I hear and the low birth rates seems to be due to their work culture.
@Rivershield Күн бұрын
@@GhostEmblem You mean Japan? They have a huge issue of sexless marriages and infidelity, and divorce is still more of a taboo there than in the West. But in general, yes, compared to the West anyone has high marriage stability. As for the work culture, the rest of the world do not have that issue yet everyone has low birth rates. Yes, it's related to work, but not how you think. The reason nobody is breeding is women's liberation, because women have in general traded marriage for education and career, which resulted in them having children later in life when they have already passed their most fertile years. Also, women's liberation allowed the spread of promiscuity which is correlated to low marriage stability and hedonism.
@lucasLSD 11 сағат бұрын
@@Rivershield Please stop believing that street interviews done in a red light district represents the population and seek actual research.
@Deli5150 6 күн бұрын
Tencent version of BP is looking better then the JP release. yea its going to be on mobile but there's also a PC version you definitely should still look at covering the game.
@ratoftoska7497 6 күн бұрын
Japan's AoC is now 16 nationally with the only exception being if someone has authority over you ― e.g., a teacher. ALSO, while it used to be 13 nationally, basically all the prefectures already had it set to between 16-18. So it has been in line with western standards for a while. A lot of European countries have lower AoCs than Japan, so it's a weird misperception.
@brokenserenity01 6 күн бұрын
yeah they're also way more mature with how they deal with things compared to western nations who overcompensate and censor things to mollycoddle religious karens instead of trusting that people can deal with things.
@Titanic_Tuna 5 күн бұрын
Yep. So many people still don't know this. It always surprises me seeing as westerners are especially obsessed with projecting their moral values when it comes to this topic.
@DosonTheGreat 4 күн бұрын
That's still inaccurate. Article 177 of the penal code simply defined rape, with under 13 automatically being rape, which is a felony. Those other laws are usually lesser crimes. The US has such laws for specifically under 13, yet people don't spread the same misinformation about the US not having an age of consent because it's not set nationally. I feel this is willful ignorance regarding Japan. Ironically, this change to article 177 should actually make statutory rape more punishable under Japanese law that it is now in most western countries.
@DosonTheGreat 6 күн бұрын
Blue Protocol was trying to compete with gacha games by being a casual PVE focused game with a gacha system, but gacha games do all of those things better. It had a lot of neat little social mechanics, like being able to hold hands, but that's not enough. Also, you don't want huge whales in MMOs. This is an MMO trying to be a gacha game. In MMOs, people whale to get an advantage. Extreme P2W makes casuals quit. It takes way from the sense of accomplishment you get from completing the grind. The developers tried gaslighting players into thinking it wasn't P2W by saying they are "catch up" mechanics. Problem with that, is NEETs buy that stuff too, so the "working man" will ALWAYS be behind. This literally just means you need to drop a lot of money to keep up, hence it is P2W. This just makes players feel like suckers for even playing the game. FF14 solved this issue with a hard weekly cap, but these devs act like they're living in a vacuum.
@TwilightWolf032 5 күн бұрын
Blue Protocol should have strived to be a Monster Hunter World experience, where you pay for the full game and can decide to engage in online multiplayer or go solo during dungeons, but remain connected to an online server at all times for the cities and overworld portion of the game. If they made cosmetics like animations of some exclusive gear purchasable directly, and kept updating the game like Capcom did, they might have made a really successful game right there!
@DosonTheGreat 6 күн бұрын
There are no laws regarding keeping out western players, especially THIS hard. TONS of Japanese services and stores will accept foreign credit cards and even special popups when they detect a foreign IP, telling you they'll accept your business and how to use a proxy, etc. This is simple Bamco with their very old mindset of keeping out foreigners. That's it. It seems like this game really suffered from death by 1000 cuts. All of these little things added up to just make the game very disappointing.
@Coaltergeist 6 күн бұрын
I think one of the big factors for western fans losing interest was probably the announcement that AGS would be publishing the game over here. I think a lot of trust was lost in that announcement
@karsonkammerzell6955 6 күн бұрын
I don't know; I saw a LOT of people assuming Amazon was the one that killed it (the whole game) and never realizing or caring to admit that it was failing in it's native launch audience.
@ItsMeChallatDBXV 5 күн бұрын
Lol everyone made this assumption. I dont this that had anything to do with it. Our intertest has NOTHING to do with JP failure
@astreakaito5625 5 күн бұрын
instantly wrote off the game from that, personally.
@mzxa9988 4 күн бұрын
The moment I saw AGS publishing it in the west and will censor it I just scrub the game off my social media
@leafdragoon8551 Күн бұрын
I had heard that it was supposed to be released last year globally but Amazon just didn't release it, supposedly because they were focusing resources on getting some other game of theirs out. Amazon might have switched gears after BPs poor performance in Japan or they miscalculated how much money and manpower it would take to get both games out in a short period of time.
@AlternativeHistory32 6 күн бұрын
This game would’ve been an excellent game , very unfortunate .
@fusiongaming1930 6 күн бұрын
Agreed man i was looking forward to
@AlternativeHistory32 6 күн бұрын
@@fusiongaming1930 same .
@akaiYaMa9 Күн бұрын
The saddest part about BP failing is i dont think we can ever expect a new anime style mmo. The production time on making an mmo seems to be around 8 years these days so its either not happening or not happening in the next decade. Im just left wonder how poorly managed BP mustve been that even with all the hype in the west, they still couldnt find the motivation/talent to make a good game.
@lucasLSD 11 сағат бұрын
Not on PC anyways, since korea is full on mobile nowadays, even the newest blade and souls is mobile first, we are pretty much fucked.
@akaiYaMa9 9 сағат бұрын
@@lucasLSD that's the problem for me though. I don't mess with Chinese/Korean games because they have a huge culture of gacha. Damn near every Korean game is a credit card swiping sim.
@jimjones9631 6 күн бұрын
F2p is such a massive double edged sword. Having the lower barrier to entry is nice but because the entry cost is so low the exit cost is equally that low if not more. That lack of initial investment makes it much easier to uninstall for things that might not make you uninstall something you paid for. I'm not saying f2p is bad but for a game to be f2p you really need a solid hook where i think blue protocol that hook faded a lot faster than the initially thought it would.
@aoihitori 22 сағат бұрын
Japanese gaming industry was already restrained and managed by western industry/corporations so I do expect nothing from Japanese game development at this day. It is sad that Japan was not the leading country at this day to produce Anime-themed games.
@leafdragoon8551 Күн бұрын
From what I understand the age of consent in Japan is 16, but until last year it was 13 and had been since 1907.
@LilyValesti 6 күн бұрын
The age of consent in Japan is 16 years old.
@DosonTheGreat 6 күн бұрын
It's been 16-18 for AGES (same as the rest of the west), even BEFORE a "recent" change (misreported by western media) of it being "raised" to 16. The only thing that was raised to 16 was a part of article 177 in the Japanese penal code that defined the crime of rape (felony). Every prefecture has separate laws defining consent for difference age groups, etc., not dissimilar to how the US does it. Under 13 is an ADDITIONAL felony charge under article 177, now it applies to under 16, which makes it even HARSHER than the US. Before it was about on par with the US. In the US, there are also separate statutes, for example, if the victim is under 13. They are VERY similar, yet for some reason people's IQ drops 50 points when discussing Japan. It's an interesting phenomenon I have been studying for many, many years.
@LilyValesti 6 күн бұрын
@@DosonTheGreat Yep, honestly it's become annoying seeing so many people continue to state it as below that age. Most of the people I've seen saying it are creepy lolicons
@Benmedrano4000 6 күн бұрын
I didn’t even know the game was out
@agentdipsy4024 4 күн бұрын
And the devs didn't think on the bigger picture they limit too much and think too much on players reviews and the sad part is the reviews aint even global
@jessesenpai6473 5 күн бұрын
hopefully you keep same name on this channel and cover new blue protocol
@marcusclark1339 2 күн бұрын
feels like he missed the censorship point and randomly went into ignorance with age of consent, the real censorship issue is toning down outfits and designs and character creator defeating the purpose of the game, why play an inferior version than the vision the creator had for it
@zr1L 13 сағат бұрын
All of these reasons would be irrelevant if the game was good in the first place, so the video is missing the most important reason. It should have been a video about why the game isn't fun and addictive enough to keep people playing.
@JoakimFigge 6 күн бұрын
I dislike free to play MMO's I will gladly pay a monthly subscription for a quality MMO
@Benmedrano4000 6 күн бұрын
This is why ff14 is the only mmo I play
@e3.14c4 6 күн бұрын
1:11 fuck, I've been quietly waiting for this game for a while now. I thought it looked cool, and then heard about their knee jerk reactions to player feedback on their less than poor 'mobile-esque' balancing and forced grind they kept poisoning it with, at that point I figured it would iron out eventually, this is gutting.
@e3.14c4 6 күн бұрын
didn't even know there'd be a mobile version, which is a heinous red flag to stay away from the game, sucks.
@e3.14c4 6 күн бұрын
@smudgedragon 6 күн бұрын
I would not be surprised if one of the main reasons why the 'Only Japan' play was due the xenophobia that many Japanese have. Not all, but the more rural and northern you get the more it rears it's ugly head. It's why, while FFXIV is capable of cross server center travel, they have not turned it on. After all, when Oceania opened up most of the Japan servers cheered that they didn't have to deal with all the Aussies anymore. It's sad, because players be players no matter where they are from. And making friend from across the world is the best way to combat things like this.
@BrownayRS 5 күн бұрын
That's what I don't get, I went in fully expecting to get shit on for being a foreigner, but a ton of people on BP were genuinely fascinated with foreigners and wanted to be their friends.
@smudgedragon 5 күн бұрын
@@BrownayRS So glad you found good peeps to play with! There are so many good people over there it's awesome. But it only really takes one throwing a fit to the developers to make a lock out happen. Squeaky wheels et. al.
@steak5599 3 күн бұрын
My question is, did the game played well? was it fun to play? How likely you simply get bored? I remember the game was designed around Auto-Play, which means they are grindy as hell. Grindy game has been outdated for like 15 years, no one is going to sit around doing that today. A lot of games has good initial player counts drops off sharply because lack of End Game contents. I wonder how much end game contents are there. Being "not bad" game is not enough to cut it today's F2p Gacha market, there are just too much compeitions. Concord wasn't a bad game, the problem is they failed to stand out among all other games in the same Genre.
@ryozaki96 6 күн бұрын
I love how you're talking during the intro animation, I'll watch this with a snack later
@jessesenpai6473 5 күн бұрын
now were getting blue protocol made by tencent seems like they tried to turn it into genshin adding puzzles wall climbing and gliding other things
@winghong3 3 күн бұрын
yeah, I am a little sad that we will never see what originally Bandai had in store for the game's full vision. The new BP is going to lose a lot of its former identity in terms of world-building.
@jessesenpai6473 3 күн бұрын
@@winghong3 sadly there going for a character design like genshin impact
@DeusGamez 6 күн бұрын
it failed mainly because they didnt have experienced people at the helm they thought that by throwing big names at the project it would succeed but it did the exact opposite and failed hard. the ideas and vision where there but they didn't respect your time as a player and offered crumbs for rewards unless you had a fat wallet to empty on the game for a "chance" to get lucky and win it big. not only that but critical social features where blatantly absent from the game which all but killed the casual audience that would have been their main source of wealth. its tragic that bandai/namco keeps making the same mistakes with their online ip's but unfortunately its just what we're stuck with they should've self published this game by themselves and hired a localization team to do the language work and audio trusting outside publishers to do all the work for them was a critical misstep and miscalculation on their part. i can only hope that whomever makes the next big anime mmo project learns from these mistakes an never lets the "suits" call the shots ever again.
@davevang893 5 күн бұрын
I aways get the feeling that the devs didn't know what they were doing and some of the development updates and systems confirmed my suspicitions. I am not surprise at all that blue protocol failed.
@johnvonshepard9373 5 күн бұрын
Turn up the real Blue Protocol was the friends we made along the way.
@nathanbeaudoin4437 6 күн бұрын
Well this sucks! I've been looking forward to this game since i saw it in E3 yet have been in the dark during its whole development(and I've tried looking for this game many times)! Now just today, the first news i get of Blue protocol EVER is how it failed and never came to the US!
@JoakimFigge 6 күн бұрын
Watching this video hurts because every scene in it is just beautiful, man I wanted to play this game, they should have done what FFXIV does. Pay for the game itself, then monthly sub, pay for expansions, keep a cosmetic store
@marcusclark1339 2 күн бұрын
10:48 its not 14, there's like two places where it is but its the same as in US around 18, and even US has places where its 14
@Croij 6 күн бұрын
What a shame. I did not know about the end of service nor that it was a free to play in Japan... I was waiting for this game to be released on Steam...
PVP is a must, dungeons need fixing( more things to do in a dungeon besides kill a boss and farm for materials.) maybe add dungeons we can walk into without loading screens. like those anime with level floors and each floor it gets harder and harder. you'll never reach the end but maybe you will?. need less gacha and more free stuff. need places to go and acquire things. not more grinding. less real life in a video game. and more anime action in a game like this. give each class a cool way to play like black desert online. combat is everlasting and the pvp is god.its even more god with the red player system. add mounts that are ground based and air based? the shit can contine on. but lets see what ya'll pick.
@kermidiu4390 6 күн бұрын
If there's another prominent upcoming anime MMO, would you just convert this channel for that or make a new channel?
@KIKAN_THE_RAT 6 күн бұрын
Well, time to jump off this boat, i was so hyped when i saw the trailers and all...Did the game even launch?
@JoakimFigge 6 күн бұрын
Only in Japan I believe
@touff333 6 күн бұрын
Only in Japan! If u have X, search Blue Protocol Database and check their pinned!
@ahmaudr.burgess5948 6 күн бұрын
Only in japan where it flopped hard
@LoneFenrir 5 күн бұрын
Im a bit confused are you not covering blue protocol simplu because it has a mobile port? Because it seems from the info we have so far that the game is still BP just not soley on pc anymore. BP always had gacha
@TsukatsukiRio 3 күн бұрын
they also planned to release on consoles
@mohdhidayat1412 6 күн бұрын
i saw some news that tencent gonna take the game and adding something new. but the problem is its going to be in android/ios too. also it getting more pay content. not sure if this is true.
@DrKillerLetsPlay 2 күн бұрын
XD ..players Trade? you understand you are talking about a "Free to play" Game?, those two are not compatible
@TwilightWolf032 5 күн бұрын
I was one of the foreigner gamers that Bandai Namco kicked out of the JP servers about a month after BP launched. All I had seen up to that point was massive hype about the game prior to and during release, but after they started kicking people out so we would be forced to play the censored version that Amazon Games was shitting out for the global market, the hype died a very quick death! Essentially Bannam got rid of a huge portion of their player base and never managed to recuperate because the game wasn't even released in the West (probably because it was taking its sweet time censoring every little thing they could find to be potentially """offensive""")! You tell people to go screw off, they will! But those are your customers that would have generated revenue for you, either directly or indirectly, and now they're gone! Good job, Bandai Namco, you did this to yourself!
@furiousbladeshinichi161 6 күн бұрын
i always thought they should release this game as a single player rpg with coop. bandai makes very good single player games. just a thought.
@Magama567 5 күн бұрын
have you seen blue protocol star resonance? its not a mobile exclusive although it is cross platform
@guardianxenos1613 6 күн бұрын
It still lives...but only PC and mobile. Tencent is taking over.
@Katie-vv6ff 6 күн бұрын
If thy release it like this it's their fault that this happened and they did not give us a chance to play it
@Sincanister 6 күн бұрын
The game failed because they didn't release it globally everywhere at launch. Making games in jp only or pc only things like this make the companies less money.
@steak5599 3 күн бұрын
launching it globally cost money too. Server hosting cost and localization cost could eat into their Cash reserve. Especially when these games are F2P, a sudden influx of players who don't spend a dime can strain a company's already stretched wallet. They probably thought they could turn a profit in Japan first and then use those funds to expand globally. But if the game flopped in their home market, I highly doubt it would make much in the West and other Asian countries. The market is too crowded.
@deathkiller07seven30 4 күн бұрын
I was hopping to play this game I have on my wish list on PlayStation
@oratank 2 күн бұрын
simple amazon take care of global it will have a contact to not let them in JP just like PSO when microsoft got it Sega switch on ip block
@EDD8209 6 күн бұрын
It’s a shame I was looking forward to this one. Not much on the horizon for me MH Wilds is the only thing I’m interested in going forward. Maybe POE 2
@Animfateblade874 6 күн бұрын
They have a plan to release with PC after release Mobile so people would play Blue Protocol, am I wrong?
@ヴァイス-m2p 6 күн бұрын
I said this in one of your older videos and I will say it again, any video game that doesn't have simultaneous release is doomed to fail. I gave up all hope on Blue Protocol after hearing it wouldn't have worldwide release. It literally killed all the hype I had and I said I wouldn't play it even when it comes to west but hey, would you look at that, it didn't even come out in west and failed as a game like I thought it would.
@GameplayShortsx 5 күн бұрын
pls make video on tencent version of BP
@shushuyu 6 күн бұрын
thats unfortunate.
@martir851 6 күн бұрын
You speak well
@kirayamato1694 6 күн бұрын
jokes on you its coming back.. its called blue protocol star resonance
@brokenserenity01 6 күн бұрын
tencent so not exactly good news and they dont have global licence for release so..
@khaledbou7770 6 күн бұрын
Wrong time to post this lmao the game is back
@12yga 6 күн бұрын
Blue Protocol: Star Resonance
@am_9944 6 күн бұрын
Check Blue protocol : Star resonance !!!!!!! btw it doesnt matter why jp failed its dead let it go.we should look into the futurewhich is the CN version
@ElderSign32 6 күн бұрын
there was no content, and they banned all the weebs who would have at least used it as an ERP chat room. none of the other stuff matters. other games have all those issues and don't fail.
@juanhurtado7244 6 күн бұрын
What... this is the genshin killer, no? Where is the game how already failed??
@Katie-vv6ff 6 күн бұрын
But that's fine throne and liberty will deliver for most players not all because most people don't like challenge
@EncoreBesti 6 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 how naive that garbage gonna flop
@metalsteel5631 6 күн бұрын
it failed because of 2 things: amazon + bending the knee.
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