One thing a squatter needs to bear in mind before trying to steal someone else's land is that - if they manage to achieve that - then they will also take on the responsibility for that stolen land and that may well not be a good idea for them. There is a several feet wide (ie walk-along) retaining wall between myself and the house beneath mine - which I thought was communal. Turned out it was mine (ie on my title plan) and lower neighbours didn't seem to realise that in (successfully) managing to steal that part of my land off me - ie by having the Land Registry take it off my title plan and put it on their title plan instead - that their house is now the one that has to bear 100% of the bill for the expensive work on replacing that retaining wall that it's going to need at some point before forever. They looked shocked and silent when I told that "Since you now have the legal/official ownership of that part of my land = your house will be the one that will be footing that expensive bill at some point - my house isn't due to pay a penny towards it and won't be doing so".