Revelation 2 REVEALS the BIGGEST THREAT to the Church | Revelation 2 | Beyond the Words

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Brandon Robbins

Brandon Robbins

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@charlesadams6588 2 жыл бұрын
So very true: that we Christians too often "pick on" A, or SOME , specific sin/s and thus alienate us from people. After all The Bible says that EVERYONE has sinned so we cannot point an accusing finger at any one person or group. Rather, love all and focus on Jesus Christ.
@sam11182 2 жыл бұрын
The old thing we learned as elementary school kids is "pointing a finger" has 4 fingers that point back to us. XD not exact but it is not completely incorrect
@binmyrtmind 2 жыл бұрын
That includes persecuting other Christian churches with theological difference's when we are actually in need of one another's strength and faith in Christ.
@lizh1988 2 жыл бұрын
Judgement begins in the church. We should be gentle in telling people when they are ready to hear. Acting like we've never sinned is wrong. But allowing people to sin is wrong too.
@lilchristuten7568 2 жыл бұрын
@@binmyrtmind When the theological difference centers on the person of Christ and His sacrifice then it is the difference between whether it is a church and if it is a group of heathens pretending to be a church for it is written "if anyone even an angel from heaven comes preaching a different gospel let him be anathema".
@binmyrtmind 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilchristuten7568 keyword "different gospel". I love how people try using it's a different gospel when it's the same. Or then there's also, the "different Jesus". To each his own opinion but the only thing that truly matters is to believe and follow Jesus Christ.
@leenaright3949 2 жыл бұрын
This is so powerful. I confess that in times past, I have sort of skipped this part in the Bible. Now, I am reminded that His Word is indeed the same, then and now. From the beginning to the end. Thank you 🌷
@Linda-lo4oy 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing things out in this study. I am a life long believer that has visted many different churches. Today I need to find a church I am certain is scriptural. I love the body of Christ everywhere and don't want to be critical of any. I have lost myself in online study with some awesome teachers. Derek Prince, Amir Tsarfati, several avenues of study with One For Israel, Christine Darg, Charles Stanley and you Brandon. This all began when I had watched Chosen so often and your lessons on Shabbat and all else that I began the study of Israel today. I have fallen in love again with the scriptures and God's awesome plan. The teachings of Jesus are like new again. My spirit is greatful. But I need fellowship and to work together with a body of Christ in this harvest time. Praying for blessings for all.
@karisbellisario619 2 жыл бұрын
Some of my greatest pain and sorrow has been at the hands, actions, words, ostracism from professing believers. Love was lacking and pain inducing actions and words were great.
@maureenmiaullis6427 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that.
@angelajohnson4708 2 жыл бұрын
I have learnt and am learning so much by listening to your teaching, your knowledge expands his word for us to really grasp the richness of what Our Lord is saying to us through his work. So thankyou
@martaupward5992 Жыл бұрын
This is so good, Brandon. Thank you for telling truth. As someone who is very cerebral and enjoys learning, it is a challenge for me to not just think right-thinking is enough. If I hear it, if I listen, I need to act upon it. Also, thank you for so often praying for us. I really appreciate your ministry and the effort you put into it. God bless you!
@X.y.z972 2 жыл бұрын
You are so much filled with the holy sprit. Thank you for sharing this with us...
@nhartigan72 9 ай бұрын
We get those churches today by constantly telling people they are saved by belief, by faith, or by grace without works. The road to salvation is by belief, faith, grace, & works. Many are convinced that nothing, no change, no growth, nothing is required of them except for their belief & they continue in their sins.
@ArmyScoutMom Жыл бұрын
Brother I appreciate your teaching so much! God bless you Pastor Brandon 🙏
@pollymorriss3001 2 жыл бұрын
Bro.Brandon wonderful teaching. You bring us closer to YESHUA'S words by giving us the Jewish culture and words. Look forward every week..thanks again SHALOM ALEICHEM
@bobbybushnell3838 Жыл бұрын
The seven lamp stands refer to the 7 churches of the body. Each church of the body has a specific meaning. In Buddhism/Hinduism, they call it the 7 chakras/energy centers of the body. In Christianity, there is a certain germ/bacteria known as the Christ seed that comes about once a month when the moon is in your sun sign. The Christ seed is born in the 3rd church of the body which is also known as the solar plexus. The solar plexus is Bethlehem and Bethlehem in Hebrew means house of bread.
@rosalvamartinez582 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so blessed to learn about God and His Word. Thank you for sharing these videos. God bless you and this ministry.. May many come to the knowledge of Christ Jesus 🙏
@a.m.7647 2 жыл бұрын
I want to thank you so very much for your teaching. I am a fairly new follower of Christ and am currently without a church to attend. I was given the ability to see that the church I was attending was heavily infiltrated and so stopped attending. But I never stopped studying the bible or seeking Gods word. Your teachings help me to continue growing and reassurance that the knowledge I believe I am receiving is true. I try to stay vigilant in my awareness to not be deceived.
@deborahmezichel8544 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that you will pray for a place to fellowship, a place to help you to grow into fullness of Christ. It's among others that we learn to love and be a part of God's family in earth.
@martaupward5992 Жыл бұрын
I add to Deborah’s comment. May you come to know the love and encouragement that comes from discovering your place in His forever family.
@annagattellari85 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for assisting to understand the Bible more 🙏🙏
@nellywanja2099 2 жыл бұрын
Hebrew thinking vs Greek thinking. Both are mindsets. Greek have knowledge but no actions,, no obedience. Hebrew thinking, hearing means do. Hearing means obedience to Christ's Word.
@rosinaampah7963 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you too for assisting us to understand the Bible more!
@naojm Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this video. Everyday I'm learning something new and interesting. Tack 🙏
@ericjohnson6665 2 жыл бұрын
There are quite a few churches today that have the same problem of having strayed completely off the reservation of salvation. Jesus taught "salvation through faith in our Divine Father-friend and acceptance of sonship with Him." That acceptance of sonship means we are all siblings of one another. But not all Christians understand that all people are potentially sons and daughters of God. They do not treat strangers the way Jesus would. Many of your points Brandon are well taken!
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 2 жыл бұрын
How do you get to hell? Very simple: claim that you're innocent. How do you get to heaven? Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy. How to know if you're guilty or not? Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible. Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word. There are six more but let's just leave it at that. How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you? Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman. How many times a day do you do that? Do you use God's name as a cuss word? Would you do that with your own mother's name? If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty. God can justly punish you and send you to hell. Ask him for mercy. His name is Jesus. It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine. The fine is death. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die. That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy. Option A. You die for your own sins. Option B. Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died for you.
@elijahmalachi45-63 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships. Anyone that teaches the LIE of monetary tithing, sells anything using the gospel, or teaches that same-sex marriage is a sin CHOOSES to die with the wicked. Luke 10:7 states the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given. Also, know that rich people will all die. You can't be a Christian, sit on all kinds of money, watch your fellow brothers and sisters starve, suffer, or be homeless, choose to do nothing about it, and think that it's ok. Those are all wolves. Mathew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused in some way and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, it states God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong by Billy Graham. Those verses are actually referring to pedophilia. Romans 1:27 All of the men were male in regards to gender, all of the women were female in gender. It is not referring to Eunuchs (where one partner is transgender). Also, it had nothing to do with marriage of any kind. They were trying to procreate during orgies so God did it on purpose. Anyone that continues to teach same sex marriage is a sin when the Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships will also die by their own choice. In order to be a church building, the place must house people inside of it. Otherwise it is just another private money-making business part of Babylon that furthers satan's agenda. Stay out of the fake churches. Eventually, they will be shut down. I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be UTTERLY destroyed from among the people. Again, everyone has a choice. And anyone that deletes my messages CHOOSES to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that means they also CHOOSE to die with the wicked. I am Elijah so that means any discrepancies in the holy books are ultimately decided by me. I am also to usher in the Messiah! Be ready: Jesus is coming back! Malachi 3 says when He comes back, He will come to me first wherever I am at at that time. WORLD PEACE IS COMING!! By the way, anything based on gender norms no longer applies. In fact, the last will be first and the first will be last. It's women that will mostly be ruling the kingdom of heaven. Rich people do NOT get into heaven. A camel can not go through the eye of a needle. Malachi 2 proves Malachi 3:8-11 is talking to the thieving church leaders! It's prophetic instruction to return the money they were never supposed to take for ministering and God will end Covid. Every major church and fake Christian television network around the world knew how to end Covid since August of 2020, but they LOVE MONEY so much they intentionally chose to kill people with Covid instead of repenting and bringing all the stolen money back that they were never supposed to take in the first place.. Rapture is NOT what most people think. Read Malachi 4:2-4. It's when God's true people transfigure and shine like the sun with glory of God RIGHT HERE ON EARTH! Spiritually, yes, people will enter the demension of heaven, but nobody physically leaves. Jesus comes back to literally walk this planet and rule. I already had a vision I was above the clouds looking at a red/ orange sun about to rise! Pre-tribulation rapture is false teaching. Tribulations is the refining fire of torture Christians have to experience in order to get to heaven. Only those who endure to the end will survive. The 144,000 are coming out; they have already experienced hell on earth (tribulations), mainly by people who calld themselves Christians but are merely wolves that will die unless they repent and apologize...........
@Musick79 2 жыл бұрын
@@elijahmalachi45-63 - Are you trying to speak with authority like a prophet yet twisting mosaic law?! You have no light in you. In order for God to judge- there must be a standard to judge us by. That- would be the law handed down to Moses, that was known by Hammurabi, and probably understood at Garden of Eden. It can be condensed down to 10 commandments and further condensed to two commandments. Sin is lawlessness- it defines sin. Jesus states until heavens and earth pass away this law will not change one for or iota. Some may be on hiatus when there is no temple- but the principle behind it, sacrifice for sins endures with Christ’s sacrifice. It is either about living God with your heart, soul, mind and strength (by obeying and worshipping Him) And loving your neighbor as yourself. Principles endure even when culture changes. But creating your own set of laws, isn’t the same as the standard God has set. No one can live up to it perfectly- so The new covenant in Jeremiah is He will write the law on the tablets of our consciousness- and He sent His only begotten (only son that was was part of Him- not created beings- heavenly beings) to live it out as our guide and accept Him as our redeemer- we live through Christ and God sees His righteous son living in us, not our failing corrupted humanity. Jesus is our defense attorney, The father is a righteous Judge. The adversary is the prosecuting attorney. Jesus- Yeshua taught Mosaic law balanced with mercy and Grace. He stated He did not come to abolish law, which teaches us what sin is. He came to fulfill it- to fill it up with meaning. The only part that’s been abolished is the penalty of spiritual death for breaking the law, for those in Messiah, under His covenant; they have been redeemed from that curse/penalty. “Lean not unto your own understanding…” Follow the ancient path. Purity laws are clear that man and woman are the only acceptable sexual union approved by God for reproductive purposes. Anything else is twisting Gods word for acceptance of your depravity. Whether it be adultery, fornication or same sex- it is all outside a hetero marriage God instituted. False prophets speak outside the law, but will be judged by it.
@---zc4qt 2 жыл бұрын
The biggest THREAT is that people put Paul's words OVER those of Messiah. ( Rev. 2:20)
@williambabbitt7602 Жыл бұрын
Hello Brandon, for years, I thought the book of revelation was far too difficult to understand and I am a Christian and I’ve been pastor and a teacher. Thanks for your video and your understanding of what the symbols mean. I see that it is not a book of words, some problems, but a pointer, two solution of problems. Today we are forced into the maelstrom of deciding whether we’re going to follow Jesus or if we’re going to file a new aspect of the church. This new aspect says that we are only to be concerned about who we believe what we believe and not why we believe it. But if you do not know why you believe something then why believe it at all? Thank you for your video!
@berglen100 2 жыл бұрын
Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Milk does need flesh experts to read letter! Paul tried to wake you, Romans 2:28For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
@debifambro1039 Жыл бұрын
This is such a powerful message. Thank you. Hear obey and behave accordingly. Amen ❤️
@daisyjohnson8265 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Brandon! I feel good and feel like I'm in the know when I listen to Dr. Anthony George of First Baptist Church Atlanta, Georgia, but when I listen to the senior minister at First United Methodist Church Baton Rouge, Louisiana and you Brandon, I think more clearly without the entertaining drama and humor of the messages of Dr. George which I have been enjoying. An observation, not a criticism and not intended to be. Also have found another place to move to and there is no reason to stay where I presently live with no vehicle to go to church. Have found a room in a renovated nurses dormitory only two blocks from the church I want to attend and join First Methodist. Please intercede that there will be no delay in moving to my room close to church. I have three housemates who don't want God and try to run me down with emotional abuse so I won't endure to the end. Thank you and may the Lord bless us! Daisy🐑🌼🕊🙏
@clintonlagdameo5452 2 жыл бұрын
For some reason, while I don't wonder that losing their "first love" for Jesus is likely to manifest in "rejecting one another (or others)," I wonder if I already heard it put that way before - it sounds new. It sounds like the first time I heard this part put that way: that the Ephesian church were so zealous against false apostles that there was no more distinction between hating the sin and hating the sinner - being known more for what you're against vs. what you're for. And it makes sense that indeed it is a sign of losing one's love for Jesus Himself. For the most part, I only recall teachings picturing this passage as loving the kingdom work more than the King.
@phyllistaylor4955 19 күн бұрын
This is so powerful. Now, I will read revaluation and understand it. Thank you, Brandon.
@LindaNeal-we9pj Жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving me HOPE. As I understand better I receive Hope. Thank you.
@arvindvaz6816 Жыл бұрын
May you and your message be a blessing to those who seek Him in His Narrow Gateway.
@DonnaHolt-ge6om 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for such deep and meaningful for words. Words, thoughts and actions do count. I will work on following God, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit in Love, Kindness, Gentleness, Self Control, Patience, Goodness, Joy, Peace, and Faithfulness. Amen.
@rosemaryjyrwa2049 Жыл бұрын
Wow it's wonderful it's amazing it's lovely I just love this teaching thank you so much. BRANDON IT'S O SOME.
@MichaelTodd-tq8dk 8 ай бұрын
I like your teachings. Great insight. But, I fear most everyone is missing another very important warning, in those letters... Concerning the Nicholation doctrines (nice depth on this, I am grateful). Please consider "Paul" and his "special knowledge?"... Then, there is this... 2 Timothy 1:15; Revelations 2 All seven of the churches Jesus built, himself, all rejected Pharisee Saul. Ephesus put "Paul" and his disciples on trial; and, found them to be liars and false apostles. They even put Saul in prison. Did Jesus rebuke the Church in Ephesus for this? No. He praised them for it. Think about that for a minute. Did Jesus rebuke any of the Seven Churches for rejected Saul/"Paul"? No, he did not. In Rome, they "robbed Peter to "pay" Paul" ("Pay-pal", get it?) And, by "robbed" I mean... Murdered. "Saul", in Hebrew, is written exactly the same as "Sheol" which is Hades... Also, "Death." Saul of Tarsus is a self-described liar. Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life. There is much more to this... Didn't "Paul" baptize a women in Thyatira, in Acts? I could go on for a while... But, folks need to pray on this... And, study the scriptures. What I have shown you should be plenty enough reason to dig into this. I pray folks do. Understand that this is not what we were taught. I do. But, the Holy Spirit and the scriptures showed me these things... Persistently and patiently... Over and over... So many things about Saul. With love and concern...
@tedc4982 2 жыл бұрын
"A church that is faithful in thoughts and words only..." Sounds like the Church of the "Pre-tribulation Rapture." No responsibilities to the instructional 'Command' of Jesus "TO DO... the commandments..." because, Hey we're outta here...
@kcenzer9633 11 ай бұрын
The "throne of Satan" reminds me that we have ALWAYS been in his throne. Since Adam and Eve And that ALL we have had to endure him....including our Savior. We ANXIOUSLY await our Lord Jesus to come back when our Father dictates to rid the world FINALLY of Satan and Evil. I pray He returns everyday....
@Digitally_Faith Жыл бұрын
Thank you! There was just so much in one verse that I’m like 🤯 Before I was like “I read Revelation Chapter 2.” Now, I’m like “But did I really understand what’s behind the words though”? 🙃
@susancraddock2436 2 жыл бұрын
Good afternoon from soggy southeast Louisiana
@elijahmalachi45-63 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships. Anyone that teaches the LIE of monetary tithing, sells anything using the gospel, or teaches that same-sex marriage is a sin CHOOSES to die with the wicked. Luke 10:7 states the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given. Also, know that rich people will all die. You can't be a Christian, sit on all kinds of money, watch your fellow brothers and sisters starve, suffer, or be homeless, choose to do nothing about it, and think that it's ok. Those are all wolves. Mathew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused in some way and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, it states God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong by Billy Graham. Those verses are actually referring to pedophilia. Romans 1:27 All of the men were male in regards to gender, all of the women were female in gender. It is not referring to Eunuchs (where one partner is transgender). Also, it had nothing to do with marriage of any kind. They were trying to procreate during orgies so God did it on purpose. Anyone that continues to teach same sex marriage is a sin when the Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships will also die by their own choice. In order to be a church building, the place must house people inside of it. Otherwise it is just another private money-making business part of Babylon that furthers satan's agenda. Stay out of the fake churches. Eventually, they will be shut down. I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be UTTERLY destroyed from among the people. Again, everyone has a choice. And anyone that deletes my messages CHOOSES to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that means they also CHOOSE to die with the wicked. I am Elijah so that means any discrepancies in the holy books are ultimately decided by me. I am also to usher in the Messiah! Be ready: Jesus is coming back! Malachi 3 says when He comes back, He will come to me first wherever I am at at that time. WORLD PEACE IS COMING!! By the way, anything based on gender norms no longer applies. In fact, the last will be first and the first will be last. It's women that will mostly be ruling the kingdom of heaven. Rich people do NOT get into heaven. A camel can not go through the eye of a needle. Malachi 2 proves Malachi 3:8-11 is talking to the thieving church leaders! It's prophetic instruction to return the money they were never supposed to take for ministering and God will end Covid. Every major church and fake Christian television network around the world knew how to end Covid since August of 2020, but they LOVE MONEY so much they intentionally chose to kill people with Covid instead of repenting and bringing all the stolen money back that they were never supposed to take in the first place.. Rapture is NOT what most people think. Read Malachi 4:2-4. It's when God's true people transfigure and shine like the sun with glory of God RIGHT HERE ON EARTH! Spiritually, yes, people will enter the demension of heaven, but nobody physically leaves. Jesus comes back to literally walk this planet and rule. I already had a vision I was above the clouds looking at a red/ orange sun about to rise! Pre-tribulation rapture is false teaching. Tribulations is the refining fire of torture Christians have to experience in order to get to heaven. Only those who endure to the end will survive. The 144,000 are coming out; they have already experienced hell on earth (tribulations), mainly by people who calld themselves Christians but are merely wolves that will die unless they repent and apologize...........
@PastorBrianLantz 2 жыл бұрын
There's no reference to sin in those's the false apostles they rejected: 2 "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; (Rev. 2:2 NKJ) The issue was the false teaching of the false apostles and Nicolaitans. If you examine this proper noun you will observe two words, niko and laitos..... conquering people. These are the social reformers of the day, not just 'libertarians' but the WOKE crowd demanding conformity to THEIR version of morality. The error of the Ephesians is that simply they denied what was false, that didn't mean they loved what was true, the Lord. Simply because they were NORMAL MORAL human beings, that didn't make them spiritual, much less in fellowship with the Lord. When the Lord solicits repentance, you can read all about it in 1 Jo 1.9 . Smyrna and Philadelphia were the only two of the seven obedient to the Lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NONE>>>>>>>>>>>>and I do mean >>>>>>>>>>>>none of them were in danger of hellfire. You confuse being a son with being an obedient son... very misleading. Furthermore, whatever you have DONE you WANTED TO DO. EVERYONE DOES WHAT THEY WANT, good, bad or indifferent. To suggest otherwise is a form of self deception to yourself and worst to God to suggest otherwise.
@milosmilivojevic2825 2 жыл бұрын
@pwal888 6 ай бұрын
Completely missed the the message entirely!! Doesn't have a clue to what the message of the 7 Churches revealed over the 7 era's!!
@polythenewrappedme6102 Жыл бұрын
That is so true ! Lately all I seem to hear is hate preaching. Remember 1 Corinthians 13:1 - 3. Its does not matter if you understand, you have the gift of prophecy, you give everything to the poor or hand your body over to be burned; if you have not charity / love / compassion / kindness. Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan ? This was a person who by the Jewish standards of the day did everything wrong; but Jesus makes him the hero of the story because he had compassion. Remember the rich man in Hell in Luke 16:19-31, Jesus condemned his selfish living. Our walk of faith should change our behaviours. If you only love those who love you, how are you any better than the heathens. Well said Brother.
@susanhawkins3890 Жыл бұрын
Brandon, thank you for loving,articulate messages…. tell us what to say: when friends want to discuss homosexuality in the church: marriage, why our minister shouldn’t be homosexual…. this may sound absurd but this is truly a subject our church split over…..
@julietaoliva5260 2 жыл бұрын
Praise God! God Blessed you Robbin for the knowledge you shared to us. May God Jesus gives you more revelation/ knowledge to share for us that we may be mature in the knowledge of knowing God Jesus. Amen! 🙏✝️
@mushroombird9400 11 ай бұрын
I heard an interesting point today about “hating the sin and loving the sinner.” If this is what we are supposed to do, why then does God send the sinner to hell, not the sin? God hated Esau. Specifically. He hated specific groups of people and ordered them to be exterminated. I just question that “hate the sin not the sinner” statement I’ve heard my whole life. God doesn’t. I can’t see the hearts of us sinners and could only hypothesize about who would, or would not eventually come to follow Jesus, whereas God knows all, and can make that choice perfectly. I just think there needs to be a caveat when we are preaching the “love the sinner, hate the sin“ thing. Thoughts?
@KenPeters-sr1125 Жыл бұрын
The great commandment, mentioned by Brandon in this episode, is the law of sin and death. Jesus said it was the greatest commandment of the law (of Moses), but just because it was the greatest commandment of the Old Covenant did not mean it applied to the New Covenant. Notice that the great commandment says to love God with everything BUT the Spirit. The time now is that the true worshippers will worship in Spirit and in truth. Death is separation from God, life is union with God. Righteousness is what God does with us as co-laborers. Sin is what we do apart from God. Obedience to the great commandment is to do everything apart from the Spirit, on our own. It is the law of sin and death. Jesus said he kept the Father's commandments and we are to keep his. We are to love one another as he loved us. He loves us by the Spirit, and we are to love one another by the Spirit. When Jesus loves us by the Spirit, to fulfill his commandment we need to love one another with that love. That love becomes a law written upon the table of our heart. The Spirit fulfills the righteousness of that law when we yield our resources to him for that purpose by faith. The new commandment is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2).
@ViolaRogers-ll7bf 15 күн бұрын
It’s assembly not church and what about messianic Jews?
@luzbaez7316 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for the helping me to better understand these powerful letters to the churches from Jesus. HIs instructions to listen, hear and obey in order to receive God's blessings. "We love because He loved us first." 1John 4:19. Amen.
@pjones1403 Жыл бұрын
Interesting teaching. I agree, Some really good thoughts. We as the created have a tendency to want to gravitate to the created rather than Creator. It is familiar, it feels right, and even good many times. But often time it is not. We are told, to worship Jesus in Spirit & in Truth. Fact is it is a must. Which means that there is a heavy push by Jesus to listen closely to The Spirit that is reaching out to us as believers. If that Spirit is a spirit of truth, then that spirit, His Holy Spirit will direct us and lead us back to The Father & Creator. Humanity will interpret what they read the way they are lead to understand. The way as proverbs says will take place. Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not part from it. It is a spiritual truth! Humanity has power to shape and form the way a child, a person, who will need to make decisions thru life. They need be trained up in the right way! The most fundamental part of that is we must train them to worship Jesus Christ In Spirit & in Truth. Have a Blessed Day Good Vid Today I do think the greatest threat is to follow the world and its spirit or the spirit of carnal man. Yet, The Spirit of God and its leading its truth! The Truth, is the only way. No other name but Jesus Christ!
@cynthiamckenzie1034 Жыл бұрын
Extremely interesting that this is a foreshadowing of the mark of the beast. If you don't obey you can't buy or sell!🙏💕👍
@shawnamoen5026 11 ай бұрын
My fear is that if you follow the wrong church you can not honor God the way we are suppose to. Churches can't even agree with what the Bible says. Interpretation is what misguided us. So how do we learn the Bible
@patrickbarrett5650 Жыл бұрын
Can you give us your impressions about the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games please? The giant mechanical bull and the symbolism seemed to be references to Revelation.
@garrettmorano3038 Жыл бұрын
Weak pastors and weak theology are the most dangerous things to any church. All of the warnings in Revelation are imparted sue to improper theology, and thus can be extrapolated to weak pastors who don't enforce proper theology.
@davepugh2519 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem for the church is that it is stuck with a 'holy' book which promotes the morality of Iron-Age goat herders.
@feelegoode2067 2 жыл бұрын
Normally you do better than causally toss around something as serous as 'The Nicolaitans' as you did in this talk. (. . . . let's just say we differ)
@keananfischer8113 Жыл бұрын
So these people that were influencing people to eat meat that were sacrificed to other idols then be the same as the ones I think Paul maybe was addressing. When they were having questions and conflicts about eating idol sacrificed food. Probably because they were starving and didn't have many options. And He told them it's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you but what comes out? Possible connection there...
@cosymedia2257 2 жыл бұрын
(this is the 2d video of yours that I'm watching)...Interesting, thank you, it's very telling... even more when we know that Christ = The Word = consciousness (therefore the truth acknowledged = not denied = recognized) that leads to divine love (charity / agape love) that saves... Thus, the savior. Therefore the equivalence between two commands (Matthew 22:37-39) loving God is loving others as oneself ... AS doesn't mean MORE... it's a question of balance, rightness, justice. 1 Corinthians 13:4-13 is also to apply to oneself because everything starts from within, in God's image (John 1:1) to take action the right way with the light of consciousness in mind (John 1:3-4) otherwise we are left with darkness / ignorance (John 1:5)... Without the Word/Christ/consciousness in action NOTHING (would be created to start with and when created nothing would last). God is more than a person, God is all (in essence/energy that we are a part of)... God is easier to perceive when depersonalized, just like jesus Christ did saying: I'am the true, the way and life ... and that life is not existence (we can't escape existence on earth in heaven, or hell however and wherever we imagine them) that light is consciousness (John 1:4) If we understand that we are made of God we understand the equivalence stated in Matthew 22:37-39. Therefore we can't say that we love God if we do not love other AS oneself EQUALY.
@alphonsofrett2757 2 жыл бұрын
Please pardon me I thought the book of Revelation teaches there's a beast aka Anti-christ and the false profit aka Ante-christ both are against Jesus Christ but the blasphemy overlaps but are different one is the replacement of Christ the other is against Christ
@tracykarol 2 жыл бұрын
Great info, thank you! I'm on Isaiah right now and he's not easy.
@daisyjohnson8265 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Tracy! Glad you're on Isaiah which I find to be rich. Would like to do an in-depth study of the book. Daisy🌼🙏🕊🐑
@Verbalaesthet Жыл бұрын
The Church and the Gospel are not the same thing. The Church is the Antichrist-organisation.
@minillatea3973 2 жыл бұрын
Niko-lay-shh-ons lolol, wonderful video tho. ive seen so much aggression towards unbelievers from Christians lately- real good way to steer people away from God
@carolynwalton6387 Жыл бұрын
Is the book of revelation stories about what has already happened or what is to come??
@christinebravomom5711 2 жыл бұрын
I read a book once about the history of Christian heresies and noticed they were all retreads of a few basic heresies that all dated back to the first days of the Church.
@bobbyg8949 2 жыл бұрын
You know the part were you said the Bible never said that works don't matter I 100% agree just theirs another guy Greg Locke that teaches completely different he make it seem like all you need is faith and the way he talks it's like he is saying it's ok to sin because as long as you have faith your already forgiven forgetting that we still have to fallow the laws God set for us like man you know someone really has faith if they live by the law and not forget Jesus teachings otherwise is your faith real or you just claiming to have faith right
@yolandqramos2481 Жыл бұрын
WOW!! THANKU for sharing once more...
@CharitaWhite-n1o Жыл бұрын
Good evening I do have a question what is the 7 churches that you are talking about
@Linda-td5si 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing series! Thank you for this, it is much appreciated! You bring such clarity to the scriptures which in turn helps one to draw closer to God and Jesus Christ, and to know what is required of the faithful.✝️🕊
@lawpeace0830 2 жыл бұрын
This is why I threw away sin. The word is priority 1 in any church. People have forgotten how too love. I threw away sin in my bible. I left only care for others. Sadly so many people have lost there love too each other. Not just your race is any race. Is not my nation is the world in us.
@cogforreal5952 2 жыл бұрын
We must ask God for forgiveness of sins. He is willing to forgive, but we must be truthful and admit our sins. If you don't, you are just deceiving yourself and not really "looking at yourself in the mirror". Love is a priority. We need to be balanced and not on one side or another (be loving, forgiving, but admit sin and righteously judge to prevent deception. We should not condemn because we can all change through choice). Revelation comment on the condition of churches is pretty on point. I would read the whole bible before throwing out any words in the bible. It is very dangerous to remove words in any book, but especially in the bible.
@denicetourville8690 2 жыл бұрын
Second Death. I learned something new- which is always my goal. Did you go to the Holy Land yet? I have been praying for your safe and fulfilling.
@JustSara376 2 жыл бұрын
We’re in the lukewarm era for sure
@michaelswenson6599 2 жыл бұрын
1 John 1:7. Walking in light is how you love one another and love the image of God to be made righteous. The church not walking in light is why it gets confusing. The opposite of walking in the light of My day makes one the opposite of Christ, no matter what you think or say you've done or become. Walking in darkness is where the church and believers abide, blaspheming the spirit. They have been made liars, deceivers and the opposite of Christ by denying the image of God coming to their flesh, eyes and skin, to be made righteous. 2 John 1:7 See how we don't even know how we're made in the image of God? Future tense once we decide to keep walking in the light of My day, daily and nightly; rightly dividing My day into sunlight and night.
@amandacraig2916 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but which translation are you using? Because in the verse about forgetting the love you had at first it doesn't mention loving one another? So I'm not sure that the intent is that they left off loving one another? Yes, we do tend to pick apart each other and tares among the wheat is probably the best example of this that Jesus uses where he says to the workers to leave the tares alone because you might be over zealous and hurt the good wheat too. But, again, I don't think loving one another was the message to Ephesus. What do other translations say. Mine only says you forgot the love you had at first
@moodberry 2 жыл бұрын
Totally great teaching, as always Brandon. I personally believe the church, as it exists today, is not loving towards the world. I believe this is what Jesus wants His church to come out of. As we keep reading the message Jesus gave to the churches, the next chapter ends with commending the church of Philadelphia BECAUSE of their love. He didn't have anything against them and said He would protect them. Though we have gifts of tongues, knowledge, etc., the GREATEST of these is love. The gospel message is obnoxious to the world if when the world sees our works they see only bickering and condemnation. We first have to root it out of our church, and THEN we have to SHOW the world our love.
@ladyekatesh6940 9 ай бұрын
Have had stroke. How do i go and work for God when i am stuck at bed?
@vaalcellcity7138 2 жыл бұрын
Research the Vat...i....can..
@brendabowers2320 Жыл бұрын
Done. Very revealing.
@mydarlylegae8205 2 жыл бұрын
Amen, thanks God bless you 🙏
@Dubblesteel 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds like secret societies with secret knowledge
@petervogel2350 Жыл бұрын
Do I believe in Jesus or do I believe Jesus? I believe HIM!
@tonyzone8999 2 жыл бұрын
Why do people say Jesus Christ is pagan?
@annagattellari85 2 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@stephanievegter5438 2 жыл бұрын
@mattmoore1731 Жыл бұрын
I want to go to your church, just to shake your hand for your help in my familys walk
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad these videos have blessed you all!
@Della-y1b 3 ай бұрын
Hello Brandon. Della Warren here
@cobagelesslongevity2195 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brother Brandon
@havemorez 4 ай бұрын
Where is Revelation 3
@MM-pl6zi 2 жыл бұрын
Jezebel's husband, King Ahab, had ALREADY LEFT YHWH before he married her. That is WHY he married her. The bible says that he, "was the MOST EVIL KING Israel ever had". 1 KINGS Ahab Reigns over Israel 29 In the thirty-eighth year of King Asa of Judah, Ahab son of Omri began to reign over Israel; Ahab son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years. 30 Ahab son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord more than all who were before him. Ahab Marries Jezebel and Worships Baal 31 And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, he took as his wife Jezebel daughter of King Ethbaal of the Sidonians and went and served Baal and worshiped him. 32 He erected an altar for Baal in the house of Baal that he built in Samaria. 33 Ahab also made a sacred pole.[a] Ahab did more to provoke the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, than had all the kings of Israel who were before him. He knew exactly what he was doing.
@mel999. 4 ай бұрын
All Glory to God ❤️‍🔥
@Della-y1b 3 ай бұрын
Amen. Thank you
@lorik4018 Жыл бұрын
I love your teaching, Brandon. I need a bit of clarification. At 23.50 in the video, you say, 'The temptation to surrender and serve others rather than to fully surrender your heart to Jesus.' By 'surrender and serve others' do you mean to just 'go along' with the crowd?
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry Жыл бұрын
That’s part of it. There are many things we are tempted to serve and surrender to. Money. Leaders. Popular personalities. And as you mentioned, the ways of those around us.
@lorik4018 Жыл бұрын
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry Thank you, Brandon. I wanted to make sure I understood. It caught me off guard because I've never heard it described as 'surrender and serve'. It's quite powerful and paints a different picture. Thank you for this.
@julianmayo5650 Жыл бұрын
You sir, are spreading the gospel, god fills my cup through you, god bless your name. I LOVE your videos, and I feel your love for man through your desire to save
@lindajohnson4204 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard that the Nicolaitans were those who wanted a hierarchical church, since the Nico- part means higher, upper class, and the -laitan part means the lower class, as in the church laity. That suggests that Nicolaitans were those pushing the church into more formal hierarchies, with a strict divide between the hierarchy and the laity. It corresponds to what Jesus said about how those who lead us, being the servants of all, rather than lording it over them like the Gentiles leaders do.
@sarahwaters10sw 2 жыл бұрын
No that word means any religion or people that goes to war to make people follow it or them. war for power and use religion to do it
@DouglasJWilkening 2 жыл бұрын
The truth is that there is no evidence in the Bible or in ancient history or archaeology to tell us who the Nicolaitans actually were. So it’s not uncommon to hear a preacher “prove”, with meaningless word play, that the Nicolaitans were whoever or whatever the preacher wants to preach against today. Sadly, Brandon is doing the same thing here with a bogus “proof” that the Nicolaitans were “the libertines”. The truth is that nobody knows who or what they were.
@lindajohnson4204 2 жыл бұрын
@@DouglasJWilkening Since the name contains both words which describe the upper class/rulers, and the subject class, or laity, there is a good possibility that this was what Jesus was hating, since we already know that He hates it. He said that the Gentiles "lord it over" underlings, but it was not to be that way with us. Among us, the greatest among us must be the servant of all. So while members of very hierarchical religions don't like to hear it, there is a basis to believe He hated the ways of hierarchical religion, since He made it a point to tell us it was not supposed to be that way with us. Without a history of hierarchical religions, lording it over the people and serving the state, we wouldn't have celebrity preachers in megachurches and media. We would know better, and honor what was honorable: that humble, godly man, serving all.
@DouglasJWilkening 2 жыл бұрын
@@lindajohnson4204 Yes, I have heard that theory, but these name games can work both ways. It has also been pointed out that in the Greek, “nike” does not mean the upper class, it means the victorious one, as in an athletic contest. Thus it has been claimed that the Nicolaitans were those who held that the laity should be victorious in disputes with church authorities (the “lay victors”). In other words, the Nicolaitans represented a congregational form of church governance. This of course is equally silly and unfounded.
@lindajohnson4204 2 жыл бұрын
@@DouglasJWilkening I always hear about the famous (?) heretic, "Nicolaites". I got a drawing book when I was a kid, written by Nicolaides, so I pay attention. But since I know that Jesus wanted His church to be very different from the proud, politically connected, worldly institutions, where only the upper class can hear from the Holy Spirit and know God (I think Jesus said it was the "babes" who God reveals himself to, not the wise and prudent), generally in their service to the Noble Lie, I think that the possibility that it was about the growing authoritarian (lording over), socially stratified churches, which culminated in Rome and Orthodox, then the protestant established (Calvinist) churches, where God is altogether such an one as themselves, I think that possibility is still worth considering.
@rfnecio 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Brandon. Wonderful content. When do you think was the book of revelation written? Most of historical document suggest 96AD or so.,the time of the emperor Domitian. However, the accusative case of the word "for", for the word of God, seems to suggest otherwise.
@yolandqramos2481 Жыл бұрын
U are a blessing My friend.thanku for Ur PRAYERS.
@clintonlagdameo5452 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! So right under our noses! Just when it's easy to guess it'll be the Nicolaitans, the Balaams, or Jezebels, it's plain (and easy to overlook) listening without obeying, as oft repeated at the close of each "letter to the churches."
@baardbek7946 2 жыл бұрын
Second death is our last death seize to exist forever. Worse than going to "hell" No hell burning forever.
@justin2308 2 жыл бұрын
Gnosticism, I presume?
@elijahmalachi45-63 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships. Anyone that teaches the LIE of monetary tithing, sells anything using the gospel, or teaches that same-sex marriage is a sin CHOOSES to die with the wicked. Luke 10:7 states the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given. Also, know that rich people will all die. You can't be a Christian, sit on all kinds of money, watch your fellow brothers and sisters starve, suffer, or be homeless, choose to do nothing about it, and think that it's ok. Those are all wolves. Mathew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused in some way and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs FOR THE SAKE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics but opposite in regards to gender. Notice, it states God PREFERS for people to be in LGBT relationships. Leviticus, Corinthians, and Timothy were translated wrong by Billy Graham. Those verses are actually referring to pedophilia. Romans 1:27 All of the men were male in regards to gender, all of the women were female in gender. It is not referring to Eunuchs (where one partner is transgender). Also, it had nothing to do with marriage of any kind. They were trying to procreate during orgies so God did it on purpose. Anyone that continues to teach same sex marriage is a sin when the Bible says God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships will also die by their own choice. In order to be a church building, the place must house people inside of it. Otherwise it is just another private money-making business part of Babylon that furthers satan's agenda. Stay out of the fake churches. Eventually, they will be shut down. I am Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and Acts 3:22-23 says it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be UTTERLY destroyed from among the people. Again, everyone has a choice. And anyone that deletes my messages CHOOSES to reject Jesus Christ Himself and that means they also CHOOSE to die with the wicked. I am Elijah so that means any discrepancies in the holy books are ultimately decided by me. I am also to usher in the Messiah! Be ready: Jesus is coming back! Malachi 3 says when He comes back, He will come to me first wherever I am at at that time. WORLD PEACE IS COMING!! By the way, anything based on gender norms no longer applies. In fact, the last will be first and the first will be last. It's women that will mostly be ruling the kingdom of heaven. Rich people do NOT get into heaven. A camel can not go through the eye of a needle. Malachi 2 proves Malachi 3:8-11 is talking to the thieving church leaders! It's prophetic instruction to return the money they were never supposed to take for ministering and God will end Covid. Every major church and fake Christian television network around the world knew how to end Covid since August of 2020, but they LOVE MONEY so much they intentionally chose to kill people with Covid instead of repenting and bringing all the stolen money back that they were never supposed to take in the first place.. Rapture is NOT what most people think. Read Malachi 4:2-4. It's when God's true people transfigure and shine like the sun with glory of God RIGHT HERE ON EARTH! Spiritually, yes, people will enter the demension of heaven, but nobody physically leaves. Jesus comes back to literally walk this planet and rule. I already had a vision I was above the clouds looking at a red/ orange sun about to rise! Pre-tribulation rapture is false teaching. Tribulations is the refining fire of torture Christians have to experience in order to get to heaven. Only those who endure to the end will survive. The 144,000 are coming out; they have already experienced hell on earth (tribulations), mainly by people who calld themselves Christians but are merely wolves that will die unless they repent and apologize...........
@rhodes6840 2 жыл бұрын
If one believes the truth you will act accordingly if one believes error also will you act. One first has to believe the TRUTH as the error profits him not at all. What is believed is indeed the corner stone If one does not act one does not believe it is just that simple. This is why I reject the trinity doctrine it is error (from the Greeks and Babylonians surprisingly enough) and why the church has failed so much, the error in belief.
@edplaster9802 Жыл бұрын
@KrissiCreates 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brother for your teachings. Always learning and growing from them !!
@cynthiaclear Жыл бұрын
@rosabarron9227 Жыл бұрын
@michaeldonnawilliams8613 2 жыл бұрын
Shma= Hear and Obey.
@erickingsbury7193 2 жыл бұрын
@baardbek7946 2 жыл бұрын
Yes like Christmas being a pegan worship day...
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