Are We In the End Times? | Mark 13 | Beyond the Words

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Brandon Robbins

Brandon Robbins

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@mrlume9475 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your supportive content in these challenging times. The enemy appears to becoming stronger and our leaders appear to be doing the devils work. We as christians need to stay strong and hold the line. Jesus saved me and is my saviour. God bless.
@debraroberts7291 2 жыл бұрын
Applause, you said it!!! I totally agree with you….what a mess! All we can do is continue praying 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 and know that He’s in Control ❤️❤️❤️
@wendellhoward884 2 жыл бұрын
We’re christians first, Americans second, and our political party last (if you choose a political affiliation). The nation and politicians want us to reverse this order, causing us to act un-Christ like. Fear instead of seeking out . Hate instead of love. Attacking instead of forgiving. We’re citizens in God’s kingdom first and foremost.
@mrlume9475 2 жыл бұрын
@@wendellhoward884 Amen to that.👍
@alfredgilkes251 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus spent ( 3) days and (3)nights in the heart of the earth tell me Y people believe that he rise on the Sunday morning the same hour he in came out when the sun was going down please talk about this
@edstyer2566 2 жыл бұрын
As believers we need to go on the offensive and not just wait to see what happens.
@trinitywright7122 2 жыл бұрын
I was really glad when I saw this title come up as a premiere and I waited to watch it and it certainly was worth watching and I really appreciate the teaching and it was excellent as usual. You make things interesting as well as informing us and teaching us about the Word. A very important and poignant part of the message is that no one knows the time or place except the father. And you were right we shouldn't waste our time worrying about it. We don't know when that is what we should worry about is just being ready for Jesus. Praise God and bless your teaching Brandon , Amen
@jacquelinepace189 2 жыл бұрын
The Spirit of the Lord shines through you, Brandon !!
@lynda7038 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Brandon. I felt I didnt deserve Gods Grace, I feel Ive lost the rich joyous amazing connecyion with Him. Ive been paying God lipservice by saying the Lords Prayer each morning. Ive fallen away from connecting with God with all of me. This truth finally hit home fully as I listened to all if this video. Thank you, for showing me its not too late, thank you for giving me insight to what Jesus meant in these verses, thank you for showing me how to fully and completely reconnect with my Father. Godbless you Brother xx
@aromaceleste20 2 жыл бұрын
GOD bless this insight and may it release many from anxiety and fear. The knowledge and understanding of this kind of truth, I believe is a gift from God. Thank you for sharing.
@debburt251 9 ай бұрын
You are doing such a good job of spreading the word about Jesus so everyone will come to know him. Thank-you ❤
@Laffingbooda777 Жыл бұрын
As The Sea is symbolic of people on Earth 🌍🌏🌎 ... Clouds would mean a group of redeemed purified people as distilled water is more pure and healthy To drink Than sea water 🌊 ... Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🌈
@barbarahoyle8615 Жыл бұрын
Thank You Jesus, life is hard. There is no easier way. Rejection hurts, but I rejoice in the family that my Lord gifted me. Standing together, my church family helps. Thank you Brandon for your rich teachings.
@arpiemakdessian4565 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Brandon you explane soo well with all your heart.may God bless you❤
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
The abomination of desolation? What is it? Brother Brandon Robbins you have missed the mark altogether on this one... Read Dani'el and then Yeshayahu/isa 66, and Wayyiqra/lev 11 & Devarim/deut 14, swine/pig is an abomination, so hated by YaHuWaH it one of a few animals we are commanded not to eat, and further not to even touch its carcass, a cat or dog for example you can't eat but you can touch its dead carcass. From the above scriptures Yeshua taught me abouy the abomination of desolation, the shedding of pigs blood in the Temple , physically and spiritually, I will explain spiritually. First to further the evidence, when the Maccabees revolted against the greeks, they had donw 2 things in specific that absolutely angered them. #1 the greeks erected a statue of ze-us in the Temple beside the alter, #2 they sacrificed a pig on the alter, the abomination of desolation as recorded by Dani'el and Yeshayahu, and in the Torah and in the book of the Maccabees. A side note, not long ago it was a crime with a $100,000.00 fine to publish our scriptures without the books of the wonder they removed them from the canon, because they reveal what Constantines chr_stianity has been hiding from the people who sincerely are seeking to be apart, adopted into, grafted into, to become heirs to the promises of YaHuWaH as recorded in the Torah. You can't deceive people who ask questions, study the scriptures, the culture, the history, the context, and the langauge... This is why the rcc circus, the pagan house of sUn worship, the ch_rch forbade the people then and now from reading or studying the scriptures, especially with others who are taught in the truth of our culture. You can only sell apostacy heresy to those who are blind, are uneducated, unlearned/unskilled in the scriptures specifically in the Torah of Mosheh. Keep people from the truth, and you can sell them anything as the truth!! Your words, chr_stianity has come in His Name, representing Him alledgedly, but in fact they represent the false messiahs, another gospel, another way to salvation!! Devarim/deut 13:1-6, Matt 7:6, 1-27, & verses 21-25 They claim to be His and call Him savior and master, but do NOT do what He did or taught, they come in an invented name, manmade doctrines, another gospel, sUn worship; sUn day worship, ze-us in mexican j_sus is pronounced hey/hail zeus, latin is the earth pig, greek is the pig, in hebrew the horse (found in mishle/prov), this is why they fight so hard to say this is not true, in oreder to keep you spiritually shedding pigs blood on the alter of your hearts!! Abomination of desolation physically and spiritually!! Persecution of the righteous, they persecute those who obey the Torah of Mosheh, speaking all manner of lies about Yeshua to us (He abolished, destroyed, added to and took away from, replaced, changed, altered) Anomia translated lawlessness, a is without and nomia is Torah, without Torah (specifically the first five books of Mosheh)
@eddiej9733 2 жыл бұрын
It blows my mind that this technology brings so many high quality and genuine hearted Pastors that we can access. Thankyou for your sermons on the bible Pastor. A health scare has super changed my born-againness which has turned affliction into a waterfall of blessings and grace onto me.
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
People quote, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"...that way they don't havr to do anything and they have fulfilled it!! But thats NOT what it says!! It says, "do to others as you would have them do to you, for this fulfills the Torah and the Prophets. What you're telling me I have to do, to live righteously, to obey the Torah of Mosheh, but I was taught it was done away with, Yeshua did it all for me, Paul taught against the Torah of Mosheh, the Torah of Mosheh was nailed to a pagan cr_ss symbolizing nimrod?? All lies upon lies, and people deceiving people for their own selfish worldly desires of the flesh, to live in sin, to manipulate and control people for the gain of money and wealth and power and prestige, vanity of vanities... Eccles Matt 23:1-3 Then Yeshua spoke to the crowds and to his taught ones, saying, "the scribes and the pharisees sit on the seat of Mosheh. Therefore, whatever he says to you to guard, guard and do. But do not do according to their works, for they say, and do not do... (they say, they read the Torah of Mosheh aloud in the synagauge, but do not do what he says)
@donaldhlebert55 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your knowledge and wisdom on this issue. My Dad, up until he passed, and I used to have these great debates. He would say Yeshua said we couldn’t know the Day or the Hour so that meant we couldn’t know anything. Also that meant we were to just leave it alone. I said yes, Yeshua said we couldn’t know the Day or the Hour. Why then couldn’t we search out the Month and the Year? Anyway I have taken a number of different approaches, looking at a number of sources including but not limited to the Biblical Narrative, the Jewish Calendar and the Calendar we use, the Stars (Astronomy), and other historical sources and events. I think there is a time range and a set of times within the Jewish Celebrations that point to a definitive conclusion. However with all the hullabaloo over this issue in my lifetime and even before I have been reluctant to speak about it or show any of the evidence. Anyway if you want to have a look at what I have, then please let me know.
@Krullmatic 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much once again Brother Brandon, for explaining the abomination of desolation. I've always wondered what that meant.
@emerald7777 2 жыл бұрын
Great video thank for your content! Just wanted to note that while I am not a date setter; we are expected to know WHEN it is near...even at the doors. Matthew 24:33 God bless you in Jesus name!!!
@thecastorclan3017 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! We will know the season… we know and see the season.
@TeachMeLordGod 2 жыл бұрын
I have realized my error... I'm trying too hard to correct those that don't believe and refuse to believe. I know I am suppose to defend God's word but I fail to remember He has won the war all ready. I think I understand what God was trying to tell me all along... long ago, when I was first searching for my purpose. I turned to anything at first, new age things, crystals, smudging my house with sage, using matras inspired by Buddhism and mysticism beliefs. One time when I was desperate and I was trying to concentrate. I asked for some kind of entity to reach out to me. Nothing I tried was feeling deep enough. It felt false and empty and left me wanting. Long story short, I had a powerful open-eyed vision and tried my way to save people from themselves... I tried to stop those who were walking into the firey pit. I got in the way of God... it all makes sense now. I got swept up and this loud booming voice in this dark cloud with lightning and had two things on the right and left of it. It was too bright to see what it was, it seemed to mimick the movements of flight. Anyway, this voice that came out of this cloud with lightning with a loud booming voice. It was yelling at me, I understood not why and what was happening but I obviously did something wrong. Everything went dark after and I woke from my open eyed trance and was filled with this weird ethereal feeling. I felt deep love and compassion despite the terrible things I seen and felt when I saw others suffering and I couldn't do nothing about it. I felt at peace... for what seemed like 5 days then it was gone... I was trying to feel this again because I never felt anything like it ever. I posted this story on fb and someone said to me, "God is sure amazing"... I replied blasphemy and they fled. I later, much later, felt the need to read the Bible for the first time in forever. Nothing else was working again in my own ways and seeking and research/researching. Just reading more of Genesis, things were starting to make sense. The creation story confuses me a bit still but... Everything else I was told was all... LIES. I felt so embarrassed and horrible for just believing what others told me... I asked for forgiveness but my faith was weak. When I openly turned to God on fb, others turned on me and it hurt me so bad. I was spreading seeds that I had no clue of. I was trying to share God but didn't know Him well enough. I kept on making that same mistake thinking that I could save someone from their demise... Guys, don't quench the spirit, the Lord will and CAN chastise you. It may not be pretty at first but at the same time, feels so unbelievably better than before. Amen.
@Laffingbooda777 Жыл бұрын
A New Age is coming for sure but some fundamentalist woo say u are being a New Ager lol 😂 🙏 🌈
@robertdouglas8895 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus said, " I am with you always." There's no waiting. When you focus on that, the enemy is an illusion as is the world.
@twinbulls1980 Жыл бұрын
Amen. Christ has already overcome the world.
@southron1861 Жыл бұрын
Good message until he discounts the importance of the "when" of Christ’s parousia. I believe we would all agree that to deny the fact of the Second Coming is to deny the inspiration of Scripture. Well, the same Bible that teaches us the fact of the Second Coming, also teaches us the time of the Second Coming. R.C. Sproul says that two thirds of the New Testament is either directly or indirectly eschatological. Other experts say that 25 to 30 percent of the whole bible is eschatological. James Boice writes, "In the New Testament one verse in twenty-five deals with the Lord's return. It is mentioned 318 times in the 260 chapters of the New Testament. It is mentioned in every one of the New Testament books, with the exception of Galatians, which deals with a particular doctrinal problem, and the very short books such as 2 and 3 John and Philemon." [The Epistles of John (Zondervan), p. 96] Ray Steadman writes, "Perhaps you have recognized in reading your Bible that this is the most frequently mentioned truth in all of the New Testament. This great hope of the appearing again of Jesus Christ underlies every other truth in the New Testament. It is found on almost every page of our New Testament." The second coming of Christ is a very important subject. It is something that we should understand. And just as denying the fact of the the Second Coming is to deny inspiration, so also, to deny the time of the Second Coming is to deny inspiration. If Christ has not returned, then Scripture is in error, and since we know Scripture cannot be in error, then Christ’s parousia must have already happened and we must reconcile that the nature of his parousia is not as we have been taught it would be.
@elarakamai Жыл бұрын
"...then Christ’s parousia must have already happened". Then light the lamp of search, and go out, Seek and Find Him! Recall that "son of man" means just some regular looking guy so how will you know Him? Since there are many false prophets AND ONE RETURN then you have to do the work to separate to false from the true.
@kristie6589 2 жыл бұрын
Well brother you did it again! 👏 YOUR beautiful description of the new Era we are going to enter has made the enemy very angry! This was great Brandon!! I guess the enemy thinks we're ignorant and doesn't want people to understand these FACTS! His time is VERY SHORT and it's making him cranky enough to leave his evil comments on everyone's posts to you! I certainly believe you are one of God's anointed, he's in a dangerous place with his mouth! So before he comments on this comment (that I won't bother to read) l will however ask The Lord to have mercy on him🙏
@dancingram79 Жыл бұрын
Brandon! You never dissapoint! ❤ This is gold! 🏆🔑💛
@Chingus696 Жыл бұрын
I know I’m late to the party but thank you for doing what you do, Brandon!
@Washoejim Жыл бұрын
Another Great video and message.
@billyijeanclark8887 Жыл бұрын
Love your teachings
@rickybobby9797 2 жыл бұрын
It is often not uncommon for Bible prophecy to be “dual” in nature. There could in fact be deeper meaning, as Mr. Robbins suggests. But let’s not forget that people “not knowing” when exactly Yeshua will return is not the same as saying that people “won’t know” the future events when it matters. Daniel 12:8-10 clearly states that the “wise” will understand prophecy when the time is right. And given that the Bible is roughly 20% prophecy it seems rather illogical that God would provide this information to humanity and then tell them they shouldn’t be focusing on it (or focusing on it as much). I personally think that everyone has a purpose, some of which may be prophecy (wisdom) and some of which may be faith, love, or other spiritual gifts. But I will say this, those who make valid prophetic claims will be very clear and you will be able to verify their claims (ahead of time) to ensure that they are true. For example, someone could make the claim that a nuclear war in the Middle East precedes the 70th week (Psalm 83/Isaiah 17). If the next Sabbath cycle (2024-2030) is in fact the last one THEN this war would need to come in the next year or so. Is it important that everyone understand this? My guess is no (for many reasons which are too great to list here). But it may be that some (or someone) needs to hear it before these things occur rather than hearing it from just the Elijah prophet. I would also argue that certain people will need to make certain choices at certain times, like being called to Judea after this war and before WWIII/Wormwood’s appearance (Joel 2:32) so it’s rather impossible for any human to say what one should or shouldn’t be focusing on at any given time…and while we may have our own opinions of what others “should” be focusing on, when you really think about, we may miss (or misunderstand) that each individual may have to move from one seemingly unconnected topic to get to the right one for them at any given time. Who can really predict such an outcome? No human (mortal) can. But it is important to consider differing points of view to get to the entire truth. But I must admit, I will always view reality through my own strengths and weaknesses-as I am sure that is true with everyone else.
@thecastorclan3017 2 жыл бұрын
100% agree
@RubyRay8888 2 жыл бұрын
This is so good, I love it! Thank you so much. and God bless you and your family. .
@mariemcclure151 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your love in the Lord. You help me so much to get through the day. I have been sick for over 3 years and have trouble getting out. It is your videos and The Choosen that has helped me. My friends and family have abandoned me. It is worse because the church that I went to since I moved in the area 8 years ago has abandoned me. No one has visited or sent a card to me. For all they know I have not been coming. It started before covid. They knew I was sick months before they closed due to covid. It really hurts knowing that they have let me down. My comfort is knowing God will never abandon me. He is my comfort. God bless you and I will continue to pray for you and your studies.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through. I am praying for your healing and for you to soon be surrounded by your church community.
@mariemcclure151 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry Thank you so much and God bless you
@anitadenton1468 3 ай бұрын
Shocking to hear not one person sought you out from your church 😥, that is not Christian values. If you can, find another church 🙏🏻 I will say a prayer for you
@mariemcclure151 3 ай бұрын
@@anitadenton1468 Thank you for sharing this and praying for me. God bless you.
@tracykarol 2 жыл бұрын
I needed this message so much. Thank you for your wonderful teaching. You have a true gift from God. Bless you.
@belindabounds5336 2 жыл бұрын
Keep your eyes on Jesus always and always when you go somewhere tell him to send his angels to go with you and to bring you safe back home amen I do that all the time Thank you my father God
@6263035 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to listen to these in order. Could you make a playlist starting with chapter 1 to the end.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Norma. Here is a link to the playlist:
@SkySentry7 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't a coincidence is it... I just read mark 13 and 14 rn and I see this on first page... Bless The MOST HIGH
@susancraddock2436 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to this weeks video, hubby and I have learned so much! Thank you Pastor Brandon!
@mrlume9475 2 жыл бұрын
@NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN I'll pray for you.
@mrlume9475 2 жыл бұрын
@NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN Thank you for your views on christianity, we can agree to disagree, the benefit of free will. God bless and look after you.
@susancraddock2436 2 жыл бұрын
You have your beliefs, I have mine. I choose Jesus, go in peace.
@mrlume9475 2 жыл бұрын
@@susancraddock2436 Nicely said Susan, I like you as a Christian pray for both believers and non believers. Peace in these difficult times is a gift worth praying for. God bless.
@JaneDoe-wd5zk 2 жыл бұрын
Brandon, read your questions on the 10 commandments. Please do a video covering this in detail. Thank you. I enjoy all your videos.🙏✝️🙏
@rogerweir1772 7 ай бұрын
Time of the end....not end of time....was the destruction of Jerusalem and Israel in 70 AD....
@BlackRoseJenn Жыл бұрын
I think I have always known this, but I am just now able to fully realize this after watching this video: We have been living in the End times since Jesus’s death and resurrection. This IS the End times and we live each moment by the Grace of God. Any day, any hour, any minute, any second could be the End of this universe.
@staceyforehand9513 Жыл бұрын
All these things have been accomplished. The kingdom of God is Now here in Christ. We now worship God in Spirit and in truth.
@patrickharmon9459 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your messages Brandon, I enjoy your lessons. I'm 60 years old but I believe that I may see the 2nd coming of our Lord. If not I believe that my children will and my grandkids as well. What a wonderful thing that will be. Keep up the good work and God bless you and your family 👪.
@70AD-user45 Жыл бұрын
Jesus returned spiritually in 70 AD.
@segiaalapati1378 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, this my first time watching this video. As always, Amazing. God Blesd
@annchovey2089 Жыл бұрын
CSLewis has a great teaching on how good is stronger than evil. Good creates, evil can only corrupt what Good creates. Bread doesn’t need mold but mold needs bread. Evil always piggybacks on what is good.
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
Brandon Robbins, you have left out a key very important piece of information, the prophecy leading up to Yeshua's Words about that generation shall not pass away before the end of the age, the prophecy that Yisra'el would become a nation in one 24hr period, that prophecy came to pass May 16, 1948, and that generation shall NOT pass away beofre the end of th age, end of the age, the messianic age, this is us here and now those who were alive and saw that prophecy fulfilled, we are that age, we are about the year 5992-91 from creation, and part ways through the 21 year tribulation period (Yeshua refernced, leading us bac to the Torah and to Ya'acob specifically with Laban, except the time be shortened no flesh would make it, YaHuWaH came to Ya'aqob nd topd him to flee from Laban 1 year short of fulfilling the 3rd period of 7 years...the final 7 years as Dani'el prophesied the great and dreadful day of YaHuWaH, the final 7 years of the tribulatin period, the great day of distress...
@paulbrennan4163 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus was not talking about "this generation" as a life-span.
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
@Paul Brennan actually Yeshua was, context context... 120 jubilees alloted to mankind 6000 years, we are at the end of the age, about 5992FC. Almost at the end of the 2nd 7 year period of the 21 year tribulation period, and the beginning of the great day of distress the final 7 years, where the wrath of Elohim is poured out.
@paulbrennan4163 2 жыл бұрын
@@brianmann4705 Again, Jesus didn't say anything would happen within a life-span.
@twiceborn_by_grace 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite thing about your videos is that you don’t use “big, bible (theological) words”, but you still get your point across with knowledge and wisdom. God bless, brother!
@ezekielsaltar4728 2 жыл бұрын
2030 is 2000 years from the crucifixion/resurrection. Then it will be the "Third Day"...
@glider1157 10 ай бұрын
Short answer: Yes we are!
@mariastrickland5725 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Brandon, for helping me to understand the Bible more. I ask myself this doesn't make much sense to me when reading on my own.
@markharris1342 Жыл бұрын
We need to read scripture in the light of scripture. Clouds was a representation of GOD's judgment. In Isaiah 19:1- The prophecy against Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The ideal to convey to the reader is of Egypt tremble before the LORD, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear when judgement was poured out on them. There fore we need to interpret Rev. 1:7 to the same way as Isaiah 19:1. The LORD did not come down on clouds where they could see him, but his action of judgement did come down for all to see.
@aaronShmackles 2 жыл бұрын
I wish this guy would talk about divorce and remarriage
@janmarino6473 Жыл бұрын
Mark 13:30 plainly read is exactly what He meant. All those things DID happen, the temple was destroyed, there was tribulation like Josephus wrote about and the new Heaven and earth was revealed. The old covenant passed away and the new covenant came in. Jesus’ generation lived in the end times. Prophets and special knowledge and tongues passed away but Jesus’ words will never pass away. Jesus was clear - THIS GENERATION. He warned his disciples to watch and be ready, He implied John would be alive to the end and John was!
@MysteStorm 8 ай бұрын
Brandon ... how do you explain the 3 days please? Friday night + Saturday Night = 2 nights, and counting Friday (day) + Saturday (day) = 2 days. Where is "day/night" 3? He said "as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up..." thank you.
@loupowell5423 Жыл бұрын
Brandon, I really enjoy your teaching! Could you tell me who Josephus is, and should I purchase his book if works? Thx, Lou
@danv4046 2 жыл бұрын
Completely off you are about the whole your alone and need the community.... You have the Spirit to comfort you... God with YOU who will never depart or leave u...,.... your twisting the scriptures here to make a point that you made up Flee to the mountains... were christian fled to strong believers??? No Jesephus says that only those who believed and saw the romans coming in 70 ad were saved from the slaughtet of destruction.... they fled to the mountains..... just as Jesus said they should
@LeeSadu Жыл бұрын
Jesus could not talk about the end time. He was only a man and servant of God Matthew 12:18. Only Almighty God can tell you about the end. Jesus said to his disciples most of you will be alive when l return. You can wait another 2000 years for Jesus to come.
@josephbrandtner7713 8 ай бұрын
In Matthew we have the parable of the fig tree which symbolizes Israel. "Shall a nation be born in a day?" May 14th 1948? We are not to worry about the day or the hour. But we ARE to know the season!
@Frankie5Angels150 Жыл бұрын
I really don’t think cops have said “Stop in the name of the law” since 1940s gangster movies!
@caelachyt Жыл бұрын
Oh stop. Yeshu said He didn't know 2000 years ago. He may know now.
@rogerweir1772 7 ай бұрын
When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies....(abomination of desolation)
@johnwauters8576 Жыл бұрын
Born on the 13
@ronsirard Жыл бұрын
Jeff Du 20:01 rbin, Gary Dumar, and late RC Sprouls describe this section better Jesus came in judgement as promised and the temple destruction in 70 AD and end of the Old covenant and the fullness and beginning of New Age of Jesus and his kingdom that has no one end
@marksingleton7199 2 жыл бұрын
There is something missing here. If I was not a christian I would read this as we are born, suffer and die but always hope that Jesus will save us. He will. But you will live and suffer in hope doing Gods will which you have no Ideas what it is and will still physically die waiting for salvation. Jesus died physically 2 thousand years ago. Their is a point where people say when will the wars end and poverty stop. When God says so? The past is the future. Life on Earth is the same recurring cycle. When Christ says give everything up. He means everything. We cant do that. We have children. We pass the original sin onto the next generation continually. We wait for God to reclaim his property. We continue in Gods name to do what we want. If I stopped and gave everything material away, I would physically die. Is this the answer? Howmany die from having nothing and believe in Christ? In the beginning God had a purpose. Adam got distracted and went his own way. God keeps trying to steer Adams progeny back into line.
@kninebirddog Жыл бұрын
Wow. I just read through Numbers 13 and 14. Sounds like the same story
@jasonlitz3523 Жыл бұрын
The definition you use of "this generation," I would argue, isn't those that have fallen away because there isn't any expectation that we're going to run out of those people. Certainly, it is not the generation of those who were His contemporaries. Not only has that happened, as you mentioned, but Jesus says that He doesn't know the time, inly the Father knows, so He clearly could not say it was within the time of the deciples. Add in Mark 13: 19-20, we see that Jesus says that even the righteous could all be deceived if God did not shorten that time. Here I think He is specifically referring to the tribulation but He also speaks of when we see "these things" taking place. Combined, I believe it is clear that He is saying that once we see these things began that the end will be nigh, within a generation's timeframe. All this has to be coupled with other old and NT prophecies of the end. Sin itself, even hanous sin, isn't necessarily the leaves budding as in Mark 28. However, I think all true Christians and even many non-Christians and sense and see an acceleration in the world around us. We clearly see good being called evil and evil called good. We see Israel existing again and the world at its throat. I believe we are in the "birth pangs" stage as He describes in Mark 13:8. I've always heard that the abomination of desolation was the anti-christ. I think that whatever it is, it will be obvious at the time, to believers. It does appear to indicate that a temple must exist. I don't think He was referring to the second temple here because the line of description continues right into His return. Some think this is impossible, that the Jews will ever build a third temple but a few years ago the Abraham Accords would have also been thought impossible. And Jews can visit the temple mount now. There is room for the temple to be built with the current muslim structures intact. This would explain why John is instructed in Revelations to measure the temple but not the outer court because it was "trampled by the gentiles."
@maryblushes71895 2 жыл бұрын
...World without end, Amen.
@SWDesert1535 2 жыл бұрын
Since Yeshua is the Word (as spoken by Yohanan) and Father has not spoken to Yeshua or the messengers of when he will send Yeshua back, then it is understandable that He would not know the day or the hour of His return. In the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, the sliver of the new moon must be seen (in Israel) before the celebration begins. No one knows the day or the hour that it will be seen, you have to watch for it. We were told to continue living, but keep watching, and recognize the signs. Be diligent in watching, patient in waiting and earnest in praying.
@palomaorgazcortes9197 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Brandon, our Lord has given you wisdom. Thank you for sharing it. God bless you
@Sam-lk6eo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom ❤ God Bless you and your Family.
@protochris Жыл бұрын
It seems clear that Jesus was speaking to the people living at that time about the destruction of the temple. In Matthew, Jesus says "When you shall SEE these things, know that it (the end of the age) is near, even at the doors". Then says This generation shall not pass, till all these things (the things that will be SEEN ending at verse 22), shall come to pass. Jesus is not talking about the parousia that will follow, only the destruction of the temple and the beginning of a new age that awaits our heavenly king.
@garryurbano7635 Жыл бұрын
Hello brother, I do not want to come off as condemning, but I have to speak my mind and ask my questions or I'll never know especially when I need to know and understand your intent or at least your logic. You have another video where you stayed that the book of Revelations isn't a future event, but it is a past event and that they were writing pretty much in code, so now I just wonder how in this video you seem to support Revelation, even although your video here is not about Revelations it still is concerning Revelations, the coming of Jesus Christ.
@Cassie-n3p Жыл бұрын
I have a question it's always confused me, but I've always heard that the Trinity were one how can it be that Jesus doesn't know the when it will happen if He is God? Isn't that something He should know if He and God are one? I'm sorry if this sounds silly but I'm still learning about the Godhead and the statement of Jesus not knowing the time or the hour how is that?
@mariaandreaspashi1931 2 жыл бұрын
It makes us happy listening and learning from your thouroughly explained scriptures to understand true meanings and untangle and reconcile scriptures with your references, thank you Brandon!
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy and are blessed by the videos.
@raymondsanchez808 2 жыл бұрын
Please pray for my sins, I keep falling back into sexual temptation of lustfull pornography and self pleasure... I've fallen again and again, and I ask the lord all the time to deliver me of this nature, but I keep falling. I pray there is hope for my soul..I was on fire for Jesus months ago, then somehow ,someway I fell off the wagon. Help
@maryblushes71895 2 жыл бұрын
Give God thanks for the help He has and is giving you as you conquer your sins. Give Him praise! Put your focus on God and the positive. I quit smoking, a 4 pack a day addiction, by praising God and thanking Him that I was no longer a smoker! Every time I had a craving, and at first it was every minute, I would say "Thank You Jesus, that I am no longer a smoker!" The craving would disappear as soon as I said this, usually in my head and seldom out loud. Make the Praise of God your focus.
@lilialinquanti8953 2 жыл бұрын
@@maryblushes71895 thank you for your comment. GOD had used your comment to relay a answer to my prayers. I've been a slave to ciggarettes and havent been able to quit. I said GOD help me can i do this without you and then i read how prayers and your faith in GOD helped you. I now know to continue to pray and surrender it all to him. Please keep me in your prayers.. And again I say to our HEAVENLY FATHER, Thanks for using robert corder as your vessel to get this message to me. In JESUS name..AMEN.🙏🙏🙏
@tracykarol 2 жыл бұрын
I was dependent on painkillers. Fentanyl and oxycodone. Then my daughter said she was pregnant with my first grandchild. I knew I had to stop despite the pain I’m still in, so I could be part of her life. That’s when I was saved and surrendered my life to Jesus. I quit those heavy doses cold turkey and prayed for salvation and help. For the first time, with almost no withdrawal, I was fine! I’ve had to take some for surgeries since then because I’m disabled and still sick, but never fell back into dependence. Prayers are all that helped me, plus the love for my grandkids. I’m struggling now with a dark depression that won’t lift, just wishing to die. But every day I keep looking to Jesus. It’s so hard, friend, but I commend you for continuing to look to God. He is the answer and will help. I just prayed for you. God bless you.
@stringofpearls4551 2 жыл бұрын
Almighty God, Jesus gave us the power and authority to use his name to cast out demons and heal the sick Mark 3:15). According to your Word, and our faith in the power of our Savior and King, we cast out the demons of pornography and sexual sin and send them to the dry places, never to return again. Whatsoever things are pure, lovely, and of good report (Philipians 4:8), let these be the contemplations of our brother's heart and mind. We ask the Holy Spirit to do a great work within Raymond and make him a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:7). Let all past sexual sins be washed clean by your holy blood, Jesus our Messiah, and remove from this struggling sheep of your pasture the wolves of lust and tempation that would pull him back into the miry clay from which you have saved him. Yeshua our King, remove the filthy rags of past sins from Raymond, and clothe him in the fine white linen of your perfect salvation (Romans 10: 5-18). Close and seal with your blood every door Raymond's sins have opened to the enemy, and let every dark and perverse tormentor be cast into the outer darkness while you, The Light of the World, illuminate his mind and heart with your power, your love, your redemption. Let Raymond feel reviled at the thought or sight of any sexual, pornographic temptation; let the heart of Messiah be his heart, and his appetites those of the Lamb of God, so that Raymond despises those things that are of the darkness, for you have made him a child of the kingdom of light (Ephesians 5:8). Messiah Jesus, our Redeemer, you said if we believed on your name and in your perfect and completed work on Calvary we would be forgiven, and what is more you said we would be born again spiritually. Holy Spirit, preside in your love and instruction over the thoughts in Raymond's mind; train his hands to do that which is pleasing to the Father so that he, being grafted onto the Living Vine, will bear good fruit (John 15:5). Your Word, oh Creator and Father, is the sword of the Holy Spirit; let your Word saturate Raymond's mind, body, spirit, soul, and heart, and cover him in the full armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10-18) so that this battle , won by our Christ on the Cross, will manifest itself in Raymond's walk with you as the victory assured and uncontested by our Invincible God. We ask this in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, Lamb of God, Wonderful Counselor, Lion of the Tribe of Judah. So let it be, that you may be glorified in and through Raymond all the days of his life.
@joshhickson7551 2 жыл бұрын
@NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN i pray to Yeshua Ha'mashiach in your spirit for your salvation and I hope you one day ask Yahweh for forgiveness in denying the existence of his begotton son
@Kate-wu9if 2 жыл бұрын
Scripture says when you see the abomination of desolation...standing where IT ought not
@traciemcdaniel3660 2 жыл бұрын
The antichrist.
@chrisfree2000 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus references Daniel when he says this so I always understood it as end times
@macheadg5er Жыл бұрын
Brandon but there is more to it than just not even the angels in heaven nor the son but only the Father. The bible also says the wicked will never know but the wise will know when the end times are near. Jesus will come like a thief in the night to the wicked. (I am paraphrasing here I do not remember the exact quotes) The closer we get to the end times the more wise shall know the time. With the UN about to pass the world order treaty which pushes aside Gods laws and the mark of the beast already out there on most of the world (cell phones the new bible. It is an artifact that takes people away from faith and GOD and makes them materialistic) and that Jesus return is the 7th year 7 month 7th day after the new laws this puts it at 2030.
@DrewLabz Жыл бұрын
Caught me off guard with that one 3:18 😂 Thanks for explaining these things Brandon!
@christiandpaul631 Жыл бұрын
Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. The temple and priests were destroyed because they continued to sacrifice animals which is now an abomination to God! They never sacrificed another animal again.
@joshrichards9121 2 жыл бұрын
I had always thought of those coming in Jesus’s name as imposter Christs. Being false representatives of Christ makes so much sense. Wow. Thank you.
@Della-y1b 4 ай бұрын
Thank you again for helping me understand more. Amen
@jamesthompson6256 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus did return in 70 AD in Judgement upon Jerusalem. Matthew 16:27,28. Some of them standing there who He was speaking to, would see Him coming in His Kingdom. Luke 21:27, The coming of the Son of man(Jesus) at the destruction of Jerusalem. Romans 10:18, The Gospel has went to the ends of the earth...then comes the end, Matthew 24:14, Col. 1:4-6. And there is many other versus showing this to be true. We are in the New Creation, and all have the right to come into the Kingdom through Christ Jesus, if we believe.
@paulbrennan4163 2 жыл бұрын
James, the only reason preterism exists is because people missunderstood Jesus and thought he was saying he would return within a generation, but that is not what he said. Also Matthew 16:28 is referring to the transfiguration. In all of the three gospels where we see Jesus mentioning "some standing here..." we see the account of the transfiguration coming just after it describing how Peter, James and John see Jesus coming in his kingdom.
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
Shalom and ahava Brandon, yes Yeshua did describe the end of the age (end of days, end of the days of Elohim striving with mankind bereshyt/gen 6:1-3 and specifically 3, and YaHuWaH said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years". (one hundred and twenty yubilees/jubilees, 50th year the year of return and the blowing of the Shophar). Because people have been lied to, taught falsely and incorrectly, and have given up the Moedim of YaHuWaH (appointed times of YaHuWaH, the festivals of YaHuWaH, not the jews), they have been blinded to the truth!! The festivals of YaHuWaH, appointed times wayyiqra/lev 23 teach so many things, including the timeline of Yeshua's ministry and the timeline of mankind, the 6000 years alotted to mankind and the 1 yearish ministry of Yeshua, the acceptable year of YaHuWaH. Yochanan/john 6:4 was added to the scriptures to support the 3.5 year false doctrine taught by many, it makes NO sense at all if people actually read and understood what they are reading...Why was Yeshua nowhere near the Temple, why weren't the pharisees at the temple if the pesach was near, the festival of the jews?? If the pesach was near, then the festval of unleavened bread was near, but Yeshua nor the pharisees were in Yerushalayim or did they go to Yerushalayim, thats hint number 1, if it was near, then Yeshua sinned by not going up to Yerushalayim for it, number 2, why does it say "the festival of the jews"? If Yochanan/john had written it he certainly would not have written it that way, it was written by someone else from a different culture and perspective. Manuscriots and the writings of the early fathers clearly prove that it was added falsely later by someone else. Yeshayahu/isa 61 1: The Spirit of the Master is upon Me, because YaHuWaH has anointed Me to bring good news to the meek. He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim release to the captives (manmade r_ligion), and the opening of the prison to those who are bound (prison- the invented r_ligion of the pharisees and the scribes), 2: to proclaim the acceptable year of YaHuWaH, (Luqas/luke 4:18-19 (the good news-refers us back to the Torah, the prophesy of Mosheh, about The Prophet, the good news is that Yeshua is The Prophet that Mosheh prohesied would come, the netzer shoot from Yessi, not natsareth, but netzerene, a shoot later in time and place from the source, Netzerenes were the people from the village Netzer north of Yerushalayim who escaped to live there hundreds of years earlier as prophesied, and the reason why Yoseph and Miryam had to go to Beith Lechem (house of bread) for the census. (Mik 5:2). Why did Yeshua abruptly stop in the middle of the passage and not keep reading the rest of the prophesy from Yesh/isa 61?? The reason is He came the 1st time as The Prophet Who would call the people back to obedience of the Torah, correctly walking it, teaching and interpreting the Torah not adding to it or taking away from it (deut 4:2), as The Suffering Servant, The Messiah Who came not to judge but to save/deliver... fulfilling correctly obeying the Torah to the letter and the spirit of...the spring festivals. When Yeshua comes the 2nd time, He returns to fulfill the fall festivals as The Judge, The conquering King, to judge the living and the dead, to seperate/discern the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares, the wicked who claim to be righteous from the righteous (meaning obedient to the Torah as Yeshua was, not to gain redemption which is by belief alone, but because of redemption, we want to become as He was), when the assembly the household of Yisra'el (native born hebrews and the mixed multitude who came out from Mitzrayim/egypt the world) came out from Mitzrayim they were already redeemed/saved by the blood of The Lamb (Yeshua's blood on the door posts and the lintle of the door), belief... at the crossing of the sea, all Yisra'el (native born and the mixed multitude) were mikvah/baptized crossing over ibrim from death/bondage/slavery to life, it was 7 months later that they received the Torah instructions for kingdom living here and now and in the promised land (future portrait of eternal life) at Mt.Sinai/ has been so twisted and perverted, lied about and falsely taught by paganized worshippers, whose intent was to deceive the world into sUn worship, pagan worship, idol worship, manmade invented rel_gion chr_stianity the roman state rel_gion of constantine the rcc. Who as prophesied by Dani'el would change the laws and the moedim (appointed times) of YaHuWaH our Elohim, deceiving the world!! Redemption-pesach meal of protection and the feast of unleavened bread (Yeshua without sin, & the righteous blameless before YaHuWaH because they confess transgressing the Torah of Mosheh and repent to turn back to the Torah instructions, and the blood of Yeshua blots out thier sins & guilt) They do not trample the blood of Yeshua under their feet, by claiming that Yeshua did it all for them and therefore they don't have to obey all the Torah (commands, laws and right-rulings that Yeshua Himself THE Messenger of YaHuWaH gave to Mosheh, and said we are required to hear and obey Him, the Torah made flesh Who dwelt among us, and commanded to do as He did, whqt did He do? He obeyed the Torah correctly to the letter and the spirit of, and taught correctly, and commanded us to do the same!!) Matt 5:17-20 people call Yeshua Himself a liar, when they say He abolished, ended, destroyed, replaced, added to or removed from the Torah!! Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called dung/least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does (them, Torah instructions, commands laws & right-rulings)and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens. 20: for truth I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and pharisees, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens. What was the transgression, sin of the scribes and the pharisees that keeps them from eternal life, the reign of the heavens?? They added to and removed from the Torah, the instructions for kingdom living here and now and in eternal life!! The very same thing the ch_rch the circus (circe) the house of sUn worship does in the invented name of j_sus the chr_stos under a manmade rel_gion Constantine called chr_stianity, the roman state rel_gion, the rcc!! Yisra'el made up of the native born, and the mixed multitude those from the world from outside the marriage covenant of Mt.Sinai. (shemot/exod 12:38, bemidbar/num 9:14, & Yeshayahu/isa 56... There is 1 household of believers in covenant with Yeshua Who is YaHuWaH Elohim in the flesh, 1 Torah instructions for kingdom living for both the native born and the sojournor who joins (adopted into, grafted into, becomes heir) himself to serve YaHuWaH and to love His Name... ANY other name, house or teaching is heresy, apostate, replacement, or substitute... anti-messiah means a replacement or substitute messiah, and j_sus the chr_st, chr_stianity, the ch_rch IS a replacement, a substitute for Yeshua, the whole house of redeemed Yisra'el (native born and the foreigner) and The Torah of Yeshua He gave to Mosheh on Mt.Sinai (portrait of the reign of the heavens)
@ifeanyipatrick4591 2 жыл бұрын
This is interesting. Can you tell me more
@brianmann4705 2 жыл бұрын
@@ifeanyipatrick4591 Shalom, what are you wanting to know more about?
@rosariokeshan7284 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for today’s God,s word.🙏
@rightwingwackobird1389 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus outright told us we were in the end times. He said it to the people of the time, so these last days are very long. God uses time differently than we do though, so the fact the generatin that will see the end is several generations of men is just more opportunity to spread the Gospel.
@rosalinqcruz6346 Жыл бұрын
@ericfullmer7170 2 жыл бұрын
Your amazing thank you for putting the work in to make it easier for me to understand I’m understanding the gifts we have but want more connections with everyone thank you
@ShadowBlade873 Жыл бұрын
Would you be so kind to make a video explaining your thoughts on how Jesus is God, but doesn't know when He will return? That is confusing to me. I just found your channel this weekend and it's amazing. I found myself on my face praising God after watching your video about the lesson He taught while on the cross. Thank you
@70AD-user45 Жыл бұрын
Jesus did know that the parousia (spiritual second coming) was going to be in the 1st century generation at the destruction of the temple. The second coming was fulfilled in 70 AD.
@clarksafg 2 жыл бұрын
Assuredly I say this generation will not pass is the generation of when it starts…to show a time frame from start to finish, remember there has always been those calamity’s. I believe all of what He said will happen in 1 generation..thank you for making videos/sowing for the Kingdom of God, may our Father in Christ continue to bless you for this work..
@janmarino1732 Жыл бұрын
You are right THIS GENERATION was in the first century! The temple was destroyed, the tribulation was like none other, the gospel was preached to the known world and Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant. There are over 100 time references all over the New Testament indicating soon , near, shortly, at the door. THIS GENERATION when used in the New Testament, ALWAYS meant that generation to whom Jesus and the apostles were addressing. Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, etc. were not wrong. THEY were living in the end of the age, not us. The first century was warned to flee out of Jerusalem. No one knew the day or hour, but they knew what generation.
@arlo12345678910 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the GOOD work Brandon. I love you brother God bless you.
@beckyhayward7635 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brandon another very up lifting video Bless you Brandon 🙏
@mailie6403 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brandon for your teachings giving us better understanding of the Word of God.
@loisgreen4372 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Brandon, this was amazing
@johnburbage3901 2 жыл бұрын
I love that you're focused on grace, mercy, and love. I share your passion for a deep understanding of all things scriptural. How can I support your ministry? What is most valuable for you? Time, talent, or treasure? Please, reach out, I'd be extremely humbled if I can help you in some way.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, John. I truly appreciate your support. Sharing these videos with others is definitely the greatest way to help. Our vision is to spread these videos to as many people as possible and help them understand scripture more easily and see it with an entirely new set of eyes. If you feel led to financially support, here is a link: Thank you!
@godcarstoolsandfun4089 2 жыл бұрын
Great prayer for us!! Really digging your content 😍🥰
@edithchambers9187 Жыл бұрын
It's an incredible but scary scripture
@samuelmatz Жыл бұрын
Zechariah 12 the return of Christ
@brucelayman525 2 жыл бұрын
Brandon - your energy, enthusiasm, and excitement are contagious. Great job!
@lorrainevane8542 Жыл бұрын
@cathymwmson75 2 жыл бұрын
Great stuff Brandon! Thank you!
@PoorMansChemist 3 ай бұрын
Jesus The choice of a new generation.
@Suppercamper Жыл бұрын
This is happening to Trump now.
@gravitycheeseburger 6 ай бұрын
Praise Jesus the king !!
@Della-y1b 4 ай бұрын
Hello Brandon. Della W. Here
@bobbyg8949 2 жыл бұрын
@Brandon you should do a video on the two witnesses that's supposed to come back
@bobbyg8949 2 жыл бұрын
And the story of Esther or what ever her name is I realized I know nothing about her
@danielfrazier6548 Жыл бұрын
I sooo totally agree with you
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