I threw A Party Today the last one for tribulation and Not 1 single person showed up in the flesh............so enjoy the storm.......and how come NOBODY'S want redemption or salvation they're ok with staying in hell?!? My Father Jesus Christ Told me if he throws a party you should show up. I'm sorry I wasn't a better host than I'm too poor to throw a party with guests or food and I can't afford to throw the people out of my Father's Bed. God please send a storm to Punish the Wicked who have refused to Repent or Receive Me. Thy Kingdom come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It is in Heaven. I tried as hard as I could nobody relates and nobody showed up for me I will not put it down but I know how Jesus Christ feels now Isolated by the antichrist lucifer and I will not have any of those problems You All Be Safe Through The Storm Coming from Jesus Christ Our One True God. In The Blood Of Jesus Christ Please Bless And Protect My Heart Azrael and Azraela Please Help Them And Protect Them They Know Not What They do To Jesus Christ Every Single Day And Dax Ren Noah Khan And Honestav We Need You All together.