Brian Tracy on the Future of Freedom

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Students For Liberty

Students For Liberty

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Brian Tracy addressing Students For Liberty and sharing his thoughts on the future of freedom.
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@tamarakalytskaya5082 5 жыл бұрын
People like Brian Tracy make our world a wonderful place to live in!
@TechwoodPosse 7 жыл бұрын
So happy I found Brian Tracy. I can't stop listening to him. It's always a rewarding lesson and encouragement to my journey of success. God bless!
@JohnDoe-fs6lz 4 жыл бұрын
Soft spoken but a world of knowledge,.
@freethinker3083 4 жыл бұрын
Omg! I am so grateful I found Brian Tracy. the level of value he offers is insane. I could only imagine what have happened if I was raised with this level of knowledge of the world.
@lavishchicboutiqueStamford 5 жыл бұрын
My Husband and I really enjoy listening to him /since I found Brian Tracy on KZbin I listen to him every single day very inspiring!💝
@Mzalendo2295 4 жыл бұрын
Quite educative, God bless you Brian Tracy. It's rare to find this information from normal class.
@ArturVegas 8 жыл бұрын
happy to watch Brian Tracy healthy, best looking and proactive! God bless Brian Tracy!
@optimalwebsite 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. By measure of sheer knowledge, this man is one of the richest man alive.
@christopherarmstrong2710 3 жыл бұрын
3:03 First book he read was Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises, who Brian thinks is the great genius (who also taught Frederick Von Hayek). *All of economic is basically just people acting in a particular way - as individuals, as groups, and as nations.* 7:00 Something for nothing principles. *The main problem today is that people engage in activities today that have long term consequences that are far worse than if they have never engaged in them at all.* 7:40 Ronald Reagan had a phrase - “a hand-up, NOT a hammock.” (the more govt. gives, the more it incentivizes people to work less and less) 8:17 All modern Democratic politics today is vote buying unfortunately, on both sides of the isle. 9:15 The average self-made millionaire in America takes 22 years of hard, nonstop work starting from 0. Some folks have the notion that if you make that money you're really just lucky and you're not entitled to that money - so it should be taken from you and given to people who are less fortunate - most people buy this because they have no idea of long term consequences. *The people who receive the money become dependent on the money, and their children become dependent - the children grow up and all they see is adults that don't work.* So they learn that the way the world works is that you just get money from the government and you don't work at all. The primary reason for poverty today in America is people don't work. 10:30 It seemed like a good idea to give those people money, but the long term consequences is to destroy those people, destroy their pride, destroy their dignity, destroy their children, turn many their children into criminals and dope addicts. *The long term consequences of it were a disaster.* This happens in every part of life, a person eats a little desert, it tastes good, and then they eat more and more. 60% of American adults are overweight. 12:30 People are lazy and want expediency, and it's been responsible for many of the advances in science, physics, and inventors have made a ton of money over the years allowing people to get what they want faster and easier than ever before. 14:20 The favorite word in the human language is MORE. Everybody wants MORE (usually good things). Key to remember in sales. 15:29 The key way to make a lot of money is to serve a lot of people with what they want and earn a profit. 15:38 People are ambitious. Every human action, according to Von Mises, is an attempt to improve your position or your condition in some way. A human being will not act unless they believe that after acting they will be better off than they were before. Other than that, they simply become passive. 16:40 People are vain. 75% of people think they are smarter than average, have better leadership qualities than average, than they are more attractive than the average. Vanity is a good thing, it's the foundation of all fashion, beautiful offices, cars, taste, etc. 18:40 7 qualities of people = *1) Lazy 2) Greedy 3) Selfish 4) Ambitious 5) Vain 6) Impatient 7) Ignorant* 18:50 What do people want with these things? Everybody wants the same 7 things worldwide throughout history = *1) Safety 2) Survival 3) Security 4) Leisure 5) Love 6) Socializing 7) Respect* 21:50 Because of the expediency factor, there are many people today that DEMAND respect - without ever lifting a finger or making an effort. 22:35 If people don't feel they are getting the respect they need, they automatically click into negative emotions. Two of the most negative emotions are ENVY and RESENTMENT. Almost ALL of the laws and regulations that are put in place to punish successful people are based on these two emotions. 25:15 Money & power is the fast-track to getting all of the things you want including fulfillment, love and respect. 25:50 America was designed so that anyone could come here and start with nothing, and by working hard, saving their money upgrading their skills, building a reputation for honesty and integrity and work hard they could create a wonderful life for themselves. 26:10 Brian read Ayn Rand at 21 y/o. She said that America was the first country where the words 'make money' was invented - up until then, everywhere else it was looted with war, after war, after war. All of the wars throughout history were driven by *plunder* - free land, and free gold, and free artwork. The USA was a society that was governed by law, and if a person worked hard, lived within the law, and told the truth could actually become successful. *So the USA created more millionaires and billionaires than all of the rest of the world put together, because of all the opportunities in the free market for people to go out and succeed. The most successful people are the people who serve the greatest number of people in the highest and best way.* 28:30 If you want to create your rewards in life, increase the value of your service. 31:00 This explains our political situation - if there is a need or demand in the political marketplace, politicians will say, "Vote for me and I'll give you more money." 33:48 *"Those who will not serve people choose rather to rule over them."* -Henry Haslit. Those who will not serve people working in the private sector choose to go into government where they will not have to work the rest of their lives. At one time 90% of the American population was working, and only 10% was handling all of the government and administration, the teaching or the *non-productive sector.* 34:20 Government administration / servants are the non productive sector. Most of what they do is unimportant. LOL. F'ing SAVAGE!!!!!!! 35:10 Today we live in a society where 50% of the people are living off the other 50%. The USA has some of the highest tax rates in the world. California high income tax. Everyone moving out of CA to Texas, Florida, and Nevada where there's no state tax. 36:05 *The primary reason for Left-wing politics is to get something for nothing. The primary reason people run for office today is to offer something for nothing in exchange for votes - in Washington or London. They then negotiate to log roll.* 36:46 *All of Washington is made up of elites who are negotiating over paying the people who voted for them just enough so that they'll vote for them again next time.* This is why UK had Brexit, we are not going to live under the governance of thousand's of faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who control 70% of British life. 37:30 Free market, importance of freedom, free enterprise, limited government, personal responsibility, working hard and telling the truth, honesty, integrity and continual self improvement. The more you support those people, who believe in liberty freedom and justice, then more and more of those people will stand up and fight.
@leejohncunningham 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic insightful summary - thank you Brian
@AleksandarPopivoda 7 жыл бұрын
Wow .... This is a terrific video. So much knowledge in just under 40 min. Thank you Brian Tracey.
@enriquevblancas4141 8 жыл бұрын
Mr Tracy, I didn't know you lived in Sacramento Ca. I wanted to share that I'm very thankful I bump into your videos in KZbin in late 2007, it has greatly influenced my life and you still do today. Before you move to Florida or Nevada I'd like bump into you again but this time in person, I also live in Sacramento.
@ClassicJukeboxBand 3 жыл бұрын
I thought Brian live in the San Diego area. I was smarter than Brian. I actually left Sacramento and moved to Phoenix...
@TheJennifertucker 7 жыл бұрын
It is election day in New zealand today. I wish every eligible voter could watch this before they vote. Thankyou for helping me be less ignorant and God bless you and God bless America
@christopherarmstrong2710 5 жыл бұрын
Brian Tracy is an amazing human being. True living legend. More people should hear his message worldwide. I recently read Hayek's The Road To Serfdom, and it completely changed my outlook on the way the world works. It's much better than Friedman's Free to Choose - although Friedman's video series and lectures are a great gateway introduction to the subject. I now look forward to Von Mises works, as I hear he was also part of the Austrian School of economics. As a businessman and entrepreneur, I would love to hear Brians take on unregulated vs. regulated industries, and monopolies / duopolies / oligopolies in consideration with anti-trust enforcement.
@janryen8177 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Brian Tracy, for this important message. You and your wisdom have been and continue to be an inspiration.
@barrymacneill5536 2 жыл бұрын
Everything Brian says us so true , human nature in a nutshell 👍
@dameanvil 6 ай бұрын
00:00 🎙 Brian Tracy shares his journey from poverty to success, highlighting his experience of overcoming challenges. 03:00 📚 Tracy delved into economics, extensively studying works by Ludwig von Mises, Frederick von Hayek, and others. 04:26 💡 Tracy developed a unified field theory, called the Expediency Factor, which simplifies the understanding of economics, history, and politics. 05:22 🌱 People are driven by expediency, seeking immediate gratification with little concern for long-term consequences. 07:14 💰 Tracy critiques modern democratic politics, describing it as focused on vote-buying rather than sustainable policies. 09:32 🚫 Short-term solutions, such as excessive government assistance, can lead to long-term dependency and societal issues. 11:38 🔄 Tracy discusses the unintended consequences of short-term gratification, using examples like overeating leading to obesity. 12:07 🧠 Tracy identifies seven common qualities of human nature, including laziness, greed, selfishness, and vanity. 18:43 📜 Tracy outlines the seven universal desires of humanity: safety, survival, security, leisure, love, social respect, and self-respect. 22:23 💼 Envy and resentment are prevalent negative emotions driving punitive laws and regulations against successful individuals. 23:17 💡 Taxing the rich isn't a sustainable solution as it only provides short-term relief and may lead to economic collapse. 24:13 🎨 Fulfillment comes from realizing one's full potential, driven by self-actualization and the pursuit of passion. 26:57 💰 Money and power are pathways to achieving personal goals and fulfilling desires, emphasizing the importance of economic success. 30:29 📈 Continuous learning and skill development are key to increasing earning ability and financial success. 31:26 🏛 Politicians often promise "something for nothing" to gain votes, contributing to economic problems and societal discontent. 33:16 🛡 A free society thrives on individuals serving others through innovation and superior products or services, fostering economic growth and personal fulfillment.
@fabiogn1 3 жыл бұрын
Brian said it all! A real master!
@meishainternationalnails6718 3 жыл бұрын
I just love me some Brain Tracey wisdom. I have been a fam for over 20 years. I have also learnt much.
@terrybuchanan1 4 жыл бұрын
OMG, this is GOLD, PURE GOLD! SPOT ON! 33:55
@TremainHayhoe 8 жыл бұрын
Brian Tracy is the man! Thanks for the video!!
@siimon303 4 жыл бұрын
A fabulous summary of economics, from very possibly the world's greatest expert on human achievement. Well done Brian.
@nmejias370 4 жыл бұрын
I have been listening to Brian Tracy's audiobooks and live seminars for some times now but, let me tell you that this kind of short video is probably one of his most powerful bazookas. Thank you Brian.
@marzbarz5293 7 жыл бұрын
Brian Tracy is freaking amazing!
@christopherarmstrong2710 3 жыл бұрын
You've got that right! I've been following him for over 10 years now. Discovering him and his authorship was one of the big game-changers for me personally.
@simplyapleb9027 4 жыл бұрын
Brian puts all cards on the table in this no holds barred video
@waernconsulting 8 жыл бұрын
This was an amazing and insightful experience to watch, and explains why the world looks like it looks today. Thank you for sharing your insights Brian
@zsombornagy3935 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome, you seem to be for the free-market, and not the Keynesian nonsense. Brian Tracy is on the good side!
@dewainewakeman9506 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah! But what was it brought us out of the Great Depression AND the financial crisis, of 2008? How SOON, they forget or fail to recognize what was actually done in history/ accomplished by the so-called "Keynesian none-sense" Obama not only brought us out of a second depression again in 2008, but the banks soon paid the money, BACK - with interest! They couldn't have done that if it hadn't worked - returning the money to the government treasury after the biggest downturn in history. So how do you consider THAT 'none-sense". We had 8 years of Job growth afterword, with not so much as even ONE dip down, and after only 6 months into the game plan. it was just steady up. PREFECT...for 8 years - The job growth was just straight up for 8 years in a row, and those ARE the facts, you can look them ALL up, it's not my opinion, its WHAT HAPPENED. And its what will be recorded in history as having happened by Obama. Why did it work because he implemented Keynesian: he announced he was going to do it and he did Keynesian!, he also studied Roosevelt, and he did it again for us, just like Roosevelt did it once before - after 1929, if you recall the history on that, the Great Depression was followed by the Great Recovery.! Btw, We did recover didn't we? and the banks recovered too: They recovered under Roosevelt and they recovered under Obama through the same method. Well, didn't they? So what is this saying Keynesian didn't work, It was used and it worked - case closed. It was used by both administrations (Roosevelt and Obama), Obama even more so, because he did it in peace time, with greater debt.
@zsombornagy3935 7 жыл бұрын
Before I answer you, I should like to note that I was very biased back when I wrote the comment, and I wouldn't call any school of thought nonsense now. To your comment: What recovery is it that you talk about after 2008? Lowering the interest rate to all-time lows to artificially boost the economy? Because we are on the verge of another housing crisis and another great recession if not depression. Plus, the jobs created under Obama were government jobs (which are not a signal of economic prosperity in the market) and service sector, mainly part-time jobs like working in a hotel. Many manufacturing and full-time jobs were destroyed under Obama, and you often need 2 part time jobs to make up for one lost full-time job. Just because the banks were bailed out doesn't mean anything was solved, the problem and inevitable reckoning were merely delayed. As for Obama or whoever, I don't really care who it is, as it is clear this whole (s)election cycle is just a show put on, and both parties are two side of the same coin ran by special interests. First of all it was Roosevelt's nonsense and quickness to try to fix things, his interference with the workers' pays in the unions and industries, miss allocating their capital that was partly the cause for the worsening of something that could have just been a cyclical recession. Not to mention, throughout a lot of the twenties the FED was continually printing money (from Keynesian ideology) and then the credit had to tighten. Also, there was a recession in 1921, the first 12 months of which were worse than the first 12 months of the great depression, yet Harding left it to the market, chose not to interfere, and the market recovered in a few months and the U.S. was onto the roaring twenties. That is a big contrast to a FED (Keynesian ideology) bubble economy in 1929 where Mr. Gabriel Angel FDR "rescued" the country with Keynesian methods. I am not sure what kind of a rescue it is where the depression really didn't end till 1947! To me that is a prolongation of of something unnecessary through government intervention. (Of course, France's industrial output really didn't get back up to pre-great depression levels until the 1950s!)
@dewainewakeman9506 7 жыл бұрын
We need a safety net too! and we cannot always blame the poor. People need access to education, to banking , to health care, etc. even to basic things like food and shelter. The Glass Steagall Act stole people's houses from them thanks to corrupt politicians and citibank who supported this. That is one of the things that caused the housing calamity of 2008. People lost their homes, access to credit etc. through no fault of their own! it wasn't economic theory that did the job, it was corruption!
@Rompelstaump 6 жыл бұрын
I support Democratic Socialists of America. I support Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. I support abolishing ICE, For profit Prison industrial complex, School to prison pipeline, fossil fuel energy production and immigrant detention policies. I support the free college tuition program, Medicare 4 all, adjusting the minimum wage to account for cost of living, making corporations pay their fair share of taxes, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, Net Nuetrality, Municipal Fiber connections, green energy revolution, Environmental protection, and so much more. It's time to bring our country into the 21st century, even if we have to drag neo liberals/ neo conservatives kicking and screaming.
@jamescutter212 8 жыл бұрын
wow. your amazing. glad I have you in my life. just discovered you today ! you the man!😃
@evisiahaan4023 5 жыл бұрын
I need to learn your language. I feel like that you are inspiring me. I saw your quote and is why I go see you here. God bless u. Wish me luck
@QuyNguyen-py6xb 4 жыл бұрын
Woa! Thanks The Universe and KZbin that lead me to this video. A whole new world has opened. Thank you
@selfstudypk 3 жыл бұрын
Now i under stand the old proverb "1 hour talk to a knowledge able person is equivalent to 20 years of experience.
@mowguy1 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story and the lesson on economics, you are an inspiration. God bless the USA.
@sabor1970 5 жыл бұрын
What determines if you get some kind of public assistance is your family income or lack of income. So, you can work and be a taxpayer, and still end up receiving public assistance(food stamps, medical assistance etc.) if your family income is still below the poverty line. So, its not always the case of someone sitting on their butts and taking advantage of the system, we have to be careful of perpetuating stereotypes.
@sarahjane6966 4 жыл бұрын
🤩Wow, Brian!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻You are Good! 🙌🏻
@Khryptic 4 жыл бұрын
Brians a legend, a true mentor
@davidtiger 4 жыл бұрын
6 qualities human desire to have 1. safety / no harm, no dying. 2. survival / food, clothing. 3. security / life insurance, retirement plan. 4. love / from others, have a partner. We were born to love other, but we can't love if we don't have other 3 qualities. 5. respect / If u don't get respect u envy others success , u get angry and even criminal. 6. fulfilment / self actualization. Write books, paint and so on. Fulfil your full potential. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Human nature has a dark side And we have to fix it ourselves. lazy, impatient greedy, ignorant selfish ambitious ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * How to get all those 7 desires? MONEY AND POWER * How to get Money and Power? Extremely complex answer but we can start with: upgrade your skills: logical thinking, communication skills (languages, corporation and no greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) and compassion.
@mitchnidey2453 2 жыл бұрын
when a man's ways please the Lord, he will make even his evening to be at peace with him. every man is a friend to him that gives gifts. I think you Brian for this gift of knowledge. I hope to team up with you in the future. let me know how I can reach you. I have many intellectual properties which I need to copyright and trademark.
@garydownes7035 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr.Tracy for your incredible contribution. I need to get more involved in your company.
@Tangoko 6 жыл бұрын
I've had a tremendous respect for Brian Tracy with his work done over the years, but his explanation on tax, as regards to how Bernie suggested his method, was off the mark. As we all know, we, meaning Congress, has the ability to approve the unlimited amount of money to spend, or not if it chooses to - as you can see on the military budget that's increased without even a hearing recently. Having Stephanie Kelton as his economic advisor Bernie was well aware that taxing riches would not cover the "shortfall" created to boost social programs. Rather, taxing riches as a way to lessening the wealth-gap that has been widening, and now at the highest in the post-war era. Other words, at FED level, taxation is a tool used to stabilize the value of dollar and inflation rather than used as a source of the spending. With his over-simplified explanation on tax, how would you explain the 50% of US population earning less than $30K now and needing some sort of social assistance? It's a way deeper problem than blaming a small group of people who don't work, but the system is totally rigged. If in doubt, look back 40 to 70 years when the highest tax rate was 50+ to 90+percent, and the working middle-class could live and retire comfortably.
@marcinwojtowicz4287 4 жыл бұрын
We need people like you Bryan.
@timmuzzell983 7 жыл бұрын
Brian has proven that with effort and a good attitude you can work your way from rags to riches on your own effort. Brian is a hero of our entrepreneurial world. If only the next president of the U.S.A. would listen to this man the whole world would be better off.
@macalinaxmedomaar 4 жыл бұрын
Highly thanks for always honestly sharing valauble videos with us! Best wishes for you
@17065david 4 жыл бұрын
Video contains a lot of wisdom!!
@AuthenticSelfGrowth 3 жыл бұрын
Brain is an absolute God 🙏🏽🙏🏽
@remysyly1167 3 жыл бұрын
You are a great man
@jennifers5778 7 ай бұрын
Very intelligent. Two jobs. Paid for my own education. I loveCalifornia bitsad people are victims. I will get your book!❤
@jasonjamaican 4 жыл бұрын
Have been around z boss for a while and this is the 1st time I've heard him go so balls deep
@MaxMut. 6 жыл бұрын
Go Mr Tracy for President!!!!!!!
@hoa300a 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brian Tracey!
@mitchnidey2453 2 жыл бұрын
I love working for Jesus Christ! I guarantee you that by the time I'm your age Brian, I will be doing the same sort of things your doing now. telling people how to succeed through proven efforts and labors. vanity if vanities, all is vanity. I am praying for you and your people Brian. you are doing a great thing helping people find themselves.
@maivxischang5852 7 жыл бұрын
thank you for your wonderful speech
@whitneylee33 7 жыл бұрын
great video... I like where you ended. you make a great point I wish more people would snap out of their lazy apathy and do something about. the thought of dropping our government on some desolate island makes me smile. If only... ya know, since finding your purpose is your direct source to free energy, all it would take is people discovering who they are and connecting with what they love to abolish most of the shadow aspects of humanity such as greed and laziness. the people high up know this and have created a world full of distractions so while it's always the individuals responsibility to act in alignment with what they believe, the world is not set up for the average person to thrive. it's set up to for people to accept the jobs they hate and get lost in hopelessness trying to find a way out... that's not an excuse to accept defeat but just saying. our world is all sorts of crooked right now. we need more people like u to grow a set and do something about it vs basking in their misery. Alright, rant done!
@alisafreedom 8 жыл бұрын
@frankstanton1567 3 жыл бұрын
I love you brother brain
@jillianbouthillier9338 5 жыл бұрын
This is priceless, thank you
@fabiancanada8876 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting, great talk Brian. However, we are living here in Nova Scotia and people are discouraged by the government to do anything (taxes, regulations, property taxes, etc.). I have been waiting for 2 months now to get a power hook up from Nova Scotia Power for my woodworking shop and it is becoming a huge problem for me and my family and I am beginning to regret working so hard.
@saro4761 8 жыл бұрын
Perfect as always
@14kurtismiller 4 жыл бұрын
Self discipline, skills, a plan and action will get you far if you really want to achieve your goals. I have been managing my intellectual properties for years.
@franciscakiilu656 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brian 😊
@mitchnidey2453 2 жыл бұрын
tell me how I can be more productive and become more capable of helping others escale from poverty by their own work ethics.
@mitchnidey2453 2 жыл бұрын
tell me how I can help you brother. I'm all about trying to help you Brian.
@angelosorte1 3 жыл бұрын
Lazy and greedy are bad. Greedy is exaggerating in wanting more. Extremes are always bad. Lazy is bad too. 💯
@permaguard3166 8 ай бұрын
How can we fix this?
@angelosorte1 3 жыл бұрын
It makes me cry the beginning of this video........
@ygk4759 5 жыл бұрын
I respect you.
@kmarquez6362 5 жыл бұрын
In min 10:33 I'd like to see where the statement that 'primary reason for poverty in usa is because poor people don't work'. 95% of poor people that I know are hard working people. Yes they are really bad with their finances and self development skill and stuff like that. But no lazy.
@oOhydroOo 3 жыл бұрын
How many poor people do you know?
@davidroldan6007 3 жыл бұрын
He doesn't mean that they don't have a job. He mean that most of the poor people want free stuff, they want something for nothing. They want subsidies, social security, free healthcare. All those free stuff sounds great in the short term, but the consequences are harmful in the long term.
@JK-ni7gp Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@mattmarkus4868 5 жыл бұрын
It saddens and frustrates me how so many people, especially young people, don't understand the simple truth and logic of these topics. He really sums it up nicely. Of course you won't ever hear a politician tell you these truths, but this literally is all you ever need to learn when it comes to these basic topics. If people learned this from a young age the world would be transformed.
@MrMrBilko 7 жыл бұрын
Brian is a very clever man indeed. Wise.
@emmymoloto9685 6 жыл бұрын
Ok!!.....No I like him! In fact I Love him hahaha!! Thank you Brian Tracy, Thanks for sharing you guys :) :)
@mariomartin1365 5 жыл бұрын
@deciduousdiscipline9592 2 жыл бұрын
One of his best
@leonidomagno4676 7 жыл бұрын
Corruption is a problem of all people in all countries. Like this if you agree.
@vevenciomastilero932 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. I love Brian Tracy
@AngelFlores-bi5xw 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent speech! Thx Sir.
@patricklewis1622 7 жыл бұрын
wow I was shocked this great message has only been seen 32k times.
@mitchnidey2453 2 жыл бұрын
our society is ran to the hurt of the masses. I don't understand how people can treat others like a commodity instead of a human being, but I hope to do everything I can to destroy the human trafficking in this country. I need the help of all the homeless people in this country. I hope to be able to care for all those who truly desire to escape from poverty. I need your help. we can change this world we just have to act as a team.
@christopherarmstrong2710 2 жыл бұрын
27:15 Money & power
@Walperion_Music 8 жыл бұрын
One of your best and - - - honest, human and kind videos.
@flamboyantamo 7 жыл бұрын
Yokky true story
@kingmufasaa 7 жыл бұрын
There should be a biographic movie on Brian Tracy someday
@garrycardoso2468 7 жыл бұрын
Well there is now
@lexuanhoang1109 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome, Brian.
@mohandmissoum4883 3 жыл бұрын
Great leader
@Rwehappy2day 7 жыл бұрын
You've lived an amazing life Mr. Tracy. I admire you. But, sorry, you don't know everything about the lives of the working poor. People are poor for many reasons, not just for the "lazy" reason you suggest as being THE "one". I'm pretty open minded, but when you got to the part of everyone being lazy - that was just too much to take ;-) It's too simple of an answer to all our social problems, from pre-existing health problems, to mental illness, to social disorders, to drug abuse, domestic violence issues, clinical depression, basic ignorance, third generation poverty. etc. etc. Better to find a way to MAKE the world better, than to judge everyone in the world and society, which needs each other basically to make things work and to function together. God put this on my heart to tell you this. I think it was the sixth sense, that I learned about from you by the way. America can do better than this, than to make the excuse, that laziness alone is the reason why we as a country are not succeeding together. My life's mission is going to be to help people out, I think it is because I have had a tough life, that I am geared this way! Peace, have a good night everyone.
@NuJB8 4 жыл бұрын
joey travers love the comment. I agreed. It’s not easy to overcome our own mindset. I’ve been working on it. You have to willing to change even though you sit and blame other about any problems we meet in our life. Love yourself more and try to work on self. If everyone tries to do their own job ( working on their own mind), there would be a better world to live but in general not everyone will do it.
@frankgiammarese7255 5 жыл бұрын
@zX-cs9di 7 жыл бұрын
Lol. How on earth was "Human Action" the first economics book read by Brian Tracy? I believe him, but wow!!
@MBP23US 8 жыл бұрын
I like Brian Tracy I respect him a lot and I've learned a great deal from him. However I do believe that you should not discuss politics and which class like middle or upper needs to be taxed or not or needs to be text more or less. If he stays out of politics he will continue to have more supporters otherwise he may lose many of them. But I still respect him for everything else he does.
@skepticalbutopen4620 8 жыл бұрын
You can't totally separate business and politics at all times. Politics are sadly necessary part of our society.
@mattmarkus4868 5 жыл бұрын
Star Power I would typically agree with you but I don't now. Brian has dedicated his life to teaching others, to telling the truth and not just what people want to hear, based on his wealth of experience. Plus, when there are hoards of people, especially young people, shouting, demanding, that politicians "give us free stuff", as there is today, well I think it's time to share these things. He really sums up these basic topics nicely. Of course you won't ever hear a politician tell you these truths, but this is literally all you ever need to learn when it comes to these basic topics. If people learned this from a young age the world would be transformed.
@williambianchi2006 4 жыл бұрын
Perhaps too many citizens have paid too little attention to politics and the impact that has on us all for far too long. Perhaps it’s time to openly discuss the future direction our country will travel. Perhaps our government is like fire; tended, it’s a useful resource for us, untended, it can spread out of control and burn us all to death.
@benoitdemers6347 6 жыл бұрын
we ave the same problem here in Quebec in not long time we go ave 35% work rest retired
@capriedwardsguidry 7 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@manuelperegrino737 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks sir
@SDRobertsPlastering 6 жыл бұрын
Absolute legend 👍
You are great. ❤Sir.
@johnathanlalas4460 7 жыл бұрын
Great lecture Brian, keep up the great work...
@leonidomagno4676 7 жыл бұрын
Johnathan Lalas How old are you. You look like a ten-year-old boy here.
@johnathanlalas4460 7 жыл бұрын
Leonido Magno that's actually an image of my son when he was about 10 years old. I was born in the year between 1965 and 1967 so you can work out how old I am...
@leonidomagno4676 7 жыл бұрын
Johnathan Lalas hahaha! so you are about 56 more or less. I am just curious. hahaha! thank you for your reply.
@tietheindinaelectronics6206 4 жыл бұрын
Why i am living and for what ?Purpose finding stage
8 жыл бұрын
"Ludwig Von Mises is a genius" 3:00 - Very nice Brian! Will you been joining us in Feb. 2017? I hope so.
@papiwe1 2 жыл бұрын
Just found him.
@dewainewakeman9506 7 жыл бұрын
I've lost heart in my life, Mr. Tracy... but I've never been lazy. :- ( The Poor you have with you - Always...They don't all go away, just because someone develops an economic theory. Judge not lest ye be judged and IF you judge, give a righteous judgement.
@nirajbharat4043 2 жыл бұрын
@bathaouihakima6893 3 жыл бұрын
@nickrude6893 4 жыл бұрын
Nowdays, we can look deeper into nature than Mises and debunk some of his answers
@SalmanelaPoisoning 8 жыл бұрын
Bernie was just proposing the idea of taxing the wealthy at the same rate as everyone else. I don't see how that is such a bad idea. Could someone explain why it makes sense to not tax the upper-upper class at the same rate as the other classes? Why is that fair?
@coolmarc21 8 жыл бұрын
Ma Ken the are already taxed at a much higher rate it's a bad idea because it dis-incentivizes being ambitious and making lots of money because your taxes will be higher anyway. Soon everyone earns less because people get rewarded for not doing as well
@jaiminshah6416 3 жыл бұрын
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How to become an achiever ? - Brian Tracy
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Why We Do The Things We Do   Something for Nothing Ch 1   Brian Tracy
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Jim Rohn - Time To Get It Done - Powerful Motivational Speech
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