Maybe more than you ever cared to know. Thanks so much Don! I hope you’re having a good week!
@largefamilyruralliving7434 Жыл бұрын
Great video. We gave chicks to a couple of broody hens before, and they were so excited! One ended up with most of them and eventually all of them, lol.
@ChickenHues Жыл бұрын
Funny! Thanks so much for watching! 😊
@jBaby_ChikenHomestead Жыл бұрын
I break my Silkies in a rabbit hutch with a fine wire mesh bottom; No shavings at all is the trick that works for mine. If they were in a cage like this one, I doubt they’d ever break... I even clip a little battery-operated fan to the cage and point the air to flow through her belly feathers if it happens to be in the summer. In general, it takes 2-3 days
@ChickenHues Жыл бұрын
Great method! Thanks for sharing!
@ScaryFear Жыл бұрын
This is wonderful. Happy to see a video on this. I have two that went broody today. I only have six, and you know Ahab is already on eggs. So that only leaves us three that are feeding us. It's not enough for daily eggs as we don't get three we've been getting two. So I'm glad chicks are on the way. But I just set my incubator today. I hope to post videos on that tonight. I would rather have used the hens but too late now. Also they are first time broodys and the eggs I got , Swedish flowers and Silver Barnevelders, I can't risk to inexperienced mothers. I don't know actually as I'm an inexperienced incubator user. All this is new for me. Good luck to your girls. I hope you can break that one. How many eggs can a Silkie sit on? Can they hatch and raise standard chicks?
@ChickenHues Жыл бұрын
You found your Swedish Flowers then? Good for you! I’m not sure about Silkies. She’s on 6 bantam eggs and we’ll see how it goes. 😊
@ScaryFear Жыл бұрын
@@ChickenHues Yes, they just went in the incubator yesterday. I hope they all make it. One of my marans eggs my hen had went rotten and she threw it out. I candled the others, so the last six are still good and on schedule. Hoping nothing else goes wrong.