Lisa articulates the reflexive suspicion for the 'c'onservatism inherent within Glasman's vision of a classical Labour revival which always seems to fall upon the notion of un-enlightened, un-reconstructed petty prejudices of the kind present or prevalent in the 1970s or whenever. This misunderstanding / mistrust of what is meant by the conservative ideas (I think they are love of home, place, community and the desire to preserve ways of being etc.) expressed in the Blue Labour philosophy is completely understandable to someone instinctively progressive such as Lisa, and I think those of us sympathetic to the Scruton expression of conservatism need to find better ways of communicating that her fears are not justified, otherwise the insights which I think Blue Labour provide will not be recognised at all by todays generation of politically interested, Labour-inclined citizens because they won't be able to get beyond that side of the equation. Or paradox.