Bullying is good and moral

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Natural Hypertrophy

Natural Hypertrophy

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@abdullahtheduude8206 2 жыл бұрын
what mr. hyperT said might be initially misleading due to the title, and his pretty strong and upfront stance on subjects, which might make people misunderstand the points he's making (which is admirable, because if you truly believe in what you believe in, then you would be upfront about it, if you're hesitant then that either means you dont truly believe in it, in which case you're a fraud, or are unsure of it, in which case you shouldn't be preaching something you yourself are unsure of, or a coward) I think a very good analogy to be made, in which NH describes bullying as an agent of nature, is to imagine the following: imagine a guy leaving his car on, and going into a pretty busy store some other guy sees this and simply gets into the car and steals it because its owner left it unprotected, free for the taking obviously the first reaction of people to the car owner would be "are you dumb? why did you leave your car outside and not lock it??" obviously no one here is justifying the thief in his actions, its common sense that the guy who stole the car is a thief, and shouldn't have done that at the same time, the person who left his car also should have taken the necessary precautions in protecting his property both are wrong in this case, the thief being an agent of nature, because its pretty obvious that if you leave something precious unprotected in front of people, one of them who lacks a strong moral character would stoop low to take that precious thing likewise, if you allow people to bully you, then you're like an unlocked car in the parking lot of a bustling market, dont be surprised that someone will come and take advantage of the situation you are either taught not to keep your car unlocked, or learn it yourself after losing a car or two, or keep yourself in a perpetual loop of buying a car, keeping it unlocked outside, having it stolen, then saying "im only a victim i cant do anything", and wasting more money on a new car. in our case of bullying, either your parents or a family member or a friend taught you to have self respect and not allow others to disrespect/bully you(in our case here we have NH who's trying to send this message across), or you learn it yourself the hard way, or you can sit and victimize yourself. the options are clear, and the choice is yours. this is not a glorification and justification of bullying, but it aims to show how bullying is as natural as stealing when there's no laws. the thief is guilty and so is the fool who let the thief inside his home.
@NaturalHypertrophy 2 жыл бұрын
Pinning this for the type of people that have a tendency to judge a video's content by its title or who make assumption without having watched the entire video. Also this touches on the topic of victim blaming & why it is actually a very good idea to put the onus of responsibility on the person that suffered the act instead of blaming the perpetrator. One is practical and prevents further victimization, the other is just feel good nonsense that only serves to perpetuate the cycle of helplessness.
@kakkakontent 2 жыл бұрын
''not allow others to bully you'' well.. you can fight back and stand strong but still get bullied.
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
This reminded me of the "Woman gets sexually harassed during the night, while wearing something provocative" situation. Most people will say the harasser is to blame, and i agree. And that she doesn't deserve to get harassed because she was wearing revealing clothes, which i agree. But one is left to wonder if she would get as harassed if she covered up...
@abdullahtheduude8206 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rikarwb you can kinda change it a bit and imagine a scenario of a guy walking around in a dangerous neighborhood in the middle of the night, and hauling with him massive amounts of cash. He'll be more likely to be mugged which is common sense, because a mugger might not want to bother mugging someone who might not have that much money, but if he's sure that his victim has a lot of money, he'll be more likely to actually do it same thing with a woman in a dangerous area, if she's fully covered, rapist might not bother because it could just be an old woman under layers of clothes however if they see what they're gonna get if they attempt the crime, and they like the reward, then they'll probably be more likely to do it it's unfortunately a big case of self-victimization today, if a woman is wearing skanky clothes and walking around dangerous areas in the middle of the night, then obviously the chances of her getting harassed are higher, theres really no difference between it and the analogy of the guy leaving his car unlocked that i gave, other than the fact that its really taboo to speak about it(in the west at least), and if you try to tell them to wear modest clothing and to not go around dangerous areas alone, they're gonna instantly accuse you of sympathizing with/justifying the raplsts' actions, which is obviously untrue, because we still consider the guy who stole the unguarded car a thief and we expect him to go to jail for what he did.
@abdullahtheduude8206 2 жыл бұрын
@@kakkakontent it depends on your definition of bullying. in the vid NH defines it as accepting disrespect and not preventing it, so its a state of mind more than an actual external thing that exists and so according to that definition, you wouldn't be considered "bullied" if you stand up for yourself and do something about it. You'd be "bullied" if you allow the bully to push you around and you suck it up and not do anything about it
@BaldOmniMan 2 жыл бұрын
“Even if something is more precious to you than life itself, others will easily trample over it if you let them”
@selda2528 2 жыл бұрын
true. but i think itbdepends case to case
@TwisterMist3r 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of the main reason why everyone should develop thick skin, especially since people who would trample over something so precious to someone are usually weak individuals who only use words
@SacredBurn0ut 2 жыл бұрын
What's this from?
@ashishb.gulaguli8255 2 жыл бұрын
@@SacredBurn0ut berserk
@robbbyT 2 жыл бұрын
I love ur channel bro
@jotarokujo9242 2 жыл бұрын
its good until they commit sudoku. the rule is to not go to failure, just a few reps shy
@suhasganesh7570 2 жыл бұрын
lmao i shudnt be laughing at thia
@sir0nion 2 жыл бұрын
STIR - Suicidal Thoughts In Reserve
@derbistheeternal2947 2 жыл бұрын
Grease the bullying groove to nucleus overload your identity.
@KrazyFalcon 2 жыл бұрын
You mean seppuku??
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh moment
@ResistanceQuest 2 жыл бұрын
I was bullied in middle school. I was physically assaulted, received death threats, people came to my house in the middle of the night to throw rocks at it, threatening letters and phone calls. It was a traumatic experience that drove me to suicidal thoughts at 13 years of age. I really, really could have done without it. I'll hear you out (I see I'm not the only one replying before watching the full video), and hear what you have to say. I will say I wish my father had told me to punch the kids in the face. In the late 90s, kids were told to "just ignore it." it was the wrong advice. If I have kids, I'll teach them to fight back
@Mulmgott 2 жыл бұрын
My dad taught me to retaliate with 10 times the force (he meant punching harder) and it always worked. For that reason I was never bullied.
@ResistanceQuest 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mulmgott that's cool all right. My dad believed in following the rules to an extent that sometimes disempowered both myself and him. He was a good father, but they all have their faults. It was only when I fought back that the bullying waned and stopped. Hence I am certainly not anti-violence or seek to glorify victimization. Violence can be the answer to violence the same way intolerance can be the answer to intolerance
@ienjoyapples 2 жыл бұрын
I was afraid of getting in trouble at school, so I never fought back. Getting suspended for fighting seemed like going to prison for 20 years to me. I wish someone had told me my self worth and dignity were more important than a few missed days of school.
@ResistanceQuest 2 жыл бұрын
@@ienjoyapples I hear you 100%. What I said in my comment about following the rules...definitely can disempower
@breadqueen5351 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, the best tactic is to purposely overkill your first reaction to someone trying to mess with you, after that no one will even think about it unless they're really fked up in the head. I did that both in the first year of middle school and of high school and I was never bullied. Even if I wasn't very similar to other kids we were still friends and respected each other. I'm grateful to my parents for teaching me to fight back, will definitely teach the same to my kids
@6393dude 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you in that the only good way to deal with a bully is to react with similar force against said bully. I also agree that people should try to become stronger both physically and mentally to avoid being victims. However, this doesn't make bullying good, or a net positive on society. There are certainly more productive, less damaging ways to make people stronger individuals. You're whole argument boils down to; bullying is natural, therefore bullying is good. I'd argue that nature is neutral at best. There are certainly plenty of things in nature both externally, and within ourselves that are certainly not good for the continuation and advancement of our species. Maybe some things that are natural shouldn't exist or should be eliminated.
@amiafish 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, what you're articulating is called the Naturalistic Fallacy (in moral philosophy)...I'm surprised NH didn't address it actually.
@6393dude 2 жыл бұрын
@@amiafish I'm no philosophy expert so I had no idea it was an actual topic. It's kind of related to people who think we were better off in pre-civilization times; living in the woods, foraging for berries, and hunting for our food...
@cg9887 2 жыл бұрын
@@6393dude Yeah, when the life expectancy in those times were like 20 years old lmao.
@winterrobot1942 2 жыл бұрын
Okay please list these ‘productive, less damaging ways to make people stronger individuals’?
@6393dude 2 жыл бұрын
@@winterrobot1942 If you need me to list other ways for you, then that really says a lot about your critical thinking skills.
@lawrencereid3457 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 100%. My youngest son was bullied on his 2nd day in kindergarten by 3 kids, one of them was his playmate from preschool. Never happen again. I held the teachers accountable. I also told my son if anyone bullies you punch them in the face. I told the teachers I told my son to do this and they weren't happy. I said I don't care that's what he's going to do. They said he will get in trouble, I said it's better than being perpetually bullied. I wasn't taking any chances. The teachers hate me but it's not my job as a parent to make their job easy, it's my job to look out for my son. Especially at that age.
@DC-wo2yb 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck yeah
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
That's toxic 🤣
@TangySapling164 2 жыл бұрын
Paul Denino how is defending yourself toxic?😂 Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@GospelFire 2 жыл бұрын
​@@TangySapling164 Instructing a child to use violence to solve their issues is amusing insomuch as they remain a child, because how much can one kid really hurt another kid with a punch? Adults who display violent tendencies typically picked up on them in their childhood however. Sculpting a child's limbic system to respond to conflict with their fists is a pretty dumb move. PFC development is provably hindered by violent behaviour patterns, and anger issues later in life often find their origin in not being properly instructed on how to regulate negative emotions in childhood. The list goes on as far as how training kids to be violent is toxic.
@lawrencereid3457 2 жыл бұрын
@@GospelFire The alternative is perpetual bullying. What are the long term effects of that? So you think no children should be doing any type of self defence?
@williamlevy6964 9 ай бұрын
If someone says bullying is good and moral, bullying is something they have never actually experienced.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
He experienced it alright. The guy was permanently bullied, all the time, in fixed places and not, and got belittled, messed up, injured even and also destroyed.
@coreym4979 2 ай бұрын
My father was an abusive alcoholic. My older brother was my parental figure and he passed away when he was 12. I was bullied, but that was so far removed from what I was suffering with, it was a part of my life. The catholics have a thing called "dark night of the soul" where "Before the full and final victory, however, the soul has to undergo another test: it must pass through the "dark night" which is a new and deeper experience of annihilation, or a crucible in which all the human elements that go to make it up are melted together. But the darkest nights are followed by the most radiant dawns and the soul, perfect at last, enters into complete, constant and inseparable communion with the Spirit" I went through my dark night for decades until I learned to love myself, people, and my community. It just seems so asinine that people want suffering and being too edgy to confuse grit and edginess. Another stupid take on this is NH's view on this is too individualistic. Being bullied to improve yourself will lead to a individual in a repeated cycle of shattered ego and overcompensation. You will never find your balance. I am more stable of a man because I want to improve my community and create less suffering in this world. I use my body and mind as a tool to do it.
@smartsimplefit 2 жыл бұрын
I think playfully teasing people or giving them a hard time can be really helpful, but that's only if you already have a relationship with those people. I'm not down with doing the same to a stranger XD
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
I agree XD
@lawrencereid3457 2 жыл бұрын
That's called banter. Where I am from in Australia you will not last long if you can not handle banter.
@U.F.O_0908 2 жыл бұрын
Playful teasing is something you do with a woman or maybe a puppy. Not with other men. You can try, but you might lose your life. At least where I'm from......
@hydroxytriptamine3554 2 жыл бұрын
@I WANNA HOLD IT-ISM he’s from a gay bath house
@spandyspandanbaral717 2 жыл бұрын
@@U.F.O_0908 Do you live with Coath
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
If anything, bullying is the biggest sign of weakness. Since the bully only goes after those weaker than they are. What kind of good society has bullies everywhere?
@ghastly8192 2 жыл бұрын
Every society has bulllies, so by that logic all societies aren't good? And yeah it's a sign of weakness in a sense just as being a victim of bullying is
@pruthweeshasalian3688 2 жыл бұрын
If bullies only go after those weaker than themselves, then the bully is always stronger than the bullied. If anything, that only proves bullying is a sign of strength, because you need to be stronger than somebody in order to bully them. The whole "it's dishonorable to pick on those weaker than you" trope is logically flawed. Picking on someone weaker than you is smart; picking on someone stronger than you is stupid; there is no moral aspect to any of this. Morality only comes into play when we examine whether an act of aggression was unprovoked and/or unwarranted.
@spbspb2413 2 жыл бұрын
@@pruthweeshasalian3688 No, it's a sign of weakness. Picking on someone weaker is the same as going to the gym and lift weights that are way too easy for you, it leads nowhere, no progress, no challange, it's comfortable and it feels good to lift something easy and that's it, just like it's comfortable to pick on someone weaker but it only leads to the degradation of the bully's mind because there is no challange in it, the bully progresses nowhere with this action, essentially the bully always picks the easy route thus he just wastes his own time going in circles. Just how always lifting baby weights will lead to you losing the muscle mass that you already had.
@edwardelric9347 2 жыл бұрын
@@spbspb2413 lmao why do you think politicians pick on the masses then?
@pruthweeshasalian3688 2 жыл бұрын
@@spbspb2413 there's nothing inherently and strictly weak about lifting weights too easy for you. Sure, there's no challenge, and there's no progress. It may even be counterproductive, but doing counterproductive things is just indicative of bad decision-making, not lack of strength. You fail to address the fallacy I pointed out with the "picking on someone weaker is a sign of weakness" trope. If bullying entails picking on someone weaker than yourself, the corollary is that there must be someone weaker than you to enable you to bully in the first place. The weakest man can bully none, and the strongest man can bully anyone he pleases. Do not, however, construe this as an endorsement of bullying. Bullying is despicable because it causes suffering to the bullied, and indicates lack of moral integrity and restraint on the bully's part. Calling bullies weak, however, is just a half-assed, poorly thought through cope aimed at attempting to shame the aggressor in your own mind. As the old Japanese proverb goes, "the only solution to bad people capable of violence is good people more capable of violence." All dangerous people who are malicious, are dangerous only by virtue of their strength (competence). To refuse to acknowledge their competence is a most fundamental and problematic error that prevents us from seeing malice for what it is and dealing with it.
@zone453 2 жыл бұрын
I was extensively bullied in middle school for how scrawny I was. While I don't think it was the most fun thing I am thankful for what it did for me. I am at a healthy weight now and am benching 275 for reps not the best but I'm improving
@sayhelllotomylittlefriends 2 жыл бұрын
@zone453 2 жыл бұрын
@@sayhelllotomylittlefriends I am now yes. Literally go outside and get sun everyday, study, lift weights and try and improve social life and your happiness lvl goes up exponentially. It's not rocket science.
@shaneduquette 2 жыл бұрын
275 for reps is amazing, dude! That's awesome! Glad you made it out of the bullying, too. That sounds rough.
@zone453 2 жыл бұрын
@@shaneduquetteThank you man, been a long road to it lol. I mean people have different views of "rough" bullying. Like for someone being called a slur is rough while others being beaten up is rough. I only got into a few physical alternations, most of it was just typical namecalling and being shoved a few times. Thinking back I'm glad it happened to me because now I'm not a complete pussy.
@lukas1663 2 жыл бұрын
Keep it going beast
@FitLabb 2 жыл бұрын
17:40 This part mirrors my experience. I was bullied so badly as a kid without a single friend for 3 years, that I almost didn’t make it out of that situation alive. After another kid just like me in my school committed suicide, I woke up & decided to take control of my future instead of continuing to be the victim of those bullies, as I didn’t want to share that same sad fate as my classmate. At 14 years old I changed my life by starting to go to the gym, taking out all the years of internalized anger, upset, & frustration in a productive way in the gym, & I grew stronger & more confident very quickly. One day I had enough confidence to start standing up to those who bullied & beat me up all those years, & I actually won the fight! From that point on, I toughened up & continued down that path (unfortunately having to defend myself in more fights than I’d like to admit thru those few years), but it also taught me some valuable life lessons about overcoming difficult situations in life, how we all have control over our own lives & fate, & it made me want to give back to others by teaching them those same important things while offering them the tools they needed to mold them into better, stronger, & more confident versions of themselves too. While I wouldn’t wish the extreme bullying I went through on my worst enemy, after MANY years I actually came to almost be thankful for going through what I did as it made me into the man I am today following a very positive & healthy lifestyle, & it gave me a career where I also focus on giving back & helping others improve their lives as well. Very interesting video that really resonated with me, and had no idea how similar our paths actually were…..
@a6ba9q74 2 жыл бұрын
@Y1L3NG 2 жыл бұрын
One of the hardest parts about being bullied was the helpless feeling of being trapped in a system where bullies are not reprimanded, but retaliation is. My bullies were often little punks who knew I had a moral code that prevented me from retaliation. A moral code imposed on me by a school system that did not protect me and parents who would punish me. I am not going to teach my sons to turn the other cheek. If a kid bullies them in any way and they break the kid's nose, arm, etc. There will not be a punishment if there is a good reason.
@IronJhon788 Жыл бұрын
Well said, that's the only solution. You should teach your kids not to worry about the consequences. Bully can even kill sometimes. In my country, two girls killed a classmate by slaming the classroom's door in his head, when he was coming in.
@csiyaoe 2 жыл бұрын
There has been accidental death and harm during bullying. It can be taken too far
@naturalstrength8393 2 жыл бұрын
There are people who commit suicide or go insane because of bullying, saying it's a good thing just shows where your morals are, nowhere.
@DolphR 2 жыл бұрын
Clearly did not bother to watch the entire video, the point did not stick in your head
@naturalstrength8393 2 жыл бұрын
@@DolphR If you want someone to get tougher there are other ways than through bullying them, some think the end justifies the means but this isn't even about that, since it does far more harm than good to someone.
@sonicsid29 2 жыл бұрын
Suicide is for the weak. The weak deserve to die. Such is my moral standpoint. There is no single correct set of morals. Insane is a relative term. Good is a relative term. His morals are not "nowhere" -- they are somewhere that is very drastically different from your morals lie, which is why you are neither able to comprehend, nor locate them.
@MyndMythos 2 жыл бұрын
@@naturalstrength8393 Exactly. And saying bullying is good is like saying a hot shower is good even if the temperature is scorching hot to the point you get third degree burns. There are many levels of bullying that not everyone will have the same tolerance to. In the end, any forms of it is just shallow behavior and there’s always a link of insecurities and low self-esteem when people end up bullying others. They use it as a way to make themselves feel better.
@naturalstrength8393 2 жыл бұрын
@@MyndMythos True, bullies are always insecure, that's why they feel the need to bully in the first place so they can feel good about themselves at someone else's expense.
@breadqueen5351 2 жыл бұрын
Just because something can be useful doesn't mean it's good. Depending on your personality, you could turn any bad situation into something good, but just because something can be useful for your growth doesn't mean it's universally a good thing. You came out better in the end because of bullying, but how many people end up mentally f'ed up or taking their own life? Even if you do get ''stronger'' because of bullying, you could still end up having mental issues, like for example having trust issues, having a hard time opening up to people and making connections in general. And it's not all about strength and weakness, we aren't animals there's more to humans than physical strength. Even mental strength, we should still care about people who aren't that mentally strong, because sometimes you're just born that way and you can't improve much. It doesn't mean that those people don't deserve love. In conclusion, we should encourage kids to stand up for themselves and not victimize them, but we still shouldn't encourage bullying.
@breadqueen5351 2 жыл бұрын
Those are my thoughts on the title, the actual video is decent. It's exactly what my parents taught me before I started going to school, and it probably was the most important thing they told me tbh.
@jalexthecubers7542 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! Just hear to offer my perspective on what you’ve said, as I both agree and disagree on some parts of your argument. I agree that I would as well describe bullying as bad but useful, just because something is human nature or in our nature does not make it right. We have positive as well as negative instincts and expressions of those. Where I disagree is you talked about mental strength and how some people are born with less of it. As someone bullied for most of my younger years I can attest to this, and I agree mental strength is not something everyone is born into and is important to build. I do disagree with is as an excuse however because I feel mental strength is something like anything that can be built. Having a low staring line just means you have to work more to build it and the unfortunate reality I see is that while it’s nice to say we should just love these people and accept their difference that’s not going to help them when the world abs bullying swallows them up. Mental strength like physical strength is built by actions, what actions and how it manifests can be very different person to person but often with through lines. I believe they deserve love as anyone but the loving thing to do for these people is encourage them as much as we can to become mentally strong or take on some habits that will lead to this. It’s not loving to accept mental weakness because we’re just allowing these people to be taken advantage of in the same way it’s not loving to tell someone very unhealthy to stay that way as we are just allowing what could be their downfall, we can both love them for who they are and encourage them to take on better habits
@opva100 2 жыл бұрын
bullying can make you a chad or suicidal, moderation is the key.
@Sravan.Allopi Жыл бұрын
I would say developing resilience is the key as opposed to moderation as if someone is trying to bully you, whether it's moderated or not is out of your control ultimately.
@chickennuggets1837 Жыл бұрын
it's just one of those things you'll have to figure out yourself, are you being a pushover or stoic? a loudmouth or someone who has finally had enough?
@anonymousman4419 11 ай бұрын
There is a third outcome : low-key a psychopath.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
@@Sravan.Allopi If it's extreme and unstrikeable, it becomes out of your control and capabilities to hold it
@dikbashli 2 жыл бұрын
Even though i agree with you on most of the topics, i dont agree with you on this one. Bullying has serious negative consequences like school shootings, mass killings or later tendencies for manslaughter. The people who develop themselves positively as a result of bullying are not many. And bullying is as morally correct as stealing or adultery.
@jakesimmonds5043 2 жыл бұрын
@slothguy5946 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree, such occurrences are VERY rare. And bullying is in human nature, in one form or another. It can't be eradicated. And number of people who learned to stand up for themselves are much higher than you think there are. I think we should focus more on helping kids to stand up for themselves.
@Hadriantheemperorofrome 2 жыл бұрын
yes, i was bullied at highschool mostly psychological terror, because i was heavy porn, fapping addict and i had zero female friends and dudes knew i was virgin.. i was surrounded by coomer energy...drained, no energy, no self esteem, no confidence, only problems. i was lifting and look decent so no physical attacks on me. but i could not defend myself in terms of words nor fists. now 4 years later when i embraced Nofap, no porn journey.....balanced hormones and increased testosterone.gained 10kg of muscles and brutally increased my strenght on bench, deadlift, squats, push press and mostly optimalize my confidence into alpha mentality idk how i would respond if i saw my bullies, i do not wish to see them ever, but if i did and some random bad word was use against me, it would definitely end up by fight
@ye9803 2 жыл бұрын
@@slothguy5946 So first off, what exaxtly is the number? The media only reports the negative cases, so I'm sure you have some good sources that prove your point? And then secondly, while bullying can't be eradicated fully, people should do their best to not participate in it and at least teach their children some amount of decency and that it is not normal to find pleasure in such sadistic, bordlerine psychopathic activities. It is our duty as human beings to be human after all.
@ye9803 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hadriantheemperorofrome I don't know what side you are trying to make a point for, but not being able to get pussy should already be enough to push you into change, not the external force of dudes who shame you for not getting pussy
@kakkakontent 2 жыл бұрын
bullying can lead to suicide and fucked up mental. i dont think its good or moral. but hey i havent even watched the video yet, maybe i should do that.
@OMAR-vk9pi 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah plenty of evidence on that probably just a title to capture attention
@kakkakontent 2 жыл бұрын
I have decided to unsub. This is just very toxic. Farewell!
@undercoverspy20 2 жыл бұрын
least sensitive twitch user
@guts6095 2 жыл бұрын
Fighting back is good in most cases till the bully just tells his older brother and they wait for u after school and break ur teeth and nose (this happened to some kid in my school)
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
Yeah the spiral can get disgusting, worthless, vicious and unfair, yet you have to take that into account too despite not knowing to be aware or not being ready. Tall task but if you don't do it there'll be no free pass. Maybe by preferring responses that are not physical, standing up effectively. Also improving becoming too apparently tough, and also actually valuable and able. What a low and gross blow.
@MB2.0 2 жыл бұрын
That depends, bulllying can leave psychological wounds that last well into adulthood, it might even create a tendency to self harm. It will do more bad than good if there isn't a parental figure guiding the person through it
@BaldOmniMan 2 жыл бұрын
This is a good point, bullying + recovery = chad Bullying without navigation = boomer dyel who used to bench 405 who we beat the crap out of Nah but seriously healthy male perspective is the key ingredient
@jaimejordan2013 2 жыл бұрын
If that happens that’s because you are really weak minded.
@MB2.0 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaimejordan2013 you're less likely to develop a strong mind if your father is pummeling and insulting you when you get home lol
@BaldOmniMan 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaimejordan2013 people who say “suicide is for the weak” or things like it, in my experience are more likely to actually be people that have suicidal thoughts lol
@mastertrey4683 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaimejordan2013 what good does pointing that out do. If someone is looking to kill themselves as an answer to their problem, then no sht theyre in a weak state. You should probably thank God that you never were there.
@sonounascimmia3415 Жыл бұрын
reading some comments of people saying that you shouldn’t learn to respond with violence to people just shows how lucky they were in life without even them realizing.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
It's wrong to exclude if it's not even about a physical or violently physical response, especially
@DrStench13 Жыл бұрын
I never stood up to bullies in school. It just fizzled out at some point when I was around 18. So I never really learned to stand up for myself in time. I've even been at the point where I wish I could go back to school and get bullied again, so I can attack my bullies. I still fantasize about standing up for myself. The weird thing is I got really strong from lifting and very confident in a way. But I still have this 'unprocessed' shit from never standing up for myself early. I even fantasize about being bullied at work nowadays and how good it would feel to have some manager or someone with power in the company try to bully me. I want to know what I could do when standing up for myself physically. But nobody bullies me.
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with this one. Bullying can leave big psychological scars on someone. It's easy to say "just toughen up" as an adult to a child. As an adult it's much easier. Just because you can anecdotally say "Yey I survived bullying, it's not that bad xddd", doesn't mean that it can't be really damaging.
@robirobi5950 2 жыл бұрын
It is yet it is essential. Id much rather get bullied all again 1st-9th school years than stayed a bich
@ruzzcraze1862 2 жыл бұрын
You didn’t watch the entire video before commenting right? I got really badly bullied in elementary, it was shitty, but now that’s it’s over I learned a bunch. I think most of the people who clicked on this video were bullied in their life. Just as there would be a moral of a story, there is a moral, a lesson, from bullying. Bullies will never stop, unless you know how to deal with them.
@jaimejordan2013 2 жыл бұрын
What do you mean psychological scars what even is that?
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
@@ruzzcraze1862 I watched about half of it
@rubenstrashbin539 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaimejordan2013 Trauma.
@schmolzz 2 жыл бұрын
people tried to bully me for my height ,always went fully nuclear on said people. needless to say if u stand up towards ur bullies ,they actually go away atleast 99% of the time. edit: man i would love to see the likes/dislikes on this ,cus i know people are super torn on this topic.
@whitefang9758 2 жыл бұрын
17 dislikes so far
@TwisterMist3r 2 жыл бұрын
people used to always make fun of my weight and I used to go ballistic over it but they didn't really laugh when I sat on them in anger
@popguri5757 2 жыл бұрын
311/40 L/D
@TwisterMist3r 2 жыл бұрын
applications like KZbin vanced and chrome addons can show you the like to dislike ratio
@oooooba8343 2 жыл бұрын
you can download an extension so you can see the dislikes
@slaughter7 5 ай бұрын
I was someone who should have been bullied as a kid but wasn’t. Very unathletic, awkward, and intellectually focused. The only conflict I experienced was passive aggressiveness among friends. I wish my experience would have been different because I think I would have been given a motivation to get better earlier in my life. Thankfully, I have gotten to a place where I am powerful and capable of keeping myself and those around me safe at 17. The best way to avoid conflict is to have an identity that others fear to a degree and identify as dangerous. Being big and muscular is the most powerful. Being articulate is also very helpful. Also, sounds a bit cringe, but generally looking slightly angry and like you are in deep thought is helpful. You are less approachable but no one will fuck with you because they assume you are some Machiavellian psycho. How much you need to employ this is dependent on your environment (obviously).
@trev6664 2 жыл бұрын
I dealt with bullying a lot in elementary school and middle school. My experience was that it made me into someone who really stopped caring what others thought of him, but I know that It made it very hard to be myself at a young age. I also think that it made it harder for me to feel comfortable and productive at school. Im both thankfuly for and regretful of the experience. Its certainly a complicated issue.
@chairmanmeow8481 2 жыл бұрын
Making alliances against bullies works too. I remember getting guys together and forming a group so that we could resist bullies. It works, they won't dare to attack you and if they do, you have comrades backing you up.
@dionbridger5944 Жыл бұрын
At different points in my childhood I both bullied other kids and got bullied by them. The "scars" from having been bullied are trivial in comparison to the damage that I did to myself by bullying other kids. I am haunted by the memory of what I did at an age where I had basically no understanding of the consequences. Firmly now believe bullying is useless and adults should always intervene.
@arinb.756 Жыл бұрын
One of my friends was in the same position. He reached out for forgiveness and never got it. He moved on with his life and became much kinder to others. Been there myself, too, with others bullying me a little and me bullying others. I dont know how the people I was a dick to are right now, but I don't care. In the end, they got away from me and I got away from them, I hope they're better amd wiser and stronger and I'm glad that I matured too. Adults, in my experience, rarely are better or more mature than kids.
@GVS 2 жыл бұрын
Only one being bullied here is the entire dang audience by those biceps veins.
@lawrencereid3457 2 жыл бұрын
😂 He probably had a pump just before the video just to rub it in.
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
Easy to say this when you’re an adult and can properly know how to deal with these situations. There’s a reason kids get bullied more than adults. Most kids don’t know how to deal with it and are physically/mentally unable to. The typical “punch the bully in the face” solution is a meme at best.
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
I recommend you to watch the whole video. What you consider a meme, is the thing that works the best, and its a fact
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rikarwb it works best based on what? Personal anecdotes?
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimborampage you want a scientific paper to show you that when you defend yourself, a bully, that doesnt want to get hurt, will stop hurting you ?
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rikarwb I bet I can find many people saying they stood up to their bully and made everything worse…
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimborampage first, i thought you didnt want to use anecdotal evidence, Second, those are exceptions. Actually read about the psychology of bullying, specially in children, watch the whole video, and you'll understand why self defense is paramount
@olympic-gradelurker 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, I was "bullied" by this girl but because I was so socially inept that I didn't realize it at the time and carried on unbothered.
@sayhelllotomylittlefriends 2 жыл бұрын
im sorry mang. It's simply ignorant and wrong to justify bullying since it is an oppression and harrasment based on appearance or someone financial state basicaly things children can't control
@olympic-gradelurker 2 жыл бұрын
When did I justify bullying?
@sir0nion 2 жыл бұрын
@@olympic-gradelurker I think that's his NPC dialogue response when he parses out the word 'bullied' in a sentence.
@TwisterMist3r 2 жыл бұрын
had a girl "bully" me too when I was younger all that did was make me develop a crush on her
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
​@@TwisterMist3r Certain situations go indeed above the still true "protect yourself at all times" lol Sadly it doesn't go well by definition, unless you actually become a guy that makes her feel attracted.
@overkill2006 8 ай бұрын
🤦‍♂️The title is very stupid.The world doesn’t need bullies.you just need to understand they are among us.Bullies are mentally underdeveloped and don’t always target weak people.They target people who are stronger than them,smarter more attractive people who look different and a number of other things.They are also cowards to the core and they only behave like this when they have lots of friends behind them. Most of them are all talk but when you challenge them to fight they don’t do anything.
@dariolance7637 2 жыл бұрын
This video changed my way of thinking and therefore my life. Sometimes you don't even realize, that you're being bullied. And if you don't realize you can't stand up for yourself.
@Limbaugh_ 2 жыл бұрын
I think the title is misleading, harming other people is never good or moral, regardless of if it is natural.
@matthewkoveleski9131 Жыл бұрын
In my experience I did a lot of the things that you suggested. When I was a kid, if someone picked on me or harassed me I would respond. I would fight back. But then the kid who was the bully would go cry to a teacher or my parents, and nothing happened to them while the hammer came down on me. It didn’t stop bullying. It only emboldened the bullies because they knew they could pick on me without repercussions while if I defended myself I was punished.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
That's one of those unfair and uncontrollable situations. But those bullies got it even worse and were even worse. Now they're complete weaklings and got 0 improvements or lessons
@DC-wo2yb 2 жыл бұрын
34:00 it doesn’t matter that you’re weak, it matters that you reacted. This applies in prison as well. You stand up for yourself, you try to beat someone’s ass even if it’s obvious you’ll get completely shit on, and of course you will. But after that things will get better. You earn respect, you’re not someone that will allow you to get away Scott free from abuse. This is an important trait to have in life. Same applied to me when I was bullied. When I retaliated, it stopped. If I didn’t retaliate, it never ended. The “just ignore it” shit was the worst advice parents and teachers gave to kids.
@cashews1000 Жыл бұрын
Naive view. Not all bullies are mild.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
Yeah ignoring it or just appealing to an authority figure, which is someone else, you can't protect and go on on your own, are sadly so ineffective and damaging. By the way, in a situation where instead you can do great and it's feasible, and it happens, that a guy misjudges you and tries, and has a go, you, and you hold, respond and make him shut up, that's a perfect result that you've just got. Regardless, if you don't get your hands dirty, life will get you still war, and the dishonor, and your hands dirty.
@HoobleyWoobley 2 жыл бұрын
Parts of this I can agree with and other parts are unpreventible, but weak. I would agree that bully did shape me to become better. It fostered bitterness and anger in me that led me to get a 4.0 GPA, lift, pursue a great career, and be the best in every situation I possibly can. In a way it uplifted me, but it also ruined me socially. Instead of going out, making friends, and getting girls, I became entirely unfriendly. I think bullying can lift some up, but the majority of my friends who got bullied just hunkered down and became colossal losers. I think truly admirable actions is fighting those on your level or above. Beating up weak people won't make me stronger. Going against other guys capable of knocking my shit will push me to grow. I think only the strong and pure of heart deserve to lead. Low level bullys are just led by evolutionary impulses. True strength and humanity is rising above inborn inclinations and becoming something greater than man. This is seen in monks. How is it possible that they could light themselves on fire and not even scream. They're simply a thousand leagues above any pathetic bully. Everybody has issues, but leaders attack their own weaknesses, not attack others weaker to look strong in proportion.
@HoobleyWoobley 2 жыл бұрын
Also I think school has created such a perfect environment for the worst form of bullying. Being mocked every day and having your peers pitted against you, but at the same time being unable to fight because school will expell you. By the time I got strong, nobody dared fight me, instead relying on snake tactics.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
In ferro veritas. And great line at the end, not just uplift others, what leaders do is indeed look/point at themselves first and attack their own weaknesses. And get the situation in better places, like you had to do with the objective harm in the eyes of others that the bullying did to just your reputations and things you couldn't control.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
​@@HoobleyWoobley That's why sadly getting yourself at being a great wielder of strong violent responses doesn't get you out of it, and makes them even lower and hideous, contemptible, with weak and despicable ways.
@smolshamer6072 2 жыл бұрын
I was always rewarded by standing up to my bullies. I’m genuinely grateful as they are a great source of self improvement.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
Indeed opponents that are bad, poorly careful and that won't be able to finish what they started bring good things and one should be grateful. You are capable to show so many great stuff and set yourself in a better way than before the situation with the others that see and rightfully think better of you and respect you for what you've done and how you handled it.
@upoverandgone95 2 жыл бұрын
Bro shoving the special kid in a trash can isnt based. Unsubbed.
@DolphR 2 жыл бұрын
I can't tell if this is a joke comment or not, rly hope it is
@upoverandgone95 2 жыл бұрын
@@DolphR sounds like you disagree
@FavourJaiyeola 2 жыл бұрын
I have to strongly disagree with this. There is no universe where bullying is a good thing, much less moral. Saying "I was bullied but it made me tough, so bullying is good" is basically just survivor's bias. This is the problem with this side of KZbin and the toxic masculinity that is rampant in it. Something bad happens to you and rather than admit it shouldn't have, you try and spin into a good thing by saying "it made me tough". "Tough" in this case probably means angry and bitter with a load of suppressed trauma. Bullying is never a good thing and admitting that it happened to you but it shouldn't have, doesn't make you any less masculine. Edit: Also, congratulations NH, you pinned a rape apologist just because he agreed with you. For someone who preaches against echo chambers, you're not engaging with people who have counter arguements to yours...
@zerchershrugtutorials6994 2 жыл бұрын
What use is there in not accepting the past and the good that happened because of it and wishing that it didn't happend to you? Also what do you mean by "admit it shouldn't have [happend]"? Bullies don't pick their targets randomly, even if they choose them instinctively their choice is very deliberate. So its not about who SHOULD be bullied, but rather who COULD. And anyone can control what could happend to them to a large degree, even if they need guidance. Telling people that you can't become better because of hardship and that everyone claiming they did get better are coping by suppressing trauma is not only lying but also extremely demoralizing, which is the absolute worst thing you could do to a person which did go through some trouble in the past. You cannot overcome trauma by feeling bad for yourself nor by being comforted by other peoples empathetic faces, only by deciding that your god given gift to overcome any hardship is much greater than the demon from your past which imprisoned you and that you can free yourself by force and never through accepting your trauma as a permanent negative part of you.
@bigpicturegains 2 жыл бұрын
Bullying made me tough without a doubt, still wish I had a more enjoyable childhood. Need to stay focused on the future for sure and see how I’ve become an overall stronger man for it.
@ookber5176 2 жыл бұрын
well said
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
It still wasn't a good thing no matter the perspective (the final point on it by NH at the end reminds me of a theme even brought in educational cartoons like Knights of the Zodiac, Saint Seiya, by Deathmask and the Master of ths Five Peaks) but It was useful and to be done, the going through it.
@lusitanus6504 2 жыл бұрын
I was bullied for years untill I faced my main bully in the 9th grade. Then I was able to be more assetive and soon after I started martial arts training. The bullying experience made mentally stronger and gave me a never ending motivation to be a good martial artist and become strong. That was the bullying from guys. One of the few instances of bullying from girls really screwed my romântic life for a long time. It was even worse.
@Penguen007 2 жыл бұрын
I see what you are saying but for me, getting into martial arts and exercise ocurred years after I stopped getting bullied.
@JohnyPepperoni 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was being bullied in 5th grade I used to be afraid to go to school and specially afraid that the bully would come as I was still in front of my parents and humiliate me, for whatever reason. One day he slammed 2 books in the top of my head in the middle of a class, once the teacher turned her attention to another student I got up and punched his head so hard my watch broke (wasn't metal) i'll never forget the look on his face of pain and confusion, I was never bullied again, true story
@icephoenix1024 2 жыл бұрын
Vulnerability and crying can be fine, depending on circumstance. When parents die etc. Suppressing vulnerability and emotion makes you stiff, constipated. Weakness is never good though. Bullying is not moral but i get what you are saying. Strong people doesn't need to put others down to feel good. What about bullying back and then the other person hits you so hard so you fall and hit your head in the curb and die? Best way is to ignore, at least with narcissists and psychopaths. If you want to fight them verbally and physically know that they will not fight fair. If you say to them to fight fair 1vs1 with hands, they will probably show up with mates or have a weapon with them. Bullies are cowards. But as you say, to be a professional victim or sheep is also cowardly, but perhaps little bit more moral in my opinion.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
Another important thing is in fact to not try to bring fairness or being open in the equation. They won't risk, and they aren't respectable and tough people. One has to act quickly, on the spot and taking them by surprise.
@ryokutraining9430 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with the take that you shouldn't let bullies take over your psychology but I don't agree that such a fact makes bullying good. Abusing someone may toughen them mentally, still shouldn't do it a sentiment you agree with at 56:25. This video is clickbait
@Y1L3NG 2 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of truths in what you say, but there can be extremes of bullying.
@TR-ju5re 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's a dangerous game to put it back on the bullied in terms of how you respond "whether it makes or breaks you." Its a hyper individual agency and autonomy approach which I can get down with but at what point does that go too far? The coddling and virtue seen in victimhood is too extreme in our society but as someone who works with people with physical and mental disabilities that tipping point of "hardening vs breaking" can become greatly skewed. I also don't believe there is any virtue in being the bully. We should should strive to dangerous but tempered. A certain amount of adversity is a good thing for all of us to face but there's a point when that becomes beyond beneficial. I also think you take some of the personal accountability and agency away from the bullies in your argument by just excusing it as a part of nature which to a certain extent I agree with you but there is also a level of autonomy within the bully themselves.
@IronJhon788 Жыл бұрын
Besides, children depend on their parents and their surroundings. The stability at home is the key for a strong character. Many kids don't have that, and it becomes almost impossible for them to develop a strong character at that age. I do think though that preying on the weak is natural, specially during such a primal state that we call childhood and teen's (when prefrontal lobe is not yet developed). There is nothing to be done other than homsechooling, or teaching your kids martial arts and always being there for them.
@박지우-c3e8e 2 жыл бұрын
NH, now I understand the importance of fighting back, but I don't get how to fight back when psychological bullying happens. For example how do I fight back against cyberbullying, or when you're being 'bullied' by your senior at your job? Could you make a video on how to fight back in these situations? Also, when I was bullied in school, I did fight back physically, so not many tried to do so again. But at one point, they were bullying me psychologically using politics, for example labelling me as 'violent' (although they were the ones who started) and would post memes made with my picture insulting me racially, and they brought in the older years to join in my harrassment. I would easily fight back physically to my year's kids, but it was near impossible to fight back to the older years. What would you have done in this situation? Thanks a lot. You're kind of like my second older brother, guiding me through life
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, when it comes to cyberbullying, if it just targets you, then ignore it. If it starts affecting how neutral people see you, then make a public statement addressing it, and try to dig around for dirt about them. Start asking around about bad things they have done, or improve your social skills enough to convince everyone that you're right. Or talk to some kind of authority that can take their accounts away, that works very well today. I wouldnt recommend to just punch them in the face, because you would be seen as the agressor
@박지우-c3e8e 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rikarwb unfortunately exactly what happened back than😂. This video and this comment should've been there years ago. Would've improved my life a lot
@DolphR 2 жыл бұрын
Cyber bullying just isn't real, anyone who tries to convince you it is is just pushing their social agenda/propaganda onto you, since you can simply just ignore it completely or prevent it from happening completely
@박지우-c3e8e 2 жыл бұрын
@@DolphR have to disagree with that one. its pretty real when you're getting texts and memes made with your picture, and people are sharing it amongst themselves and laughing behind my back. Yes I could block them but cannot undo the psychological damage they've done before i block them i.e before i conceive them as a threat to my mental health. Also quite often cyberbullying and real world bullying , let it be physical and mental, go hand in hand in one way or another. it's not exactly the 'mean texts' they send which make it real. No, I can definitely tolerate that. But it's more of the social devaluation they've caused on me in our little community called 'school', which is pretty much the only community you have as a kid apart from your family. And as human beings are social creatures it's impossible, or rather difficult, to simply ignore one's own devaluation of self-worth in a group and live by oneself. So yes I personally think it's a real thing, because it can scar your mind even if it doesnt have a physical manifestation
@LucasDimoveo 2 жыл бұрын
This is hyper toxic. Life (can be) incredibly difficult on its own, and there is no need for people to make it any worse than. I'm about 15 minutes in so we'll see if my opinion changes by the end
@ArminEghdamiDrums 2 жыл бұрын
Did it?
@MonkeyBarsEveryday 2 жыл бұрын
Nature is toxic?
@LucasDimoveo 2 жыл бұрын
@@MonkeyBarsEveryday 1. We don't get to decide what is weak or strong. The environment does 2. I'm a Transhimanist so I don't really fuck with nature heavy anyway
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
@@MonkeyBarsEveryday Nature tho isn't an argument
@Caffeine_Factor 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is what makes this channel great he says what he thinks he thinks than we get to judge if we agree or not. He is clear about what he says which gives is enough clear information for a clear judgement.
@hemiihemm 2 жыл бұрын
My son’s 5 & gets bullied. He started disliking school & misbehaving in class. I enrolled him in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I also told him it’s for him to get stronger & to not let anyone call him names or hurt him. He’s the youngest in his class & smallest.
@filipzuzo6901 2 жыл бұрын
Problem, why there is a problem with medals for participation is self image. If you bellitle someone too much, they will believe the are not capable to get better and stop trying. And you have to go through phase of being unskilled and struggle when you do something new. You can shorten the phase by trying hard. But if you never recieved positive feedback, you bellieve to be useless. So you do not even try. That is why male role figures should be advisors and lead you through hardships. Not just authoritarians. Another thing to point out: Jordan Peterson has same points as you do. And I think people should learn what you said about power being tool. Money, power, et. is tool. You may use it to hurt or help. That is up to you.
@laz3ra 2 жыл бұрын
Now do that in a place where teens carry blades - bad recipe
@n00b7771 2 жыл бұрын
This, especially nowadays. You could carry a knife yourself, but now every confrontation carries the risk of death or serious injury instead of bruises or broken bones. Not to mention those "people" who carry the knives often move in groups
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
At thay point they can just be dealt with by the law, and they wouldn't be wanted by anybody and by the persons at school. They can straight up be jailed, especially if an incident happens.
@markcnut17 Жыл бұрын
This video hit me hard. I had to recount a lot of painful memories. Wasn’t bullied too badly but there were moments of weakness that were exploited by other pupils while I was at secondary school in England.
@ScEscapism 2 жыл бұрын
Bullying is what made me lose weight and decide to lift and get stronger, i honestly believe to this day, if it didn't happen i'd still be 17 stone obese doing nothing and i truly believe that
@itsjustme5097 2 жыл бұрын
Watched the video and I agree. Experienced bullying and I can say that it made me a stronger person. It’s a universal truth that, and as corny as this may seem to some, “No Pain, No Gain” Hopefully, I didn’t misinterpret any of your statements. Will probably do a rewatch sometime If people are
@edtheangler4930 2 жыл бұрын
I never changed from being myself, just got stronger and the people who looked down on me started looking up to me. They gave me that strenght
@lifetime_chronic_insomniac5603 2 жыл бұрын
Can I get a V-Taper like David laid naturally??
@PauIdenino 2 жыл бұрын
@vercingetorix9005 2 жыл бұрын
Psychological strength and the ability to pick up on social ques plays such a huge importance in bullying. I went to no less than 4 primary schools and didn’t get bullied once. Not because I was huge, I was actually smaller than most kids, but it was because I was willing to fight back. Plain and simple. I met the potential bully’s aggression with WAY more aggression which meant I got fucked up a few times lol. But funnily enough most of my closest friends ended up being the class/school bullies. Fighting aside, humour and a quick wit is the most effective way to disarm most bullies. It’s a little bit more complex in the adult world but the concept is pretty similar.
@seribelz 2 жыл бұрын
I think I was sensible to socialization because I internalized quickly the shit inpractical morality that I was taught so I wanted to be a good boy while other people 'played dirty'. It sucked because I was extra naive and had dumb beliefs like 'dont do unto others what you don't want done unto you' 'turn the other cheek' and so. My parents also didn't help and made it worse. I was more afraid of my dad beating me up for defending myself 'misbehaving' or my mom guilt tripping me than the actual bullies. I was too naive.. I believed teachers would always be just, friends will always be good, my parents are always right, and If something bad happened it was what I deserved for being inherently defective and insufficient. I'm 28 I rationally know better but I can't help to still feel like Im in a loser position in most social interactions and that's something I'm working on changing.
@everydaypleb7770 2 жыл бұрын
You don't need to win the fight, you just need to leave a mark. Good advice from my Dad behind my Mom's back. Glad though I didn't have to, nor would it have been appropriate to, use physicality for every bully. Some I just wasn't mature enough to realize weren't really bullies but were just intimidating. I was unlucky to be a late bloomer and the youngest in my class.
@pug999 2 жыл бұрын
I lost some of my hearing from my right ear because of bullying going too far. Youre delusional if you think bullying is just making fun of someone.
@Boris1101 2 жыл бұрын
That's straight up assault. Not bullying.
@anobodylikeyou168 2 жыл бұрын
How do you lose hearing
@What-he5pr 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's also about slapping their weak ear.
@pug999 2 жыл бұрын
@kebab REMOVER you right man i signed up at an mma gym after so it wouldnt happen to me
@pug999 2 жыл бұрын
@@anobodylikeyou168 busted ear drum
@eiric6958 2 жыл бұрын
Well lions never bully a honey badger even if they are much stronger.
@lifetime_chronic_insomniac5603 2 жыл бұрын
50k special: name reveal
@chuy6028 2 жыл бұрын
Firs name: natural Surname: hypertrophy
@Loremipsum6665 2 жыл бұрын
@@chuy6028 First name: Jonathan Last name: Blaha
@Rikarwb 2 жыл бұрын
@@Loremipsum6665 First name: Richard Surname: Richard
@sir0nion 2 жыл бұрын
Pierre Jean-Luc Marchand is my guess
@chrisstanley9477 2 жыл бұрын
@chorean 2 жыл бұрын
I was bullied extensively when I moved to the US, but I got over the pain, stood up for myself,and even ended up making friends with some of those bullies as I got older. Not saying everyone is actually mentally equipped to handle bullying well, but modern life is definitely not making it easier
@k1mura92 2 жыл бұрын
Bullying has driven people into suicide, depression - it has taken many, many lives. Bullying is not good, nor is it moral.
@08aaa81 2 жыл бұрын
Those that committed suicide will do it sooner or later, bullying speeds up the process.
@k1mura92 2 жыл бұрын
@@08aaa81 Absurd and wrong statement.
@harshahuja6736 2 жыл бұрын
@@k1mura92 but we can not stop bullying completely, can we? There will always be people who will bully and people who will be bullied. I also think that bullying is not moral but I can also understand why some people think it is natural
@k1mura92 2 жыл бұрын
@@harshahuja6736 Sure, I am with you on that. We can't stop bullying from ever happening. But that is true for murder too. And rape. And paedophilia. Are those things "natural"? Well, maybe. Humans can be really fucked up and do terrible things, and that will never change. But we shouldn't allow it - in fact we should do everything we can to minimize it.
@chairmanmeow8481 2 жыл бұрын
@@k1mura92 good luck with that lmao
@fangameempire 2 ай бұрын
The purpose of zero tolerance isn't to stop bullying, it's to stop lawsuits from bullies' families
@gevinblazkowicz771 Жыл бұрын
"Strength is the only thing that matters." Vegeta was right with that one.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
The violent solution might not be sufficient, good for you or even optimal though. Especially because by definition the psychopath is, hopefully and luckily, one other guy and exception. And that amount doesn't get bullied for sure but has and will have other problems. If you're set enough, the reason one can come into place even, but the smart one is always very good. You need to position yourself well and be attentive, and perceive good. Besides becoming capable, good, and setting yourself well. That will take out the need to be good in responding and having to do that.
@gevinblazkowicz771 7 ай бұрын
@@dusk6159 Careful: Vegeta's quote does not imply that you must necessarily resort to violence, but that it is favorable to have the option to do so. If you are weak, you do not have the option. As NH once quoted the greek philosophers: "The softest/kindest spirit/mind requires the strongest walls" and "only the strong can truly be kind". Because the weak has no choice but to submit.
@dusk6159 7 ай бұрын
@@gevinblazkowicz771 Indeed, in fact toughness, ethics, tenacity, perseverance and a great strength of spirit and mind, and heart, are a great match with somebody good, cerebral, not too big and that enjoys intellectual, nice things. And the things/traits don't clash.
@nomongosinthaworld 2 жыл бұрын
Nah this ain’t it chief
@BaldOmniMan 2 жыл бұрын
@rulesforth33 2 жыл бұрын
@@BaldOmniMan zip it you tiny 175 pound bald manlet gnome
@nomongosinthaworld 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the video, still didn’t agree with it
@sir0nion 2 жыл бұрын
@@rulesforth33 Bald Omni-Man in the Conservatory with the $560.32 Candlesticks.
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
@@rulesforth33 this is bullying and it’s natural.
@moneygrowslikegrass 6 ай бұрын
I mostly agree with your opinion on bullying, but I can also see that you might be little too pessimistic because of your childhood. I never seen or heard about anyone getting bullied on that scale. Of course I saw people getting bullied, but not very often and definitely not that brutally.
@Mrimadeyoufall 2 жыл бұрын
Been bullied since I was a kid. Wouldn't change it tbh. Nearly broke me but it really does turn you into what you ought to be
@solarbeef4496 2 жыл бұрын
Kai Clips sent me
@tommysstuff7290 2 жыл бұрын
Kai clips sent me
@danteghazizadeh1656 7 ай бұрын
NH is gonna turn into Stan in that one episode of American Dad once he has a son
@OhRamos 5 ай бұрын
"Não ataque a criminalidade, ensinem as pessoas a se defenderem" -Guerreiro que cresceu em condomínio fechado
@YamanoRyuu 2 жыл бұрын
At the end there is only one wisdom: 戦え
@kumalala9133 2 жыл бұрын
I'm late to the party but there were these two Maori dudes (I'm from New Zealand), one of them was fucking with me for years but never got physical because I was a lot taller and larger than other guys. One time one of the guys (the guy I had no problem with) called me a bitch to my face and I did nothing. He then jumped me, I also didn't fight back. Then the other dude who fucked with me for years jumped me, and I was scared he was going to kill me so I ended up beating the fuck out of him. Apart from mentally, nobody else fucked with me physically ever again. I regret not being more physical and violent when I was younger to be honest
@hellshakeyano7686 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your characterization of a bully as strong. They are strong in a sense that they have power over those who they are bullying, but what truly strong person would waste their efforts pushing others down rather than lifting them up. The fact that a bully feels the need to demean others is a sign of their inner weakness and insecurity, because a person who is confident in themselves has a lot better ways to self-actualize. I reject the notion that bullying will exist for as long as power dynamics and social hierarchies will as it’s not a productive action within those frameworks. It’s a defect and not a feature, a sign of weakness rather than an expression of strength.
@nitolinilo9034 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been on both sides of bullying. I was bullied only for a short bit and very mildly in middle school, didn’t effect me much thankfully since it was purely physical and no real big altercations. Then in high school even though I was shorter than everyone else I’d pick on a few people verbally and I’m surprised only 1 guy got physical with me and that basically marked the end of my bullying lol, so spot on even if you don’t win the fight when you get physical with someone who’s fucking with you (atleast as a child/ teen) for the most part they will just steer clear of you
@keptleroymg6877 Жыл бұрын
this is from a bullied perspective. as someone who used to bully other people I am against it not because I care about the harm I did to other only the harm I did to myself.
@kzg_veritas12 19 күн бұрын
@abodhoms1092 2 жыл бұрын
I got bullied once in the 7th grade and i almost chocked the bully to death. The kid ended up with a broken nose and with a hit on the head that was enough to show his skull lol. Since that day no one ever dares to even look at me in the wrong way.
@Lionsmg 2 жыл бұрын
I remember my older bro as my first “bully” very thankful learning how to deal with an attack on ego and build from it is necessary. I’m also lucky I was too big n intimidating to be bullied by strangers
@michalcerny8960 2 жыл бұрын
too far budd
@corenko 2 жыл бұрын
Is this a good split? Day 1 - Upper Day 2 - Lower Day 3 - Volume Day (Volume work for my weak body parts, chest & arms) REST Day 5 - Upper Day 6 - Lower REST
@Croissantrophy.meme.channel 2 жыл бұрын
There's no good or bad splits. Except bro splits...
@fdost5354 2 жыл бұрын
I think you could give us more detail on what you're actually doing on those days, but overall i think that doing upper/lower with one extra day (volume) could work well, I do something similar myself
@DC-wo2yb 2 жыл бұрын
Muscles need to be worked every 48 hours. You’re losing out on too much tonnage
@fdost5354 2 жыл бұрын
@@DC-wo2yb I agree, but some muscles are more difficult with the recovery than others, for example hamstrings could take more time, specially if you're a begginer; on the other hand if you're just getting started you should do something that is possible to do as a long-term habit, therefore i think that a 4+1 day split is a really good option
@fdost5354 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to be more efficent you could superset some excercises to target your weaknesses and change the volume day for something else
@eli9478 2 жыл бұрын
If it wasn't for bullies allot of people wouldn't be as strong as they are today. Screw the anti bullying campaign too. The teachers in school tell you not to fight back and say to tell them when there's a problem but don't really do anything anyway and the kids keep bullying. It's best to learn how to stand up for yourself when you're young so you then know how to stand up to adult bullies.
@Stichting_NoFa-p 2 жыл бұрын
You just went full sv3ige mode.
@kimborampage 2 жыл бұрын
Eettsss nahtural
@BallisticPlate 6 ай бұрын
The type of bullying that I have been most experienced with is not the interaction of the strong against the weak, rather the weak against the strong. Whereby the weak use by proxy the force of an institutional authority to strengthen their position and protect themselves from natural order establishing itself. Socially speaking it is almost almost always to the detriment of the strong to assert themselves over the weak, regardless of provocation. Therefore within the microcosm the power dynamic becomes inverted and the weak have agency over the strong via the force of an institution like a school administrator or even the police/justice system. The average person is weak, fearful, and entirely ignorant of the craft of violence and thus will empathize with the apparently weaker party when they are checked by the stronger. This has created an environment where the strong and socially aware individual is basically surrounded by unstable and frenetic smaller individuals who have no use for the strong as an ally, only the force of an institution is required. This way the institution receives loyalty and the weak individual is given status by fiat.
@Sundawg17 6 ай бұрын
I have to agree that innocence is only for animals and children, and once you have knowledge which boils down to experience and dissolves into wisdom. Innocence is thus fadded.
@tomkarate1 11 ай бұрын
I understand what you are saying and you made some good points, but just because something is common and widespread does not make it good or moral. Cancer, broken bones, and homicides are common and widespread does that made them good? Of course not. Also, just because bullying can lead to the strengthening of character does not make the bullying itself good. The response to bullying, let's say getting physically stronger and more assertive, is good, NOT the bullying itself. A person can make positive life changes after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. The life changes are good, but the terminal illness is still shitty. Also, you seem to imply that the person doing the bullying has no responsibility for his behavior as "it is natural" and "bullying is the birthright of the strong". In that case, should all men go around raping women? Also, the person doing the bullying does NOT have to bully he or she CHOOSES to bully. We as human beings have self-awareness. Using their self-awareness humans can consciously and actively examine, revise, and change their thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. it is not the same as wolves and sheep who do not have self-consciousness and cannot think about their thinking, and therefore are a helpless slave to their instincts. An exception can be made for very small children who have not yet developed the ability to think about their thinking. I do agree with you that often the best, and many times only way to effectively deal with bullies is to stand up for yourself physically or emotionally. However, that does not make bullying good or moral and the person doing the bullying does NOT have to bully. It is a choice that he or she makes, has responsibility for and has the ability to stop doing. Be more careful with your choice of words, but good video overall.
@kkobawski Жыл бұрын
What's annoying is that with verbal bullying, you would be the one to get in trouble with them if you're violent. It should be legal to punch people who try to verbally bullying you. Telling people to just ignore it, doesn't work. Responding to them with your own roasts is good but, if they have more friends, it doesn't matter how clever you are, they will keep pressing you. The solution there is for you to get more friends than them, or to get violent with them. Though yeah this mostly occurs in childhood, I've not felt like someone tried bullying me that often as an adult. I was the opposite, where I didn't get physically bullied because I was stronger than them and not afraid to fight, but I got often verbally bullied, then I would be threatened to be expelled if I beat them up for it. The real solution was for me to get more friends, since I was bullied for being weird but also because I had no friends. But keeping friends has always been hard for me.
@oke497 2 жыл бұрын
After the second i clicked on this video i realized this guy is the actual definiton of an Adonis
@VicMeep 10 ай бұрын
No. I love your stuff, i have for many months now. This video isn't it. I had made a different comment originally and posted it but it instantly got deleted by KZbin because of something dark i said about my bullies, which i think ill withdraw mostly in this version because of how upset i got. Along with me seeing you pinned someone's comment that also rubbed me the wrong way. I know that you meant well, mostly anyway. I say that because i cannot stand this argument, even from people who mean well or have good intent. Yes, it's essential to defend ones self but if you're in an unsafe situation constantly whether it be at school, at home, anywhere, that person could possibly be beaten back down into submission even if they did stand up for themselves. Im not saying that's alway the case, but those cases of bullies backing down after getting punched are more likely to happen if said bully isnt already a sociopath. To honestly say that someone "allowed" somebody else to treat them that way is utterly ridiculous and disgusting. That legitimately sounds like something a bully and abuser themselves would say. I cannot stand it when someone says that "your trauma made you stronger". It didn't. I did. By struggling, repressing memories after constant experiences leaving me with pain, helplessness and nihlism. 16 going on 17 year old me trying to do things i liked, trying to force myself to be productive despite how numb and negative i felt after these horrible experiences. Trying to just "get over it" by repressing them. Ever since 2021, they are all unrepressed and I have had many months where I'm reliving them like it's happening all over again. Feeling that pain and helplessness, and how arrogant they were behaving while pinning all the blame on me. I am not going to say "thank you" to my bullies and my abusers. I am not going to thank them for something that made me struggle with sui ideation. I wish death on them almost daily. Its a disgusting mindset to have, let alone disrespectful to say to people who have went through it.
@leebinpoggersmomento6101 10 ай бұрын
By holding onto the past, you have failed yourself. Simple as.
@VicMeep 10 ай бұрын
​​​@@leebinpoggersmomento6101What an amazing mindset! You have cured trauma, PTSD, C PTSD, Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative identity disorder, and so many more disorders that literally affect daily life caused by certain people and they don't get any consequences for the sins they committed against multiple people. It's somehow the fault of the person they caused tremendous amount of pain to. Kindly piss off. 🖕
@leebinpoggersmomento6101 10 ай бұрын
@@VicMeep You are wishing death to people over events that happened in high school. Do you understand normal people don't do that? Do you comprehend an existence where wishing death on someone is ghastly, horrifying to even ponder? Are you aware of how much you have strayed from civil society? It should be shameful, and i hope you don't think i'm overreacting here, i hope you truly understand how absolutely disgusting what your normal routine would be to the modern civilized populace. Think of every single person who has ever looked up to you, paid you a compliment, or even smiled at you on the street. All that goes away if they hear a single word of what you wish on others every single day, unless they are as internally degenerated as you are.. Do you comprehend that? Can you even think of every smile you have ever been party to dropping into a disgusted scowl? Thats what you are thinking about. Every single day. And you should be ashamed of yourself. You have, and without reasonable doubt. failed yourself.
@VicMeep 10 ай бұрын
​@@leebinpoggersmomento6101Because they literally caused many years of my misery that has lasted long past my teen years. If they truly cared they would've apologized and done anything but they haven't. It's not just me, it's to many others as well. My previous comment is still there for you to read. According to you, anyone who has any sort of mental disorder from these circumstances are their faults for "not getting over it". Nice downplaying. Stop protecting the people who willingly cause unnecessary harm to others. You sound like an abuse sympathizer. Piss off.
@leebinpoggersmomento6101 10 ай бұрын
@@VicMeep They never will apologize. They probably don't even think about you. Do you understand you are pathetic? There is no other word for obsessing over people who don't care about you. Just admit it.
@TangySapling164 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve always had this opinion. Life is cruel, you can’t always shield kids from it. Overprotection is detrimental to a child’s autonomy and it breeds weakness.
@LiverpoolfanINchina 2 жыл бұрын
Someone tried to bully me and I threw my lunch box at him, it didn’t even hit him but he never bothered me again. Kinda funny thinking about it now ham sandwiches and yogurt in the the playground.
@a_randomuser4 11 ай бұрын
I see some of your points, but bullying still isn’t good nor moral. People who bully the weak tend to be weak themselves. Not every bully is strong, they just pretend to be, almost all bullies are like this. There are usually 3 types of bullies: people who bully just cause, people who feel weak or have problems and wants someone else to feel weaker than them, and the people who are envious of something you have. Nether is good, and there is no justifying it, just because it happens and that it’s natural doesn’t mean it should be allowed. I agree that people shouldn’t be weak and that they should know how to defend themselves and to be tougher, but there are better ways to achieve that then bullying. Bullying the weak is cowardly; wild animals are different since they’re just hungry and need to survive, the wolf hunts it because of a need to, not because it wants to. Us humans don’t and have no need to do that, we should be helping each other, and lifting each other up. Bullies don’t, they’re nothing but losers. My bulling experience it’s strange since my siblings tells me people bully people, I usually don’t notice it or I just ignore it, only bullying I can really remember is being called a school sh**ter for being the quite kid, even then I really don’t care since it doesn’t bother me. Physically bullying would be hard in my school since there are security guards and cameras everywhere. Though one kid managed to steal a whole bathroom door and take it home somehow.
@realSpook 2 жыл бұрын
I like to think of it like this. We are in a tribe together fighting for our resources against other tribes. If I see you being weak or doing something that I deem pathetic, I get the instinct to bully you because we can't be weak and pathetic or else we all die. After you get bullied and stand up for yourself(change your awful haircut/fix your teeth/learn to fight back) you get respect from your peers and become accepted as a peer.
@jamesrussell5196 2 жыл бұрын
You should challenge people to act with higher character but bothering people because they have a birth mark or messed up teeth is really stupid
@shrekscousin1389 5 ай бұрын
As a man you serve, and protect the team and people you love around you.
@eimantasbutkus5324 Жыл бұрын
The worst advice parents can give to their bullied son is "ignore them and they will go away/get bored". Happened to me, I listened, it got worse. After some time I let my fists talk and all the bullies shut up. Don't make the same mistakes I did and believe in bs.
@alexandrevincenot6546 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up in french guiana and being the only white guy in my class for years, I got bullied hard at the beginning I learned to be agressive, assertive and dominant, adult social life has been so easy to me for now lol
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