Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette | International Management | From A Business Professor

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@brookemullins1156 2 күн бұрын
i enjoyed watching this video, especially after watching the American Business Culture and Etiquette right before this so that I could make some interesting comparisons. I found the Business Etiquette section to be the most interesting, especially when it said to only use your right hand or both hands to hand out a business card and to make sure that the writing is facing the other person. It's also an interesting fact that 8 is the luckiest number and 4 is unlucky. These are all good things to know if your company was doing business with a Chinese company.
@BradenWheat1864 9 күн бұрын
I learned a lot from this video about the business culture in China. Considering China's GDP is the second highest nominally, I was shocked that their GDP per Capita was so much lower than that of other countries. I also didn't realize how many major companies on the Fortune 500 list were from China. I found it interesting that for etiquette, the Chinese do not just give a no, which I feel is completely different from American culture.
@FeliciaOdom24 18 күн бұрын
This video does a great job of explaining the Chinese culture. I was surprised by something as small as handing a business card has to be done in a certain way. The letters have to be facing the other person and it has to be done with both hands or the right hand. You could really offend someone that you are trying to do business with if you do not take into account the proper etiquette. I think this video will help anyone in the business world navigate the different cultures.
@tentanghukumkita6381 2 жыл бұрын
Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette, International Management Thanks for sharing.
@spencergregory406 Жыл бұрын
China is a major trade partner with the United States so this video really puts a lot in perspective. The video does a great job of representing and explaining different ways China handles their business practices.
@lanehutchinson4761 9 ай бұрын
Because China is such an important role in today’s economy. By gaining great understanding, will further set you up for success in the long run.
@janaehinojos70 9 ай бұрын
I found this video really interesting. I never thought about how countries have different business cultures and etiquettes, and how if you don’t know them it can affect your business deals greatly. I thought it was also interesting learning about China’s Power distance score and how they have a collectivism mindset.
@HunterBaker-bv2xo 9 ай бұрын
The stark differences between the USA and China are truly eye-opening. It's challenging to grasp the concept that society often prioritizes the group's interest over individual interests, especially considering the contrasting individualistic mindset prevalent in the USA. In the United States, there's a strong emphasis on personal success and competition. Personally, I find it intriguing to contemplate why some societies believe that working for the greater good is advantageous, given the American mindset that often focuses on individual achievements and financial success. Understanding this perspective can be challenging, particularly when one is deeply rooted in the American way of thinking.
@jordanlindsey7348 10 ай бұрын
With China being such a big factor when it comes to the entire business world. Seeing how their business culture and etiquette is so fascinating and shows some insight on how they became such a big player in business all over the world.
@jeleysemorquecho649 10 ай бұрын
This video was very interesting to me. I am glad I watched this video because it allowed me to see how another country, known for its successful businesses, conducts itself in the business environment. This video did a great job at explaining the meanings behind why the Chinese business culture is the way it is now.
@brenoconnor2570 Жыл бұрын
Though I knew it was considered inconsiderate in Chinese culture to openly reject a business proposal, I didn't realize that 4 was considered to be an unlucky number! Very interesting!
@BusinessSchool101 Жыл бұрын
The reason behind that is number four sound close with the word “death” in Chinese. For some Chinese people, it is considered unlucky.
@worthclark4360 9 ай бұрын
China is known for being business oriented. It was cool getting to know how they do things. It is important to always keep learning about other cultures.
@jessicajohnson1199 10 ай бұрын
China has long been full of so much culture and history that still shows today. I would like to visit one day and now I have better tools on etiquette to do so. It's size and growth explains its relationship with the United States. This video gave me clearer understanding of our relationship with them and their potential. Their work ethic is rigid but it seems to be working.
@karmaelwell Жыл бұрын
Since we do buisness so often with China it is important to know how to handle business deals and personal relationships with the people. This video brought new information that I would have never known.
@KobeColeman 9 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this video the most out of all that I have watched for the class. Chinese business culture differs from American business culture in several ways. First, Chinese business interactions often emphasize building personal relationships, known as guanxi, before formalizing agreements, whereas Americans may prioritize efficiency and professionalism.
@TCMUSA 10 ай бұрын
Regarding what might be considered suitable and incorrect in Chinese culture, this video was quite educational. I found it helpful to know what subjects to utilize and avoid because I didn't know much about Chinese business culture and etiquette. Given how much commerce the United States does with China, I think it's critical to comprehend Chinese business etiquette.
@brandonbryan1779 Жыл бұрын
Because China plays such a vital role in the economy of the entire world, this film takes on an even greater level of significance in today's world. You will gain a greater understanding of how to conduct business in this nation if you are able to gain a firm grasp of the cultural norms and social conventions that govern commercial interactions in this country.
@robertbennett1487 Жыл бұрын
This video is especially important in our modern world due to just how integral China is to the global business economy. Being able to understand just how the culture and business etiquette is in this nation will provide you with increased insight into how to do business in this nation!
@uynnle30 9 ай бұрын
This video is useful, and I developed a greater understanding of the value of knowing Chinese culture and business etiquette, especially given China's critical position in the global economy. The video's focus on appropriate and inappropriate practices in Chinese culture provides me a valuable insight for those engaging in business with China.
@TyLomas Жыл бұрын
This video does a great job showing how Chinese business cultural is very well respected.
@渡辺雄大-v9b Жыл бұрын
This video lecture is really interesting for me. I feel China is growing up super rapidly. I understand why from this video
@J-rod_G 9 ай бұрын
Learning about Chinese Business culture and Etiquette was very interesting. I love seeing the differences between our cultures and other different cultures.
@samwolfenstein5239 Жыл бұрын
China's economic growth over the last few decades is interesting, not because it's the first time in recent memory that a country has experienced major growth and become a powerhouse (Japan's story is a similar one in many ways), but because it's the first time that said growth has been sustained at such heights for so long. China had a smaller GDP than Canada in 1990, and now, barely 30 years later, it has a GDP ten times larger. Unlike Japan, which rose quickly in the 80's and then immediately plummeted, China has maintained this growth. Learning about how the business culture of China works is going to be extremely important for those working internationally from now on.
@marthacruz7053 Жыл бұрын
Love how this video has such good information that will help me in my career, I really like the part about Chinese etiquette makes me feel like if I'm in a situation where I meet a Chinese work partner or a client I will be lost put will be well prepared for them.
@sethandrade3291 9 ай бұрын
It is always interesting learning about different business cultures and how other countries run their businesses. Chinese business culture seems to be constrict but it also highlights the importance of respect. Though it is different to what we know, it doesn't mean that it is wrong.
@dylanblomquist5177 Жыл бұрын
While I had some prior knowledge about Chinese business culture and etiquette from a different class, this video provided me with a deeper level of detail. The inclusion of specific percentages and data not only enriched my learning experience, but also allowed for meaningful comparisons with business cultures of other countries.
@logggggs385 9 ай бұрын
This video taught me a lot about Chinese culture, which I found to be very interesting. Given that China is one of, if not the biggest, economic powerhouse in the world, it also seems incredibly pertinent. Comparing and contrasting China with other prosperous economies, such as the United States, is an interesting exercise.
@stephanierocha8448 10 ай бұрын
I enjoy learning about different cultures, so being able to learn about Chinese business culture and etiquette was very fascinating. Also, hearing that the number 4 is unlucky was shocking because it's my favorite number. 😅
@sonniemathis 9 ай бұрын
This video really caught my attention in teaching the core differences of the culture in China, such as their belief system in Confucianism. Also, for them being the second largest economy in the world right behind the United States. Another thing that caught my attention was their hierarchy being based on age and position. This is very different, for my belief that age should not be a factor in an hierarchy.
@samanthasandoval4717 Жыл бұрын
The Chinese business etiquette is important to understand with the volume of business the U.S. does with them. This not only is interesting to learn but I think learning another countries culture can be helpful in any international business negotiation.
@kelanmckay2019 Жыл бұрын
It is interesting to see just how different Chinese culture and etiquette is in comparison to America. Seeing Chinese business etiquette is very valuable as it could definitely be useful in meetings or negotiations.
@laurenhinch5562 Жыл бұрын
After viewing America’s business culture it was interesting to see the comparison to Chinese business culture. I knew that in my mind the Hofstede scores resembled how I thought they would read. The power distance of 80 is much higher than America and makes it understandable why the economy for China has been in the lead since 2010.
@michaelplatt4353 Жыл бұрын
I learned a lot about China and its really fast and influential economy.
@braydenfreeman-b7l 9 ай бұрын
After watching the previous video about American culture, now seeing Chinese culture it was interesting to compare the two. Chinese culture is unique in many different ways. On the Hofstede score we are different when it comes to power distance, individualism, long term orientation and indulgence. There is rarely anything we share in common on that chart. Learning about the Chinese culture is interesting and good to know.
@0graham 9 ай бұрын
This video brought to light the GDP, Per capita and CPI of China into perspective. along with its Hofstede Cultural Framework which was interesting to learn. It was interesting to learn more about Guanxi (Relationship) , Political Tie and Hierarchy. Positions in china are based on age and position, business meetings are begun with quick speeches before the topic and their popular talking topics of weather, food and points of interest.
@alejandrodemingo779 9 ай бұрын
I found this video about Chinese business culture really interesting. I've always been curious about how things work there compared to the U.S. I knew a bit about it already, but I was surprised to learn that in China, when people nod during a conversation, it doesn't always mean they agree. It's different from the U.S., where nodding usually shows agreement. These cultural information added a new layer to what I knew, and I think it's fascinating how these little things can vary between cultures.
@williams.4980 Жыл бұрын
I found this video on Chinese Business Culture to be very informing and surprising at the same time. I wasn’t surprised when Chinas indulgence score was a low 24 and long-term orientation was an 87. What surprised me was you don’t want to talk about freedom of speech in a business setting.
@VictoriaBauer-s2q Жыл бұрын
This video taught me a lot about Chinese business culture. I find their culture very interesting.
@shamarcravens9668 Жыл бұрын
The Chinese traditional cultural values of harmony, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, honesty, loyalty, and filial piety are embodied in China's diplomacy through the concept of harmony, the most important Chinese traditional value.
@andrecavichione7979 9 ай бұрын
This video was great, quite educational on what would be considered proper and improper in Chinese society. It also provided an excellent contrast of American society and its differences from other cultures.
@caitlinrae2934 Жыл бұрын
love how in-depth this video was
@emilyjensen-n3u 10 ай бұрын
I kept this video in mind the entire time I was watching Fuayos story.
@AnimalWisom Жыл бұрын
I find this video to be informative because it shows that China ranks #1 with biggest population in the world and also got a better a understanding where China stands on the Hofstede scores. Surprisingly, China has a higher power distance with a score of 80 which is more than twice of the United States. They also ranked 87 for Long-term orientation as they plan ahead and making lasting relationships with business partners.
@Geoffpr Жыл бұрын
This video provided insightful tips on chinese business culture and etiquette, emphasizing the importance of building strong relationships and understanding hierarchical structures.
@emilya4877 Жыл бұрын
I already knew about Chinese business culture and etiquette from a different class but this gave more in depth detail as well as give us percentages of things and that helps in learning and comparing to other countries as well!
@andrewgragg8922 10 ай бұрын
China is a vastly growing is a nation. China has more imports than anyone. I think a large portion of this is the cost of making a product is much smaller than most. I think that it is interesting that the Chinese people value morals above all else. I had a friend from China and he values doing the right thing above all else.
@ryanmccarley8082 10 ай бұрын
This video was very insightful to me. I love learning about different cultures, so discovering information on how business is conducted in a different country is very interesting to me. Chinese Business Culture seems to place a strong emphasis on respect in the way people act, conduct themselves, and either accept or reject proposals. This video was very informative on different aspects and details.
@leahgriggs132 Жыл бұрын
I found this video on Chinese Business Culture to be very informing and surprising at the same time.
@landonchaney6134 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed watching this video and seeing the differences between the different business cultures across the world and learning more about each one.
@cynthiarichardson133 Жыл бұрын
This video is very important because America does a lot of business' with China. We need to understand their customs so that we do not offend them and end what could potentially be a great business future.
@brandonburke2177 Жыл бұрын
I thought this video was very interesting and taught me a lot about the Chinese. It also feels very relevant since China is one of the largest economic powerhouses in the world if not the largest. It's interesting to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between China and other successful economic countries like the U.S.
@Eric-Demetriou Жыл бұрын
i wasnt really familiar with China's business culture and etiquette but this video was really informative .
@isabellewandres6915 Жыл бұрын
I found this video interesting because I have always been interested in Chinese business culture and etiquette and how it is different from America. I already had some background knowledge of Chinese business culture and etiquette, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn that in China people often nod when another person is speaking, but that this does not necessarily indicate agreement. I found this interesting because in America if you nod your head it does indicate agreement.
@Emily-gy8ws Жыл бұрын
I did not know much about Chinese business culture and etiquette so I found it beneficial to know what topics to use and avoid. I recently watched the Netflix documentary "American Factory" which shows a Chinese company that reopens a shuttered factory in Ohio, and the business culture and etiquette you explain here can be seen throughout the documentary.
@addieortman1196 Жыл бұрын
This video was very informative as to what would be appropriate and inappropriate in Chinese culture. It also gave a great comparison from American culture and how the two are different. Learning this information about the culture helps me understand how different every culture operates, and in the future I hope to be able to apply this information.
@corinneshields6509 Жыл бұрын
This video was very well made and informative. I enjoyed learning about the Chinese business culture and getting to hear real world examples of it.
@franciscoleon9575 Жыл бұрын
The amount of differences that the USA and China have is very eye-opening. It is difficult to comprehend that society tends to act in the interest of the group rather than its own interest when it comes to business because the USA is very different. In the USA everyone wants to achieve personal success and compete with others. I sometimes wonder why they believe that working in the interest of society as a whole is beneficial since the point of working is to bring home money, but I do have that American mindset so it will be difficult to understand.
@emmaparker2271 Жыл бұрын
This video was great but I liked learning about Chinese business culture in class more because of the real world examples we were told.
@bellastrickland3132 9 ай бұрын
I find it interesting that the Chinese prefer dates written in the yyyy/mm/dd format rather than the month, dd, yy that is typically used for US Business.
@cedar2496 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting to find here an intersection of high masculinity - a trait indicating a high value of financial achievement - and low individualism. In a society where hiearchy is important, it makes sense that wealth confers a high prestige, even though individual autonomy and achievement is not highly valued by the society.
@tabithaparker4150 Жыл бұрын
I found this video very interesting and informative. I enjoyed learning about this in class to see what everyone's thoughts about this video were and how differently people view this. I thought that the indulgence score and long-term orientation score was very accurate.
@noahmayhan 9 ай бұрын
This video is something that I had knowledge about after watching the movie American Factory.
@saidaabdulaziiz3327 2 жыл бұрын
This is great, keep it up.
@onlinespeechclass1842 Жыл бұрын
I think that Americans need to learn something from China when it comes to caring a little more about others when it comes to individualism. I think that we care too much about ourselves and our wants rather than what is best for others and the group. When it comes to working, Americans tend to care more about their paycheck rather than their coworkers and the reputation of the business that they work for.
@msace6710 2 ай бұрын
My only thought at this point is THANK YOU.
@TalkofSage Жыл бұрын
Please can you share with me the reference of this knowledge?
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