为了上天堂才做好事,为了不要受惩罚才做好事。这样的理念对吗?不是应该为了做好事才向善吗?Be kind and do good things not to expect good returns but do it because it's the right thing to do.
@jeanleang666 Жыл бұрын
请问下有谁上过天堂下过地狱吗?any black and white.
@sandyorange Жыл бұрын
@@jeanleang666 my point is, 不要传达错误理念。If you do good things only because you expect good things to happen to you, then my friend, you are not doing good out of kindness. You are expecting a reward for your kindness, which should not be the motivation for being kind and doing good deeds. In Insect's video he is encouraging people to do good to avoid punishment and receive reward when you die. Just be kind, regardless whether there is a reward/afterlife.