If I was Crikets mom I would be like. "Look I am going to drop you off at school, go home, grab your, bag, bring it to you, and then your going to shower before bed."
@sinka_f4rw4sp54 Жыл бұрын
The memes are very attractive and of course funny. But it would be very interesting to see such an animation that if Lunia and Swordteil led the connected Cricket and Blue to the Queen Wasp, and behind the Wasp there was a guard consisting of Sundew, Willow, and Bombardier, Threehopera, and Lunia and Swordteil stand there. Who are waiting for the two of them to accept Wasp’s offer to become her servant. It would be very interesting to see this.
@xlucid_chaosx847 Жыл бұрын
This is so hilarious and also very accurate lol
@Pigcat45 Жыл бұрын
Cricket: UhUh uHuH MoM sToP i HaVe To tElL YoU sOmEtHiNg Cadelle: WhAt In ThE FUCK cOuLd YoU pOsSiBlY hAvE tO sAy?! Cricket: AaAaHh I fOrGoT mY bAcKpAcK aT hOmE. AhAaHaAa Favorite couple of lines. 😂😭👌