Her talent is the truth, and it speaks for itself. some have that special gene & talent, some blossom in time,and others who may have to work harder to blossom, and here's my point, no matter the level of ones talent ,it steel must be worked on, and with that said, some bloom early and they just have that IT, but what what carries that special talent is the inner hunger to continue,and keep working and asking that all important question how can I get better, and also speak with those who have scaled to continue to progress and pushing as they grow and mature. Every now and then youll come across that special one, no matter what they've achieved it isn't enough to just settle for that: Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Stepf Curry, Mike Jordan Dr. "J", and now Caitlin Clark. Real talent doesn't have a color! Larry Bird himself which quite a few people aren't aware of, and he stated this himself, that in his upbringing he played with mostly older Black players due to the proximity of where he grew up, He himself stated that most of this skill level came about when playing with the older black players that was in his neighborhood. So when it came to the NBA it came to him as NO surprize or big deal to him because of the black players that were in and around the neighborhood that he grew up in and he has stated himself that playing with the blacks is where he really appreciated and benefitted from his talents being sharpened and HE himself had not hesitating of speaking of how and where his game was shaped at! Where I was raised it was ALL about your ability to show your gaME, BASEBALL, BASKETBALL,FOOTBALL, TRACK, VOLLEYBALL, AND EVEN SOCCER. So what she's a white girl and I have NO problem with saying that! The question can, The girl can BALL! Beginning and end of question! So if she can, she's a winner and shes on my squad. Like the late great owner of the Oakland now L.A. Raiders Al Davis ALWAYS said, "just win baby". Good enough for Al Davis its good enough for ME and Caitlin Clark!