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Can I Get All This Stuff On A Small Pedalboard? [Erm, not exactly…] Mick’s Vlog - That Pedal Show

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That Pedal Show

That Pedal Show

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@memygtar 4 жыл бұрын
It’s a huge skill to be able to talk to a camera as if someone is in the room. I always feel like I’m there with you Mick! Kudos
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir!
@jaktraynor 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Wait, Mick's not in the room with me? Next you're going to tell me he's stopped using the Dimension C...
@_RLP 4 жыл бұрын
@kodykindhart5644 3 жыл бұрын
@everynotecountsofficial 4 жыл бұрын
That Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face sounds amazing, but last time I tried to use it, a small fire erupted near the pickups forcing me to drop to my knees and entrance it like a snake charmer trying to control a serpent. That being said, the small fire gave my tone a nice mid-hump and let me cut through the band mix. Next time I will use “wet-dry” rig in case I need to extinguish the flames.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
@yagoravell7944 4 жыл бұрын
I realize i'm watching a man play with a adult version of LEGOS, and i dont care, i just love it! Thanks Mick 👏👍
@joostneujens6804 4 жыл бұрын
Mick's vlogs have something evangelical. A fresh crossover between slow TV, life philosophy and awesome tones. Keep it up man!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
That is a huge compliment. Thank you!
@tonybrooks476 4 жыл бұрын
Yes. They are superb. It’s not just Blue that’s back but Mick too! So well documented and honestly shared.
@fishypaw 4 жыл бұрын
I remember years ago, hearing a psychiatrist state that 50% of people will suffer some form of mental health issue in their lifetime. From what I've seen and experienced, I'm sure they were right. I also remember how stigmatised it used to be. Thankfully, it is becoming less so. It's good that you feel comfortable enough to talk about your own experience of it, and it definitely helps others to do the same, especially older people like myself, who were brought up in a culture that told us that men should suppress their feelings and emotions. I wish you good health.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Fishy, I appreciate that. That culture of not talking is just about repression and poor human relationships. We change that, we truly change the world. Cheers!
@fishypaw 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Nah, mate, thank you (and Dan) for the great content. You teach me good stuff, and always make me smile and laugh. Side note: I don't mind being called fishy (lol) but I feel I know you well enough that you can call me Nick, if you like. Named after St. Nick, but these days, I'm much more of an old Nick. 🤨😄
@paulcowart3174 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Mick the music will always keep you grounded my friend We ALL have our foibels lol or whatever And as long as you are at peace My therapist taught me " If you can't control something Let it Be" or don't stress or sweat it Love is all we need and GAS 😜
@mattgilbert7347 4 жыл бұрын
@@fishypaw (and Mick) We change the world, we change the conditions of our existence, and therefore we change how human subjectivity emerges and is constructed from the initial, "biological" (it's kinda all biological, hence the quote marks) determinants. I don't buy the "it's all just low or unbalanced levels of serotonin/dopamine/etc" explanation. Even if that were true the question is WHY has there been such a dramatic rise in people who suffer from chemical imbalances in the brain? Capitalist Realism, man. We gotta change this paradigm. And as Mick said, it starts with considered thought and discourse. It's a colossal ball-ache. Take care, Paw.
@ryanmaroney4793 4 жыл бұрын
Mick, you're like the Mr. Rogers of guitar nerds. I consistently have the "where did the time go" when watching your videos. Reminds me to slow down, take a breath and enjoy the journey. These videos I think are more about the process being the destination instead of the destination being the destination. Great work neighbor!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
That is a wonderful compliment Ryan, thank you!
@Dougal78 4 жыл бұрын
From someone who's currently thankful that guitar and bass can go some way to helping through a cancer fuelled low point, thank you Mick and TPS for everything you do as it most definitely adds an injection of light into my world at the moment.
@scot-combs 4 жыл бұрын
As creatives are a bit over represented in the area of mental health, what you are doing is enormously helpful to those who believe they suffer alone. Thank you for speaking up. Years ago I began a process similar to yours. The difference is, though imperfect, rather stark. And that's the one thing I've come to understand ... nothing will be perfect all the time. Learning to take the downs with the ups is how I've seen improvement. A quote has stuck with me (can't remember who said it) ... "Nothing very, very good or very, very bad lasts very, very long." When things are tough I try to remember this. Again, I can't thank you enough for helping to normalize the discussion around mental health.
@ryshpanmusic 4 жыл бұрын
I seem to recall, in the early days of TPS, Mick saying "Oh, I don't really get on with delay..." Three years later, three delay units on a single board.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
@Cheguebuddha 4 жыл бұрын
That was in one of his past lives!
@rcnation8910 4 жыл бұрын
I love you guys buddy. I've been winding strat pickups for 20 years. I only do it for myself and maybe I'll send you a set for fun. I don't care to make money off it. I had to sell a 1964 strat to survive in 2003 that sounded like god and 3 years late when Ihad the money to replace it they had gone up to 25,000 and I would never own another one and I had to accept that. So I built my first pickup winder and set about winding my own pickups to find that tone. Also I have suffered crippling depression and anxiety for the most of 25 years. It's not something you can explain to others so you suffer alone. You are an amazing player and person. I appreciate you and the show very much brings a much needed smile to my face frequently. Thank you.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you RC. It's time we all stopped suffering alone. This shit is so normal it's almost laughable. Wishing you all the best geezer!
@rcnation8910 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Do you have a neutral Po box not your real address I can send you a set of strat pickups I will make just for you? Made with love free I don't sell them so I don't want anything in return.
@gcvrsa 4 жыл бұрын
I may have mentioned this before, but I like to take hi-resolution manufacturer photos of pedals, drop out the backgrounds and size them to life-size with Adobe Photoshop, then create accurate to the millimetre pedalboard layouts with Microsoft Visio, which also allows me to easily draw in signal and power routing. That way, I always know if and where and how a pedal is going to fit on my pedalboard before I buy it or build it. It only take s a few moments per pedal to fix the pix, then I have them in a library for future use.
@clench13 4 жыл бұрын
What a great edition of your blog posts. I really enjoy when you have some difficulties in your build and walk us through your problem solving steps you take to alleviate the problem. Well done. Love the tape echo, hope to see it on the show soon. Cheers
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Much tape echo to come........
@michaelinglis8516 4 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite videos you've done. You guys should do a "giveaway" for your services. As in the winner send you their pedals and their signal chain preferences and you build their board as a video. You guys are super busy as it is but that would be a really cool series to watch!
@franklippens5313 4 жыл бұрын
What a good human being you are Mick! And good to hear you're doing well, there are too many people suffering from depression who onfortunately never get well.
@sybamunki 4 жыл бұрын
My small board is all mini pedals. I did it as an exercise to reduce out of control board! Has a tuner, EP boost, Tumnus, Mooer Elec Lady and a Flashback. One daisy chain power supply which, surprisingly, isn’t noisy! All goes into the front of my AC15 or DSL40C. It’s great as its all in a small case and has a small footprint and covers most of the sounds I need.
@TheSterlingSound 4 жыл бұрын
I love these little spinoff videos, sometimes like now they’re better than the regular show. I too am a big fan of the blue Hendrix fuzz face, they got it right that time. Good to see you in high spirits Mick.
@isaacjohnson. 4 жыл бұрын
Great point about the benefit of a loop switcher (if having an issue doesn't shut the whole board down). The tone was amazing! Really loved it. Love that you also had 2 fuzz's (Dunlop and Mythos). Appreciate you sharing your journey and the strategies that work for you. You're right even on a trajectory in the right direction there are bumps along the way. I try to remember that those bumps do help us appreciate and enjoy the "rises" so to speak even more than we would without them. Thank you for being open and transparent. It's the honesty of who both you and Dan are that shines through and I appreciate and enjoy that as much as I do the gear and tones. You are a great inspiration Mick.
@realoscaryarrito 4 жыл бұрын
Testing out the new board took Mick to his Happy Place. It's always a pleasure and an inspiration to watch a musician get there. Thanks, Mick!
@davidtomkins4242 4 жыл бұрын
It’s fascinating watching someone go deep into a subject that clearly enthralls them. Mick is turning into the Guy Martin of the guitar world😂
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
That is a dream right there. I LOVE Guy Martin. Best of all when he was exploding on the TT. That was In. Bloody. Sane.
@Stashmanfpv 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice! I’m currently building a board around the Gladio. It’s gonna be a small board with tuner, Klon (clone) EQ, Chorus, Delay, and Reverb will also take up real estate on the board, but as I’m rather new to pedals it’s taking a lot of trial and error and watching many videos trying to find the best options for this build. The build continues, but I’m afraid it’s going to take a bit too find all the best pedals and what works well together. This board is going to be mainly for my new amp, a Ceriatone OTS (Dumble style amp) but I’ll certainly be experimenting with a few of my other amps too…. Thanks again for a killer video and build! ✌🏼
@MichaelStriano 4 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you talk about mental health, Mick. I deal with depression as well and it’s not talked about as much in the music community as other artistic communities. I’m also an actor and the difference is surprising.
@CorbCorbin 4 жыл бұрын
Never give up on the sweet JHF1!!! I leave it just off my board as well. The Clyde Deluxe, or regular Clyde Wah work really well with it too. Killer board, my only difference would be taking the Mythos off for a Uni-Vibe.
@Kevin-the-Just 4 жыл бұрын
When you spoke about the intermittent issue I instantly thought of Scotty from Star Trek. In one of the movies he said something like “the more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to bung-up the drain.” Man that was a lot of wiring under there. 😀
@davedavem 4 жыл бұрын
I knew the Gladio would have to on the board! Even through KZbin it's one of the best overdrives I've heard.
@stanislavmigra 4 жыл бұрын
That Gladio with Klon is pair made in tonal heaven ... Unbelievably good. Seeing the pedal tetris was quite funny 😁
@fishypaw 4 жыл бұрын
Nice "travel" board, that's better than most people's normal board. I'm envious. 😄 You know it's easy to swap the input/output jacks around on the Fuzz Face? No soldering required. I did it to mine. It took 2 minutes.
@sordel5866 4 жыл бұрын
Before he put a single pedal on that board it was already better than most people's normal board! (Those Schmidt Array boards don't come cheap ...) Then he put a Klon on it.
@Danocaster214 4 жыл бұрын
Loving the vlog content Mick! It's tone heaven. There's this quote I read in a book that has always stuck with me, "What's the most important step a man can take? The next one." Keep it up brother!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
I like that. Although this step is equally important!
@JJukstratfan 4 жыл бұрын
Mick thank you for mentioning Mental health again. I would of loved to have been there on the Sunday but I had a rehearsal booked. Sorry to hear the board didn’t work out on the day. I use a Catalinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe in front of my amp for slapback and then either a Catalinbread echorec or a Way Huge Supa Puss in my effects loop for a long delay. I can never decide which is best it’s a never end quest. But I ave been stuck on the Belle epoch at the front for what seems like forever. With my own journey playing guitar and being around musicians and like minded people has often stopped me from slipping back into negative thoughts. Just talking about things can often take a whole weight off your shoulders. Thank you for another awesome vlog.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Cheers J, no apols needed man. I'm going to try the BED at the front again. See how we go. I think being around like minded people helps you stay present and conscious and in this moment. The negative thoughts are all psychological time - past and future worries and anxieties. Once you can spot that happening - your mind stepping into psychological time - you can simply watch it, don't judge it, and exit it as you return to the present. It really works! All best to you!
@MelandColb 4 жыл бұрын
Firefighter from Texas here. I play guitar for our church’s band, and get to jam a little here and there. You guys have been such an inspiration, as well as a huge base of knowledge for me! Every time someone asks me a question about pedals, signal chain, amps, etc., I refer them to you! Thanks for all you do...keep it loud and tasty😉
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Colb! And thank you for the work you do. :0)
@timmiller9715 4 жыл бұрын
Gday from Melbourne lads! Please do some more stuff for affordable alternatives! 👍🏼👍🏼
@zackstearns178 4 жыл бұрын
Echoing so many of the responses below-Mick, you are something of a role model. I truly appreciate your candid and earnest commentary on mental health. It's also so heartening to hear it resonate with so many others, especially in the "not so young, not so old" crowd. In other echorec seems to have a similar intermittent issue as yours. Interested to hear if you find the problem.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Zack. The Echorec must be a power thing - it’s fussy about s something or other I reckon.
@jamesgrobertson8024 4 жыл бұрын
That Gladio sounds incredible. Great board well done 👍 👌👍👌👍
@IanWrigleyNZ 4 жыл бұрын
Absolute legend. Love these videos and look forward to this even more than my regular podcasts and such. What a time to be alive huh
@andreasdavour9973 4 жыл бұрын
Great to hear about the trajectory for the mental health, and the success with the work that you put in! Inspiring.
@gasolinehorsey 4 жыл бұрын
Love the Fuzzface, and I don't just mean the pedal, I mean the face you pull when the Fuzz is engaged. 🤘
@NeunaberAudio 4 жыл бұрын
Loved watching the tetris happen! So honored to have the inspire on this build!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you fellers. Really love the sound of that thing and looking forward to using some of the other modes!
@UrbanGarden-rf5op 4 ай бұрын
@5:55 Mick: Myyy preeeciousss!!! 😂🤣
@JonNewquist 4 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Sonoma County. I'm always trying to make my board smaller without giving in to digital multi-effects units. Mick, I feel your pain with the last-minute diagnosis on a cramped board. I recently had the acoustic half of my board quit moments before show time and had to run that guitar straight into my DI with no modulation. It's disconcerting to not have the tools, to which I'm accustomed, being gone. Audience doesn't know the difference, but it brings me down a little. I enjoyed the whole v'log, and really dug the tones you coaxed, despite the issues. You and Dan are tone whisperers for sure!
@samhatman6536 4 жыл бұрын
Yep. You sir do greatly reach us, assist us in our own endeavor. We are uplifted by your candor, courage, and forthright continuance! Please carry on with all vigor and strength. I salute you both! I get it. Music of the heart and mind, is always the best! At 66 and building a future. Sam
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sam, I hear you sir!
@guitarmoog 4 жыл бұрын
You can’t imagine the difference you make by talking about MH. Many, many thanks for doing it.
@soundpropellerpatrick113 4 жыл бұрын
Mick, I absolutely love your vlogs - the technical stuff, definitely, but the deeper things, the subjects of connecting with instruments/effects/amps, and most of all, your mental health discussions (and physical). I also really love that you openly talk about how good Dan's GigRig gear is, as I'm a very happy G2 owner, and wholeheartedly agree about the quality of his power units. I understand (as Dan recently said) that pushing GigRig stuff is obviously not the point of the show at all, but man I wish you two would do a modern day episode on switchers and comparisons (?). Anyway, I think the G2 is a spectacular tool, and I wish more people knew about them, as well as all of the specialized adapters and outstanding power supplies. I use my G2 as sort of a normalled patch bay for my home recording setup, using my pedals as outboard gear as I record (everything, not just guitar/bass). Keep up the great work on all fronts, cheers from the States!
@soundpropellerpatrick113 4 жыл бұрын
I meant to add transcendent guitar playing!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Patrick, that is very kind! We shy away from the switchers thing because people assume we’re just trying to sell Dan’s gear. And then they get annoyed because we won’t use anything but GigRig. A) because it’s the best, B) because it’s Dan’s firm of course! So it is our one blind spot of not being able to be objective really. Hey ho. :0)
@IceNein763 4 жыл бұрын
Those Schmidt Array pedalboards are really things of beauty. Functional and stylish. Also, the two amp setup with the fuzz and the tape echo instantly brings to mind Eric Johnson.
@justingarcia7722 4 жыл бұрын
Mick, also, thanks for talking about your personal journey. I'm about a year and half into my journey as a creative (i.e I left my day job to pursue music full-time) and it has certainly been an incredible experience with enormous ups and downs. We are a community and we need to take care of each other since unfortunately the modern world doesn't value the arts outside of it's capital so it's so important that we take care of each other. You guys are doing good work, thanks for that and for all the inspiration 😊
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Cheers Justin. The only person who will ever truly value it is you, and in so doing some other people will get it. But never do it because you want them to like it. That is simply seeking the approval of others which is a fast track to going crazy. I’m with you brother! :0)
@justingarcia7722 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow thanks for the words of wisdom, love that I'm pursuing my bliss!
@NathanNagel 4 жыл бұрын
Technology is supposed to make everything easier and make more time for other things, but instead it’s made a lot of us way too busy and makes us envious of people who we should be cheering and such. I think it’s super important to hear you say that everything is NOT sunshine and daisies, and you’ve done a lot of work to get to where you guys are today. Thanks for being awesome Mick! I appreciate both of you, even if my bank account doesn’t!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Nate. I’m absolutely convinced that in a decade or two we’ll look back at social media in the way we do now about smoking. Ie, it’s a death sentence at worst, and just generally bad for your health at best. But it can make you look cool when you’re mind identified and worried about what other people think of you. That’s the cul de sac we all find ourselves in, me included. I’m increasingly mindful of the fact and want to try to add something useful to humans that isn’t just bullshit self promo. Clearly have a long way to go, but the first step is acknowledging it. Thank you for the comment. May we all be well!
@francisgori5631 4 жыл бұрын
Mick- your bravery in talking about issues with mental health is to be applauded! I have struggled at times, but as a geezer if 50, I’m lucky to have figured a lot out. Unfortunately, my best friend lost his 16 year old nephew to suicide (due to mental struggles) just a couple weeks ago. Devastating! For the family, and all who knew him. We as a world need to embrace this as a major issues... that will destroy more than corona virus could ever dream of. Let’s shift the focus, from what’s a sensational headline... to what’s real!!! Peace, and thank you!
@adamfstewart81 4 жыл бұрын
27:55 Love your heart, Mick - also love this guitar face 22:37 ROCK AND ROLL! :)
@stevenblakeakahashburns 4 жыл бұрын
Great vlog Really enjoyed watching the real estate juggling, patching, leads, power issues, signal paths etc Good stuff; and nicely capped off with mentioning mental health Everybody has mental health, whether it’s good or bad and talking brings a wealth of thoughtful food to eat away the sad
@DRChevalier 4 жыл бұрын
Good on you Mick, the road may be bumpy, and may have some tight curves, but it's the journey and what we make of it that matters most. I enjoyed watching the build and was sorry to hear that you had to remove the Boonar for phase issues. I knock on veneer in this road hotel that I have never experienced that with mine, because I really do love it. Also I sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm for tube based tape echo. They can be fragile and a pita to maintain but nothing else sounds like them, although some pedals do a pretty close job. Be well
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Ross. Yeah, the Boonar was a bummer. I think it sounds better than the Catalinbread if I'm honest. Cheers!
@DRChevalier 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow cannot disagree. I did a side by side with the Catalinbread and the Boonar and for me, there was no question, Boonar all the way
@johncooper16 4 жыл бұрын
Great video Mick. Some comments.. 1. I'm glad that the steps you've taken in the last year or so are helping with your mental health. Our society doesn't make it easy to talk about. 2. That was a killer wee board but maintenance looks a bugger. 3. What board will you use at Fat Lils? (Can't wait to see you guys live) 4. I didn't know you are pals with Aynsley. He's a tremendous player and songwriter. His solos are so melodic. Please get him and / or his signature Rift amp on the show.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
1. I think you can reframe the debate with regards to society. Our fears around interpersonal relationships are based on what people think of us. We're obsessed with it. But there is a way to redefine how much it matters to you. A lot of the work I've done is around being free from worrying about what other people think. Just being true to yourself and understanding that what other people think is entirely their business, not yours. Currently transformational way of being for me. :0) 2. You are not wrong! 3. Not sure. Probably back to the bigger board because I suspect I will need to program some specific sounds for songs 4. I've asked Ayns to come on as and when he's about to release a new record. Should be cool!
@tommallah4818 4 жыл бұрын
Really enjoy the Vlogs, Mick. You and Dan have been such a big part of my guitar journey and weekly life for the last 4 years. Thanks for the inspiration.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being with us Tom. We genuinely hope it is useful!
@ee1971 4 жыл бұрын
Really love these vlogs. So great to watch you think through complex stuff and come out with an absolutely beautiful range of tones. If I had that setup I’d be done for life. (By “life” I mean until the next TPS show reveals another killer find...) Thanks Mick (and Dan) for all you do!
@lukepearce1580 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mick. I re-ran all the loops on my board after watching this. It’s so much better.
@thinkthirsty1305 4 жыл бұрын
That fuzzface into the Klon just SNARLS and I love all of it
@tobyelkington1244 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks again for sharing your personal journey (with pedals, boards and ups and downs!). I'm in a similar place, much less pro on the pedal front, but finding help through mindfulness and living in the moment. It's great to hear a public figure speaking out about all of the same issues that I'm experiencing.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Toby. I'm becoming ever more interested in helping to normalise the conversation. Experiencing some kind of mental health issue is just like any physical health issue. It happens to all of us some of the time and yet we still think it's fine to get the flu, but not a bout of depression. I'm glad you've found the moment and the ability to watch your mind. That's about 80 per cent of it for me. All best!
@tobyelkington1244 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Thanks Mick, I'm certainly coming to realise that!! Normalising the conversation around all of these issues is really important and your contribution is really helping me, and I'm sure many others.
@daveyarnall8799 4 жыл бұрын
A serious but great note to end on 🙂 The first vlog that you mentioned mental health in was a real eye/mind opener to the option of talking about things however big or small instead of retreating and trying to deal with it all solo, even though I “knew” it already. Thank you! It’s alluring to imagine some kind of GigRig box for the mind to remove the noise in the brain-chain at the flick of a switch but we can work to achieve it in a deeper and longer lasting way with openness and the right support. Also, as a very new player it was truly amazing the hear and FEEL the sounds at the Guitar Show! There’s a target to aim for 😬 Thanks to you, Dan and everyone behind the scenes that helps us experience such glorious, grin inducing noises!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Nice one Dave, and thanks for coming to the show! Eliminating the noise in the brain chain is absolutely key to feeling better IMHO. Eliminating the tendency for compulsive thinking and being able to stay present and conscious in this moment and not getting lost in psychological time (the past and the future: regret, nostalgia, fear, anxiety - those things simply don't exist in the present). Sorry, don't mean to sound preachy. But it's fundamentally changing my life. And it's not hard. Hooray!
@daveyarnall8799 4 жыл бұрын
Apologies not necessary! No preachiness detected and I completely agree.
@tcause 4 жыл бұрын
Mick. Love you. Keep working on the strategies to get ok when you’re not.
@jmanson3310 4 жыл бұрын
It really makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to hear those beautiful tones after the time you spent putting it together. It's like 'It's ALIVE!'...yeah sounds great man.
@_RLP 4 жыл бұрын
Great upload. Love how you communicate with us in a manner that transcends the "TV aspect" of this whole thing, making it a conversation that goes beyond guitar and tone - life! Kudos on the RnR circus tribute- Dirty Mac, the band that never was and, yet, managed to rock our socks off... Love it. Cheers, guys
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ricardo!
@johnsmith-sm6mh 4 жыл бұрын
Aynsley Lister awesome Mick I’ve been following him since he was a kid “ being a local Leicestershire lad” saw him first back at Rock City Nottingham , the small downstairs room great guitarist. Great vlog too 👍🎸🎸
@4o69o 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome vlog yet again. Thanks for taking us along with you. Great to hear about the positive vibes at the guitar show \m/
@benweekes2797 4 жыл бұрын
I was so very close to pulling the trigger on that very Fulltone tape echo on Reverb and very disappointed to see that it had sold. To find it’s with you has made me pleased that I didn’t, to hear you play it is joyful and worthwhile. Thanks Mick, great vlog as always.But if you ever decide you do want to move it on, let me know ;)
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Ah bless you Ben. Thank you! It’s a truly great thing. :0)
@lanehillard1596 4 жыл бұрын
Not even lying when I say I wish i could visit the UK just so I could go to all the shows/events you guys do. Love y'all!
@TheBigGuppy 4 жыл бұрын
When playing modern Country all my pedalboards hold one less pedal than I need. 😀 This year I’m out with a Helix. Meh, it works well on IEMs and with production constraints.
@paultwiselton1996 4 жыл бұрын
Magic and fascinating as always. Thanks Mick for carrying me on your journeys.
@nickjadamson 4 жыл бұрын
The tone clearly inspired you, but more than that the whole vlog was inspired. Awesome contribution Mick!
@clivemcdaid8817 4 жыл бұрын
What a thoroughly nice fellow you are sir. Thanks for all your inspiring work, both on and off the strings.
@kevinberthoud9347 4 жыл бұрын
Hiya Mick ... late to the party ... again ... sigh ... Anyway thanks for your comments about in/out of phase in stereo rigs; REALLY appreciated your mention of using existing gear to solve (tape delay); since I am not affiliated with GigRig (but do use the gear, love it); I don't mind making a plug (ok some will say shameless :D) for one piece that is in your conceptual diagram. Namely the Humdinger which has a in/out phase button for just this purpose (Thanks Dan et all, for your continued engineering meticulousness/thoughtfulness). Could you and Dan consider a show on in/out phase? If so please include the effects (if any or significant) of acoustic coupling (guitar/amp)? I dont run a stereo rig (use Wetter Box for parallel effects). I am not sure if acoustic coupling at stage volumes is an issue? Thanks! Lastly always great to see and hear you and Dan together on TPS. Carry on gents!!!
@dowhileloops6793 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Mick! First, thanks to you and Dan for years of great content. Second, I had a strange issue with my Catalinbread Echorec as well. When using it in Trails mode and the pedal is off, the Mix knob would act as a Volume out to the rest of the chain. I found this odd, but worked around it. Not sure if it’s related, but thought I’d throw that out there. Thanks again for your entertaining yet educational show!
@GuitarBreaks 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful as always, Mick. Bless you guv'nor!
@michaelinglis8516 4 жыл бұрын
I've been using a triangle buff(mooer triangle muff copy in a smaller foot print)on my board for fuzz and I like it cause I have about 13 pedals if you count all the ones up front and in the loop and that's not including the power supply a loop box, buffer etc. So the snall footprint of the triangle buff helps. It's an absolutly excellent triangle muff sound but I really want a good fuzz that will react well to my guitar volume and tone an clean up. I'll probably build one myself. I've built 5 pedals on my board so far and modded most of the others for additional versatility. So if I build my own fuzz it will probably be a fuzz face Vero build with some extra options. In fact I'm gonna go find a Vero layout and circuit I like now.
@timobb 4 жыл бұрын
I saw Aynsley Lister about 15 years ago as a teenager at the Brook in Southampton, it was brilliant it made me want to learn to play (which I did) and he gave me his pick after the gig, my brother asked him about 20 times, I think he gave it to me out of sheer annoyance.
@Yupppi 4 жыл бұрын
Oh boy how I love new board builds. And somehow you guys always manage to swap half the pedals despite keeping all the classics and favourites so it's interesting. And some of those have to be good for you to replace your usual suspects. The diagrams are top notch in this one, good looking and they make hell of a lot of sense. Turns out your board was quite unlucky with everything requiring another gigrig piece. Interesting short episode would be making all the pieces you had throughout this build work and showing what you needed to do to fix the problems. I'm myself getting my hands to gigrig power any day now (unfortunately not from gigrig but second hand, fortunately for my wallet though and now I can update the system for reasonable cost directly from gigrig anyway) and I'm super excited to finally see and hear what others have had the pleasure to enjoy! Since mental health is mentioned, personal isn't going too shabby, but TPS always manages to cheer up. The honest enthusiasm towards the shared interest. And hearing sweet sounds and great playing.
@jrchanning 4 жыл бұрын
That board sounded epic when you finished it up and your playing was amazing in the TPS studio when you were testing it, you could tell you was totally digging the sounds and tones !!. Kudos on the mental health shout out as this is such an important subject nowadays and people are now talking which is vital in fighting the problem, great vlog :D
@Airfire21 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic vlog Mick. Sad to hear it didn't quite work in the way that you wanted it to and that you've had a tough week. Here's to good times ahead. Look forward to hopefully a follow up vlog which tells us what changes (if any) you make for Andy Timmons, July and onwards. Keep on keeping on, Mick :)
@michaelgall5276 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed watching your playing in this. Loved the faces you were pulling when you were getting into it. 👍🏻
@jeffboutwell7659 4 жыл бұрын
love the high speed time laps stuff.. great way to show most everything
@nigelprice5254 4 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed your set with Aynsley at the Guitar Show; for me it was the highlight of an excellent day.
@gasbagguitargear401 4 жыл бұрын
Got the Gladio on pre-order and can’t wait for it! Really enjoy these Vlogs - you’ve inspired my own strat build Mick. Keep on keeping on mate.
@cornerstonegear 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Gavin, can you please check your email? I sent you a notification email cause your pre-ordered Gladio is ready to ship...
@gasbagguitargear401 4 жыл бұрын
Cornerstone Music Gear - I have replied now, the emails went into my junk box for some reason.
@rjroth4869 4 жыл бұрын
It's so fun and instructive to see the whole process of the board build. Including that parts that didn't go the best is so valuable. And some really great tones! Thanks.
@justingarcia7722 4 жыл бұрын
This video gave me the idea that perhaps you guys should do a video on using high headroom pedals into smaller amps and possible alternatives in cases they don't work. For example I find the frequencies of a univibe and fuzz face to require high headroom, into a smaller amp things start to flatline. I suppose the answer is "more is more" but it'd be interesting to explore ways to make those sounds work or approximate them in a 15/20 watt combo setting. Cheers, great tones Mick
@pmunkey1 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Mick. So, I enjoy every aspect of TPS shows, but I essentially love these vlogs. Great work my friend sending love and positive vibes. X
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Munk. Positiveness right back atcha!
@christopherburnett1745 4 жыл бұрын
Bless you, Mick! I am so glad to hear that, despite the expected bumps along the way, you are doing well. Many of us have dealt with mental health issues in our lives, and I am certainly included. Okay..... You guys have hinted that you are doing things with Sweetwater, and now you're doing something in June.... Please don't say that you'll be at Gear Fest this year! I will be out of town for a family event and there's no way I can attend!! I'll be sick if you guys are less than an hour from my home town and I can't go!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Nope, it's not that Christopher. :0)
@christopherburnett1745 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Thank goodness! At this rate, GearFest will likely be cancelled anyway.
@Grindian 4 жыл бұрын
Ahaaa yess, was having a hard time getting outve bed... until now! Thanks Mick!
@Gruntle 4 жыл бұрын
Oh mannn ....that strat with the transition logo (66?) really boils my potatoes!
@jrmakawoody 4 жыл бұрын
Gubbins is the word of the day. It sounds like you are getting some great tones. I especially like the octave fuzz. Thanks for sharing!
@juanmartinreborati7928 4 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! That's sounds awesome! And thanks for sharing the serious stuff with us. We are all still humans. Life's not easy, though is very short. Worrying too much is pointless, and living in the present moment makes everything more enjoyable. Cheers man!
@dmac-333 4 жыл бұрын
Nice vlog Mick. Being present and conscious, I've never heard what I'm not on a bad day described so well. That's got me thinking. Thank you.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
D, please give some time to The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. He explains it in ways I can't. Powerful stuff, life changing. And not at all weird or ideological/religious etc. Just psychology and philosophy. All best to you!
@dmac-333 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatPedalShow Will do, Cheers Mick.
@yellowtruckproductions7502 4 жыл бұрын
Metta to you Mick! Thanks for everything!
@VoodooHazeUK 4 жыл бұрын
Having been watching your vids for 3 years and purchased (and sold) many pedals because of this show, one thing I would like for you guys to cover is Loop Switchers. Let’s face it, it’s a main staple for any board. I understand you’ll always side with GigRig but there’s so many others out there and I for one needed guidance when purchasing one many years ago. Keep up the good work.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
We would never use anything but TheGigRig. Sorry Mac!
@khai_nomore8613 4 жыл бұрын
That Klon is just evergreen. You manage to cram in all that! Well done.
@scottmucklow4762 4 жыл бұрын
Mick, you're simply one of the finest presenters on the internets. Both you and Dan are my elixir after a tough week of work. Keep up the great work. PS. Do you give the CS fat sixties strat pickups a thumbs up?
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Scott. That’s very kind! Yah, the Fat 60s work really well. They’re sounding pretty fine in Transit Van (the black one). :0)
@jamesemerson4102 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely KILLER tones man... wow. I am obsessed with octave fuzz at the moment. Playing the Vemuram Myriad fuzz... now to match it with an octave... maybe the believe! glad you have been coping well with your mental health issues mate. I suffer from depression and have all my life. Being a poor musician doesn't help, but the music does!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
I hear you James. Wishing you all the best. You can do a lot worse than the Mythos Argo. I LOVE it.
@WarrenPostma 4 жыл бұрын
The fuzzface is magic especially in combination with that supro.
@markaochoa2017 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful tones from a lovely chap. Howdy from Texas.
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Howdy Texas! It's been a while. :0)
@garyturner3085 4 жыл бұрын
I've been avoiding reorganizing my board like the plague. Nothing like the power issues you have. Watching you makes me want to organise it more but I feel like we all go on the journey with you and now I dont have to do anything with mine for week another or so. Might do it Saturday with the TPS/JHS show upcoming 👈🥳👉
@drdriterodemjaha752 4 жыл бұрын
What an absurd attempt at a "travel board". I love you.
@michael_caz_nyc 4 жыл бұрын
I was also laughing. It's a board that either David Gilmour or the Edge could gig with. Gotta love Mick = 3 Delays, 2 Fuzz, Klon, Gladio ( dual drive ). Yeah - I think you'll just get by.
@yippy327 4 жыл бұрын
Love ya, Mick! Another great video!! Thanks!
@patrickmckay6621 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a great tip : our guitarist has bought an old accodeon case online for a few bucks. It looks exactly like the Schmidt Array . All you have to do is build in a wooden board to create 2 levels for the pedals and maybe cut 2 holes in the case's side for plugs . Works great looks awesome costs a tenth of a SchmidtArray
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Nice! Has he committed it a plane luggage hold yet?
@patrickmckay6621 4 жыл бұрын
No,not yet. Yeah, ...i heard that passenger get into trouble Even carrying a Type-Writer.
@alessandrodecarli2462 4 жыл бұрын
Living or working ALL days with the same people, sometimes brings little issues but most of the times these problems are volatile! I mean, I think it’s natural. Sorry I’ve lost the vlog where you talk about your problems but, in my opinion, they might be only for the livings and chances to reveal’em should be taken all the times! Love to ya and the Now-short-bearded Dan! P.S.: me I love to play Purple Rain in’s a great shortcut! 😉
@voxer3688 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this one, Mick! I’ve often though about running two mini boards with an A/B loop box so one board can be removed from the signal chain at times. You could put your fuzz, wah and vibe on one for instance. Just a thought. My mini board is cramped and there’s always a pedal or two I wish I could have squeezed onto it, depending on my mood. Great vlog!
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I have been thinking about that as it goes. Hmmmmmmmmm.....
@ThatPedalShow 4 жыл бұрын
Like a Jimi daughter board. Ha!
@voxer3688 4 жыл бұрын
That Pedal Show Exactly!
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