Can Season of Discovery Recover? | Melderon Reacts

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Defcamp & Melderon TV

Defcamp & Melderon TV

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@DefcampMelderonTV 3 ай бұрын
What will I react to next?
@peter486 3 ай бұрын
its 2 late the phases was to long. they messed up in the end.
@musicdamar583 3 ай бұрын
Turtle WoW going Unreal Engine... of course!
@Ura_Poh 2 ай бұрын
First off I want welcome you back. I know its been a bit but I just noticed your videos again. Second GDKPs suck only because gold buying got so bad. Other then that it would have been abosultly fine. Finally I am happy to you see you making videos again and I cant wait to see what your react to next. Here is hoping blizzard will hear what we really want, but I am not holding my breath to much.
@Talix. 3 ай бұрын
I just hit 60 Saturday afternoon and I'd say yes the people that want to play Season of Discovery are happy with things, I know I am. The new dungeon is fun, the new and revamped loot is cool, the new crafting/reputation rewards are awesome and everyone is looking forward to instanced world bosses this coming week and 20 man Molten Core the week after. The changes likes runes are sooo good and feel great. If you haven't tried it you really should because it makes some classes feel so much better than they do in Era. Also to correct this: They already said they are going to put SoD characters on permanent servers so they can keep playing together there because they can't put them on Era servers like they did with SoM because SoD has changes to gear and abilities. What did hurt SoD in a MAJOR way is that at the end of phase 2 they apologized for it taking too long to release phase 3. That time between phase 2 and 3 was 3 months... well the time between 3 and 4 was 4 months! FOUR months stuck at level 50 with one raid (Sunken Temple) that was boring after two weeks that had minimal upgrades. SoD went from almost 500k to 37k raiders in the final two months of phase 3. They said they wanted to give Cata time to breath but that was a lie because they have ONE team for SoD and Cata that has to manage both. Blizzard royally screwed up here because SoD and what will come down the road (Classic+) needs a dedicated team that is constantly creating new content to keep people playing. SoD is a pre Classic+ where there are going to be changes. People that don't like SoD won't like Classic+ because there are going to be changes And honestly there aren't many people playing Era. People were calling SoD dead at 37k raiders at the end of phase 3 but Era has half of that. I 100% agree with you Classic Fresh needs to happen. There is no reason for it not to when so many people want it. Remember when enough people speak up Blizzard eventually acts. Look at all we have gotten since 2019. Classic Vanilla, Era, TBC, SoM, Wotlk, Hardcore, SoD, Cata, That's a lot of stuff! If you do ever want to give SoD a shot let me know, I think when it started I reserved yours and Defcamps names on my server in the hopes you would play someday lol. Btw I rolled Alliance and love it. As I'm typing this it's 4am and there are 4 layers going on my server so yeah a lot of people came back which is awesome to see.
@johanlahti84 3 ай бұрын
GDKP sucks the soul out of the game. Gives incentive for botters to create gold. Only ONE form of loot distrubution is "Fair" and that would be DKP. If you participate, you get loot. it is essentally your "Salary".
@johanlahti84 3 ай бұрын
I'd rather have less people raiding than having GDKPs take the few people that could form a normal raid.
@illfate757 3 ай бұрын
My guild Broke up because half went to make a gdkp
@Jallis370 3 ай бұрын
Sod is an experiment. I love that the devs are allowed to take chances and try out things while we live through the changes and give feedback on it. I believe we'll get a "complete" verson of sod after thw whole season has concluded. And if we all don't like how seasonal content work then I don't believe they will do it that way next time. I generally don't have faith in anything blizz does nowadays, but sod is a special case. I'm in for the ride.
@TheBerezniki 3 ай бұрын
Agree with your sentiment that we need fresh now! I just hope they ban GDKPs. I think this time around fresh could be plagued with GDKPs to the detriment of the community/guilds. Some streamers LOVE GDKPs but its a huge issue with all the botters/mage boosters. They won't remove botters quickly.
@dunedain5358 3 ай бұрын
GDKPs indeed are much more than just a cheap solution to combat gold buying. GDKPs directly combat guild raiding in being more flexible and more convenient. It would be a shame if one of the major ways for social interaction, in joining a guild to raid, is made less attractive by having GDKPs being the main way to raid. Now apart from that, if they don’t combat bots, GDKPs are essentially just wow tokens.
@Babaganoosh69 3 ай бұрын
We have so many botters in SoD still even with GDKPs removed. It sounds nice in theory to remove GDKPs, but it reality it just removes an option for players and doesn't change much if anything.
@Juvaugn 3 ай бұрын
i think they definitely went a bit overboard with SOD. i hope if they do make a classic plus they don't stray to far from classic. like you said Melderon most of community wanted minor changes that classic was lacking. for example make ret and enhancement shamans a thing, make boomkins a thing and druids not have to farm crowd pummelers. also have shamans and paladins be viable tanks. like they dont have to be crazy strong or be able to compete with Warriors for dps or anything but just make it so they are not meme specs. I also think GDKP's are a good thing to have. i see GDKP's as more of a Pugging thing, guilds will always do MS>OS. people who couldn't co ordinate with a guild had the options to run PUGS who do GDKP and if they don't have gold to get what they want they can at least experience the raid and also get some gold out of it for next time. im a person who likes to play one character for my MMO's, GDKP's gave me a reason to still do things like molten to get some gold even though i didn't need any loot from it. it kept a lot of players invested when it came to endgame for sure especially for people who had alts and wanted to pug for some gear or gold. i also think your idea about the hall of fame/multiverse thing is a very good idea. they would be able to milk classic for so many years and the players would be happy. i played wow for the first time when classic came out i have cleared all raids and dungeons and i would still be down to run a fresh server of classic+ with some small changes to all the meme specs.
@Johnnydhee 3 ай бұрын
I think what this video misses is SOD (hopefully) is pretty much just a sandbox where the devs are throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks in preparation for an actual classic plus where they ideally implement what worked.
@CatDad09 3 ай бұрын
I think Season of Discovery needs to just progress into TBC because there is no way I’m going to restart from fresh again. It would be a way to continue our characters and give people TBC again. The problem I’m starting to see is the further we progress into SoD, the barrier to entry for new players greatly increases.
@NCArtVT Ай бұрын
I come from the vanilla experience and stopped playing in early 2007. I've never played retail and can't speak to that. SoD brought me back for a week but even then it felt so off from when I first played in early 2005. Rogues tanking? Layering? Min-maxing? WTF? That is so far removed from what made vanilla so great. WoW was so magical because you didn't KNOW what to do and where to go, you just did whatever you wanted and geared whatever you liked. People don't understand that WoW vanilla was the open world extension of Warcraft 3 and heavily inspired by DnD. Classic+ should be undertaken with the understanding of that. If Blizzard is to make a Classic+ I would be interested in coming back to see the content that the original dev team wanted to add. Did you ever wonder what was in those closed zones? Or what Azshara would look like if they had more time to flesh it out? I would like to see more world events and quirky characters. Give us another lvl 20 dungeon, give me a reason to enjoy the best part about WoW: the JOURNEY to 60. Enough with the min-maxing/rush to 60 bullshit. I don't want a Naxx+ or tier 3.5. Expand on the lore, don't fuck with the races or classes. I don't care about "balance". Make the world more open and make us feel like there is more exploring to be had.
@FelLotus33 2 ай бұрын
Great video. I was honestly kinda hoping they'd add in like a few tier sets to make lets say a boomy or shadow priest viable. Instead we get a mage healer and rouge tanks, it's just too bloated and totally negates class distinction. I'm currently playing on era again.
@mjw9178 3 ай бұрын
Agree with too much added. I dont feel like im up for the final phase, despite having played the others casually, despite solo farming mara for dagger as SP. I wish they would add arenas for classic sod and mby even add raids like Uldum or some other forgotten (potential) content from bk then
@KevinArcade87 3 ай бұрын
The mistake that people make is that people think it's Classic+ they said from the start this is not. They said this could lead to Classic+. I think they are just testing a bunch of things and see what works and not
@raspernor11 3 ай бұрын
I'm loving SoD. :D The gradual level cap increase was one of my favorite parts. So much of the game's design is irrelevant in a matter of hours with normal server progression.
@hironobu64 3 ай бұрын
DnD had basically always had multi classing or at least dual classing, so using it as an example for "wizards not healing" might not be the best. But it is true, a pure sorcerer or a pure wizard cannot heal.
@sveborkrcelic5965 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree with your points, but it ain't gonna happen. As they're not in business of making quality games, but in business of making as much money as possible. It's the inherent flaw of the capitalism. Keep it up Mel, always nice to hear your thoughts.
@llwonder 3 ай бұрын
fast forward is a mistake. don't do this
@havoc3135 3 ай бұрын
I think is time to remove player-to-player trading and add the BDO auction house with fixed fair prices for every single item. It is the best system developers came out with, that completely removes the bots. It's really sad to live in a time where BDO is less pay2win then WoW, these days.
@xzBorn_ 3 ай бұрын
18:50 because theyre incompetent, this was not the only obvious mistake early on. Just look at the design of the waylaid supplies when they were introduced. 🤯
@BJoshuah 3 ай бұрын
More excited to level my Druid on deviate delight than I am to level my priest on SoD
@yallahyallah4220 3 ай бұрын
imho nothing, and i said and bemoaned it at the time of implememtation, did more damage to CLASSIC/TBC/WOTLK, than merging servers and later on top, phasing. The community is the heartbeat of every decent MMORPG and what kills the community is anonymity and indifference, exactly what happens when you hardly ever run into the same person twice, or the number of players becomes so large, that everyone is expensable and interchangeable without consequence. At that point, the community and the living and breathing ecosystem of a server is dead.
@Tetter. 3 ай бұрын
All these posts in 2019 that classic wow is about the journey not the destination, now its i don't want seasons because i feel like im not getting something i can go back to...
@Talix. 3 ай бұрын
But you can because Asmon is wrong. They already said they are putting SoD players together on servers when SoD is "over" to continue playing together. They just can't put them on Era servers like they did with SoM because SoD has changes to gear and abilities.
@tokialofti1140 3 ай бұрын
Great vidoe!
@Rakyr 3 ай бұрын
My one thing would be to leave classes more or less the same, I feel like the runes took away from each class's role/identity. I think making ret paladin viable as well as feral druid was good but other than that, the class changes feel terribly unbalanced and unoriginal in terms of class fantasy.
@Tagerrun 3 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ please no I don’t want a multiverse we’ll just get the jailer in classic at that point.
@dtt719 2 ай бұрын
SOD was infested with bots and rmt by phase one. Until blizzard actually does something about it I won’t play. If there was a conga line of bots running into Stockades back in 2004-2006 a GM would show up and ban them all. There has always been bots and rmt but it’s beyond ridiculous now. Like a parody
@hironobu64 3 ай бұрын
I guess I'm a bit confused. Seasonal content is bad (and I would agree it is), but how is starting over on a fresh server every two years not ... seasonal content? If the point of "seasonal content = bad" is that its gone in the end, isn't the same true for constantly starting fresh? Tweaks or not? If a bunch of peopld are starting on Deviat Delight, how many of them ever go back to the other sever and play those toons. I get that those toons are still there, so it's not apples to apples, but the point is the same. Everyone left the server to chase the new cool thing, so it's essentially a dead server and those characters are dead. I guess you can pay for a transfer, but that feels dirty. In the end the problem is fomo. That, and the not accepting that we will never get the magic of 2004 back ever again. Ever.
@Tobez 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I decided to sit out SOD. The only reason I played SOM was because the leveling was faster, so I leveled a hunter, which I hadn't done yet, and learned how to do the DMT farm. It was a good goal, I made tons of gold and then my hunter just went off to era after. I was fine with SOM because it wasn't changed very much, just faster to achieve one of my goals. Plus all the changes to SOD don't sound great to me. It's just mixing retail and vanilla for the most part in my eyes. It's not expanding on the vanilla world, its just changing it.
@Falcon-ob7uf 3 ай бұрын
Exactly how it is.
@chainhood 3 ай бұрын
My guild ran inhouse GDKP for the majority of Classic and TBC. The newest raid was loot counciled until we had it on "farm" then we would swap to GDKP. Everyone in the guild was trustworthy and loved it. All the healers really enjoyed getting free gold for consumes because our warriors and mages were always fighting over the BiS. Also incentivized peopled to stay on their main characters to carry others alts in MC/BWL because everyone knew they were gonna get a fat payout if 2 mage alts were in the run when mageblade/nelth's tear dropped. We also ran GDKP pugs on the weekend with around 20 guildies and the rest pugged from grobbulus randoms. I think GDKP is the perfect loot system if you have no bad actors buying gold.
@Chozzeone060907 3 ай бұрын
Theres only one game I can think of with a cheating issue that has it under control-ish. That is Valorant because the anti-cheat it has is incredibly invasive. One "AI dev" is not going to solve the issue. There is a market there and if theres a market people will always find a way around it.
@Chozzeone060907 3 ай бұрын
your point at approximately 12 min unfortunately wont work. If theres a PTR it will be datamined to hell with no secrets and if they go without it people will complain how broken the game is. Such is life.
@Followtheham 3 ай бұрын
It cant, but its a season. Blizzard are giving us too much abilities wise which make us do 2500dps in classic aoe pulls, where in original classic where ppl did max 500dps average and no content, other than re use other same content and tweek it SMALL amount. GDKP Should never be in any game cuz ppl buy more gold from gold sellers.
@CatDad09 3 ай бұрын
Sod needs to progress to TBC otherwise it’ll be over. I’m definitely not doing this again from 1.
@Talix. 3 ай бұрын
Huh? I don't know anyone playing SoD that wants to continue on into TBC. They want Classic+ after SoD and also Classic fresh.
@CatDad09 3 ай бұрын
@@Talix. We aren’t getting a traditional Classic+ Most people at this point just want to continue playing their SoD toons, we’ve all put a lot of work into them. I’ve seen maybe 10 people that want Fresh. That’s definitely not going to happen.
@Talix. 3 ай бұрын
@CatDad09 You are wrong here. Thousands of people want fresh and it is going to happen. SoD isn't going to progress into TBC and there isn't going to be a TBC fresh either. And what is a traditional Classic+? Era but with a couple raids tacted onto the end of it? That's boring.
@CatDad09 3 ай бұрын
@@Talix. Where are these “thousands of people” that want fresh? I’m not interested in talking about made up statistics. The people who are advocating for fresh era are far fewer than you think. The actual statistics are what matters. SoD has the vast majority of the Classic subscriber base and is the primary focus of the Classic team. They aren’t interested in catering to a niche minority. If you want to play Classic Era, the servers are online and there are plenty of people to play with. You don’t need Fresh. I think you’d be surprised, do you think when SoD runs it’s course and the season end, the tens of thousands of people who spent a year+ on their characters will be okay with losing their progress? SoD TBC is the perfect opportunity to give us TBC again while allowing the majority of the community to keep playing their characters they’ve been playing thousands of hours.
@Talix. 3 ай бұрын
​@@CatDad09 Why are you making each sentence a new paragraph lol. There are 17000 people raiding in Era. That's raiding not playing. The number playing is much greater. That combined with people from private servers, SoD, Cata and people that don't even play at the moment the number of people wanting fresh is huge. I have never once heard anyone I play with in SoD say they want to go into TBC, not a single person. Why you do I'm unsure of because TBC sucks compared to Classic. If you want TBC go play on a private server, there are plenty of them. Also nobody is losing their progress. Blizzard already said that they will be moving everyone from SoD over to their own servers afterwards to continue playing their characters. I will still be able to play SoD on a permanent server after the "season" is over. Then it's on to Classic+, not TBC lol.
@konstantinpospelov951 3 ай бұрын
Min maxing ruined the game. If you dont have all the bis and all the runes and dont DPS up to expectations or dont keep the bad tank alive who pulls everything nonstop then you arent good enough. Game doesn't resemble what it once was.
@codywatson9627 3 ай бұрын
Is all content for SoD just complaining about why you aren't playing.... You just look so down on yourself. If you want to talk about fresh stop hating on the game I am enjoying in the process if you want me to watch it.
@DefcampMelderonTV 3 ай бұрын
Not hating on anything, just giving ideas and opinions, gotta be a little more tough-skinned my guy
@chrijani7 3 ай бұрын
1.5x speed ruined this video
@DefcampMelderonTV 3 ай бұрын
that's a bit dramatic but ok
@chrijani7 3 ай бұрын
@@DefcampMelderonTVI apologize. Was just giving feedback. I didn’t mean it in a negative way.
@volusinus 3 ай бұрын
Big negatory @ U
@DefcampMelderonTV 3 ай бұрын
@@chrijani7 Its cool, thanks for watching!
@CatDad09 3 ай бұрын
We’d be here all day if we listened to Asmon at 1x lol
@cdb5961 3 ай бұрын
Nerd rage will always be married to loot. If you dont enjoy the game do something else.
@DreuuRose 3 ай бұрын
I stopped listening after you said you don’t play sod
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