Can We SAVE Age of Sigmar? Why It Completely FAILS As a Setting. A Rant.

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Northern Exile

Northern Exile

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@kbunlimited Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think the main reason why Age of Sigmar "fails" is because it was cursed from day one. They wanted a clean slate on Warhammer fantasy to entice new people into the system since it was doing much poorer compared to 40k. All that happened was those who were already into 40k saw this new system and thought "Well I wasn't that interested in Warhammer fantasy, so I'm not gonna bother with this one" and those who were big fans of fantasy were alienated by the world and lore they fell in love with being thrown out to make way for this new one. It's a stigma that AoS has never shaken and because of this, it's treated as the red headed stepchild of the hobby. I was one of those fantasy players who was alienated by this. I started in the hobby on Warhammer fantasy when I was 10. I didn't even play 40k til I was in college. I was so disgusted by the killing off of fantasy that I quit the hobby for a good 3 or 4 years. Then out of nostalgia I went into my old GW and caught up with some people and took a look at the models and things they had for Age of Sigmar and the books they had made on the lore. I picked up a few and read them and I honestly found the setting to be interesting. The constant fluidity of the Mortal Realms allowed for various possibilities for your own lore to be added in without it being contradicting. Then as it went on, I found myself becoming more and more engrossed in the big events as they actually changed how the setting worked going forward, the Necroquake and Cursed skies for example. It's constantly evolving and I find myself really liking many of the factions, Kharadron Overlords and Nighthaunt are my favorites. I even like the Stormcast lore that though they can be reforged when they die, each time they lose more and more of themselves til they barely can be classed as anything remotely human. This is only my opinion honestly but I respectfully disagree; the lore is good and I don't think it needs fixing. Many of the Warhammer fantasy factions don't fit into this setting and most of the armies that transitioned were placeholders til they made new armies that fit the narrative more. It's why the Old World is fine to come back as far as I'm concerned. They are two different games with different worlds, just a few common key players here and there. I honestly recommend Age of Sigmar to anyone who hasn't played it or is on the fence about it. Originally the game itself was a joke (the rules were a mess) but this edition is actually nice and balanced. It's actually my favorite of GW's games currently. And if people give the game a chance, they'll give the lore a go too and find it actually is just as interesting in it's own way.
@filteredjc4653 Жыл бұрын
I'm old so I remember when it was implied that the old world was just some lost planet in 40K, with various factions stuck there and at a low level of technology
@Franangrsheim Жыл бұрын
The Old World creates a sense of wonder, like a seamless mmo. AoS feels like loading screens between worlds or instanced pockets. The Old World also kept the aesthetic from 90s dark fantasy games like blood omen, Hexen/heretic, early Diablo. It could also have some high fantasy elements too. I also enjoy looking at maps not star systems
@oneeyedwonderer6781 Жыл бұрын
Its because they wanted fantasy 40k , a giant endless setting where they can do anytbing they want , so nothing actually means anything that happens.
@SuperDuperHappyTime Жыл бұрын
Just started the video, and as you’re still talking Brets, I’m going to guess you haven’t read anything pre-Malign Portents. Not going to entirely shame you, because why should you watch to episode three when it finally gets good, if you didn’t care for episode one.
@SirBrasstion Жыл бұрын
One of the things I liked about Stormcast Eternals was their role as Daemons of Order. They don't die, they're banished. Order can still lose the war of attrition as the mortals they're defending die, but this is the counter to what became world-destroying hordes. Mind you this was when the first set came out and it looked like they were Rubric Marines. Now they remove their helmets to show off modern hairstyles.
@TheVergoner Жыл бұрын
11:30 "Here is my take to a setting that I have not read much or not have interest on it in first place, not knowing if it's actually good or not. So here's my personal setting that totally much better what I haven't even read about" - You, basically.
@CassyCat4 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love Age of Sigmar lore, The more I learn the more Im pulled into it, I feel they left enough space to build your own stuff to as almost any terrain board can fit in one of the realms. That said I dont have the old world nostalgia that most people who poop AoS have.
@nickbrooks2236 Жыл бұрын
Honestly i think the lore isn't terrible it just doesn't feel like there is real risks and real costs when each realm is basically infinite.
@richkanu Жыл бұрын
This is the problem though, no? If *anything* can happen, then nothing is interesting, because nothing is constraining the ways in which the stories unfold. Where that happens, it's just event after event after meaningless event.
@edwardaugustus9680 Жыл бұрын
This and the lack of a firm timeline helps reenforce a sense of pointlessness to the story where nothing happens
@adamp3255 Жыл бұрын
I love Age of Sigmar lore. I’ve been playing the game for two years and I can make my army fit into the lore so well and any type of narrative my friends and I concoct just works. Yeah, it’s not 40K or the Old World lore, but it’s the beginning of a growing game and honestly is the better and more fun to play than any other game GW has put out.
@StripesW Жыл бұрын
No its not the beginning of a growing game?! It is one of the major titles of the biggest miniature wargaming company there is, which has been out for 8 years now.
@kamerionsmith4551 Жыл бұрын
Any armies lore fits into AoS lore because a lot of AoS lore is simply whatever the writer feels like things should be at the moment. There's little actual locations. Characters hardly change the world around them. It's perfect for a made up army. Also... beginning? The game is like 7 years old. All of their lore updates only exist to sell models it seems. Idk man. Enjoy yourself. If you think the lore is gonna get better though I've got bad news for you
@anvos658 Жыл бұрын
@@kamerionsmith4551 Yeah that were 8 years in and still don't have core parts of development done for the lore of the setting, such as what happened with Malekith/Malerion, and it falls into the stop with the Space Marine focus issue (yes Stormcasts are Spacemarines).
@adamp3255 Жыл бұрын
@@kamerionsmith4551How long has 40K been out?? Relatively, AoS is just getting started. The first edition didn’t even have points for units. The game has grown a lot in the past 4 years and when compared to 40K, is getting started. The lore has been good thus far and will just keep getting better. It’s a better alternative to the depressing, billion-planet lore of 40K.
@Sevatar_VIIIth Жыл бұрын
​@@adamp3255lol nah
@michaelroth2166 Жыл бұрын
He entirely missed the point about AoS. It is not a revamp of the Oldworld but rather Warhammer: High Fantasy. TL:DR Good for your setting but you completely fail to point out any flaws in AoS and how your setting would fix them. It is called Age of Sigmar because it takes place in the "Age of Sigmar" after the "Age of Chaos". Having a single plane/planet/realm solves nothing but rather removes a lot of the fantasyness that AoS has. "There is no scaffold" Well there is, you know the realms, you know the factions and you are capable of applying logic. Sure, there is less scaffolding simply due to the fact that AoS has been around less than 40k. "Azyr Empire" You are aware that the Cities of Sigmar i.e. the mortal races banding together as cities are a thing? We know of several cities that have all different themes. Also, Stormcast are primarily not there to protect the mortals but you seem to miss that. Sigmar giving up part of him is equally meaningless just like stormcast being reborn less themselves. Furthermore, SIgmar didn't create the setting or Azyr.
@commandercostas Жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughts
@MrTumnus1987 Жыл бұрын
But it doesn’t fail as a setting or need saving, the lore is at its best now they’ve had a few years of fleshing it out & as for gaming, has a large & well established competitive and event base. If anything my local area in the UK, West Midlands, AOS has grown because of how shite 9th Edition 40k was over the last year & a lot of players turned to AoS because 40k was an unplayable mess overturned with cognitive load for both players.
@TheVergoner Жыл бұрын
This is already stupid. I literally had to stop the video because of your name recommendation. "Just counted 'Warhammer', that's it." 🤦‍♂️ You do know that the Warhammer is a brand name for GW now. WARHAMMER 40000 WARHAMMER Underworlds WARHAMMER Horus Heresy WARHAMMER Age of Sigmar WARHAMMER The Old World WARHAMMER This and That and so on. (Yes, the last one was made up.) There are already so many Warhammer™️ products that the Games Workshop is doing, it needs some extra name to make it different from the others. That's why people called the original Warhammer just as Fantasy/FaBa.
@garlicxlr Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'd rather have no lore at all than more of 40k lore bloat. It just get's in the way of the game and causes huge arguments among fanboys.
@wakephillips Жыл бұрын
I think AOS lore has been steadily improving but I fundamentally agree that it still needs to be more grounded. While the models, faction lore, and game are enough for me to pick it over 40k, I know that isn't enough for everyone. Atmosphere and world-building are what sell these settings for folks and AOS definitely needs more work here. That said, I have somewhat high hopes for the upcoming Dawnbringer campaign. I'm hoping it's more interesting than the Arks of Omen stuff was for 40k for me. I just personally find the Dark Angels and the Lion beyond boring lore wise so I quickly tuned it out...
@Ko12395 Жыл бұрын
I got into AoS thanks to their incredible models and fun gameplay. I ended up with the special edition Slaves to Darkness and Seraphon battletomes aswell as the Ossiarch standard battletome. I sat and read the lore in them and I'm coming around to the factions and backstory. Yes it's a little rushed but you're talking a new IP vs something that's been around for 40 years. It needs time to grow. Oh and people need to stop comparing it to Warhammer Fantasy, like I used to do. It's not Warhammer Fantasy and isn't supposed to be.
@skywatcheradept 21 күн бұрын
If AoS not supposed to be Warhammer Fantasy why does it use Old World characters like Gotrek, Thanquol, Nagash, Alarielle, Morathi, Grombrindal, Archaon, Sigmar etc. ?
@oblivionfan345Tony Жыл бұрын
As a lizardmen fanboy there's a few things I don't like about AoS. First, Seraphon is stupid, they don't have names for themselves the other races named them Lizardmen. Next being that it overrides the lore that the Old Ones are who created the universe and the Old World and then created the Lizardmen to fight chaos. AoS invalidates it somewhat by stating that they were "the most enigmatic allies of Sigmar". But ALSO, the Lizardmen failed their entire purpose for existence which was to stop Chaos. Give me some Lore about some sort of revenge crusade or sense of dread that they FAILED the Great Plan!
@MrBanditoRazor Жыл бұрын
1- AoS doesn't needs's got great lore and that lore openly mocks people talking shit too seriously. It's "go out and touch grass: the game" 2- AoS is more popular currently than when WHF was at its height. 3- GE openly admits it's designers wanted a laugh. It was, from the start, a game LOOOOONG before it was a SeTtInG. Ffs it was LITERALLY Fantasy IN SPAAAAAACE. Like the rules where written so you could use your fantasy models for the game 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@JerzyBaksinski Жыл бұрын
Amazing. You actually made me want to make an AOS army. Never thought possible, but I really liked your lore setting.
@magnos_decimus Жыл бұрын
Those who delve to deep could be turned into Beastmen. Ork could arrive in a similar but more brutal way then the elves and dwarfs did. Then there are also Skaven too. Eh, maybe. Meh.
@gehteuchnixan3052 Жыл бұрын
I have yet to see a lore video of yours I didn't love. Awesome as always! Though, I'd love how you'd integrate the Skaven in this one ;).
@richkanu Жыл бұрын
Maybe they're living under the mountains, trying to open chaos gates? It's a lacuna in North's (excellent) story that the inhabitants know that tunneling is brining chaos and corruption into the world, and yet no one is trying to make that happen.
@junglecamper4717 Жыл бұрын
After the Necroquake enter AOS 3.0 with Dominion and the Dawnbringer, is the Lore more compact (dar from perfekt) and nice
@Disc147 Жыл бұрын
Makes me want to play AoS in your format, and generate some characters/lore in it. To reference back to the old world, Chaos Dwarves are responsible for the black orks. So I could see the Kharadron being a few steps closer to sane than the Chaos Dwarves (who maybe created the Ork/Goblins in your new AoS). I think that would soften some of your changes and make them more seamless. It retains your Longbeards/Fyreslayers vs Kharadron but also calls back to the old lore a little and gives them some space to bring back the Chaos Dwarves as a real threat. Instead of complicit with Daemons, they fully embrace them and like in the Old World have made the slave race of Orks/Gobbo/Trolls as part of a pact with Chaos or even Gork and Mork. Like they've gone entirely over the edge they rode in Old World. Maybe even bring back the Ogre Kingdoms as different Maws have appeared on the new Sigmar planet, as in Old World. Maybe you can allude to space faring civs (as with your Kharadron) and Warpstone. Maybe you can even have different races effected my Mawfall. So like traitor guardsman, you can have Humans and Elves corrupted by a Maw, as the Ogres were in Old World. Similar to warpstone corrpution. Maybe to bring it in line with rune quest, have the skaven and beastmen able to be played together as Warpstone Beastmen. But retain Chaos Beastman as their own addition to Chaos Barbarians too. Your thoughts have really given me a lot to think about, and makes me want to go buy some AoS and start homebrewing in the Exileverse. (If only I didn't have 1500 points of Necrons, Orks and Space Marines to finish)
@riolufan2249 Жыл бұрын
Exile verse video on lizardmen please! Something that isn't JUST the Great plan 24/7. And they already have a thing set up where Tehenhauin threatens the Slann's power. I like that they made a temple ship crash and their slann is on life support so a Saurus general rose to lead. A lot of cool stuff but the official lore is the bear minimum
@Ankhtowe Жыл бұрын
Hey remember that time that AoS had trillions of murderous ghosts all appear simultaneously across the entirety of the whole setting inside and behind of every fortification and it affected absolutely nothing?
@hightower8403 Жыл бұрын
Can't do a play on words on Warhammer aye? How about "wankhammer"
@stevenmcgrath5114 Жыл бұрын
The "world" should be a character in on itself with dedicated writers, world builders, and lore masters.
@jeagerblackpaw2922 Жыл бұрын
Lore or not.. the base game system for AoS is not WH fantasy compatible. Ranks and unit formations are what made warhammer great, AoS... simply a skirmish game that could have been part of it.
@warhammergamesworkshop Жыл бұрын
While I understand your frustration with the current Rome-inspired direction of the game, I want to clarify that changing the content of a specific game or entertainment experience is beyond our control as consumers. The final say rests with the game developers and publishers, who decide the direction of the Age of Sigmar game's lore and world-building. Nonetheless, you can express your opinions about the game to its official channels and forums and engage with the community to keep your passion for the game alive. Creating your own 3D prints or exploring other alternatives to enjoy the game is also a great way to keep yourself engaged.
@thesheeteels8252 Жыл бұрын
It’s so strange, the lore. I didn’t much get it when it came out. I came back to warhammer with 7th Ed Fantasy and it didn’t last long until everything was upended and rules about moustache twirling and working out army size by combined wounds came out of nowhere. Years later and I don’t feel any more clued in about the lore, I think it’s confusing and compromised and like a Saturday Morning Cartoon. I’m glad the Old World is returning. I’ve not gone back to fantasy since AOS came out and my ex wife still has my Ogre and Orc army over in the US. I have quite a lot of the new models, though, ( for 40k conversions) because they’ve stayed pretty good to great over the years. And the Sigmarine models have improved quite a lot.
@thesheeteels8252 Жыл бұрын
Your ideas work for me. Bring the Fimir back. And Chaos dwarves.
@rjlarose5271 Жыл бұрын
On the small scale I find it good. The over arching story feels like it has very little on the line.
@GoufinAround_ Жыл бұрын
As someone new to Warhammer and overall a bigger sci-fi fan than fantasy fan, AoS isn’t very interesting to me. I love some of the models and will likely buy and paint some of the ones I really think look cool but I don’t care about AoS tbh
@GoufinAround_ Жыл бұрын
Also, I do prefer your version. It seems far most interesting and I don’t like the idea that they left cool factions, like the tomb kings, from fantasy battles behind.
@idiotproofdalek Жыл бұрын
Trouble is, your background doesn’t force people to buy new minis. Too much overlap for the marketing people.
@christophergarcia4977 Жыл бұрын
Good vid. 👍 Can AOS and old world succeed?? We will find out.
@JachymorDota Жыл бұрын
I think the best things that came out of AoS were Warcry and Underworld. Warcry painted cultures following aspects of the chaos gods, without knowing about them or what they really stand for. Tribal warfare for local and ideological dominance. A constant war for survival and just a glimmer of hope that a greater power will hear them. The "Newworld" could have been an age of godlessness: The "good" gods sacrificed themselves to bind the chaos gods in an near eternal stalemate. The mortals, undead and daemons are now on their own and be on their own quests to find, free or become gods themselves. This is a darker world slowly falling apart, with Conan-esque tribes rediscovering old legends and interpretations of the former gods. I like the idea of Abadon becoming the "Anti-Sigmar", ending the great age of civilization and hailing the return of tribes, barbarianism and right of might.
@kamaalkarim2162 Жыл бұрын
personally, feel that cities of sigmar armies should be broken down and split into individual armies similar to their old world version. such as a set of elf armies more akin to say woodelves and the high elves and still have the luminous realmlords, deepkin and daughters of kaine, the traditional dwarves as an alternative to their steampunk versions, and a purely human army for those bretonia and empire players as a first step, then maybe split the nighthaunt and ossiarch bonereapers so nagash gets the night haunt and the bonereapers are basically the new tomb kings as their own faction. as for lore wise......probably have an age of chaos rather than age of sigmar, with the lore building up towards as you said sigmar not yet having perfected the craft of forging stormcast so that this era we can play with the consequence of stormcast being unable to be revived after death, like wise we then can play on that narrative that the stormcast mostly spend their time hunting for relics or old magic that can allow sigmar to move the creation of the stormcast to a more sustainable position or at least reviving more gods to join him so he can use their power to do something similar. on the issue of the immaterial nature of the realms could an anchor such as a tree of life or other monument exist that holds each realm together? regardless of how much land is destroyed/consumed by chaos as long as these pillars exist then the realm continues to exist, but once these the pillar is destroyed the that realm ceases to exist collapsing and returning back into nothingness. this could give a good reason to have say the cities of sigmar occupy and guard these realm pillars eventually breaking down and forming their own factions again, then having the stormcast simply run around be stretched thin, though this may already be in the lore though.....but thats my take.
@mrcamo2usir Жыл бұрын
I would love for GW to make a Kragnos sized Valkia model for Blades of Khorne
@SuperDuperHappyTime Жыл бұрын
Nah. Needs that middle ground similar to Sigvald. Small enough to fit in with the troops, but large enough to crunch
@mrcamo2usir Жыл бұрын
@Andrew Fairbanks yeah but shes a daemon princess with a keeper of secrets head mounted on her shield. She should be bigger than a DP
@Ankhtowe Жыл бұрын
@@mrcamo2usir No she's not, why are you lying? She is not and has never been a daemon.
@richkanu Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this. Is there any correlation between orcs/goblins/hobgoblins and humans/dwarves/elves? For example, are hobgoblins corrupted elves, and goblins corrupted dwarves? (Maybe there'd need to be a new, chunkier figure range for that.)
@northernexile Жыл бұрын
Not sure about the elves! Something to look into for nex time :)
@FluteGnome Жыл бұрын
@garretwoeller7669 Жыл бұрын
Not all that awful just not many great reinventions of old factions like what sounds more intresting Chorfs or fucking deep sea elves.
@cythonnaiilo7956 Жыл бұрын
north. no kidding: did you ever think about writing for OPR? *ducks*
@jaytwokay3265 Жыл бұрын
22:19 he's a bald ginger man?
@caspianbchalphy Жыл бұрын
I don’t hate AoS but there are some things about it I don’t like and some I do. I actually would much prefer the game if it was rank and file instead of pseudo 40K. If you’re going to have the style it has give us a reason they fight like this and not in rows and columns. As for the lore I do enjoy parts of it and I don’t mind the Stormcast Immortality thing but I think it could be handled better. Mostly a more detrimental and obvious side effect to the reforging. I think my main issue is that the Old World had to die for AoS to be a thing. I never got to play Fantasy but reading the lore and learning the rules for 6th ed fantasy just makes me wish AoS wasn’t a thing. You’re idea on how you’d fix AoS is actually very similar to how I’d do it esports the each nation has 3ish armies you’d be able to use. Idk how to feel about the irks but i do like how they feel like a natural part of how the world works with chaos.
@Capt.DanInJapan Жыл бұрын
The mechanics of the game are actually fairly solid. I just feel that GW threw the baby out with the bathwater when they scrapped the Old World completely. On a tangent, who here is familiar with the Legacy of Kain series? Blood Omen introduced us to a living but imperilled world, complete with cities, landmarks and places that felt important. When they destroyed that world in Soul Reaver, there were vestiges of that world left behind. The lair of a prominent wizard, the ruins of the civilisation that came before. It made the world feel alive despite having been brought to the brink of annihilation. GW just scrapping the lot for the sake of it's IP claims was just daft, in my view.
@peterjones6502 Жыл бұрын
I love your ideas here, combining WHFB and AoS into a properly grounded, grim dark setting would be much cooler.
@tervindar507 Жыл бұрын
The lore of age of sigmar, doesn’t come close to the lore of Parabellum Conquest. Thats a proper lore, with proper risks, and an actual cohesive vision for that world while still being grounded. Everything feels so whishy washy in AoS, i agree that the lore has been getting better over the recent years, but i think it caters to a different client base.
@That1greykight0666 Жыл бұрын
Love everything other then the part about the orks making them mushrooms gives them an unlimited supply of people making them a threat as if it was just people digging why don’t they just stop digging
@kennetheisenbraun5217 Жыл бұрын
Kinda sounds like dragon age mixed with Tolkien that's had a warhammer skin draped over it.
@northernexile Жыл бұрын
Well considering 95 percent of the Old World is ripped straight from is that surprising? xD Not sure about the Dragon Age bit, maybe darkspawn/orcs? Its been used in a LOT of fiction other than Dragon Age and orcs in mythology come from underground and are the spawn of evil spirits.
@kennetheisenbraun5217 Жыл бұрын
@northernexile there's also the unknown mythology aspect (is the maker real? Are the gods real? Are those gods or dragons? Etc), different groups of dwarves that hate each other (underground hating surfacers and vice/versa), the dwarves dug too deep and found bad stuff that corrupts (the red stone, don't remember what it was called), the Orks being twisted parodies of the other races (literally darkspawn). Admittedly, it's a tad hard to avoid the Tolkien aspects unless you're creating something completely new or taking it in a new direction, like Elves being based off of the Roman Empire for example.
@slavetotheparasites413 Жыл бұрын
Never played or been interested in playing AoS before, but I'd definitely buy into this new reworking of it. Really well put together 👍👍
@jeagerblackpaw2922 Жыл бұрын
Lores fine.. game system isn't
@mtgmac1 Жыл бұрын
How can I like the lore, when my favorite race - the Dwarfs, were reduced to two armies: a really non-Dwarven sky pirate one and the other that is basically "Hey, what is that one dwarf everybody remembers? Let's make an army of him".
@tim192837645 Жыл бұрын
I honestly never cared that much for the Warhammer Fantasy lore - so much of it was, let's say "heavily inspired" by other properties or real life stuff that it felt like a bunch of different things taped together. Although this led to me not getting too deep into the lore, so maybe that's a bit unfair of me? Either way, what pissed me off the most was the replacement of the game mechanics - I wanted to play a rank and flank game, and GW turned it into ye olde 40k complete with space marine stand-ins and added 'joke' rules. No thanks.
@StripesW Жыл бұрын
I don't think anybody actually likes the setting I have not ever seen someone state they like it and praise it on its merits. It is always because it allows people to make their own stories. Which is fine, if you are having fun I'm not here to shit on your parade. But don't say a setting is of quality when the good thing about it is that it is so poorly defined nothing is technically impossible. Also the "it is a new setting, its not going to have as much lore as 40k" argument is getting old. Literally. The thing has been out for years with practically no progress whatsoever.
@greenghost2008 8 ай бұрын
I disagree with literally everything in this video.
@foxdavion6865 Жыл бұрын
Before Age of Sigmar got proper rules the game was a bit of a joke, sort of a WH40K translation of Fantasy away from the original Tin Solder game design of WFB which looked more like a Warcraft rip off than Warhammer and the upcoming video game only doubles down the aesthetic which makes it look like a Warcraft clone, the oversized shoulder pads and Warcraft looking Greenskins doesn't help. Which got me thinking AoS is just GW's not so subtle attempt at attracting Warcraft fans to the hobby which to me seems like a really dumb idea because Warcraft fans not only won't spend hundreds of dollars a year on a miniature game, they in most cases can't afford to or have any interest in doing so; Case in point Blizzard themselves attempted an officially licenced table top Warcraft game in the early 2010s with miniatures and everything which was significantly cheaper than GW's range of miniatures and it failed so badly that it was discontinued after a year and both the licence holder and Activision Blizzard didn't bother renewing their contract when it expired in 2016. So if the official attempt which was a cheap game roughly around $80 for the base game and $12 for each booster, then GW's overpriced clone rip off wouldn't interest Warcraft fans in the slightest. I find it upsetting because AoS is a beautiful looking setting, with really cool models despite their Warcraft rip off looking $*%. With really cool lore, but I just feel it needs more love than it gets to truly shine. I feel it has more potential than just GW trying to update and modernise their fantasy setting so it can compete with WH40K for the interest in sales for millennial gamers. Oh in other news GW is quietly discontinuing their model range from the 2004 to 2012 era of sales which they still were selling models of till now of models which have since had updates or better replacements added to the range, oh they're also getting rid of all the Blood Ravens stuff.
@remarkzero Жыл бұрын
More of this please. I like what you're trying to do. The current lore just seems like the human/mortal characters are in the back seat and just existing to feed one faction or another.
@ravenRedwake Жыл бұрын
10:19 well…there’s “whore-hammer” which sounds like a particularly well endowed ogre but I take your point.
@chadmrrsn Жыл бұрын
There are a few good stories (such as the deepkin hiding in the black water) but they are so few and far between it seems like sigmar lore is nonexistent
@snarkyarts8182 Жыл бұрын
OMG, great setting. Where do I buy this game? 😉
@MiniatureMasterClass Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem is the lore is just confusing and incoherent.
@heresyhobbyist Жыл бұрын
This sounds really cool north! Crazy how one person can come up with a better version of the ip than a whole company of writers
@AndusDominae Жыл бұрын
I'd rather have a half-arsed old world than an all-in AoS. I cannot get on with AoS, I don't like it, it's not for me, but that's not why I want the old world. They're not comparable despite the superficial and linguistic links... it's like replacing Lord of the Rings and Star Wars with the Wizard of Oz, not the same thing at all. Maybe you like Wizard of Oz, but that has no impact on the value of LotR and SW. Gritty dark medieval fantasy and pastel coloured fairytale fantasy have basically no substantial overlap.
@atlas_chief3137 Жыл бұрын
Give me MORE!!! I am a fan of the Age of Exile!!
@ogrynmod1765 Жыл бұрын
My guy grow up and read a book
@importantstuff1130 Жыл бұрын
Like the Archeon part, but mixing cultures like this + the high fnatasy part is what made AoS so crappy to being with
@Inconvenient_NPC Жыл бұрын
Age of Shitmar. No, I don't think it can be saved. It was so much better twenty years ago though. This is what happens when you take a niche hobby and turn into an "inclusive" mainstream hobby.
@ericcooper3792 Жыл бұрын
Love the ideas for Chaos and Archaon.
@BrokenRanch357 Жыл бұрын
I've never played Age of Sigmar but the Exileverse version would definitely intrigue me enough to give it a go
@dalorasinum386 Жыл бұрын
This is really good. I play AoS because I love it as a game but have never gotten into the lore like I did with fantasy or 40k as it feels too half baked and the scale + inconsistency of maps makes it hard to imagine any actual stakes. So this would be much better. The only part that seemed off to me was the Archaon bit. But that may just be because he’s now my favourite character after the end times killed off my old favourites
@disgruntledscotsman8733 Жыл бұрын
The reason people like the old world setting is because it has a world. It's like middle earth or our earth. Age of sigmar is like 40k but even less defined. This makes it a case of two armies fight. Don't know where or why. The reason they did this is because citadel said we have more models and we don't want to keep producing medieval models. Thus GW kill fantasy and change the setting to suit our new models. Age of digmar failed because ppl thought that name implies when sigmar walked the old world.
@radekkolar1265 Жыл бұрын
A completely agree with you, when I started with a hobby, at first I wanted to play fantasy, found out it's dead and theres AoS instead... I thought ok, I'll read in and see, to finish some overall summary and said what? ... What the hell is this? And went to play 40k 😀😀
@USALibertarian Жыл бұрын
Every decision GW makes is strategically designed to screw their customers.
@MrTumnus1987 Жыл бұрын
Yes, of course it is….
@anvos658 Жыл бұрын
Better, but I still inherently dislike anything that makes Sigmar the Grand God Emperor Hero of everything. Do agree with you that Age of Sigmar is inherently flawed though, given when you start with each realm is so vast to be unknowable you've killed any sense of meaning to your setting.
@tomjordan7606 Жыл бұрын
AoS is a good game system, but the moment AoF comes back it willl be crushed in sales just due to people feeling more invested in that setting.
@thegoaks Жыл бұрын
Love this take
@MagicHjalti Жыл бұрын
Warhammer age of exile
@Locknut61 Жыл бұрын
Your ideas are vastly superior to AoS. I might have bought in, if the game rules at launch had been good. Instead they made fun of gamers who wanted to carry on using existing models. I will never forgive GW for the way they treated gamers at that time. I will never play AoS.
@johnthompson4969 Жыл бұрын
Roger 🫡. AoS Lore is pants. The tournament scene and the players are excellent 👏
@stevenmcgrath5114 Жыл бұрын
Arcion may explain the crashed Starship. 🪐✨️
Age of Sigmar is a complete MESS. A Rant.
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