If I had to pick one, I'd go with the 5DS. It's the best value high resolution camera out there. At 50.3 megapixels, it's still larger than any of the Canon full frame mirrorless cameras. These are affiliate links, I get money from purchases made through them. Complete disclaimer is in the description. eBay: ebay.us/2vQlc6 Amazon: amzn.to/3PCTmio KEH: shrsl.com/4tbrp
@georgedavall94499 күн бұрын
It wont do high ISO like the 5D4 skippy.
@rangersmith465213 күн бұрын
Many thanks to our host for warning full-frame shoppers off the original 5D, potentially helping make more of them available at better prices. I use my very low-clicks 5D only when I really need a full-frame shot. When it dies, I'll buy another (or maybe a gently-used RP).
These vids are great nan! An informative walk down memory lane. Really appreciate the camera content. Looking forward to more, and obviously you are quite knowledgeable!
@adude39411 күн бұрын
Good stuff! I've moved to mirrorless (R5, R5 Mk II, R6 Mk II), but I have great memories of all of my DSLRs, especially my 1DX Mk III,
@jamesmgreen1513 күн бұрын
I hear you on the 5DS. A wedding guy (who has been in business successfully for 40 years) recommended a Canon 6D (not the MK2). Along with the Mk1 24-105L (think the Mk1) lens, I think it worked out to circa US$850 all up to the door (all mint from a reputable place). He is the first one to say eye detection is nice (weddings), but it's still an awful lot of camera. I am old and remember when the 300D (original Rebel) was where it was at for most. I'm not recommending that camera but miner still works flawlessly when it comes out now and then for posterity, and it captured many family incl of family sporting moments very well. The 6D (given the right environment) is capable of some superb images.
@Stop-All-War13 күн бұрын
I had Canon 6D, it was a great Camera, although only 20mp & zero tilting screen. Nikon Dslrs are however much better / dynamic range
@OutsidetheShot13 күн бұрын
I have a 300D right now! I put the hacked firmware on it to give it the 10D features. It's not usable for much more than fun, but it does that well.
@adude39411 күн бұрын
Right there with you! I still have my 300D and the 18-55 kit lens that came with it. It's my only DSLR left, as everything else in my bag is mirrorless with RF lenses. I still get pretty good results from a 21-year-old body. Besides the fact that it might get me $5 in a trade-in, it's just too much of an old friend to get rid of.
@neothedreamer111 күн бұрын
Are you making a apsc list for canon or did I miss it. Loved your Nikon list 🎉
@hangfire636811 күн бұрын
My son is shooting a concert tonight at a large arena with a 1DX II, EOS R, and about 5 EF lenses. So they are still valid.
@thedarkslide12 күн бұрын
I think a key aspect of the difference between these different Canon models is their color science. There is a thing to the colors the 5D classic puts out. And the 5DII also has a very distinct color palette. So does the 6D. There are other differentiators worth mentioning. For example, the 6D is very lightweight, while still being robust and weather sealed and its mirror slap and shutter is a lot less intrusive than the 5DII for example. Also, the 6D comes with built in GPS, the 5DII does not. As for video? Why bother with a DSLR? The 2nd hand market for much more capable mirrorless options really renders DSLRs as video tools a non-choice. It makes no sense. EF lenses can be adopted to basically everything else without issues, so there's no need to stick to a DSLR to use EF lenses for video either. That said, I do own the 5D, 5DII, 6D and 5DsR. Each of these is a great camera in their own right. The 5D Classic is somewhat of a more specialized choice for those who really want the color output of that camera and will put up with the limitations, most of all the lack of auto-ISO.
@borderlands660613 күн бұрын
The original 5D is a nice camera with great colours, but poor dynamic range and ISO performance. This means its potential as a landscape camera is limited by hard to recover skies. My admittedly old but excellent condition example gave up on higher ISOs completely, in favour of coloured lines. So much to agree with in your commentary, especially the benefits of SD cards and downside of older electronics. Desirable DSLR prices are close to mirrorless cameras of the previous iteration, limiting their interest those with a collection of EF lenses, or sports and wildlife on a budget.
@borderlands660613 күн бұрын
You definitely deserve more views as the most succinct and balanced reviewer of older cameras and lenses.
@Stop-All-War13 күн бұрын
Canon 6D ii is the one Camera I'd buy. 26mp & flip screen.