Carl Zha: Xinjiang, Ukraine, and U.S.-China relations - #10

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ManifoldOne Podcast

ManifoldOne Podcast

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@CarlZha 2 жыл бұрын
I was honored to appear on Steve’s Manifold Podcast. It was a great pleasure to talk to a deep thinker and fellow Caltech Alum on the very important topic of US China relations
@jamesking9177 Жыл бұрын
Carl it truly a fantastic surprise to find you on you tube. Unfortunately (a massive understatement), Ypu tube has very very few people who both have the courage and knowledge to communicate their first hand truth who also have a deep understanding of the neo-colonial ambitions of the US regardless of the extreme damage to Europe specifically (especially financially if we get through these dangerous times), plus the entire world who are facing starvation now. Then on top of everything, discrimination via negative propaganda which has resulted in the population of Europe being utterly duped in a manner that is guaranteed to cause an escalating effect of danger for all human life on this lonely life-filled planet. Us will fall followed by Europe if the entire world is not blown to smitheries once. For an Empire to posses 800 military bases around the world, it is astonishing that the US is willing to gamble all, including all living life beggars belief! Greetings from Wales (principality of the U.K.). P.S. we were colonised to!!!
@jossdionne9810 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent precisions on China, the situation time-line about Xinjiang. My Turkish friend living in China was interpreter for the visiting Turkish Prime Minister in Urumqi just before the market attack. I was scheduled to travel there right after the event. Glad the region is in much better conditions since then. Thanks a lot!!
@jeffreyperrone2182 2 жыл бұрын
Carl is always great but this is the greatest. And warm and funny too.
@leothelion6075 2 жыл бұрын
When I visited Xinjiang over 3 years ago, I noticed theres a VERY large contingent of heavily armed Uighur or non-Han policemen, which also made claims of "genocide" completely silly to me. I mean, would Israel consider allowing Palestinian policemen armed with heavy machine guns?
@chrisjohn1284 2 жыл бұрын
Not as strong of a counter-argument as you might think. Israel has pretty much done exactly that, subcontracting most policing and day-to-day administration of the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority. Not to mention ethnic Palestinian citizens of Israel who are also part of the police within Israel proper.
@noelborbon6155 2 жыл бұрын
People there have vivid memories of the Turkestan Islamist Party's series of terror activities
@fun_ghoul 2 жыл бұрын
Likewise, did Russian-speaking ethnic Ukrainian conscript soldiers in Donbass defect to the Russian side for no good reason? Of course not. Entire units switch sides because they see the horrors being committed by their Nazi "comrades" against their own people in the east.
@rap3208 2 жыл бұрын
That would be about 2018 when you were there, they have just about fought terrorism in Xinjiang and it would be understandable that they still have checkpoints and maintain other security measures. It would be idiotic that Xinjiang having just gotten out of violent attacks and terrorism, you would have the soldiers pull out completely from Xinjiang. What would be logical is to still station peacekeeping soldiers and gradually lessen it relative to the peace situation in Xinjiang.
@danintheoutback1 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the police officers in Xinjiang are ethnic Uyghur, even though Xinjiang also has a large population of Han Chinese. Tourists have talked to many of these police officers on camera & the Uyghur police did not speak mandarin ever well. In one of these chats, the police had to get another police officer, that could speak mandarin. Imagine arming a people group, that the Han Chinese are supposedly genociding? It is as ridiculous as it sounds.
@philipyt 2 жыл бұрын
Extremely insightful and informative. Republish in multiple short segments!! Thank you. Cheer for peace and cooperation.
@johanneswestman935 2 жыл бұрын
The sheer speed at which things are happening in China is breathtaking. I had the fortune of living and working in Shenzhen for a year the speed at which the Chinese are able to complete major infrastructure projects is amazing. In Europe it takes 5 years of planning, 5 years of construction and another 3 years of delays to get anything working. The best example of this was the recently completed Finnish nuclear power plant. It was supposed to be the first of its kind but it ran something like a DECADE late. The Chinese started construction of similar plants after Finland but finished several years before the Finns did. Whenever I point this out to my western friends and colleagues they come up with the cope "yeah but the Chinese don't care about safety or regulations". Wrong. My job over there was actually setting up a factory - something which the Chinese completed in a year. I've never seen anything like it. I've overseen the construction of 7 factories at this point in my life. I have never seen anyone get things done as fast as the Chinese get things done. Granted - some of the health and safety stuff is not up to par with European or even North American standards but it is by no means some sort of wild west where anything goes as long as you finish under budget and ahead of schedule. The Chinese just have massively large pool of very smart, hard working and capable people to pick and choose from. As a side note - I have also overseen the construction of a factory in India - a place where health and safety was completely ignored unless I insisted on it and they had nowhere near the same level of industriousness as the Chinese did.
@danintheoutback1 2 жыл бұрын
I lived & worked in Guangzhou & Hong Kong… I also travelled through Shenzhen many times. I was amazed about how fast that the Chinese where building & amazingly to me at the time, how clean China was, compared to Hong Kong (outside of the HK tourist areas).
@samliew6610 2 жыл бұрын
The 'Genocide' narrative is a Blantant LIE. I was there twice with a group of friends before the Pandemic. Oh, Xinjiang is beautiful and exotic. So special and so much to see. There was a wedding dinner one day in the same restaurant We were in and to our surprise, we were invited to sing and dance by the bride and groom. What a pleasant surprise! Xinjiang is indeed one of my favorite cities in China.
@aslampervez2294 2 жыл бұрын
Xinjiang is province
@samliew6610 2 жыл бұрын
@@aslampervez2294 Yes, it is like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, etc...
@danintheoutback1 2 жыл бұрын
@@aslampervez2294 Xinjiang is both a city & a provenance. Just like New York State & New York City is…
@danwelterweight4137 2 жыл бұрын
The interviewer in this video does not understand that there are no places for the US to Station intermediate ballistic missiles in East Asia against China. No country in that region will allow their country to be used to station US missiles against China. They will not allow their sovereign country to be used by the US to fire missiles towards China because they know If they do that their country, their people and their cities will be a target to Chinese missiles and long range bombers. Furthermore they also know that China has nuclear weapons and that a war between the US and China might turn into a nuclear exchange. No country in Asia will allow their country to be placed under such risk. The only country that might be the exception might be Japan, but as soon as the Chinese start bombing Japanese cities and civilians the Japanese people will turn against the Japanese government and the Japanese government will fall. South Korea will not allow its country to be used in a war against China because if they do they know that China and North Korea will threaten them by land. And now that Russian American relations have gone south the South Koreans could possibly see a 3 country force made out of Chinese, North Koreans and Russians going down into South Korea if South Korea allows its territory to used to fire US missiles around the region.
@nanyanguo1 2 жыл бұрын
exactly . one of asean leaders have expressedly said to this effect as uS has a military base in his country
@andrewmah5605 2 жыл бұрын
Will NATO member Turkey (From the Ottoman Empire) Closed off the BlackSea for Russian Federation Warm Water Cargo of Wheat, Sunflower oil and Donbas Steel ? Can American Military Weapons Industrial Complex including NATO sell the Stealth F-35's to Turkey ? That is the Question !
@chongeiktong3426 2 жыл бұрын
@maxsweetman6341 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the inept subservient leaders in my country will allow American missiles They love wasting hundreds of billions on making the Americans military industrial complex wealthy at enormous cost to Australian citizens
@danwelterweight4137 2 жыл бұрын
@@maxsweetman6341 he was talking about intermediate range missiles. That means missiles with a range between 1500 km to 500 km. Intermediate range missiles can be placed very close to their target cutting away the other party's time to respond significantly. China has built thousands of these missiles, and placed them all around their coast. That has turned the first and second island chains into a complete Chinese kill zone. The US has no place to station intermediate range missiles within 500 km or 1500 km of China with the exception of Japan. The only country that will allow them to do that is Japan. South Korea might allow them to place the missiles there, but they will never allow the US to fire those missiles towards China because they know if they do that North Korea and China will fire back at South Korean cities and people. Japan might allow the US to fire these missiles at China, but once China starts bombing and destroying Japanese cities and people in retaliation the Pacifist Japanese population will crucify their political leaders for getting them into another world war. The Japanese government would fall. Australia is 6000 km away from China. The only kind of missiles that can be placed in Australia to threaten China are long range missiles. Even Australia would have a terrible problem once China starts firing its missiles back at Australian cities, ports and towns. Not only that very soon China will bring to service its long range stealth bomber. I don't think the people of Australia realize the sort of conflict the US is pushing Australia into. Nevermind the fact that China is the biggest trading partner 9f Australia and pretty much every other countrybin East Asia. If war were to take place the economy of the entire world would collapse and almost every country in the world would see serious shortages of everything.
@aslampervez2294 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this excellent podcast
@ubermenschen3636 2 жыл бұрын
@55:29, As to the “NED” that the host’s former employer had as a client , Brian Berletic, the KZbinr of “The New Atlas” channel has revealed much more nefarious activities by the NED in South East Asia.
@yx2333 2 жыл бұрын
this conversation is quite enjoyable
@patrickchase3307 2 жыл бұрын
I'm enjoying this interview. Some feedback I'd have is that it would be useful to know when you recorded. Just the date recorded in the description would be great..
@StephenHsu 2 жыл бұрын
We recorded around March 12 IIRC. We'll try to provide that info in the future for episodes where we touch on current events!
@limhong1095 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u Steve & Carl 🙏💪❤️👍
@mhc3408 2 жыл бұрын
Mr Zha, have you read The Jakarta Method? If no, please do, if yes, can you discuss it sometime someehere? I totally admire your choices and your generosity in sharing your wisdom and experience.
@tenminutestolate Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Great.
@Kuasarakyat2 2 жыл бұрын
The host cut in too often before Carl can fully finish his opinion
@troutstalker4744 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's an American thing.
@fun_ghoul 2 жыл бұрын
@@troutstalker4744 Carl spent most of his life in the States, and he interrupts just as often when he's the interviewer. I may not enjoy it if I were a guest -- my train of thought is easily derailed -- but usually don't mind as a listener.
@flysmask 2 жыл бұрын
You keep insisting China is an 'authoritarian' country. Can you define what is 'Authoritarian'?
@jossdionne9810 2 жыл бұрын
Z for Zha! Chat chat chat !
@jossdionne9810 2 жыл бұрын
Zha, 1986 is the Year I came to China!
@JK-ix8zi 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like the algorithm is limiting the viewership of this podcast.
@ahjotco906 2 жыл бұрын
Informative discussion. NED should be defined though.
@johnwuja 2 жыл бұрын
The burning of tanks and solders etc were also shown in western media I watched in Hong Kong.
@GIZMO3380 2 жыл бұрын
Just a comment. Carl Zha seems to think that only the common Americans believed the narratives on genocide in Xinjiang. But I noticed even top level professors n academicians in top Americans universities also continue to profess these narratives. Any comments?
@Tempest-Proteus 2 жыл бұрын
Asean and many asian countries are now part of the RCEP economic group with its own Banking system.
@KennyL0009 2 жыл бұрын
US companies are about significant profit margins (ROI). Only when areas that meet US profit margin will there be US investments.
@envertohti6820 Жыл бұрын
More homework should be done.
@TH-et3de 2 жыл бұрын
So true.
@fun_ghoul 2 жыл бұрын
fait accompli: FET ak'-om-PLEE (Anglo approximation; French n sound replaced with m) Needless to say, this pronunciation lends itself to puns about FETs. ☺
@chankane Жыл бұрын
Carl is awesome. However his perspective is not unique, it’s probably much more in common…
@akirakurusu4215 Жыл бұрын
Can the interviewer explain what he means by authoritarianism? It's little more than a buzzword that's thrown around...
@suneast7394 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of big dbunks Vry gd But If u intrvew gues Pls let him finis talk Dont kep intruptg Gues finis talk say 1-2 min Then u talk Dat b fair n beter Bcos as gues talk Dey ans qs Dey also hv side info So u get xtra info
@szarur-abi8665 2 жыл бұрын
Russia invaded Ukraine so, there is a huge reason why people hate them right now, people who lost their house because of one lunatic though invading a country is a good idea, and now there is a spiral of bad news. The incoming food crisis, butchery in Butcha and Mariupol, there is many reason why i and other blame russia and basically hate this for now. So dont pretend like this critisim come from nowhere, talk about milions of refugees in poland, the dead citizens, the butcha massacre the food crisis etc. And i live in poland, so historically i may be hostile toward Russia, remembering the stories that family experienced when soviets came "liberating us" by plundering my great grandpa house, not only mine of course, it was a long time ago of course. But the same thing is happening in Ukraine, the plundering of homes without any consequences. And Joining NATO is literally volluntary, no one have even forced Ukraine to come to NATO but Russia literally invaded Ukraine for such a weak Casus Beli
@flysmask 2 жыл бұрын
Learn about the Coup US did to democratically elected government in Ukraine in 2014 and how they sponsored Nazis. You want to talk about Butcha which is ridden with false narratives, then talk about the atrocities Ukraine committed for 8 years in the Donbass region. I mean they even stole pictures of the atrocities in Donbass and pretend it is in West Ukraine caused by the Russians. You're hilarious when you say that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that is choosing to join Nato. How is doing coups to Ukrainian elected governments and then installing puppet government a sign proving sovereignty for Ukraine? How is US NGOs funding anti-Russia groups a sign of Ukrainian sovereignty? Last time I checked US would never allow foreign NGOs from Russia or China to sponsor groups in US for political reasons. Also more than half of Ukrainian leader have US citizenship, how is that Ukrainian sovereignty? Does US allow foreign citizenship holders to join the US major political institutions? If US would keeps its filthy hands off Ukraine and stop committing atrocities against Russian ethnic groups in Ukraine, none of this would have happened. It is not Russia adding to the food crisis, Ukrainian militias openly admitted to targeting Ukraine grain reserves just to spite Russia. It is also the Ukrainians committing war crimes by using civilian as shield and hiding weapons in civilian areas. It is US pressuring other nations not NOT buy Russian energy and food. It is the US refusing to facilitate peace-talks, instead pushing for more war so they can sell weapon. You have your head up in the sand, full of US imperialist propaganda. Did you stand with Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis? Are you standing with Cubans and Afghans against the inhumane sanctions by America?
@flysmask 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Poland. It's really right wing country, and it's infested with US NGOs. When your president just mentioned about getting foreign funds out of Polish media, the foolish, brainwashed citizens of Poland immediately began protesting about 'Muh FREE SPEECH' under US NGO organizing. Do you not think it is fishy that biggest news outlets and media platforms are not run by the Polish and for the Polish but instead are owned by Americans, preaching everything that happens to fall in line with US geopolitical interests? The very same country that sponsored the t3rror1sts groups then invaded Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Lybia causing the very refugee crisis in Europe? Wake up you fools. Follow the money. I don't understand how Americans have fooled you into being anti-government yet believing your democratic processes to be superior at the same time. If it is democratic, then you should have no problem with the state running media program, since it's funded by the people for the people, why would you trust a foreign conglomerate over your supposedly democratic government? If you guys don't trust your government, that mean your democracy is sub-par and riddled with problems, if such is the case why are you so intent on spreading it to other countries against their will? How many colour revolutions has the US done? Why do you guys fall for the same old tricks over and over again???
@khunmikeon858 Жыл бұрын
Butcha.. fake western propaganda. Try some independent news outlets!!!
@khunmikeon858 Жыл бұрын
And furthermore, do you want to talk about the illegal coup of 2014 organised and paid for by USA State Dept and CIA!!!!
@benny19646 Жыл бұрын
Me when I don't understand how politics works
@ArilandoArilando 2 жыл бұрын
The main accusations regarding Xinjiang, camps, destruction of Uyghur cultural heritage and restriction of Uyghur fertility is all strongly supported by the evidence.
@nealpepe 2 жыл бұрын
Fake news
@ArilandoArilando 2 жыл бұрын
@@nealpepe Nope
@aslampervez2294 2 жыл бұрын
1-One child policy is implemented on only Han Chinese majority constituting 92 percent of china population not on 55 minorities including uighor. 2- Cut off list for admission in Chinese Universities is less for 55 minorities including to facilitate their progress. Halal food is also provided to uighor in these universities
@shaundudley4576 2 жыл бұрын
@ArilandoArilando 2 жыл бұрын
@@shaundudley4576 Nope
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