Correction: I found the USB port near the bed. It's behind the left side of mattress next to window wall. It was just hidden. Glad I found it. 😁
@nsn96687 ай бұрын
Interesting about the plug by the bed! I saw 👀 other vlogs and other delux ocean view cabins have electric plugs on the inner side of the bed!
@nsn96687 ай бұрын
Actually, the usb plug, not full electric plug as you probably need
@CruisewithShawn7 ай бұрын
Not sure if you saw the comment I added to this video stating I found the USB plug behind the mattress on side next to outer wall. It was very well hidden. But, yes I would need regular plug for my CPAP.
@nsn96687 ай бұрын
@@CruisewithShawn On the new Cellebrity ships they also have one plug like this