Carrack vs. Odyssey: Settling the debate In less than 10 minutes

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Billionaire Ninjas

Billionaire Ninjas

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Carrack vs. Odyssey: One of the most contentious debates in Star Citizen
The motto of #BillionaireNinjas is “Talk is Cheap, Ninjas Leap.”
Here we're discussing a difficult topic, Which is better, the Anvil Carrack or The MISC Odyssey. We'll share our opinion on which is best but more importantly we'll settle this debate once and for all. Because we all deserve to spend our time arguing about other things like... how the Polaris is better than the Perseus... hehehe
Welcome to our new series "Star Citizen Wars" where we compare and contrasts ships, careers, roles, vehicles and pretty much anything else that exists in the verse. This playlist settles the debate, destroys the debate, changes the debate paradigm, or creates a new debate.
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@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
ALL SHIPS CAN CHART JUMP POINTS "In general, all ships will be able to detect jump points, though the Carrack is simply better at doing it and from much greater ranges." CIG,and%20from%20much%20greater%20ranges.
@wifegrant Ай бұрын
Will it still be better if you put a terrapin in the odyssey hangar?
@TAnders877 9 ай бұрын
For either to truly come into their own CIG will have to figure out how to handle logging off/on on someone else's ship.
@themanyouwanttobe 9 ай бұрын
It was possible before PES. It'll be added back well before the Carrack and Odyssey are able to perform their intended roles.
@ivanshiek 8 ай бұрын
A solution or two for that would be to have assigned beds where a player can log in to and only that player and the ship owner can reset the bed to default. Or CIG would need to somehow make the spawn loader recognize the other player's ship as your destination when logging in.
@jodofe4879 3 ай бұрын
Once server meshing is fully implemented you will be able to log off everywhere and log on at the precise spot where you logged off.
@wifegrant Ай бұрын
player bodies need to be persistent too.
@Nemoticon 8 ай бұрын
Until the Ody arrives and Exploration is in game, in full... we simply don't know. I think it's far too early to say, we just don't know how it's going to unfold. A fun thought experiment though, no doubt both ships will be great competitors and this conversation will continue to be 'discussed' long after the game officially goes live, lol.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Yes. I'm a firm believer that both ships are great and we need both to succeed. I just think Carrack owners sometimes think it's the only ship in the game that can do anything right.
@srick77373 9 ай бұрын
What if one of the Carrack modules is a quantanium mining and refining module?
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Like I said in the video we'll have to wait and see what those modules are to really gauge the space between the Odyssey and the Carrack. But since we're doing what-if's... What if the Odyssey's hanger grows to fit some of the smaller medium ships???
@srick77373 9 ай бұрын
@billionaireninjas I agree. If the Odyssey can fit a Terrapin, then it will have the same capabilities as a Carrack.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Ah... See my friend. It already can fit a Terrapin! They confirmed that in the Q&A!
@marmmarmoset3880 8 ай бұрын
Very succinct and well reasoned video. Carrack owner; drones, modules, repair bay, its military pedigree, and Ursa/C8 bonus make it the ship for me. I'll likely run with a C8R, and a ground vehicle with more utility, once they are a thing...base builder/amberlamps/hauler. The Odyessy is sexy AF, but I don't need both.
@MysteicVoltronus 7 ай бұрын
I think the mail slot is going to work on the Odyssey because the artwork makes it look like it will be from floor to ceiling and wrap around the wall several meters. You know what we really need is a new MFD module for external cameras to help land ships. It would also give a co-pilot more to do. as they can dedicate more or all of their MFDs to camera for spotting targets in blindspots, helping land by watching all the landing gear points at once, or monitoring entry points for boarders during battles.
@ethantyler4711 7 ай бұрын
I remember reading cig saying that there will be a lot more visible than people think so the mail slot won't be a disadvantage. Your second point is fantastic and you need to start telling cig about it
@Frank-costanza 7 ай бұрын
Landing definitely needs some love. Didn't they have a landing assist display in the past?
@Human_Like_Creature 9 ай бұрын
Carrack is love, Carrack is life
@Rompelsteelskin 9 ай бұрын
@luddington6800 9 ай бұрын
Carrack is home
@Wallace8285 7 ай бұрын
Don't forget how fast the carrack for its size
@billionaireninjas 7 ай бұрын
Yes the speed is going to be a factor as well. I can't wait to find out the speed of the Odyssey to compare.
@knightshroom2393 7 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas7 engines of Odyssey will make work !
@Orginal_Sinner 8 ай бұрын
I'm personally waiting on the Odyssey. The carrack was the first big ship i put cash towards. I honestly don't like the layout,alot of wasted space. in combat it easily gets smoked. The carrack should probably have size 5s and an interior rework. Even the Odyssey is not in game the carrack is a make believe ship. Mine ended up becoming a Polaris
@DavidRJones82 7 ай бұрын
Until they physicalize cargo and you can't load the damn Carrack.
@sevexxan 9 ай бұрын
The part where you gave an explanation on the different roles of both ships really clicked with me. If CIG doesent make that exactly as you stated, they would be trolling
@Pappy_1775 8 ай бұрын
Little known fact, the Starfarer is dead in the water. The reason no one is using it is because it can not refuel. I don't know when it happened but the fuel nozzle which connects to the other ships is missing and when you go to buy one at the store it disappears from your inventory. On top of that the ship loadout manager does not recognize or even see it to put it on your ship. I have bought four of them and none of them are in the inventory but Nik Nax sees them in the utility section of the inventory. Many people have posted this to the Issue Counsel but there are so few Starfarer owners it gets archived before enough people can confirm it.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
If there is one ship that I am certain will get a rework. It is indeed the Starfarer. It only sucks because of how much they had to keep it the same in squadron 42 because it's a level in the game. My guess is they rework fueling as well. They have to make that gameplay loop more fun and more profitable or nobody will buy the ship.
@CoronadoJoe77 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if the ody triggers a design language change in the mail-slot viewport. Like increasing the size of it by 50 percent or even double isn't going to make it not look like it's misc lmao
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
It just doesn't make sense for a space ship which flies in every possible direction to have a pilot view slot like an airplane that flies in one direction.
@CoronadoJoe77 9 ай бұрын
​@@billionaireninjas for real, especially one that's supposed to get a good look at everything to EXPLORE lmao. Manufacturers design language is cool but gotta chill on the less liked aspects when it's in contrast to function haha
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I did look at the odyssey video again it does look like they have an observer room but I hop it has screens that are like cameras where you can take pictures.
@Christine-shield 9 ай бұрын
Good night nurse. Yet ANOTHER video that doesn't understand the difference between these two ships. The Odyssey and Carrack are VERY different ships with completely different intended exploration functions. The Carrack is a deep space explorer. It has stellar cartography, exploration based drones and science oriented functions designed to detect and find things like jump points. The drones will work to explore connection points inside worm holes that connect systems in a temporary manner. The Odyssey is a planetary explorer. The reason it can mine its own quatanium is because it is a planet mapper. With the ability to do soil, mineral and topography analysis. The Odyssey is the ship you send out ahead of the Pioneer to explore a planet's surface. This video continues to pass along information further dividing the community on these two ships. The reality is we NEED both of them as one explores above the planet and the other explores on the planet.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Did you watch the video? because with what you're saying it sounds like you only read the title but I could be wrong. I do recall saying in the video they serve different purposes. Both ships can find jump points, Carrack can just find them better that's CIG words not mine. As far as what the Carrack's drones can do I would love to include that in my video but I need a source for all the information in this comment. I try to make it very clear when I'm speculating vs when I'm stating what I can source. I'm not sure which this comment is. And good night to you as well!
@Christine-shield 9 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas I did watch the entire video. Appreciate the work put into it and the opportunity to dialogue further. There is a lot of misconceptions on these two ships and the disconnect between the marketing and product briefs add to the confusion. happy to dialogue offline and get into more details.
@malcolmden3357 8 ай бұрын
About the Carrack Vs Odyssey, we do not know what and how scanning functions will work. The Carrack has the 4 large retractable antenna's and the Odyssey has a large fixed antenna at the front and another scanner located beneath just above the main ramp, there is no information about how these will function/work and how these compare. Until we know what and how these scanning devices do and their respected specifications we can then determine which ship is best/ better for purpose and type of exploration scanning.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I think both will be great at scanning. My main point in the video is both need to succeed. The Odyssey for going further, the Carrack for getting more details along the way.
@ThirsttyRecon 9 ай бұрын
The most important aspect of a Carrack for expedition - Jump charting computers and equipment/sensors that an Odyssey DOES NOT HAVE. If you come across an uncharted jump point, only one ship is going through that JP, and shocker, its not the Odyssey. The Carrack is what you use to explore as a profession, the Odyssey is what you use to prospect for a base/mining operation.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
This is the exact thing that I'm trying to talk about in the video...there is a source for these things. My source that the Odyssey will be able to chart jump points is literally in the MISC Odyssey Q&A. It says "all ships will be able to detect jump points" the Carrack will be better at it, and do it at a greater range... Not the only one who can do it.,and%20from%20much%20greater%20ranges.
@terencespragg5708 9 ай бұрын
The Carracks Pisces has a data link that links to the Carrack that I think is the way they can sell the data of the smaller JP. There is no way a Odyssey can do that even if they put a Pisces in it. But with that said I like the independence of the Odyssey.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Valid point!
@1_Prime 9 ай бұрын
Great commentary. One thing you missed for the Carrack: it can traverse more jump points, since it is a Large ship and not limited to Capital sized jump points. Also, the C8 can use all jump points, making the Carrack have access to any sized Jump point, and not have to "go-the-long-way-around" which the Odyssey will be forced to do.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I keep hearing this "go the long way around" thing. maybe you're right. Do you have a source for this?
@spider0804 9 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas At Citizencon and the test for Pyro they talked about wormholes again, so that is the most recent source. The Carrack is the largest ship that can fit through a medium wormhole (the wormhole from Stanton to Pyro is medium). The Zeus is the largest ship that can fit through a small wormhole. That is the current plan anyway.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I found a clips from both Citizencon 2019 and 2021 that show a carrack going through the medium jump point. However it says nothing about it being the only ship that can. All I know is a Xenothreat Idris fit through that Pyro Medium Jump Point so My guess is a Odyssey will as well. Even still who says that only medium jump points to pyro will be available? I wish they would update the starmap.
@spider0804 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas An odyssey super wont go through medium jump points, it is wider by quite a bit. You can find star maps with the jump point connections with the information we know for all of the systems.
@spider0804 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas I tried to link the wiki to you but youtube deleted it. The starcitizen tools wiki has all the systems with all the jump points and their sizes. Also I did not say that the Carrack is the only ship that can go through the jump point, only that it is the largest. CIG has stated that the Carrack is the largest a few times but I cant be bothered to go through tens of hours of footage to find a 5 second clip.
@gilbertdupac3347 6 ай бұрын
The odyssey look more like a capital ship
@billionaireninjas 6 ай бұрын
It is!
@JFrombaugh 5 ай бұрын
The way I see it: Carrack = Giant Cutter Scout/Terrapin Odyssey = Giant Cutter Rambler/Freelancer DUR
@YorkshirePirate 2 сағат бұрын
Sure the Carrack has the better armour, speed, turret coverage, pilot view, command and control functions, and mapping suite, but we are still missing the two biggest sells: Flying bridge and Captain's quarters.
@RexAnothership 8 ай бұрын
IMO the Odyssey needs to be able to refuel the Starfarer and it's tanks in the field, as well as internally docked ships. That could intern store and refuel other ships as needed without needing to go to a station or any other facility. Also The Odyssey should fly with a small fleet not too far behind including 2 Carracks a Starfarer and an Expanse. Rather than a StarTrek like mission it would be more like BattleStar Galactica with it's ragtag support fleet not far behind. This concept would also work for small pirate fleets as well.
@lameisthenewcool5277 8 ай бұрын
still worried about that horrid mail slot - NO ONE LIKES IT... STOP.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Scream it with me! We will win this fight!
@Bland-79 9 ай бұрын
The pilot will not be able to control the remote turrets on the Odyssey. Where in the world did you dream that up?
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I didn't dream it! At least I don't think I did. The Odyssey says Crew of 1 minimum right? So that would mean at least one pilot controlled weapon? I suppose that could be wrong but I dunno. What was your dream about?
@mrscsi6472 4 ай бұрын
the carrack is not the odyssey, because the carrack isn’t a capital ship. it’s a frigate, and it’s actually what the idris would have been if it didn’t get larger for the demands of sq42. the odyssey is massive, and is def one of the closest things we’re ever going to get to the enterprise in star citizen. the carrack is more like the defiant, which, honestly, being a ds9 fan, i actually prefer.
@rulstwentythree3623 4 ай бұрын
Nice comparison video! I always say: If you can't decide which of the two ships should be in the hangar - just take both :)
@guillaume6525 7 ай бұрын
I don't think Carrack and Odyssey are meant to compete against each other. If you think about what exploration is in real world, there are many types of exploration like, finding systems/planets/life forms, etc. and then exploration like really going there (like on Mars or Moon) to find things like minerals, water, rare materials etc. (basically find samples, analyse ground). also, you could have the type of exploration that is a form of early colonization of newly discovered lands, etc. I think Carrack and Odyssey have different roles and purposes.
@snoerrebroe 4 ай бұрын
Are there any hints / signs / rumors about when the Odyssey will be flight ready?
@billionaireninjas 4 ай бұрын
My guess is it will come after exploration gameplay is fleshed out, I'm thinking along with Star Citizen 1.0 so maybe CitizenCon 2026.
@Trampus10-4 6 ай бұрын
I would like to see a single/duo/trio player larger but not to large cap/home ship. Large enough for two snubs or one light/med fighter. Couple of turrets. Tier 3 med bed. Exploration/defence… Drake Corsair upgraded/Consolidated Outland Druid??
@lunamaria1048 8 ай бұрын
I like exploration ships, a lot! I can see the Odyssey becoming my first MISC ship😊. Though I doubt true deep space exploration will be a thing, just base on current development I try to limit my SC channel subs to about 3, but I think you definitely earned a sub and like! I'm sure this channel will grow fast!
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Wow. I really appreciate that. Thank you for the support!
@lunamaria1048 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas. No problem! My main 2 SC sources are streamers, so I need a ship channel anyway😊
@thecaretaker5963 7 ай бұрын
Actually I own a 600i explorer, I don’t think I have a leg in this debate, but my ship certainly wins best looks B)
@billionaireninjas 7 ай бұрын
Lol you should check out my fleet vid you might get a kick out of it.
@theMedicatedCitizen 8 ай бұрын
The Carrack definitely needs a buff at this point... definitely needs missiles or torps, its a former MILITARY pathfinder for god sakes... And they need to fix the Arrow so the wings can stay down when landed... why would Anvil not equip their premiere pathfinder with their premiere light fighter is beyond me... it's not like it doesn't fit
@stefensmith9522 8 ай бұрын
CIG just needs to give Odyssey owners what they want as far as fueling other ships by making an external fuel port that you have to attach a hose to and carry over to the other ship to refuel , the catch is having to manually carry the hose over and the fuel you give pulls from your own tanks.. Fun and balanced
@niklasdahlgren7641 8 ай бұрын
My guess it will get a hose in the hangar to refuel landed ships. No need for an external fuel port as you have starfarers for that duty. All the Odyssey needs is the ability to refuel docked ships.
@starcitizenfuzzygoth 3 ай бұрын
I've always said they are very different ships and there is scope for both in the game I own the Carrack but they Odyssey is pretty cool and there is flexibility enough once more systems come online e.g. the Terrapin is a pathfinder you'll definitely fit that in the odyssey, it might not be up to mapping jump points but it could be a nice addition to round off the ship and having different types and sizes of role ships for manufacturers is pretty cool too. That said I'll look more closely once the Odyssey is actually in game.
@ivanshiek 8 ай бұрын
I own both so I won't lose in this debate, but I will be keeping tabs on features as the game progresses.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
When your wallet allows... The world is your oyster.
@olegtryniak7528 8 ай бұрын
Devs did say that exploration will be performed through mfd and we'll be able to see and scan things that are far beyond our vision range. Plus many capital ships have second bridge deep inside the hull without any vision at all and Carrack should be able to fly with it's cockpit armor covering the view. So pilot visibility will not affect neither flying nor exploring. Mailslot is a MISC feature, it would look weird without it. Windows are important for touring ships that usually have large view angle for pilot and passangers. As for Odyssey cons, I'd add cold and minimalistic interior with bare metal walls. Hull-C turned out ugly with copy-pasted assets from Starfarer. Carack is cosier and more suited for long expeditions or a role of a home base. Also I'm not sure how Odyssey is supposed to mine quantanium with a single laser. For Mole it usually takes one powerful laser to break the main rock and a weaker one for secondary chunks. If you try to break smaller ones with the main laser they instantly blow up.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
To your first point. You are correct. However a mail slot could still be bigger an maintain the aesthetic or could have extra smaller window included with the mail slot. Also I argue viewing angle is just as important for explorers to see what they are exploring. We also don't know what MISC odyssey's interior will look like yet just a The ship is significantly more expensive than a Hull C and also has Xi'an tech that the Hull C does not have. Either way though that is a minor point of preference vs the utility I talked about in the video. If you like the look of the carrack interior better I wont try to convince you. As far as mining quantanium my guess is it will be a bespoke laser not just a random mining laser but we'll have to wait and see.
@Lenartowy 8 ай бұрын
I'll settle this debate in one sentence. Carrack exists and is already in game, everything about Oddysey is just a .jpg and can change anytime. Thank you.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I mean the odyssey exists too! In our hearts!
@Thaddios 9 ай бұрын
The Carack is a heavy intel gathering ship for PVP. Good sensors for spotting targets and relaying that data and while the odyssey has 3 duals s5 turrets, their positioning sucks and leave a lot of blind spots, like it was designed by someone who didn't know what a turret was suppose to do. if the two ships fought the Carack could always keep 6 S4 guns on the Odyssey while rolling to shield share. Every time the Odyssey rolls to let its shield recover its going to go from 4 S5 to 2 S5 and back which will negate its firepower and shield size advantage. In short, the Carrack is build more for being part of a PVP fleet, the Odyssey is built to go exploring.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Even if what you're saying ends up correct...then we're saying the same thing. The Odyssey is the better exploration ship and the Carrack is the Better Multi-role ship.
@jedi_drifter2988 9 ай бұрын
The Carrack is also a military ship equipped with armor and is the Swiss Army knife of exploration. It can transport ships and ground vehicles without losing any cargo space. Can be a command and control ship for small to med orgs. with its full map system cartography room. To top it all off Modularity . What if you spend most of your time, searching for mineables to refine fuel for the Odyssey instead of exploring ?
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
By saying it's a swiss army knife (which is literally a multi-tool) again you're saying the same thing I am. Both Carrack and Odyssey can transport ships...the Odyssey can actually carry a bigger vehicle AND a bigger ship than the Carrack. Both can be Command and control ships, Cartography Rooms aren't required for that role but that does show that the Carrack will be better at it. I doubt that CIG will make an exploration ship where you have to spend most of your time refueling it rather than exploring. The Carrack needs larger tanks because once it's out, it has to return to base. The Odyssey can use the space those extra tanks take up for other things.
@Thaddios 9 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas To clarify, what I'm saying is I think the Odyssey shines on its own, out in space mainly doing PVE content, and will not be something you would ever want to pvp in, or even do heavy combat PVE in. The Carrack is a fleet element using its drones and C&C suite to support pve and pvp fleet engagements. The Carracks guns let it work as a torpedo and anti fighter screen for larger ships and its cargo bay lets it increase the fleets supplies by quite a bit. When the Carrack is on its own though, its mainly scouting for the fleet, not going on long range expeditions. Its two completely deferent kinds of exploration.
@Jenan_Tahnik 8 ай бұрын
You forgot about the Repair Room in addition to the drones in the Carrack... There is also a great possibility that the Carrack will get a Refinery Module when modularity is implemented.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I just generally said repair to try to cover that but as far as we know that repair room is only for "small parts" and we don't know what that means yet. Best case scenario for component and drone repair. Worst case fixing gear.
@Jenan_Tahnik 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas it's specifically for component repair
@DeepTitanic 8 ай бұрын
I prefer arguing not that I need to when the Odyssey is better
@Tentacl Ай бұрын
Other than looks I have no idea how the Carrack could be better. Also, I'm really losing hope exploration is actually a thing in this game, the ship seems to be sinking and I expect them to finally accepting limitaitons soon, and WHY would you need such humongous ships to just move a bit, use a few gates to travel to the very few ACTUAL systems with any hand made content and then go back to sell some stuff in a capital planet.
@cbrown596 8 ай бұрын
Tractor beams built into the Odyssey doesn't matter. The Carrack is equipped with M3-A Multifunction Space Drones which are able to perform tug functions, it isn't a stretch to believe they'd be capable of moving cargo into the Carrack. These drones don't need to be replaced, as they are multifunction as the name implies. They have the capability of doing Rearm, Repair, Mining, and Salvage, of note however is that the Carrack can control NEMO drones like the Nautilus can. The difference being the Carrack can only use them to disarm mines, not recover them them.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I'm open to believing what you say here, I just need some sources because I can't find CIG sources for the cargo thing. I already know about the swappable drones. However I have not seen any compatibility confirmation with mining or salvage only rearming and the ability to disable mines. The carrack is the closest thing we have to a do everything ship but it won't actually do everything as people are expecting it to do. I gave it a high rating in my review because it's awesome but I think people are going to be upset when modularity doesn't give them every in-game capability.
@Marlax-101 8 ай бұрын
Gameplay wise the carrack is the explorer ship, it will find the points and survive to make sure its safe. the odyssey is the long duration civilian colonizer type ship. it will go to point the carrack has scouted and land for long term operations. as it can supply its own oxygen and recycle water. The carrack wont be able to do long term planetary stays without resupply unless there is a modular bay for food/oxygen/water/and fuel. That being said the carrack can always team with a starfarer which can hold those supplies for it and potentially refill most things but food. so ideally what would be the best pairing for the carrack is a starfarer and a few food modules on the carrack. that way the starfarer can focus on fuel and maybe emergancy food and water in its tanks while also replacing the lost cargo space from the carrack. idk the prices right now but carrack plus starfarer will be around 1k and the odysse plus whatever you put inside will be around 1k.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Carrack plus Vulcan is $900. Not to mention the Vulcan allows you to bring whatever other ship you want all the way up to an aquila because you can refuel it, rearm it, and repair it with the Vulcan which gets an unlimited fuel supply from the Odyssey.
@Marlax-101 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas perhaps but ody plus vulcan plus ground vehicle plus aquila is probably.... 1200-1300. They havnt given us any information on if repair drones can do structural repair so the aquila for example can loose its 4 engines which means its at risk of being stranded. the carrack has internal engines that do not fall off so it doesnt really need structural repair as of yet. carrack and a starfare is about 1k. all it would need to last in space is a food module that recycles air and water like the odyssey to stay out longer. and if fuel siphoning ever becomes a thing the carrack may have access to that with drones.
@Marlax-101 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas not if the ody does handle well and is able to hold the vulcan it could pair well with the carrack potentially if it can produce and share food air and water and fuel. but the carrack better pairs with the starfarer for now and probably the endever. if the starfarer gets to hold water, air, and liquid food. if the carrack gets a modlule for food production then starfarer works for fuel.
@mryllo 9 ай бұрын
i will explore the universe in a endeavour but own a carrack for the futurtre modulerity
@PapaDealt 8 ай бұрын
When in them both!!!
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Wallet say no more space jpeg lol
@andyrewfx 8 ай бұрын
I love how the poor Aquila does not even enter this conversation... poor Connie Aquila.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
It will be invited after the rework lol
@FuryBattleface 8 ай бұрын
That was a great video.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@SpaceMike3 8 ай бұрын
The Ody can refine AND refuel itself? I thought it couldn't
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Yup it can mine and refine quantanium and refuel itself.
@SpaceMike3 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas ah ok. If it were out I'd melt my Carrack for it. It'd be more useful
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Well do a bit of research first to see what fits your play style. The Carrack might end up fitting what you need more.
@the_realcheezy 8 ай бұрын
I’ma just going to own both
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I mean if you can afford it. Absolutely. I'll probably do the same and buy the Odyssey and just earn the Carrack in-game
@the_realcheezy 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas hopefully we get modularity this year so I can use the carrack for more than a mobile respawn.
@stargeezer8427 9 ай бұрын
Nope. Paul Jones is the only one that made that "claim", and then left shortly after. Also missiles are irrelevant, as a consumable you won't be mining those. The Odyssey is a long range "prospecting" ship at best, the Carrack is Mary Sue by comparison, and by the way I have both. 😏
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I know! the Carrack Killer thing is mostly a joke though to be honest. I thought that would be more clear but I'm not the best at sarcasm. Also you are absolutely right you can't mine missiles. That doesn't make them irrelevant, It just mean you need to save them for a rainy day. Maybe the rainiest day. I'm not seeing where people get the prospecting thing from but we'll see. I'll probably end up with both but I have to see if I can afford an Idris first lol
@MrMcbear 9 ай бұрын
Never understood the point of all this speculation when one of them isnt even in game yet. How can you possibly make an actual comparison.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Its more of trying to settle an already ongoing debate than make a comparison. but why? Its fun to speculate!
@THEMALBINO 9 ай бұрын
I have both. Carrack is useless besides medbed. I rather use my 890 for that. Cargo hold is useless now. Rather use my m2 for that.
@Sleeptastic 8 ай бұрын
Carrack - exists Odyssey - does not exist Easy peasy
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Exists is a strong word to use here. I have a JPEG that suggests it exists. If that is not enough... I fly it in my dreams... If that is not enough it exists in my heart!
@MrButuz 8 ай бұрын
I think you're mistaken if you think you'll be able to fully solo the Odyssey
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
It all depends on what you mean by "able" and "solo". if able means doing so and having the ship use at least 50% of it capability. then I will be able to solo it, that being said, I never will. I'll always bring a friend or npc. Unless you count bringing an NPC as solo.
@haustierone 9 ай бұрын
yes but carrack old update might change good good thumbed up
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Me. Preciate.
@doubledigital_ 9 ай бұрын
i own a betty and ill own this when it ever comes out lol .. give me ALLL da ships .. xD
@danny1988221 8 ай бұрын
One is not out.. and the other is not even fully complete.. we don't know what they will change or add until they complete the carrack so well see when they are both gold complete 🤷
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Yeah we have to see. What modularity brings and what they finalize on the Odyssey. However like I said. I need them both to succeed.
@madsondurton8754 8 ай бұрын
I might be wrong but I recall reading in the specs of the carrack that it had some sort of special Ion engine giving it almost infinite range.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
The engine would just control efficiency, power, and speed not range. It has two large tanks for both fuel and Quantum that determine how far it can go.
@madsondurton8754 8 ай бұрын
You are right, I went to the site and it had been a long time, it's all changed. I wish I had a screenshot of this "ion engine" quote a saw. if I can spot enemy ship from far away with my carrack I'm sill usefull to my team, until they change it :) cool video @@billionaireninjas
@fairq6063 9 ай бұрын
Odyssey kinda just seems better, but carrack seems cheaper
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I'm really just trolling a bit with saying one is better. I just think they fit different roles.
@SpaceDad42 8 ай бұрын
Picking sides? Are they? I don’t see it.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Did you see the launch of the Odyssey? Reddit? Spectrum? KZbin videos about the Odyssey, Comments? Heck look at the comments on this video alone!
@durtyred86 9 ай бұрын
Ahhh... Damn man. This video was kinda hit and miss big dog. Partially because you didn't have all of your facts straight but also because neither ship is finished. It's more speculation than anything else tbh. You left out a few key points that I want to remind you of now. These ships are way too large to solo. Even the Odyssey with it's "One" crew requirement.. A fire breaks out in the back and you'll quickly realize why lol... You'll definitely need NPC's for both if you're solo. The Carrack not surviving fighters and the Odyssey making it out. Ok, you do realize that the Carrack has heavy armor right? It was a military ship first. That means light fighters will be more of an annoying enemy than an extremely threatening one... People getting comfortable with taking out huge ships in light fighters need to open their eyes and see what's about to change. Especially ships with heavy armor. Overall you made valid points but I think leaving these points out are kinda a slap in the face for the Carrack. Put some respect on that ship. 😅😅
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
But did I miss? Lets look at the points you brought up. One crew is what CIG said. Looking at the most recent video on engineering gameplay you won't need to put out a random fire if you prep correctly but at the same time any ship you can fly solo can have a random fire including the carrack. Hey the carrack is the one with the solo person in the commercial also! Also I also say in the video that both are better with crew (soloable just means you can solo it... not that you should). Also I said in the video that carrack will have better armor than the Odyssey. Check again. it's the cap shield that impresses me on the Odyssey. They last long enough for you to run is the big point there the weapon aspect is debatable until in game but we know that cap shields are beasts right now. No disrespect to the Carrack at all I gave it four sold points for why people should buy it. On top of that I think both need to succeed. I might end up owing both if they do it right.
@noblereflex8332 9 ай бұрын
The Odyssey's turret arcs are absolute trash, though. Enormous blind spots. I also guarantee that the odyssey will not be a solo operable ship on release. It would break the game.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
The arcs can't be trash yet. It hasn't been built yet. As far as solo operable... It says minimum crew of 1. That's the data we have. Break the game? Maybe but every time the game breaks CIG balances it. That's how it's supposed to work. In the end every ship will have it's use.
@noblereflex8332 9 ай бұрын
@billionaireninjas Firstly, thank you for the reply. I did genuinely enjoy the video, and i think i was remiss in not including that in my first comment. The analysis included was very good, and the production quality was on par with many of the larger SC creators, so kudos to that. I do think it might have been better to be a bit more skeptical on the figures presented by CIG and the Wiki. We know how those change frequently. I genuinely doubt the design of the Odyssey will change significantly from the concept because they have already completed the floor plan for internal layout. The turret weapons might change, but it would require modification to the existing interior plan, so i would expect their positions on the hull to remain. what i expect will change is the 1 person minimum crew (the wiki now says 4-6 but like i said, we can't rely on that). At the very least, Ai crew will be necessary, and i think the turrets are likely to be remote, so maybe ai blades could work. The Carrack needs a rework badly for its interior. It wastes a significant amount of space, but the bones are extremely solid. I would expect at least some missiles to be added to that rework, but we won't know until it happens. In its current state, it would be more versatile than an odyssey but not better in any one specific aspect aside from maybe turret coverage, speed, and scanners. Your conclusion that the Odyssey is meant for long-range exploration and discovery while the carrack is meant for shorter range military scouting missions is good, and i think CIG will continue to take both ships in that direction. Like i said at the start, i did genuinely enjoy the video, i just think it might be better to be skeptical of the Odyssey and other unreleased ships in the future until we hear more about its (their) capabilities though i would still expect your conclusions to bear fruit upon the Odyssey's eventual implementation. Keep up the Great work! I hope you had a happy new year and am wishing you success for the channel.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the support!
@MrMark849 8 ай бұрын
First, wait a few years for this ship to be implemented and then start a debate about these ships... as you know, we waited several years for the Carrack, so your whole debate is for nothing, why ?, because the concept will change several more times, just like it happened with the Carrack.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I wish I could wait... However the debate started before I could even click the purchase button on Odyssey Concept day. Look at the title of the video my friend. I'm trying to settle the debate so we can move on!
@Datawarlock 8 ай бұрын
What debate? One exists, the other's a jpeg.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I mean "exists" is a really interesting word choice. They are both digital ships so neither is tangible. One has gameplay and is flyable the other does not. However, I fly it in my dreams all the time!
@donnys2965 9 ай бұрын
i still love my galaxy :)
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
As you should!
@donnys2965 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas I’m hyped for the Polaris to drop just so more work can be done to get the Galaxy to gold standard. Now that they introduced the building module I’m sure I will buy it upon completion. Have a good day :)
@olternaut 3 ай бұрын
Will the Odyssey make it to 4.0?
@billionaireninjas 3 ай бұрын
My guess is the odyssey comes with exploration gameplay so I don't think so. Maybe with 1.0 though
@olternaut 3 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas And who knows when 1.0 will come out.
@billionaireninjas 3 ай бұрын
My guess 4.0 at citizencon.. 1.0 by 2nd quarter 2025.
@karakiri283 8 ай бұрын
The med bay in the Carrack is tier 1, while not in the Odyssey, meaning if you get injured with tier 1 injuries, you will have a very bad time with the odyssey if you are far away from civilization. Also a Carrack module should be able to make it's own fuel. That's obivously one of the most requested module for the Carrack. And the Carrack was sold saying it has not a lot of defense or a capital ship shield because it is heavily armored and should resiste a long period of time under enemy fire and be able to flee (when the Odyssey will have no more shield and have no armor when it will try to flee and jump under fire it will have a very bad time).
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Cap shield is plenty enough to run away for the Odyssey. Also the Carrack definitely has a Tier 2 bed... Source:
@BrianSmith-ql5nj 6 ай бұрын
Get both
@555Buddy5555 8 ай бұрын
The Carrack has 2 large ranks odyssey only has one large.but at half a tank ,your going to need to stop what your doing and start looking for quant to mine.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Yup! And when the Carrack is at one tank finished it will have to...return to base! I'd rather quant hunt than travel back 200 Mkm back to base. But at the same time its all fun!
@Xaveth 9 ай бұрын
Odyssey is definitely the clear winner. I can't stand the Carrack anyway. It's depressing inside and if you're a solo pilot, you can't use your weapons.
@nerdglider 9 ай бұрын
You’re comparing a ship that doesn’t exist with a ship that doesn’t work lol
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
What does it truly mean to exist? Surely it exists in the minds of CIG. It has at least a whitebox existence which I show in this video. Do you mean not flyable? I mean if we never talk about ships that aren't flyable we wouldn't be able to make any content on star citizen lol Also the Carrack does plenty if you ask most people in this comment section.
@nerdglider 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas the carrack has a lot of fan girls cause people hate to admit they’re wrong and you can always make gameplay videos
@Katzh 9 ай бұрын
they both ugly, and we have no real info on how exploration gameplay will end up. (you can argue there are old info, but hey, look at reclaimer's claw)
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I agree on your second point...have to wait for the gameplay. However I like the way my Odyssey looks lol.
@555Buddy5555 8 ай бұрын
Dude dont do drugs
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
This is a drug free zone sir!
@vasilizaitsez7455 9 ай бұрын
You've conflated Expeditionary capability with Exploration. John Crews and Paul Jones coined Carrack Killer for one reason, to sell it, looks like your buying in to their rhetoric. Odyssey charts the way for Carrack?!! Didn't you earlier say Carrack has Stellar Cartography, Odyssey does't? How does Odyssey chart anything without tools to do it? Rebuttal video
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Odyssey charts the way for the Carrack... Yes. All ships can chart, see the pinned comment. Carrack just does it better. And finish what the statement in the video said. It charts the way as far as fueling and major nav points then The Carrack comes through and gets the detailed information that the Odyssey misses giving both a role. Also the rebuttal video didn't rebut any of my points. I'd love to know your definition of expedition vs exploration though!
@vasilizaitsez7455 9 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas CIG did say ships would have an MFD functionality of Navigation and some ability to find JPs. Effectively what you’re saying is Odyssey will be better at what Carrack was built for. Expedition is a a fancy way to say endurance which Odyssey has more of. Exploration is To boldly go where none have gone before which Odyssey simply cannot to if for no other reason, its size. Those arms that extend from Aquila and Carrack are for WH/JP stabilization. The Pyro Gate is the stabilizer for that JP, Carrack does it on a smaller scale. The mere fact that Carrack can navigate smaller JPs makes it a better Explorer with more access. Add the rest of its capabilities, send it off on its own, Odyssey will not follow the same path. Instead it will take the long way round and never stop for fuel making it the better Expeditionary Ship.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I guess I'm not understanding how the odyssey will be restricted because of its size. Even if it can't use a specific jump point the systems will be interconnected so it will still be able to get there just taking a different route. Also that's assuming that smaller jump points will be more prevalent than larger jump points and that smaller jump points will be the ones that are the quickest route it very well could be the other way around when it comes out.
@vasilizaitsez7455 9 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas The last 13 words of your reply sums up nicely why the Carrack Killer Odyssey is not such a clear picture as you try to paint. CIG has said and then changed a lot of things. IMO Odyssey mining for self fuel design is crap! It should be an oversized freelancer shaped prospector able mine and refine all ore. The staterooms are a huge waste of space as is a 3 level high hanger and 252scu cargo is a joke! Simple fixes which may well happen are: -Mine and refine all with Size 4 laser -Decrease hangar height by one level -Replace reduced hangar space with at least 500scu additional space Reduced hangar height would still allow all craft previously advertised to fit, you just wouldn’t be able to show horn in a Vulcan as its current design would allow.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
To be fair... I was low-key joking when I said Carrack Killer lol
@polla2256 7 ай бұрын
The carrack needs some love from CIG or i can see owners dumping them if the odyssey comes out closer to its final state as many newer ships are.
@billionaireninjas 7 ай бұрын
Carrack is about to get a lot of loves the modules are incoming this year
@polla2256 3 ай бұрын
​@@billionaireninjasstill waiting.....
@kaisersolo76 9 ай бұрын
Different ships, different roles. Comparatives are weird.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Comparatives are definitely weird... But also fun!
@Vioblight 9 ай бұрын
I like comparisons. Sure a few things will be different but the people that want to use these ships will likely debate which one fits them, these videos help clarify things for buyers. A Caterpillar vs Carrack vs Galaxy helped me decide I’d like to own a Galaxy for my own modular style of gameplay
@kaisersolo76 9 ай бұрын
@@Vioblight yes thats fine and all, but ultimately it always goes back to picking the right ship for the job. Too many people but ships becuae iyt looks cool but then moan becuase it doesn't do what they want it to do.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
This I Agree on. It will come down to picking the right ship for each job. It's why I own a whole fleet of ships. I also think that's why we need to compare. So we can see which ship does what and is right for which job.
@drksideofthewal 8 ай бұрын
Their roles aren’t different at all, and CIG directly compared them. People just like to say this as a thought terminating cliche.
@MDR1405 9 ай бұрын
The Carrack's sells pitch was as the greatest exploration ship. The Carrack mini-game created by CIG showed it as a great exploration ship. The Carrack as delivered is just a regular ship with some special and unfinished features. Yes I'm pissed.
@RexAnothership 8 ай бұрын
Almost time to get an Odyssey, isn't it. Why get pissed?
@BlackSilence001 5 ай бұрын
They sold the carrack as the exploration ship and later changed it to exploring jump points so they can call the odyssey the exploration ship and get more sales. I have a carrack and wont be changing it until the game gets proper gameplay for it. No more money for CIG, they can't keep their word.
@restwellcloud-ix8ee 9 ай бұрын
You forgot to mention the repair room in the carrack. you can fix components
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
I suppose I assumed by saying it had repair capabilities that covered it but technically you're right!
@sorincaladera936 9 ай бұрын
It will only be able to repair size 0 and 1 components, not that great. Sure, you can keep the pisces at full HP, but it won't help any of the carracks components
@malcolmden3357 6 ай бұрын
@@sorincaladera936 Carack has repair drones mate
@dragofire5063 Ай бұрын
Shame it forgotten is capital components can't be repaired or replaced anywhere other than a shipyard. The Carrack can have its large components repaired and replaced anywhere. Add to the the dual components increases the redundancy of the Carrack components, while the Odyssey single components makes it dead due to component lose and require towing to an shipyard for fixing/replacing.
@varthelm 8 ай бұрын
Generally not a fan of the idea that longevity in the black = exploration. Maybe that's a failing on my part but the Carrack will be able to do far more once it gets there than the Odyssey. The Odyssey has no drones to repair itself or perform survey tasks like the Carrack does, it has no cartography deck, it has no advanced scanners or really any special qualities of any kind except the ability to refuel itself and carry a wider variety of ships in its bay. The Odyssey's biggest flaw is it's only mission specific abilities really tie down to what ship it carries in the hangar and it cannot refuel that craft with its mining capabilities. If it had been able to do so, I might have been tempted to pull the trigger. However, a ship who's primary role is to a mothership with infinite fuel and cannot use that fuel for the ship its carrying seems flawed in concept to me. Yes I know carrier ships of all kinds (Liberator, etc) will be able to refuel craft it carries via a manual process from ship stores but the Carrack hold's twice as much storage as the Odyssey so there goes that. I do like that the Odyssey is effectively a modular ship with the smaller ship it carries being the "module", but no ship it carries will make it a better explorer than the Carrack by any stretch of the imagination...with one caveat....we don't know how big a difference scanner size and specific bonuses from special stations will actually generate. If the difference is only so big and can be made up with a marginal bit of additional effort when exploring a new star system, I may re-evaluate.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I would agree except it can use the fuel for the ship it's carrying! Also it can carry a Vulcan so if repair is a need. Do that.
@varthelm 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas unless I am greatly mistaken, the Odyssey Q&A specified that fuel mined with the Odyssey willnot be able to be used for hangar craft. I want to like the Odyssey but I can't get past this point. Also, if I eat up the bay with a Vulcan, I probably cant use it for much else...sadface
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
The Q&A said it can ONLY fuel the ships in the hangar. It cant fuel any other ships though. The Vulcan adds two things in my book the ability to bring an external ship along and repair. The Odyssey fuels the vulcan then the vulcan fuels the exterior ship. It's a workaround that I've found with the information available! Rejoice!
@varthelm 8 ай бұрын
@@billionaireninjas Not how I read it but would be cool if you're right about that. Would turn Oddy with Vulkan into a nice deep space S&R ship. I personally think the "manual" refueling in the Oddy Q&A will work like the "manual" refueling in the Liberator Q&A but I'd love to either be wrong in that or for CIG to simply be inconsistant as to what they mean by "manual/on-foot" process. Love your videos btw. Peace :)
@BesteWare 8 ай бұрын
No Need, have a BMM.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Oooh I like this. I have one too. If that ship eliminates my need for the other. I might have to go and get me an Idris.
@g8trdone 9 ай бұрын
Maaaaaan, we can't have some concept ship that we won't be able to see out of (MISC) trying to take anything from the, long established, best ship in the verse. That's just silly.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
The whole point of the video is that we need BOTH to succeed. No carrack hate here lol
@Frank-costanza 7 ай бұрын
I can't wait to see what the odyssey looks like after it goes through all the design work. I imagine exploration gameplay has a lot of work before we can see these ships really duke it out for the crown.
@BigBobBlazer 8 ай бұрын
Melted the Odyssey. Finally started sinking in on how many years the Odyssey will be released and how many years before exploration is actually a thing that would benefit from a large ship like the Odyssey or Carrack. Years and years. Secondly, the Odyssey isn't really better at exploration. It's main advantages are a large hangar and mining it's own fuel. But even in Pyro CIG has added way more refuel stations than originally anticipated, effectively rendering the Starfarer, Odyssey etc useless. If this continues for the rest of the systems, there won't be much of a point to using the Odyssey. Thirdly, Carrack has better scanning, drones, modularity (which may allow it to do base building), and more guns. Odyssey just seems like a large cargo vessel that has a large hangar and can refuel itself. There's a lot more to exploration than simply being able to stay out indefinitely (which isn't even true since you will run out of supplies, unless crafting and finding food and water on planets becomes a thing, who knows). All of this can be fun to theorize, but at the end of the day, CIG is unreliable, tardy and double backs on many of the things they say. So....personally, I stay away from most long-term concepted game loops and the ships associated with them.
@dragofire5063 Ай бұрын
Odyssey is an resource exploration ship. Carrack is system and navigation exploration ship with modularity to increases its possible roles beyond the default at the cost of cargo storage.
@KelrCrow 6 ай бұрын
I read that the Carrack is based on the Serenity, so that makes me want one. I need NPC crews before I get one though.
@joaotarcisiom 5 ай бұрын
If youtube allow me, I'll like and comment each of your videos (6/130)
@drx630 8 ай бұрын
I'll make sure to charge you more when I have to come refuel you with the starfarer lol (its broken in the game right now, why no one uses it, you can only request docking once, it won't prompt you after the 1 time) - and every station has fuel, wont be the circumstance in the future
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Lmao who me? I have a vulcan, a crucible, an odyssey, and a starfarer. No charges for me 🤣
@arielfetters5662 4 ай бұрын
Not surprising. CIG always did shit on the Carrack.
@TedManAte Ай бұрын
The odyssey always spoke to me more.
@mariomarques1507 5 ай бұрын
Having more missiles or a better shield, or even the capability of mining quantanium does not make the Odyssey a better explorer. We don't have any real data on what makes an explorer better. But I can say for sure that has nothing to do with mining quantanium. Furthermore, quantanium will be rare, and you will NOT find it anywhere! Also, you forget that since in MM you won't have shields, and from what we know from the Anvil Terrapin, Armor will protect you from the elements. And the Odyssey does not feature armor. You keep talking about cargo, but again, exploration isn't about bringing cargo, but data. Exploration is about mapping and producing data. So no, you are not settling anything. And yes, you can chart things, and expose yourself to the elements But the Carrack can send a probe, or scan from afar without exposing yourself to harm. The Carrack is a science ship, whereas the Odyssey is an industrial ship. There is no better ship, really.
@billionaireninjas 5 ай бұрын
I respect your position but I disagree. You say in the same breath that we dont know what exploration is then you tell me what it is five seconds later. Then when you explain it sounds more like data running than exploring. Every ship can chart, CIG said this dozens of times at this point so technically every ship can map and and produce data, that doesn't make them explorers, the carrack is just exponentially better at it. Mining quantanium is what makes it a dedicated explorer not what makes it better. It's what makes it go further without having to refuel. At some point no matter how large the tank the carrack needs to come back to station or have another ship to refuel. You took the whole argument that was laid out over the video and tried to shrink it down to a few points that are part of holistic argument. Also you have no idea how rare quantanium will be. Neither do I. You forgot about the hangar that can fit a Vulcan, you forgot about the size difference, one is a capital the other is a large, the Carrack's base model comes with over 400 SCU of Cargo but somehow thats not relevant to exploring...the carrack sending a probe would be (which I'm not sure what that means) the same as me sending a drone from the vulcan in my hangar or a snub with an NPC on it. There are better ships than the Carrack and I'm not even saying the Odyssey is one of them, I'm saying it's the better exploration ship... And dont forget the part where I said we need both. I appreciate the essay though!
@koolerpure 9 ай бұрын
it'll be a hard choice for me, the carrack is great but it doesnt feel like a spaceship to me although right now it is my home ship. i got the carrack so i can use the pods for science and research on some planet i decide will be my game loop but since that seems to so far away from reality that the odyssey might be the better choice for my adventures and since cig already said they wont make ships fully realistic meaning we can take heavy ships to a planet surface and still be able to leave we kinda have no incentives to not go big
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
No reason to make any big decisions yet. Just buy a $25 ccu and then wait it out!
@themanyouwanttobe 9 ай бұрын
The distance argument always seems to miss a very important point. SC will never have an Elite Dangerous amount of solar systems. Even when exploring newly discovered systems, you'll never be more than a couple of jumps from a refueling station, let alone a friendly Starfarer to meet up with you. The true advantage of the Carrack will be finding jump points that other ships can't detect, not for finding new systems, but for finding shortcuts to existing systems. CIG simply won't be able to make systems fast enough for infrastructure to not catch up.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
100 systems is still pretty big and never say never. Also every ship will be able to detect jump points the Carrack will just do it better. See the pinned comment.
@joelafontaine5862 8 ай бұрын
Idk it has the range difference but with the changes to mining quant is much harder to find so you’d be more likely to be searching for it more than finding it, so that in itself reduces its range. Aside for the before mentioned shields and tractors are good.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
This is definitely something to consider. Hopefully CIG balances that out.
@mammoth505 9 ай бұрын
You lost me at 57 seconds in. Long live the Carrack!
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
That's ok lmao as long as you know I ALSO want the Carrack to live long... And prosper!
@mattp6394 7 ай бұрын
You can travel as far as you like by making your own fuel but you are still limited by food and water and equipment wear and tear
@billionaireninjas 7 ай бұрын
This is absolutely true.
@araynortassadore3056 8 ай бұрын
Considering what the Carrack was supposed to be 9 years ago in original concept...far before what it is now. Its a disappointing shell of its former self. It was Prometheus. Its size was closer to the 890 jump and had a larger vehicle bay and hangar with cool antennas and a radar dish. I melted my Carrack as soon as the odyssey was announced. You buy a concept ship expecting one thing only for it to be miniaturized.
@BlackSilence001 5 ай бұрын
Thats true.
@mehsomething 4 ай бұрын
9 years ago had it at 120m length lol, not far off from the size now. You're thinking of the 170m growth spurt it had before the final version
@edgeman04 8 ай бұрын
The biggest problem is Misc ships are ugly. Rule of cool above all else.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
I respect it
@nuirueu 8 ай бұрын
'Hundreds of jump points' lol..... nuff said.
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
@cthree87 9 ай бұрын
You had me right up to where you said the Odyssey was a better EXPLORATION ship than the Carrack. You equated exploration with range and that is a logical fallacy. Exploration is not just about going a long distance, it's about finding things of value when you get there. If you go into deep space and than came back with nothing you couldn't get locally were you really exploring? I think not. The goal of exploration is to discover valuable things. This makes the Carrack a superior exploration ship, second only to an equipped Endeavor. The problem is that the Odyssey has no dedicated scanning capability. You are expected to take a scanning ship with you which limits the size of the scanner to what will fit in the hangar ie a single size 2 or medium (terrapin) scanner or perhaps 2 Cutter Scouts. The Carrack has all the facilities for powerful large scanners built in AND a drone bay for long range probes which can scan large areas of a system simultaneously. If you want to talk about exploration then talk about what matters to exploration: scanning and computers, not just the maximum range. The Odyssey will disappoint many when they realize its only special capability isn't all that useful in practice and spending hours in quantum travel only to not be able to do much when you get there sucks. The Carrack can easily find undiscovered jump points and travel to other systems using less fuel than those taking the long, slow way.
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Why would an Odyssey come back with nothing? It can still scan just not as far as the carrack... It just has to move closer. A lot of people seem to think the Carrack is the only ship with scanning ability. It's just better at it. It gets buffs. Check the MISC Odyssey Q&A that is confirmed. Also when you look at it the Odyssey has one more computer than the Carrack and the Carrack has one more radar. So If what you say is true... The Carrack can FIND more data but the Odyssey can STORE more data. Like I said. Both need to succeed. Not just one so I'm not praying on the downfall of either nor the disappointment of the owners of either. I hope both end up being great!
@cthree87 9 ай бұрын
​@@billionaireninjas Exploration ships typically have dedicated scanners and stations....except the Odyssey. The Terrapin, Aquila, 600i, 400i, Freelancer DUR, MSR, etc. They all have dedicated exploration focused scanners ABOVE AND BEYOND the standard sensor suite installed in every ship. How does an Odyssey get closer to something it can't see and doesn't know is there? You're basically just pinging around in the dark hoping something shows up on radar. The Carrack will integrate the data from all the scanners and probes into a cohesive map via the cartography suite. It's a sensor platform. The Odyssey by contrast is a flying small hangar. It's a general purpose ship with more in common with the Liberator than a Carrack. One area I see the Odyssey excelling is scouting locations for base building and land claims. The extended range allows you to go from undeveloped place to undeveloped place indefinitely and to use the hangar to deploy a ship to do detailed scanning of a small area. It's classified as an Expedition ship and I think it's a better expedition ship than the Carrack but not exploration. The Carrack also has 2 large fuel tanks, the Odyssey has one. The Carrack has enough fuel to make a return trip, the Odyssey needs to find and make the fuel to get back. I don't have anything against the Odyssey but it's actually a pretty niche ship, its super power being able to make its own fuel. It's also worth mentioning that the Carrack comes with a C8 Pisces and an Ursa rover free in the box, the Odyssey comes empty.
@TheGentrithoti 9 ай бұрын
Carrack is easy win for me military , repair bots, cargo modules can be refinery can be growing food and its not a misc ship :)
@billionaireninjas 9 ай бұрын
Lmao I do prefer the anvil Aesthetic to MISC generally but I'll hold judgement until I see the Odyssey in-game. Also did you know the Odyssey could fit a Vulcan in it's Hangar? Repair bots? No problem.
@TheGentrithoti 9 ай бұрын
We will see how it turns out but id go with a military ship any day ;)
@vegnachaos9995 8 ай бұрын
I got a Carrack and love it, But fuck it i'll buy a odyssey aswell.. why not i just won't tell the mrs lmao 😂
@billionaireninjas 8 ай бұрын
Ooohh i see you like to live dangerously lol
@vegnachaos9995 8 ай бұрын
@billionaireninjas you have no idea, the only thing scarier then a vandaal is my Mrs when she is pissed off lol 😆 😂
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