OLTL-2001-217 Todd is "Happy"

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@SparkedNEnsouled 2 жыл бұрын
The way he's looking at Blair talking to the baby. He's so in love.
@HomieWitDaXtraChromie 2 жыл бұрын
Todd and Blair had amazing chemistry during their love scenes, they always fit together like a hand in glove.
@197335tina 13 жыл бұрын
Omg I miss Roger/Todd. I have this scene on vhs. This is one of my favorites or T/B. I'm so glad that he back, he is the only one to play Todd the way he is supposed to be played.
@QueenB-riddles Жыл бұрын
My favorite couple💜💜💜 i miss them
@teew3986 3 жыл бұрын
When I tell y'all I randomly say, "No one is ever gonna love you the way that I love you. So let me, let me love you." Like, that's one of my favorite things she told Todd.
@MsAdri76 13 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the clips. Todd and Blair have to get back together before the show ends the writers owe us that.
@madamhummingbird 13 жыл бұрын
Blair to Todd; "You are SO handsome" I second that Blair. Your one DAMN lucky woman!
@natalieps2387 4 жыл бұрын
It was kinda sad when blair said he was so handsome and he didn't like it. People like todd who were abused by a parent and a mom that left him have such low self esteem which is why I think todd does the stupid mistakes bc ge doesn't believe he is worthy of love . Early todd was arrogant but def had shown signs he was low on esteem,
@debb481 2 күн бұрын
Blair approaches Todd so well in this scene. Just loving words and touch. Sweet to hear her say how much she loves him and offer such warmth and affection. He's so pleased with this night together that he comes back to their room in the morning and tries to kiss her.
@sapphire76 13 жыл бұрын
I want RH to grow his hair to this length again.
@madamhummingbird 13 жыл бұрын
Wow, that was some amazing T&B stuff. So, who was writing for T&B during this time again?
@natalieps2387 4 жыл бұрын
Todd is so smoking hot here damn! Great eyes great hair he still looks so young here did I start on oltl when he was 12lol. No if u go back early todd looked like a baby. I'm proud to say I watched todd and even marty from the beginning. I remembered her with megan in the hospital . I thought wow she's so beautiful and I thought todd was hot wgen he and marty first met. I was 12 my mom in her late 30s and we finally both were crushing on an actor . I wish they kept carmel leporto on the show instead of Andrew . Carmen could act and he looked exactly like young rh. I thought the writers were brilliant casting a kid who looked like how old todd used to look. Since the writers were hell bent on connecting susan haskell and Roger I always thought they should have had marty become pregnant from the rape . That would have been amazing esp bc children born of rape exist but I think they still thought todd wouod be short term. Imagine where they could have gone with marty dealing with a baby from todd manning ? I wonder how totally pycho todd in 93 would have reacted like would he be all possessive . I'd imagine marty could have gotten his rights taken away and they didn't have a morning after pill in 93. Then the marty blair rivalry would have made more sense plus it would have tied marty to the Lord's. The show def wanted that through a grandchild they shared but better if it was todds kid then blair and marty could be like Dorian viki 2.0 but bc todd & marty could never be lovers it was a good way to connect them otherwise what would blair and marty fight over. It was wasted on the poet.
@SuperPauli628 5 жыл бұрын
In this scene, imo, kind of proves Todd does have DID. The Todd in the mirror is talking back to him just like when Viki would talk to Niki and Jessica talking to Tess.
@natalieps2387 4 жыл бұрын
Todd says the cramers are crazy well the Lord's woth viki todd & jessica are bonkers lol. I was shocked starr grew up to be a sweet heart but I guess it's hard when u see a kid grow up on tv and into puberty and adulthood for them to suddenly be a bitch or bad girl bc they got the love and famiky and we watched them.go through puberty etc as sweet kids like jessica and ghs robin. I think it's easier to cast someone to be bad. Like jack was constantly played by different actors and the last jack before the last one was a cute kid who who would say kinda sarcastic cracks but I couldn't see that kid playing a bully bc he was growing up on the show. Too bad bc carmel leporto the last jack b4 the one I hated Andrew who's acting was the worst ever and he was not root able like if they were trying to channel young frat boy todd they did a horrible job. Plus jack had no motivation to be a sociopath he had a huge family blair loved him victor Jr as todd only payed attention to starr than Daniella so I don't but jack suddenly became a sociopath bc of todds dna. Todd they stated was a good kid but his father abused him. I'm not going there about the secual abuse bc they left that open ended or ambiguous and forgot it. I personally think todd made that up to get out of the hostage charges I thibk Peter was a hitter a sadist but he if anything would be homophobic doubt he'd take 14 year old todd prison style . I think he just treated him horribly and beat him which was enoygh. The whole faked did had to come from in todds eyes and most of d.i.d. literature from childhood secual trauma , he was studying vikis . He admitted it was all faked so I think the rape by Peter was too. Anyway I didn't like the jack is a bully story maybe if they had an actor or Rogers caliber amd gave jack a heart but he had none and he was an idiot while todd was smart like a cunning fox. Just make Jack a goid kid I thought him being a sociopath was too easy and predictable and it made no sense how he loathed his bio dad who was kidnapped for 8 years and loved victor who I recall strangling him after the gigi/Stacy death debacle. Also jack saying u gave me away well when victor was his dad he still worshiped him knowing that info Ok glad I spoke my peace and wished they kept Carmen in the role of jack he actually looked a lot like Roger . I remembered thinking the writers are brilliant bc ge would look like todds old face . The kid had the same coloring whereas trevor st john was too light like he was smaller build and very blond ans blue eyed while Rh had the dirty blonde hair those gorgeous hazel eyes and had a mych bigger build. He lost weight from Embryo todd in early 93 but with the extra weight ( not saying Rh was fat at all ) but he had baby fat still and was very broad and big. When he started looking so much different in 95 besides the long hair and facial hair he was much thinner . I think that's why he looked different . He gained weight and started looking sloppy in the end in 98 bc he was very unhappy with the show and he left . Final thing todd looks smoking hot here and when I watched it I was like blair u r so lucky.! He always had great hair . I used to think Rh and Sarah brown in their bad selves young years would have been fire baby
@SuperPauli628 4 жыл бұрын
@@natalieps2387 that was a long response but I agree the last guy that played Jack was a horrible actor. And the fact that he accepted the fake Todd and not the real one because of the baby incident was stupid... But I do believe he was sexually abused by his father. He told Sam he lied and made it up but he also said "the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth". Also, everytime he told the story it never changed it always stayed the same. Also Sam remembered the time Todd tried to kill his father and the welts on his back. That was not made up. And the DID I believe was real even though he didn't realize it I believe he was able to control it, remember the time in the airplane and the different parts of him talking to him. That's the same thing that happened to Viki and Jess, he also had a conversation with an alter in the mirror. He changed after he left in 98 and came back in 2000, I believe he took the time to see a psychologist to fix his mind. What an awesome actor Roger is.
@natalieps2387 4 жыл бұрын
@@SuperPauli628 sorry for my long response I can be long winded lol. I've watched oltl since I was a baby and have watched as much as I can old stuff or stuff I haven't seen like the late 80s. Anyway I don't know if he was sexually abused or had d.i.d. I know when he left in the airplane they had all the alters ( glad Rh came back bc that was just sad if he didn't bc I dod not want the last image of the iconic todd manning as ms Perkins in a dress and bun. ) I remember kevin after todd was charged went bsck to dig into todds past growing up in Chicago with Peter and he found I think from his school that he was a sweet kid until he turned about 14 and he was dating a girl named Michelle who suddenly todd broke it off with and after 14 he started acting out his grades went down their was a definite change . Sam.i think remarked he noticed it as well. Blair who the show alwaus had her as the woman besides viki who knew him best . Blair though was his wife and intimate so she had aside of todd that viki couldn't . Blair did not believe for a second todd was raped amd he said he was faking the d.i.d. . I know viki told him the jokes on u bc those alters really are part of u. He was asked by sam.if the rape was true and I know todd said something like the lie is the truth and the truth is a lie. I think the show kept it ambiguous same as who really killed victor. Like viki saying victor came back and Dorian said mitch got an imposter bc she knew for a fact he died leading to Dorian killed him afterall. Plus when the show was wrapping up Dorian made a comment that she killed victor in a subtle way and David said what and she said oh nothing . Unfortunately for soaps with different writing staffs bc they go on so long a different writer rewrites history or changes the rewritten histoey.. I always thought todd manning belonged to Michael Malone and Josh griffith since they created the character and all his iconic stuff that became legend they wrote from 93 to 95. I kinda thought todd saying he faked the d.i.d which is what we saw onscreen was an act. I think viki saying that about the alters made him really dream about it on the plane . Or they purposely left it ambiguous bc for all they knrw in 98 Roger was never coming back . I don't know what to think honestly . We know as canon that Peter treated todd awful and beat him and beat todds adopted mom and drove her away . The rape by Peter was never addressed again nor was his d.i.d. if todd went to therapy while gone im not sure . I guess him giving sam that cryptic answer it's def possible he was raped. I thibk if he really was he would have told sam that he was same with viki bc I hated it that it broke vikis heart so badly and I'd think todd would have said the secual abuse was really true. If u think its true I'm not saying that's outrageous to believe again it was sloppy cop out writing to leave it ambiguous.
@debb481 Ай бұрын
The way he told Blair that he was faking made me believe that he was faking. He's talking to himself in a mirror here. That doesn't seem like DID to me.
@nattyps3160 2 күн бұрын
​@@debb481i think todd had bi polar. He had very manic episodes. Like when he freaked out & broke into rae's house he was acting crazy screaming hey!!! I need help b/c blair refused to marry him again. This was right before they finally had sex again. Todds first time my goodness since their gold balloons wedding night. Hed also get extremely manic excited over the smallest hints of something. Like trying to marry blair getting her a passport to santa domingo. Hed also get suicidal like when blair lost their first son or after he found out blair lied to him he went to rodi's dylan threw him out as he was drinking from a whiskey bottle he brought in. He went to the alley smashed the bottle then played w/ the glass til he deeply cut his hand. Marty went out to talk to him & when dylan yelled at her she said " what he gets suicidal" todd has such high highs & low lows. Yes they had this theme during his return 3x of himself talking to himself. It did seem d.i.d. ish esp when skye told him max & blair were doing it he was talking to his pysical double saying " i want to be happy " & his other self said " u dont get to be happy. Do what u do best & ur not gonna get it standing around here now go do it" thats when he went saw a drugged blair w/ max in bed w/ her & was about to bash a clock over maxs head but stopped himself. He also never asks things or tells things to blair like telling her on their wedding day i saw u in bed w/ max. Mayve blair could have explained she had champagne w/ max then woke up like she was blacked out. Which was a crine nax committed drugging a person w/ sleeping pills in alcohol! Then getting into bed w/ her where he obviously took her robe off. Cause todd saw her in one of her pretty negligees. If he had confronted her he never would have turned her in. Also when he saw her banging patrick instead of hiding for weeks & taking starr for a couple days it was what wrecked their marriage. Also he slept w/ blair in feb of 01 why didnt todd consider he def could be the babys dad i mean how did blair think it was maxs even for a few weeks until the dr told her she was nowhere near her 2nd trimester. Does blair not notice no period or any symptoms as shes been pregnant 3x b4. Geez she knew she had unprotected sex w/ todd.
@nattyps3160 2 күн бұрын
Lol so true. I loved in the 90s how tnb always discussed birth control. Todd was so fertile! He slept w/ tea on the island for the first time & wam pregnant. Obviously no condoms or the pill b/c they were shipwrecked for months. One time though or possible multiple in one day as we see them in the ocean naked kissing. Then we next see them in that cave cuddling but todd dreamt of blair. So tea said even after we were finally together u miss blair b/c she saw him looking at a photo of her.
@debb481 2 күн бұрын
In 2011, when talking with Tea, Todd indicated that Tea and he had sex twice on the island. But his dream of Blair involved he and Blair's wedding night of all times. Ouch! Then he told her he loved Blair. Ouch again! He definitely had love for Tea but he wasn't really into her sexually or romantically, it seems. He mostly only wanted Blair. Carly just seemed like a Blair substitute to me. Blair had rejected him 3 times by the time he and Carly hooked up.
@QueenB-riddles Ай бұрын
Im surprised they didnt get pregnant, everytime they touched each other, she got pregnant 😅😅
@nattyps3160 2 күн бұрын
Seriously. What i loved about them in the 90s which id never heard b4 was how much they discussed birth control during their first marriage. Like they even knew how easily todd gets her pregnant. Like their wedding day when blair told him she was pregnant so hed marry her wasnt of course but when they started to have sex she went w/ her purse to the bathroom & he said cute bad but if its got b.c in it why bother ur already pregnant right blair? Anyway she tried an excuse she wanted to put on makeup & he tossed her bag & said she looked fine & blair looked nervous which i never got b/c was her plan to fake a miscarriage? If she didnt lose their son how was she gonna explain being 6 weeks late on delivery. She was not planning on getting pregnant. She even denied his request to hang out & be beach bums together til the baby was born. She told him he should stay if he wanted. I dont know how of he did that hed find out. Anyway one time w/o her diaphragm bam. Then when they first started to make love again on july 4th she stopped him & said no not stop this long enough for me to take care of things & a sad todd said birth control things? She said yes b/c she wasnt ready for another baby yet. It was just cool to hear a married couple discuss it. Then when he told her he l9ved her they started sex again todd stopped & said dont u want to do ur thing? She said lets skip my thing todd " lets make a baby " just loved even hearing their planning & talking about it. So bam blair got pregnant w/ baby starr. When they were done blair even said " u think it will be a boy or girl" & he responded it only took once last time. Then the first time todd had sex since their wedding night b4 ireland ( man he had some restraint b/c he had been w/ tea & she left him presumably b/c he wouldn't have sex w/ her when they left together. ) anyway he & blair have sex one time bam baby. When he finally had sex w/ tea in the ocean she gets pregnant. Im convinced if todd never left for ireland they would have had like 6 kids. Right after blair told him she was pregnant w/ starr he was so excited at her appt w/ her dr & they were already talking about the next baby hoping it would be a boy as blair told todd she just knew it was gonna be a girl when she heard the heartbeat. Their last phone call b4 ireland he talked again about building a house on llantano mt sitting on their deck watching a couple kids playing. Awww. Thats why i never got how dumb the writers made both of them about jack. He obviously had unprotected sex w/ her given its his baby how could he not question he may be the dad ? Like he knew blair had not been w/ max since she shot him. That was like late nov. They made jack in feb. How would todd not think it was possible ? Or how flat blairs stomach was by the summer! Plus jack was born in late sept. Um that would make blair 10 months pregnant if todd could count. The guys like this genius. Geez. Also how did blair think she was in her 2nd trimester when the dr had to tell her she was barely through her 1st trimester. Does blair not after being pregnant b4 any signs? Missed period not feeling well i mean that baby if it were maxs shed be showing by that point & baby kicking. Shed have been like 5 months when she accidentally flund out when she was pretending to be having maxs baby which made zero sense. How would that help her get off. Max was gonna testify it wasnt her that shot him. Um they had her clothes w/ the gun powder. I also hated blair didnt tell todd for all those months or in labor or giving birth spitting out those 4 words. Its ur baby todd! Plus it wasnt b/c she was scared of him taking that baby. She told kelly for months she wanted todd to pass " the test " that he could raise maxs baby to prove he loved her huh? It was moot b/c it wasnt maxs. Plus she k ew todd got her free by testifying she was crazy. He even agreed to move into dorians so blair could live w/ starr. They slept in bed together & as they were about to kiss in bed than outside of bed blair ruined the mood saying " the babys kicking todd!" Like way to run it in & sad to take those moments away from him. I dont think she was ever planning to tell him. She was even trying to marry max! So hed legally be the dad. When he called the wedding off she ran to mexico. Saying over & over to herself " todd can never know hes yr daddy" blair so knew todd would have been over the moon. What he did was horrifying but i think he snapped. Max as is he hated for good reasons but also max kept barging in to todds home demanding to check on blair & gloated what a loser he was. Plus blair gloated too. He only took starr when she planned to marry max & overheard her telling ben how " the babys father is the love of my life " or something. So many times she could have told him. Even the day after the baby was born she was just babbling & todd didnt tell blair yet the baby died. Just sux b/c todd missed starrs birth what a tnb moment for the ages to have todd deliver his own son w/ happiness.
@debb481 Күн бұрын
@@nattyps3160 She did all that, according to you and yet, it's Todd, who's the pursuer 99 percent of the time even though he knows all her faults. In your world, where she has done so much bad stuff to him, yet he treats her like gold, he must be pretty desperate to keep running after her. But I don't believe that she's as bad as all that nor he near as good. He puts up with her s**t because he knows how horrible he can be. They are perfect for each other with all their combined flaws and understanding of one another. That's why they can't stay away from one another for long.
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