Fr. Richard Rohr - Cosmic Christ

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Marianne Hartman

Marianne Hartman

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@dennisharvey5852 7 жыл бұрын
An enlightened Catholic priest like Fr. Richard Rohr is truly a blessing.
@rogerwhittaker1789 7 жыл бұрын
This man Richard Rohr never ceases to amaze me...he is truly a man with wisdom and insight for our 21st century. He is truly a rare gem.
@deserticus18 13 жыл бұрын
Finally a catholic i can relate
@MrCuntyballs2U 13 жыл бұрын
Finally a human I can relate
@Justin-General 12 жыл бұрын
Fr. is right on. We need a mystical revival in the church.
@blackworldonline 10 жыл бұрын
I've come to work one time feeling angry at a person, when they smile at me, the anger just went away. Fr Richard Kohr shared the same experience and called it cosmic allurement. The good thing is, i received it and since i was a child, i've always known myself to be open for a slight action of love. i subconsciously understand its power and i always let it in when it is given. Even when i am mad at you,all it takes is a little spark of love to change all that. i've seen myself resisting it but feels a hard burden because it feels like my whole cells wants to feed on that. Funny though, when that love comes from the person, i always tell myself, "see, every human is beautiful" and i feel like going out of the planet and hugging earth and her inhabitants, i feel that surge of love in my heart and spark up. i feel a burden lifted literally from my heart. the beauty of it is, you know it's genuine and then the deep thing about it is, you know there's something in all of us that communicates, something we aren't conscious of.
@anitawbrown 12 жыл бұрын
What a treasure...truths are recognized because it is the holy spirit transmitting the information
@brotherseanbradley 12 жыл бұрын
Amazing truths that have been withheld from many Christians possibly through fear.
@MarleneOaks 8 жыл бұрын
I love Fr. Rohr's thinking. I've read several of his books and find them mind-expanding and in alignment with many of my conclusions. I love the idea that the light of the 1st day is the Cosmic Christ entering manifestation.
@markusraphael1245 12 жыл бұрын
Love is the answer to all the questions of the mind. Yes, the mind can run in endless mazes of its own creation chasing intellectual understanding or any other kind of experience. Yes, this spinning around in mind's phantasies make up great parts of what we call "life". Yes, we can pierce through this to find the real truth about Life and Eternity. Did humans succeed in this ? Yes, there are some who did and gave advice how to do it. Love, forgiveness and service are common recommendations.
@leahnicole725 12 жыл бұрын
Wow - Beautifully wrote. This past year has also been a very trying and suffering period for me as well. I love what you wrote here :)
@HJKelley47 12 жыл бұрын
John 12:24-26 -is a good starting place. Consider what it mean to "die to yourself"--the greatest struggle of a true believer. "To him who overcomes I will give"-- tt is a common struggle--self will; self promotion; self motivated desires/passions/goals, etc, etc. It is in this struggle that we begin to overcome and grow in greater levels of Christlikeness. Where you see a high degree of "self will", you will see very little of Christlikeness. This struggle often feels like 'suffering.' .
@rosiethebear300 10 жыл бұрын
Wow! this is so good. Thanks for sharing this.
@hermannkepfer6224 10 жыл бұрын
This is excellent Catholic Doctrine; the Incarnation. See!
@MrPDGee 10 жыл бұрын
It is certainly doctrine of men, but it is not the doctrine of God and is not based on the Word of God, and is therefore vain and foolish (Matthew 15:9). Read the Word of God and you will see that this is completely counterfeit - an attempt to replace the Son of God, the one and true Jesus (Yeshua, God is salvation) the Christ (Moshiach, Messiah, anointed one) with a "mystic christ" that has no basis in Scripture.
@ascent7 10 жыл бұрын
MrPDGee read his books they saturated in scripture...if you had which i doubt you will see a devotion to scriptures,,,you always criticise this man, why do you bother to watch his videos? seems odd.
@ascent7 10 жыл бұрын
MrPDGee why dont you devote your life to good things,whatever is lovely as scripture says... people who do damage here are those christians who think they know better and love to judge , condemn and insist they are right..seen sooo much of it,. go watch things you agree with ,things that make you feel that you are right.
@hermannkepfer6224 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with this man; I don't follow the reply to my statement.
@MrPDGee 10 жыл бұрын
Den Brodie My watching, and responding from Scripture as to the errors in the videos, in this man's teachings, is not odd at all. Many are letting their ears be tickled by these gnostic ideas, and will not accept the sound doctrine of the clear reading of God's Word - instead continually adding new age mysticisms. As Paul warned Timothy [1 Timothy] of the perilous times to come, of the false teachers and their deceptions that would creep in and entice the many away, so I warn you all. And, as Paul encouraged Timothy in how to battle the false teachings, I am reminding you that the deceptions can be clearly identified if you measure them by the written Word of God, because "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." [1 Tim 3:16-17] I encourage you to, as the phrase goes: "Be a Berean" [see Acts 17] - check the Scriptures to see if the what this man is saying is borne out by God's own word. Don't re-interpret God's Word based on some man's claims. God's Word is the first and the final authority. Return to God's Word and be refreshed by it. Put your Faith in God the Son who shed His blood so that we could be saved from the just judgement upon us because of our sin. Let God's own Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, show you the richness and truth of God's Word so you'll reject these counterfeit alternatives.
@sngscratcher 10 жыл бұрын
The Cosmic Christ is an example of an optimally loving being, who came here to show us exactly how an optimally loving being thinks, feels and behaves. It is up to each of one us to work toward the goal of becoming an optimally loving being, deep down inside, to the best of our abilities - through prayer and meditation and our interaction with others. Cheers.
@MrPDGee 10 жыл бұрын
And yet, that is not the Christ of the Bible. He did not come to "show us" a way, He *IS* the way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Him. It is His sacrifice that has bought us and freed us. It is not our abilities or lack of them - for then some would be able to boast and take credit, some a little, and others more. No, justification, the "not guilty" decree that God has passed as judgement on us is God's gift to us for believing what He told us, not what we feel like believing [Eph 2:8-10] we are His workmanship, not our own. He told us [see Romans 3] that we are all guilty of the judgement, and that no one will ever be declared righteous by doing any deeds of the law (such as "working toward the goal of becoming an optimally loving being"). That our only hope is faith (complete and utter trust) in what His Son, the Christ, has done. Because that is all that God will accept - the only sinless one, Jesus, who died on the Cross, as the total payment (propitiation) for our sin. So now, those who take God at His Word and believe (trust) the person and finished work of His Son, Jesus, can live in thankfulness and seek to show others the same love that we received. Because, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…and we're all that.
@CosmicFork 10 жыл бұрын
The Cosmic Christ has existed from all eternity... in a moment of time this Cosmic Christ is revealed for us in a human person, (Jesus) that we could see, and touch, and love as a brother... but, we should not solely be concerned with Jesus "The Historical Person". No, it's The Cosmic Christ that calls to us throughout all eternity... that calls us back to realms of light & beauty. I believe this Franciscan describes in words what we all feel mystically and intuitively.
@barbjephson 8 жыл бұрын
Bridgetine knot on the Celtic cross usually are on every end of the arm of the cross....and encompasses the flora and fauna of your country in the symbolic of God's creation that we share and have stewardship with. Thanks Father Richard!
@michaelanonymous1040 9 жыл бұрын
...the Spirit that is Love puts everything into perspective...
@HJKelley47 12 жыл бұрын
Actually Father Richard Rohr is a Francisan monk of the Roman Catholic Church, whose headquarters is at the Vatican. You may or may not always agree with Father Rohr, however, know that he is a practicing Roman Catholic who is accountable to the current Bishop of Rome. The current Bishop of Rome is Benedict XVI, who was born in Bavaria, Germany. Understand that Father Rohr loves Christ Jesus and God's Kingdom.
@carlysrose 6 жыл бұрын
This is brave!
@zabari 11 жыл бұрын
Oh wow baptism through fire. I'm going to mediate on that.
@christianfaithministries3454 9 жыл бұрын
It doesn't say the word was created in the beginning, but that the word already was in the beginning and was God. Also, Christ is Messiah, the designation of the office of deliverer, not the same designation as eternal word. The word became Christ, if you like, in the incarnation.
@zimrah4837 6 жыл бұрын
Proud to be Catholic!!!!
@playbak 12 жыл бұрын
@glcorps1969 Ya it makes sense, thought I haven't experienced it personally. It's like Thomas Merton said you cannot have true faith without first experiencing doubt
@user-kd7we8jx9m 13 жыл бұрын
@jhgosnell I think that literal mindset is easier for people, and it caters to our western scientific mind. I remember freaking out a bit myself when I realized I couldn't simply read the bible and literally apply it to our modern situation (more so the Hebrew scriptures than the New Testament). I'm coming around more to the mystical experiences you're describing. All these mystics appear to lose their minds, and then we make them saints later on. It is pretty humorous.
@neilgrace9147 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@JosephGeraghty 10 жыл бұрын
I resisted watching at first, but it was sound teaching on the reality of oneness.
@micqey1234 11 жыл бұрын
That was the first time I heard it talked about that way too. Very interesting. I just looked and the Sun and Moon and stars were the third 'day'. So what was that first light if not the light of Christ?
@jhgosnell 13 жыл бұрын
@matttavares Yes...very funny! Also, mystical visions seem off limits now...but, in the Bible, they are accepted or even cherished.
@sponsler 11 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I've heard that the first light was the cosmic Christ, a metaphysical sense?...
@Gullytale 12 жыл бұрын
Great stuff. This is so sensible yet so very profound. Who's the other priest ? He's very interesting too - a lovely outlook, spirituality. The Celtic aspect. He sounds Bostonian ? Has to have Irish connections.
@jaywalker8309 9 жыл бұрын
mystic confusion conflict
@user-kd7we8jx9m 13 жыл бұрын
@jhgosnell I agree. I make my living off of that mindset as an engineer, but I don't think it's the whole story. I like the hammer analogy.
@sandymillavec2903 8 жыл бұрын
Pierre de Chardin
@davidmills3661 9 жыл бұрын
Science has only proven not revealed for you. You must be willing to heal your self before you may heal others.
@sponsler 11 жыл бұрын
I cannot recall what the premise of my question was at the time I had written it, but was thinking for a while that it was what came to be 'the Light of the world' (Christ pre-emptive of the human name "Jesus"), or possibly the Glory of God. Noticing there is two parallel accounts in Genesis that mankind was made before Adam and Eve. Also noticing LORD God which I believe was originally (but lost in transliterations) MarYah. (?)
@GnosisMan50 12 жыл бұрын
cool intro music..does anybody know who it was?
@fiddlenstyle 12 жыл бұрын
so does he consider the universal Christ to be the same as the 2nd person of the Trinity? If so, not "born" at the big bang, but the Son emraced the role of Christ to make creation possible, "Created through the Son..."
@CharlesSeraphDrums 12 жыл бұрын
But the Xristos is the unction of the Incarnated Verb... a little problem on the terminology there.
@AndyMossMetta 9 жыл бұрын
ChristHOOD. BuddhaHOOD. SonS of God. Let us not obsess about the finger that points at the moon. Jesus of Nazareth was an empowerer rather than a cult leader. "Before Abraham I AM". Individuality lies at the very core of God.
@AndyMossMetta 8 жыл бұрын
+Jesus Christ The Only Way Inclusive and paradoxical? or exclusive and dogmatic?. Perhaps the distinctions between our understanding are not essentially important. St Thomas Aquinas spoke most truly on his death bed. The differences are "So much straw". Mat 7:21
@AndyMossMetta 8 жыл бұрын
+Jesus Christ The Only Way Choose your conceptual baggage freely although it is perhaps best to travel lightly across the river. Christhood/Buddhahood is the sacred heart/mandala of Christ/Buddha in evolution. It transcends all religious belief. It transcends even the useful Christian concept of Jesus of Nazareth as being the ultimate paragon of virtue. It is nothing less than divine individuality. The divine eye that cannot see itself must be both transcendent and imminent. Eternal creation with no beginning and no end. God's dynamic love for himself/herself. St Francis. The sun my brother. The moon my sister. The Buddhist Heart Sutra paradoxically tells us that "Form is no other than Emptiness and Emptiness is no other than Form". Christhood/Buddhahood in constant incarnation. Love in the small things. Being and Becoming. Two sides of a spider's web. of ever flowing inter-relationship and inter-dependence. Can one tear one side of the web from the other? To try to fence off divine individuality and to attach a label to it (whilst understandable) is therefore to try to fence off the wind. John 3-8. The Sun (Son) always shines on above the clouds of our sacred cows and glass ceilings. Matthew 7-21 warns of a truth that lies beyond the narrow partisanship of the inherited Judaic mindset. We also have Mark 9-39. Love has no identity/boundaries/exclusiveness but that which we forge from sub-conscious fear. Does not a boundary inherently hint at that which lies transcendent beyond? Religious believer? or spiritual practitioner? Faith without insight is like form without depth. Flat rather than dimensional. Religious believers (and not just murderous Muslim fanatics) may have a very firm faith but no understanding of SELF (not self) and therefore of CHRIST. Compassion is suffering properly digested. Compassion is love/wisdom in the unfolding. Already there. We bring nothing to the game. No conditions. Ultimately there are no rules and yet paradoxically discipline IS freedom. All humans can be compassionate whether in the name of Christ or Buddha or Krishna or Tara or Guan Yin or whatever tangible focus one may culturally attach to. Best not to attach. The flavorless flavor is best. Yet we may not run before we learn to walk. The lower slopes of the mountain are of the same quality of 'mountain-ness' as the higher. Any spiritual seeker may be "born of the Spirit" in the context and environment of their own beliefs. The Paraclete (Holy Spirit) has always been unfolded to those whose hearts have been receptive. The Holy Spirit was not born with the historical Jesus of Nazareth. "Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Seek and ye shall find". This is a truth that is not exclusive nor dogmatic to any conceptual religious tradition. All it requires is an earnestness of spirit and a humility of heart. All is God and all is good. To see things otherwise is to view things through the filter of our own folly. Our words are but straw and will be blown away as chaff when we die. Your understanding is as valid as mine. The grain of our very heart will endure and be our very judgement. Andy x
@elinidathina 10 жыл бұрын
You don't need a Catholic priest, bishop, pope etc to interpret the Bible. Read it for yourself and the Holy Spirit will guide you to all truth. These are heresies and not Biblical. James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
@ascent7 10 жыл бұрын
how do you know God did not call him? his life is one of devotion, faithfullness to his calling,who are you to say otherwise? you don't have a clue about that and is not your buisness.
@loggats 10 жыл бұрын
If that were the case, there wouldn't be thousands upon thousands of fragmented protestant sects in disharmony. Christ called for us to be One - a united, universal Church. That's what "catholic" means.
@elinidathina 10 жыл бұрын
Pete Farrugia Matthew 7:13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Your church is not going to get you to heaven. Trusting in Jesus alone and his finished work is the way. John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@loggats 10 жыл бұрын
sissi tsombanidis That's in Catholic bibles too you know! If you're interpreting that scripture to mean you should exclude meaningful relationships with all human beings... that isn't a Christian life.
@ascent7 10 жыл бұрын
sissi tsombanidis sissi...anyone can quote scripture,does not enlighten , just quoting bible verses anyone can do it.the bible as a collection of books has so many different sayings and opinions,Jesus also said he will draw all men to him....yes ALL.
@Gullytale 11 жыл бұрын
This man is so right. The day I read John 1 and it hit me up the face - so, so many barriers came down.Sight restored and hearts of flesh from those of stone.
@jhgosnell 13 жыл бұрын
@matttavares I need to read this. It seems that the great thinkers and mystics of the past were taken seriously at some point by the Church. Growing up in a Protestant culture, NONE of this information was given to me...ZERO. It makes Christians look rather primitive to others. I think it is partly an issue of levels of awareness: It seems that some people are mostly in a literal, mythological mind-set. Even though these authors were "Sainted" by the church, people ignore them.
@yesgeo 10 жыл бұрын
Rohr only puts into words the works of many biblical scholars who have raised our awareness of the origins of the Word... which have been distorted by cultures, governments, and wealthy controlling its teachings... St. Francis stands as a shining light in history of which Richard Rhor has the gift to shine upon us... clearly he will be persecuted by the ignorant and the self serving... which are you?? Can you begin to pray for others ???
@whoismrg 13 жыл бұрын
Richard Rohr is a true spiritual master. When I heard him speak in Washington DC several years ago I was amazed by his insights and I continue to feel blessed by the awareness he shares. The Creator loves diversity: do not be afraid; accept with gratitude.
@hollywoodartchick 12 жыл бұрын
It is so beautiful that these teachings are available to us here! This is truly the "Good News" of Christ. Thanks for posting this.
@jhgosnell 13 жыл бұрын
@matttavares At some point i realized God IS evolution...that is God expresses Himself as evolution. If not, then the universe is a dead world...but, that is not is me, there is no difference between creationism and evolution.
@michaelanonymous1040 9 жыл бұрын
@rosedoucet9187 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Anonymous True religion is all about relationship ;)
@Michaelthevagabond 8 жыл бұрын
...then it ceases to be religion and is acknowledged as Reality...
@samueljyap 11 жыл бұрын
I always wondered why God created the Human with 25,000 genes and 3 B letters, when we need only 3% of these to function as human beings. Also why God so honored Man by taking on human nature. Perhaps now I know reason. It is because when God "rested" on Day 7 of Creation, He had for the first time in universal history a partner, who will help Him complete His work of creation. And this extends from Earth to the entire Universe. The Human will certainly need all his genes and letters then.
@TheLoveMadeMeDoIt 13 жыл бұрын
We are grateful for finally getting truth through a sacred, spiritual, earthy and simple way that is understanding and more evolved to our time in space in which all peoples may come to a Christ consciousness, allowing no harm to any living things, as they are God's gifts created, for the balance for of all the Globe.
@strongdecaf3729 9 жыл бұрын
@mikenelson7583 11 жыл бұрын
I appreciate Fr. Rohr's contemplative understanding of the Cosmic Christ! I have also been enriched by the works of Bernadette Roberts whose latest work "The Real Christ" is described at Bernadette's Friends website.
@user-kd7we8jx9m 13 жыл бұрын
This information is so exciting. When I've taught the elementary version of what Fr. Rohr is saying here in a Catholic church, that evolution and the big bang are ok, Catholics seem to be shocked. This stuff is even in the catechism for the die hard orthodox, who need it. Fr. Rohr adds a new dimension to it. On the other side, the car emblem of the Darwin fish with legs in it is just begging for dialog. The interviewing priest also seems like a peaceful soul as well.
@denisj65 11 жыл бұрын
@user-kd7we8jx9m 13 жыл бұрын
@jhgosnell I think you're right on. As Fr. Rohr said in another talk, "Why is it that we think God somehow stopped speaking after the bible was finished?".
@AjNotsri 12 жыл бұрын
This it is the baptism through fire I wnet through something very simliar.
@HITTHUNTER1228 8 жыл бұрын
who is the sheridan guy he speaks of or shardan? the one who wrote the hymn about the bread of christ... i want to research that guy
@JoesPlanetRepair 8 жыл бұрын
Teilhard de Chardin
@HITTHUNTER1228 8 жыл бұрын
thank you
@HITTHUNTER1228 8 жыл бұрын
Joe Mumbach thanks
@catherine03021981 8 жыл бұрын
Pierre de Chardin
@jhgosnell 13 жыл бұрын
@matttavares It is maybe one of nine types of worldviews...and not the highest...there are perhaps 4 more above it! In a way, a useful perspective, but when applied to everything it is...well, like trying to use a hammer for every carpentry problem. You can't help but do damage in this way, even though, SOMETIMES, a hammer is what is needed. If people want to see the good and bad of the modern mind, just look at the modern landscape...some places helpful and some places an industrial wasteland.
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