Great. You understand, we took years to develop a nation based on justice and equality regardless of race, language and religion.
@X-GLASSES8 ай бұрын
Yes, all friends information help us to Understand singapore better.
@Salasaur8 ай бұрын
@phylliskoh22748 ай бұрын
No need to compare then fret or rejoice. Just perform our roles properly, sincerely & diligently for the greater gd n progress at our own pace.
@X-GLASSES8 ай бұрын
We study a lot about singapore Culture and Economy In other videos. It's a great city and country. Singapore is not lonely existence. We Just want to compare some realities to get some inspiration. We want to realize differences. Not good or bad. So don't worry. People are not so fragile To hear about other people's talking.
I think he purposely mentioned that we are Chinese country.
@X-GLASSES8 ай бұрын
Singapore is independent. some Chinese people and culture there. We just want to find some influence clue.That's all. Singapore people they decide themselves.
@jonathancheng74387 ай бұрын
Thanks for your understanding that Singapore is a multiracial country. We are not pro America neither are we pro China but we are pro Singapore.
@X-GLASSES2 ай бұрын
Unique Singapore
@ditsygirl54098 ай бұрын
@X-GLASSES8 ай бұрын
@ditsygirl54098 ай бұрын
@@X-GLASSES our leaders have a lot of wisdom in asking the people to identify as a multi racial society despite the Chinese majority so as to let the minorities feel comfortable that even with a majority of Chinese, everyone is equal and at the same time, we don’t want to identify as a Chinese country as that will destroy our country’s cohesion and invite unnecessary discrimination or prejudice from neighbouring countries that have a Malay majority population. We don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb like Israel in the Middle East.
太好了,居然有人自毀長城,放棄自己繼承的領土主權合法性。這樣就implies that 檳城、馬六甲、沙巴、砂勞越不是馬來西亞的合法領土,讓他們獨立或和新加坡組成共和國吧。還有這裏有朋友提到,馬來亞九州國應該退出英聯邦,五國聯防協議也該改成四國了,別讓英國佬 給你們提供核保護網。也別讓GDP那麽少養不起一支軍隊的馬來亞九州國害我們英新澳紐被拖入戰爭。人只配擁有他們可以保護的財產。
新加坡基本不是靠过路费,甚至多数船只都是可以自由通行的。主要是因为新加坡港口设施齐全,多数船只愿意停靠。所以,提供完善的服务才让新加坡赚得到第一桶金。 而至于民主制度那种高高在上的优越感,我想越来越多人已经意识到民主的短板了。纳粹也是民主,法西斯也是民主,以色列也是民主。 Tyranny of the majority, demagoguery, populism. 这三个都是民主最大的败笔。 Tyranny of the majority,就是牺牲少数,争取大多数人的票。把这少数当成活靶子,待罪羔羊。 Demagoguery,煽动性政治。经常戏剧性的把一些小问题变成大事件。主要就是分化选民,产生非常明确的对立。煽动性的票一般都是冲动性质,而非理性行为。但是煽动仇恨所能得的票,都非常盲目的忠实。因为大家都不想承认自己当初投错了,干脆一错到底。就像现在的台湾,以及投民进党的选民。 Populism ,民粹主义。以福利收买选民。有些课题并不是核心价值,却被政客用来当成政绩。例如婚姻平权,同婚专法。只是一个看得到的政绩,但实际上对经济,社会发展并没太大影响。 台湾自由度是很好,立法院能好好打架斗殴还不会被警察请出去。 行政,司法,立法。三方应该是相辅相成的,但显然台湾的行政高于立法,而司法低于立法。警察被立委打,都不敢对立委采取任何行动。