Рет қаралды 2,127
“LAM”- pronounced LANG. 1st chakra (root). Muladhara.
“VAM”- pronounced VANG. 2nd chakra (sacral/navel). Swadhisthana.
“RAM”- pronounced RANG. 3rd chakra (solar plexus). Manipura.
“YAM”- pronounced YANG. 4th chakra (heart). Anahata.
“HAM”- pronounced HANG. 5th chakra (throat). Vishuddhi or Vishuddha.
“AUM”- pronounced AUM or OM. 6th Chakra (third eye/brow). Ajna.
“AUM”- observe silence 7th Chakra (crown). Sahasrara.
Either say the mantra yourself out loud, or silently to yourself.
Feel the sensation in the relevant chakra.
I adapted the audio, you can find the originals here:
/ neelrudra
I am unsure of the original artist; if you know make a comment.