Top 10 Best Colors Era Moments | Characters In-Depth

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#SonicColors #SonicColorsUltimate
The positive highlights of the 2010s Sonic games, from joyous to (slightly) serious.
Sonic the Hedgehog is owned by Sega.

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@liahknight56 3 жыл бұрын
I love when Eggman goes feral in Lost World. It feels like he's truly scary for once, and even despite possibly breaking bones by punching the wall, he still has his composure and manages to get another menacing one liner out. It really feels like the Eggman from SA2 who wouldnt hesitate to pull a gun on Amy and demand a Chaos Emerald in exchange for her life. I want more of that.
@lordkooner 3 жыл бұрын
“Away, before I make mincemeat out of you”
@DemonDethchase 3 жыл бұрын
Go and watch Sonic and Tails R.
@jamiegioca9448 3 жыл бұрын
"As long as I can still strangle a Zeti, my hands are fine." -Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik 2013
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamiegioca9448 agreed. Eggman made some violent statements that were graphic even for Sonic standards in a game like this. I liked Eggman here
@castform7 3 жыл бұрын
I do think Colors era Eggman can be more menacing than people give him credit for but yeah this is certainly the highlight. Strange how none of that energy is ever directed at Sonic who constantly trashes his toys. Come to think of it, Eggman's most sadistic lines are reserved for people other than Sonic. "Away before I make mincemeat out of you" was for Tails. The worst it ever got for Sonic was with the Egg Dragoon fight in Unleashed where (I think) Eggman said "this will be your tomb."
@DannyBenS94 3 жыл бұрын
I do feel like people overlooked how Shadow was in Forces. It was a step in the right direction for his character. Then they took a huge step back in Team Sonic Racing, but hopefully they'll build off of his character from Forces.
@ebutuoytikcus4352 3 жыл бұрын
"One step forward, two steps back."
@tnt300 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, as much as people hate forces, his character felt like what I wanted in a future game
@donathan2933 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Shadow’s portrayal in Forces was one of the few redeeming qualities of the game
@joelbond7440 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like that’s the case for quite a few of the characters. Sonic still spouts jokes too often, but he encourages the avatar to become the best version of themselves they can be, like how he would in the Adventure games. Knuckles did have small moments when he was sillier than he probably should have been, but most of the time, he was calm and stoic and did his job of leading the resistance. Eggman was goofy but was generally more intimidating than in say, Colours. Obviously, none of them are perfect and Tails still got the short end of the stick, but most of them were small steps in the right direction. If Forces had a longer development period, allowing for better writing and gameplay, it could have been a truly fantastic game.
@ayrtonjoga 2 жыл бұрын
@@joelbond7440 That's pretty much true Sonic is way less annoying and talkative like in Colors and also encouraged Rookie through the game, which reminded me of Sonic from Unleashed and Black Knight I agree on Knuckles because of the "Operation: Big Wave" part, but the rest was a step at the right direction Shadow was alright, even Kirk's voice got better here and was nice seeing Team Dark together after a long time And I 100% agree with the rest, I wish the game had more time and didn't had such a cynical tone and writing for the rest of the characters and story overall
@shonenbois 3 жыл бұрын
Glad the DS version of colors got some love in this list. It really did have plenty of fun interactions among the cast
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Plus the DS version of Sonic was always better written than the Wii version
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
@Captain Bad Apple. yup
@FormalFilmsProductions 3 жыл бұрын
@backtothefutureman1 3 жыл бұрын
@Captain Bad Apple. yeah it is and I consider it canon because of the monster of the week final boss.
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
@@backtothefutureman1 yup
@LyokoGem 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that someone else thinks that the relationship between Zavok and Zik is actually interesting as well. It's one of the few times Zavok shows anything other than "I am a bad guy, fear me!" and it makes me wanna know a little bit more about their relationship.
@nyhtfall1969 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted more of that Zavok
@inendlesspain4724 3 жыл бұрын
If Classic Sonic's "dimension" is actually a separate timeline after the events of Generations, then maybe that's why Silver's future is in ruins once again in Forces, as that game's events happened because Prime Eggman found the ruby, which actually came from the classic timeline and was transported to the main timeline after the events of Mania. Of course, this assuming the classic and modern eras are still the same timeline (except for Mania of course), and Tails's wording in Forces about "another dimension" was misleading.
@jdawson7877 3 жыл бұрын
i'll never consider that classic dimension thing canon i'l always think of modern and classic sonic as the same person
@lpfan4491 3 жыл бұрын
That's what is going on. It's really just nonsensical that Tails and Eggman just know of the timelinesplit right away without having to think about it.
@hvze_muzik 3 жыл бұрын
The “other dimension” thing was just lazy writing and the perfect example of the people working on the game as of late having no clue what Sonic’s history is. Sonic adventure references several classic Sonic moments and modern Sonic knows who chaos is so they are the same person… even if the writers don’t know it 🤦🏽‍♂️
@lpfan4491 3 жыл бұрын
@@hvze_muzik I was about to say "But the same writers wrote Generations." But then I remembered it wasn't the western scrubs who wrote Forces. It was some scrub in japan.
@matiosmenta 3 жыл бұрын
The Sonic timeline is unnecessarily complex, Ian Flynn must be racking his brain to write the Encyclo-Speed-Ia book
@genemelendez8157 3 жыл бұрын
This one’s not so much a moment, as it is just a monologue of various jokes, but my favorite moments are Eggman’s PA announcements from Colors
@Pryexel 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite being the Crazy Taxi reference.
@NinjaKIngAce 3 жыл бұрын
I could never make out what he was saying over the music and sound effects, eventually I just toned him out
@Therealethanplushstudios 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry about the aliens screaming it’s how they communicate I promise WHAT THE FUCK
@thinkkk21 3 жыл бұрын
@@Therealethanplushstudios lmao
@yrooxrksvi7142 3 жыл бұрын
Cringe as fuck, unfunny and goes against the point of the park being a cover.
@LoneWindtheWolf 3 жыл бұрын
not a moment, but here's what i think is one of the best Eggman quotes in the entire Colors era: "I will burn your worlds you rebellious scum. I will destroy everything you love and make you watch!" (from Sonic Lost World)
@smashmasterextras2114 3 жыл бұрын
I swear I don’t see people bring up eggman snapping at the deadly six and threatening to commit basically genocide on the six, like that moment was cool
@makotoyuki345 3 жыл бұрын
Malicious intent and murder is badass
@zenostriker6081 3 жыл бұрын
It is cool but I think the reason for that is because it gets overshadowed by all the dumb jokes littered throughout game. Lost World has tone inconsistancy where it can’t decide if it wants to be serious or full of low brow jokes like colors. You go from Sonic making a lame snow pun to I want to strangle a zeti in the same scene
@makotoyuki345 3 жыл бұрын
@@zenostriker6081 that’s tonal whiplash for you
@sugamamaproud9810 3 жыл бұрын
I agree like dame he really want murder deadly six, like show no mercy and possible.
@kieranstark7213 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been a memorable(y good) moment if Eggman didn’t pretend to be a good guy the whole time. It’s like Eggman pretended to be not just a good guy, but also a good CHARACTER before the end of the game. But he did have a point that in recent years like in SLW, Sonic really has missed what made him work in the 1990s and 2000s.
@AdamPhantasm 3 жыл бұрын
Great list. Despite its flaws, it’s refreshing to see the good moments from the Colours era being acknowledged. It might not be much, but Zavok does mention Master Zik in one of his quotes from Team Sonic Racing, suggesting he still looks up to him.
@Hey-Its-Dingo 3 жыл бұрын
Episode Shadow and LEGO Dimensions were the only games where Kirk Thornton actually got to play Shadow and not whatever it was that Sonic Team had him being in his other appearances. Really sucks that he likely won't be coming back, I actually love Kirk Thornton as an actor, and as meme filled and silly as it was, I will always defend the Twitter Takeover 4 as standing proof that Mr. Thornton DOES understand who Shadow really is at his core.
@jamiegioca9448 3 жыл бұрын
Then you should watch the brand new Twitter Takeover 5
@Hey-Its-Dingo 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamiegioca9448 I did, and I was so happy! 💖
@wannabehistorian371 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn’t he very Edgy the Hedgy in the Twitter Takeovers?
@jamiegioca9448 2 жыл бұрын
@@wannabehistorian371 Sometimes, but as long as he's acknowledging Maria and saying some wholesome stuff every now and then, I forgive it
@wannabehistorian371 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamiegioca9448 I’m confused it’s being hailed as some shining example of Shadow’s character here though.
@horizon8618 3 жыл бұрын
I wish Silver was with Sonic during his fight against Infinite.
@DLxxx 3 жыл бұрын
@ArtBuffalo Moreover, not only has Silver beaten Sonic and fought Shadow to a standstill before (multiple times, if we count Rivals 2), but he never used his psychokenesis ONCE against Infinite!! That shitty excuse for a "loss" was just another example of how transparent the writers are with trying to make Sonic the only character capable of doing anything. Unless, ya know, the plot demands it anyway 🙄 Also "main cringe" is such a perfect description of Sonic nowadays, lol 👌🏾
@ApexPredator1000 3 жыл бұрын
Dang I LOVED episode Shadow for all the reasons you stated. A team dark game with this kind of style, getting missions from the commander, different playstyles for Shadow, Rouge, and Omega and a cryptic tone - beautiful Hope it's reception may lead to a project like that in the future
@10ALundstrom 3 жыл бұрын
The ending to Colors always gives me goosebumps. The dialogue, the fist pump between Sonic and Tails, the high fives with Yacker, the music. It was amazing. Also gotta love the edgy theme music for episode Shadow lol
@inendlesspain4724 3 жыл бұрын
I've noticed that some of the moments on this top were chosen for being inherently tied to past games one way or another; Shadow showing a bit of how he used to be, Team Dark being together at least one more time, Ray and Mighty appearing again after so many years, the reunion with Silver who confirms the future stayed bright, and I think that's it. I've also noticed that there are no moments from Generations here, you know, everyone's favorite 3D game from this era of Sonic. I guess that game *really* had no story after all.
@castform7 3 жыл бұрын
I guess one moment that stood out to me was Eggman's shpeal at the end of the game where he talks about how he did all this then attacking the Sonics with the Time Eater. Basically everything in that scene up until Sonic's glorified cheerleaders show up. Sure it's not very threatning but thoroughly enjoyed it.
@Muito_Nice 3 жыл бұрын
I don't like Generations. Please don't destroy my life just because I have a opinion.
@matiosmenta 3 жыл бұрын
@@Muito_Nice bro, nobody cares.
@mythosinfinite6736 3 жыл бұрын
Generations is liked for the gameplay, not the story. The story is the excusiest of excuse plots. The only thing I get out of it is the fact that it serves as the largest contradiction to the dimension bullshit Forces tried to pull.
@jamiegioca9448 3 жыл бұрын
@@Muito_Nice You'd need to have lame reasons to deslike Generations for us to "destroy your life"
@MeeraRustshieldSystem 3 жыл бұрын
I'd add 4 moments that I feel often go underappreciated: 1.- Sonic and Tails enter Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors): a surprisingly bittersweet cutscene which brings back to light one of the series' core themes (nature vs technology) which accompanied by Planet Wisp's music and level design make for a memorable, enotional location and a ramp up the game's stakes. 2.- Cutscene before Terminal Velocity: while Sonic pushing Tails back aged badly due to how other games treated Tails, at its time I found it a very emotiinal cutscene showing Sonic's lack of hesitation for sacrificing himself if necessary (it took the help of the wisps for him not to die there) and take care of his friends, and showed a very caring and surprisingly thoughtful and attentive Sonic in an otherwise non-serious game, all while remaining his calm and confident self, no regrets or drama, and amping up the stakes of the game. 3.- Park Avenue (Sonic Forces): the rookie's first major, completely independent mission, and the one where he's able to truly prove himself and prove his value to the team, all while everyone else congratulates him, cheers on him with very inspiring music in the background. Wholesome af in an otherwise surprisingly aggressive era. 4.- Sonic Generations ending (farewell to Classic Sonic): fun interactions between the two Sonic and Tails and a very genuine feeling of celebration and gratefulness for the entire franchise, not forgetting or burying anything, is very apparent in this cutscene and I really love its optimism.
@KatyMayXo 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you do a top 10 dark era moments, I know they’re weren’t the best eras for sonic but it definitely has its moments and I’ve never seen any video done on it and also great video too I have only played two sonic games in the colours era but like the dark era it has its greatest moments even at the most poorest (woah that was long)
@KatyMayXo 3 жыл бұрын
@Pink Morales how do you mean?
@KatyMayXo 3 жыл бұрын
@Pink Morales Ah very true they were many great moments
@charactersin-depth3472 3 жыл бұрын
@@KatyMayXo There are a ton of moments to choose.
@KatyMayXo 3 жыл бұрын
@@charactersin-depth3472 honestly i could think of so many amazing moments now but they are just too good :))
@jamiegioca9448 3 жыл бұрын
@@charactersin-depth3472 Number 1: "If the world chooses to become my enemy... I will fight like I always have."
@castform7 3 жыл бұрын
Do I like ragging on the Colours era? Yes but sometimes I feel like I'm a bit too harsh on it. These brought us some of the best games in series history and that cannot go unnoticed. Speaking more on story since that's more of the problem, sure it's not great around the board with ruined characters and such, but I'd disagree with the notion of it being all bad. When it wanted to, this era could really shine in moments and even be genuinely funny. There is treasure in that trash. Even with Forces of all games. So salute to you today Colours era. You're mostly alright.
@wootmasterzorsx 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite Colors era moments isn’t from the games, but is the writing of Rise of the Wisps. It proves to have a good blend of comedy and heart to it, playing straight Sonic’s views on the power of friendship. If anything, that short should be the mold for future Sonic stories- comedy not being over bearing, moments with genuine stakes and heart… more of that, please. Also, I did think Zavok, Zik, and Zazz were the more entertaining Deadly Six members. Zavok for a great VA performance and being kinda cool, Zik for being a fun mentor character, and Zazz for his general insanity. There’s not much to the Deadly Six, but those three felt either more than one dimensional characters even if only a little or were just fun. And I mentioned in the worst moments video mostly still finding Colors amusing, which I hold to, even if the game’s nonlinear story progression basically kills Yacker off early on and the character suffers for it because of less screen time than he should have had. But I digress. Bottom line is Colors is fine, the rest just tried too much to follow in it’s footsteps. Sonic’s writing has taken a downturn, but it still can provide some moments of fun.
@Joshua-yc9cv 3 жыл бұрын
The ending of Sonic Colors was good in my opinion. I never liked the story of Sonic Colors but the ending, I really enjoyed.
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
Even as a kid I was never into the Colors era’s style of writing but they did have their moments
@alexos9011 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly Colors' finale was quite memorable. You had some real tension especially with things like Tails' radio guide not functioning and all. The game leaves satisfied at the end despite its flaws
@jackisthebest1365 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this era is so bad to the point where a character smiling is considered as a freaking moment lol 😂 But I don’t blame you it’s really hard to find a memorable moments for a good reasons from this era
@bigsterman2055 3 жыл бұрын
I love how Sonic Forces got the most spots on The Best List and The Worst List
@emanueljose9943 3 жыл бұрын
A moment I love was Silver and Blaze interactions in Team Sonic Racing. That moment when Silver is concerned about what's gonna happen soon, and Blaze comforts him and says that she trusts him. That was so cute. Or in gameplay when we hit Blaze with a Wisp as Silver, and Blaze says: "I though we were friends, Silver." The connection between these two is something else 👌 Edit: One thing I love from Episode Shadow was the new Remix of "Supporting Me."
@sonnyyoung867 3 жыл бұрын
The Colors era was always something I had a hard time trying to comprehend. Even though I would be the exact appropriate age range to be playing these 2010 games, I guess I just don't have the same type of connection and the level of fondness with it growing up compared to the 4Kids, Genesis and Adventure eras, particularly in that order. The only game in the Colors era that stood out to me the most before I became part of the fandom I say, would be Generations plus Sonic's cameo in the first Wreck-It Ralph movie. Yeah, 2011-12 happens to be my first ever memories of Sonic, so seeing Generations being heavily marketed as the latest game that also happens to be the 20th anniversary at the time, it's one of those things I remember vividly. I do however have a little bit of a fatal attraction towards Colors. It may be the game I'm supposed to hate due to how it was a huge turning point for the tone of this franchise and how the franchise would treat its characters from then on, but I still kinda wanna give both the Wii and DS versions a go. If I was a Sonic fan during the butt end of 2009 and saw the front cover of Colors with the Wisps, I would most likely see it as a return to form of some sort. Besides, as divisive they are, I actually like the Wisps' inclusion in the series, and Reach For The Stars and Speak From Your Heart are both among my favorite Sonic vocal tracks in the series. The same could also apply to Forces too, although I'm a lot more resentful towards that game due to how it represents everything I hate about the current portrayals of the main cast. I have to admit, even with those best moments I agree with, they still don't hold a candle towards the Adventure/4Kids era for me, which obviously means that I do hope the old tone and style returns someday. For the longest time, I was supposed to believe that 4Kids Sonic X, '06 and rest of those dark age games were huge abominations that should never exist. And yeah, I can acknowledge all their flaws, as frequent as they may be, I still felt kinda sad finding out about the 4Kids cast being notoriously despised on and were the reason why Sonic X was so bad, especially when I actually liked the show as well as the 4Kids crew and never actually shared those complaints people had with the show, at least before I entered the fandom. I've always thought they were the definitive voice for these characters and even if they may never return and have moved on, I would be completely lying to myself if I said that I still didn't miss Jason Griffith's Sonic/Shadow, Dan Green's Knuckles, Lisa Ortiz's Amy, and yes, even Kathleen Delaney's Rouge. I've always been told about '06 being one of the worst games ever made, but even if I never actually played the game myself, I've watched the cutscenes back in the day and my 10 yr old self thought they looked cool, and even the gameplay itself didn't seem to be as terrible as people claim it to be. Even if I still believe those games have done more bad to the series than good, I always thought the claims people had during that dark age era was over-exaggerated. It really speaks volumes how much the general public's opinions on things can warp your perception on what you thought was good but actually wasn't, which explains so many fans of the dark age are now more vocal, as they were forced to endure the endless debates on Sonic's friends, whatever color Sonic's eyes are, how dark a Sonic story should be, etc. These fans were constantly ridiculed for being cringe and liking cringe things, but honestly, I would rather be cringe than some attention-seeking bully that looks down on others for their interests. Besides, I think everybody was cringy at least once in their lives, I sure was. My favorite character in the series is Amy and her current portrayal and the situation she's in represents literally everything I hate about Sonic in 2010s, but also everything I've said about 2000s Sonic being looked down on as cringy. She used to receive quite a lot of backlash from fans who thought she was annoying and may also be roughly the same age as Amy is, as well as critics that jump aboard the Sonic's Shitty Friends bandwagon. But even with those criticisms aside, which I always thought they were over-exaggerated by fans and haters alike to make it seem like Amy was more hated than she actually was, she used to be character people can have a lot to like about. She used to have so much spark and personality in every game she was in, and it makes me sick to see how she's completely reduced down into being a jarring mix of being either a Minnie Mouse, Velma or Sally clone. The fact that people seem to acknowledge this watered-down version of Amy as a step forward in her character just because her crush was supposedly toned down, pretty much what her current portrayals doesn't do, makes me wonder if these people were a fan of her or even knew her to begin with. Now that Amy's finally catering to them, they're now suddenly an advocate for this standard girl goody two-shoes character with no flaws to be resolved, that no wonder they wanna buy her toys to cuddle up to every night. It may be what they prefer Amy to be, but really, it's just lame. You made a brief mention to Ratchet & Clank in some of your videos, and I can say that Amy's in the same boat as Ratchet's in, as Ratchet too was regressed from being a hotheaded go-getter mechanic that does things his own way, to being a generic goody two-shoes Pixar hero that follows orders and gets called "Rookie" every time. This entire rambling has shown my obvious nostalgia biases, but I can say that I'll still be a fan of the series and I don't exactly hate Sonic in the 2010s entirely.
@cerebralassassin2185 2 жыл бұрын
STH and Sonic X are actually pretty loved and really popular dispite what some say. I actually have never seen anyone call wither bad until recently. Sonic 06 is actually getting credit for how good its story is Finally too which is great.
@svadream Жыл бұрын
Well old games somehow felt like someone VERY MUCH wanted to tell you something through every aspect of the game: life lesson, character story, show really cool gameplay mechanics and music. And after Unleashed it just generally felt pointless. Lifeless. Like there is no meaning to it. No actual threat. It's either becouse Sonic and his friends were put in hard situations rarely or becouse the whole point of those games were just gameplay (and even this feels hollow as Sonic is now like a mini-boost-tank with almost no weight). I love the Adventure "parent"-like tone where every level, every character, every gameplay style, music and overall design tried to learn you something. I always remember lyrics of "Open your heart", "Live and Learn", "It doesn't matter" "Believe in myself" and even from other later games like "What I made of" when I have tough times. They really help me to get up and overcome my pain, my comfort zone, my brain restricts ala "this is too hard" or "this is not my job actually so I leave it". It's hard to explain but those games were more than just video games. I'm not a kid anymore but a lot of stuff from those games are even now not look silly or mindless. Aaand of course they played on nostalgia at it's minimum. You can skip almost every game in series and play only SA1 and SA2 and if you like them, then you will know what MOST of us really want. Becouse this were the characters as they used to be. Not just "different skins" but ACTUAL characters. Notice how EVERYONE (even in this video) praises when Sega shows something from this or Genesis era. Everything else mostly forgettable garbage like "deadly six", q-bots, infinite and much other stuff. Those games have good times, yes. But there are very less theme connected with themselfs. Just separate "cool" moments. And that's all.
@erindelgado9639 3 жыл бұрын
That is quite a good video you did and glad you are fair with your choices. :) Also, interesting that most of your choices are from Sonic Forces, as it is disappointing that the game has the most potential to be the best Sonic game of the 2010s and has some good ideas in it, but we know of the final results...... Man, it could've been good. Surprising that Generations & Team Sonic Racing aren't on the list. Well they don't have much story but the games are still good to play.
@goldenboybenny7511 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite colours moment was sonic actually talking things somewhat seriously in most world after tails got captured
@jamiegioca9448 3 жыл бұрын
It's so refreshing to see you talking good stuff about the Pontaff Era after so many (albeit deserved) complaints
@kieranstark7213 3 жыл бұрын
Sure, but that doesn’t mean the the they got are unjustified at all.
@jamiegioca9448 2 жыл бұрын
@@kieranstark7213 That's exactly why I put "albeit deserved" in parenthesis
@kieranstark7213 2 жыл бұрын
Right?! Anti-Gamergaters who whine that Tails and Zeena (and the rest of the Deadly Six) hated Sonic because he was misogynistic and discriminatory towards them are just butthurt Meta Era fanboys even though when it comes to Sonic Lost World characters that makes him (partially) the best (of the worst). Why "partially" in the brackets? Because to be fair, his character in SLW is that he was a douchebag who acted dumber than they actually were because of their mean spirit, but then again, everyone in SLW (Amy of all Sonic characters to the least extent) has been flanderized to that low.
@arivivith4375 3 жыл бұрын
I genuinely want them to bring back infinite as a character and write him better. Come on hes design is too good to waste.
@bowmaj8666 3 жыл бұрын
It's refreshing to hear someone actually giving credit where credit is due when it comes to the current era, rather than just denouncing it as all bad (which I might add is exactly what people were doing during the dark era!) I feel like people should give this age of Sonic more fairer criticisms since we know that Sega have a tendency to take away the wrong things from fan feedback. It makes me worry what kind of direction they'll take the series in the future that will cause people to look back at the Colours Era and start saying "This new era sucks! The Colours Era wasn't as bad as everyone said it was, so why can't we go back to that?"
@donathan2933 3 жыл бұрын
The dark era has hard rlly well in the past decade
@skibot9974 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite moment is a toss up between Sonic ensuring Tails’ safety prior to Colors final boss or Eggman’s moment in Lost World “As long as I can strangle a Zeti my hands are fine”
@charmyzard 2 жыл бұрын
I feel another moment to appreciate is when Eggman saved Tails from a sneak-attack in Lost World's Frozen Factory. Sonic rightfully points out how he was contemplating outright destruction on their vickering before just to then spring into action and save Tails. Eggman's, "I am a complicated guy," response gave him a much needed sprinkle or depth, implying he's not purely evil and knows when to have heart.
@jdawson7877 3 жыл бұрын
personally my favorite moments from the 2010s come from generations i love the beginning of the game where everyone throws sonic a surprised birthday and i liked at the end of the game where at final boss all of sonic's friends cheer him on. and i liked the goodbye scene between sonic and his past self and tell him his future is gonna be great. and lets not forget the credits which shows footage of the past sonic games. man i really think generations would've made a great conclusion to the series
@toystolife1678 3 жыл бұрын
3:02 wasn’t expecting a Buzz Lightyear cartoon clip
@DaSheepKiller 3 жыл бұрын
Say what you will about Sonic Forces, but it's the first game since '06 to have playable characters other than Sonic.
@ADiretoria100 3 жыл бұрын
> Greatest moments in Colors Era > Deadly Six in it Colors Era haters: *wait thats illegal*
@orangexlightning 3 жыл бұрын
LEGO Sonic Dimensions was as a whole a high moment I'd say.
@SlashCraftJack 3 жыл бұрын
@Lulu Moppet Yeah, I was hoping for a Sonic Level 2 in Year 3, Shadow with Blaze & Silver Team pack, with a new Sonic Hub for the Earth based levels (Adventure Games and Unleashed) Shadow with GUN Tank/Boat/Jet, and Omega (Alt Builds named Gamma 2.0 & Alpha-Omega) Blaze with Ocean Tornado/Magma Hurricane/Deep Typhoon and Silver with an Iblis Worm/Biter/Taker
@Kohdok 2 жыл бұрын
4:15 There's a wrestling term called "Throwing Shade", where in the lead-up to a fight, the two combatants toss some verbal barbs at each other before the fight begins in order to raise the stakes and the tension for the upcoming fight. Rarely is it authentically mean spirited, and having the verbal blows roll off of each other in a sort of duel acts as part of the fight in of itself. Adventure-era writers were WAY better at writing Shade than the Colors era writers, who instead told bad jokes.
@dhazedxz007 3 жыл бұрын
Loved the Zerg moment repeating Eggman's scene, that was hilarious xD
@LethalDose161 2 жыл бұрын
It seems silver was the most useful character in forces aside from sonic and avatar
@DazedMemories Жыл бұрын
I am so happy that someone else aknowleges just how important Silver was in the Sonic Forces game. Both Sonic and Shadow were missing for 6 months and Eggman was able to take over almost the entire world. Silver was the best line of defense the freedom fighters had and its with his efforts that they were able to win in the end. Silver is my favorite Sonic character and he is severely under used.
@callumcrane241 2 жыл бұрын
10:45 So much for that strict rule on Shadow. WE ALL OWE SONIC FORCES!
@mr.vorrnyvorrn2516 2 жыл бұрын
Damn! It's one thing when an enigmatic dude uses guns and swears, but when you force him to be an edgelord against his will, that's going too far!
@mr.vorrnyvorrn2516 2 жыл бұрын
But Meta era sucks because… A) Forced comedy B) We got Pontac & Graff when we should have gotten Kevin Munroe & Jun Falkenstein… C) We get *Nintendo* Zavok (cute and cuddly Bowser ripoff) when we should get *Imagi* Zavok (threatening demi-god drawn by some dude called Cyberlord)… D) Shadow is a forced edgelord when he should be a freethinking enigma-lord… E) We got Kate Higgins (who flanderizes Tails' voice even more) to replace Amy Palant (who sucks) when we should have gotten Freddie Highmore (an Astro Boy actor) F) *Nintendo* Zik is just a stereotypical dude who's old and he teaches, whereas *Imagi* Zik is like *Kreia* & *Splinter* & *Shi-Fu* & *Yoda* and other dudes/chicks who have depth besides being an old (dai)sensei… G) Karen Strassman Rouge sounds like a generic high school mean girl when she could have sounded like a sexy government spy who hungers for being with Knuckles and stealing gems (from Chaos/Super Emeralds to Time Stones to Valtrons [Phantom Rubies] and even the Master Emerald), like Kathleen Delaney Rouge (referring to *4Kids* and *Imagi* Rouge), who may sound old, but has impact like never before… H) It isn't explained why the Wisps are in Lost World & Forces… I) The music in Sonic Forces sucks because it's too hip-hop/synth pop/vocal/dubstep-heavy, due to *Leila* n' *Jiro* at IGN calling jazz/orchestral shit Mario knockoffs… J) They turned Colleen O'Shaughnessey Tails into "WaAaH wAaAh SaNiC hElP mE!" when they could have made him like Freddie Highmore Tails, who is "You want a piece of me, Professor Eggman?!" or hell even Amy Palant Tails or Kate Higgins Tails… K) It's one thing shove the wisps into Sonic Forces, but when you shove Classic Sonic in, that's going too far…
@someguyand...whatever23 Жыл бұрын
You can we talk? These sound like really good concepts to add on bland villains like the Deadly Six!
@mr.vorrnyvorrn2516 Жыл бұрын
@@someguyand...whatever23 UPDATE: I probably could have added Tom Tanaka and Chris Avellone to bring in more philosophical depth.
@someguyand...whatever23 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.vorrnyvorrn2516 I will check those two out.
@RWBYraikou888 3 жыл бұрын
11:42 Props for the Mario Bros. Z reference there.
@themaccave08 3 жыл бұрын
Forces Shadow showing smiles and friendly and actual feelings is nice and still tells you he’s isn’t just some stone cold a-hole that acts like he doesn’t have friends. Shadow is cold but never heartless and put his past with Sonic behind him. Forces is only a sign of the original Shadow before Sonic Boom. That is until TCR brought him up as a scum bag AT FIRST but he came back around.
@Spnozilla 3 жыл бұрын
Anyone else feel like the reason there haven’t been other playable characters for years until Forces was because critics and older fans thought they were the problem?
@calebproductions1264 3 жыл бұрын
The meta era was a trash decade for sonic, there was only a tiny bit of good things from it but it wasn’t enough to make it good compared to the "dark age".
@kieranstark7213 3 жыл бұрын
I would say the Meta Era of Sonic is partially extreme trash, partially shows that Sega still has some mojo in them to make underrated gems like the IDW Comics, Sonic Boom (cartoon) and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed and Sonic Mania.
@radio6sussex823 3 жыл бұрын
To be entirely fair, the games were at least pretty good
@kieranstark7213 3 жыл бұрын
• List of good Sonic Games of the 2010s (Colours Era) 1. Sonic Colours (Wii: Passable/DS: Great - Overall: Good) 2. Sonic Generations (Passable) 3. Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (Wii version only) (Good) 4. Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed (Phenomenal/Passable 3DS version) 5. Sonic Jump (2012) (Good) 6. Sonic Dash (Good - Great (the original version is merely decent, but the crossover versions make it all the better) 7. Sonic the Hedgehog 1 (2013) (Phenomenal) 8 (or (7.5) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2013) (Phenomenal) 8 & 8.5. The obscure Sonic arcade games (Sonic Athletics and Sonic Ghost Shooting) 9 (if counting games that aren’t mainly Sonic) Super Smash Bros. 4 (3DS/Wii U) (Phenomenal) The real 9. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal (Passable) 10. Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom (Good) 11. Sonic Runners (Good, especially for phone/pay-to-play standards) 11.5. Sega 3D Classics Collection (Passable - Good) 12. Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (Passable) 13. Sonic Mania (Great) 14. Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (Good) 15. (or 13.5) Sonic Mania Plus (Great) 16 (or 17 if counting SSB4). Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Phenomenal) The real 16. Team Sonic Racing (Passable) 17. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (crossover version) (Good) Welp, that’s a lot of good (if infrequently great) 2010s Sonic games, but even though there are slightly fewer bad Sonic games, the bad ones ruin the post-2000s a lot more like… 1. Sonic Classic Collection (Mediocre, but much better on its own like S3DCC) 2. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (Irredeemable) 3. Sonic Free Riders (Irredeemable) 4. Sonic Adventure 1 HD (Terrible - Irredeemable) 5. Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (3DS) (Terrible) 6. Sonic 4 Episode 2 (Bad) 7. Sonic Adventure 2 HD (Bad - Terrible) 8. Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games (Terrible) 9. Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS) (Bad - Terrible) 10. Sonic Jump Fever (Irredeemable) 11. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (Irredeemable) 12. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U) (Terrible) 13. Sonic Runners Adventure (Irredeemable) 14. Sonic Forces (Terrible - Irredeemable) 15. SEGA Heroes (Irredeemable) 16. Sonic at the Olympic Games (Terrible) 17. Sonic Colours Ultimate (Irredeemable)
@DLxxx 3 жыл бұрын
@@kieranstark7213 The IDW comics are passable to me, because they work within the ruined world building and hollowing out of characters that we've seen in the meta-era. At the very least, it's a serious step down from the archie comics (both pre and post reboot, the latter being one of my favorite pieces of Sonic media ever).
@KodyCrimson 3 жыл бұрын
3:01 Oh dang, I haven't seen that movie in so long, I need to watch it again. 4:32 Honestly, as much as I hated Lost World, it did have some of the best humor of the era, Sonic's insults were pretty on-point and on a side note the Deadly Six did have a strong presence in the game. I agree completely that Episode Shadow was the best written thing in this era, the characters were generally on point, the plot was consistent, and the interactions were good. I just wish Infinite was focused on Shadow in the main game. And I agree that everyone needs to be relevant in some way again, it annoys me that we haven't gotten to play ANY of them outside of being a different skin (those being Metal and Shadow) or a secondary character (like Tails in Sonic 4 EP 2), with the exception of Mania. I'd love to do this kind of video myself someday.
@rainpooper7088 3 жыл бұрын
My main problem with the insults in LW is that the characters of the Zeti were mostly written around the insults rather than the insults being tailored around the characters. You can’t tell me Zomom‘s character wasn’t primarily inspired by the potential for „haha fat“ jokes, same thing with Zeena and Zor, except it’s „haha teenage girls“ and „haha emo“ for them instead. All three of those are also groups that are generally considered to be socially acceptable targets to make fun of, so it’s not even like the insults are saying anything new or clever about these stereotypes.
@deathstrokeclanrules8562 2 жыл бұрын
CID: Yeah, see that Boom Shadow! MMM, friendship tastes good, don't it? Boom Shadow (with Joe Swanson voice): GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!!
@gamemaster2819 3 жыл бұрын
This is more general, but despite people saying things aren’t dark enough, I think Eggman is more competent in this era: Adventure Era and Transition Era: * Expects Chaos and Shadow to follow him without fail and gets betrayed * Tries to blow up Station Square while still in there * Loses control of his own Metal Sonic * Doesn’t seem to have any contingency plan for Solaris * Repeats his Chaos mistake with Dark Gaia. As opposed to the Colors era: * Uses a smaller yet powerful breed of aliens and keeps them captured * Made sure to have an ally to help control Time Eater * Had a way to keep the Deadly Six in control and only lost control because of Sonic * Had a way of retreating Infinite from battle and taking his power, and made up the whole 3 day plan to lure everyone to his trap (not sure about how he would have evaded the sun, admittedly)
@lpfan4491 3 жыл бұрын
What the phantom ruby produces are physical illusions. Keyword being illusion, he just made himself not affected in the moment. Means he cannot see the sun, but he also cannot interact with it and get burned. It's actually connected to how flawed the plot is because some of the ruby's creations cause objective changes in the world, even tho it should only work on living beings logically. But the sun-thing is what it is.
@MegaGlassguy 3 жыл бұрын
Ignoring the parts where he does achieve competent things in the pre-Colors era, I do agree that him getting constantly upstaged got old. Problem with the current era isn't so much that the stakes are no longer there, but rather that the writing and world gives you no reason to care. Eggman is enslaving aliens and developping a mind-control beam but whatev, here's another 30 minutes of jokes and Sonic talking to non-verbal bosses. Eggman is going to rule over time, but that's just shown at the end and the story is basically non-existent. Sonic's world is going to be consumed by Eggman's machine but between the Mario rip-off levels and the melodrama between Sonic and Tails, I'm just taken out of it. Eggman finally achieves his grand scheme of conquering the world and all he deserves is a black screen saying he won. A fucking. Black. Screen. Also I'm all for Eggman finally learning his lessons and staying the big bad as he deserves to be, but for the love of god can we stop recycling the Colors final boss?
@corel7966 3 жыл бұрын
honestly im just glad that shadow was written fairly well in forces and especially episode shadow. i just wish it would carry over into the IDW comics a little more. zavok and zik's student-master relationship isn't something you see in the sonic series so it's definitely interesting. i would kinda like to see more of it honestly.
@slapstickstudio2008 3 жыл бұрын
Just Silver vs Infinite he's the real hero of the story
@DLxxx 3 жыл бұрын
Naw. Silver's my favorite Sonic character (pre TSR & IDW anyway), and even *I* can tell just how little he did in the grand scheme of things. Unintentionally and unknowingly enabling a rookie resistance member to stop Infinite, along side two other versions of Sonic (one of whom defeated Infinite AND destroyed the phantom ruby permanently) is NOT being a hero. It's being an accidental plot contrivance. Silver isn't rewarded for his abilities, it's the hand of the writer that caused this to happen.
@SplotchTheCatThing 3 жыл бұрын
I have to admit, the reason I can't really hate Forces is 'cause moments like the ones you point out in here show what it was *trying* to be... and even though it didn't succeed, I'd like for Sonic Team to keep trying.
@ibitejawbreakers61 3 жыл бұрын
"Shadow smiles" damn the bar is starting off pretty low lol
@DLxxx 3 жыл бұрын
This pretty much encapsulates my feelings for many points in this video. "Look, Shadow, Rouge, and Omega are together again on screen, so that automatically makes it less shallow and forgettable!" Or "Infinite acknowledges Silver as a hero!" Even though NO ONE CARES what Infinite thinks, because he's a shallow, 2 dimensional prick with an inconsistent back Story and powers, and has no personal ideals to go off of. "You all owe Silver" for what? Being an unintentional plot device (if that)? Idk man. Many of these points seriously rubbed me the wrong way.
@thedawgduane3294 3 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie folks, after seeing a couple analytical videos on Sonic Forces I have to say I've grown a sort of... fascination of the game because of what could've been. Sonic Forces is a really tragic case, it had a lot of potential but just couldn't live up to it. So y'know what? I want to do it justice, and you can too! What would you change about it to make it better? I'd like to hear your suggestions!
@lpfan4491 3 жыл бұрын
Literally just make Classic Sonic an integral part of the plot. I have two ideas for this actually. 1: Make him a Phantom Ruby clone that is out of control and is developing a personality. Have him destroy the ruby in the end and then we have the tragidy of him slowly fading away at the end of the game. This was really the game for a bittersweet ending, not an entirely happy one. Sure, it's essencially fanfiction, but so is half the game anyways, so lul. 2:Have him jumpstart a characterarc for Tails, where he realizes how much he regressed as a person over the years.(as in, Classic Sonic being there for him reminds him of around the time of when he and Sonic first met.) It would certainly justify how poorly his character was treated over the years, because people can have these times in their lives where they unwillingly fall back to where they started and doing the development again confirms it as more than just a freaky coincidence.
@CaptainCretaceous91 3 жыл бұрын
More species for the Avatar. Chameleon, insect, amd maybe walrus. And maybe some Dinosaur King accessories.
@laftrmastr 3 жыл бұрын
Y'know, it's been a while since you did a top 10. Nice to see that you're returning to your old roots.
@59rlmccormack 3 жыл бұрын
Its an honor to see your videos as usual, your selections for the top ten best 2010s Sonic moments were understandable. I know most fans did not like the 2010s era of Sonic for… reasons, but it was my first decade as a Sonic fan, Colors started it for me and I played most of the games in that era. See you next time…
@ArynBacklogDragon 3 жыл бұрын
notice how most the "Best Colors Era Moments" are the ones that briefly revert back to the Adventure era.
@Superstarzs2000 3 жыл бұрын
One scene a lot of people overlooked in forces is the one where sonic gets beaten up by infinite but the part that’s so overlooked is that sonic is asking and relies on tails for help to find a weakness. Sonic actually did learn his lesson from lost world and this actually is a great excuse for why Tails is the way he is in forces too as he becomes depressed and loses his confidence because he thinks he has failed Sonic and is useless.
@joshuacanales6419 3 жыл бұрын
There was also the fact that shadow was also concerned about Sonic when infant mention him in episode Shadow so that also add some lyrics to and inside generations and Shadow even says be careful Sonic when Sonic and his classic self we're fighting the Time Eater so Shadow isn't a total edgelord as he also shows the care for sonic as well well in those two games
@joshuacanales6419 3 жыл бұрын
@Kian exactly Ethan do Sonic forces had both good and bad music the supporting me remix was not only good but well-deserved for the virtual reality Zone and it was actually one of the few songs inside forces that were actually good
@bahesb2419 3 жыл бұрын
I Think two moments of sonic Generations should have been made on this list. -Present Sonic and Past Sonic confrontation with present eggman and past eggman/dr.robotnik:it was interesting seeing the hero and villain with their past selfes confronting each other,find out who the mastermind is and what i really loved was how all of sonic's friends came to Support him. -Sonic Generations ending:i loved the ending of sonic Generations because of this one line sonic told his past self before he could go to his timeline:,,hey sonic,enjoy your's gonna be great.".i love this line so much cause this Kinda Shows how sonic loves his life and tells his past self that his life will get better in the future and that he should enjoy this meaning.
@TM_Em0lga 3 жыл бұрын
Now all I need is a top 10 worst sonic villains
@algalax2 3 жыл бұрын
Already made.
@iceman92211 Жыл бұрын
Number one : the deadly six
@davesinsanestudio8072 3 жыл бұрын
You could have just filled this entire video with moments from mania alone.
@MegaGlassguy 3 жыл бұрын
from a story perspective? not really. top 10 bosses and levels sure but not really story moments since it almost boils down entirely to "PHANTOM RUBY _random shit happens_ "
@KatrinaCannavino 3 ай бұрын
I always enjoyed Shadow’s smile in Sonic Forces. It was nice to see his soft side
@richardsphd 3 жыл бұрын
Are you disrespecting me? is objectively the best piece of dialogue ever put in a Sonic game period.
@JamesSmith-vn6vi 3 жыл бұрын
This may be days ago but my all time favorite Colors Era moment is Classic Sonic speeding off towards Eggman in the Mirror Scene in Generations. That scene and the Metal Sonic Rival boss are the only times the neo classic sonic actually acted LIKE the real classic sonic. Modern Sonic standing there confused just symbolizes the dichotomy. Pontac Sonic and Actual Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic actually going towards the action while pontac sonic just stands there. And this was the last time the death egg robot actually felt like a threat and not a overused joke like in Mania or Forces.
@rainbowtoyfunrandomess1982 Жыл бұрын
Wow! You know what? My favorite Colors Era Moments are Shadow smiling in Sonic Forces, Sonic and Silver vs Infinite, The Avatar standing up to Infinite, Episode Shadow, Dr. Eggman telling Sonic off in Sonic Lost World, Sonic disrespecting Zazz, and so much more! Ah screw it, I love every moment in Sonic Forces especially with Infinite in it.🤩👍
@rouge939 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like people will ease off the Meta era once it’s over. I bet nobody thought people would look back fondly at games like 06 and Secret Rings at the time
@epsilonalphaargo1948 2 жыл бұрын
On the contrary, once the Meta era is over, more people will realise that it was never anything other than pure garbage.
@pablozanoto5801 3 жыл бұрын
Your dear man, you made me love the music you used in the numbers of the best moments. Now I need the name of it.
@MegaGlassguy 3 жыл бұрын
Light of Hope, the ending theme of Sonic Forces
@pablozanoto5801 3 жыл бұрын
@@MegaGlassguy Thank you, friend! You are a friend!
@KatrinaCannavino 3 ай бұрын
You would think Sonic learned after Lost World, but he didn’t. And everyone kept telling him he was reckless
@TheEmeraldSword04 2 жыл бұрын
I still can't believe these writers didn't make Silver do nothing, the fact he actually attempts to fight back at all is amazing, even if all he did in the fight was dash past Infinite, I'm still happy.
@MegaGlassguy 2 жыл бұрын
What's more, it ends up being what ultimately saves the resistance as his fight is what makes Infinite lose the prototype Phantom Ruby the avatar ends up using. Not only did he not do nothing, he did something vital. Hopefully they'll learn to make more of that in the future.
@kieranstark7213 2 жыл бұрын
Which is more than can be said about Amy Rose making Sonic look more evil than mean girls like Fiona Fox, Wave the Seqllow (Sonic Free Riders), Rouge the Bat (Ken Penders comics and Sonic X) and Zeena (Sonic Lost World) for only seeing them as friends, Tails acting like a complete coward in the same game, Knuckles being jealous of Sonic with his moronic attitude and Shadow preferring to kill innocents than do anything better.
@fizzy-frenzy 2 жыл бұрын
Since we found out Sonic Colors Ultimate was rushed out the door, this is the only time I wish the deluxe version of a game wasn't released on my birthday.
@pundertalefan4391 2 жыл бұрын
Good to know we still have some good moments here and there. Here's one from me. The 3DS version of Sonic Generations was the first I played. It isn't as good I admit, but before the Time Eater fight, they added in a detail that I was sad wasn't in other versions. Both the Sonics are getting pummelled, and both the Tails step in and take the hit. They were willing to SACRIFICE themselves! You go, Tails.
@bakedbeans5494 2 жыл бұрын
More like Prowers.
@Stickboy321Go 6 ай бұрын
0:17 Sonic was so fast he broke the law of physics.
@greyrifterrellik5837 2 жыл бұрын
Funnily enough, in the end card you use an example of one of my favorite parts of this era; the music. Sonic music has always has a pretty consistently high quality to it, throughout the entire franchise. Not every song is good, but the overwhelming majority are *great.* What sets the "colors era" apart in this, however, is a strong emphasis on a "fun" tone in its music; there's just so upbeat and enjoyable to listen to, occasionally giving us absolute jams like honeycomb highway (the music being used in the end card)
@El_Mince 3 жыл бұрын
I never even noticed when shadow smiled. That’s amazing.
@DLxxx 3 жыл бұрын
And an incredibly low bar to praise when you think about it 😆
@El_Mince 3 жыл бұрын
@@DLxxx yea
@iceman92211 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah some random character smiling is a amazing it’s wonderful It’s saved the game and now it’s a perfect masterpiece 10/10
@El_Mince Жыл бұрын
@@iceman92211 No need for the sarcasm. I’m just legitimately shocked that they were allowed to do that
@iceman92211 Жыл бұрын
@@El_Mince but still that’s not something to praise and claim as an amazing moment when it’s just something very quite minor
@TheLanydx 3 жыл бұрын
Nice use of editing and it’s good to see well “Good” in this era.
@bahesb2419 3 жыл бұрын
Love the sonic forces moments.were cool in my opinion
@sixty5notch796 2 жыл бұрын
Its really refreshing to see that even in forces a really mediocre game they have a few moments like infinite and sonic and silver and shadow caring about omega. I think it shows that the sonic team hasnt completly lost the magic they had in the adventure days.
@JeremyBelpoisX 3 жыл бұрын
I sadly was left out of the entire Colors Era (and any game after Shadow's game) but this makes me legitimately want to play all of them to form my own opinion. Nice list man. Also, you had me with that opening. Rocky transition...
@cerebralassassin2185 2 жыл бұрын
Ignore what some say about certain sonic games. A lot are more loved than hated. Shadow's game is actually really loved and popular but youtube makes it seem hated for some reason and 06 had a great story which is finally getting credit. Where as the colors era is basically universally disliked. Every game from sonic 1-sonic and the black knight are really fun and enjoyable.
@JeremyBelpoisX 2 жыл бұрын
@@cerebralassassin2185 I'm trying to enjoy Unleashed on my PS4, but it's so damn slippery...and whose idea was it to assign the homing attack to a separate button?
@KatrinaCannavino 3 ай бұрын
To be honest, and I know I’m going to get yelled at for saying this, but I actually enjoyed Shadow in the colors era. Not because of the writing, but because of his personality. In my opinion, it was a bunch of satisfying moments for me. Shadow is someone I can feel safe around and close to. Shadow is a character that understands the hard things in life. And that’s what I like about Shadow. He is my light in the dark. But I know not everyone is crazy about him, but I enjoy Boom Shadow despite him being an antagonist. I didn’t care how he was written in the show and in the games, I was just happy he was there. And I love Shadow for who he is. Shadow is an awesome character and I wouldn’t trade him for the world
@Nothavinit00 2 жыл бұрын
Shadow whooping Infinite's ass in Episode Shadow was absolutely epic.
@wobblebubbeeakasham8118 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite moment was when Knuckles roasted Amy in Sonic Free Riders cause she deserved it for how spoiled she is!
@SuperNinjaChicken64 2 жыл бұрын
Tails and Ray when they were spinning on the chairs is exactly like me with spinny chairs.
@DemonDethchase 3 жыл бұрын
With number 5, we couldn't have actually gotten a boss fight against Infinite as Silver because...? Oh wait, that's right, because we've got to play as that bland thing of an OC instead, with its silly little toy wisp gun. With number 2, that couldn't have been Tails after defeating Chaos (0) as he looks to regain his lost confidence because...? Oh wait, that's right! Because he's stuck acting weak, unable to fight simple Egg Pawns, because he has to carry that bad tribute act Classic (Sonic), because he's a mute with barely enough personality to fill a sandwich, who we have to play as in his redundant 2D sections. I miss Sonic's friends being playable characters... But a positive, the animated opening of Mania was pretty cool, as a throwback to CD.
@KavinCatastrophe 3 жыл бұрын
Zeena From the Deadly Six.....No you guys as In our Very First Female Villain who Stays Evil.
@inendlesspain4724 3 жыл бұрын
You know what, that's a good point. I just wish her personality was more than just "girl" though. Then again, the same can be said about all the Deadly Six being one-note.
@KavinCatastrophe 3 жыл бұрын
@@inendlesspain4724 They Made Her Better in the Idw Comics. Especially when she fighting Cream.
@SlashCraftJack 3 жыл бұрын
1:14 10:33 Are you going to make a full music video for Light of Hope or are these all we're getting? (I searched and have concluded they were edited by this channel)
@sapphirezx315 3 жыл бұрын
Hopefully, Sonic Colours Ultimate will conclude this era
@charactersin-depth3472 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Please!
@sapphirezx315 3 жыл бұрын
@@charactersin-depth3472 not only that, but I would like it too if Sonic wasn't the only playable character anymore in later games to come
@orangeslash1667 3 жыл бұрын
@@charactersin-depth3472 Its get worse than Yuji Naka leaving, I did some research on the sonic wiki to to answer the question how Sonic unleashed is a passionate game with out Naka???? Well it turns out the director Yoshihisa Hashimoto Is not only a programer on Sonic advance 2 but he also made the Hedgehog Engine. Sadly he left Sega for Square Enix, and Sonic Unleashed is the last Sonic game to be made by sonic team USA and since then Sonic games are now low budget. Thats two Developers that Sega lost. Why because all Sega cares for arcade sales and pachinko machines. 3d Sonic so far is about as dead as Metal Gear. The good news is that Freedom Planet comes pretty close to the passion that Adventure 2 had
@שרהביטחוןשלאוריורד 2 жыл бұрын
I like the moment in Lost World when it seem that everything was lost, the world, Sonic friends and even Robotnik. Really promp up the stakes if you ask me.
@SuperPlushBasket 3 жыл бұрын
Sega, please hire this man
@charactersin-depth3472 3 жыл бұрын
As a voice actor, right?
@kunlesanders 3 жыл бұрын
*Infinite:* (to former Jackal Squad leader; the Ultimate Mercenary) The heart! First we attack his heart. Hint: Trying to kill Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega to make Shadow the Ultimate Lifeform suffer.
@magicvenus2755 2 жыл бұрын
All 9 modern sonic levels in Sonic generations and Sonic mania
@handicappuccino8491 2 жыл бұрын
The avatar enforces It’s like a combination of classic sonic and tails in the older games when he was Courageous
@aidanshowers8366 3 жыл бұрын
This era has some cool moments like when modern and classic go super at the same time or Sonics friends cheering him on in generations. I know this decade has a lot of flaws but so does every era of sonic I’m just glad that we can all find good in every part of this franchise 😊.
@1MoreSonicRobot 3 жыл бұрын
I liked the moment where Zazz was on the Phone and Sonic had to track his location. It's a little drawn out but it was nice hearing his backstory. Mm... That wasn't Sonic? Maybe I'm getting my games crossed.
@charactersin-depth3472 3 жыл бұрын
And Blaze refused to see him since Zazz creeps her out.
@calebproductions1264 3 жыл бұрын
@1MoreSonicRobot 3 жыл бұрын
@@calebproductions1264 Batman Arkham City Reference.
@comicbookking3446 3 жыл бұрын
I actually thought you were warming up to Shadow in forces in this video. Do you Still think the avatar is a Gary stew in this game ?
@bahesb2419 3 жыл бұрын
Those three moments from sonic forces Shows me the reasons why infinite is a good villain in my eyes:he fits as a foil to sonic cause he is like the vanitas in sonic's ventus:well sonic enjoys life and love the world he's running on,infinite got bored with his life as it was and does so many pain and misery to make his life more interesting.sonic believes in friendship,infinite Believe in no one But himself.and while sonic always saves the world,infinite wants to destroy it.also their color themes contradict to each other.he also has an impact on the avater's development and toyed with shadow in episode shadow.sure i do admit he could have been Made a little bit better,but i Think he is a good villain and should return in a new sonic game.
@wolfenden9805 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps maybe infinite's backstory could be recton better. Either make him a redeemable villain similar to chaos. Or some kind of power hungry villain as the phantom ruby controls him
@bahesb2419 3 жыл бұрын
@@wolfenden9805 i Think the backstory in episode shadow wasn't truly his origin.we learn in the prequel comics that infinite became evil because after finding the phantom ruby,he realised that he got bored with the world as it was and wants destroction to make his life more interesting.his defeat against shadow only lead him to merge with his phantom Ruby,but he still had the same goal as before:watching the world burn for his nahilism.
@wolfenden9805 3 жыл бұрын
@@bahesb2419 i already knew that. But it didn't really gives us much context on infinite's backstory other than how he became a villain. Much later on how pathetic he became infinite in shadow DLC. And I'm not referring to him zero because one of the robots in sonic adventure possess that name
@kunlesanders 3 жыл бұрын
Infinite (Sonic Forces) = Green Goblin (Spider-Man 2002 film style)
@shadowofsephiran 3 жыл бұрын
I still don’t love Episode Shadow in Forces because I think Shadow is still written as more “rude” than he needs to be even to Rouge and Omega - and obviously the whole exchange with Infinite is just... ugh. But I definitely agree it was at least a step in the right direction to actually get Team Dark back together, and for the most part they did indeed interact well. (Though I’ll still just continue wistfully waiting for 06 Shadow to make a comeback. Don’t mind me...)
@Invalourrr-vb3xo 3 жыл бұрын
I just imaged this list to be the credits of 10 games. Seriously tho fuck the colours Era.
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