Yes that's correct! I ended up waiting until the temperature hit freezing before removing them. When they were fully active, there were 15 - 20 access holes on the visible side of the nest, each with a wasp standing guard. I didn't want to spray anything in there to kill them, because I had concerns about that spray contaminating the air we would breathe when HRV season returns for us in November.
@HarryTheFlash11 жыл бұрын
Don't have those devices where I live but that beehive looks a bit papery, like it was/is a wasp's nest (MUCH WORSE!). Hope you were well protected when you dug it out!
@karlcondron931211 жыл бұрын
Just wondering did you have the system switched off during Summer time or the air volume very low as the exhaust air flow would be too strong for a wasp to fly against it initially?
@mysimplefix11 жыл бұрын
Yes, I shut down my HRV in the spring time to prevent the warm "humid" summer air from being drawn into the house. This was an opportunity for those wasps to make a home! Our HRV season starts up in late October, until around April when we shut it down again. The HRV isn't on continuously, but just enough to keep the indoor air quality fresh, and the humidity down. Our house is pretty air tight!
@ma4o66911 жыл бұрын
You should have placed a front filter. Otherwise everything would slip in.
@mysimplefix11 жыл бұрын
Yes, I will probably do your suggestion for the summer months and place a filter screen on both vents!
@ble107210 жыл бұрын
I don't think that's a bee nest looks more like hornet nest:/