Thank you Lily for your useful tips and insights. I totally agree with what you said about the mindset!! All these tips can also be applied to the learning of other languages. It took me a while to really be able to speak up, and I think listening (the input) is an essential process for the speaking. 我自學西文很久,去西語國家一開始講不出口的原因就是聽不懂,自從每天多刻意聽、學習常用詞彙、和自言自語,就開始能理解聽力和慢慢說得出口,這個過程需要不害怕犯錯、保持正向 (如果在與人交流時太害羞、害怕或不好意思,都非常影響學習和吸收的效果!),保持正向好奇,就會敢表達,經過跟人交流互動(接受新資訊或回饋)後,口說能力就會進步很多!